THE JOUlilLlLr 1 1 . f .. L - 15.1831. in - - . . r I F I - , ... ( i .3:1 r..v owi,-ting of SILK3 itt Hack and colon, brocade tnd plain, CASHMERES, OTOMONS, TRICOT andj piL BERTS FLANXELS in ptyia and fancy, which' we are offering at Book Bottom Price; aad a large tuaortier.fc'yf uier uresa goooa, among nipn is a nan wool xtress uooas at oniy en eenia per yara. . xaia gooua u reiu uicviu -solid colors and makes a TerjbreUydrcsa. m.:j:5 , . - r-vc.'t 1 : ' , , , , , , , ., ..... tt."S - '. . . : .-, BA it I . .. ' . -11 .W-.V'.'jfcy- OMty ifftatmn y Ooodt by tending for Sample of tuch Qoodi at yon want to teejbutbe. friniTT Ir , , 1 IwreU 'tataikeliwiv Qooktyou want, at we pay no attention to requettt for Samples unlet you ttate near. Tba(udc j!I.( i-?Bij.v, 'thon V' h ttyU tvtd prtoi of sooty you want. i . j : ? ? i V si'w Ja$flf7i " . ,. , .-'i 1 ' i'-Smk iho first." " u J. Ki.ri,;a. Tie Iforma!- ities of business rnetlaods are among LtL.e iocit Lalita cf a people to under go any change with, time of clrcnm Btance. They are of native growth. and tUto much -of the character of those,.V.rtl8fiaid thtt the business LabiU of the ' Arabs liTing -imtbe desert of Syria are just the B.tme today af theyver iacao tUatt wo Jtbousau'd yeafs ngoj Rs,(g0rilc3 by Herodotus. I " i rAfi Arabwfio'l7fslicg ti'eell n horsft will neyer -cot.set.:;to be tli We have a tremeadons stock of CASSIMERESfor Gentlemen's and Children's wear, which we are now offering . . . I . .r i S i-) . - i - I -t ftVK ' looked NEW-YOBK OVER for DRIVESvand WE found them in goods of every kind. See our Bargain Counter and you will be surprised at the'JBarguJns we offer on it; in fact all our goods are cheap 4nd,e i mWA Af St mm m lilrn In iUi.b nnr nnstnniAra with Cond rood chean. I Li ., I WB sell' DbMBSTIC un12lached kii cintiand a'heary yard wide for 5 ccnta a jard. AJ.wVl.KUD are caeup. 1 iiviutiui;4uivii j.'xuxi.ii,ijju um aw wui xuu id uc; tfrmit IT rv r f: -: . ' r.r BLANKETS 1 6Vl "m sttucknsn thisraeMliaiiore Blankets thai money; he sold to us atiPamc Trices, aad bow we are selling them tof Customers less than New York priest. All wool 10 and 11 quart Blankets at lees than a coromQii Blanket Vd to sell for Pj i . "?J ! r-r" -WE" handle the celebrated OLO KID jGLOVEj,yooij fl.00 a pair.; Every pair warranted; Utbey ..1 14 aw m vsA swiwA aa mawsr rvai wwi AwnrianiVA tS -.-r . ' J ' I. Ml Ji" GIMPS and FRINGE in Silk in fllniaalTi with or without beads. Our stock is very fine, and the prl lower than it can be retailed for) in manyaiores in -jNewJYork. If jou want saph Trimmings call on us and b prued at their ixiuty and oyr price. f? Hairwi .f4 .a ;.-'t ' ' .. ..!.! Mir A - ce is a E Cldaks! ' Cloaks! fcloaks! Cloaks .i Cloaks 1 .4CtW lAdles Cloaks are uicl ! our JcrSev Jackets are nice ! and our stock bf Children's Cloaks are nicer. ..have a targe assortment bf Children's Cluali that are just beautiful andare so muchjnore stylbh than yon can em;f ;-;:! B . . I 'Jw line of LADIES' aiidl CHILllN'S EtoSEmffiSifl andj good. Tfk little money you can buy fine , - W -,-r . ...... 1' bt . ' ' jjMe at r store. ata . vi-v We ma i .... t . . . 3 ' 1 .T.t ' firirtes f ,2 Sfioes! Mtas- Shoes! nlt'-T .. .. l imMivitT f 2 4fKV - 1V.I xti t9i i Wiliaell tne oelewatca CiiUMAKXii.iL..iNiJ WAIjU fbuuti, nexioieaaic. xunj aisiugaui. tpuuo ... . . ' . f HI W . i m. k . T J V Jl .11 on the foot and at the game timd wear any other. iJiiUi A-V i'jlL ptLiyiJ WViJU OLLyjLJ) ucxiuio mMV. j-iraj ug icgiui jum onootlSost comfortable shoealever worn." Tijne pair , and will never fixstr ;pme.' a price,". Soibe w e coais up and says, "Sell. tbOB wilt -i'Spciik 4ho flrst." :;l WRpeaklbou." . ' I ''Wasje purpba8etV or reared!" . i'XS'ajr$d ia jny. -tnt,- like kme of my wn children. : , -.;; J vtt - " W hat bast thon been offered for him!" -, r'--s ! - , .;" yocii nau i iijo iiii inuii pncti tbjtw-ijrsratoTjrnio, then; what tboo6keet:'aauJw J . f i" 11H t te!i h fnttdii with Allah ' previous bidder, and So thou nke tea I douros 'over nnd 'ab)vo his r;flccetft.r Take thy horsoi ai.d 11 qttafdt ppbri his back as many times as be has Lairs upon it." . ' v fif Sbopld lbe.iellcr bo desirous ! to avoid all f isk of future anuoyance on tbtJ ubje.ct of warranty, he addp, 10 the presence u witnesses, Thii sepsratioil letween us; is from ibis very ihomciit. ;,,Tbou dost not know me, and I have never 8 h n TO all ho are suffering, from the t,r fore and indiscretions of yqutb, nervous ;sre,K nets; early decayi loan it manhood, etc., Iivill send a recipe that will cure you,, fJSEq. QF CHARGE.; ,Thls ferea in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope tp the, Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Staiion IK A'ew York City. - nl7dwy ; 1iJ (-.. H.J- ..iii i'' ' nt3 ''i i : v:gW1-iiowaui). n ico Oah. Store.dd ' f ... 1 T.AniRSJ AK - ' . . ...IV. , . .? 1 T.AnTi?n !. axtt npxifo prrovTorriVfi .- r . ; !J;O0DS OP iEVERYJ DESCRIPTION- :H ....... l.r..i-J f i : Jnd' ' my Gootis jtipD prices wai::'ii:v? i J V '.. "' : :j -.'- ' geo. noWAKD, ' r s: j j : -;: J j RIDDLE STRKET. v f.U ; , t : ; h .. . 1 OM.' BAPTIST CHURCH, - : rJ- '-" UEW BEENE, N. 0. ; J, . r .: I')' ' ' ''".'.it: JAfJES REDMOflD, Afeiit and ( Bottler !.-. Wa have aGENT'8 imjER VEST, ALL WOOL heavy and fine, at only OJSTE DOLLAR. - ; tiff :i"'Jv I sm av i 1 - i i llANDKHROIlIEFS, reJ good ohesf we sellor onljrfoctits a piece, and an all linen Handkerchief fof 10 " ewata. Soma of tht loteliesfcaMcB in fi'dkerwiefsoa have evejr . seen ww" hay this season. Call in jand Oar stock of BUTTONS, pHAWXf, BALMORlkLS CORSETS, RIBBON, POCKIfFBOOKS, and a isand other Notions, is complete. U . H . ,-nf-, M trsar! . i&2 j . ,Ow si tSonsand other Notions. ,o i Our fina Table liiiea.NAJpklNS anSTOWEXiS astonish thnatives. Wo aeB a gMd;'a1rlUen Napkin forf : .. , ) vABh1phsl;sojne of .th.eT lotefiest TAL) LINEN; tis enough to make any good honsekeepereiy to seo pur lovely styles ana at suon iow pruts. -s- s 4 Sea wJinaALL;.J4HEN lOWEL'Wjnly lOfrntfygst -. .n-M -f "X ft, ' Pi .......... i - i . Our second flobri is fitte'ek un as aV'holesale DeDartmen,LT7,here we caiTv ai lilI Iinerof aiiv thiiffr a mercHant can want, and at &eh prices - ' 'lis ''t'eUe merclmte to sell again "at las low prices as you can buy lin Hew Yprfc Bat.'d6n't forget, we will Apt sell on time ; warsntst have fa' "!)"' or TUB i ,!. ! I -- r i CUPID row : BEEWIHO CQ S PHILADELPHIA ' ' LAGER !1 iiiiqcNew'!,B-erbe,''N.? 0. i (ion fb .vrwt.?-8 -f""- mJia bqer tyok premiums at aba Ceir tonnial. pxbibition at Philadelphia and theJParie Exposition. Keeps better than iMUDf other id warm climates, and is tht -taVoriW brand; wrierever kaownv; for saTe,In aogs oricratea. . owl , rl, ' 11:1 tH i - ;,: lift.. k ,ji if j pi : x-:',;-v:i .11. tfF'. k f - -a-. '5 ' WTiea capid wean the Diamond His conauCTt't tare of hearts so tender. ' " HW2l' TylXH WHkLlO'l l ,-4 : " j-.t :nr.-.iT'io .t;i;i:it!!: OOXiO'l 3 ft ' 'T His conquest tare of hearts so tender, For when theT see this man!? rnise. me Ud'-s t ti murk - . aider. A i; T r i , ' - it,. 1 i' V). Ywf . - -r ..m T a Xir NEW (BERNE, N. C. Offlce jam South .Front street,. thrd d 1 ifMnthmwiii(rnfPnivnitt(fbL' i- f .Win tmotto I In. Ui Courts of CarUret ones, Onsiow and Craven. 1 - nAaotal-attentton Elvra to the collection O elftimi.and settlinK estate of deceased per DDI. ... " ATTORNEYS AT JUAVV. V Will Draetloe In theOonrtsof Craven, Jones Onslow, Carterest twolVco, Iootr and Byd and In the Federal Uoart at Mew Berne. . ( febtWATrlj. v. - i - j jbeoww, : : w tin IV8D1tht vearv experiences ana mr Meateet and Best Varnished Bnloon in tb Ity, will give as (rood a shave ss oan b had anywhere for TEX CENTS. New shop, new nirnltore. and satisfaction guaranteed. 1. "Middle street af st door to Detrick's. by neatness of dress, which adds V, ' ohtrt Bstatt, the tclefal ererUie''-"'" t ns r of. one's xnnpprance..,,.,matr,, j...,.1 v-rtS Sva, Jmi) Wt n6ri vital to a well-dressed man . " - : ijth-n a perqt-f.ttsnj.praooth-setrr 'hv.-rr.-.UV'n t ivdi.iri-:?.i tin .7 sliirt? - - ..... ... OWEN 11. CiVXTlOIV. llanlyjwppoaite Gntrtoo Hone. ' Will practloe In the Counties of Craven' (ones. Onslow Carteret, Pamlico and lienolf rroatpl sttentlrm paid to collections, 'aprtft-Siwlv. 1. DEWEY, " ' TH PBACTICAL TONSOMAL ARTIST f fefgrYrmtTy la sltehdance gthlsHnlrdieastni and tihavln?"faloon at the txwton House with the best workmen and new furniture. BatirfarUon Is assured to those who patron - tse aim.-- ' d GblSTON HOUSE, XEW uiikm:, a. c, - E:i:.Gir.Ei:T C0y,rrc; rietors. V r.e C' '7 F'.'-'t-c s House In the City. ill .11 " .' I I " ., . ... t ... - -1.4 ..... .v-m-tv i ,,,, " V ' 'W ft"'." " , j . y . , . it-.-, ih.i; , ; U-.A 1 i :'.ii ! ; -i ' ' ,; ' : V '" !'-:,: " ,.- - -v:.r . ...'.v,i';l.i f : !..' 'Hit C.l'.-M ; ,., : ....,!.. :..G', i t'i.i .trQuA ."'Miiii! -!;? .,.' 1. i-.... j... .:-.-t;; f j.fl'. , . .-I '. n.i ,lu'. WVVJ J,K)W J.A ' ; . - ir.,r.i,y itx,vr -Hi, ' - ; .s;.?:io.i.i'iIj' -ii 1 1 1 r 1 1 .I 1.1 1 .; r ;;!,; -nlV 111 1M''t" I t t rsrr-an. rrr GEOEGE ASH. OtflTtlinGfflJB.SJIOESTGl. I '1,( t I' t ilviif) . fiilK r (i inil I ' 0i III '.j lid- tft tie i 1 8 IIOP BUILD IN G on Riddle iih" Corner of A1ley,-' diiebriy op- ..i i ' posito the Bautist Cliurch.':, ALIt.DRT GOODS tvkLt BB SOLD AT COST, AS r ,.Hrs LaBnilifil'nniinBintittan - ' eare H(5tAGlKrt'8 for the A?A?iBATTI.IE9 HEM'S .ii f"'J-JA .saSOTICiLPIIWED IH.SD SHOES. The onlr SF IIimi sold 1 lhl eUy that are WAKIIANTKD liyg.,, the iMtinreeturer to fan, and by cs to Our customers, ?ls:BJ . Utrtry rmtr wtmnn-i, - natua any of mem in any 1 wav. within anv reasonable time Blve out. we will noon rettrrn of dnniDKe'd pair and statement as to length of. 1 w. csiutw raunu'iDvpiuntv.ur irivw uumcriiBw pair I W ' V.' . : ,'4. J izohang. It is the best, tUisat aud cheapest sboe In the1 world for the money. " ,L . j . Y1 OVUTVXiiliXI. 0C iiOIl)n HA- ; ' JaTi'fitWei, 'corner of Alley directly oppoititi -Baptist Chinnih. ap30dwtf , , I...' 1 --iJi-.i, .v;....v -!- HIGNOy FLAG. rrrt rt-rr-nrr TTh-. r J i aft ' n TT . " '. .TI Tf - jifijrott,. JHLarreii' ' Are still MAKING AfAIi: 01f IIIGH PRICE3, snd sellinpr EI4ESU. CHOICE 0ROOEBIES,-CANNED- -GOODS. OYIOS. V.DRY GOODWOOD and WILLOW t" '.i-U-vJ-'xli . e v i i,l VIM 1 l-"JuJ ill-" ro-t 1 ir 1. t Call and examine jhnr Stock :and eonvlu yourselves ' to" the Oualitr and fMi es of our Goods, and rem em be r we aaaramee satlsractlon lu every lnslance, or refund the monev. Hides, Wax, Honey, etc., taken u exqlianee for goods. . , T It will pay you to give ns a trial. i- -. : "r ' H 3 Conslanmeuta oi Cotton and Country Produce solieited. ' - - L- . Store in; Old Market Site. Three 'Doors from Deck,, ;oc8dw3m, 3NEW UlSttlVE, IV. C?, .'.j ... . ,. .... . .. 7..f :. f... ., r . : ! . i 1 ; ' .7 i .' j ,")-: ."I vi. r. . L Ma. .a U ' .' Li. ... 4 1 i ' ' -A n - ' w r t t l W W v t, A 1 . s . .a. U V- PLASTY!?, GOAT: IL' 1 " , r "t ) ...j .1 1:. - v J t . i p- n a cm h n'l Trail'" and poiLCcp &tri:t. i;r,Y7 Eir.irrj-i:. c. P - . ' 1. 0 r ftr -

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