i u thrniin Store Joa We7 ate har happy t announce to our customers, and Hhe trade generally. J.'8 after many efforts, have succeeded in 'getting sufficient JHrt4ftom tbarush of trade, to write up our advertisement. It is loaded witl) IQargainai la -aura to read it through .SI Oici . .Not by favor, but by nverit and increase alone, will we maintain ourltfZrlv&leiii Ireputation. Big prices wi4o(t:fo;$dilihard iitaea when aMB.thefrealtW cannot afford to waste . L 6 i I A a ru J ttJ - fceiC.fupney,! ,iha, poorrqBir dotiMalue for 'pry dollar ana penny they spend. .V.y, : ' Out tfofekiinJinis dapartmeot is fuller Ad more- tjorapleta than erer before, . 6fferYoiirv.?1V".i:v'!,:-;-' - A beautiful 35 inches i wide, All TO0Ov&wgDmft-4)odfl, yry henyTT for 60o. per yard. - . . Black Cashmeres, 80 inches wide, all A tifrw. sty lPress "Goods, in ' color! aldMaclci' Satin Berber. 88 inches wide. 40c. ' . - Knickerbocker Press Goods, the latest thing out, 800. T f.U' 4r ' Double width Paahojeres, J7i jfof merly sold for 25c. " - Cashmere Dress Goods for 10c, pet yard, worth 15c. sj a $ P-i h i Nice Colton Press Goods, So' f J Also, Satins, Bilks, Ribbon Velvits. Yak, Laces. Velveteen in. colors and bl&ck ami everything that is needed for trimming wows -r ; r Good Calico for 4a. ; -"J -Best quality. for 5o. ,, 44 . " i bleached, " 5o. . Ginghams, 6o. ' 7 8 yd. wide heavy Drilling, 8o. '44.i i- . if 9o. ' JHeaty 'quality Canton Flannel, 8c. White Blankets for only $1.25: a pair worth 83-O0. Also, a beautiful line of all wool Rose Blankets at rock-bottom Drices"'il'J,'Jl"" v'" r All wool IWa Flannel, 15J. '., All" wool twilled Red Flannel, 20c. worth 85o. Craahif or 5ov per yd. ' ' AUUwool .CaBsimere8 for 50o., sold elsewhereiiw 75o. -J . v Also, m good stock of Pants Goods in all grades from lOo. to $1.25. - BedTioking fon6o. p.-v.; ' ' Ladies ready made Balmoral Skirts for MNtt jiiuji.'-' i;. " Childrwi Wool flloves, lOot Ladie' Vopl Gloves, 20o. and 85c ' Eadjes linen Collam 5o J- Ruffs, ton onjj apiecei, heretofore "We sell the very .best quality Gents' Whitdbhitt at 01.00 that is sold In the U. reinforced front. and baok,aad bett fl i shedihan atiy' shirt you ever bouRht., T6 Invite comparison. - fhoWaraJCAlbu,s' medium and large ne, at low figures. Mt lfaer.o4 1 uHtr 5c Qhire. jiovelqrjas to, match, fic pack. fv.W : Oenft Cuffs, Wdr , . ,,. H.lr nniBhes. lOo. v ' ' " Tootb,Brushes, fio, and, lOo. j,, and Oents' hoee. Bo. Lsdip and QenU' Vesta, apieoe, 30c, . Benta'.Ml FOOlVest T5of .-tia Ladieis Jerseys, wool, 60c Ladies Wraps of all kinds, cheap; Newmarkets from SS.SQup.- All Hnen .white and colored Bordered handkerchiefs or 5c. S rl v V " T "White and coloi 1 boraered haudker- Ahif)L.Jte. V if' ' V. ij3ame2'' iZ ' - Cotton "Diapersr ia,.20,23,24 and 27 tiMtoa .-.' U ! ,k.t' L natnSaVgEdginRS, 8o. .yX r.inm Torchon Edgings, Ho. '.' 1 We-aftafw the East LTytXt!r"dM tTt Shoes in Ladies, jlisses, unuaren s ana Boys, so justly Belebrated. wTry them and you will hereafter buy o other, j. : Men's Brogans at $1.00 up- " Flow BUoes at qo. ; illGustom-made Gaiters.. ! ft " Qopi Morocco hojsj button, at $1.00 ITotions. Pins, ?c. paFpfii hBt quality iDrass, 90s German Cologne, lc; extract, good Iv. quahty 25oi y i- .-s-.kh - . pteel-pointed hairpins; ?Oi-. P - FUkGimp, 8O0. yd. ... . . raper and Enlevopes, lQo. per box j . Toilet Soap, 8 and SoIj -.;J . : Linen hem-sticted handkerchiefs, lvo. Tnu F.hnfitine from 20o. up, incladmt the beBtlrand,-. Y-MiUad-Utio Mills. , s jt j- 'i . Zephyr shawl. 506. " f, & ;. Aimi b luteal line In white-" Da mask and Turkey Reds; and a million more items that we haven't the time nor Lpace to "U y'i a'ut row. pore to see ua t I sE! i j Ciders, ani w will convince you that we are the'Bar- gainHouae of C owtierne.; . Tb T3i5.;V . .:7 r. A- we would say COl are jibing more fnre. - ,r 1 xOr r S TO EES US. "We r ds han ever be- t moi aro r monpf. : . Respectfully Bubrii:'tl, - tb 1 - li. .Li, . rrciric'. r of t' r-i c C l t THE JOURNAL. NEW BERNE." JT. C. JAN. 2.' l8i6. A Dear "Bird." - V ? In the days of serfdom in Ba&sia, a tyrannical master sometimes paid rather dearly for his craelty, aa the followiBg incident bears witness. 'A Russian pcoprietor onoe caused a man who had offended him to be locked np in an iron cage, and kept bins confined in it for sometime. r At last, while the proprietor1 was absent on a journey, the case of his wretched prisoner eame to ' the knowledge of the governdf bf his province. The governor caused the man. cage and all, to be brought to the government - town.. lie also despatched a messenger to inter cepts the tyrannical proprietor on the roaa, with an invitation to dm This, thft rtroiSrictor. flntfoj-Ad hr the courtesy, accepted very willing ly, and presented him at the gov. ernnient.bou8o at the appointed time... ... . . There , was a carious custom in Russia; at this time of keeping quails as songsters, whose notes were greatly admired by connoisseurs in tne peculiar lancy. Xne governor was famous for his collection of these singing birds, the dinner was very good,' ana the company merry. , Alter the cloth was removed, the governor addressed his guest, F u'Vpiow, lvan oimonoyuch, l know yon are very fond or quails; and have a beauty, which 1 don't mind selling yon," . '? ' "Very well. 'Excellency; if the bird is not too dear. I will buy him Of yon." r "Bring In the quail.7' said hit Es eelloncy to tbe attendants. A very ordinary oird. in a wooden case, was introduced. ''Now, I want to sell yon that bird for ten thousand roubles," snid the governor. The gnest could not understand tbe joke, bnt declined the bargain, as he thought the bird m little too dear. . , 'Well," said the governor, I will show you a better bird than that, and I think you'll buy him." "Have tbe other qnail brought in." Folding-doors flew open, and the iron cage, with its miserable captive was set down before the astonished proprietor.' ' ".Now," said the governor, "what do yon think of that for a quail T But this is a very expensive bird : want twenty thousand ronbles for himr ' ' ' ' "Alt right," t said the lalarmed proprietor; "I, will buy this one. Send him down to my house with out the cage, and your messenger shall bring back the, amount." fo all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss cf manhood, etc.. T will send a recipe that will oure you,! FREE OF CHARGE. I This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America-. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rbv, Joseph T. Inman, Statiott Z, Kew York &tv. nl7 dwy !OllfeISTMAS.; NEW YKAft, if! POUitTII OP JLXY,- And raAny othirdaraareeomlng.ftnd I hope all may live hi aood health and enjoy them. Now one of tan meat rational waya la to go to PALMKK'M C1UAH HTOHK. and get a fine OlBar.tbat Is wortb smoking.- 1 hare Uionsnndg of Ihem put up eipresnlf for FHKiKN rs to Jfont frlendH, In boxes of 35, from one dollar to two and a half dollars a box; aodalwayathe ohoioeat kind at retail to thoae who appreciate a floe olgar, from 6e Ida , 20c. to X&e. for on cigar, ox good ones by-tiw be Mor loa , .... - - WM. U PALMER, ,. iliil die street, nrzt to the cor. of Hoath Front, , - t -. HEW BEBNK, N. O, J. UA A., U1UQA .AiACt u ' ,mu u aitdJ?lour i .'11 WHOLESilfiiOEI ' S :J- t, tw U rorN U. Guiow... j n . P. 5. PafciariKm, . GtJlON PEI,LETIBR, -Attorueysj - Irnwi " Bormr Front 8t Opr. Oastom Hovsb, ( .li'-, rti sew :skriiiC n't c." i ! ; ' y - JVactloe where services are desired. " " Practice In the Hnpreme Court, aacj in Ul . federal Oonrt at Mew Borne. ' One of this firm will always be at the fal lowing places at tiroes specified below: - Trenton Jonea couaty, Baturday of each and every week. - j r , Beaufort, Carteret aooatr, Thursday of ea A week. Jacksonville, Onslow; tonnty, th flra Mon day in eaca montn. . . . au V " ' ' 1 " "s f r-' " ROBERTS & HENDERSON r ;a "' 13 erne, ,".0,,' 0d1 lirst class Companies re preset), "' " ed in , - , ,: - .. : e.'Llfa and Acc'lsnt Insurance. - Total Capital over Fort? Millions ' Dollar. -.. ' Jon24inr 1,1, w J t ilj f . , t AS t -i tl OF M.KSWAX WK W1L1., i ul furUiPf notice, V"T 85- r i K.at.l i,mot at New JSerne. It, free W K. C VVrXKAlf A OQ'.j Boston, M.mJ AT GREATLY IU dootd Prlom. Addraas ' L. O. UK1DY, HalUu. , . C, ool7 dw TTTABITKD LADIES to work for, na at VI Inelr own numea. 7 ta. IU mp -vmta cau u quietly maie. no pnoio. painting j no eanvaaalDg."ti'orfaU pftrticuUra, pleaaa ouurna. tn onur, vreavont AXW vOm bobiod WANTED Ladles and gentlemen In cttr or country to take light work at their owu, nomea. S3 to a aayaan, aeeaaily made v work aent bv mail: no csnvmilni. We have arood demand for teat votk &ud a-i man atcany emniovment. Addreea with Stamp, CHOWS H'P'O COtfPABTt vine St., ClmeluaU, Uhte, dele tat InTENDIBta address , ADTERTI8EKS f301 -., GEO. P. BOWELZr it CO , T 16 Sprwee Street, Hew Tork CU.Tr For Select List of 1,000 Nwspsper ' .; UNKgOAIXEDDt , TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP '..? ' and DURABILITY ' -.' WILLIAM HHSBJ1 CO-"' ! ' No. 204 and JOO WeKBalttaionBU.BalaiaeM, no. xiwrutn ATno,(w xeu. MEittai saved tt Uontm Mt DO TOUT UW PrinlhiK. 0J perf aot mif-iiMnf robber iLtmn i , i offered. Workmanahtn Print jxrtVly, Jfo boatiMa aaa ahout imit oa a. Xntirt aniiafaction ouag Artmmfacuo united. Oataloffvtl and tesUmoalai A. Price umattngh towj Refer by permission to Boa. A. H. UAnr,4?rn. Attnrner General Uaited Stateaw T1IK WHKI.FM nilRRER HTAntt Aesaeta, Gaw MM NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Ton are alloweil a am Miivnu.jn. Sl?Ji.DL.-Dj'e'" Celebrated Voloifc Bell wlta KleCCrle SosDeiiafirv InnlluiM fm Ui. mu t".?.? permanent cure of MmnDMWy,leae of Vital and JfonAoorf, and all kindred trooMe. Also for nunTotber dlaeaaea. Complete reatora. t on to Health, Vlaor and Manhood rauuiiL Wo rtak la Incurred. lUuMrated pamphlet taaauaxi mwiufie mailed free, bjr sddreMilni vulxaio 2LX CO., MarauIl,Kih. House Keepers ! If You Are Going to HOUSE KEEPING, GO TO L. II. CUTLER'S AND GET A Dinner Set, 125 Pieces, Tea Set, 44 Pieces, Chamber Set, 10 Pieces Fine Toilet Sets, AND EVERYTHING IN House Furnishing Goods Line 26 and 28 "Middle Street. NEWDEKNE, N. C. J. li. White, J. O. KTHBKlnaB, Norfolk Co., Va Onrrtlnck, N. C. WHITE, ETHERIDGE & CO.. Gitton Factors and Commission Merchants 110 Water Street, Norfolk, Va. Apodal attention elven to the sale of (XirrON, LUMBKB, CORN, PEANUTS. PO TATOKH and Country Prodncts. lUfereuoea: It. W.Bell A Bon. llarlowe. Car teret Co., N. C; K. B. Harget A Co., Bllverdale, Onlow Co.,-M. C; J. W. Shepherd, Poilocka Vllle. Jonea Co- N. C. : Alexande A Woodier. Cresawell, it. V; John Jacobs, Booth Mllla. n. v.: Marine Bank, jyorroik, va.; Major wm. H. Etherldse. Norfolk Co.. .Va.: J. H. Ivea. Norfolk Co., Va.; T. P. Hall. Colnlock, N, O.; T. U. aktnner, Hertford. N. C.i WUUams Bros. Norfolk, Va.: S. R. White A Bro., Norfolk, Va. ol28dirly .TIME TABLE, AtUntio & N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE No. 81, la Effect 13 M., Sunday, Pecember 20, 1886. EAST. I WIST. No. t Ne.60 I PaaaeDcer Paaaenger STATIONS I Air, L't. An. Iv. r h. p. M. A. A.X. 10 8S 10 (M 811 SOTGoldanoro,.. 11 li 10 88 8 66 S 45 .1 ! 4H L,a Qran 111 Kin. ion 8X7 Mew r. si.. p. at. A. M. beily enoept Sunday. . ' EAST. I WSST. Wo. !. j Klxed-Ffft..! Paaa. Train. Mo,l. Mfled Fft- Paaa. Traim STATIONS.,: Arri Ii'vai Arr. IVve. Mawbera. 9 14: . 1! Riverdale, a'i5: a SU! OroataaM. 8 IS: S Mi Uavelock. Hi 10 32; Newport. 7 10 V 08 S46 5 If 6 57 S 47 6S0 a oo ! os; S 4UI S- . M; 5 45 051 10 32; Newport. W (Hi Wlldwoo 10 81; W (H- Wild wood. 10 w; 10 6Hi 11 Ul 10 41 1 Atlantic II U: Horebead Oity I Moraaead Depots! 1 p. , i.p.. A. at. I A. at. Dally except Bonday. EAST. I WEST. No. j MlMdFirt.A Paaa. Traia. 1 . a, ft ;,8TATW. . i,rtSsI'"rVi.J- Arr. ' a.'ve. A-aw foi 10 08 10 4 11 14 11 61 11 SI 1 07 1 27 1 10 A. tf, SIS ' rs 38 10 19 11 01 11 X U 57 12 87 1 12 P.M. floldsboro,. T 05 : 14 81'. 4 60 i ii 11 388 167 1 40 AS. ueat'a . 20 ,14 I.a Oranc. FalllncOreek. !i0 45 Kinsmn Caawe; Dover. S 17 8T US UoreOreek Tucarora 1 SO Clarka'a Mewbera. ........ 1 42 . ISO K if. Tuesday.Thoraday aad Satowlayj fMondoy, Wadne day and tjy' WATCHES riteL d bawtl WM8 o.t Mlaerfyt. Pas Tra'a Arr. tv Tftn SOeonnecU with WUnitotrton Wet don Train bound North, leavlug Qotdsboro 11:S5 p. m., and with Richmond A D BVille Train West, leaving (loldslioro 12:35 p.m and Wilmington A Weldon Train South at4:54p.m. Train 51 -cnawt wiia Kichmona A Unvill Trnin, atrnvmg at(nlrtsMot:W p.o .and with WUmiiiKUin and Wei lun, Irtwa; IroiD the N"rth at 4:54 p.m. T ' TiMin ( roniiocti with W. A W.Tmln Bound Hoiilli, U nvuijj ijoiyro at 7;E3 p.ni." V. Dnaa,' ,' Superintendent.. Miav k'ttriirr.'rT KGVELTI. ''"If 1 r" AlfOltElAAlES AT tmrAKKS'. TTAT.TIt A V XrrtVTT , ., WrT'ft fl X Ml. JUL EIM CITY HOLIDAY NOVELTIES . ' . OPPOSITE POLLOCK STREET, STREET, OPPOSim ."3 OLLOCK OLLOCK STREET, OPPOSITE t.l.t $ POLLOCK STREET, OPPOSITE 'sagy esj ci' w w w ; 1,1 III UltK-i-CR tr! ' - ! iflJ I VsjsjBjBBJBJsjsjSjsjBJBj' BBSS i W 2 O Sj o JL o aaaaaaaaaaaaS I I C-3 ? U if afjli h a9 - I 1 5 1 TCLTHEI Wholesale TSIrado ' . ajtyatal Yd are prepared to offer ihe CaJ&tey that careui bvying, and odirgeaiUfMtioliia J . I " v . St. :.t Wli J ....J.' ' :'.. with 11 a&d if Here it anvilinj wanted Iff them that ihoalf be fooad ia a FLKST CLAS3 WHOLESALE ESTABLISHMENT, w. ha? got it RIQ1IX ES STOCK. If yon cannot come, write s. "We mo always glad to answer all firrr?-PoniJef in reIat:on to oi) I:: "'jtcisYi JI3 1 V j T?ilHTi .rfl a r Wx-m i i?trot ' t' . . r4 , . - . . . K rrtxia am A I tjttoV " "w'C ' ' " AI J. MJUiXa" 7 r EPISCOPAL-CHURCH PUMP. EPISCOPAL CHURCH VljliP, .,,'. i . v- .i EPISCOPAL CHURCH PU1HP. EPISCOPAL CHURCH PUMP .... ( 1 1' . ' i v;-,t!4i;,JUa!.ijV.-Hr5,il Dealers, .yr iadiooment trado f . . . . . n . M,J u rt , a 1 1 r ' f t lAWlS,ailK 1,111 ri ...U ll .11 m , -ri ''Vr BCHKUCLJS Or THJB BTKAMElt for atopplnaaf Adaaia dirk. Vandemere." Htonewall and BaVboro. nr. riving at lAke Landing, Tuesday, a o'clock, a. m. Wodnoada; v , Ut Lake Lndln(t for New Kerne at , : o'elook,.m stopploa at Bayooro, Htotie wall, Vandeipere aitddaina OreeeUar "i riving Mew berne, Thurtdays.1 aTm. Tatvadayaw- t Lteave New B Rerne at Wln'tiWk ifid in. Xake Landlne. atODDlne at AAumitWk Vandemere, Htonewall and IJaynoro, ar riving at Lake Landlns, Friday. o'clock, a. m. BatunkiTsf-v 'v . Leave Lake JaudliiK at 9e'clock,a.mMiG. " Berne, stopping at Bay boro, Htoue- . - 11 yaadotiMre and Adaaas Creek; r riving at New Berne, 1 o'clock a, m.. Suu days. By this arranenmnnt. wa , t,rd.' . muk. eloaa connection with the Norlnern ateani era, also having good accommodation both for paaaengen and freight at very low rate ask that the merchants and producers along " uieir ciiBoriui anpport. Frels-ht recolvna nn,i .1''.. ; the week 7 .7 .'.if ,"' Kor further Information esqulra at. tbeiol. See. Foot of Market treot. All gooda received only at oar warehouse. foot Market street. W. P. ISUKKUS A Co., Agent, V.w KI i. 01 fZS'.'V AgenU at the following places: 6. I. WATSON, Lake lauding. D. H. ABBOTT. Vandemere. C. H. FOWLER, Stonewall. H. W. LANK, llnyboro, . , W. P. BUKRir A CO , lan21dAwly General Managei TIIE 1TEUSE L TRENT RIVEP- Steamboat Company Will run the following Schedule ou and rnt Beptemlicr 9th, l((Ho : Steamer Trent Will leave Now Berne for Trenton every Wednesday at tin. in . , kv.,i.. .. arrival or the ateamer fclienandoah; return ing, will leave Trenton every Thursday and Saturday, touching ul all oolnU alons th Steamer Kinston. On &nd After .Inna wit), iuuc o ' z Kinston will ta7. Kh T:.TT..r every Monday and Thursday at 8 o'clock a.m returning will leave New Borne every Tues day and Friday, stopping at Jolly old Field and touching at all 1uiiiI1iiKh on Neime rrver Clow connection mailt! villi steamer Kheu andoah of the old Dominion Sleamslilp Co JOHN H. BELL,atNewbeni. W. F. 8tanlt. Klnaton. D. S. Barkub, 1'ollokaville. I. T. WILSON, Agent at Trenton, J. P. QOINKR1.Y, Jolly Old Field. J. B. Banks, Quaker Bridge. J. M. WH'TE, Uen'l Manager, Klnaton. N. O eb7dAw OLD iOxMITVIOIN Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE For New York, Baltimore, Nor- folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia. Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTER Monday, December 28, 1885, CJNTIL FURTHER NOTICE . Steamer Newberne Will leartv nnnn awivni A w a U . ...v. i oiu un 11 uriuiM Southern Railroad t KlizRhAth niir .w.. ..j , W..J MONDAY AND THURSDAY tubs a v Ann rniDAv ; makinr CI.osk I'nvsi'PTT.iu folk .Souther. b7 e: Nortt. sfifi" ffloie connection raaaa' Hew berae' with' l!!?m.ei7i,0rH1Kill"0,, "ok'TiUe, Trenton and all lud nra tt. i.- Elver.. Ne freight, received for ihipmenton Toeday. and Friday .t ler 8 P.m - . Freight forwartUd promptly, and lOWwt VataV guaranteed to dttm.tioA. ' J KOBKHT8, At, New B.r.e. , ODT.rarra a Tubksk, -. t . Ag't. Norfolk. V. A W. H. Staxfobd, Qen'l lYt Ag't, New Tork City. Cbaige of Kr ia IfeW Torrfc 1 The N. C.-Jrmgtit Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PR0V1DEN0E, , and all point JVorth and West Ifter thU data will receire freight In New Tork for New Bern at PIER T, NORTH RIVER. Office ofsXew York and Baltimor AFOKsporiaiion vo. Merchants tnonld remember thut thi. I. t thebetSteaX,ineoatof New Tork, makinm daily oonneettea with Baltimore for New Bern all inaide, and only on change. SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS letweea hr Eerne and Mtmm fWbmch tag at Norfolk) Leartng Kw Berae for Baltimore TUESDAYS Hwon nuinuiiuia 1U SAT URDAv 8 S. p. Ageata are as follewa; EUBDT F08TKB, Qnl Jfaaagar. W H M Light St., Bal't. aT if AS. W. atOAKKIOK, Agn. Norfolk, Ta. If. T. Ot$s Philadelphia, It Soat torat. ' - . E. SaainaMrawjetoD. U nentral .k.tl . II. Rockwell, ProTidenee B. I. ." ' D. 0. Miak, Fan Hirer, Derrick wharf. - i " ''. "' 5'Vmori Wedneeday. andSaturdaa Vrtdayf. "' Momdtr, Wedaewlaya - rronaeaee, satardays. t Tkromch aula ladlac rim. a.H r.t..... ' , . w tu fww. in aiaareat nma rj . arpaaiaa. --...i-t " y jIHAjC. LINE. ; Car M ty ST K OTEAT At rTtw

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