it,-'. OuT (jLUd..i -' ; w L Uaa li'Kr 1 a .1") J V t . .1-. . ,, . h:: i Fall& Winter GOODS ... I , (;!; rt-' ? ; ' V::,;.. ,' f -' II: Ji ;DuFfI! R h ihivfi in tin s ion uai gam iiuuou -.-v ..v ,.io, Hi -atsV'n Vf-4 i ,v Bcino, N. G. A-,,, hum uyi iisi ui i " In order to Hake Room ;..:.;..,: FOR MY ;'. . , tot .. -I f MO active O1 rouTnu CpxfSOBays :.v; - . . -.,.1 i n -;:ctfully, I. IWfftt f - . .'I. THE: JOUKSjvfltBHES 5S HEW BEEME sr. a. jan. 8. Time Troperlj' Valued. One of the most interesting ionitsuwrss. a, one; enwent At c. 'BoatoTn1 in the character of Frank; Uattoul the young naturalist who wai acti-. dentally killed while making explo rations ia Borneo, is his: apprecia tion of the value of time. .'. , ; 7 He declared it to be ' th duty of every one to see.'. aa. mucH or. the world, and to do as much in it, as is possible, in the short period allotted to humanity; , "Time flies'; was the motto, which urged him to exertion. A young man when ho died, he had sliowu the greatest promise for the fm ure. and this because he uniform ly -acted upon his determia,rttion to make tho most of every moment belonging to the present. .'Ae gets to the bottom of things: ho can't help it," said one who knew him at what might have been called the beginumg of his career. "If there is uuj tlnug m roriieo, he will find it." V Jdorevor, he had no time to waste in complaints or worry. Not at all accustomed to the hardships of travel in uncivilized lands, he met privation aud annoyauccs with a cheerful spirit, eatiug his rice, day in and day oat, as if ho were quite content with the unvarying native diet, During his residence in Eugland, and while he was still very young, he received an unexpected rebull from an editor, whom he bad unin tentionally offended. Alter the momentary vexation had passed, he could say with a smile: "Little things will never bother me. Une nasn't time!" He was upt in the least, however, wnat healthy and lun loving young people call "a pig." His father, a loving biographer, declares ho had uo time to waste, simply because, "when he was not working, ho was playing, and he did both wiih all his might. He entered into Ins re creations with the same energy that chbracterized him at work." In the sports and healthful amusements of young men, ho dis. tinguished himself as signally as in his scientific studies. For certain things he could liu I time, for gen uine work and genuine play; but for indolent lounging, which is like a mental and moral opium luiit, life was too short and too precious. A CARD. To all &ho are Buffering from the er rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss cf manhood, will send a recipe that will cure you, FBEE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self -addressed envelop to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, StatMn D, Neur York City. n!7 d wy J. V. V ILL I A11S, , , HEADQUARTERS FOR Pork, Side Meat Lard and Flour. CHEAP. WHOLESALB only 1ulll diu ROBERTS & HENDERSON General IflswancB Agents, , '''ViVoiw. Berne, V. J. Oul) ttrst ' -claaa. Companies represen. ' ea id ' Fire. Lifo and Accident Inraranes. ToU) Capital over ' Forty. Millions o ., Dollars.-'f JUnSKUy JAMES REDMOND; ' Arent and Bottler , , I'," ' ' c; s 5 1 , k: 13 it Arr 12 X j 1 tt I i ' r ' I , 1 . ' - - i I BERGNER & ENGEL,uV',' BREWING CO S PHILADELPHIA , " 't LAGER BEER i - New Derne, N. C. This beer took premiums at the Cen tennial Exhibition' at Philadelpbia and t!,e Paris Exposition. Keeps better than any cber ia warm climates, and is ttt favorite t rand wherever known. ... . ;-. Fcrs.,'3 i'i k- .sorcrs'.os. dw Adinn UU4DY, ' I : oc'lTdw n. c . . t TED LADIES to work for. na tlitir own bomes. 17 to f 10 pet week em bo quietly wade.. No photo, palatlng Musb,. Uox fllU. lel( lm ,-,T Wo liuve icood demand for onf work and ur niKli HW.miy employment. Addrea uwlth stiiinp, CROWN il'F-O C011IAN V K4 ue ., ciicinmiu, unto. aeiu na, TKTENDISO ADVERTI8KBS ;,DOuld ' GEO P. BOWEU s CO., ' ' ' lO Sprnee Street, Hew York Clt,' For Select List of 1,000 Newspapers. l. 1 3 PIANOFORTES.'5' CKEQtJAIXED DT TOME, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP and DURABILITY. WILI.I4M KNaBB CO Kos. 304 -iitn WcBtBaltimow6t.,Bhjmor. , Ku. 11J fifUi Avenue, Mw York. imiHUHB IMKHRC MEMBER "Mtmev Saved ia Money Mild. Do Your Own Printing;' Only nertect telf itkitut rubber atamppr mwr offered. WorkmaiuhlD untvrmutrd. Print perfectly. Ho boil net man hnulit be without ono. Kntirt tntitUctto guar anteed. Catntotruee and tefltlmontalB free. Price amnzinah low. Refer by permiMlon to Hon. A H 'ri.AND. Attorney Oeneral Onlted StRtea. Til". H'HFl.w RIJBHKR HTAMJ? ! ft Ess jll'K'O CO.. Auguata, Oa. NERVOUS v DEBILITATED MEH. Von are allowed a fret trial of tMrtv day t tbe nse of Dr. Dyft Celebrated Voltaic. Belt wltB blectrlo Suspensory Appliances, for the speedy relief and permanent cure of Nervcme DeMHty, loss of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. Complete restora tion to Health, Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. No nk Is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet inecaltd mvetope mailed free, by addressing VOLTAIC iELT CO., Marshall, Mich. House Keepers ! II Von Are Going to HOUSE KEEPING, OO TO L. II. CUTLER'S AND GET A Dinner Set, 125 Pieces, Tea fet, 44 Pieces, Chamber Set, 10 Pieces. Fine Toilet Sets, AND EVERYTHING IN House Furnishing Goods Line 26 and 28 HSTddle Street. MiWIJBKNE. N. C. J. B WIITTE, Currituck, N. C. J O. Ktitekidob, Norfolk Co., Va WHITE, ETHERIDGE & CO.. Him Factors and Commission Merchants 110 Water Street, Norfolk, Va. hp. r nttcntlon given to the sale of ( mTTo.n, M 'MIIER, OOUN.PEANUTS, PO l A I il s mid t'ountry Products. tial rendu: 11. W. Bell Son.Harlowe, Car teret C. N. i ' ; 15. 11. Harget t Co., SUverdale, ijiislow Ok. N. C; J. W. Shepherd, Pollocka vtlie, ,lc 'ii. -s Co., N.O ; Alexander t Woodley, tVesswoll, '. C ; John Jacobs, gouth Mills. .V. ( '.: Marine bank, Norfolk, Va.; Major Wm. II. Kttiertilge, Norfolk Co., Va.: J. H. Ives, NoiTolk Co., Va.; T. P. Hall, Colnjock, N.O.; T. ( -klnner, Hertford. N. C.; Williams Bros. Nuifulk, Va.: . K, White 4 Bro., Norfolk, Va. nl29dwly TIME TABLE, 2 Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE No. 21, Lu ESect 12 M., Sunday, December 20, 1885. EAST. I WEST. No. tl Passe uger Arr. L've. I No.60 I Passenger I Arr. il're. STATIONS IP K. p. M. A. M A.M. 6 07 Qoldshoro, ..w., 11 12 10 S3 9 66 ' 6 t.V 221 o t L Uran.. StijKinston, .. Mew Berne, ...... p.. ! Bally except Sunday. 10 M 10 U0 8 11 1 8 27 K St., A. at. A. M. KAST. i .Ne. i HixedFgt.A: Paw. Train, j No, I MlxedFgt.A Pass.t Train Ant'va! STATIONS. rr. Ii've: i . I 8 ,'17 Newbera, '9-Hr' 0 l: Rivsrdale in a.i .'. a no: iwn. T 681 T 14' Tl ' 7 081 708 46 K 647 S80 tee ID m 8 Ml Usvelookn., 111171, lO l: NMrnnrt... Ml -68! 6 45; Oil 10 81 ) 10 835 Wlldwood.-.- 10 10 41) Atlantlo...: 10 58: U 08! More bead City. 11 11 I Morehead Depot.. 1 u. r.'.' " -. . ? . toallv nxnent Rnndav A.M. I A.M. I WEST. i No.S , . Mixed Fgt. A Pass. Train. No.4t Hlxer Fgt Pass. Tra a, STATIONS., Arr. Vve, Arr. i jUv A. W. 8 16 s rs " a 38 10 1 U oi 11 27 It 57 U .17 1 12 1 80 P.'f . F.w. .-.Vi 14 6 26 4 W 4 .3 42 5 12 I 82 1 7 A OoldBboia,.. Best's La Orange, Falling Ureek. Kin.ton, ., Caswell i oo 128 1 OS W 4 11 21 11 62 It Hi IS I II) rtt M 4 10 146 J17 187 102 1 4S 100 Wovsr. (lore Creek .i.. Totearora Uksrke's Newbera r.i . T -. ft .1 r4LJ. - a.J OatnMtAT tMondny, Wedne day and Frtdy. WANTED Ladlee ami Ren.lemen in city I aJ&ffa&tP. " mil Train 50 connects with Wilmington AWel don Train bound North, leaving Goldaboro I:SJ p. m., and with Richmond A D nvllle Tnitu West, leaving Goldaboro 12:86 p.m sad W) linine ton Weldon Train Sooth at4:64p.m. Train 51 connects with Ktohmond A CWnville Tti in. arriving at Qoldnbero 4:40 p.m . and With Wilmington and Welion. Train from tha Nortli at 4:M p.m. Triin I connects with W. tT. Train bound South, leaving Ooldsboro at 7:88 p,n. Superintendent. I - , rT T I IP 11 I"ThTH "1 w i.. Jt -i -." " ft Ml w ' -i ue i 9 are very laTestiacau Mtter tbn rust tale, but wa know of one that la. and M e la a fcoiimrja - , ,.,n. .m;. i . i ''"" y H -i Jt liJLil !X LIU i UAL 1 CCCCnPiM"1lP PUII inCI PUI A kit nvvuu 11 mi i iiiL.nuL.1.1 mm f Upon the dea& pi the owner, tbe policy ooks. aut require appraisen, aammiairaiura andlawyera to diminish Tun valdi. bnt ia i . i - yiriAWD at oxce without expense yo me Denenciarynamea inerein. The payment of each policy la guaranteed by nearly 110,1)00,000 aaaeaaable kiauranee with a reserve indemnity of fAXVJut, and cash as- aeU of nearly fa0,000. v , -The Aasociatioi) owns Its own bnildltig, amtfeBtaeneoghoatceatohaveHarent free. Its expenses are limited to (lied annual dues. Moorpotated, December, 1878. Homo Office, 911 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, l'a. tend name and address for treatise on plan. D. R. MIDTETTE. Manager Bontheastern Deportment, , No. ai KiiyeUevlUe street, Kaleigli, ft. (.'. BOYD dc BERRY, District Agents For Oountles of Craven, Carteret, Hcaiilort, Hyde, Jones and 1'ainllco. Good agents wanted, to whom we are pre pared to otter the most liberal Inducements. T. A.Grbkn, ) , of Green, Foy A Co.. Bankers, Trustees Jobl, KtsscY, Farmer, ) The following are the names of some cf Hie parties who have examined our plans and tasen policies wun us, Gen'l H. Iiausom. Dr. Clius. Dully, Jr. W. G. llrlnson. Alex. Miller, S. W. Ipock, K. H l.Hiie, Sarah 1! Davis, Hczeklnh Davis, novlSdutl' Thos. Daniels, t B. G. Credie, Geo. Oreeo, Jr. W. B Lane, A P. Itovls, Daniel Davis, Drury Dixon. 3?K.or. HARRIS' NERV0US0EBILITY Organic W tAitNEH j 13ecayod nu meroax nhmnrMiRaaRaH. bat- llina tiia ekillod Dhr- Bticinna. rtwult fro li youthful indiscretion. A RamoalOurs for NERVOUS too free indulgence, ol' over brniii work. Avoid ABBHdtrir, Orranle Weakness, fPHTSXCAI. DECAT. tht UDponitonoff prctem tiooj remedici fur Uu-ea ! tronbWfl. Oft our lFre i Circular stnd Trial Patc n Re, and lcarti inipor(t:il facti before takiri (rent. ImfTit ciBcwhcre. T' SURG RFUEDVtlmtllAJ CUiiED thoiuonds, !.' not intcrfciw wU!i ai'.cn tlon to builfrPM, or t ttuso pain or inconvciiiciio: in anT way. Four.dM on iclentiflc rrwdical Tir;il plea. By dlrectopplicatk n to the ieat oi diiiase ii4 peciflo Influence to f"!i without delay, 'i'lie imU uroi function of the hu man orfranlsm ia restorL.r. The anhrtatinff elements of life, which have bern wajteaareffiven bftck.e;ii the patient become" ctif'T ful and rapidly pa ins t .( hi trength aud acxuai vit'r. InYourtKAMIddloE ii i.MM men. . TWTED FOR OVOt8lXi VEARS OV USIIN MANYI Thousand cE8. IE A TM.JEWT, OnXonth. - $3 001 Two Months, - fi.ool thr Montha, V.UUI HARRIS REMEDY CO.. M'FQCkemisto AOBU V. Tenth St. 8T. IiOUIfl. MO. RUP Mm c TUKtu r'tK9UN5:NOta l rurs. Aolr ffr terms of onr AnTillnnro. GtXTThl fJiaxj THIil ' DR: J. D. CLARK, IEIVrriH,X KEWBXRH, (I. C. Office on Craven street, between 1'olloc and Broad, aprl7-dAwly K. M. SIMMONS, , : CLEMENT llASll SIMMONS & MANLY, A.TTOBNEYS AT LAW. Will praetlee in the Oourtsof Craven, Jones Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and HydeJ and In the Federal Court at New Berne. febSdAwly MAX SCHWERIN. THE BOSS CLOTHING I IUIICU am llltS UtA UU ICttl CBIKUI. UI 11 KM VHII1H. All lit IV ! TRIAL J PACKACUU j SCHWERIN & ASH We have some very handsome Silk Handkerchiefs, Scarfs Ties, Bows, Suspenders and Hosiery, just the very thing for Holiday Presents. We are SOLB AGENTS for the A. A. BATTLES MEM'S and BOY'S OALV HWKD bhubs. Shoes sold in this city that are W AHUAM Kll nyj uie manufacturer to as, ana oy na. h our uusuinien), vir. . E-rerV Pair la Wirnsted, Shonld any of them in any! wav. within anv reasonable time (five out. return of damaged pais and statement as to length of mu Aithar mriind liie mnaev or trlve another new nalr in exchange. It Is thebrst, finest and cheapest shoe In the world for'the money, 07&ti tejm aw ; ? ' SOHWEBIN & ASH, Middle Street, corner of Alley, directly opposite Baptist CTturet. Sp30dwtf SIGN OP FLAG. Pigott & Harrell Aro still JjINOiWAil W BIGU PRICES," and selling FRESH, CHOICE GROCERIES, 'CAKNEET GOODS, PROVISIONS, DRY GOODS, WOOD and WILLOYV WARE, Cheaper Than Ever! Call and examine onr Stock and convince yourselves as to the Quality and Prices of onr Goods, and remember, we guarantee satisfaction In every instance, or refund the money. Hides, Wax, Honey, ate, taken in exchance for goods. ' II will pay you to give ns a trials Consignments of Cotton and Country Produce solicited. Store m Old Market Site, Three Doors from Dock, ;oc8dw3m NEQy 1JKJE. jN. U, V ' R O.fE. Rosendale' and PLASTER, GOAT MA V ' . ' - i ia. sia ' , v . . . - -' Craven Street, below Express Oflice, '".''NEW .JBJSyWElN'. b: m-Twr.i:r. HA nOL.E SEW BERNE, K. C. Monuments, Tombs. A 1 1 I :i I ! kinds Grave and Building work in ITALIAN AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention entisfaction guaranteed. JOE K. WILMS, Proprietor MucccE'ior to George W.Claypoole) Cor I'.ROAD A Z) CRAVEN St., NEW BERNE. N. C- G. E. Millkb is my authorized agent n Kins ton ma30-lrdw Cigars, Cheap ! Another Lot', oi Cigars Just In Which I am oifering at Prices Lower Than Ever. CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK. JOHN DUNN. New Central Hotel, l Foiim eui. y Batsman Hocsb, South Front Street, New Berne, N. 0. M. PATTERSON, Proprietor, Offers Bpeclal inducements To commercial men. Cuisine of superior excellence. Omnibus and baggage wngou at all trains and steamers. Hates, $2,00 per day. ap)7 GEORGE ASH. AND SHOE STORE. Offer their Stock of Fine and Cheap Clothing, 8hoes, Hats and Gents' Furnishing Goods at Greatly Re duced Prices. All Dry Goods, Flannels, Shawls, Cloaks, Walking Jackets and Blan kets at COST. I'm oniy we will upon E0BGE. SALT. L I urn ) aaaswg - , ? WAV! HAV! ime ! Lime ! Portland Cement" -' .c HAIR,' T(X; ETC. 8TEAMEK7 Steam TraiioriatioisiCo'V FALL SCHEDULE OF THE HTKAIIER 2" ELM CJITY logo Into effect on and after Fept. 21, 18KS. Mondays V Leave Mew Bene- nt to T&dfridTn m . lor '- Lake Lantfins. slonulne at Attains unrk. ( ; Vandemere, Stonewall end Bayburo,ar- -riviuBa. iaa'tjaxiaing, 'iuesaay. a 9 o'clock, a. m. Wednesdaya Leave Lake Landing for New Berne at o'elock.sxm., stopping at Bay boro, Htone walU Vaademera and Aiiaroe Creek, ar riving at New Berne, Thursdays. la. m. Tharsdaya- ' 1 ! ' . ijeave ctew Berne at-10 o'clock, a. m , for frfike Landing, stopping at Adams Creek, Vaademere, Htmiewsll and Bayboro. ar riving at Lake Lauding, Friday, V o'clock, a m. Saturdays eave mmo landing at 9 o'eleck, a.m., lo . New Berne, stopping at Bay boro, Stone wall, Vandemere and Adams Crpek, ar riving at Mew Betne, 1 o'clock a, bx. Bun days. By this arrangement we are able . make close connection with the Mortnern steam ers, also having good accommodations both for passengers and freight at very low rales, ask that the merchants and producers along its line to give it their cheerful support. Freight received under cover every day of the week For further Information enquire at the of One. Foot of Mai ket street. All goods received only at our warehouse, foot Market sli vet. W. i . 11UKRUS A Co., Agent. Nsw ltsrtiA- rV (V Or any of Its Agent at the following placet: uuau, xiuMiua vi oca, G. I. WATMON.Lake Landing, D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere. C. H. FOWLER, Stonewall. H. W. LANE. Hay boro, V. P. HUKKUS fc CO , an2ldAwly General Managers. THE NEUSE L TRENT RIVER Steamboat Company ' Will run t lie following Schedule on and artel 8eptemler!llli. Steamer Trent Will leave New Berne for Trenton every WedniHilay ut li a. iu and Friday after the arrival of the steamer hhenandoali; return ing, will leave ''renton every 'I'll urs lay and (Saturday, touching at all points along the river Steamer Einston. On and arter June 29th, 1885. the Steamer KitiHon u-ill 1. . 1 i , - i, ..... . - njiiDivn iW a-oeriie every Monday nndTlinrsday at ti o'clock a.m.: rphirn I nir will lu.,.. v .. ... . ... . ... ' Doiiit, every j ues- tay and Friday, stopping at Jolly Old Field ..u i,u.iiiiiK .1. an luiMiuiH on neuse nver. Close connection made with steamer 8lien andoah ol the old Dominion steamship Co. JOHN H. HELL, at Newbern. W. F. Stanlt, Klnston. U. 8. Babriis, 1'olloksville. 1. T. WILSON. Agent at Trenton. J. P. Quinkrly, Jolly Old Field. J. B. Banks. Quaker Bridge. J. M. WHTE, Gen'l Manager, eb7dAw Klnston. N. o OLD JDOMIIVIOIV Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE For New York, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTER Monday, December 28, 1885, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICK Steamer lTewterne Will la. . . ... o u """' oi irara oa norioiK Southern Railroad st Elisabeth Olty, every MONDAY AND THURSDAY for New Berne. Returning leaves New Berne for Elizabeth City every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY making CLOSE CONNECTION with Noi- folk Snnthnni D 17 ' rn :,- nunium Clues Close connection mads at New iterne with stwmers for Kin.ton, Polloksrills, T renter and all landings on tbe Nensa and Trent Rivers. No freiKhts received for shipment oe Tneadays and Fridays after S p m. Freight forwarded promptly and lowest rates guaranteed to destination. . a. skvsskh'sb, Asrt, If w Beras, OCLPsrrss a Tuhnsb, Ag'ta. Norfolk, T.A W. H. STlltrosD, Gan'lFr't Ag't, New York Oil.-. of Pier it lew Tart? The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and all point Nortli ana West after t Ma date will receive freight in New Tor for New Beras at PIER 7, NORTH RIVER, 0$oe New Tori and BaUimot ' Transportation Oo. ' -IL "o Merth&n U staon Id remember that this Is on ol this Km 4tuai(sa I in, rvn S 1 V a daily oonmection with Baltimore for Hew Born Mi ass saaiu UUIJ UUS Cnauljfy, SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS Bstwiei-lew Bene tnd Biitmori (Toack lag at Norfolk) Laarlnc New Bene for Baltimore TUESDAYS FBUsAYS at t p m. Leave Baltimore for Hew Boms WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAY! S-p-Bv j Afwwts are as f ollewa: EUBKN FOSTXB, Osal Jfaaagei, Light St, BaTt. ma ASM. BteCARRICK, Ag't, Norfolk, Va. W. s CSyde Oc. fhUaAslphla, it Boat karvssv.- York fc Balto. Traa.. Llae, Pier JTorurtTw E. Sampson, Boston, (S Ceatral wharf. A. H. Roahwell, ProTideaee R. 1. D.. Mink, Fall River, Derrick wharf. "'".Taesdaysaad Satardaia. . . Nsw York daily. . X. IUmora, Wadaesdays and Satarwsy Vrlday?. ' Mo,u' WattoawUy, PTovideaee, BatarAays. . Thraagh hills lading given, svad rates gaaraw to all poiaU. at the aiffsraat naas of atpaaiea. . , . lrtrid Irahgi'd Bulk tid Ship Tit PJ. C. LINE. d lflfsBOUTlim