f u. c. SiiiCicro! I a. . J r -We are happy to 'announce to our cutjaiurs,' ad the trade generally, that at last, after many efforts,,, we ,! rt . j i i nil'" - - "liave fucoeeded in retting sufficient time, from the rush pt trade, to write t- op- our" advertisement. It is loaded with Bargains: be - sure -- to read it through. ,Not by favor.'' bat by Tnerit alone, will we maintain: and moreaw our -unrivallea reputation. Biu pricee wUl not do in; these hard times wheri even the wealthy cannot afford to waste theironeyi and the poor .require double value for every dollar and penny .DRESS GOODS. ; V ; i ' Our Stock in tbis department is fuller and more complete than ever before. We offer yon: - - ''jA beautiful " 88 inches wide.'iALL Vfooi erge Drees Goods, yery heavy, fojr 60operyaed; " i ' a l - Black Cashmeres, 88 inches wide, all wool for 60c. ; ; ,.-4.-. " Anew style Dress Goods, in colors and black, Satin - Berber 80 inches wide, 40o. '"- ' , Knickerbocker Dress Qoods, the latest thing out, 856.' ., ? ,- . Double width Cashmeres, 17jc., forJ merry sold for S5o. ?'" ? ": "S " Cashmere Press jGoocU for 10c, pel yard, worth f 5ov ? . , Nice, Cotton Dresi Goods, So. k- Also,-Satins, Bilks, Eibbon Velvets, Yak Laces, Velveteen in colors and .. black, and everything that is needed for prrmminr Dress Goods. T ',, ii JGood Calico for 4c Best quality for (So. 8-4 wide Eomespun. 4c. ., 4-4rj & heavy, Bc.' ' . 4 4f "tbleacn9d,s-!"r3 " 6o. ? . Ginghams, (Sard U 7-8 yd. wide heavy Drilling, 8o. w 0o. Heavy quality Canton Flannel, 8o White Blankets for only f 1.25: a pair reVtib. 2,0Q, Alsoi a beautiful line of Callwooi Rose Blankets at rock-bottom prices. v - - All wool Bed Flannel, 15c. . All wool twilled r Bed Flannel, 20o. . worth fe5c 1 .--- Crash for So. per yd. -All wool Cassimeres for.50o., sold elsewhere for 75o. ; , s s , Also, ft gobd stock of Pants Goods in all grades from, 10c., to 51.25. r r ; Bed Ticking from 6o. up.' '- Ladies' ready made Balmoral Skirts ' for 50o. r,'.; '-. i Children's wool Gloves, lOo.-., ""Ladies' wool Gloves, 20o. and 25o. Ladies' linen Collars. So. Ruffs for only lo. apiece, heretofore sold at So. We sell the very best quality Gents' White Shirt at 91.00 that is sold in the U. a, reinforced front and back, and better finished than any shirt you ever . bought. We invite comparison. Miscellaneous. Photograph Albums, medium and " large siee, at low. figures. J -J; Vote Paper", good quality; 5o. quire. Envelopes to roateb, So. pack, i Gents' Linen Collar iOo.i " Gents' Cuffs, 15b, Hair Brushes, 10c. Tooth Brashes, So. and 10c. S-inch wide Sash Bibbon, 15o. yd. , Hamburg Edgings, 8o. v ' Linen Torchon Edgings, Ho. , r , . Ladles' and Gents' hose. Sc. i -" Ladies and Genu' Vests, apiece, 20c. Gents' all wool Vests, 75o. Ladies 's Jerseys, wool, 60o. Ladies' Wraps of all kinds, cheap; Newmarkets' from $8.60 ap. 4 ' " AB Mneo-white and colored, bordered hdb jrctiefs, only 6oi . .jw. White and colored bordered handker chiefs, 8c. ' . ' c Cotton Diapers, 18, 20, 23, 24 and 27 inches wide. , , - " Ladies' Hand Bags, 253. t Shoes .( ' ?; " We are Agents for the East New York Shoes in Ladies, Misses, Children's and 'Boys, to justly celebrated.; tTry them and you will hereafter buy no other. Men's Brogans at $1.00 up. ' " Plow Shoes at 75o.. - . . - " Custom-made Gaiters. i ' . Qood Morqcco ghq3t, button, at up-- -; ;.' ' -:.;!-.'r: ITotious,: mm Pins, 8c paper, best quality; brass, 5c. German Cologne, il5c; extract, good quality . 23c - ( f j - :' . etesl-pointed hairpins, So, Silk Gimp, 60o. yd., V Paper and Enlevopes, 10c per box. Toilet Soap, 8 and 6c " ' Linen hera-sticted handkerchiefs, lQo. 13-4 Sheeting from 20o. up, including he best brands, N. Y. Mills and ytica epnyr snawis, ouo. Table Linens, 85o. Also a beautiful line in white Da' mask and Turkey Reds; and. a million more items that we haven't the time nor space to tell you about now. Come to see us and send your orders, and we will roce yoa t! nt we are the,. "Bar gain liuuae of New lierne." would say 'cOUE TO SF.EUS. We rn iobbinir more eoods tban ever be fore, and our customers are rqaUng rnoney. . Reepectfully eubmitteJ, H. B. DUFFY, Trorriutor of the 2 i : j 'r-:iin House. THE JOURNAL. NEW BEENE.' N. C DEC. 1881. . -Floweby; The colored ' people are proverbial for tneir fondness for high-sounding and poetical names. Ad exchangef t gives the following laughable incident: K An Austin , colored man, Jiin Webster by name, of rather limited education, and whose memory la re raarkably defective was recently blessod with a sonv His wile, who is more intelligent, determined that the son and heir should have a high-sounding namer and selected a very beautiful one. When the child was i presented;; to the 'clergy man for baptism t the latter said. ; "Name thisl infants t-f ' ' '' . ..Tim" AorafnTiA') hia hto1 fnr i while, and; finally said,, "Squash.' tDat78 : no proper name for a christian child.", . '"Sunflower, den.'' Once more the clergyman shook his head incredulously.. , Jim Web ster leaned over whispered to his wile to give the right naine. 'Hya cintb,' she replied.' -Well, I knowed it was some kinder garden truck.' Texas Sif tings. iti. A ' 'Tell-tale Match. Sally had been told that she must not scratch matches on the wall, and could see no reason why the' same restraint should not be put npon mankind. Anew minister had just arrived in town,and was to spend sue, first nignc at oauys iainer s. . f After being shown to his room, the visitor, by aooidentr' pub - out his light. He found a match, and "scr-a-a-a-tch" it went on the Wall. .,, I' Sally occupied an adjoining room and her sharp ears heard tlio tell tale noise. - r Softly creeping to the head of the stairs, her shrill, childish voice half whispered and, half shrieked oat so that everybody in the. bouse could hear,- . "2 " "Sl-a-a-wl O ma aip This man np here is a scr-a a a-tohin' matches on our wall, he is!" A CARD. " , ' To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc. I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Ihman, Station D, Kew York City. nl7 dwy PIANOFORTES. UNEQUALLED IN TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP and DURABILITY. WILLIAM K IV ABB fe CO., Mm. 304 and 'JOA WetBalUmorSt.,B.lumore. No. 11 fifth ATcnat, Maw Yaik, UKINFWS MEN RE. imnxuw(t Print! ptrftrtln Ho biulneu man houldM without one. f ntir taMiacHo ffynr. nttrA. Catalogue and teMlmoalala free. Price maefeffty low. Refer by permission to Ho. A. H. OiRr.Awn. Attorney General United 8tate. THE WIIELFSH KIIBRER STAMP rEESf At'F'G CO Augut, Ua, VATGIIES AT GRKA.TLY RE dnted Ibices. Address a- (ir inv. . U nnrx i k. c. INTENDING ADVEItTISKHS should CEO. P. ROWELt Sc CO., 10 Spruce Street. New York CU7, For Select L.ist of 1,000 Newspapers. 1 n f mm NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. 1Fii are allowed a free Mat of thirty days of the one of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltafo B H wUH Elect rk) Susmnnorv AnnlJanreiL for thn nntuiv relief and permanent cure of Nervouf DthiHtf, b v of Vitality and Manhood, and ail kindred trouble; Also for many other diseases.. Oouplete rwtora tton to Health, vigor and Manhood guaranteed, No me la Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet Inaeafedt 1 mwlova mailed free, by addreasinff . OlXAIO iSLT CO., KarthaO, Hioh. Dr. G. L. SHACKELFORD, DENTIST,. MIDDLE STREET. NEARLY OPPO . -. SITE BAPTIST CHURCH, , d ' ;; HEW BEBXE, Jf. C,' Notice.' CHARLES K. NELSO.f Has removed to hia old itand on Broad ttreet, between Alex. Miller and & M. Pvie, where he would be pleased to see his friends and outtomers, aiul supply them with the best Beef, Veal uitt Mutton the market aflorda. ' H- Meats delivered to any part of the city free of charge. - . - anUdly WjKEURRUS&CO., grain and cotton ' COJIiSIISSION MERCHANTS, . r NEW N. C. fobl f d w J., . m ... - r J. V. UILLIfiUai 1 1 1 I deadqx;art5:rs for Pork, Side Heat, Lard and Hour. ,1 n W7V 1 fDo Your Own Printlnir. Vr "l I I Only perfect Mtf-Mrfnff , AJK - -'jSf I IrDbberttamppreMcwr ' EisTELi som ciitoinr . riARDLE vomis 1 ,t JTEW BERNE, C. ' . u ik 111 J Monuments, Tombs, Auil all kinds Orave and Building or in ITALIANS AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt Attention satisfaction guaranteed. JOE E. WILLIS, Proprietor (Successor to George W.Olaypoole) (-or. BROAD A ' D CRAVEN St:, NEW BERNE, N. C- G. E. Miixeb is my authorized agent d Eineton. , ma80-lrdw TIME TABLE, , i 1 ' Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE No. T 20, In Effect 13 M., Sunday, Noyember 15, 1B85. EAST. J WIST. No. 61. I No. 60 Passenger I Fasten ger ) STATIONS rr. L've. j Arr. It'va r M. r. m.I A. u. a.m. 6 07 Qoldaboro 11 VI 5 45 5 W La Oranj. .. 10 38 10 36 22 8 n Kinton, .. 55 10 00 8 27 New Berne 8 11 P. m.p. u A. M. A. . Dally eNcept Sunday. EAST. I WBST. No. 1. : Hlxed Fgt. A : fau. Train. No. 2. : MliedFgt.a Pan. Train STATIONS. arr. 2ft : 9 J.S 10 17: 10 31 10 W; 10 5(1 ; 11 ll; L've: i 8 37 NHwbern,'.... U 10: Klrerdale 9 30- Croatan Arr. L've. I 7 5 7 14; 7 19 7 03: 7 08 Oil): 0 45 0 0U! 8 16 6 53- 5 57 5 45- 5 47 S 05: 6 80 i 6 00 9 53: lUvelock.. 10 22 1 Newport. 10 33: Wlldwood , 10 41 1 Atlantic ..! .i 11 00- Morehead Uity.. Morehead Depot. : p. m. P. M. A. M. A. M. Dally except Sunday. EAST I WEST. No.S Mixed Ffct. A Paas. Train. No.4f Mlxsr Fgt, a Pass. Ira n. STATIuAS. Art. L've. Arr. L've a. m. a: u. 6 40 28 7 03 7 38 8 23 8 48 9 iU 1)1 09 10 41 11 02 A. M. p. K. y 10 8 20 7 60 7 15 6 12 6 47 6 18 4 38 4 03 3 45 P. M. 8 25 7 65 7 20 8 45 5 52 5 22 4 43 4 08 "8 4S 5 05 Ooldsboro,... Best's La Orange,.... FalllngCreek.. Kinstun,-....... Caswell Dover (tore Creek Tusorora ...... Clarke's ..... ... Jcwbern fl 25 (i 53 7 S3 8 Oft 8 13 9 13 10 01 10 39 10 59 11 42 P M. Pally Exoept Rnndayand Monday, f Daily Kxeept Saturday and Sunday. Train 50 onnnecta with Wllmlneton A Wei- don Train bound North, leaving tioldsboro 11:35 p. ra., and with Richmond A D nvllle Train West, leaving Ooldsboro 12:85 p.m and w umington ai weiaun .train Bourn at 4:01p.m. Train 51 connects with Richmond A Dsnville Train, arriving at Ooldabero 4:40 p.m., and with wumingion ana wenon train irom toe North at 4:51 p.m.. W. Dunn, Superintendent. ROBERTS & HENDERSON General Insurance Agents, New 13 erne N CJ. Onl first class Companies represen. edm Fite. Life and Accident hisuranct. Total Capital over Forty $ Millions o tKillars.- Jon24dly N. M. GASKILL, MERCHANT TAILOR. V r&i X v - A Full Line f h "fi.'J5f Goodgnd Batn ylWjWXZfr pies alwavs on hand.- - " - .' ' . BuiU est and made , on short notioe, and at as 1 it. i iuw piiuo aa ui U same eanbe had anywhere ia NorU) Carolina. Fit guaranteed. Middle street.. New Berne, N,C. u seiawam -. ..::..: L . - - Ciscrs, Chsap I:; r A.- ,.1 ' i' U 'i ' Another Lot' ' 'r' t " V ? . ; , . ; 01 Cigars 1 - just in 4 J H ll Ml i V, K Pi V .. .i - t , Which I am dtferipg at Prices ! LcTrcr Than Ever. - , - ....... i... u ' 1 '.' I -' li r IfiT ---FOR 1h tt4ToH i; 1M - iJl UOVEUBER AND DEGEPBER. . 1 There is but QUE WAY . to do iho Business, and we have Discovered it. Our Large Stock of everything you can call for in DRY GOODS, Uniformly Reduced in Prices, To meet the Present Strain in the HONEY MARKET. Dress Goods (in all grades) reduced 20 per cent. Calicoes. 4c. and 5c the best. Six dozen spools of Cotton for five cents 5 cents. Knitting Cotton... Linen Cape Collars Fine Kid Ciloves (all shades and black) Hamburg Edging HandkercBiefs Gentlemen's Fino Dress Shirts " Linen Collars " " Cuffs Towel Crash A nice Shawl for A fine Corset, any size, only Ladies' Hose, Misses' Hose, Children's Gents' Half Hose Bleaching (full 1 yard wide) Extra heavy Unbleached, yard wide . ' " . i yard wide Full size Towel Very heavy Linen Towel Genuine Turkish Bath Toilet Soap Fine Linen Napkins Hairpins, 200 for ... ; ; First quality Brass Pins, 3G0 for A fine Skirt for Extra Ladies' Vests " Gents' Tooth Brushes Albums Sewing Machino Oil (large bizo) Flannel... . ;,... Canton Flannel Carpets Pants Cloth Beautiful Cretonne Elegant Tricot Dress Goods Genuine Torchon Laces Cotton and Linen Laces Picture Frames. Edgings. 12 vards for Jerseys (new lot just in), from Shoes, from We have just received TEN BALES which we are offering lit the exceptionally loio figures of TWENTY CENTS per pound. . . , ,.f r TO Wholesale Trade. We are prepared to offer the Country Dealers every inducement to trade with us. that ceAtllBtfinflBaad our and if there is anything &aiudby them that should be found in a FIRST- CLASS WHOLESALE ESTABLISHMENT, wo have got it BIGHT IN STOCK. If you cannot come, write us. We aro always glad to answer all correspondents in relation to our business. K' 3:-' Please keep your ejre always alive ; and between, now 'and " January 1st we may possibl surprise ybu all.x Our Holiday Goods are still to come. ! V;'. Thanking all of tour many Customers for favors already received, weiclose this little list asking for ajedutmuanefcof "the same, i . hi . ii . i ana wiin me nope ,we to our already long June of buyers, We are, Pollock St., directly opposite Episcopal Ohurcli Pampr ? ,.J.. 20 5 ( u tt a u u u (I (I u l( u u u u (I l ii I I (( l( (i (( 50 3 'd 50 10 20 5 10 L'5 Hose, Baby Hose (per pair) . . 5 5 5 5 4 5 10 5 5 5 5 50 25 25 5 10 5 8 0 17J 10 10 6 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 1 - 10 5 50c. up, Me. up, of KNITTING COTTON in hanks. THE larae faoilitiel for to doinai idmita of. on our "ad." as we are . s j j -: may aaa many more Veryrtruly yotirs,tr y r . ,VkWlr. r - 12 , KEW-BEE5S 150 FiUICO - Steam TransDortation Co'v. FALL. BCHlCUDl-Sjlf; TSS TftAMKK to goUbsv effect osyBd f tT ept.Hl,.lK85. Mondays Leave New Berno at 10 'clock, a. m , lor Lake Lanrtlug, stopping at Adams C'ret-k, Vandeuere, Mtouewall and Buy boro, ar riving at Lake Landing,' Tuesday, o'clock,s, m. , i i Wednesdays , d,i Leave Lake Land tie lor New Berne at o'clock. a. in., sujpplng at Bay tjoro, Hloue wall, Vandemere aud Adams Creek, ar riving ai Mew lierue, Tburtdays. lam. Thursdays jjeave new uerne at iu o'eioCK, a. m , lor Lake Landing, stopping at Adams Creek, Vandemere, rltonewnll and Bayooro, ar rlviug at Lake Iaiullngj Friday, tf o'clock, a.m. . Saturdays., Leave Lnke Landing at 9 o'clock, a.m foi New Heme, stopping at liayboro, tjtone wall, Vandemere and Adams Creek, ar riving at New lienie, 1 o'clock a. nj Sun days. By this arrangement we are able . make close connection with the Norliiern steam ers, also having good accommodations both for passenger and freight at very low rates, ask that the merchants Rnd producers along its line to (,-lve 11 their cheerfnl support. Freight received under cover every day of the week For further Information enquire at the of fice. Foot of Market street. All goodH i t-celved onij at our warehouse, foot Market Htreet. W. I'. lil ltltl'S A Co., Agent. Nw Heme. N.C. Or any of Its Agents at the following places: AKK LKK, Adams Creek, (i. I. WAT80N. Lake Landing, . II. AHIIO'l-r, Vauiiemere, C. II. FOWLKK, HtoncwalL II. W. LANK. Bayboro, W. 1'. BUUKUS CO . Ian21dAwly General Manageis. THE NEUSE & TRENT RIVEE Steamboat Company Will run tlio following Schedule on and aftel September nth, lK8o : Steamer Trent Will leavo New Iierno for Trenton every Wednesday at (I a. in., anil Friday after the arrival of the steamer Shenandoah; return ing, will leave Trenton every Thursday and Saturday, touching at all points along tho river Steamer Kinston. On and after June 2lth. 1SKS. Ibn Htenmor Kinston will leavB Kinston lor New l!en. every Monday and Thursday at U o'clock a.m.; returning, will leave Newlleino every Tues day and Friday, stopping at Jolly Old Field and touchiiignt all landings on Neuse river. Close connection made with steamer Shen audouli of tile Old Dominion (Steamship Co. JOHN II. BELL.atNewuern. W. F. Stanly, Kinston, D. 8. BARitrrs, IVtlloksvllle. I. T. WILHON. Agent at Trenton. J. P. Qdiskbly, Jolly Old Field. J. B. Banks. Quaker Bridge. J. M. WH'TK, Gen'l Manager, eb7dAw Kinston. N.C OLD 1JOM1JMOIN Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE Foi New York, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Klizabeth City, LMiiladclpuia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFT Jilt Monday July 2nd, 1883, UN T J L F U It T 11 E R NOTICE Steamer Shenandoah Will leave, nnon arrival of train nn Norfolk Soulhern Uailroad nt Elizabeth Cltv. everv MONDAY &SD THURSDAY for New Berne. Retumlog leaves New Berne (or Elizabeth City evrry TUESDAY ADD FRIDAY ' at 4 p. m., rnakinu close touuertion with Nor folk Southern It. R. for N.n-thom tti Close connection made at Kew Uerne with staamers for Kinston. I'olInktTills. ' Train,. and all landines on. the Nease ass TiAit Rivers. No freights received for shipment on Tuesdays nd Fridays sfter 8, p.m. Freight torwr.iud promptly and. lowssf rates guaranteed to dentinstion. Shenandoah calls in at Nags Bead going and coming. K. B. KOBEUTS, ACH, New Bene, OULPSl'i'KU h TDBNKB, ,. ., ..fjt'j Ag'ts, Norfolk, V . A W. H. Stanfokd, Ouu'l Tit Ag't, . ;f New.York City. Change nf Pier ' in Kew York. The N.C. Freight Lice FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and all tioiut JVortti anal West liter thirdate will receive 'rnight in New Yotk - for New Bern at PIER 7, NORTH RIVER, Office of New York and Baltimore Transportation Co. Merchants should remember that this Is on of the best Steam Lines ont of Mew York, making dally oonneetion with Baltimore for New Berne all inside, ssul only one cbauge. SEMI WEEKLY STEAMERS EitweealleT Berne and E&Itmnri, (Touching at Norfolk) Leasing New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS FRIUaYS at 1 p m. Leave Baltimore foi Hew Berne WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS Agents an as follows: EUBXN FOSTXR, Oenl JTanager, " 0 Light St., Bal't.Md AS. W. KcOARRICK, Ag't. Norfolk, Y. W. K QMS Co, Philadelphia, 11 Sonth aarres.- York ABalto. Tranv. Line.Pler Jforu riy.f K- Saaipsoa, Boston, M Central wharf. R. H. Rockwell. Providence R. I. D.O. Mink, Fall River, Derrick wharf. Y 8n'P 'fTtr80' Tuesdays and SatordsA s. ,. w " New York dally. .. . " . . Baltimore, Wednesdays sniBatnrdsy FHdlyl11 EiT'' Uomdf' wlB1sys ' rrovidenes, Satardays. ' Throagh bills lading given, aad rates gnaraa jrVylIpolntXal the different Afflees of iToii Brealage ct Mud Ship Til- N. C. LINE. d Kar Ml;t B GRAY A( t New Bsrns ft , . a ' . . . ( .. ; . - -i n,l Fv:. j C.i , v. i. vi'.lte jlec-.; o j.Ui 1 AUaa4 CiLf AND EXAMINE MY STOCK.

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