n - 8 " - - - ; t ; c; u.-i.'-nj i ! .. h- i , 'NEW. liEUNEs N. C:. JAX S.' I8SQ." - n 7 1: -- - .........- - i;- i-.oecrets. - t i. .j v I We keep one ol 4bLariet aid Best Selected Stocks of LADIES' SINE DRESS GOODS in the city ,' consisting of SILKS i block tfid colors, brocade apd plain, CASHMERES, pTOMONS, TRICOT and GIL-1 CERTS FLANNELS in"pli and finer, which wf areoffering at Rwk Bottom Prices; and a large assortment of .1 i j. -.i:..v. a.'-i.l l n .... i i i . --.I . m. i. : l Oltter ureas goous, auiuug -w".u p (iiuii wvui jsrrpg uuuui at uuij ten ccuui jct jraru. xua guuua in irii uicu iu 1 solid eolors and makes a very pretty areas. ir.H-lIMIA ' t '1 . - f r id if iA tint of.. Qottdi hou leant ' . . .. I a ' rr 1 ' j ; - Wo have a trtmendoM UoettoM ASSIMERESfor MntVtocnNl anfl Childrea'a wear, w ; t-K iVTC 1KW YORK OVER for DRIVES, ai d AVE found them in roods of M-- .V.;; w W f.: 4Xs '? WE kandle tho celebrated ' Gt QBE KID. GLOVE f onl 11.00 a pair. Ever jfajp warranted; if they plilorripweeiTeanewpair inexch inge.r:75 h h ? 11 r orf fry $efding for Samples' of tM$k Goods at yon want to tee, but be , at tee pdj no attention to request: for Samples ttnlett yon ttate near hich wo are now o.Tering every kind. See onr Dargaia Conntcr and yon. will H iter rised at the Bargaina we bffer on il ; in fact all our goods are cheap and we are glad of it as wo liko to plea? njr customers witkgootfgoocbi, cheap! ; t-i fk-iV M i-'v' ,n -m nnitMlll 'VI t-.l 1 f f.l'v I i 3 !.J- K lTL 1 ' WE aeQ DfJKStlC tanbleached at 4 cento ail heavy Sard wide for 5 cents a yard. ... . .. . 11 1 It . g ... . 4 TICKINGS e eheaps , w, lt ; I Good C ANTOJsJffla-SSJSIi only 1Q nts. This is heavy goods. ',;Loti gi'rli in Leninning Ler life, resolve to Lave no secrets in It. aud that life will be happier and sweet er and better than itt tonli be with Oat.&uch a resolution. ' i do not t&eait'py.thi tUatslie.Jwiild 'eulti viuui uiiLHt oi teiiing' tier 'pnvaro affairs t9, tEauger, or ;of gossiping about b'ersel; bat let her always fuel fr.ee-speak, o if .occasion io qnbrcafcm rThe' thongif;''-"Wliat wtlt.BwithelPj;tf tlijs!!MtO bi ai -ay3 j'ro.sciil iji " X h e tnd 3i.t "'1, -ii. ha a good Inotber. l)t H " f "ppn't mention that? ! c nVccoant alludo to tihioHit:e ri'rir.jtjaarjB8oaiij tell, of doaliUvJKti And i treachery, and Jf jepQfteOjthj. person not be t6ia,iu,' ff A, pUfcBoe of i'vefy serioqa5rti. Utowever,-! amow spwtMojJ jrUlbirwst tlii one'au'flelfof-ilio-hatMt of having Bret:aBjoP('Afiyiff things, slyly. Jll.Coaia to i aVipfejjby-Rnd-by asyrt !of dOtt W&lt &i' i n if fe Ur.ccts(iiy I tb e sCM ir thl 9jihiit i&ids' tothonoss of b,aritpt; beinfe silandereiJSr merftngXpt) duSapproprjatiotl M Ulepeopio. ; , , , w ? tt wicked wouieu' uro full of secretsr Their couversal iou, BLANKETS I Oh ! WaaUuic a u?o4kig tiii'e who had more Blankets "thui moneTirM sold, to us at Panic fi wis", ' anJ sow wt are.jwUlaghMo onLCuntomers at less ihahyNew, York jricca. Al.wobl 10 and 11 quarter UUuikets atlcf tusn a commpa JsianKpi uscrfeH ipr. wuzjsv T .,W GIMPS and FRINGE in Silk i tower thai it caa ha retaiUd for, in in ariaed at taew btanty and low price have , large aa'sortment 'i flli(fff with nr without hnaft ', Our Htiip.K'ia vw Uimi. and tlifl nriee is ny ftorcn New York. If von Want suck Trfrnmiaga call on us and be sur- "1 I i 8 ' hloalni'l.tn r t t raspecta TiMUv while they still have, fchatue .euoiigh tofas1.o'Befj4wRljt? gWwl.bud wdpier'jlsb ti$sJae0J' tidRtlMjuniii.' -To till tlie tVutlK to UiiVoJiiotlt- nir to hiii? foibti a6lorioi-efer.witli bat a bluslf to" alror iios Ticiiona. ilPWUJUUUJTAOl HOUIW H8 FOr ner TO; pectabilitt; ffitl elould tie Vble to aaj- )8t:rbj(;re&6 has Imen and wb'afche ban been aboflti' rau'd'.'sh elMPjflBttj'ji8 ib ja gomt! mi.l fhy. j All the talk aboivfe Um "equal it y 4f theJscjt-aot idteit the fact Cloaks m 11 moans i- t t t t a : i it Of tJhiloren a i inakiihalare last beautiful and nra h mncn more a Qmo at our Store. 1 Shoes! stylish than yon can make , Oar line of LADIES' and CU DD1KEN HOSE are fine and good. Yot a littje money yoa can buy fine t.i li Emu if , 5 WE sell the celebrated CLEM ANT SYEJL AND 11 ALU, SUOIt! ncxibftfSole. fChMNire an lega4Shoe on (he foot and at the same time one of tho most comfortable hoa.?er worn. Tryono pairand you wilt never , We navV a G ENTS ITNTJEK VljsT, ALWcfoL, feavy w,fine: at only.0NE DOLLAR, HANDKLiiCllIEFS, real gobel ones,woaell for-only 6 cents a piete, and -an tall l ben Handkerchief faj 10 cents.' Some of the lovelies stjUain fine Uandkerchiefs jffl3flrZKMsT aeon wa! have this "season. r-CaH Jin and i i I ,,v-r..-. i nil Our thomsand O- stock of BUTTONS, SBA)LS,C3JLMpEALS, CORSETS, RIlipDN, POCKET BOOKS, and a other Notions, is complete. -rja ' f'0 t- ' "J, W Pr- -'Oor O ..... - -: . j...!uu..u 1 it ft k. Siasj,! 4 ceati a piece, and a very large1 Napkin, heavy linen, for five and ten cento. rrws '" '0 Anhohl some of the loveliest TABLE LINEN: 'ti 6;ruff to nwtke anr-rood hops'ekcepor FfvioVSTonr Ni.. tn9 una a i.i. j .1 nif.nfiin liii i nr. nmv iif rnnTR. i. ti-x tm ' wvv v.i - . . j . ' . V 0Dj:econd floor is fitted up a$ a tWholcsale Department, wbrcwe wrrxjfa a mercnantananttjand at suclr prick 57ip enable ireti to sell aiifi aa low prices as you in Hew YorESlSntdon't forget, we will nsf sell on iiine ; we auitvave the" casn : mat is wnywe seu so low. r-w Then we sell: iisdi r4 ' ! L J , 41 '-TO i. f Ai tw 1 , tii vat . v-.;.:t I, 11 CUPID Qnps- LJ ' , ; V.!." 1 f--J- -Ta- 1 1 fl ,T.... A'l'afol'Kl O mo .Txt.'ira i'jojj Q. "' '' i-'V,-,-;-,;,,: .'.- The ladies always quick wureader. - . I J ',..'?43T:tV'-?',f:' CD, . .l iy meatnesa oC jdress .which ftddf -C J y '--a 1 !utm le:! tw ts(nV -fi i t,-''-:;! . ' so rttucli to'lhc general elegance " . " '" " ' ! -T;.-t, .: .f-'PS of ic'si'fppeanlncff.l DiWhaf.'l '-oil !at :i .;.',SViRa t'i Wfi 1 , , . ' ' ---more viiai to a weu-oressea man, , -r t . s- r rnTt- c-i U gin is to marry ami i uunsw--si'lJre Ws55e Vlqe'nt'eet marriage tb be a happr ito'ssi oiiirv' she eaii- ot live an independent life. She qan have no Mreta. from bpr Ims baird .jlftljiM:ofiesier) li'jlj pro ceclor, " and , it . is b'8 p iilege rfhi'du'ty to know all -aAmiJ'r.f 'ig$ fjrrii if tied ri fe has' no visitor .her . husliaud. inav ot see,,BOjifrreodbe may, not. know, n iaiiam I . i ifr ti.f " i.An.1. aii.TiuuguJ uou, ueue tteeusrom lirselfto being witUojit; seprets-Jf sbo wishes U-bffliitpVy Hint roll'.'1' Innocent secrets ' aro not ' worth Keeping w jinked ,oi)esr arq a mpst i in ' nosallile to feeen-Thefirst are 'all fOi apt to loat orriuur-a8;-f DTave Ledger, 'i ..ursv-ititt.-iti . AND ,., M',ii'c.t . !.;.' :U ti.-;l!.'lf. . , . I, i, :,.!! t;I : t V . ! 'I .'11 ,1 oi i i, Ii.-.-.Ti-t U i o.ltr nr.it !. ,' f. rnl mii t .ii b- . " fi, f 7 '-p";t- '-'1 Manufacturer s Prices1 ...rvjASi't"'-t ?';U DR. J. D. CLARK, ; t-t'ilIJfc!;lyrx,ISLVI', " Offlo on OrTn itraet,' between polio ' aud Broai. ori:-dirl'v 1 rj'.i..'. i!1 Cant i Sam B. Waters ..... ,.' ' AflWT, ,,': .-: . Dt'KPVS PVRW MALT WHISKKY. M. ('rlektOM'a MoKtlrtllo Pr' Hyt.' f At hta alAHtMtd OK .-MMtlla ..! V , i: Vr i-li! IM.'i i- i.U ii ! -i'-l' Another Let- ; -..vw'A.r Just' In' ;.(..!, :!', :',' "B" t 1) b?f.t Wlilch.I am orferiDg at Prices Xower Than Ever. " tiXlX AND' EXAMINE llY STOCK. JOHN ; DUNS'. ' " THE PBAOTICAL T0NS0RIAL ARTIST; Peraonally In altondanec at bli HalrdiesMtii ntl Shaving Haloon at the Gaston House with Uia beat workmen ad new fnmltiH'..;' Sati faction iaaniured to those ho patron Ue liini. - , , 4 . r M. alMIK.Rft, OL1CMEHT KAVLV SIMMONS MAULY, ,,m ATTORNEYS AT LAWinO Will pra.uo. in thauonnaof Orarn,Jnta' Onslow, Uftrterut, Pamlloo, Leuolr and iiydal and ,li the F ederal Court at tie Heme. . .t Ui . , febtklAwlj -' . ' - "7 .pC r 51 1 i i.'t; i !!,. Oi- .) l.ij'.".ilniJ-;iII ;i.tf.l v. tJJii..!.I .- t ,bir il y i- - .. t.1! - : - : -ill n ';-'' '" A i ' . . ; . - ... . . - jl .....!'. rsirnnvalled jifor'aal Fertiliziig jPurposfsi and, fispecially'i ii;Ma:tdi;p. EARLY TROmS;"1: 1 A trial in all that is needed to convince any one of the unrivalled excellence df tfiiic' fyjpi SAWErin Ttiif-i world -for. uuuo, aj i"vsaf Haw.i; - w - uom Rbearnj Fever Bores,, Tetter,- Chapped Qanda, hilblains;"Cortif, , imd all ,Kkiii rifuptioai; na positively euros piled It.iB'gnqYanteed to give piirfovt sallsfoo tion. ormoriey tefuudou. ,1 rioe S3 eenls par itoxvmsiu'd ;? ; ;v '. dwly I! 'JtW RERME. N.C, fc. iP'..'.t.7T. . . ryrv a. - . t. w u:bbb. ,53 94.aMs 1VJ IO-. J " Mdnuments, Tomhs, Alidaii a'lnJs Qrave anil Bnlidlnt work in r.M . . .. - ' ITALIAN&Af'ERICAH MARBLE oi Orders will recoive prompt attention aotiaf actum guaranteed ' JOE . WILLIS, Proprietor o; i - . i v .... ;!-' f-i !'' ; waecMsur toQeorae W.Clajrpool) ' . a . ... . .. t -H E.4IlLCBft is jnv authorized agent ioaton . tna30-lvdw o lTew:Central Hotel, South Front Street, Now Berne, .IT. 0. jffl. PATTERSOrV, Prptietar,, ORert ipeclal fnducemenU to commercial Cuulnaofanpfrnirexcsnence. V i r- 1 t Orrtnllms suntbalenire wanon at all train! and ktenmers. r i ' ' . ' Kates. 2.0U pftdr.- Barbert'. and Hair Dresser, ' WltM twenty-five ypfirn Mperience, and th NeateHt and Hzat Vurnixhrd Hnlnoii In the ellv, will give ii coo.l a uav r enn be hsd anywhere fiir-'l t- CKN'lx. Vi-w uliop, new (urnlture.sn.) Mt-iffM'',, tfijf.rnntpfd. B4 icfci 1 Hir rv xbtioor to liclrirtt'sv POHOMOKE. and our references are the planters of this Beet Ion. am wnll as n&r patrons generaljv, throughQulhejSoutli, - .. ' " - ( ? . , -f J i The'followinareafeir of mabf Tefltinioniah: ' ' "' V iaij " j$.'H.'MBAb3Vral0d,tJevriicrtie,N.C. V.'ri I , . 1 yj ,'t r I." ,7h : 1fak Bins I hare tired POCOMQKfrVir the fat Ibrce years on'my truck Cartn, aud hisfo reselved betto'r results' front it tl.an "snjr1 oilier fertllior, more especially vhe ami under PollosnnilCWji(!Br.';J ineet,'toiiuen to fltlaen lous on the noitcrop1( ,",(,( !' '.mot U'tv .lM(ii? I b)if..;Vfln?B.tF'Firt ')'!..( ii,o .'fwW.OCRJiT, ' v 'kAw.'i""'i." -.-tr't .rT,rTT'rtik ilt i 4 f I :l It'nw rnsedrOOO&fOKEnndercat8,fap,lyti r;at tl ralo of ioo pounds to the acre, giving; it Hi thorough toHt by the side of No. I IVi iivIb i feutro, and the aotlon of PQOOMQKK was lh Wj! Inil ,Vl . T---ii: Hi;ti?Hi'") i 1 ..r, F. JU SNIPES, Zun Station. ya. . ' 'i '.( I 1' tlO ' "i"i ' ' - (ItT'-W - j jlusedl'OiUQMQiliHi suiur-plupipn:ie .this yep r In conned ion with sevrcaL of the beat Guanoa on tho market and IhlnU It IsasaoMl.lf tip,; hetlor.ithan any I -ver used. .IthastsaW Itlie crop more and makes rotten nmttire eorllcr than any I - rntod.consecrnently have very, j Jlttle sunned.' ;- ' ; ' ' , u j- fl J.; l i.U Vj, BkUuton,) . .Ot I A. H; :u.ti..i; i-i U.iM ! -ii-tl-...HLL . .. j ;wsiiiapHiNvuunonni'Uuii'vr w uunui iU m acre t miute one and osv haifbuhe!ir peaquU. to, tiealeqlf, atkla8t three, perks to. (he ho4li on the same kind where no Pocouioke was used. - '".m ,i ; . ,. B. O. OKAY, Bmltbfleld, Vaii" Kil oir.r FAteBMAiN? IiLo'y' fM.iON & DRYDEN, tt tr'J i -3 rrr- r. -,, :max scHwraiif; ...., ... . . oeoeoe sh: TIIE, B0SS;:CL0TIHnG I'AHD i$nOE,.;STC3la5 J i ll.11 .iff .fJt"f. j-in-'l'i 'J '.I i "iifi I ln riH 7 i I, - ' . il f -f . V i f - t' " HMEEl W ci!rA SE-3.... . 'i'..- 1. . ' 1 i., ill Offer their Stock of Fine and Cher Clothing, Shoes,' Hat ' and' Gent a Furnishing ' Goods at Greatly, Be- duced, rcea. , , ,"t iAU Dry Goods,: Flannels, Shavrta,, Cloaks, Walking Jackets and CUn-i kets at COST, !.;. ?? V. . t . ... r . I .'.1 We have some very handsome ilk Handkerchiefs, Bcarfs i : Ties, Bows, Suspenders' and Hosiery, just the very thing; fok Holiday Presents. . . .WeareROIjB AOI5NTS lor the A. A. BA.TTl.ES HEN'S ' ' . ,: t.t -il.t,-.m;ty naaOY'8t!ALP8BWBn .60 SHOES. The only a i ' T"": " 8hes sold In this city that are-WARIUkTBW by AT "" I i V'' v " the inaniilMCtarer to lis; aud by s to onr customers, vis H J if t Tjl'-(i.I Kvcry Pale is Warranted. Should any of thein In any tti f,,- t f UlSrj ftjii I wnv'. wllliln uii reannnabio time aive out. we will BDon aw. I ... V return of douuiKed pair and atateinent as to length of V"5" . V v',''lJ wear, elOiecrefiuiil tlte money or givenoUier !!;.'.- i ... ... ..'i i- .Tl- ii;.JJoJ .In exclmo. J t is lie bent, finest and ebeapeKt shoe in the world for the money. ,nU v nr r:I Ct ' ' "T. v rSOflvyERIN & ASH, 1 r f.'V?j-;c: joie 'toretf corner of Alley, directly opposite Paplist Church ,x- itpaodwtf " .5-!,J '"v; 1V"i-"J'i - "-man or flao. .rff ;.-;)Ti J.V2 if" OH nrr i::ia.t M a n I.IV If. 7 tMifl it I m .I'.ii Are still MAKING WAli rON-IHGH PRICES, andisellinff-FIiESII, CHOICE GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS PRO VISIONS, DRY' GOODS, WOOD and WILLOW WARE, " - .n f uc p i M.;'-R ' . r i r .r4' J Jit v paieaper'::uCian;..Li Calf and examine onr Btock and convince yourselves as to the Onalitv and Prli'e o. r;) our OoodH, nnd reraembor, nrt puarantes aatis'aotion In every, tnaveuce, . pr' refund he; .j money. Hides. Wax, Honey, etc., taken In excliance for goods. '. V- , ' ,, - - il wiuiwjc yuuio Krveus snar. i . . . , - . , -.-. Consiguinentsof Uottou and Country Produce olieltedj .: . . - . Lv.ti . . .: Store in JOld MarbtSite, Three Doors from Ddck-i oc8dw3rn " IN 15 Y7 -IJ liJIiJNJLS, JNw J- 1 ' ' ' 'i ' . i i ' m, i i i iJ yl'J v.;.i :- .7 ? JsJL3Ct-2 t JaUlIj-;:;;:;: 7 n r . . t). . 3 i ..Kit Ui: "9 4 " 1 f.'s, ' ! ' "-. J ! - J ... .si it t Gr ASTON HOUSE, S: K.fTr.r"T r.- ror.rrrietors. T "Lie Only 1 rl"H H w e in the City. Omtilhns with all Trains and '-- ..nt. ! -. MijiiB rotiiui forcommer ikO. .i.u..lw . a lit Uuuu v . PLASTER,' GOAT IIAKl, -Cravc:i Gtrcct,-helovr 7 : :

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