PUBI-I TIERS' ASSOCKCEMEJIT. TUK DAILY JOURNAL la a Si column paper, published dally, except Monday, ( . M.OU per rear, S3.00 for alz montba. Delivered to city subscriber! at SO eentc per month. TUB WEEKLY JOUBNAU a 38 column paper, la published every Thursday at ttl per annum. i ' ' '" : rj " ADVERTISING BAtES (DAILY! Or inch one day 11.00; one week $2.00; one month 14,00; three months 110.00; six months $15.00; twelve months 120.00. -; - - t ' Advertisements under head of "Business Locals.'" 10 cents per line for first, and i eenta fur every subsequent Insertion, - Wo advertisements will be inserted betweei local matter at any pnoe. ,, Notices of Marriagea or Deaths, not to exeeed tea Hues will be inserted free. All additional : matter will be charged 3 oenti per line. . I , Pavmentafor translentsdrertleementa most . be made in advanoe. Kegularadvertlaeroents will be collected promptly at ins ana of eacn ' month - - ' ' Oommnnl -atlons containing news or a rils e anion of oeal niauera are solicited. ! ho eoramnn .cation must be expected to be pub ' uhed that eon U ins objectionable personaW liles: withholds the at me or the author or . that will make more than on column of (his taper. ' . 'Any person feeling aggrieved at any anony mous communication can obtain the name of ' tne author by application at tnis omoe ano allowing wnerein uw (ncnun uiata. j THE JOUENAXl :i. s. can. , ' ai, HARPER. ".: : '- 't auditor'. Baslaeae Manager. 3W BERN IE. N. C., DEC l?.',.88- Catered at tn Post oAeeat New Kerne, , asseoond-classsiatter. The Supreme court of Ohio has ' decided the Hamilton county elt)c- - - tion cases in favor of the Democrats. . Tbu gives the Democrats a majority of three in the Senate and the publicans six in the House. gives toe Republicans a majority of three on joint bailott, and John Sheemah a close shave , far the V, f p. ben ate.;. ' . examples of Germany and Englan be not followed any longer, but that a committee be appointed to confer with the western people, ami asoer taiu not odly their views, , but. the opinions ot the-industrial classes, He asked whether England. tan France, and those countries fchich use silver" Extensively, ""had , ever complained, or whether the average workman in this country thought that teuo 'twenty piantlj vin, his pocket on Saturday night' were too heavy Tor mm! If an examination was inade. it would befoncd that th& acitatibn ibad-.oetrciated 'sil ver more than any : one thing.' i :If you;attempt td tamper 'with' the & yer coinage youwUi, work danger to the, whole financial situation.. ve had only a paltry 93 fcwr bead of sil ver in tula country, while in irrance they have, f 17. He asked ' if gold had . advanced , ,.in France.! concluding remark, that the -more he looked into the question the less he teemed te' fcnovr' about it, was received with bhonta ;.of janghter. A great many cf the newspapers and writers joncthis subject; are like Ufr, Cnr nivij th mere they write and tho- raore they JoolcintoDhis subjeetthless ihet 5 know" about it T It, is a , question about v which our wisest aofl.uest ' statesmea and financier differ.' ' To give the. views of$Jyr avii eon in the jColamnsJof the FJouknai,;- would leave Tout lUtlefl space Ir01ta . 'arijthibg else. .''' If-;-.'. 4s one of thcjse questions which r the 1 people wjiH have Wrety on the good judgment ot their representatives to; dispose Of. ,- t'f.. - Mbs.LillieDeveetjx Blake is mad with the President' because he did not mention women ii s Jiis message. r .-He ("spoke of the Mormons, he spoke about the Iudians, about cattle, and mentioned John Roach, but. ig nored us entirely,'' said Mrs. Blake in a speech to a large nuinberr of ladies and a few gentlemen in Kfy York last Saturday. The NrT. Sun claims to have "discovered the Tact that Miss Bo: "Elizabeth Cleveland, the Pres ideal's sister, wrote that portion of 1 the .'message in reference to the Mormons. The style of its rhetor io and the impress ot its intelled tual individuality, the Sun' claims, totally different from what pre- -UecUB) UI1U WUItil UUUJCO UllCl lb. JJUli the Sun does not complain of the fact, if it is a fact, that Miss CleviJ- ' i.iwn fnrninhArl lipr VirnUmr wi,b the most intense and energetic, pas sage in his discussion of the Mor mon problem. ; - THE BEAS0X IVHf rV ' Sometime ago Oar Eichland's cor respondent,' in, paying, a complin ment to Mr. Olivee's articles on the silver question said he was snr urised that the newsDaners did not keep their readers posted on a subJ Ject of .so Amuch ' interest ' to the . 'farmers;'- :,'tyt At a meeting of the Chamber (of Commerce of New York held ;4ast Thursday, resolutions were adopted endorsing the President's views on' the coinage bf silver, and Congress was memoralized on the subject; the memoralists ' praying, that rithe recommendations 61 the 'President, thai; the rucompuls6ry r coinage of silver, dollars, directed by r the law , passed ft". Jfebrnarjr' 1878, be 1 sus pended," be adopted. Thet memor ial was disenssed, at length, all favoring it except one and we copy his remarks as taken from the Jour nal of Commerce: "Mr. James B. Colgate .objected to passing any resolution! jofdthe kind, as to stop the coinage of the dollar would be, he said, likely to destroy a large number; of onr in- Castries, such as tne mining inter-, est of the West, that twenty-four niDJninft of ilver dollars wan too small a matter for the Chamber of Commerce to take hold. They (the : Chamber of Commerce) might think themselves a great body. but-J-hey bad bo idea now small tner. ap lared in the eyes of our western . neighbors. The silver coin is .the money of the people, of the wage workers, who are, the great consum ers as well as producers, isilver, continued the speaker, is the only universal coin we .have It- is the normal corrency of the world. All the commerce of the world is based cn s Ivef. -. The demonetization bf silver and gold by Germany ia 1870 lias made Germany the : poorest country in tho worldV; The way out cf the difficulty was to recoia the ,:!rer dollar, making it ' Worth as the dollar of the fathers was worth ICO cents. He advised that the Aurora Items. Eggs 20 cts jer doz. I hear the eutertainment or ta lean of Mrs. Line held on -.spoken of as a good thing and Mrs. Lane's name alone would in- I am glad to note the face tha Miss: Martha. 'Whitley j( 1 assisfant: teacner in Aurora Acaaeniv :s civ ing universal satisfaction with the patrous of the school.. . - -i t TN iiOUOggeitlemfi), propose to lave a tournament iu Aurora iu the near future, , 'Thi with the ubleuu and Christmas tree- will bclp, the young; folks to, have a, good time '.Mr; B. II, Thomoson has bonebt Main street opposite J.' B., Bonner's store, of i Mayor Peterson . and t has hauled some, lumber , to begin' the erection of two large storehouses, and a town hall. Ben iaa live man, success tqfpijterpri8e8i s.'f . It is rumoiretf that- Mr.'H:'!! Crawford is going to purchase the lot on corner of East and South Main street, and; put up i large hotel, glad to hear it, Mr. C. has a volnnKlo 4 .irm nnnn hApo onrl ia a v aiuauiu im ass upni tioic auu id one OCtbuiL4rjgQ'Jandholders and nas some vaiuaoie swamp tanas, Well as we promised in last week's paper to continue our travel on'ihe Keas8rrbad, we' will start at Bailey's creek bridge, and first on the left pthe (arm. and residence of E.J WGnilfofd; this Is v a very valuable farm, or new end fertile ands, juc. li. also Has a larga and substantial new jdwelllng rjrhich. is convenient ana coint'ortable. ' He is hard worker and useful citizen: Next on the right is the residence and fanfl of F, B Guilford and Ij te11.y6u hainlime of the prettiest; arid' most ' Valuable ' places in this county. Fenner is o wide-awake farmer au& oowns ; . t wo ralsabl farms in our fertile swamps, is also 6ne of the c6ubty board of 'educa tion apd a very clever; useful citizen; Next on the left, D. R. Bennett who nas a'nice little ' farm. Mri' B: is one of the jew members' of the 4th , C, who. survived. the war, and ndwaslshof 'to1' pieces badly and eft pennyless bat by bard work and economy has his farm paid for.; Next on tae lenr is' a: o: Bennett and sons, "ole hat man;Vi:Henry Bonner; J. T. ISowe and son; w. J. Eose; iinguBtas- Bennett and' Bros.; W. K Boss andrson. all the above named geattr$fae'ri' bate good-farms each adjoining the btlier, one of the finest andfaosfc fertile lands in this StateirtiWJtb? right ial the farm of one of; our Wortby , xnpty commissionefsHenry Bonner, who owns a yaiaauie iacm ou eaca iue of the road,' a nice , dwelling and pieasant airy sanation surrounded by open lands as fertile as you need to Want Mr. Bonner is a good citi zen, a county officer that has served for- several-years and- haij. looked well th& Mitlresl; tf. oofapty. He1 made a splendid rop and ;is in high standing ith cotnmnit."'? .woufdsays to. ttiefgfentlemen .al laded to;ea the 'leftj-i most-of them are live, me'ti; J. iidl , We;! 'doing weir. Uu Henry Uosstas a fioedwelling on bia ftruiJ., 2sexi on. tbo righi is a nice' littls farca belonging to J;,B, Turner of Pamlico coantyr this is tt nice arm, and a bice man.'' ' re.t the farmf Mrs M. B. fiftell; Dr, T P.' Bonner; T. B Boyd; Henry Bon ner's falmf No. 2r, Willie "Crawford, all good land, and now ' we- are to the sand hills and will stop till nest time.; i t- -! '' Why the Tendletong Mourn. Wo btHeve that the absence of the t: . j American pig, which Bis marck has legislated out of Ger many, is the real cause of Mrs. Pen dleton's grievance. As a true American, she knows that at this particular season the - genuine American pig is getting ripe enough to suet, and no doubt, as aa Amer ican. and as a true Jeffersonian Democrat, MrsJrendletoa desires to be at home when the hog-killing season is at its height. It is well enough to. say that there are bogs In Germany, but it seems to ns that a delicately ,; 'adjusted " American stomach would revolt at the thought of eating a German bog wheny by a brief journey across the sea, it can feast itself on -the real American artfciev"1;': 1 ; .,"',';v .:;;. ! - ,1 Democrats all over ; the , oonntry, and especially, in the South,! will sympathize with, : Mrs. Pendleton, Official station in a foreign clime Is desirable, to be sure, but the honpr and emoluments become as nothing when the native, American.: begins . to bone for American spare-rib and' back.- bone, American chitterlings and American' cracklinsr bread.; to say nothing 'of Americanjowl and tntai gteeaAtUtntalxCoMtUu, K Fropoged Department or Labor, i , ' WAHiuoTdw:1 T)ec. 'lS.-'Rebre- sentatlve Weaver (la.) will soon in-J 4.-.1 Z 4. 1. ' tl V :l 1 A l 1 uuuucu vu.vud uuusc it uui w priv ate a department of labor, " with' a secretary and assistant secretary. the .former of whom shall be a Oab-4 inet Officer. , Tbo duties of this de partment shall be to acquire and Q . ii Absolutely Pure. This Bowder 'never ranes. A marvel of purity, strength, and wbolesomeneea. Mure economical thau the ordinary kinds, and can not ne sold in competition wiut me multitude of low test, abort weight, alura or phosphate Fnwders. Bold only lu cans. UOTAt. Bakinv. owpaa Co.. 106 Wall-st.. V. novla-lyd w 25 xuur mczey vnu uurg iou n loauuv lo'iir Glsihini U'.j Ccd0. 0towf3y SIiosOi !c!3j Ef -AT- ttf.M TEXfiFl TALK. jo;'i';,,.w..':;,,v The', Success an Atlanta : Arlicle His ciifiVedlini'tlitlone Star State! ' I ---i ! diffuse among the people useful formation'on subjects'connected with. labor, to ascertain i;he' cantes". iof uiHcuuteut wuitymay exisi utween employers and; employees' and j to recommend proper methods 'for the same.611'1-' w iifjjof.'t' om it? 'i . ' a oabd; . ri- To all who Are sufferlne fiom tbb er rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, losafcf manhood. to., J will send a recipe that will cure yon, TREE OF CHARGE.' Thle greai remedy was discovered by a missionary in Sontn Amerioa. aena a self-add resaed envelope to the kkv. Joseph; t, INHAif, station v ssea xotk vity. nil a wy TO THE PUBLIC i; r-i's vjd.i! 'tit i. OUR STORE IS FILLED TVyiTH Choice Groceries, OatiDed Goods, : . . . , Provisions,1" Boots "and Shoes, ) ! (Of merest maico, j ) ,dq uap3 Crockery, Etc In fact we keep everything: tbak Is kerjtlna First Class. Variets- Btore. all of which art ottering AS LOW ;A. ?'Ut;, LOWEljr. at tSf Oome and see ns and ba convinced, j ROBERTS L BR0.V MiddU atret, pew Berne' N. C 1, : i Ilouso Keepers I if you. Arc; lflK nopan L. JI,; CUTLER'S Dinner Set; 125 JPiece,' IeavSet,;ecefeSi Chamber: SetvlO Pieces Fine Toilet Bets.' 26 and 28 -Middle Street, i NJEWBEUNE. N,C. ! (.;. imrit nUUUl7'!.i'it'' V Eat removed to his old stand on Broad street, between Alex. MUler and, fi. M. Pavie, where he would, ba leaee4 tp see bis friend and easterners, and anpply them wtlb 'Uie best Beef, Veal and Matton Ue Baricet affords. . Meats delivered to any part of the city treeo'energe. - - '- - ' " 'itiuinr SHANCOCK'SPILIX , ,, ARE WARRANTED ; ) Bamamber oai Motto: Se px.K iT ' .i'jV Mvafm t7 ."' .t ,W.a -ii 'sd t al i t t. HANCOCK BROS.'" .prngKlsta, wew ferne, K. V o?Er:inQ;ssoPEKi::3 COKTI TJ-.ii-iciai t 1$ eonstantly. receiving " Dy' KxpreB au3 SlI Bteaiaeri J - To to her already targe Stook at itllr U N E K Y end NOV KLTI M, KtC Her frlndsaad others wishing anything In her line are Invited to eimiiiue her gocids and prices before purchsBins. Bhe takes pleasure tn showing herswxls and gnm an tees (&tl sfacton to all purchasers. - - dw WrP,vBUREU;CO., VE 1IVE AND PERMIT OTHERS TO EIM, ftl M ", ,f yiTxr Tuv.a Mm-h 1H 1BSK Blood Balm L'0,1 It Is is great pleasure to Qs to state to yon that your B. B, B. takes the 'lead of all blood purifiers In this country, on account of the cures it has effected since we have hand led, H. " W bad a case of scrofula monf neighborhood, of, lot g standing, who had need, all patent medicines which were recommended to htm; besides thl . he also bad several doctors attending him, bnt svery thing Tailed to leffect. any good. He grew Worse every day, and had not left his bed tut the hut sis month His rmme la fle-venkdj and we got a neighbor of his to persuade him to try B. B. U., and after1 using only: oa BoWuthelefVhts bed for trie first time In sixtnonths !- : - f !' i ;-fJ'f To the present time he h-ie used lew than three -bottles, anrf he Is Walking around visiting his rrioT s In the neighborhood He baa -gained strength and fl h inpldiy.' AH sdrofutobs sores are"heHlliit flinlj'i And yon heversaw a imnplcr mnh tlmn Jie, K Neatly eVorybedV for inilesnronnd hhs heard of this wonderful vure, ami all who need a bloixl Temwlyeali for the B. B B ' ' ' ' ' - iuwehadannse bf nasal catarrh In our own family a little girl of four year old, who baa been using B: B. It, tor about two weeks, tnd already seems to be about well. We have q ily three bottles left, and a ant, yon to ship us six dozen .bottles. - ' We take v leasnre in recommending B.B. B, as medicine worthy of the entire confidence of the public- Its action is more rapid than any blood remedy we ever handled.' ; - j t ; .tt,.t 1 LElpTKE BROS ( For sale' wholesale and retail by R, N UUt F Y. ,tJast tbaoeotnpuny the order ' .1.' Green Foy & Co., aod COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' ',: OPFictf,;So vTrf Fbont ret,"' j Hav r4rmGliUs Faolllties for transactlug nGentrsl Banking Basiness. ''Will receive deposita subjedt to' check or draft at sight will .buy or sen jexohange on New York Philadelphia and Baltimore: will make loans oa well; secured paper, svnd ' make libera. eaah advances .n Cotton, Corn, Rice and Naval tores, and hold on storage or make sal tor ana aomm lesion, either in this mar ket Nortel v Baltimore Athtw York '-" ' - "i 1-1 j 1 Assert'. 1 Wlthobt trie fear bf snccessfhl eontVadlction. that theJCholeest aiid finest Lot ef Fe-relaru and Domestic : tapirs lean be found at Palmer's Phoenix. Ciaar and Tobaeeet Store, theft was ever brought into New Berne. cigars, or ail grades and quality, from three ceuts to thirty-nve cents each. Wholesale 01 Retail, . Jf any are in donbt of this, come and seeana beeonvincod. 'i'he proof of the pud dlngcyou know ' Vwefl. 'nun shioT. . , , Jvext to Wnllnnn's corner storajr, lilJ-l. ilntilhfmnlnnil V trtill A ula - NEW BKKNK, N 0, Notice t': -.- ' :tll! PARTIES DESIRING TO i' '1'LVVNT. PEAS ; 1K1 WEES 7DGETABLES, Fill C1KJIKS, Can be supplied with seed, and make eon- tracts with ns for(JIesra. .Moobb A Bbady. Farther particnlars given on application. . ! It XT MO1. Tuwa tu -.ihOllt !.? ' Ml '' .' JbTeatrs. K. fL MEADOWS A CO. are our authorised agent to .make -contracts tor ua pa j'KA. and qtlter Vgables for canning 9vl9dtf. yj , MOQRM st BBADy, ittlll 0 Eni:rcH Ohr Fccfcry io .. .1 : j I i . "li ; ........ m - Having taken pbfiesion of the ni ins; specially constructed for tnf t)ii Middle street (opposite Odd Fellow am now enaoieu io io juu j patrons; in the manufacture ef newbnlia- slness'on lows Hall).! nstlce to m. the Kesf Brinds of Cigars, . which .are of sufficient merit to deserve the popularity they now possess. Asidefromthe excellent material used, and tne superior make, the ClEANLINEHa observed in the manufacture of my goods give them a creat pre-eminence over tli 'lenement Honse made Cigar of the Inrcre citie an trenerallv smoked by the onthtnklng and so often the cavfte of serious sllmenw ant disense. In contisciioB with the r artorr Is a hand- onmftlvi!.i.,itft,l ' ; " v f-1. . ''2 where every klni bh1 Vftrifly of Cufan&nd Toharw) mv lf found ni rtMiul. x A -('nil h.& of hmokfi-'u .y'wwl, inrltnlinir Mfrr'hiunn, i Hr-wotl. pti1 every variely ' i ! f H" ti i', i'ou hfH, etc. f IN K J V t fl , .) nUA NA CI'rA KS, pml teller's Emporium5 -v,. L. lnJ APJ,mp i'vr Clianipion:0!oiiiiriLC3oL , ,-. Middle street, cor, South Front btreet, Now Berne; N." O. i (Mext Door to Msjor Maimer's Ciga gtere.) i' ii't''-' i noys- ana kosjius' amiis, Irani .vu up, ... - , .. Mall's and Hov's Onn-uli l:ialrs. - .' i t 1, . .rs .t . . , ; . .. . Meal's Merie ghlrls,-S5e. . . . - . Tf.i I ; C' " mii ' . , ,. Meat's FUusHcl Drawers, SSei. ;"' . ' ' ,.. ' ..'. '-',,;' ,V , noH i nreicie saint, xtc : -' y .- 4eta' Black Felt Hate, 5e.. J1 - . :r: -':. i':i I-:..'. - 0 fair Mew's Wool Pants, OOe. to Tfile , -. , - , , .. r, ' , n.n vuiiy an uncB vnsonu, neuat satat vue, to aLOV. i Ureas OInKhams, 4e. yd. ' ' ;;!.;,;'':: Cottpu Worsted, fie, ;. 1 U'.M'-: ; o'":;- .",-.-ir.. na -0 "'i 1 call apecial attention to my well seleoUd itook of Boots, Shoes ahd Hate, Ladies' Dress Goods, Cloaks, Walking and Jersey Jackets, Shawls; Balmorals. Blankets, Comforts, Oil Cloths, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas. Eubber Shoes, Rubber Coils, and Novelties in Notions. The LARGEST IN THIS CITY, , . ."V ."y 5-ta.j-Ju v v Aoxi ,mx OA Uf !.nva-': l V- ;i V'.ff" i'jf. : - I have entered the Baco for Supremacy among' Dealers ia Dry Uoofls, Clsthing. Bcots and Shscs In BOYS, YOUTHS ; and MEN'S CLOTHniG AS LOAN GIVE YOU jt ; An AH Wool Men's Suit for $7.50. JOTS AND . YOUTH'S IN PROPORTION. I will offer Wi Li'j-. ; Best Grobds, Latest Styles and Neatest pits .. r oaif i r oa x juJ if jujo, XXI Si. 11 XIXXTJ XjU WJZiOl. no matter what any one tells joa or adtertiacs. .i( ;J ,,',,,,, ,!-.". ; f Come, examine anil convince yourself before purchasing elsewhere "': M. II. SU-LTANv oc7 dwm ; v j raiJ JONES' OLD STAND. Thisistheflge OUR SPECIALTIES' Clothihg,Se ,1(WUU;1 ; tc-r.-a V nishin S!K!E:t3 itv-rsiu-a ia;' ,'" .;lil. m ii.l tj it Onr BTACT ADAMS St CO.'S SHOES, which have been sold in OiU marliai (iwbi years, eanoet . be equaled, -v j; i- .... ... , .. ,, ..,,.. . We are also A eenta for Jit. Mitliv tln tnnR. Will ontvMrmivVhn.'m.H.. This baa been proven. ' . . ,. . I' ,, -ri l,.'r. A. v i, 1 Full Htook of HATS, stiff and soft. 26c. dp, . V 5in'.yt.I .6 ...f yf') j ysurl In CIjOTHIBIO. Plaids are all tha t vie. and wt hv a handanma solentlnn a tk.m. Prices (5.U0 EertultUD Wa can order vonanv kind of cnit vnn want., and lallvri( In 'ya- - . , 'V 'u. li iu ..ii-ii.W ix i it. Onr BtoeVof MEN'S UtlDGRWBAR lsTerv oomDlste. and nrices S3 nar ant aa than last year. Do not buy before yo see ear Stock. ..- Wa are Aaents for the Celebrated PEARL SHIRT. We enarantaa thin RMi-l am ha ilia best in the Market. We have worn them aDd speak from experience. , , unrHOSS" eo. shirt la better than ever, i :-1,.... ; ;i "uyvzi '.Hj sut BoperHtont BRITISH Hi H0SB, 3G& ' " v 'f ' n") Iff hi it Onr Btock of M ICS's FURHISHIHeS as follows is very splept : Keck Wear, Collars awl CoffH, celluloid and Linen; Cloth, Vo Skin and Kid Gloves, all colors) Hftndierulef,6d: P? Suspenders; Cardigan Jackets and Byclcle ehiita., , ; 1, ft ,j,u '.'.i i.j"!' We would call attention te our 8tok of Trunks, Valises, .Carpets, Otlelatk, Rnn, TJmbreilaa, Hnbbes- Coato and Boots. . '. - '. , . ". ." Bemeruber, we make a specialty bf all the above Goods, and when in 'nepd tl ljtbing in our line.beeureandaee us before yon buy'. 'V-.J - 'J-- v ?- ,,"'J HOWAED & JOIIESS ocp dwtf - t. -i Pollock Street, opp, Episcopal Ckurckjx B'MJ I .ti 1 Builders' llateri'alMachinistBV Supplies,; IJachinerCottoil Gins, Engines, Cptij Presses; Hay "Presses, ; Cider, ITil3 Grain Fans. Rubber ana Leather'Beltinff.; Lace : leather: Machine Oil, "Wliite Lead,' Mixed Paint, linseed jOil, Ola;?, uttyr Lime, Brick; Cement,' Plaster' BUILDEHS'; VLL"2r BIAL Mechanics' Tools, , Builder's ' Hardware; "'CxxtIZ'XB tlaterial, Saddlery, Steam , and Gas Pipe,' Iron' and Er-"? Steam1 Fittings. AGRICTTLTTJIIAL; IMPLEIIrJTS-Plas,' Cultivators, Harrows, Etc., Cotton Bagging andTies.;;Ecre, Twine, Ete.r at L0T7EST JJAEKET PEJCL.l, . . ; . ; v Asenis ior x ire ana 1.110 .t tut III '- 111 Mannartofers and Dealers I a gnuji. Doors and Blinds, Sialrw-ay, Window t Fa'nts, Oils, &e. Also, a Fall llni Builders' Hardware. ' ' All PaprTO C Northern Trlctf dnpllreted.. Etlmatet furntehecl upon srpUcsiloft ' 1 - ulli)(lg.4 , ' td W b. :-'. isi aaja sj o i-. w ,-. HAY" 3 r 'TWD STCr.13, v3J And ktop of ri.ot ;:. r rroi. - ' s t, : "nVED 1 r "r . i v I . .. ATS, ' C- "I'3

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