if PUBLISHERS AJMdUNCEHKHT. THIS DAILY JOCHNALi a SI column paper, published dally, 'except Monday. at (UW per year, fS.00.ror six month. Delivered to city subscriber! at SO eeuu per month-. - TI1K WEKKLY.JOUaNA.u a M Mtunn : paper, la published every Thursday at $2.00 per annum. - - 'ADVERTISING RATES (DAILY One Inch one day fl.OU; on week 12.00; one . month H,0; three months f 10.00; six months $15.00; twelve months $20.00. . Advertisements under head of 'Cosiness Locals," 10 cents per line for first, and S cents for every subsequent Insertion. 3 j I -. K advertiaeinenUi will be Insert between ' local matter at any price. , ' Notices of Marriages or Deaths, not to exoeed "' tun lines wUl be Inserted free. Ail additional matter will be charged I cents per Una. Peymentsfor transient advertisement must be made in advanoe. ItegularadvertiBoniant !-wlll be eoueetedjprompuy at the ana o eacn knAltLk ' i . . . Oommoni -atlon containing new or a dls 4. eossloo of ooai matters are solicited. No coin inundation most be expected to be pob-l-ihed that contain objeououaht personal-i-v: (ties; withholds the name of tb author, or . that will make more than oae otMuuin of this i-' wner. r- ' i - A a v nerson feellnc aea.ieved at any anony- mous eommunlcatlon can obtain the name of In author by application at Uila office and uowtof wherein toe grmvanoe exuis, , THE JOURNAL- II. al. stTJBW." :: HARPER -' . f-y. r.-V"' Kditor. Baslnos Manaerv aw pern as, M. c. DEC. 15,' 1886- Catorod at the Post office at New Bern, K 0. , n asseeoaa-cuui buuw. , Tr it;o CX'HBXreLDBr'J . .. UV-8hare of stock In the AtTafctlo and v. North CaroIiruvBailroad Company are 1 worth mora now than at any time since the year 1880. ( At an suction eule of .. i cnorml share of stock at New Bern, on "lMt Monday; St sold for twentj-poe dol lar per share- -.This must be very grati fyinK to Gov. Boale and those "w ho are t now managing the affairs of thalj com pny. ; The State owns a ma jority of the h mock in the company, end it has oeen Hilled that the railroad for many1 years had not been properly managed.', There fore Gov. Scale determined to improve - matters, and at the annual meeting, of . stockholders, held last summer -he er ', fected a thorough orgoniratiorx of' the ' company 's officers. For his action in f the matter he was severely censured by -' many persons and papers, but time has fully justified him, and the present con dition of the ' road proves that he acted wisely. - Those who censure Oov. Scales' for doing this, or not doing that, will H find out that he both meant well and does well. Chatham tieeora. . This fa mriAPd Miasm Eriorv ior me , Governor. We beg to io form the "Record that our people'do not doubt that the Governor means well, but - -we wish him to understand" that thej also mean well and we regret exceedingly that he has such little The sale of the one share of stock ut the court house on the first Moa - day which brought twenty-one dol , lars, was not proof that the Gover nor acted wisely in appointing a State's proxy from Chatham !and Directors from Raleigh for the A. & N. U; E.; but it was proof that our people have discerned the object of certain parties to buy up the stock ' of this road and they have deter mined that it shall not be doae. for a song. If the Governor is jubilant over " the result of his appointments from - 'Wake and Chatham on the A;& N. 1 G. and resolves to repeat the ex periment, we implore him to: make .our good friend of the Record a Di rector as we would be more titan pleased to see him at Morehead Qily , next summer. . A PROHIBITION PIETY. ; -t The Prohibitionist of Horth Oaro . Una " assembled in convention at ' Greensboro last : Thursday and xe ;vv solved ? to organize" a prohibition 'v party and put out a '.State 'Jticke$ . -,...nw. wo.;.S''. . .I- This DartT has beeu , greatly en ; ,; jfconraged by the progress they have 3 "made in the fetate of Georciariilnd would not besurprrsedto iee 'them making an indepeudetC, and asrerraRirA mi.TA in everrxsLate. f v What effect will the party'have - on the Democratic and Cepublican parties in North Carolina ! j This is : na Important question just now. In the election of 1381 directly on the qnestion of Prohibition, 43,730 votes were cost for Prohibition and about 166,000 against-: Of those itiliiag for the measure it was estimated jat the time . that ' tboufc 40,000 were Democrats and about 8,000 ltepqb- jicans. It will be remembered, hown VTV1 VtAtMV WUV.V of the political parties voted of fn 2 that election, so' every one was frfce to rote on the merits of the question according to bis convictions. wiil be remembered also, that the ...bill Voted on ln that election' wis, very objectionable to many who fa vored prohibition. ; . .-,' .t ill these 40,00? Democrits(v;bte "their honestconvlctions in the nei y igeueral election in North Carolina with -Republican- and Demdcrallc tickets ia the field f If they do it is an easy matter " to show what party" will in t'ue ascendenc.7. Gov. Scales'; majority- was some thing over Sd,000, Take 40,000 from bis vote and 8,000 from Voek'8 and it w:ll be seen that the Repub licans are about) 10,000 ahead. It iaui protiabier'however,1 thathe Prohibitionists-will not for sometime to.come pat a ticket in the field foT StaterefScer8, or jfoc any pa3cerJ.Jvotc4..1rraJby1 the , State t large, knowing that, such , a 'coarse wou'l4 VJp J y .fce P 'elect iJepubllcans, They will probably make tfaeif fight for rue-ffibers of the Ge.aerai Assem bly.a"irthw:we beljeve ithey can aee mptish much good;1' The Dem- pcratic ju3jorjty in the last Genera Aem bl Vwas.5 top' orn -wbe'inlir'r Goo,' healthy oppoitioi "secorei better legislation; if we bad bad il in the(laepeflerftl ;A8embly the judicial jjiBtricts. would . have been laid off with, mre regard to the ia tereac fuiu-xoBTenience oi iiie peu Plfll f-tf '',' H 'V i ' ! ' f i n r- j - ,V T.'nl-l. ! ' 1 I ' ,; ""glonert vt Onslow County. ' v - , ,., xne uommi88iouera ,mec; in; regu lar session at their office in Jack sonville, 1st Monday iu v Decern ber, f Present: Solomon 'Gorn to, Chair man: Ptelletier," R. : CvDavl?. K. li. rrancks, John jj;;oston. f -5 Ana the nwiiowing iwere lue or- ders made by said Board: ' '"" W. i lit Hurst ) released from all taxes charged to him except 82025.50 and Doll for 1885. J Benjamin Warters released from poll tax for year 1884, in White O&Ir.fowtiRltin. ! 1 "' - " :r- . ... i.. .i i New Berne Jotjenal lie allowed $25.00 for piiulis'uing proceedings of county cunuuissioners from Jan 1885, tJan.,'188oV : . 1 1 ' The bond given by J. Y. Giles; Register ; of Deeds' for Osslow county,' as tendered; same was uo Ceiuedbythe Board, , : ! were jv.j;opu appomteu peoiai surveyor to survey land iuJ5trimp Bound towrnsbi for.Chas, Craig, A. J. Coaton and -ijoseph ' H. Justice. Parties mentioned: to pay all ex .CAlice'UaiScock allowed -$1.50 per month, commencing , from, Isc De cember, 18S5.v M.f.c . yj'- " ,; Brantfy ihg-i'eleased froiiJ poll lav. faltltrHnta 1 fUtA rl ! " ' . Stephen "i Henderson i allowed to list the Berry Parker laud Jn Jack- Konvilla townshin. i -" ' 'M' J: narmsonaJiawed to list the Whitehurst. land in' Stump Sound towhshipi' i containing .1 100 acres valued aV 3"0. J i Ilenry Spaikman released from poll tax for 1885, y ?i T ff f '3 ! J as. If. Walton appointed special surveyor for D. James on land id Jacksonville township; D. James to pay expenses 1 Wm. N. Marine allored $4.90 for coffin, etc., for Simon Jdobbs. Pare tJones frellevcd from 200 wortli off property liBted through mistake. ; . Richard Canady allowed 910.35 in case oi. carrying Eliza Brown, (ubatic to Duplin connty and! his expenses in trying the case as to the disposition, to jmake of her. R. G. Ward allowed 3.00 for ex tra services in taking care of Saim'l James Ki ,3tottick3; appointed' surveyor to upvef taUds or oyster garden for G. W. mnberry, Benj, Ward, Ji. w. ward and others! in the waters of 'Brown sound and lowerNew river, at the exoensei of Baiu parues. . ; List of jurors drawn lor special term Superior,, .Court. , for, .Qnstow county, to be held Jan. 4, 1880: v j Fraukf Jeikins,' - J. A. Jarman Brinspn Venters, John Ketchnm. A'ffnursr L D.P. Landlin,D, P.-i Amao W.i iii Canady,' Uosea Maslrbprn, jr., . W. J). Humphrey, G.' M." Simpson,' Wm. Humphrey, James.Edensylf. W. Taylor, James M. Holland, .Wpodroan . Sjiepard, Jno. F. Lewis,' J5dw'd A. Ervin, W. S. flineay James A Mattocks,' t p Bar bee, John Thomas, J U.Parker; Jere Aman, Charles Thomas, G.W. McGowan. i Johnti, P-,j Henderson, Robt. W. Sandliu, L. ). Basden,E. S,'Smitb,-lWTi0V(wo;? 31 Farnell, E.,W,r0.1i;iggs, J. A. Pitt man, Owen - Gurganns, Duncan .T J, E. FcanQks allwed . ?GO.OO for sejcvico 3ifiaiice eotmniUee, hav log served twenty daysv:1 ,"(J' ra The bond .giveo; by iA. G. Hug gins, Clerk Superior Jonrt, M ten dered, accepted hy. the t jjoard pf County, Commissioners. --I" 3; F: rGiles allowed ' 817J5 :fbr 'seVicelie Core j? om mjflsion-. for WviviMii .,; J. Sammons released rom poll tat uf year lC?5,':mV;-j',;V-'-r:W a-i ! . .Tbei orjcial bop tfi, given, by E.i SlarrilljSiicriffOnelow ,'eounty, be aceepted ; by; the. JjOaVdi ' JLJpspty j Uiuid iiMnenki". . : "t -; f '.. " D. J. 'HunSpbr'ey, allovretl 1 10.25 for repairs, 'done ou' Little'; North east bridge. "' ' "' ' Q. W. Taylor aUowed $2ZQ c 1 of woe 3 bought by E. T. Tell e t: r for comoiissioners" n 2. ' 11. F. Pelletier aUowed 17.00 f r services as Commissioner. J, B. Farrar allowed to list tie Jesse Capps land in Stnmp Sound township. . . . .. , Adjourned to meet on jtlie 21st day of December, 1885..? ' t. .By order. .Board or Commission- era, ' o. x. uxia, . jones County Items; ;' ..The cainters are at workmen , the Episcopal church. .We learn that bur doll item aXewt days since have caused : the : eri ties to open .upon ns la this wise, How weak: how rtdlcuionsl , - fj,JU; ;.Mr. John M. Andrew and Jas. L. Harrison are busy making brick. We learn that they will soon. . -fire one which contains 100,000 brick-2 ' . We see quite a pile of lumber ac cumulating on the court yard.!. : We learn that Capt. Page is preparing an office lor the accomodation oitoe lawyers.. '. 'H, '9ti-ttw We learn that tlie iniunction res training he collection of ; tajes in excess of 66 has'- been?;deeided against the ' .county, commissioners are going to the Snpreine court,.,, t NowMp Editor, in sending yoj that Item I bad two objects in view. one was to encourage,' the children In their innocent amusements ana to announce to the world and , the rest of mankind that the children of Trenton had opened a road through which all could travel, Jevjen those who bad not been blessed, with chil dren could do the best they j knew how;;. They could ' do have 'the chance of sending them 1 to .echool, as they could purchase a uy amount of dolls; and if they did not feel dis posed to, purchase . one prooaoiy Santa Clans would take 1 pity-on them and present them one on Christmas nighty, " H i- VKklea'i Araloa 8aly ' ' Th';Bkst Salv ;ia tbe world for Cute,' Bruises, Soree, . Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,: TeUer. Chapped Ha&dd, Chilblains, Corns, and. all Bkio EniDtlons. ' and Dositively cures 1 piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price S3 cent perVbor. " "V.-.. t-:, :dwly-i TO THE PUBLIC ( 1 OUR 8T0KS IS FILLED WITH Choice Groceries, ' v.-f. .tl; V)f. .. Canned foods," ; provisions, 1 Boots and Shoes; .(Of tb bei make, CT4I- 'SatsandCap3 -iv.CrocketTiiiEtc, In fact ire kfk evervthlnir tbtt 1 kept lit a Pi rat Via Varletr Store, all of which we .'are ' omdi ab low as thk uwar t Mfr. Com and. n and b coavlnaed. ' 1 1 '-''ROBEETS'BIIO.;:! f Middle itreet,Neu J?ers, ft, & a r - m ' 1 1 A If A U AttnaVG, l.iln: If You Are Goin to UOUSK keeping; -"' '. .11 . . ?!: iii I j. L. JI.' CUTUDItfS AND GET A Dinii0ioSet, 125 Piec; AND. EYEETTHINO INT ad Hotise Furling Goods lone. .-it t).l' i li 'i-jn IlMll I .u 26-:and..2aV.MiddMVStft; ,' JSEWBKBSJI..,N.( Cm') t 1.' " .11 fiae reaiOTod to hie ol4 ttahd on BVoad street, between Alex. Miller and K. M. Pavie. where he would b pleased to aee his friends and eustomers; and apply' tbera with the best Beef, Veal and Motion the market affords.-1. M- Meats delivered to ur nart of th Cltr ireeoi cianie... v i auisuiy HAirCOCK'S PIIiLTij To.Cure'(MlEjnas,'tf.Cilll3 j a. l .j . . ,, , . , j - i j '- 'HAIfCOCII BEOS. T,! v .-i-.isi ; tfBMrltlL New Berne. U.I, .i,'J.)Hn:f j IS constantly Tscplvln J ' tjy iczpres au4 To to her ali y Ite fltock of 'MIIV- iil "i i ana ry v r.LTirj, r.tov . Her irivndsand ot Iters wiithlD anything in her line are Invited to examine her aooda and prices before pnrchasins. Brie laket pleasure la snowing ber roods and fimran- lees naiiautcton uit pur.ussers.t. aw : W JP. BURRUS)'&",C0.i xnvr bi:i;ne n. c. tehlfdw TeaIfi'44vPiecesg (HiainlJer iSiOtiecia 1 r ' J - - p h OVAL BSS'.t 1 NJ hSi i& Hit l .hi -Air isolutcly Pure. ThM powder never vane." A marvel of parity, strength, and wholeaoraenea. More economical than the ordinary kind, and can Dot be Mid In eom petition with the multitude of low test, Khort weight, alum or phosphate powder. Sold only In cans. ItovAl. Bakiho Powdkb Oo 106 wU-at 1-novls-lvdw TEXGN TALK. Tie , Success : si Atlanta ' Article Has Achieved in" the Ions Star State. ,-WK lU IP PERMIT UTIIEHS TO EXIST.', j jvj5'J-t't J Vkxteu, Texas. March 1. 1886. . BLoqoBAiJiCo. I Itlsa great pleasure to na to slat to yon that your B. B. B. takes the lead of all blood purifier In this coon try, on account Of the sure it bag effected since we have handled It. We had n case of scrofula p ouf neighborhood, of lorg standlntr.who had tiaed an patent nieuieine woicu were recommended to hltn; beside till , be also bad everal'do6tors attend! ns him , but svery- thing failed to effeot any ood. lit grew won every day, and had. not left bl bed for the last id nionthf. Hs name 1 Borvenka, Stid we Cot a nelubbor of his io persuade him to try B. B. U., and after using only onr Spvrbs belafthl bed for the first time In iv months . t t .t- . To the present time be bos used lew than three bottle! and he is Walking around plaiting HI frier 1 1n the neighborhood He ha gained Btretigth and fl h rnpldiy. AH sc,rofaloia ort are healing finely, and you never saw a happier man than he l". nearly everybody Tbf mllos riuml hasheanlof this wonderful etare, end All who need a(blod renrtdy sail for me n. it n.. u we bad a ease, of, nnnl catarrh Jn our own family 1 little girl, of. f,ur yenrs old. Who baa been using B. 11. Ji. for about two week. and already teem to be about wed. ; We have rfy three bottle left, and want yon to ship u six dozen bottles. ., . , , , 4 W take i Ieasare In recommending B. B. B, i a medicine worthy of the entire conlUlejuoe of the public it action I more rapid than any blood- remedy we ever handled. J.EIDTKE BROS 'IliK 1.10 i T: ,W. M. OHB HIBH Jforsale wholesale and retail by B. iN, DUFFY. Cash to accompany the order , '''flvAAW'' IVvrr. Ar Hn ...i. BANKERS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS 173S WBBIIN', Sa' ii Have' "Iret-Class Facilities for transacting ' General teanklnK Business. "Will receive depolt,abJaot to eheak Dr draft at sight will buy or sel . Exchange on New : York Philadelphia and BalUmore; will make loan on' -wen secuied paper, and make libera cash Wvanees n Cotton, Corn, Rice ' and Navat g'eare. and' hold. on trage or make sal for one comralaiilpn, either In thl niari ket, norioiK, uaiumore ,or ew. ora , ? j jii-j.'.u. .i febioriwtf ; 1 1 Assert, Without the tosxbr koecessfuT contradiction, that the. Choloest and Finest Lot of Pore leu ahd'Boraestie'-Ctarars can be found at Painter's PKoenlx Cifrai and 'Tobacco Store, that was ever brought Into New itarne. OIkots, of allterndee and quality, from three cent to thlrty-Ove cen ts each, wholesale or He bit). If Any s.re In doubt of this, come and see and ieuviuca, :iie proor pf ine pnu ding, you know.' .well, 'jjuffild. 11 ,1 WH"'1 - PALMER'S. ' , , tjiluiii'i jNojttto Walhinu's corner store, , South Front and Middle sis., . ::i;j i .,; i''.,.'; saw bkiujk n Id. , otice,v tfiiiN'iViPAATlESDHSlRINO TO ; PLANT PEAS 11 BltffiTESETABtES, Mimm, Oan be 'sririplcd' Vllh ased,. nd make con tract with u$ for, Messrs. Moobk A Baapy, FurtirerpartlColnrs given on application,,', 'j rHif ii-u- i'k. H, MEADOWS A CO,' '! iiesrk.J fc' Hf ilEADbwa CO. era tour ktrthoTlMi! 'ageht to make contract for n on ' PKAS and other Vegetable for canning purposes. ; vJ "'' ' ,' : i f . : BOV19 dtf. - MOOBIS A BRADY, TfIB4 JEicrcjd Bear Fester j "'naVtng tiken possession of the new bnlld lht specially constructed fof my buslnets on MiddlN -street (opposit; Odd Fellow Hall), I am now enabled to-do full Justice to my patrops, fho manufacture of the , f, rFinest;iranda.t6f Cigars Which are ot suflicieBt merit td deserve the 1 popuiiirjiy they now poesess. . Aside from the eaeelient yiinTlBl tiKd, nnd. 1 lie superior niska. thelLKANLIN.s observed in the manufacture of my goods give them a sreat pre-eminence over the .tenement mouse nude Cluars of tlie innre cities so generally smoked ly tlie pnthlnljlTig, rihI so often the cause of serious Hilnieiils and dfwasa. ' In connection wuu the Fuetorj 1 a hand somely appointed ; ' Snoktr's Emporium,'7, ' : Tipt every Mntl and variety of Guars and Jttuawo ipm v he found nl retail. A fn 1 i;n of hmuiior s ioodg, liiflunini Nl-f"-'' -.I..II1, I'rit'r-w1"), a every variety of " r - I'odt'iH, et. UNf. j :t .-n 1 . T.AVASA 1'KiA I IS, 811(1 n f- ' e -; i -i : t i k i l hi a 1- irht-CiaM i o- L4. Al aft-.: y Gokt. Interest . :cy Will Brirg You IfYouBuj Your : Lfy GocdSy BiSslSy SliCwSf LU Eu Glsthi - blltilI!JIUII::UIUlIi!lIg Middle street,; cor. , South Front street,' .New, Berne, N. C. Mam'i baits from t2.S0 apt finest Dress Swlts.' ; " 'r - ' ' 4 --' V Usiri', ud Ynuu' talU, fran 4.00 np, ';, , 1 rvl -ii, 'si -.'TO:-V. Men's and Hoy' Overesals ad Ulster. .' . Mn'i Claanel Urawers, D6e. ' ' , ' jf.cn nyrir i. .uirn, .av.. - ' - - -- Uents' Black Fel Hats, 5e. - - ' ., Bey's Black Felt Hats, 16 c. ' ':,- ' -.(jU.i.n ' ai': ti'y, -.. TtW. , -20 Pair Blen's "Wool Pants, Oc to- f"S. fi . :.t -,r. ".V ' ICvIm lln.lll. t h UI..1, ni.vAti.1 .latin, nn t An. . a AA J ' ralleo. a new lot, the Mccil Patterns, -c, jrd. - - 5.Ji.l' ' . Dress tHnsksmi, . ira. ; , ,('.'. ' .' 6'- ."-iM iilt j W ;" . a- Yd. id YeUaw Cllh. 3Ue.t 1 Td., WIde,5e. , ,;. , . fi f ' i Cotton Worsted, 6e. , , .' -.1 ...... ,r, 1 ',2 I call special attention to my1 well selected stock of Hoots," Shioes and Hats, Ladies' Dress Goods, Cloaks, Walking and Jersejr Jackets, Shawls, Balmorals. Blankets, Comforts, Oil Clotus, Trunks,', Valises," Umbrellas, Eutber Shoes, Enbber Coals, and Novelties in ifotions,., dfhe LARGEST IU THIS CITY, DO NOT FAIL TO. I Have '.entered tiip Kace for; ; EiitefculoiTli III J . UWWKd) pWIWIIIIItgl ilUVIe HIIU uiiuwgi In BOYS, YOUTHS and LIEN'S CLOTHING. '''' '-rr "n'raScn nrr' 'hriiens- r fur t , ' I? t i f. J j ;' AS L CAN DOT'S u ND YOUT11 S I N jPBOPORTION. '; I will 6 fferT thd" ; " Best Goods, Latest Styles and Neatest Fits. At TWENTY-FIVE TERPEN T LOWER THAN TJtB ZO WEST, no matter What any one fella you or atjvcrtiecs.i v 'a; it.k lnti 'Id.Cbniei examine ni) cooviffce ybtirself before linrcbasingelseFuere 31. ,oc7,dw6o; This itl i , , . .fT " " ; j';.:.1, UH SPECIALTIK S AKK.;." nishin SK0 mm i i, , . Our STACT ADAMS & CO.'B SHOES, which bat been sold In this market for ten year, capnot be equaled, ' . . .r ,,,. , .rj.- . . ' W are also Agefit ftr f, MKAIJ? 3.00 SHOE. Will outwear any'khoe made. This haa been proven. -. ; t -,; : u:ysi J. - 1 . Full Btock of HATS, atlff and sort, ttcna. V',.i't,-W.'n".;' r i'.V.-:-'i-J-t.'a "l' In CLOTHING, Plaid nro nil the style, and we have a handsome selection of them. Price .U0 fer cult up, We can order you any kind of tult you want, and deliver it In nv day.- t.- . .'I ' ' ; ' . j ..ii.r.: ''..- - i---ed Our Rtoek of HEmi UNnEHWIiAR is very complete, and price fj per cent lera than last year. Do not bn bafur you are ear Stock. '-- -r We are A gents for (ha Celebrated rEARIi SHIRT. Wt enarantee this Shli)t to he in est In ia Market. ' We have worn themand ,ur "BOSS'' eue. Shirt Is better than ever, i .; . --: -J-, Enpet Stout British n, iiose, ac. , uvulO '.Jsli2?'-?ii'i cj iinhi Iri Our Stock 'Of, MElV's PCHWISHIKGS a CutC. Celluloid and Unem Cloth. Von Bktn and upj suspenders; Cardigan Jacket aud Hyalcle We would call attention to our Stock of Ren anyth Remember, We make a specialty of all Ine above Qorxla. and when tn need if lything In our line, be sure and se us before you tuy. t tu.i !. li.. ocpo dwtf '.! ;tiI I Builders' 'Material',' Mactinists' Gin?; Engines, Cotton Presses; Hay : Presses,' ' Cider, Hills, Grain Fans,- Rubber: : and I Leather, Belting,' JiacevLeatier, Machiue 0U White Lead llixed, Paint., Xinssed QiU QUt, Putty, Lime. Brick, Cement, Planter, r BTJILDEESMIATE? RIAL Mechanics' ' Tools, ' iBuilder's i Hardwares nCirriaTo Material, Saddlery, Steam; and Gas Pipe, ' Ircn' and Erass ' Steam ; Fittings V AGEIC ULTuKAL IEIPLrilEL'TS-Plo-ws, Cultivators Harrows, Etc; Cotton- Bagging and Ties. Hope, Twin Etc., at LOWEST MARKET PRICE3. ; , " a j ' . f . "l - Asrents ior rire ana x.110 Lurdrrv" , 1 a if H , t.prre . v ; - -t ,t 1, , .Si., w - ;Uf't vi-j4 j li ,1 I!.,; M ii I fci: ::r NoiiPOLK, va:, ; 1 Mannlaetwrors and Dealer tn Sash, Doors I; : K l v 1 rantt OH, Ac, Also, a Pull Llna Builders' I JB Ap Eastern Qt Northern Price tfm'Hfutprl. letirratetf Ann V, ovr:i to rr J And I evci 3 t : 5 ' :ici :: r C LO"..' I AT - aUUUU '.. j ' J ..: j ,f , . .. '. , VI S IT MY STORE.1 (S.'nfi :IiMJ)S:1l Supremacy among Dealers in :GIVE -YOU v-.. :tjf :"! " : Jh SULTAN,", i'...j'.i . , -" nfit.- '.n.i'' .. .'ft. speak from experience.,. r. . -,. , follows 1 Very, tolcot .' Neck Wer, Collars and Id Glove, all colors; Handkerchiefs, Go. ghlrW., , t -( n :, Trunks. YsJlse. Cun.iL Ollelotn alags, Pollock Street, opp. Episcopal Churcfi. Supplies nacMnery.'Cotton 'l w ' ' " ... " . M :0E0.:.:Aiir;; .oxq: 1 iv ? '.fall r"-' ' - ..7 and Blinds, Stairway, '' ludovr Ola TV.

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