7 H A . IT IT T m : II II II v.t' to . . f'-'-V'"? -.,'';.!( :'',?f, aV.v ;u ii II- nr. rvj i r -, T 1 '!t,'n;. "'4 NO. 227. (IV :-v ,i Miii r;, in ,' i ', ,.. , ;ri ,i , ,, "v-; " LOC AL -NEWS.: ' IT' r ogrml mielatvr AlsnaBYe .. K t ! arne Jatftude, - 853 ' North! VI J ti longitude. 77 l'WeM Sun rises 7:11 I usnxth of any, .. 7- f... .Kit T n l ij i ..a. OUU DOI1I4 l.VU f V UVVlal WUVWI ion sets, :oo i v novrs r . 1 . . lt - noon rues at . a. ";,,, , ...vl , BUSINESS LOCALS. All who bare tried our lOo. bams say they are as good as any in market. - . . : : iMrRWPPKSTf HOWARD, The inTiaible Celluloid Eyi-Glass frames. Diamond lenses, hae sresehed the topmost ware of popularity without l compeutor, aeijiDR compeuuun and .1 J . ia iViut t Via v lr, Va b&Bdsomest ana oesi m.. w, Hexne only pi 0, Tbe Board of City Council will be in a 1 l ' flwt of oyster boats were tmoorB lbore'& Brady's wharf yesterday. ' The county board of education was i session ' yesterday apportioning1; the - school funds. th Th county commissioners were ia seseion fctedW andjKl Joiirned V 10 ' o'clock this morning XX t..V- f . Avoid the orp wd at the door , by , get idi reserved seats for Ho worth 's Hiber nica at ead0wj'thi8 l'mofnin'fe at 0 O'clOCk. t , .; ;.'(! 'l,Jiyivtbti Harrison advertises a lost breast pin. The finder will be lib erally rewarded by returning ths same to her.-J ; : t t1 .j ,.. k VV)I ;. cottage . prayer-usettng under the auspioea of the Young Men's Christian Association, will be omitted this (Tueklay) nightn account of the tnsWu's9 Erangelioal Alliance. . Mr,' -J. W. Waters gives notioe of a !;rand Masquerade Carnival at tbe skat n; piik nejTuesday night. A large CUflober of costumes are expected and ' prises re to be awarded to the best per v" formers. Tomorrpw nigh the silver 'yOjjn! .band, will furnish music , TIWGraded School opened yesterday with several new pupils. Among theni were tbe chfldren of, J, E. Qadsby of Qqsljwtnd ffe.r8on.Da Ws, of Craven, who bTe-TecentlyaioTedt8New"Herne for the purpose ef educating-' their ebil- oA putity as been Iransferred to Deputy Collector Alpheus W. Wood's -. Division fpt internal revenue. This is proper And right as the people of Jones (ft their 'bdsinesB In; New Berne." To hare tq send toMQoldsboro for license to ' retail4bac6'oV whiskey p'tttV them to unnecessary inconveniencer" G. JV Mr-, Dailhas returned from a trip tSMdweek,t4,amffo county, and repprU that business was (brisk Jo seed cotton fct Fowler's gin last Si Satur- H. R. Bryau. Esq. fa of to,Onslow H.R. BryanEsa.,, isfo to,uni court 1 ' . VvcalHasie."'' . ; ' , -. -..j..'' : rl ' As will be seen in this issue, Profes sor OhWleei .Wilson wiU 'teach a class in yooat musidjn this'lity ! if h! class oan be maderdpi- Er. BMa. ''Gate's Kai the matter ,in bind and all who desire to aidJLnjmini jMdJ mation concerning, by ajplying to him. jf' 2 C ' KveryrJJhoul4-Tinder8tand vocal musie, especially schoql. teachers, arlfl (h08 wo, intones njiking teaching their husess. 1 The law ought' to requiiri i f 6-: pal music ' to'' be ' laUght In alf "publid " KM4aaiideeWH'eitherpnbliror privatevMs a . success without music, We hef e VTri Vates "w ill v succeed, in geHws up a ciaafor, refWilsonje bar a wide reputation as a competent jnsuuctoralrnus ; IV y Riictioji .ale of ' stock; in the A. (k N'.id.id. "alj'tlre codrthousestferdsy HroT ilfaiipa of Hookl were ltut ud ftbd staj4ed?r8llClu pershaiend fee' bid- "rfoUaVr fceihsr bid was taken doH'ibo auctioneer therrfctatei that the 818. CO bid on the five shares and the $16.00 bid of the, feur ebsrea fas 6y' tte -' owners tbemfieltftj ' p.ea tad, jreall'i ' rnrn:2"aiTITbvock waTiolcTi ' the F.fford t ..inity to proclaim V ve wu Id the wisdom of Gov. Scales' policy, and at tb inme time t ' ' '1 e ...' tbe oho: t tit the ne w- rsr o at had criticised tlie Governor's action in regard to this rperty; ' r Tow wiU t'-a f ""ri f'-'- to its re" 1 fst' ', t j MjVv.iiL a d ..Jom ia ra- r - t lr. C. K. has flecuaea put i' 1 s x) 1 f tartedj f $ 19.0Q ppr share, wh' h V' I Y a8 pot afced, ,-Oe 6h4re was lntu."'Dut' .iiD .'widiouiT resesye and ThsPampkla Cat, The pumpkin at Patterson's shoe store was cut on Saturday night and tbe seed counted in the ' presence of Mayor Meadows, Wm.f Dunn and $v Street jr. Nearly one thousand guesses have oeen maae ranging irom u up to o.uuu, Out of all these, no one struck the right number butthere wore three Within one of it! Cpt. O. K. Hancock, Mrs. J. F. Taylor and WHey 8pruill,coL put down 610 each and thrf count; revealed 609. Now who takes the shoes? Tlie Week of prayer, . '. The New Berne branch of the Evan. gelical Alliance began the; series of meetings for tbe week at the 1L E. Church last nighf. ., Tie services were conducted by the-President, Dr. W, H- Barker; and short talks were made bv jV(V. waiian8. B. M. Gate's will lead the fteryicej -tentght, to be held at the M. E. Church, beginning at 71 o'clock. The following la Uie Sub ject: HDMILIAIOJJ AMD CONFSSStON. National sinsj 'sxeial sins; personal sins; " want f . appreciation of the love of Christ; hardness of heart; unfaithfulness and. Blothfulness in service; false shame In confessing the name of Christ before men fcpd espe cially among our own oIassnd kindred ; want of seal in missionary work, both at home and abroad ; want of brotherly kindness and charity. Isa. Iviii.; Vs. h.) Rom. it.; 1 Cor. in.; Isa. xlvn.: Jor. 111. la-tti: 1 xness. v. Howartli's Hibernlea. . Reserve seats will .be on sale at Meadow's drug store this morning. The Galena (III.) Gazette speaking of the rendition of "The Two Dans" in that city, says: With Ho worth's Hibernica business is booming and the people "out West" are evidently pleased with the show. To ssy the audience were pleased with the entertainment given last evening at Turner Hall by Iioworlh's Hibernica and Comedy Co., is certainly a mild way of expressing the sentiment of those present, at the conclusion of the perfor mance. Delightod is a better word, and even this does not convey the feeling which prevailed among the crowd, in attendance, judging from the enthusi astic remarks of approbation which were heard on every hand as we left the hall. The entertainment was tbe best of the kind that has ever been given in this oity. anal was in every way worthy of the large audience. The programme, embracing nt entirely new fea tures,' i . was: ft refined and 4 .pleas ing throughout, and those .who took part therein are actors and musicians possessing a nign oraer 01 talent, de serving of most- generous encourage ment whenever they appear. Ibe views exhibited are magiunoent specimens of art, and were in striking contrast to the disgusting dauba which have been palmed off " as "views of Ireland." Should Mr. Ho worth's excellent com pany ever again favor our city with a visit,, their rsception will be a hearty One, as it should De wnerever tney go. A Worthy Object. A gentleman in this city bus offered to give twenty-five dollars foi fitting up and supplying the reading room of the Young Men's Christian Association pro vided the Association will raise seventy five dola,rs 'additional for "; this purpose. To raise this sum theA Association , ap peals to the generosity of the citizens of New Berne to help them, the appeal can b- put 'upon higher ' gtounds than -the mere , consideratian of en couraging the y rang men in tneir work. .The future of New Berne depends; upon J. (he. moulding of . the characters and direction of the minds of her" young menand viewing the mattet fin this lights whatever tends to direct the young in the rieht channel ftrTd 'develop a nobler., : higher, senso,. of duty, of true, manhood, and usefulness, makes a safe investment Tor tho 'money ol'tliosk wboha,ve it ,to para.i--- It is proposed to supply ; this reading room with the best publication to tho cpuntry. end jnake it af$t ace where the young men ofthe city can go and spend an hour ia reading ox in social, amuse feeiits. tJh 'Assotiiatiito'i "takiflgps towards erecting, a gymnasium,, which with the, reading room will enable them to attract; the youpg men of X'ieitf. to therr rooms and5 draw, them3 lnt&! the aotiti work'totthe' Association. 5 IllXi: jlt would be a nbbla acton the parcel any other three citiaehato join this gen tleman and supply the reading room, at once;buiDy donations, no matter howt small, wilt be thankfully receivednd can beli'andedto'the1 President, X'K. WiUis,"or'to-the "Secretary,1 Df. iJ.'K Beware of Them. ; A (rood article that has achieved sua: eess. and attained a world-wide reputa tion by its' true merits and wonderful reauits, is always imnat a.' Juc n is me case with Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Uqlds, Already unprincipled parties are, en- deforing to delude anJflBsuspecting nuLiio. bv o(Triirj(r imitation of this most fortunate discovery.- Do not be deceived, bnt insist on having the true rerndy( and take noother.-rFor iale by all reiiaLlo drugxists every where1..' ' ,., : - ' ' "j t I Good work, 'Good Fit, or no' Money, t( ;.. . atHyRTT.t Bwansltoro Items. Charlie D. Russell is laughing over a nttie miss u rst and sou Henry WUIis over a little May Queen the 8rd. Eggs are worth 30o. dozen; fresh meat 5c; beef none; chiokens, none (hogs eat era. up) "tnat 01a sow:" turkeys ail sold, the last was shot off vseterdav. and won by a man that seeded.; him I fesapiu,...;; w - v t , .- Thousands of mullet and flounder fish are being caught and sold to Morehead and Mr. Henry Hall, and the Pollooka ville mail carrier every week by George Littleton, Irvln Smith, Mart Heady, BUI Dennis and Asa Moore, and told at from foi to 3ic. each according to size, from li to 2 inch; flounders from U to 8 eta. each. Tha schooners Gold Leaf, Minnie Ward and Packet are in port, the latter partly loaded and bound for New Berne. SchOoner.tta, ' M. Blood good, from Charleston, S. C, tried to come in Bogue Inlet, but got aground and had to go back again. She went into Beaufort, and was loaded with guano bound for Washington, N. C. Mr. G. W. Ward and C. B. Frazelle have come home to sepnd Christmas but say they think they could have seen a better one away from home; the latter is teaching school at Piny Green, the. for mer has been at Gum Branch.and ia now ready to take a school for the next 10 months. l anyone wants a fourth-class teacher at a first-class salary just oall on that gentle man for the next ten davs at Swansboro, N. C., for he is after that time, going to Florida. , Christ v as has come and gone, and we think it the dullest we have ever seen in Swansboro; one or two little dances, and one or two parties, which Mwmnri tn ha filial with hj "nh ha" joyful spirits of just men made perfect, is all the fun we have yet seen and to day is the 2d day of Christmas. There were some fine Christmas turkeys eaten, some of the people seemed to want to excell their neighbors in the beet tur key, and the boys had some fun out of it.at the expense of one stingy man who bought a turkey from a lady; carried it home and kept it two days and then carried it back and told the woman he wanted her to take it ;back because it was a poor old hen and not a fat gobler. The boys say is'n't it strange that a man who thinks he knows so much, to carry atuakey two miles in the day time and not find out it was a "blamed old poor hen." Tbe lady took back the turkey and the next day we saw him going out to hunt for a big 75 cent fat . gobler. We didn't hear whether he found one or not. Several mat riages have taken place lately around and about here; last Wed nesday Mr. E. Barlow and Miss Sallie Provow were married by Dr. W. I. Montfort, J. P. Miss Sallie is the daughter of I. A. Provow of Brown sound. We wish you well, children. On Christmas day Mr. Thomas Biggs and Miss Julia Meadows hitched teams, W. P. Watson, Esq., officiating. A short while back Mr. Fillmore Gillett and Miss Emma Marshall, daughter of Mr; Henry Marshall, were joined to gether by Dr. W. I. Monfort, J. P. Just before, the same Squire spliced Mr. J. P. Jones and Miss Mollie Wynn. And up near Jacksonville such a big wed ding, and such a big infairatGum Branch! but we didn't hear the particu lars in full and cant tell as it was. So you see as dull as times are the' people are marrying just the same, and nobody dying around bere either. The county is being emigrated to very fast, or will be soon. An Interesting Change. Washington, Deo. SI. Mr, Bayard, in the opinion of observers of publio sentiment, . has partly regained the ground he lost by reason of his unfor tunate misjudgment in selecting Foreign Ministers and Consuls in the beginning Of his administration. . : .a In spite of his creditable management of the Keiley case and other diplomatic matters,bowever he is no longer the ideal Bayard.' To Wade Hampton and other Southern men who were once devoted admirers he is a shattered idol of . clay, Even his friends admit that as a can didate for President he is not likely ever to be as strong as he has been. Were1 a Democratic National Conven tion to be held now, the original Bayard mea, especially those from the South, all the silver Democrats of the West, all the revenue reformers, and. in fact, all the great body of anti-Cleveland Demo- Ui HUOf ' wiU(u wvavwvaeaw wasva-, waaavv as theif candidate for President It ii too pari yet to say what will happen in 1888 bat midway in President Cleve land 's -administration tbe ' signboards poin to: Kentucky, - A chAW .tj snH ir - ) Some geaius proposes to introduoepa per sbjrtM .This' might dd for Japan, but would prove a "big thing" for the doctora,becausa rheumatism, etc would become' frequent. Mf, however, people. would keep salvation -. uu convenient, paper shirts might still be a success. It osts only 25 cents.. K n jjont) , Mr. A. P. W., of Hampton, Ga., hat recently emerged from one of the most remarkable case8; of Blood Poison en record.; His body and limbs had no less than four hundred small ulcers his bones tormented him with pains appetite failed his kidneys presented frightful symrtoms and, all doctors and 100' bottles of the most popular Blood Poison remedy failed to give him any, relief 'He secured B. B. B., the concentrated quick oure, and fire bot ties healed the ulcers, relieved alt pain: cured his kidneys, restored bv appetite. and made him , a healthy and happy-j man. ' Any one oan secure bie lull name and correspond with him, . i i llarv Chapman, of Atlanta, gained 44 pounds of flesh while using five bottles of B. B. B., and was cured of a wonder f ul ca.o of scrofula of the" neck. For sale wholesale and retail by R. 27, Duffy. ' - Jbnwf Cotthtjp item? I heard a gentleman remark the ottu r day that croppers and land rooters had a hard time of it this year. , 1 Why. sayi he, even my ' creditors have had. n puled up and nave, already bad three sneezes over my crop,, ana nad me sum- moneanere toaay to nave a festival over it, but have no concluded to wait until Saturday se they can, then have one great, grand festival,, , . I beard one' of our Worthy magistrates say tnat ne was really tired of so much lawmg with 'each '(tohsr. "Why," said he, "our magistrate's eoarts 'are having a continual oourtho: adjournment? in Trenton. V. . . Well, so it i with onr col ored people every (allj.when they house their crop they commence selling it out to go to law and lawing each other until their crop is exhausted. ' Experience is a dear school, but some of our colored friends can't even learn in this school as dear as it is. , Certain . capitalists of New Bedford. Massachusetts, have entered into obli gations with the land owners adjacent to White Oak river to clean out and clear the river of all obstructions to a point, which is designated in the con tract, but I have forgotten tbe name .of the point. The owners of these , lands have granted them the privilege of put ting all marketable timber near tbe river for ten years. "Provided that they remove and clear all obstructions out of the river, and that they must not cut the timber irom the lands at no point on the stream any faster than the clearing- and cleaning out of tbe river pro gresses. .We further 1 know that these obligations have been agreed upon;' as they are now in our register's office for registration. We would like to say to capitalists who desire to invest , their capital in timber, that there is an al most inexhaustable supply of good tim ber, such as oak, hickory, cypress, pine, birch, maple, holly, etc, on the banks of the Trent and Tuckahoe rivers, and if they desire any of these timbers, probably they might secure a good in vestment for their capital by an exam ination of our timber lands on these rivers. We know that our people would welcome all who desire to invest cap ital and would render all such all the aid and encouragement in their reach. m) i m - Starving Themselves. Milwaukee, Dec. 81'.1 Several persons are starving in Palmyra in a frenzy of religious excitement, i Three weeks ago a revival began, and. the minister and several others pledged themselves not to taste a morsel of food until certain things, were ' accomplished. Thomas Green, who is alleged to have fasted fif teen days, began taking nourishments today. There is no change in the condition of the Rev. Mr. Pate, wh6 is conducting the revival meetings, And is also fast ing. Six other members df the congre gation are also fasting. 1 Meetings are held at 6 a. m., 10. a. m., and 8 p. tn. The authorities will not interfere. All insist that they began fasting that they might become sanctified and have power to save sinners. ' Reduction of the Public Debt Washington, Jan. 2.The debt state ment issued today shows a decrease in the publio debt during December of 89,- ooewau.M: total casn in tne treasury, $494,861,954.00; gold certificates out standing, $l5,859.601;silyer certificates outstanding, 893.179,465; certificates of deposit 813,790,000; old demand and legal tender , notes outstanding, $346, 788,606; fractional currency (less the amount estimated as' lost or destroyed), 80,939,158.TT. i ' ..There he goes. again; direct to a saloon and pours down another heavy draught of strong' drink, not so, much because l . i J J t.J.-i 2.1 I I M .1, (lis appetite uolubuub it, uub lur tuo ar tificial buoyancy it produces the alter effects of which leavv htm more misera ble than before r it'li this dreadful nrac tioe that, ia daily sending' thousands to their graves.! 'A remedy for all this' is. found in the true friendof temperance, the beet and purest' of all medicines, Elect rio Bittersi Sold by all" dTUg" gists at SO cents,. 1 t. . ' LATEST POBEiey jsEffS. "' '. PaoamioLisJ 3143 2.11 fagAe? ment has besa artivecfat between afad- jid Pasha, envoy of Turkey, and Prince Alexander, representing the union 01 Bulgaria. It has, received the concur rence of the, powers. ),' f- jit'tM'i 1 London, Jan. 2. The Standard's Ber lin correspondent says: Arrangements are in progress for the meeting of the Emperor of Uermany, J&nperor of Aus tria and the Czar during the manoeuvres of the Austrian army in Oalicia during the coming year. . . . . . London, uan.-.--VHe news' merlin correspondent says that the jubilee of Emperor Williams' accession to the throne of Prussia will be celebrated to morrow, as reaufisted b the-GaBerert instead of tjdayvitiouUirobessioa or aemonstrauon. xnerewiuoe tnanas giving services dnring the morning in the castle chapeVai. which all members ottbejroyaltlamiil.Mill be present. The religious services will be followed by a levee. All the Uerman princes in tended to personally bail the emperor on the occasion, bdtTMbTnisJoAyjaf dined such ovation." Thewemperbr In formed the princes that instead of re ceiving them personally he would be pleased W,recewe, autpgraphio letters fro4 eaohi Hk'JnaJesiy also declined to receive any presents or deputations ofoitiaena. ,. ,f 1 Fiftr-eight mlHioa .doUhis the esti mated ralue of the finger rings of this country actually worn, and still there are people mean enough to go hacking and coughing because they do not want to invest 23 cents for a bottle el pr.pe it a Cough Syrup.' 'n "v-".- r Surrs made to' order and guaranteed to St at N. M. Qlsiitx's; "'"lT'; la COMMEKCIAL. m.,' Jotthkax OrriOT, Jan. 4, 8 P. If. ' vr Y6tt: January L 8:13 P. ir Futures, closed firm. Sales of 88,500 bales. January, February, March, April, . May, 9.28 , 986 9.47 9.59 9.70 July, August, September, October. November, 9.91 9.99 9.78 9.63 June, . 9.81 December. Spots ouiet: Middling 9 316 Low Middling 8 15-16; Good Ordinary 8 8-16. New Berne market qniet. Sales of 38 bales at 7i to 81. Middling 8 11-16; Low Middling 8 1-16; Good Ordinary 7 11-16. doibiiiio barkrt. Seed cotton 82.90. Cotton Seed 810.00. Tubmntotb Hard, $1.00; dip, f 1.75. Tas 75o.afl.25. Corn 40a55c. Rice 85a$1.06. Bkbswax 20o. per lb. Bkxf On foot, 6c. to 7c. Country Hams 12c. per lb. " Lard 10c. per lb. Ejgb 17o. per dozen. Fkksh Pobr 60. per pound. Pbanuts 50o. per bushel. Foddee 75o.aSl.00 per hundred. Onions 83.50 per barrel. Field Peas 60a75o. Hides Dry, 10c; green 5c. Apples 30a50c. per buBhel. Pears 875c. per bushel. Tallow 5c per lb. Chiokens Grown. 40a50c. ; spring 25a40c. Meal 70o. per bushel. Oats 40 cts. per bushel. Tubnips 50c. per bushel. Wool 10al6o. per pound. Potatoes Sweet. 23a40c. Shingles West India, dull and n m inal; not wanted. Building. 5 inch hearts, $3.00; saps, $1.50 per M. wholesale pbice8. New Mess Pose $10.75. Shoulders Smoked, No. 2, 5c.; prime, 6c. C. K.'s, r . B's, B.'s and L. C. Be. Flour $4.00a6.50. Laed Ho. by the tierce. Nails Basis 10 's, $3 00. Sugar Granulated, 7c. Cofpee 8iallo. Salt 90o.a$1.00 per sack. Molasses and Syrups 20a45c. Powdee 85.00. Shot $1.60. Kerosene 10c. Vocal Music. The services of Pbof. UHAKLBS L. WIL SON can be secured to teach a Class in Vocal Music In New Heme, For Information as to terms, etc., call on 11, M. UA1H8, i lw Corner South Front and Craven. Lost, Ob Saturday last, either on Nense, Craven, Broad or Banoook streets, a JET BREAST PIN, with a gold band around It. Fiotter will be liberally rewarded by return ing to MBS. VIRGINIA HARRISON. Jan 4th, 18(0. 61w MASQUERADE. GRAND CARNIVAL THE RINK, TUESDAY Evening, JANUABY 12th, "SQ. There will be Jthe LARGEST NUMBER OF OOSTUMKS;ever seen Upon the SURFACE In this city at a RINK CARNIVAL. ' TWO PRIZES will be given for the beat, character mak op one for(tbe best Lady Character anyone for the best male charaetsu , No one allowed upon the surfoce nntll nine o'clock, except those In costume, at which hoar all aaasks will be removed. ; Spbciaii Ladies' Niohts MONDAYS, WEDNK31AY8 and FRIDAYS until fur ther notioe. f ' . .' '' ' :'. . JA3. W. WATERS, !' ' JanSdlw ' Proprietor. NEW BERire THEATRE. THURSDAY AN1' FRIDAY, i '' u ; January J and , 8., T-wo XOcla.tai Only. Appetranoe of the old reliable ': HOWOKtH'S lWtlBLE'61j0y, , 6&AKD HIBERUICA, ' w AD DUBLIIf DAN COMEDY jd.' ' The larfest and. moakeemalate orsablsatlon o; w ainy a. t isianof , m, 1 H3 Oreat Oomedla 8spport4 by flrst-elasa ioaimpanr' in the iuaniesk wi aii saoeaasiiu aojsaaiea. . 1 THE TWO; DANS. tBK COMEDO OR BLVBTDBJU. yore fun without vnlgaritv thaat stny ether j a gbba mnOHrfn, ;; fi, The newest ana grandest display ef roaguia cent scenery aver bemre wltne rft - fu A G RA" 1 TOUR THROUGH IRaXANO.TlSrt- PopuUr Frioes, (QaadT&Ata. Beats secured In advmnna mt UmmAnmrn vrutpm vhowi iraooargw.' im 1 Fo r, Sale j A detursbla hodso' and M on'the1 sobtn side of Broad street, oaadoor west of ... the reei ienco of J.C. Oreii sq.:! For terms r f urther particulars, apply to decC.if ' -, QuiON & PeLlejies. , For (lent, ON REASONABLE TpMS, My FAB,M, sKiiated on Neuse Riven south side, neai .Adams Creek) eapaottr fettnoree crop. Tha farm has a large and comfortable dweUlng house and Unsnt hiuse on It. Also, four horses and two mules, farming utensils, etc. For further particulars enquli e of ' " Mas. JOHN II. NELSON, doc3adwtf Ueaofort. If. C, Bargains! Bargains! AT COST! and . LESS THAN COST! THE I3XT1 UK STOCK' OP Dry Goods, CONSISTING CF Men's, Youths' and Children's Clothing and Underwear! Ladies' Dress Goods, Worsted Cashmeres, AND A SMALL LINK OF Ladies' Underwear, all lor LESS THAN COST, to close out biiHiucsK. 1 , A large line of Trunk, Valises ami Hand Satchels, And Croodu too iiiuiiroiis to mention. Four No. 8 Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, at 25 onnli nil .-j first-class condition. ' Come and Buy Now. WM. SULTAN, Wcinstcin Huiidine. dec.idw2m Buy Your Candy FROM , , L. J. TAYLOR Wholestale CANDY MANUFACTURER AND Jobber of Penny Goods, Candy Factory at the Vr'oif Pond oca) dSm Notice. Certificate N'o. 12J7 for two ihnrna nr tta Capital Stock of the A. A N. C. It. R. hav. lng been lost, application will be made for a duplicate thereof. , dec24d30d THUS. POWERS. NOTICE. National Bank of New Berne. THE ANNUAL MHETINO nV the STOCKHOLpEItS of this Bank for the Bfcc- vion 01 uireciora. ana the transaction of such, other business as may oorne before ttieih, aill be held at their BANKING HOUBK OB tha1 SECOND TUESDAY, being the 12th day of JANUARY, ma. 'iF7n The Polls will be opened at TWKLVB' o'clock and close at ONE, P.M. I ..It J. A. GtlON. Cashier. December 12, 18:5. ' 1 . . Im UOIIEY SAVED Hit IS MONEY MADE, ..'!.;: ' '' ";l.!l!l. And the Way to Save It is to'the Stiore:;; .tiM! i!i-m! Il; hi tIJ 111 1l"t '! )ti;lh- t IO I... I fit. ) .r.'lJfclUW :' : 'i.U ! OT3 tn , 4 r. ' ' I ' II i -a J '1 totlie election of op stock t ' ' ' tioodsV und tho hest'o't pTo- itioWQecttreencoUe0! ' cotistolst ftrriTftla. Jj3 ..UM im ., irMii.',: r- iit!v ia'L.7i1-.ir;.1 . '.3 '4 f

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