PUBLISHERS' ASNOCNCKME5T. THK DAILY JOCKNAL la a U eohunn namr. Dubliahed daily.' exaeot Mondavi at y fettl par year. S3.M for six month. Delivered to elty subscribers at 56 cents per montn. ' 1 THK. WEESXY JOURNAL, a, W eoJumS ." paper, is published every Thuraday,t $2.0 , ? ADVERTISING : RATES (DAILY) One V- loch one day 11.00; one week $2.00; one . month 11,00; thromonUwilu.Ou; six months ; jli0; twelve moo Uuiao.00. - Advertisements under head of "Baainev. Local,' 10 oenta per Una for flntf, and 5 oents for every inbsaqoent Insertion,., local mailer at any price. ' Notice of Harlagea or Deaths, not to exoeed r ' eo Hoe will be inserted free. All additional ri ... . . : '-..- ' " " -nnwerwin oeonargeu acenui per line. ; i Payment for translenUdvertlseinents must t j tf made tn adraoe. TtiRtfutar advnrtlsoiiKsnta will be eolleeted promptly at the end of each. 4 iomrooiii BiionarouiaiiM-nf; newi t.- UMrton, of ooal matters are aoUoltufl. No -eommsn.catloti must be expected to bo pub- tahed that contains objectionable personal' '' lliea; withholds the jjaoie of the author, or V 1 (hat will make more than one column of this joper. -V ' " , , Any person feeltnK aga,iefed a any aaony .j. 'moos owmunlnatlon can obtain the name of ttie aathor by applicatlori at this office hud showing wherein the grievance exists. t JOURNAL. JC HARPER, - Kdlier. Bmilnn Manager, 'J' C. tfOV. 4 1888. EW BERNE, N KaOirod thi Poet offl.-s Hi Nw Hera. uMoad-cUu watMr. NO, i i a , POLL TAX. .Tlrew Bhonld be more effectaal " 1 Y , - means provided for compelling per sons to list and pay their poll tp.? or this means of raising revenue might as well be abolished. When . remember that this fund is ap l!ied exclusively to educational jmrpoees and for the support of the "'poor we do not think it advisable jU abolish it. JJufc that something oa'ght to be done is clear from the following facts: , In 'Craven county there .were nrtltarl in tlm lust zreneral election 1,338 votes for Scales and 2,55 forYOBX. a total of 3,803. The ; jffeseqt year there has been listed for taxation 2,127 polls., Now, is t possible that out of a voting popu lation of 3.863 there are l,73C(iof this uumber above the ago of fifty t We hardly think so. Now. let us see where the del qaenta are. There were, cjvsj? Jtir ? IOBK votes, xuere.were flQl ' more than 200 white voters in . this nuubet, thos jeaving in round liiiiij- hare '9. 3i)n nrtlrwoil voters who 'Httf. s-l T- IW2 noils. Oafcof tha;l,23$-vwlif , do not list, -snrelj; not . more ;thn half are over fifty years ofd, tiins ( leaving COO colored men m the county who do not even list lor taxation! Is there any remedy fot . snob wplful disregard of .the ii I Let us see'. -; Section 25. chapter 'kl, tit the Machinery act-4awc pjf 1885, sayK , S ",. 1 ,aHm board of commUieionen shall in sert in the tax list for each township th description and Taluation of al proper t not given in. with the name of l.h ..peraons supposed to be liable for a'-jol htajB who failed to giye themselves in Md hall cbarsB all such persons wit I "doable the tax with which they would otherwise be rendered to the board of eoanty commissioners on or -before-th first Monday in October, and all peneni . ,who are liable for a poll 8ft, and ehal -i wilfallyfailtocive themselves in," anc all persons who own property and wil fully fail to list it within the time allow ed before the list taker or the board ol coaosnissioneti, shall be deemed guilty! ot a misdemeanor, and on conviction ' thereof shall be fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days." , It seems that there is plenty of law va inesuujocv, uui wiio is toeu force it! Who is to proceed against those who fail to iistt .It is . true that the Machinery act of 1883 .re quires the chairman of the board 5f coaaty commissioners to prosecute those who fail, to pay their bat does it include those who-Tatl . u iiatr vu -auucarB man uwa. ,Then wbj doh't the chairman pro . cecdf Has'.he a rieht to set aside plain and positive act of the Gen- oral AaaAmhlv.' t.hns virtnitlfv Hftv- ing b3 tha., members thereof, fYon ' did trot' know what you were' doing When you passed that act requiring bii trt nnMARoLfi'' -these dfilihfinenbc it is not' what jbu want I will wait till yon gelj together again, maybe . you will have a little more cdmmon sense and experience and will adopt mj yiews ol tho matter' ,vn ';. xiSak nppose ' they were prtse edted, what would . Craven county da with six or eight, hundred delin anentsl many of whom had rather spend thirty days in prison; ;t,bi$ pay a small taxf 1 , , . Woald it not be better to so frame the laws as to create some desire on tLa part of those , to paj, their poll tixl, , Oofiht ; Bot the right to rote be denied those who, within the prescribed age, refuse to pay their poll taxJHWi Would llike to CajoKnai , V Kj THE COTTON MOVEMENT ' i . From. Bxadstreet'k. A drop in future-, values took place this week which erteiided through out the list and caused an .average decline of 20 points upon the dos ing prices of last Pridayi 'The tame character of ,the X4verpool advices wdi' charged with,; exerting, some i -5 ' A. St. - L qepresBing louneuoe, u-. n seems hardly wise to charge this with ttl the blame for the decline. The slqw but steady' weakening of the market fronx day to;day throughout the week showed evidences of skill' ful handling by a large short inter estu Heavy blocks of cotton were unloaded 1 by ' prominent operators on Firdav. cansinfi the ; volume of sales on that day to be, largely in creasedi In view of the short-crop reports lately current, and the fact that'tio really encouraging advices nau as yet uoen received, toe exuj tcuce of the large short interest oc casions jsome surprise. spots ruled dull. A revision of quotations was made Thursday, showinetbe follow ing;! good middling and above, un changed; middling to strict "good ordinary, reduced 1-lGc.; good ordi nary and below, reduced l-8c.: mid dling stained, reduced 1-lCc.: other stained, reduced 1-tfc. The total futnre sales this week were 598,300 bales, against 500,300 Dales last week, spots sales amount ed to 1,502 bales, against 4,326 bales last week. Deliveries on contract were 1,400 bales, against JW) pales last week xno receipts at port this weea were 207,903 bales, against 261,214 bales last week, and 279,820 bales the same week last year, The receipts since' September 1 wdici L ,t.v),jjtj, I i;nica, clgaiuou x,UOd,- 067. bales for the same time last year. Jlessrs. Lyon (t Co., of Bombay, under date of October 2, report the cotton crop prospects as excellent, except in the Broach and Dhollera districts, where ram is badly need ed. The local mills are very hard up for cotton, and will buy freely when the new crop come in at bet ter prices than exporters can af ford. ', The following is the week's move ment at-interior towns, with com parisons,-, , ; , v.. rThic w'lr. 1 .out IB T oa vW JJI.HW J'JU,4lit W.817 1IW.U5T IlU,9 110,512 The following comparative figures fo given to October 30: 1885. 1R84. Visrbhl tfppljr , j : , jj jm,m , 1 ,873,856 KxvtBWpce Hept. I o.iU,7eu SU8,031 PupaiGjf't Britain rj-I,05 EK)rts continent ' ' 06,201 EipOrts France 9,730 Stock, Now York 103,835 Consolidated stock, . 595,663 (The following- table closing quotations for Kecetfctft.u........ Hhlninentai i Hlook ,UJ-....:.: This w'k. 'iai,n ' Wf.452,'. 232,482 58,001 87,236 1,556 74,725 660,(06 shows the futures at , ' THE DISCIPLES. ,- i. . .. eaiBjBs Thetr, Aaniial CoaTMUoa at Benn , reea Charch. Reported by Dr. H. D. Harper far Msssenger. -The Annual Convention of 'the Disciples of North Carolina met t ltountree's Church, Pitt county, on Thursday the 22d instM and con- tinned till Sunday. , The weather was; lovely as a blushing maiden audvthe very large attendance each day, all with their best clothes And sweetest, faces on New York Friday comparisons: evening, with ( 1885 , 1884. Oct. 30. Oct. 23. Oct. 81. 9.41 9.64 k 9.33 9.61 9.98 9.43 9.68 9.9C 9.52 9.71 10.05 9.63 9.82 . 10.19 ' 9.74 ' 9.94 10.38 9.86 10.05 , 10.46 9.97 10.16 10.59 10.03 10.26 10.72 10.17 10.36 10.84 1 10.25 . 10.44 10.94 October November December January February March' April May June July August , Below will be found the sales for the Week ending yesterday, and the closing quotations for middling up' ands at seven leading ports, with comparisons: Week's . 1885. . 18S1. Bale ,Oct. 80. Oct. UK. Oct 81. S3 H.V6-1 V 7-10 GlvM4nrn-.X1.0f: tW .Orteaoa.. JOJJO t V1U Mobile 4.UUU 8 15-1 Havnnnah 13.U00 815-10 Charleston 2,1W Baltimore ,. r 9 Norfolk 12,814 113-10 Total... Last weefew:. 9 r-16 VA 9 5-16 9 5-1C .7,41. Tho following is the comparative Liverpool statement for the dates nament . Oct. 80, 1885. Sales of the week 89,000 Sales American ,30,000 Sales for export. - ft 4,000 ; Oct. 31. 1884. 68,000 61,000 7,000 Z 1,000 9,000 20,000 405,000 258,000 ' ( 84.000 85,000 171.000 159,000 4 oaiea lor cxpurii. : -, Sales for ape Ja aiion Actuti export '6.000 Forwarded 9,000 Total et'k, Liv. 365,000 Of which is Amer. 244,000 Imp. for the week - 63,000 Of which is Amer. " 4,000 Amount afloat 205,000 Of which is Amer. ,197,000 The Philadelphia" market is dull ajid a shade Jower at lOo, for time sales 4 or 1 middling : uplands. The Providence cotton market is easier, and there is ft good' demand' com paratively. Middling uplands are quoted at ldcnd middling gulfs at 10fc.' tThe manufacturers of cot ton yarns report better demand for their product. - " T eBBBB aBwaaV"' 7Ths Kind of t Hussiii 0 rub WiTSi'Papa, I don't want to marry yet What I want is a man' that' don't drink, smoke, go out at 'night, gamble,' bet,1 overeat in snort, ft nan who nas no vices and is, always good.', . r u "My daughter,'' Baid the affje tionate 'father, "yon are but a stranger here;, heaven, is your home." ;1 - 'e -;;-r ' ' V j i)a' 1 1" i An A Af the most interesting' and enjoyable meetings of the ' kind . we have ever oviwuudu. -. ?"?:. f. .1-51 I The church being situated in lone or tne most fertile -and prosperous sections or the county, every farm nouse was weu supplied , with the best things to eat and every home was becaming with radiant faces, smiling countenanoes, and cheerful nearts. "1- - .-."-''' ; j -'There was a large number of miri- isters present, and their discussions or the various subjects considered, and their sermons 1 showed them to be men of marked ability. The business done was of unusual importance to them, as a religious people, and earnestness of purpose. xne love ol Uod, and tne salvation of sinners, characterized 'their tie liberations. '1 Among the things done we no ticed that they abolished the "Dis trict Plan," which was adopted a lew years ago, by wnicn tne cnurcues in the State were divided into con venient evangelic districts, and ministers assigned to them. This system having proven unsatisfac tory to preachers and churches; they decided to allow each church to call, or select its own minister, and make its own terms with him. They seem to recognize congrega tional independence. . An expression of the views of this body, on aggressive Christianity was brought out in a lively discus sion by the introduction of a reso lution to abandon the present plan of missionary operations. This to our mind was the most interesting period of the Conven tion. The honse was crowded to its utmost capacity, all seeming anx ious to know the final decision. The prominent speakers who champion ed the missionary cause, and exhib ited the true missionary spirit, were Eev. J. J. llarper, Dr. J. T. Walsh, Rev. C. W. Howard, Prof. IL O. Bowen and Dr. H. D. Harper. All these speeches portrayed depth of feeling and power of. expression, but toe sr.eecn 01 iter, J. J. llarper was the gem of the" occasion; full of rhetorical beauty and logical pre cision. The Vote being taken, the resolution was lost by over a two thirds-majority., no- nrUiava : 1 Pledges were then made and cash paid in. ' Two gentlemen pledging $100 each, others $25, $10, $5V&d,, ror missionary purposes, jor tne en suing year. , - ;,-.,-; ' r - The Convention .donated f 100 to assist in erecting house of worship m' New Berne-. V Other donations jere tnade dtt of the1 funds'rJalready on hand, one of whiieht wm to the general Chris tian MissioBary .Convention of the United-States. '"iri - One miuipter was brdained Buu-t day mornlag. .,;. : "t ; , , ,;d, 1 The-Stockholders, 'oTtfieIro Tower Pnblishinc Company elected IVofessor 'L L; Chestnut ailltot ofc the Watch-Tower, Heft 'J.jWitf ; field having resigned.- rS. ' . The following were elected officers 01 me conventions lor ines ensuing year: President; J. J Harpert 'Yicei i-resiaent, 1u.AvJM.0ye; vorresponaf ing Secretary. C, w;HoWardj3 cording Secretary, JjVX Chapman : Treasurer, Noah Bouse.-m ;tif. xue ounaay-scnooi convention held a session Saturday jnorningi transacted its business, and fleeted her' officers. ', !', 1 i i -, . v r - J This interesting occasion closed Sunday by preaching in the house by Dr. J. T, Walsh and at the stand by Eev. J. J. Harper. ,, , p .r vV " -j - ,TheiRrowdwas estimated at from ten to. (twelve -thousand, m Widows and widowers from -every direction were tmtten maske; ahd it wai amns ing rtp.t :$ee, heir:' extraofdinary efforts-,, to becxpung, good-looking1 ana marnageablo.;; Visj;tob, Absolutely Pure. Ttila ixiwder'bever varie. A luwvel ol enrliy, treni;tli, and wtiolesnmenetia. Mure poonomical than Uie ordinary klutU, ami oun oot be sold in coraDetitlon with the multitude of low tent, Hhort welRht. nliuu or phoepbat wners. sold only in cans, itovir. hakinq wukk (Jo.. ltW Wall-8t..N. Y ' novlS-ivdw - y- , , , r r-; : : " s ThiJsthalga of Speciallios. OUR SPECIALTIES ARE 1.1 if t r.u A STATEMENT WATCHES r oarciw. AT GREATL-f R-: ;dneed Frleea. Address : JU. G. GJ&ABVj . r.JtoUfluc, - .., H, C OF FOR THK ITI5IJC 10 :nsiihi:. , Ti-ANi A, OA.. Jiinti.-iry 12, I. Emerifln J from a severe aud long Bpell of typhoid felr, I discovered tlint it had eetl led in my rlghfi leg. which swelled toau enor moni slzo, i ranlnlng so nu'.te three years, resisting all tyoutmeiit A snia'l nicer fliuilly mode It8appc ranee "a little ahove llif nrikle which refused tyheal to any and nil external application and the iiR" of the most noted blood poison reined I x. The nicer continued to enlarRe, frequently dlHCharglnc, perhaps, ns iiiueh us a cupful of pns or matter per day. The size of the uloer wasahout two inches In diameter, extending toadpth near the hone. Atone time It ap peared that Uio Mesh In all continuous parts would stircly become a running sore, us its peculiarly Hubby, spotted and unhealthy condition clearly li.dieaU-d. and it was imi uiaiedtluit I might lose my ie(c My condi tion became to crltleal, 'and the nicer en larging s rapidly, we sent for Dr J. ii. Dromgnole. who iiiad a tliof ugh exanilna- tion. aud Bald Unit the flesli on my log for six Inches around the sore would soon slough off If not remedied; that I muit commence ti e use of Tl. B. B. I acted according to his Instructions, and after using the second bottle the nicer looked fresh and healthy and commenced healing. Continued the lite of B. B. B and to the great astonishment and salUfaetlon of my self and friends, the i leer cont inued to heal rapidly, and Is now entirely well, and I nrn attending to my business at W, H. Brother ton's store. I refer to W. H. Rrotherton, W. B. Gone, Major H. A. 'Cook. Dr. Park, Dr. J. K Plnson and others of Atlanta. PV sale 'wholesalo and Tctatl by" It. N DUFr'VtcCaah toaoeompanj! Mu- onhir- Our STACY ADAMS A, CO.'B SHOES, which hive beoti sold fa tlrisinsrket for ten years ruunot lie rtiualed. . . , - We aro also Agents for JA8. MttANS 93.00 SHOE. "WIH on t wear ny.shoe made. This has beqn pro vtn. - n. r . . .i v - - Kull htork of HATS, stitf and soft -SBc. up : . , , lu i.tiiinu. Plaids are all .the sf vie. and we nave a nandsnme selection of them. IVIeeS f& DO iwr suit un Wo ran order vou aiv kind (if suit, Tou want. And deilvasltln flv days. - i . : . . wu,i,,i,ii n-t - our 8tnekof MEN'S IllVDBttWItAR la very eoiunlcte, and prices 23 uer cent leas than Itiatyrar Do nat bay lrr tsr Hlotk. We are Aicenla foV tho Celebrate PEARL SHIRT. We atiarahtee this 8hlrt M be the best la the Market. We have worn them el sjk from experieaoe. i.i i'.j n.nj-i -4iiir "HOSJj" sue. Shirt is better than :verv, ( - , (,.., . j )t 5:in , HuDerBtout BRITISH li: IIOHE. 2fo. ' ,. ...... ' -. ourHtock of MRN's FiTRMlsHisjGS as follow Is very f el ct : Neesr Wear, Collars sod CulN, felluloKi and Linen, Cloth, Uo Kkln und Kid Uloteg, all colors; Handksrchlefs, 5e. U; Suspender: fardlgu) Jackot nnl Usclcle Shirts; ' ' - ' --., . We Would call attentloh to our Htock of Trunks, Valise, Carpets, Oilcloth, Rags, iiiwikM u. w 4 ...... t. .i .. ,...1 Remember, we make a'spwialiy of 11 .the above, wheat need of anything in oiir line, be sure nnrt see us before you buy. . ... - j.,-,nilr r ' ocSO dwtf HOWARD & JONES, ' " ; Pollock Street, oppt Epi&bpal t&urch. If You Want To Knot? How GS'O TO V ' Cliani)ion Glotliing i louse!! Now llerno, K. C, cor. Middle and South Frout Street",' 1 itnwi - j'mtiffl IKT '!-'. !t'i 1'Mft.-.M i l.ill (OPPOSITE K. B. JOHE8.) EASTERN SOUTH MuflKA ' HA RBLETiORKS, - - ' " ... (tit 'iv 1.4 au di J-vJitO; i,4.l vV ."t 1 i Jaonuments, Tombs, i 1 aj"rIS rav'a)'djfundiu j ITAL1AN&AMERICAN MARBLE a -Or Jers' wilfroceivd prompt atteniioa satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K WILLIS," PrbpHitdr 8uoeeasortoaergeW.;laypoole) : t ' i ' -I j.i' '"-r-i'ii i ti, Oor. BROAD A YD CRAVElt Sta... i-ar ! - rf- '3 NEW HERNE, N, t TJ. E. Miller is my authorized agent ma30-lyd w THTENDIHG ADVERTISERS should JL sddress ( i' t-'j--. -,,- t . GEO, P, BOWKU 4 CO, " ; ' '; ?0 Sprsiea Street, Hew Tork Clt-, . t., For Select List of 1,000 Newspapers, VE.BURRIJS&C0.i GRAIN AND C0TT0IT , ! COZimSSIOK , UE&CCANTS, :: J NEW EKNE X.vC;h:k? r i I i - - ' i Til - ' - i '-- -,!.:'.. 1 , J'.TS a V'.: T--, 1 1 ii :4jt.!j--f-'" . ;..-v- in oons :or v hurts and manj sort of. ails of man and beast need a tooling lotion. , Mustang lioimeotv ' i i.1 ? '. ; -.1 -..? .'.); '.'u.s; ".i w ! FERDINAND ULRIGII found'at'. ;;;,.v: CAN BE FOUND AT . ir. .. - ... .. - ON MIDDLE STREET, r,?.,,. tiKT ins PSICES ON T -,, uoriHard 9t , Oajl Ax1 Snuffs, Drain Sacks, Ropes, Twines; Canvas, Oakum, Paints; Oils,' etc,,-; etc.; 'before purchaa Orders taken for Nets and Seines. ; 'Agent for Haeard Powder Co.' f ? ''i'X'i:.-i P. ULRICII, - noT26d,w NEW BERNE N C ITotice. v.. CBAliLKB B. NCLJSOX :- ' ' ' Bas removed to ills old stand on Kmsil strpet, between Alex. Wilier and K. M. Pavie, where he Would 1 pleased to Bee hi friend und easterners, and supply them wilh t-e r.-i Beef, Veal and Mut.ionthe market r.trt;H. 4T Meat delivered to any part of I lie rUj free of charge. auHilly Beforo you buy your supplies in' Gentlemen's -and Boys' Suits'," OTe'rbo'ats, Ulsters, Boots and Shoes, JJatsCaJw, Umbrellas, Trunfcb aod Valises: ' Ladies' Drpss Goods, Ladies' CloaKg, W aiding and Jersey Jackets, Shawls,1 BlankeU, Bed Quills, llorsc Blankets. ; Also, a large assortment of potions. ! JUia 1 AS A SPECIAL BARGAIN I OFFEB ' 'i.. ' v"' A lot of Gentlemen's Pants in hravy winter goods,' QOos and 75o.- -' '''' A lot of Gentlemen's Shirts in. llouieepun and Cheviot, 25o.-and U)Cv " A lot tit ucntlomeu's UnucrsliirU in heavy Merino, 25e. A lot of Gentlemen's Nary Flanu. I Drawers, 25c. . A lot of Gentlemen's Black Felt Hats, 25o. ' " ' ' 1 A lot Of Boys' aod Youths' Blaok Felt Uafis, I5c. A lot of Plaids and Ginghams, 5a. yard. - t A l..t of ono yard wide Yellow Cloth, Cc. yard. . t ,5 A lot of 3-4 yard wido Yellow Cloth, 3Jo. and 4c. ! A lot of Dross Calico in Fancy Pattern?, 4c. yard. , j,ii.srv' : Don't Forget the Place : Ncic fierne, mrncr- Middle and South Prolit Sit. L. WALLNAU'S CHAMPION CLOTHINQ HDS . .(. . ! - ir.'.'j GEO. i i.i -t n. 1 Tilt ALLELE it -IS 4T .-ll Li. 1-tjtM i ii ;f mod. titiK Gins. Engines, Cotton j Presses." Hay iPraaBBB. Cirlflr .Till, Grain Fans,, Rubber .and Leather Belting La leather. IMachlne Oil," .White teadi'-Mixed Paint; Linseed 'Oili' OIaw, Puttr.',,Limii- ,Brifi1ci'''nAmAntii:P1ftifAil iTTTT:Tn?T?'B' RIA14.Mechanics Tools;1 Rwndefs' aar Material, Saddlery, Steam" and; Gai Vip9, Iron mSi'- steam krittings:;-; Cultivators, Harrows.-Etcw Cotton; Bagging an4TievoBofl, Twine, J:tciX0T;,mRKETlPBMI3s ..iiion I .f't-i. i-i. .w,.iVi (.'.' GEO.' AEIiEiri&,jCO,,l'- ''41; a - .-, jv n tit a.T ari . - j in haaa, ()or ana Blinds, Stalrwnr. .Window Slaa e. Also, n 4rtl Une Builders' Bardwara. 1 . . . Manufurtnrers and Dealers 4 Paint, OH, 4ke il.oa': V f .tit in nru. v "L tag o JAHES REDriOIlD ..V.j tif-i j?'.r-jl( f-v-.V' i-. i-',t "ji-AiitV? ; -tl !i -li .l.'i i x.iiiiv-i'i'i ws'-' D'-"- .! ii ' . Arent and;1: 'Y i. i Hit i i ... ;r-.. : U ii-7 or trt , )'9t'jn-1 1 .1: i-i ' ! fli Villi r'lili31k. Pie iKmm MIDDLE STREET. NEARLY ., OPTO--'lit 'vSITE BAraSTOHrK3Ef,9'Ja'' 1 ,..,-.'1 . .., f . -r., -, . ...,,..!. , '1 . . . HEW BEEKE. K..SV OELEBRATED beegner'&'Eng: t " iu :-4i r 1 'ri h, !.!.- '.i-J: -.11 .;;! I (!'! - j Mi l, ,11 ..4:Yri PHILADELPHIA t't I - I .- r-:-t.livfcC 4ill BREWING-'CO .7?,! .r a fi n f-"''-, f;-'ii." -4i ; i:ii;;;t.T 1 I 1 1 i!jiv LAGEH BEEE .New Berne. N. C , -This beer took premiums - at the Cen tennial Exhibition at rhila4e!pbia and the Paris Exposition. Keeps better than any other in warm climates, and is tlx favorite bind wherever known. For sale in kes or c ! s. . dw 'ATTORNBir ' AT 'LAW Jtlitos Ibrmerly' Vjcctii)Ied iy 'ahatao Huiii, uipww V4HSUm tlCUSB ! fit Be 4mes, Oasloir. Carteret, Pamllooaiid LenoU Prompt attention paid to euUeeUpna. a ,iu ' .apriwiT. , .t,uu C. R. THOMAS, Jr,, '1,' ; Attorney at Xjimrv.j BEAUFORT, . '0. 'J ' : v omieon4)rner of Tnrner ana Pre t Streets. Will praeUco la Carteret and iSMUMatnc eonnttea. ,..... ,1. . .. ,1 .-UTr.-. Froraot attention to eolleetlon ol elaWsi' ; aovidwly , J -it. .'14 ' " ',1 ,-i : Mrpw.'sjr ifc! ' Offloa on urarsa street.: between Ptoiloo :' Ci R.TIIOMASt. - ,'TTOR2irEY.'kT: LA"1 .','!- Ofllee on CraTon street.! a Ptn'v i ni ncareornerprPoUokeek no-uwiy 1 1 p;n. r. at Tons 1: r i';" 'NEW ll?:.:,: Olnrw on for' 1 Fro it ( ( from theooTPHr Will ,- 1 Kurts 0 C rt.'rpt ma, and si . wt, ttir.J Jo 11 1 Si irft. Ill .1 ( 'i v.-n to t!,g r " estate ol dy.. 11. - I . : ' ... . .. - ' ' .V

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