9 0 . RNAL. Si I i '" u VOL. IV. NEW BERNE. N. C, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1885. NO. 184. I TRw i cm vnrSSC ' tt lit JLJL'jl,;' vilLill JL-JJL W. WU . - f '-' - ! " ' ' . - ' 1 r '. .8 ! 11 if- if 1 i i - M.v lloo (3mSaL news: J araal ttlavtat ve Almanac New Berne, latitude, 85 6' North " longitude, 77 3' West. '- flnM.:23 I Lentrth of da. tun seta. 5: 5 1 10 hours, 43 minutes ' dMin ri?es at 11:46 p. m. ,r BUSINESS LOCALS. , FOUND A small bright key thatseems -' to have been renaired at one end. Call .uttUs office. Mince Meat, Buck wheat, White Beans Morehead Oat Flakes, Grits and Samp, . ntlw " At: C. E. HLOVKB S. 'H ' ' ' '" Fall Samples at N. M. Gaskill's. '"A, solid black walnut bedroom set, sideboard and wardrobe, marble top Tor sale cheap at HUNKS, Suits made to order and guaranteed to fit at N. M. Gaskill b. si i"' JUST HEXEIVED A large lot of Buqab Cured Hams, which we are of fering at 10 cents per lb. Call and try .j them before they are all sold, as they f V are going off very rapidly. 28if Humphrey & Howard. November.;.' No oyster boate in the dock yesterday The lowest tide in many months was J last Friday.,;, ' i October has passed. It was notably a pleasant month. There is very little fire wood in the city at this time. Some lartre drum fish were on the maiket yesterday. Sweet potatoes are coming in plonti folly and are .cheap. That delioious bivalve, tho oyster, is better now than ever.. Ekcs are not quite so high as they were the first of the week. The annual meeting of the Slate Grange will be held at Rooky Mount on December the 8th. rviimtv fairs in the different parts of the State are spoken of in very flatler , ng, terms by the press. HW9 the ElUabcty City con- nmistt that tne nrsE wuw buuu vi w '" season has beeh caught at that plaoe . EleetioDjina good many -States take . v T.koe o next Tuesday. Those in rtew York and Virginia create most interest. A three-hundred-pound specimen of hkmintty upon our streets for the last jaw days attracted, the eye or tne emau by. V... . having . the ma- Henderson i Kelly bosses W WaUnn Js 6Hu9ety 6t htB steamer E ,d8ittieSuth'ly repaired. Dan -3-M.Jotf 3gJli:aekn be foood'! In another column 80t3i"ki Morgan,axidermUts, adver wW&x&f Maflred doxen ye11" ham- Mr. J. H. BectoH Jas a game rooster for which he has several times recently been oSohi flW 'dollars. ' He claims to tera tb b(t eWtk;la Ea8tern Carolina. We are pleawd "jo, bear. , that the Ral-- eigh school committee have adopted ' Alien VFoft Lessoned in Book-keeping", affte-booki for use in their ohSolt. e f The R. &, D. tralo'wis delayed yeatefc day on acoouat. of am accident to the k feaigh train ainile West Of GoldsborO In consequence of which wegot jaol "" lUleign'mliiTlast night. ' The WboVepeniyesWrday in Kinston mmi teporterTaylor war at La Grang, fJIM'fWtAmoj out ja8tthe ' 51. fhe localizer, desires to know whteJveV "ou iik - if ! better today or .wbthariQit Bkeit JVwithe beaU V i Ode'oC the'ourioeities of hi -past week was jiatj pf JtwP. oolora on public ex " hibit'ion on the Btreetsr; The head and , VfihiutlersT ele tlie'nafural color But all thfrflthenparfc wertwwwi White. His raiaiaipwaf a passenger on the steamer WoufftoBalr m.tre( ,.- j though be is (MMShopi nor eyen a car - dldlnal, yet heoea robed-in jontiflcial gaitoend"stjU04l '.fa A itbaf9 Porde ta po prophetvyot he Ss . aa true ikdnwi. aa. ever , th witch of kaiRndnr loalledD" froni the spectre ,itf departed i prophet. where is helVH.I-J' Who e : her aqd .i oftmtt father slowlwhfcl endi t to sulk&nriaMrthe r eport of a short cro, - Wethin B6weveithat the ahortneas ft tfotWMcTttlrf deficiency in theturi cfc.,t"ka trf n1J,nrtk.iitre rilanted." The ten- tleiitfy'wiai farmert .is lest rlcV HAa ; r more oorftBdttcjB. . quality of 'the, grain, so far, averages ltritb t - rormer crops. rVJapY-patt'reTerberatione .i" i of the itch -fan, as? heard in the -rotkr. W.P: Biirrus i ' rehods cAf cslVrdaV revivei' ia. memory the recentiyatdnfj shafts of . country life;, 1 'wfaca in'eur youthful days burned only Mn-ravof of 'the bspplcess and cocteno-r,-t e-i--ed ty tfce.sturdy,-, stesiiy r t of oUl mother earth,'- OlJ ' , a , -ie of plenty among the pros- ' ri-.. rs, wherevpr they may be, ' r -oJ Old North f ' -j. , . Doat Cap.lzed. .. The little schooner EaUMe owned by Mr J, F. Clark, was capsized near Riverdale on Thursday night. No lives lost. Cause of accident disposition in the captaiu to carry sail too loDg. United State. District Court, Court convened yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. Assistant District Attorney Bigley prayed judgment in the follow ing cases : U. S. vs. John S. Manix, embezzle ment. Two years in prison at Albany, U. S. vs. Jones H. Youug, embezzle ment. Two years in prison at Albany. Court adjourned to November lOlh. Bctnrited. Mr. Brady, of the firm of Moore & Brady, returned on the steamer Golds boro yesterday from Baltimore with force in full as a preparatory stop to ward reopening their Oyster canning business for the fall and winter. Our citizens,, especially the merchants and laboring class, will receive them with a heartv welcome. Let us have more of such men. We have both room and opportunities for tho investment of their capital. The Price or Tottnu. By the kindness of Mr. Frank Meyer, cotton buyer, we have obtained tho fol lowing comparative table of pi ices for cotton in this market for the last seven years during tho last week in October of each. In 1878 the averago was 8.30 ' 1879 ' " " 10.10 ' 1880 " " " 10 10 ' 1881 " " " 10.75 ' 1882 " " " 9.80 ' 1883 " ' " 10.00 1884 " J" " U.50 1 1885 " - is about 8.85 By this statement it will be seen that the present year furnishes the lowest figures since 1878. But if we could get at those of 1877,we should find them still lower than either. Sales wero made here as low as 7.75 in that year. Per.on.1. Mrs. J. R. Bell, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. J. II. Becton and other relatives and friends in the city, re turned to her home in Carteret yester day, accompanied by her husband and daughter. . - Capt. R. L. Buckncr, of the Chesa peake and Albemarle Canal Co., was in the city yesterday on his way to the New Berne and Beaufort Canal, for the purpose of building a bridge across the said oanal at each crossing of the pub- lio road. . . ; ' Mrs. E, B. Baxter, of Stonewall, is in the city vUiting relatives. Mrs. Eva, Baxter, of Stonewall, is in the city visiting her sister, Mrs. Cicero Duncan. The Misses Daves, daughters of Prof. E. G, Daves, of Baltimore, arrived last night. Ohnrdi Service. To-Day. Christ Church V.W. Shields, Rector. All Saints Day. Services at 11 a. m. Holy Communion, and at 71 p.m. Sun day-school at 4 p.m. The public is al ways Invited to attend the services of this' qhurcli. BaDtist Church Rev. C. A. Jenkens. Pastor Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p m. uiyiny-BChopl at 3 p.m. Seats free and the public cordially invited to attend these services. Presbyterian Church Services by tbe Pastor, RevfL. C. yass, at 11 a. m.( and p. tu. t oauDaurocnooi "J a. m. -mr. Wm. Hollister, Supt. A welcome to all these services. M. E. Church, South Services at 11 m., conducted by the Pastor, Rev. Dr. Burkhead. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at the close of morning sermon. Sunday-school at 8 p. ni. Public always invited to attend. Seats free. Polite ushers. ' St. Stephen's Chapel (col.) Wueen street Services at II a.m. and o p.m by , the , pastor Ref .j. I" ashall. Sabbath-school at 9 a. m. G. A. West, superintendent; W. C. GriflSn, clerk. a Young Men 8 unristian Association Praver-moeting this Afternoon at 4) o'clock. UD-. the. Lectured RoonuoY the Presbyterian Church. Subject: "Ene mies of the Cross of Christ;'1 Phil. 3: 18. Leader, Rev. Edward Bull. ettaased'byjtheNeuse and Trent' River' Transportation aa a lighter to freight goods up the river when the wa ter is low, is undergoing some improve-1 ments, one which ts f the additfoivof ia neat and commodious cabin. The entertainment given by the Or than ClasAFriday, night was verysuc- -oesslbl, hiving- Wetted $117.35, a collec tion was afterwards taken up swelling the sum to $135.70. : This speaks wall for out Vuti&n "They awtrys respond liberally for charitable purposes.' Mr. T. A. .Green, a Director of tfee Aeyom, A. til-' J" '' J .'. '-'ii-4-t A. will lor ward tne amount immediately tu OxfbfdV ' tha'clase ufcrt,,to' Beaufort lastnighi.'!- -ia ' r, . j t , r ! i.1. i" '- VlitW 7'!,- ' , ' Capt. "Powell was well pleased, jn fact delighted ,' ' wltfi "iho 'Wood1 ' 'f rob GuMbboro toLaX3anE6'lastnfght:'', Ita beauty, however, was not the cause of the train's debv. Beaufort A frlace for Spart.' Editor Journal: It has seemed little strange and still does that Beau- lort is so little known aa a most deeir able place for sportsmen. I mean those who are fond of fishing in almost every conceivable way, for mackerel, bluehBh, spots, biackhsh, trout, with book and line. There in addition to fishing for all these, we. have-, what now is the most exciting sport I ever had trolling at mgnt lor drum. But in all this sport it requires just a little exertion, just a little work, I may say and without some energy. Lazy people can't find much fun any way, especially in fishing down Here, liy some means two gen tlemen in Washington City heard that Beaufort was a good place to fish, and have a little recreation. So Dr. Taylor left the cares incident to the life of a goodphysician and Geo. M. Barker, his business and came to this place in search ot spoit. ihey ftpent lust one week and it was my pleasure to join them day and night in simply uahing. Ihis is the result. Bluefitth, blacklist, and haul about 590. Some of these fish weighod two pounds, and all of them caught with hook and line. Dr. laylor using his favorite rod and reel. We caught 16 lare drum, two of them weighing 37 pounds each. and the total weight 428 pounds. In addition to this we caught about ten sharks, one of them 9 feet long, and weighing over 200 pounds. I never met two more genial and clever gentlemen tlian Dr. Taylor and Mr. Barker. They were delighted with the trip and witb the unequaled sport, and everything connected with their visit, and especial ly with the Davis House, for both of them declared they bad gained 10 pounds. Dr. Taylor caught one of the moBt singular fish I ever saw. It was a devilfish or octopus. Its arms, eight in number, weie about 12 feet long. The Doctor put it in alcohol and took it to the Smithsonian Institute at Washing ton. Dr. Taylor was a surgeon in the Confederate army. mac. Gum Branch Items. We are sorry to have to say that Mrs. Jenny Franks is no better very low, in deed. Mr. Otway Freshwater died a short while back on Boar creek, aged about 30 years; cause: conjestive chill. He leaves a wife and two children. He was a son of J. A. Freshwater, Esq. Uuite a cold snap this week with plenty of Jack Frost and hard water called ice; but has turned warm again, and with it rain, which bothers the farmers somewhat. Some of them are about done picking cotton; most all done gathering corn and digging pota toes. Messrs. Hunter and Brinson are our orack dancers here. When it comes to straight down old-fashioned reels, but Hardy Franks caps the climax in a clog dance. Yon just ought to have seen them the other night at Harry Cox's corn shucking. "Qeoi Whillikins." Henry Marshad has a Japanese per simmon tree with fruit as large as a goose egg; has also a kind of tea in his garden growing, that equals tbe best greon tea imported. Henry makes wine and sweetens with honey, and if you don't believe it is good, do like I did, go and taste it. Grape juice sweetened with good strained honey makes the best of wine. Our school is progressing finely, as are all our schools around. Miss Callie Woodward has a good school at Mr. C. Stephens'. She is an excellent teacher, and not to be surprised at either, for her father, the late L. G. Woodward, was one of tho best school teachers Onslow county ever had. Miss Mollie Evans is teaching at the lake (Catharine lake) and has a No. 1 school; also a good teacher. She is from Cumberland county. Wo met at Jacksonville some time ago, where we school teachers have to go to get our "passes." We were rather scared our self, as our excellent superintendent, Brank Thompson, jr., had the name of being pretty particular in hia examina tions; but we made out to worry through all right, though the Esq. was pietty hard on Snider, sure; Miss Mollie beat us, but we eouldn'thelp it; guess she was the best prepared. t . . ( i , j 'Walter Murrill beat the county around . herein a stalk of cotton. He has a stalk on exhibition five feet seven inches high, 7 feet, two inches broad, with 103 grown bolls, 100 of them open full, all to be seen as it hangs on the stalk. He peaks of sending it to Geo. Allen t Co. ta. a cample of his make; as 'he has a small field of the same kind improved Jones variety. Silas I Venters has the largest Spanish potatoes, and Ned. Mur rill the .largest "hamasis.") Silas htB a' epohd"crDp Of pears on one of hia Bart let pear trees. Tho first crop came off; in August, and .was tbe t largest I ever saw1, the second crop is not so large. ; ' Mr. E. M. Koonce has just closed his school at Haw Branch, and gone down, on New, riyer to G. W4 .WinberrylB. the king oyster man, for a nine month school. Mr. Koonce is one of, the best jnate teachers in Onslow county. ' t will mention some of his scholars, who ac quitted themselves, with great credit,, at his closing examination: The Misses Annie Howard. Dora and" Cora Jarman, and Blanch Thompson; Mr. A.K.Thomp son and others. Speeches, declarations, dialogue,, composition, etc : We like to forgot to mention Miases - Sallie. Ed ward, and Lula Thompson, ' who 'were not the laet ot least in the list of those desert rag- notice.' r-. . If Snatched front the Grave. j Mrs. Helen PharvisNo; 831 Dayton St., 111., is na in beii sixty-eighth year and states that, she has suffered with Consumptioni for about ten years, was treated toy nine physicians,' all of tfiem pronouncing . her. case hopeless. She had given up ail hope ef over recover ing. 1 Seven bottles; of Dr. King's New Discovery lot consumption, completely Cured her. - Doubting ones, please drop her a postal and satisfy yourselves. Sold by all druggists everywhere. . STATE NEWS- , Gleaned from our Exchanges. ' lt;jleigh Visitor: . The pr ospect for a TJui.oa depot in this city meets the approval of all our people. We hope the railroad coinpauics wjll soon meet the wishes 0! tho public in this respect. Greensboro North State: We learn that L. W. Anderson, Esq., the model farmer of stokes county, has 6,000 apple trees bearing fruit, and has raised 30 hogs in one orch ard, nsmg no other food than what tell irom the trees. Mr. Anderson hvea about G miles from Madison Washington Uazclte: lue rice crop m this section is reported to be a disastrous failure. Other crops are also short with us, aud the sit nation is not very lavorablo among the larmers. v e are gratified to learn, however, that there is an un precedented yield of graiu crops in the country at large, such as lias not been seen since tho war. Weldon News: We have been in forned by Mr. W. T. Whitehead, of Koseneatn township, this county, that he has four acres in cotton this year that will yield him not less than ten thousand pounds of seed cotton two bales to the acre. This is some of the same land that made the wonderful yield of peannts two years ago. Ashorille Advance: A gentleman stepped into the coffee house a day or so ago to send a telegram, hav ing evidently interpreted the letters over the sign, which mean Womans' Christian Temperance Union, to be a sign for the Western Union Tele graph Company, lie was so de lighted with the lunch ho got for ten cents that he was glad he made tho funny mistake. Italeigh News and Observer: His honor, Judge Clark, commiserating the hard fate of the jury in tho long Gooch and Smith case last term, in having ,to occupy uncomfortable benches, issued an order to the sheriff of Wake to supply the jury box with twelve comfortable revolv ing arm chairs, with cane seats. They came yesterday and wero put in place. The Judge remarked when ordenug tho chairs that it was to the public interest to get the very best men for jurors and that it was the duty of the public to make them comfortable. The chairs are a de cided improvement to the court room. Elizabeth City Economist: The revival in tho Methodist church. under the d.rection of ltev. Mr. Wills, still continues with great success. Twenty-live new members were admitted to tho church on Sun day. The schooner Thomas Sin- nickson, of Philadelphia, 243 tons, from Wilmington, N. C, bound to Philadelphia with a cargo of shing les, lumber, tar,. K., li. iron, and juniper bolts,"was driven on shore on the. lztbj on the south side of Hatteras inlet; crew.et seven men; all saved. The vessel' was a total lOSS. . t r, ., Carteret County Items. Mr. Potter being unwell this week no Telephone will be issued. Capt. Wm. FulfordVwho was raised in Beaufort, but for many years lived in NewYorkyiseBending a few days with his relatives and friends on his way to Florida With, a lateamer to run on the St. John's river. He is a brother-in-law of our worthy physiolan, Dr. J. L. Manney. . Court closed Thursday evening. Judge McKoy-was aufferingr greatly with a sore on ni nock, and I thought all the while too Unwell to hold court; but he was cheerful, prompt, and fearless in the discharge, of hia duty. J But few cases of interest were .tried. Mr. O. H. AUen made a fine Impression. 1 He is an honorable and worthy officer. Messrs. H. R Bryan, Simmons & Manly, M. DeW.'., Stevenson, Pelletier, and Judge Thomas of the .New Berne bar,- Gal loway, Nixon,, Isler; of GoldBboro. Pear saM, of Jones; and C. E. Thomas, of this plaoe, wero present. ' v. m:,-... ? tlst of Letters'.'.; Remaining in the 'Postoffice at New Oct. Berne Cra-ren bounty;. JJ. 81st, 1885. - . ru Brown,. 8amueL - ' Claben, Miss Macy. ' Dabvell',' Messrs. & Co. C, Dennis, Alfred. -Jassey, B. F; Johnson, Zekel. Little, Eliza. Boberson, Lewis; Roberts, Laura. Sanders, William W., jr.; Spencer, Ha v wood: Scott. Kate. Persons calling fpcabdve hitters, will say 1 y adretised, aAd give Use of list. Si. MA1T.Y, r U. To DRCR.10S1 A am.a Cuts, BmtteiV mcers, cSalt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChUblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box, . ' dwly Bulgarian Forces Blockading the Servian Frontier. Nissa, Oct. 30. It is officially an nounced today that the Bulgarian forces have blockaded the frontier, and that the officers have issued orders to the men to shoot any one they find crossing from Servia into Bulgaria. TheServian troops have been ordered to reply in force in such an event without awaiting special orders from the Commanding General, or, in other words, they have received carte blanche in the premises. It is stated that bands of Bulgarians have commenced harassing Servian frontier towns. Never Give Up. if you are suffering with low and de pressed spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak consti tution, headache, or any disease of a bilious nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid improvement that will follow; you will be inspired with new life; strength and activity will return: pain and misery will cease, and henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by all druggists. COMMERCIAL. Journal Office. Oct. 31, 6 P. M. OOTTON. JJew Berne market quiet. Sales of 122 bales at 8i to 8.90 Sales for the week, 885 bales, against 749 bales same week last year. Total sales since Sept. 1st, 4,413 bales, against 4,087 bales same time iaet year deficit this year, 174 bales. DOMKSTIC MARKET. Seed cotton 5f3. 00. Cottonseed $10.00. . Barrels Kerosene, 49 gals., 85c. Turpentine Hard , $1.00; dip, 81.75. Tar 75c.a$1.25. Corn 55a70c. ItiCE 80a90c. Beeswax 20c. per lb. Beef On foot, 5c. to 7c Country Ham3 12c. per lb. " Lard 10c. per lb. Eoos 17c. per dozen. Fresh Pork 60. per pound. Peanuts 50c. per buBhel. Fodder 75c.a$l. 00 per hundred. Onions $3.50 per barrel. Field Peas C0a75c. Hides Dry, 10c. ; green 60. Apples 30a50c. per bushel. Pears $75c. per bushel. Tallow 5c. per lb. Chickens Grown, 40a50c. spring 25a40c. Meal 80c. per bushel. Oats 40 cts. per bushel. Turnips 50c. per bushel. Wool 10al6c. per pound. Potatoes Sweet. 25a40c. Shingles West India, dull and n m inal; not' wanted. Building. 5 inch hearts, 3.00; saps, $1.50 per M. WHOLESALE PRICKS. New Mess Pork 810.25. Shoulders Smoked, No. 2, 5c. prime, oc. U. K. and Li. U. etc. Flour $4.00a6.50. Lard 7c. by the tierce. Nails Basis 10's,$3 00. Suoar Granulated, 7ic. Salt 90o.aSl.00 per sack. Molasses and Syrups 20a45o, Powder $5.00. Shot 81.60. Kerosene 10c. Wanted Immediately, TWO HUNDRED DOZEN YKLLOW HAM- M KIW iu good plumage, by CLARKE Si MORGAN, at their shop, corner of Kast Front aud Change streets. or3ldSwlt Hd For Trenton! WM. McDANIEL WILL HAVE A HACK Hi CORE CREEK 8TATION on MONDAY MUKNINO for the purpose of taking lawyers and oluers to Trenton Court.. 31 2t The Way to Save Money -IS TO- Taylor & Smith's STORE, WHERE, THEY ARE DE TERMINED TO Sell Goods as Low as the Lowest, And Guarantee . Satisfactiqn As: to Quality. ; v 1 v.iv: ' i OOdi)S : iirrivlng .. qn' every Stearuer and n FULL STOCK alwaytieq J tfcnd,' oanglktrrijr' of . If i TOir don't :e -what want, ask for it ; we haT'li.' ' Middle St., below South Front ; L. ' aepUdirtm GRAND OPENING OF MRS. M. D. DEWEY'S WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Millinery Goods, Thursday, cfober 22. Her Bt'ick itf Klliiumu i ,.... i Crepes, HinJu. .Silks, OrnamtMits, 'J'rl in i iih' etc., tu very lre, bought low, uml will l.c W)lil COKKKHHOiNDINOl.Y Low A Lurge Htock of BAXdNY, OKltMAN. TOWN mid ZEl'dYK W(Mj... iiei nieDilHanil cusiomorH are rnrdlally in viled to call and examine lu r Stoik. J. li. White. (,'urrlluck, N. c ) C. Ktiiehiix;k, Norfolk Co . Va WHITE, ETHERiDGE & CO.. Cotton 1'actors and Commission Merchants 1IO Water Sfror, orfolk, Va. Hpeolal ntlention rIvpii to the Rae of CdlTUN, lA'MBKK, UnKN, 1'EANUTS l'( -TATOKH and I 01111 try I'i odni i.s Kaferences: H. W. Kell Hon. Jlarlowt- Cnr teretCo., N. C; K. li. Harget A c,j., Kilvcrdalr Onslow Co., N.C.; J. w. Shepherd, Pollorku' Vtllo. Jones Co., N.C ; Alexander A Wooilli-V Cresswell, N. C; John Jacoba, feootli Milia' N. C: Marine Hank, Norfolk, Va Major Wm' H. titherldgr, Norfolk Co., Va.- J. li Ives' Norfolk Co.. Vn.;T. r. Hall, Coinjock" N (' : T. U.hklmier, lleilfoid. N. C.; Wililortia Ii'.oh' Norfolk. Va.:H. K. While .V liro , Norfolk. a lliaidwly L. J. Taylor HAS iU'ENl.'l) A WHOLESALE CANDY MANUFACTORY At his store in the KK(i POND. 1 have em ployed a Candy .Maker who TIlOKortJIII.Y l-MlEKSfANbHTHE lll..slNEM 1 ray es peeial altention to the Wholesale Trade Candy Kiiaranleed not to lie exeelled either iii price or .iialliy. I have a meat ariety of Tenny Goods. 1 ersona whuhainhe I'unny (j(K)ds would do well to call on me hefore purchasing else where. For the convenience of Merchant. II J Lovick will keep constantly ou hand my manufacture of Stick Camlyut factory prices Candy made to order hen desired ocL'Od.lni I ASSERT, V Ithout tho fearof successfnl conlrailiction. Ihal the Choices! and Finest Lotof Forelan and Dommtlc (tg,a can he found al Palmer. Plioftnlv I l.r Store, that was ever hrouuht Into New lierne. viB'"."i aiiKniiies ami qualiiy, from tliree cents to thlrly-nve couts oaeh. Wholesale or Retail. If anv nre in ,i,,ni.t ,.r i,iu see and be convinced. The proof of the pud J n.iu", in, w t 1 1 . II II 1 1 S.I 111. PALMER'S. Next to Wallnau's corner store Soiilh Front and .Mkldlests ' NKW HKKN'K. N. C. BROKE AfID BUSTED! PIGOTT & HAREELL Havo just BKOKB TNTO (he New York Markets and imrchaised A LAliUK ANJL VARIED STOCK OF GOODS! And are determined Hint High Prices Shall Be Basted! OL'K STOCK CONSISTS OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Tin ware, Wooden Ware and Wil low Ware. 'JiftHUV 1'v-eveiytliiiu!u.nally kept in Aii.1wt-,'iJM' S.,,0,'SK- nl WHoLF-tSALK AND KblAII., which we are determined lo sell As Cheap as the Cheapest. Call and examine our stock and convince vnn nti.l vim i,u I,, ..... our UocmIs, aud remember, we uuarantee sat- VV.r.V" ,Y, i ,f ,ntn5. "r refund the money. Hides, Wax, Honey, etc., taken in exchance for Koods uneu It will pay you to give us a trial , Consignments cr Oot ton :,j Country Produce solicited. Store in Old Market Site, 3 Doors from Dock MEW BEltNK. JT. C. dw -"in House Keepers !: II You Arc GoiuK to HOUSI' KEEPIJVO, OO TO L. 11. CUTLER'S AND GET A. Dinner Set, 125 Pieces, Tea Set, 44 Pieces, Chamber Set, 10 Pieces, Fine Toilet' Sets;, r'L, AND EVERYTIILNQ IN.,,. , House Furnishingioods Line 26 and 28 laddie Strefct, ' BRICK 'FURinSHEft": BRICICKflFiiatlD S ON SHORT NOTTnPV : . n. -n i C.tmfAf'nk PXaMtrirttr Dl.ln .. .1 ... . ' " " pimuniiuuBUUI Patttaln, White wnnhrtar,' and IternoilellnB rf mr kind vapacteltg'. ; j;. hi.---ii riain ana decorative Kalsomluing doos In tMbeat ityle. ' ' -i " Mr. JV, Anderson, our Forejn.in.'hwririg Uilrty years' experience taLlra blmaelf thatheoaa suit yoUall. Baa permanently looatod la. Berne. 1 1 v. U u I 'jiTl iPEACOOE MEBRINGi A'FINE'0HAjrCE"w'2 i ' 'r" "uin, inree and a halt mtlea from Kew Berne. Has every raiillty for oowpoellnf on the land, with marl bid Oan be eeea lor the present atber farm ooiidla