- S- '''St L3 ;:WHITIKRiOSE-&:CO., fatten Factors asd Cccusiksiini Merchants RpJt!rt'tfntlon given' to --the Hole of Ttaf jrtitccs: R. W. Bell A Boa, Harlowe, Cur teret Oo N. C; K. B. Hai-get A t'e.. Mlverriale, Onslow OtN. C; J. W. ttlieptierd. Pollocka- vllle, Jdnee UON. (J; Alexander fc Wood ley, Creesvfeii, W. O; Joiiu Jucolm, fekutli Julia. N. C: lviaririe llaok, Norfolk V a,: Major Wm. ' H. EtrWrldge, -Norfolk Co.. Va.: J. H. lvea. v Norfolk Co., Va.; T. P. Hall. Colnjoek, N. O.; TfUkSkliMiw, Mertori. N Williams Hron. 1 Mrik,-Va.ts.B;WUfKji, ttro., Norfolk, VlLf W A in "v ul2Wwly ESREUHOHD, r f- : "t&Mt and Bottler or tur ,11 ; BEEGNpl' ,E1?GEL BREWING CO S PHfilDELPHIA LAGER BEER N? Berne, N. C. M i. ' Thia beef took premiums at the Con tennial Exhibition at Philadelphia and thePtfB Exposition. Keeps better than an otW in warm climates, and is the favorite brand wherever known. in"kegs or cratw. dw BRICKT FURNISHED, AND BBICK WOBK OF ANY KIND J Bc bf snpirr notice. CUterns.PlMterlne. fMn and ornamental Patching, Whitewashing, anil Keinojelin of any kind a specialty. Plain and Decorative Kalsorolnlut; done In the best style, Mr. G. B. Anderson, our Foreman, linvInK thlrtyjyfcarsj experionoo, flatters Iilmsol tbrfthBCarl Suit fon&U. Has permapcntly located la New Berne. PEACQO& & HERRING. ocUdtf -Notice. CIIAULES K. NELSOI Has removed to his old stand on Brond street, between Alex. Miller and li. M. I'avie, where he would be pleased to see his friends and customers, and supply them with the best Beef Veal and Mutton the market affords. . Meats delivered to any prn l of the city frceof charge. nnlitily DAN. KELLY & BRO. Has opened a New Shop near the Market Dock, and will shoe horses, the tamest or the wildest, at the low prloe of One Dollar all around. All kinds of Blacksmith's Work, repairs on RmruloK WasonsCarta. etc.. done on shor notice foil wort guaranteed, i ne25dw3m -r '' r :-' GRAIN AND COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW BEKNE t?. C. 5 ' feblf dw . : . . - -' - EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA MARBLE WORKS, ;: i kew BERNE, ic,)C4bii.-; nonuments.Tombs,. ' ,. , And aU kinds Grave and BnUdlng work In itauaKu::ericam marele Oti- i'V!!i ricoiTe "prompt attention V. laaoQnaranteed.- . ': - JOE k. WILLIS, Proprietor - (Buooessor to George W.Claypoole) I--' Obr. BROAD AD CRAVEN Sts.y " . ' ' NEW BERNE, N. C- G. E. lLLra is my authorized agent nKineton. , ,ma30-lydw THE : JOURNAL. NEW BEBNB. N. 0.. NOV. 24. ISM -i FotfND THEM Slow.-?-A charac ter like the juryman who found the 6ther eleven wofally obstinate, be canse they would not come to his opinion, reappears in the form af a Texas negro: , An Austin negro, familiarly known as "Babbit Hash," has re turned to Austin after an absence of several years. Where have you boon this timet" asked Uncle Moan. "wnere s i mccut ra ioc-ii in Mezzico." "How did you like it dar! ' "Do country am mighty fine, lut de Mezzicans am do stupidest folks I baa struck yet.'' "oo dv am not so peart as de culled folks?" "No. I libbed right among 'em foah yuahs, and when 1 leli 'em, dey (litln t uiitli'istaiKl me a mt more ilen when I fusstkom dar. Dey am de slowest folkses ter learn I lias struek yet." Sift ings. a caii i. To all who arc sulTering from tho er rors and indiscretions of youth, norvoun weakness, early decay, losscf manhood, etc., I will send :i recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was diHcovered by a missionary in South America. Send .iHelf-addressed envelope to tho Rev. Josftii T. Inman, Statwn D, New York Oily- n!7dwy T11U Emerald Gigar Factory NEW BERNE, N. C, C. ERDMANN, ProD'r. Hitvinir I i;eti xKROssion of iho new liulM tut; Kpi'i i iHv i'kmkI ructtd fir my hiislrifhHon Multlli' h;i. (1 i.i.psilc iUt ItIIws Hall), I hiii now riniliit-il l ! lull just ice lo my patrons, in tin' in:inn f;it u r Hut Finest Brands of Cigars, which nro of Miilllcicnt merit l.o ilvsi,rve the popularity th-y now pkh'kh. AkIU' from the excellent, uiali'iial imMt, anil Hiiponor in:ikt, tho CLKANIilMOSS ohtcrviMl in the manufaci ure of my goods tiive (hem almthI piv-emintinct! over tlio '1 (iiienuml. IIoiihp inacle OlirarH of thu Inruo cll.leM ho 'ntrally Kinuked by tlu unthinking, and ho of ton the ailae (d'si'i-lonH aitriu'ntu and disrasi. In fim mud ion with tin1 Kindory is a hand somely :tp-oinU'd Smoker's Emporium,'' where every ktint ami vnrlely of Ciurti and Tohaeeo may U found at ivtail. A full line of Smoker's iOodr, including Meerehaum. Hiier-wtMMl, ami every variety of i'ipeH ami t-iga-" Holder, Touches, etc. fr'INfc IMrOKTKO HAVANA ri(2A ICM, nml n tact everything kept in a KiiKt-Clasn 'J'o bHCOonistH. PATRONIZE HOME MANUFACTURES. Sep20 ililm PIANOFORTES. , UNEQUALLED in TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP and DURABILITY. WILLIAM KIABE dc CO., Noa. 204 nud ao WeBtBaltimcreSt., Baltimore. No. lia Fifth Aveuue, New York. IISINEHSDIENRE Il KXIIK.lt -H,nu I Saved U Mtrnev Made I Do Your Own Vrlntlnjf. I Onlv Dorfect neirtnlnna Poffered. Workmanship muurpoMAf. Prints perfectly. NohUBlnessman aliould be without one. Kntir taHnfaetion guar anteed. Catalogue) and testimonials frte. Price awtneinglv low. Refer by permliMlon to Hos. A. n. OARURn, Attorney Ooneral United States. TIIK WIIKI.F.SS ItDIIIIF.R ST AMI" PRKSrt ni'K'O CO., Augusta, lis. WATCHES AT C UK ATI, Y KK diicod I'rirt'S. Address l.. a. i;kauv, Halllnx, N. C. ocnuw INTBNDINO ABVERTISURS should HddrOfeB GEO. P. ROWKLL A fiO., 10 Spruce Slreet, New York City, For Select List of 1,000 Newspapers. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Ton are allowed oree trial of thirty dan of the rise of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic, Belt witn Klectrlo Suspensory Appliances, for the upcedy relief and permanent cure of Nerpowt Debility, loss of Vitality and JTanaooA and ail kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. Complete restora tion to Realm, Vigor and Manhood (rnaranteed. No risk Is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet In Mated mwfcipfmalled free. iy addressing V0LTAI0 BEIT C0 Marshall, Mich, Dr. G. L' SHACKELFORD, DENTIST, Middle street, nearly oppo v: site baptist church, d NEW BKU1SI!, N. C. ' P. H. PELLETIER, ATTOKSBY. AT LAW, NEW BERNE, NC. . n Office on South Fro.pt street,, thrd do 1 1 from the corner of Craven street. Will practice In the- Courts of Carteret Jones, Onslow and Craven. Special attention given to the collection o claim, and settling estate of. deceased per sons.-" ' lanldwtl S. M. BIMXOira, ' OLKMENT VAULT SIMMONS & MANLY, 15 ATTOBNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in- theOourtsof Craven, Jones Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde and In the Federal Court at New Berne. febdkwl? . - ' OWKN II. GUJIOIV, ; . ATTOKNEY 'AT LAW, 4 1 OfQee formerly oeenpted by Simmons A Manly, opposite Gaston House. Will practice In the Counties of Craven Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir Prompt attention paid to collections. . apr31-dwlT. - DR. J. D. CLARK, DENTIST, i ' ; - - . RKWBKRH. . o." Offlee on Craven street, between Folios and Broai). ai-rtf-dAwM "1 RL I All Sorts of harts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment. I ASSERT, Without the fear of successful contradiction, that the Choicest and Finest Lot of Foreign and Domestle Cigars can be found at Palmer's Phoenix Cigar anil Tobacco Store, that was ever brought Into New Berne. t'lKarn. of ail grades and quality, from three cents to lliirty-tlve cents each. Wholesale or Kctuii. II tiny are inaouoior wis, come and wonud beconvluced. Theproor of the pud din;, you know , well, 'nuff said. PALMER'S, Next to Wall nan's corner store, Kouth Front and Middle sU)., NEW BEKNK, N. C. J. V. WILLIAMS, HEADQUARTERS FOU Pork, Side Meat, Lard arid Flour. CHEAP. WHOLESALE ONLY lulu !i;m TIME TABLE, iifif. :Ti I I . V SX D. ttf"tj HJ ovj- mjr Atlantic &c N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE No. 20. In Eiroct 12 M., Sunday, Noyember 15, 1SB5. KAST. I WEST. No. M I No. 50 1'iiNKoiiKir I 1'assenger MTAT10NS .... Arr. L've. j Arr. L've. r H. r M A. M. A.M. S in Ouldsbori 11 12 6 ir 5 IS I,!i (lnin). 10 10 38 (i (i IJ.Kinston !l 56 10 00 S 27 New Bi'rne 8 11 f. M I'. M A. M. A. H. Daily cM'epl Stnulay. EAST. I WKST: No I ' : No, 2. : MixedFgt.a 1'ass. Train ; Arr. L'ye. Mixed Krt.aj l';it.. 1 ram. ; STATIONS. Arr. S :!7 Newbern,' I !l IS ; Kiverdale !l 'J: Oroatnn : !i 6:1 Haveluck 10 22; Newport III Wildwood in Hi Atlantic 11 IH: MorHhead tlity ; ; Moi-eiiead Depot... p. M. " l'aily except Sunday. 7 : i 7 11: 7 ta il hi; u mi; 6 Mj .ri i;; s o." II 1 1 !l 'it II IS 111 17 ill M III illl 10 .w 11 II 7 19 7 IW 0 45 (I 1 5 57 5 47 5 30 5 00 A. M. P. H. I WEST. " Noi-.i- No.4t Mlif FRt. 1'ass. Tra n Mlxed Kiri. a Haas. Train. STATIONS Arr. L've. Arr. Li've A. M . I A.M.I P. H. P. M. 5 III Uohlbboio I H III 6 25 li 2S I Best's I s '20 8 25 II 5:! I 7 0:! I I.a (Irange 7 50 1 7 85 7 :i.t 7 US I FnlliiiKCreek I 7 15 7 20 S OS I S 2:1 1 Kins ten 12 0 45 8 I ! I S IS I Caswell I 5 17 5 52 I l.'l II I'M I Dover 5 IK 5 22 10 ill III ll'.l I Core (Wk I I 1IN 4 43 10 ::il 1011 Tiirvsrora 4 0.1 4 08 10 511 I 11 DJ I Clarke' 3 15 I 3 48 I 12 I I New In 111 I 3 Oo M. j A. M. I l al'y Kxccpt. Sunday and Monday. fDaily Kxcept Saturday and Sunday. Train 50 connects with Wilmlneton 4 Wel ti on Traiii bound North, leaving Goldsboro ll:3.i p. in., and with Klciinminl x U nvuie Train West, leavlne Goldsboro 12:35 n.m and WllminKton A We Idon Train South at 4:54 p.m. Train 51 connects witn Kichroond a unnviue Train, arriving at Qoldsbcro 4:40 p.m , and with Wilmington and Wei ion Train from the North at 4:54 p.m. W. Dunn, Superintendent. New Central Hotel, FOKMKUI.V HATKMAN UOUBS, South Front Street, New Berne, N. C. rn. PATTKllSON, Proprietor, Oilers Hpecl.il inducements to commercial men. Cuisine of superior excellence, omnll.tm and baggage wagon at all trains and steamers, lutes. $2,00 per day. ap!7 IV. M. GASKILL, MERCHANT TAILOR. A Full Line ef Goods and Sam ples always on hand. Suits cut and made on short notice, and at as low prico as the samo can be bad anywhere in -NorUt Carolina, Fit guaranteed. liVjjji:iJi Middle street, VI-JS New Berne, N, C. aeldwSm Cigars, Glieap ! I j i ... Another Lot j ; oi Cigars " ; t , t i Which I am oifering at Priced Lower Than Ever. CALL, AND EXAMINE MY. STOCK. JOmt DTJN1T. y 'f- -: a. LOOK AT OI K LIST ,, V r ? 'J, ,', ';:'. '": FOR NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER. There is but ONE VAY to do the Business, and we have Discovered it. Our Large Siock of everything you can call for in DRY GOODS, Uniformly Reduced in Prices, To meet the Present Strain in the MONEY MARKET. Dress Goods (in all grades) reduced 20 per cent. Calicoes, 4c. and 5c the best. Six dozen spools of Cotton for Jirc ventx 4G-inch Bleaching, Pillow Case goods Knitting Cotton Fine Kid Gloves (all shades ami black). Hamburg Edging Handkerchiefs " Lin. n Collars " " CulTs Towel Crash A nice Shawl for A lino Corset, any size, only Ladies' Hose, Misses' Ilone, Children's llleaching (full 1 yard wide) Extra heavy Unbleached, yard wide . . " " " 7 yanl witle Full size Towel Very heavy Linen Towel Uenuino Turkish liatli Toilet Soap . . . Fine Linen Napkins Hairpins, 200 for Extra Ladies' Vests . " Gents' " . Tooth Brushes Albums Sewing Machine Oil Flannel Elegant Tricot Dress Goods Genuine Torchon Laces Cotton and Linen Laces Picture Frames Edgings, 12 yards for Jerseys (new lot just, in), from Shoes, from We haye just received TEN HALES which we are offering at the exceptionally low figures of TWENTY VENTS per pound. TO THE Wholesale Trade. We arc prepared to offer the Country Dealers every inducement to trade with us, that careful buying, and our largo facilities for so doing, admits of, and if there is anything wanted by them that should be found in a FIRST CLASS WHOLESALE ESTABLISHMENT, we have got it RIGHT IN STOCK. If you cannot come, write us. We arc always glad to answer all correspondents in relation to our business. Please keep your eye always alive ; and between now and January 1st we may possibly-surprise Holiday Goods are still Thanking all of our many Customers for favors already received, we close this little list asking for a continuance of the same, and with the hope yr$ to our already, longtime of buyers, i We are, Very &uly yours: Pollock St, directly opposite Episcopal Church Pump. it....... ......L. .r cents. 10 41 20 f)0 " 50 " 10 " 20 " 5 " .10 " LVi " o " . f " 5 ' . 5 " . 1 " . 5 " .10 " r " . 5 " . 5 " r " f.o " 2."i " 25 " . r " . 10 " . S it (i ' .174 " .10" " .10 " Hose, I.ahy Hose (per pair) . . " .'!, 1, 5, 7, 8 " 1 " 10 " f " .50c. up. ,'10c. up. of KNITTING (X)TTON in hanks, on our "ad." as we are you all. Our to come. may add many more : S'IY,R! a4 a f .A, .fmtfrp , ... . (V.Ji. rii STEAMERS. . ' NEW-BERNE AND.PIMIp Steam Transportation Co'v. FALL 8CHKDULK OF THE HTFAMKK to go Into effect on uud after Kenl. JJ1 ,!Sfi. I .,.:.:- A' E ST Mondays- ...: i:.,?f jtj Leave New Uernc ul 10'dlor k, :i.iu , lor lAke Landing, stupplnir at Adunis creefe, Vandemere, Mtom-wall and Hayboro, in -rivlnu at Ijike I.hikIIu. ' ucwlay, at 0 o clock, u. in. Wednesdays Jeave Lake iJinilnif; iur .New nemo at o'clock, ii.m., sloppint; at Hay Ixiro, Stone wall. Vanilomere and Adams Creek, nr rivlni; at .New iierue, '1 i.u.KlijB. 1 a. in. Thursdays-- Leave New Heme at 10 o'clock, a. m , for Lake Lundlm:, stopping at Adams Creek, Vandeinere, .SUinew.-ili und liayboro. r rivini; at Lake iiiini.L'. Friday, y o'clock, a.m. Saturdays Leave I jiKc l.tiTnlint; ul II o'clock, a.m., foi New Ht-rne, KtoppliiK at Hay li'iro, Ml.ine wall, Vancleineie ami A.i.imH Creek, ar riving at New Heine, 1 Yloea a, in., Sun day b. Hy liiiB arraiiL'emeiil we ar' able to make close eonneciKi.i with Hie n,.i inern hii-hiii. ers, also having g I aceuininiMlalions bolii for passenerMind fieihl at very low rnles, ask that tlie nieieliaiiiK anil producers along iw, iiiiv n, ki it ineir ei!et.rjiu support.. Freinht received under cover every day of the week For further information ennuirn at Oiahi. flee. Foot of .Market street. All riHiilH r ceiveil onlv ;n ,,,ir warehouse, fool .Mai kel HI I -eel . W. 1'. Ill Itl'.l s h Co., Agent. V Hi'ilie ' I1 Or any of Its Agents at the following places: wor, i.r.r., Aiiaina i reeK, O. 1 WATS! IN, Lake Lauding. 1. 11. AiiHdTT, Vamlemere, H. Ft) W I.Kit, Slonewall, II. W. I. AM!, llayl.oro, W. r. Itl KKI'St ,t- CH . lairihl.twly General Mana-elK. THE NEUSE L TRENT RIVEB Steamboat Company Will i iiii I he follow lleilil'e on 'OkI :iflel Scpleinher Hill, I vvi Stearner Trent Will !.':le N, IN i,. ,,r -r, , , , , ,.ry Wedlit ulay al li ii.m.. ami I- ii.la v :il ler 1 1... arrival ol lie s,a mer s ,,,,,., i,. ,.,.r,,,,,. will lea I'lenlon every Tlinix'.la v a ml I 1 1 1 : loiielnn.; :n puinis along iii0 n er Steamer Uinston. (in and afler linn- L-ilh. t lie steamer vllisltili will env KillMon lot- ;., Iteine very Mom lav a ml I liursilav a I li o'elocl.- !a ... ivlliniillg. will leave New I! e c velv l ',,.-'. lav ami Frnliiv. doonimr a I. .Ii.llv i i.-i.i.i I UHH-huui al nil I:neiii::s on Nens,. river I lose er in i iee I ion made v Illl slea i-sh,.,. aniloali ol the n. amiiin.,ii .- I, :i :esh io i ,. IDI1N It. Hl l.l., at Newbern. W. F. M ANLY. KluslOII. 11. S. II Kill's, ro!iok6VlllO. I T. WILSiiN. Ageni at Trc nlon. J. I', tjeivi'.i.i .v. Jolly old Field. J. I: Iiwks. tuaker ltridge. J. M. W'lr riO.den'l MHiiag-r eb7dw KliiHUm.N.i' oi noMirsiiorv Stoam.ship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE Fot -Now Vurk. i;altiiuitrt. Nor folk, IJoston, Kliziibclu City, riilal'lj)lii:i, l'rovidencc, uikI other (MtieiH. ON AN I) AK'J'KH Mondav July 2nd, 1883, UN'TII, KliUTIIKIt MOTICK Steamer Shenandoah Will leave, upon a:Hval ef tram on Nnrf,.lk Seuthern Hllro.ld at Llizabelli ,'Uj , every ltO.M).Y ANU TIIUKSDAY for New Hern,- UVlurini.c leave. New Heme for KlUaheth Ollyrnry Tl F.KOAV AND FRIDAY at I p. in., making cIobo connection with Nor folk Southern K. R. f,,r Northern cine.. Close coiineciion made at New Heme with stnamers for Kinnton, I'ollokBville, Trenton anil all lainlinj; on Hie Nense and Trmnt Klvers. No freiehu received for Khi limAn t An Tuesdays mid Fridays after 3 p.m. Freight naid. il pfomHly :ind iowest rates guaranteed lo defOiiiHtioii. Shenaiidoali calli in at Nnes Head going and coinini;. K. II. HOIIKItTS, AK't, New Berne, (Ji'Ll'iri Eii A T: ussa, Ae'is. Norfelk, V. A W. D. Stankokii, (len'l Kr't A(t't, New Tork Oily Change of Pierln New York. The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and all point rVoi't li and West After this date will receive 'reight In New York for New Items at PIE1C 7, NOISTII lit 1 VIC K, Office of New York and Baltimore Transportation Oo. Merchants should remember that this Is one of the best Steam Lines out of New York, making daily connection with H.iltimore for New Berne all inside, and only one change. SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS Between Sew Bene and Baltimore, (Touching at Norfolk) Leaving New Berne for Baltimore TXTE8PAY8 FRIDAYS at I p m. Leave Baltimore foj New Bem WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS . p. ra. Agents are as follewa: EUBEN FOSTER, (Jen 'I j.nager, 90 Light St., Bal't. Hd AS. W. McOARRICK, Ag't. Norfolk, Va. W. F. Clyde A Co.. PhUadelphla, II South harree. YorkBalto.Tnn.Line,Pler ,Non river E. Sasspsna, Boston, M Central wharf. K. H. Rookwsll, Providence K. I. D. O. Mink. Fall River, Derrick wharf. Ships ItwreBattoa, Tuesdays aad SatordaTS. " ifew York daily. " M Baltimore, Wednesdays and Saturday ' " " Fall River, Mondays, Wednesdays Fridays. ' PrOYidence, Satnrdays. ' Throagh bills lading girts, and rates guana , to aU poinU. al the different effiess of - . panies. '. , : ; . ' Iroid iK&m cl Bulk ud Ship ra - IHOtltN, C. LINE. d V v Kar II It 8 H GRAY Aft Rsw BeneH -