rv n A v Store! i!. B. DUFFY'S Bargain . S'e Are .happy to announce to our " :CUit3niera, and the trade generally, that at lastr after, many efforts, w . ,. have fiiccceiad in getting sufflcient " ';' time,' from -the rush of .trade,, to. '.writ , . - - -up - oar advertisement.' It id" loaded ' '" with Hargains; be sure to read it : : i throughtff$ byiJapr?7bCby-pvirit ... aionei will we maintain-atul-iiiefeae THE F OUENAJi,; new nr: N. C DEC. I88f . . ouf unrivalled -QpBt&ionyBipri4ei ' will not do in these hard times when -, even the wealthy cannot afford to waste their money, aha the' poor" require " double value for every dollar and penny ' DRESS GOODS. ' Oor Btock in this department Is futfer . and more complete tthaix ever.- before. - We offer tou' ' s " " A beautiful , ad inches, wwa, AU. WOOL;oerge uress uooair, very neavy for 60s. oer vard. " ... w . , .. .- Black Cashmeres, 86 inches wide, all . wool, for 60c. Anew style Dress .Goods, in colors f and black, Satin Berber, bo incnea , wide, 40o. ..... -t ,,-, , Knickerbocker Dress Goods, the latest ,, thing out, 85o. " ' Double width sCaahmeres,' 171o.', forj merly sold for 23o. Cashmere .Dress Goods for 10c. pei yard, worth 13o. '" . . Nice Cotton Dress Goods, So. Also. Satins. Silks. Ribbon Velvets Yak Laces, . Velveteen in colors and ' ' fclaok, and everything that is needed for " trimming Ureas uooas. ... Good Calico for 4o. ' Best quality for 5o. 8 4 wide Homespun. 4c. 4 4 " " . heavy, 5c. 4 4 " J bleached, " 5o. Ginghams, 5c. '78 yd. wide heavy Drilling, 8c. 4-4." - " .. " . 0c. . Ileavv Quality Canton Flannel, 8o ' ybite Blankets for only $1.25; a pair worth 99.00.- Also, a beautiful line of . all wool ose Blankets ai rocK-ooicom prices. , -i. - ' All wool Eed Flannel, 15c. ' All wool twilled Red Flannel, 20s. - ' v worth 25o. - 1 Crash for 5o. tier yd All wool Cassimeres for 50o., sold elsewhere for 75o. 'v Also, a good stock of Pants Goods in v- - all grades from iuo. 10 vi.ga, Had Ticking- front Off, upr . .." Ladies' readyjnade Balmoral Skirts . i ChDdrea,wqol Glovesr jKJ, Lftdiea'.wool Gloves, EOo. and iSo , f laAltm, linen Collars.' OOtss SetiS jRufls for only lp., apleoe, heretofpre 3t 1 J ieS ihJ veryi f tttalrty GeBto' t. it.Mrt u 91.00 M to 8d Vf O.J reinforced ont land baok, and better finished than any shirt yoa ever hoaghkW .invite comparison 3 p $fi FaCceUlneouI." 1 hfltographr Album, BadiunL,nl - m Wote Paper, good quality v 5cu quire. olfcfciftTrtopeatamaJtofifio. paokif-'AU. Hair BrnXial 10c;iSi-r SH1 ' ' T.ioiii Rrnehea. So. andil0c oO!j 9h 'V'pcwWeSWaibboniWeyd x-Tidh;.'? -' ,ts;hoBc:'-.'lr:;.,1; '(""" Ladieel U' Vests, apieceaOo. tadie8YJerseyaool,'60o,-':;;.r , Ladies'.Hvrap ..ox an. inw,,snePii . iHewmarsew 'AH linen - ' CUlXje Life IngurtBcVibha I look nponIife insurance ;,uia great comfort, not only to tuQ.)ieue flciiiry, hat to the insured, wbt very rarely lives to realize anything e enniarily ftom his venture." , Twice I have almost raised my wife to af fluence -and cast a . gloom over; the community ia ; which: I lired.but BonifttbiDcr JiaiH'ened to . the pbysi. ciau for a few. tiaya so that be could not attend 10. me, aud I , recovered. For nearly two years I was Milder the doctors care. '.He had hU tiogej oi my poise Of in piypockot all Hint lime, ue wan a young western physician, who attended me Tues days and Fridays. The rest of the Week her devoted his medical skill to horses that were mentally and physically broken down. He said ha attendel me largely for my so ciety. "1 lelt flattered to know that Leeajoyed my society after having been thrown among horses alf the week' that had bad much greater advantage man 1. My wife 'at first objected serious ly to an insurance on my life, and saiu sue. would never, never toncu a dollar of the mpntv if I w.'.io to (lit-; but after I bad been sick nearly two years, and my disposition, hiid saffeivil a good deal, she Kuid that I need not delay the obsequies ou that account. Cut the life iusur- auce slipied through my fingers somehow, and 1 recovered. I have built up two life insurance companies and pl. ced them on then feet since that. I hope they will not forget it when l come to call on them for a favor. One of them is an "old-liner," and the other is an assessment company. I tooka,pol icy in the assessment company be cause I had been in politics some and when 1 went out 1 mlssetl my assessment sadly, f had become a slave to the assscssment habit, and so I had to do something in order to supply its place. I now feel first rate. When L get my assessment notice 1 lmngine 1 am an office holder, and that it is a bullcl rhtoi from the central committee, so it is like old times, almost. Lite insurance is a good thing, would nor lw without it. My health is greatly iip proved since I got my new policy. Formerly 1 used to have a seal-brown taste in my mouth 1 1 arose in the morning, , but that has disappered entirely. I am more hopefvl and- happr. and my nair Is getting, thicker , 011. r, ton. would not try1 trf keep bois0 without ito insurance. - imst September 1 wtl eaOU in one ' or the most de sttuctite cyclones tbat ever visited a reuubucaa form of Crovernment. A great ueat of ptepetty ws,xle8troy- odndoinjitel werloet but 1 was spared, reople who had no jnsuraucft were mo vet L, down on evjrt hahd but aside ftom a broken eei'was entieeiy anharmeu. Since lasQTing my life I sleep bet ter nights, and,: my neighbors are getting: mote t&ckless about leaving thetj watermelon and clothes- ines but over nhrati if 1 bad a voice that could be neardLbhslhe cther Hide ol thjLtwudan, it would stul be fdffiood. solid Jhinsarancer in these ffarrof (Tvnamite and lollerT t lutts asd the gerp -meat-flxo1 vt' a WHdmlfiistrsitton1l'iw0::Vgbfc j to mate some proviswo io1the,nitw,e. a. f.rain $3.P0 P-T CT'J TO T O 'Z (whhwand eoloreeV bordefed efs, onlySc. v'l . ; .s'u-'" . 1 1 1 1 1. .11 .hand kerchief s, ' jWhifa P,9fot bordered handker- VinC?3,i4JSd2T ' lpcbeswW. " ' ' li ff" " ( LadfesmawJCagitlSSlf C-d : ; m&tel V We we Ag'enW foi the East foew tori' Jnoes in Ladies', Misses, Children Mid Boys, so justly celebrated. Try them and you will hereafter buy no other r j f 5fn'a Progaus at 91.00.np , T ." , 1 kJ -tlo m Sh'-es at J3e. Eg " n MJustom-raade Gaiter. M i Good Morocco 8U031,, buttonftt $1.00 , - : Notions, ' - PiaB.8.Tparr,'Be6t.qualIybrasl5c. 1 r v GCTman-Cotogm,15o;" attract .v Quality 25o. ' Steel rrffint" aiuii to-- - Par i f f id jEnlevp"B, rOdf per box. . toilet 'af.s lBiij i?, ti -- Li-M i -n, t vo4 1 'n-irdbiefs, lQo. 10-4 uUeeticg from 20o. up, including the best brands,JUJLXiUsjuid.JJtica 1 ,n PIArJOFOHTCO. rbnK Touch, workmanship "Mm 119 Vlhh Artune. K Yajk.- 7 "??SflM:?t?: HOLIDAY NOVELTIES AT O. MABELS'. Saved u JIom r,iyi.S Do Your Ow Vrlntlna. ! "" Uoaertd. WorknuiuhlD hould be without one. Xntin Ktfiifnoiion auar UrL GatatofiMgandtcttttiBoiilal fr. Prloa - wnnnnfriv iverer dt permiMioa to mom. . H. eLiin. itwntj jVenml United Bute. "TUB TVIIEI.FSt Rl'HBER NT A MP J. V. WILLIAMS . 0. HEADQUARXSR3 FOR - - ' -l' ' Wrtnt T.O Lt ;iJw Julll dSin WATCHES ocl7dw AT GREATLY RK- dooed Prlaok Addreai In. O. CUULDY. luaiAtz, ir . c INTENDING A DVEBTIIBBI shoald P dd reus , OKO. P. BOWIIC A CO., 10 Sprac Street. BTw Terk Cltr.' For Select LUt of 1,000 Newspaper. mmww NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. of Ftojv nd JTankood, and all kindred trouW or many other dlaeaaea. Complete ratora Hfal'fc. VlKoi; and Manhood vnaranteed. No risk I lDrurred. Illustrated pun phi t Inaaolad mvelupe mailed free, by ad.lreeiuii V0LTAI0 BEIT CO., XarihaO; Kieh, DAN. KELLY & BR0 Haa opned a New Bhop near the Market Dock. Hiid will aboe borsea. the tameat or the wildest., at tliu low Drlce of Oaa Dollar all aruium. All klndaor BlBCksmlth's Work, renaln on noKKioN, waKonN, (juris, em., aone on anor upiicu una worn guaranteed. aetti dwilra eastebi mm nmm A RBLE WORKS, NEW BERNE, N. C. ! I Monuments, Tombs, Aud all kinds Oi-av and Building work In TALIAN&AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K. WILMS, Proprietor f (Sucoewor to George W. Claypool) Cor- BROAD A C CRAVEN Sti.. SEW BERNE, N". L U. E.' Milleb is my authorised agent BtKiuetop. naa80-lvdw ROBERTS & HE1TDEES0N General Insuraiics Igcnts, NeW Bern', IV. J. Obly first class Companies repfesen. ' i dln ; -!: 1 Fire.' Life and Accident luuuee, Total Capital over Forty Millions o a.; An'.ii f wot w .t.-.Tf rw((riiri 1 1 !.'.'. 11 V" Vtfr lFerti ' "VSW M'l I E u . 1 m in 1 I Si ft .1 A. atamn A so a beauuiul line in wnita 4. u uua Kiwaini imu,uuw Kf . , '. ,., ,,. . . 1; ,. rv 1 .nasirand Turkey l eas; ana m minion . . Th oIIowiM s w rut xeatunOBMH .mtw in mi !t in i'f " all et- Juor v 1 t.tj a r j . K. VjtrrM. I. n. . ,-1 . spac to I s mr orders, and we ill cnuviaee 3-ou tbt we are the ''Bar gain House of i'o.v I'.erne." . 806 BIKr 6t .. gai iTd A r J. Sw Kar, K. (T. . . -1 now 1 U ler,. 1, -j. - r jTa-i Lai-e taetf "LCOMOKK Mr She tit tUtooteara a nv trrck nuii-Jind '.er ler .1; er, more 1 are jobbing more eds than ever be firo, and our custoi 'ers are making noney.' JfI?ri'"J D'IIIO'. KoFpectfully BubtnitteJ, -- ' - - -: r of ('3 r : . . .1 IIo:;-.:. If' tsmnriTall fof :M -adapted to the growtirof EARLY,. TEtTOKSo. ' 'A"7rinl ft nil fimi isnfteded to contidce anv one of the vnrivalled excelleatt of POCOMOKE; and our refererces are tyiq 'p-'anters of this eectionas well msoux iziD'Puirisesi and'espwially .1 1 i niwuvc; bavo re.'s'vt-i )e;'ar rek. l; j'v. m ! ihai &11 'er Po .teTt2rcl aV ase. , I ospct to rp : f o J ! a. Tnffxi POf!OM(K!itil'ir tfc'5 .nnnjT.'fk .b.cuiiiU.tt Y.9H IcJfci.Pt" erOjMi sd f ma nee:;. -4M-)iywhB trr a re'ons on tKe next crop. ; . "r ft. Cr-rfK' pr J)ounditthe' aertlTln ffa 1 jfifin,',4. ar.'ctf of POCDMOKK vaatl) 1. 9 .VlVfc 8Xir.E3.aunl tattoo, Va, - . . . . .!'.-.:! . - tet-,h-'e&iln wT-b sviial of the best wipMi s-d .'. uia nee.;. -Tf wFTutwi.cpiSsiriijfiitly b 4y r.' . .... "111 It"' v c,AH.i,l)EV, F:'i ; m, 9;C.J. ' ' Vv jX'COJdO ."Ettl "ue . joC 2C1 'ora s t tjer.a"il '. rratid 'r1- . . 1 . u u 1 i- Jj ' - iu ' : oi .'ie ai. ?-nd H. ?. G" ., Sik :i "e.-i:.Va., - "!)r7S & CC'ATevf!, I.'ew Ecins, II. C. . 1 i.,.L : vx, 1 loyi, Jr 5 sun drydcs, zi.is., c v'-t - iror'olTL, "V7" . : ' '" 1 ' ' ' : -.. I - f! I l S " g Z I S IT" r j 1 ?i i! ?-- ,m,,.,.. POIiLOC STREET, OSITE JiPISdORVli ClHTBCll 1 PUMP. -A POLLOCK STREET, OPJOSITE EPICPFAL CU OJtrll' PUMP. ........................ $. .w r. . . . . .i-.'.iv v. . ... POLLOCK STREET, OPPOSITE EPisCOPAJ) fcHUROi PUMP. ................................. ... ... ... 4 ...... . Ifw . J.... . POLLOCK STREET, OPB$3ITE EnSCOALV.0DEl5H PtJMP. .w.. .aw ......... .o. . - i.. i V . .. - ; u! i.t,. v t.U . X IEW-LEE5E AXD FAILICO Steam Transmrtation Co'v. VAL.L BCHKDtTLE Olot elMM (4 i f lerjjept. 21. go lot itM6. Uondaym Leave New Berne at 10 e clock, a. m , for Ike Landing, atoppinf at Adami tTk . ; Vaodemere, Htooewall and ftyboro,ar- -k lPi a!uey, r , elodc, a. m, s.t WedoeadavsM t!&. u i HIUi' ; Leave XkXail(inift)4w Berne al . u'elocr.a.m .etoppluK at Jiavboro, 8 tone wall, Vandenere and A4am Creek, ar riving at Mew Berne, Tturkdays. 1 a. m Thuradaya Leave New Heme at 10 o'elK k, a. m , for Lake Landlua. aiopplatfat Adama Creek, vandemere, Hfconewall and iiavboro. arriving- at Lake Loading, ' Friday, . o'clock, am. i Hatnrdaya Leave Lake landing at o'clock, a.m., fo New Heme, stopping at Hayboro, Htoiir wall, Vandemere aud Adama Creek, ar riving at New Hwn", I 6Vlock a, in., Hun-daya. Bt LhiB irrnnirpmf rt d .i.t. .Mw close connection with the Nnrlnern ateara-f- Biaunaving gooa aoeommodationsboth rt Pe'ier and freight, at very low ratea, aak that tliu merchant uud prodncera alonK lif u' f1va u Tne,r cheerful support. FrelKbt received under aover every day of toe week For further Information enqnire at theof Ooe. Foot of Maikel street. All KOOdti rcceivil t.ntv n! fin. ii1.ah.. foot Market street. W. r. i:L'K!UH A (.., ARent. Va.u t4U-..A KT i Or any of iu Agents at the foliowina pl.-ice: A LI V I L.' Id1 al 1 . l a.ua - J , nilUIlIB rut, A , . I. WATSON, Lake Uuiding, D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, C. H. KOWLKit, Stonewall. H W. L 4NK. Bayboro. , , , W. f. til KKI'S CO . lanSldAwly General ManaKeis. THE NEUSE L TRENT RIVER Steamboat Company Will run the following Schedule on ami ufii-i Septemlicrllth, 1KKT, : Steamer Trent Will leave New Heme f,,r Trrnlon over' Weiill.KllHV t a. m m.rf lfri.l...n... ..... arrival ol tin- sit inner Mictiandouli; rvtiirn Im?. will leiivi- 'l nm,,,, every Thurmluy and Hatnnlay. touching al all i,,iinis rIoiil' Mix iver Steamer Kinaton. On and after Jnt,A '.mth ivxk u, Klnston will leaVB Kiiikii'.i, i.!r u every Monday andTliuinday at o'clock a in. returning, will U'avo NewUfine every Tues day and Friday, Mlopplng at Jolly old Field and louchlugatalUuudinpa on Neuse river O (we connecMon made with steamer Hheu audoah nl the old Dominion Steamship Co JOHN II. PELL, at Newbern. W. F. Stanly, Klnston. D. a. HAKKUs,l'oUoksville. I. T. WILHON, Agent at Trenton. J. P. Quinkblv, Jolly Old Field. J. B. Hanks, Quaker Bridge. J. M. WU'TK, Gen'l Wanacer, eb7d4w Klnston. N.c WholOaleSftfi de " We are prepared to offer the Country pealorsj verjindnenient U trade with vs, that careful buying, and'our Iarg6j46ilitit Wto&oing, admita of, and if there it anything wanted, bg them that sliettU be round in l ITRST- CLASS WHOLESALE ESTABLISHMENT, we have rot It RIGHT IN I Qiuuix. u you cannoi wmfjicrxHrug. - ' are aiways puii 10 aifT an corrf"onf?cnfj li relation t6 or ittnm, ' . - - V. OLD J t .M JI A JOIN Steamship Company. 8EMI-WEEKLV LINE For New York, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, lliiladelpkia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTER Mondav July 2nd, 1883, UNTIL FURTHER N O TIC H Steamer Shenandoah Will leave upon arrival of train on Norfolk bontnera lUUiwad at Elizabeth Clly, every MONDAY AND THURSDAY TIIES9AT AK PJUBA f'ii m- "ir Hes eonnartldn wlth Nor Jolk Southern &. R. fo,, Northern citie. Oloae eoanecWon made at New. Uantk with ataamera for Kroon, ForrdWfllle', 'trentoa. VitJZ1 iSn?'n5ln 44 New " Trent Rlvwa. Mo frpirhta reeiM lor fkrnkient on Tneadavaand Frtilaira ei.i-n '''"" un Freight forwarded promatlr and loiaaat ratea (oaxaatead to de.tintion TfTj Allaawtlalraa ri I.. -ir: w4y and oolLTni. "l De"a BO,D8 JB. B. KOBKBTS, Aet, New B.rne, uuLrirriB a l umit, W. H ' . i' AB'tti farfolk, V. A STiro, diflrrt A'f, New TorkOlty. fllPiein New York. The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PEOVIDENOE, r and all lioint -rXortlx and West lltaw tkia date will roceiTe reicht In Naw Yoik . . j for New Hern at PIER. 7, NOltTK KIVI3B, 0$ce of New Fork and Baltimor s Transportation Co. Merchant ahonld remember tbst thi. the beat Steam Lane eut of Hew York, mabiac ally raction with Baltimore for Hew Bern all iaatato, and only one chance. SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS Betwsea Kew fam and Baltimore. mns3 (Toncninf at Horfolk) IiMTtaK Haw Bern for Baltimore TUESDAY FBXDAYH Ilium I..... ..-. w WEDNESDAYS dad SATURDAY AaM are aa folic ire: KU8i FOSTIR, Oe1 jraaacar, ' wl tJhtSt.,rial,t.d AS. W, McOAEBICK. Ag't. Norfolk, Va. w-.Ttjlyda C PhUaoelphia. II Soa JrkB'tp.TraB.Llne,Pler Jforuirirer f Siynn, Boston, as Ceatrml wharf. K. H. Rockwell, Providence R. I. ? P- Fell Riwr, Derrick wharf. -" New-Ydy?"" '' Z 't',!,nr. Wrtnwdnyi andRtr,y . Frtdayl.au ier. Monday., Wedueadaya " rOTldeaea. Rtn4.. ' Throarh bill ladin giroo, aad rate, rnaraai to aU yeinU, at the different nffleea of iTIL-e'slap fit m md SMp m N. C. LINE. d Kar M lr S"; cr.AY Aft K.w r.

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