a- 1 ji. .5 ; iw . a o v: V U B li at 10 tsr r 33Ix Me Store for r? DM V 3 A 'V ndTll ' Wa keen ona oi tha Lanresl and Best Selected Stocks of LADIES' . FINE DRESS GOODS ia the city, oB8iatinff of 6ILKS !o black and color., brocade and vlain. CASHMERES, OTOMONS. TRICOT and GDS- ' BERTS FLANNELS ia nlaua and fancr: wtiich wa ara offer in ir at Rock Bottom Price: and a lariro assortment f other drees goods, among which ia a half wool Dress Goods at onlj ten eenta per yard.. This goods is real nieo! in - solid colors and makes a very pretty dressy. ... -.. j Cj t,..t!" .... .. , - . . , r GbltM us ifiau want anv Goods bv tending for Gambles of tuck Goods at no rJ tee. lutbs '"'ittrptl Hate the Undo Qooit you rant, air tee pay no attention to request for Samples unless yon state near tMttyuervipneeojgooasyouvani. . , . f. -Tfl ...! t, ) .A ! , AVihatea trtmendous'stoek of llMERESfoi Gentlemen's and Children's wear, which we are now offering ..is-swwj iua iuw. - , ., ..... . - . :,: -'..v-'s.'-r ..It ti . . , .B looked NEW YORK OVEE for DE1VES, and WE found them in goods of eTery kind. See obr fiartaia Counter and you will be surprised, at the Bargains we offer on it ; in fact all our goods are ebeap and . ..! . 1 1 ... . 1.1. . 1 'ij ,! 1 1 .1 ... , jj . ! " are giaa oi it SB we iiae to piease our caswmera wua gooa gouur, oneap. ,. V -o- WE sell DOAlESTICunble'ached'at 4 cents and a heavy yard wide for S cents a yard. TICKINGS are cheap. Good CANTON FLANNEL at only 10 cents. O This is heary goods. r,"T VWU.1iVCi D t vu 4 itu tu uc& tuoa luia viiuc wuw jiau uiurv jjiau&cis uu juviict i j Vi iJ i . ijf .. . . ... -v . .fi i.a L. m iL rrtcea, and now we are selling them to onr Itastoiners at less than jNew xors: prices. A wool io ana i quarier selling them to onr Customers at less than New York prices.' Blankets at less than a common Blanket used to sell for. WE handle tho celebrated GLOBE KID-GLOVE; only $1.00 a pair. Every pair warranted if thy put ur nj tj giTB now pnu iu ciuuiugc. , ,, . -O- ii GIMPS and FRINGE in Silk or Chenille with or without beads. Oar stock is very fine, and the price Is lower than it ean be retailed for in many stores in New York. 1 f you want such Trimmings call on us tnd be su: prised at their beauty and low price. ' rClcaksl Cloaks! Cloaks! Cloaks! Cloaks Our Ladies' Cloaks are nice Lour Jccy Jackets are nioe! and our stock of Children's Cloaks are nicer.' W hate large assortment of Children's Cloaks thnt are just beautiful and nre so much more stylish than you can makj .-.ikesa,- ' ' 1 ' Dor line of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HOSE are fine and good. For a little money you can buy fin! Bum at oar Store. ,..- , Shoes! .Shoes! . k Shoes! ' WE sell the celebrated CLEM ANT t WEIL' AND BALL SHOE, flexible sole. on Ch foot and at the same time one f the most comfortable shoes ever worn. Try on rweir nay other. .vflca: i ! ' ; -" ' l -' We have a GENT'S UNDER VEST, ALL-WOOL, heavy and fine, at only ONE DOLLAR. 6hoes!m They are an elegant Shot pair and you rill never "' ' 'HANDKERCHIEFS, real good opes we sell for only 5 cents a piece, andittj all, linen handkerchief for I 'aenW ' Some- of the loveliest styles in find Baiidkercnicfs you have ever seen we have this season. Call in an took at them. ' ' r . t , Our stock of BUTTONS. SHAWLS. BALMORALS. CORHET8. JLtJiSUUN. 1'OvJvlfiT BOUJiiJ, and a. th Aii sand At.1iir TTntinna. ia comrtletfi.) if1' THE JOURNAL. NEW BERNE. N. C. JAN. 8. 1886. Intellectual Kecbeation. Congressman Feel, it is well knowr, is not a man of. very. high literary attainments, but to appear well read he professes to bare gloated over every piece of literature that comes ' under, discussion. Judge Pittman, who in a highly intellect ual and well-read man, takes keen delight in talkiog litefaturetoPeel. Some time ago, wheu a party of gentlemen were eittinx around list eniug to some of Feel's -experiences orCofiresn, jtaazQ Fittman asked: VTeel, youi 1avA Iread Tennyson, haveu't 3 oi!". ;-; ' : - r y ,"01i, yea-Ves and I like iiim "Do you like Goldsm ith !" !HDfle on Inm.v v , " ; , "WhalIo you think of his poem, "Goldsmith's Maid!" , . ; "ByGeofg, sir,' it Is the befct thing be ever 'Wrote! I tell you what, Pittman, this, going to Con gress wbets a man's appetite for uterature." Boston Traveller. , , fEpUCATIOW OF .CONGEESSMEN. -Ot the 380 Senators, Kepresent i tives and delegates catalogued in the Congreseional Directory, SOS received ooly an ordinary or acade mic education, 151 went through college, 4 are West Pointers, and G ara self educated. Harvard has 8 graduated- enrolled, yUni versify of Virginia 74 Princeton (,tfsue, Miami An1 TinVti rv.tn X luiIi TTtainn A Tinn- Woin 3, Dartmouth," Hamilton, Am- uerstr Williams and Trinity, 2 each. There are 274 lawyers, 40 business men, 20 farmers, 10 editors and 10 doctors.' -There are 86 veterans of the TJn.ion army, 67 Contederato ve terans and'' 4 ex-members of the United Status navy. Te steady shrinkage of glaci'-rs in the Swiss Alps has caut ed sveie losses to tnany of the peasantry by the drying up of pastures formerly moistened t y giacial rills. GoIiik to His Grave. 'There he goes again direct to a saloon and pours down another heavy draught of strong drink, not so much because his appetite demanls it, but for the ar tiflcial buoyancy it produces the after effects of which leave him more misera ble than before: it is this dreadful prac tice that is daily sending thousands to tbeir graves.: A remedy for all this is found in the true friend of temperance, the beat and purest of all medicines, Electric Bitters. Sold by ail drug. gists at GO cents. U. S. Ilarshal's Sale. UNITFD PTATK-i Oh' AMERICA KA8T- EtlN DIBTKXCl O' NOK1H CA.KUUNA. A. J.Oatllng etal. ' 1 v. U. S. DlnlTlct Court. The Bteamer Flore-,c. Jo Aduiirnliy. f her tackle, apparel ( andlurnltuie. J Notice of Bile. .. Whereaa th ald aiaaiuer, tier tackle, ap parel and furnUure, ijrvo been duly eou demned by a decree f I he mM court to pay tli clalma of tue above nnwil llbellania,ai)i tbe Marshal ha bet n ordered to bell the aauie to pay said clalma - I will, oil thel:tih day of Jnnuftrv. A.l. lftWI, at 12 o'clock, midday, at wharf, mar lennl aon'aMHI, in the Cur ( Nuwbern, sell the aeven-eightlia of ada mnuer. her tackle, apparol and fumiur9,laiined by the Nation al Hank of Sewoeri) to py aeven-eightha of aald claim nct co'. and ibe one-iglith of aald ateamer, her lac kin. apparel and furni ture, claimed by Jitmea M. lpock, to pay ooe eighth of nll c!at ma and coaU-taid aale to b by public auction. , Terruacaah. " - ,r,. ; - ; V. ItlCHAUDON. ' .' U.m. Mxrkhal. By Rout. O Kcrok . ' , - ' V. H. Dep'y Maraha 1 ' Jntroary lt. 18s. , t. . .. ; ; . v did National Bank of New Befne. THE ANNUAL MEETINO OK THE STOCK HOl-DEHS of this Bank for the Elec tion of Directors, and the transaction of inch other biMlm as i may ooroe before them, will beheld at their NANKING HOUHK on the SECOND TCICSDAV.'belrB tho 12th day of JAN UA K V, 18KB, :', .i The Polla will be opened at TWEtVE o'clock aud close at ONE.I'.M. . t : J. A. GUION. raahler. De-ember 12. 18 6. . 1m . : For Sale, .' A Few IKir.en Rilect PECAN TREES at one dollar e ivli. Twenty-two (Jrndo s tKWolcl K oi, from one-half fo anven elchih b ood In lamb to a full-blood Col old buck, ' - .... Onepiilrof white DhlnaOeeie. ." ' ... ne pmr of dou.elkuited Wild On ae. ' 4 . , J. a JiANK, dcc?5dlw wlm . ' etonewall, N.C. , ', .i u. Christmas Goods ! A LUtK AND HANDSOME SUPPLY OF KANCY TOILET GOODS, oonaiaUng of: Plnth Toilet raaeav".':' . - Plnh AVhlnlt room Caaei, Handkerchief Kuraifl, r' . Cologne, Ktc, Etc., Juat received at HANCOCK HHOH. DRUG 8TOHK, nest to Poat Office, Now Heme, N, O. Call and see them before buying. i: . rOu line Table Linen NAPKINS and TOWELS astonish the natives. We sell 'a good all linen Napkin for 4 cents a piece, and a very large HapKin, heavy linen, for nve and ten cents. , - , -Anh oh some of the Jovclieet TABLE LINEN ; 'tis enough to make any good housekeeper cry to sea lovely styles and at such low prieea; l--,r' ' . y,.. vr 0 , Our siebnd floor is fitted up as aJWholesale Department, zuere we carry a full line of any tiling U fcicrchant can want, and at bucIl prices as will enable merchants to sell again at as low jpnees you can buy in JTewTork. . But don't forget, we will not sell on time; we must have T . ' At-A irfi : . , ut mocasn; max. is why w v-, :iBuy Your Candy l ) Mr -FROM L. J. TAYLOR v Wholesale , CAUDY MANUFACTURER AND Jobber, of Pnny Goods, Candy Factory at tho Frojr Pond . . - oezudsm , . OWEW H. OUION. re sell so low; .l..tl' rTrl.".wt Theifwesell n ? 'n r. 'Ad i 1 i III t&n a tin EJUlhWaJ VI ill t- O 99 (i ,o r.i 7 ini'' .Lis L')M11 ',roo .... .W-tt V ' v---!' ISSfaM m 'MtVr ,,, , ; . : . --.'. ":."'.' , V . ! f Ior en they aee th aianlv pnise." it, f ! . ! Bi 1 Whea rapid waan th Diamond Blurt, - A,l conquesfa tura of bea4s so tender," Jorv-bcn they toe Uia manly guise," f. u aai . J f, . vpiauoiaa always quick aurrender. - Surely the ladies are attracted -' C ; by neatness of dr es which tudds '.f ;. .,a . so much to the general elegance , ; of one's appearance. , What's e rriare rital to;a well-dressed man ' : " ' than'a pericct-fitting, smooth-set-, f i tinsLirt? ! ' ' : . v. j. raw am J-j 5:. 1. II. PKLUCTlCa. GUIOH & PELLETIEB, ttorixera At Ijaw, , South 'koi St., ot-p. Oaston Hoitsb, il,:mUfKXVf BERNE, W. C. . Practice wberaeervlorsare dosired. " Praullce la tti supreme Court, arid In th Federal Court at New Berna. One of thia Arm will al war a be at the fol lowing places at times apecinta riow: ITenton, Jonea count;, Haluiday of each and every week. i . Beaufort, Carteret oounty, Thursday ofeajh weeic -f- , ! 1 Jacksonville, Onslow conuty, the first Mon day In each month. !-. 17d Notice. t..i . CIIAnLES E. NELSON: bToa removed to his old stand oa Broad street, between Alex. Miller and K. M. Pavie, where be would Da pleased to see his mends and customers, ana supply mem witn me Desi Beef. Veal and Mutton the market affords. mr ueats aeiivereu to any part oi the oity iee oi CDUK. ... autiuiy , Bnmmoni. tati or Korth Carolina, U Barrow VS. I " Margaret Barrow. ) ,- . Divorce. Marataret Barrow, the above named defend nt.ls hereby notified that a summons waa ksaedln I lie above named action from the Office of the Clerk of tbe Superior Court of waven county, norm uaroiina, on the day of July, 1883, and the same Is returnable on the 12th Monday after the 1st Monday in September, 1835, and the said summonses nave been returned that tbe defendant Is not to he found In Beaufort and Craven counties. Th said Margaret Barrow will therefore take notice that she Is required to appear be fore Hie Judge oi our Superior Court, to be held on the M Monday befo e the 1st Monday la March, and answer or demur to the cora-P- ... . - j. Clerk BuperlorConrt ie2j dw4 CHRISTMAS. NEW TEA It, FOUItTII OF JULY, v ml many other days arecomina.and t hot aU may live In coou health and enjoy them. Now one nf the most rational ways is to so to PALMER'S iCIUAR 8TOBE, and get a Fine Oiear thnt Is worth amoklna. I have tftooean da f them put lip expressly for HRKsKNTS to your friends, in boxes of ii, from one dollar to two and a half dollars a box: and always the choicest ktnd at retail to those who apn 6c I Do , 2Ss. to 35o. for one cigar, or good ones oae who appreclnte a flue etgar, from by. U box of Ml or loo ii . WM. L. PALMKR, Middle street, nf xt to the cor. of South Front, POLLOCK ZTZZ 9f I Wjr mmmwmw J. II. c. GASTON HOUSE, j PiKH lil'.UI., U, B:'E. STREET & SON, Proprietors. iThe Only Flrat-cliuis Bouse In the City. Oram has connects with all Trains and Stetiinara. Large sampie rooms forcommer lij travelniH. oct2tl-dtf 7rX n." jiilowjN , i3iit:r .'tind Hair Drecser, oily, will Kvt ftrif l)f-re Jr i furin 1 1- II &iiiUi te m ret- v IltHI nra xritnr?, find the l. 'i-Mi i HfUxm in tue s av Bdcimtte htu v i -vis, Nt w iiop, new .in trn;irantwil ii' xi door to Ut'tvick't. il T Cat)t Sam. B. Waters AONT, . -DllKPY'S PVRK MALT WHISKEY. M. Crlchton'a "Montlecllo Pare Uye. ' XJllli,rcis, I3to. .... At his old Stand on Middle ftreet. ,. ' ; ael'idly - . New Berne. IV C. NOTICE. The undeniiened, Dliarlea B. Stubbs. has duly qualified os Kxecutor of the estate of Mary a Daemon, ana - nereDy gives notioe that lie requires all persons having Claims agaluat tho estate of the said Mary An derson to present them to the said U. b. Htubbs duly authenticated, for payment, on or before the t?ta ony of ietemler, 1KS, or else this notice will oe pleaded in liar or recovery. Persons indebted to said estate must pay wiiuuui. ueiuy. . ' - - del91)w - " P. B. STunns, Kxecutor. ' Tlie lileat. young people's niaaazine. It holds the first place among periodical of Itt CaSS.BOSTON JOURNAL ST. NICHOLAS. An : illustrated monthly periodical for boys and girls, appearing on the 25th of each month. Edited by Mary JVlapcs JJodze. 1 rice, Zo cents number, or S3.00 a Tear, in advance, Booksellers, newsdealers, postmasters, and the publishers take subscriptions, which should begin with the Govern bor number, the first of the volume. St. Nicholas aims both-to sitisfy and to develop the taste of its con' stituency ; and its record for tho past twelve years, during . wnicu it nas al ways stood, as it stands today', at the head of periodicals for boys and girls, is a sufficient warrant for its excellence during (he coming season. The editors announce the following as among the Ltadtng Features for 1885-'86. A Serial Story by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Tbe fisrt long story she has written for children. A Christmas Story by W. D. How ells. , With humorous pictures by his little daughter. ; ! v il x -1 s'Georgo Washington," by Horace j. coudder. : A novel and attractive Historical Serial. ' Short Stories for Girls, by Louisa M. Aloott. The first "The (Jatidy Uountry" in .November. i. New "Bits of Talk; tor Young Folks," by "H. H," This series forms a gracious and fitting memorial of a child-loving and child-helping soul. Papers on the Great English Schools, Rugby and others. Illustra tions by Joseph Fenncll. ; ; r: A Sea-coast Serial Story, by J. T Trowbridge, will be life like, vigorous and usetul. r ; 'i r " ' : . "Jenny's Boarding House," a serial by James Otis. Dealing with news boy life and enterprise. ; , . iranlc It. Stockton will contribute several of his - humorous and fanciful stories. ' ,' "Drill." . By John Preston True. A capital school story for boys. li - The Boyhood of ShakespeareV by Rose Kingsley.--" With illuktrations by Alfred Parsons. bhort b tones by scores of prominent writers, including Susan Coolidgo, n. H. Boyesen, Nora Perry, T. A. Jan vier, V ashington iiladden, Kossitcr Johnson, Joaijuin Miller, Ropliio May, liezekiah Uuttorworth, W. U. btod dard, Harriet rrescott Spofford, and many others. Enterprising Skctchcg by Alice V. Rollins, Chnrlcs G. Lcland, Henry Eckford. Lieutenant fc-ohvatua, Ed 1S8G. Harper's Magazine, illusti:ati:d. The IVeember Number will be?!n the Bar. enly-seeond Volume of Ha UhE a mai.azihk, MUs woolBon's novel, "hjist Angela," and Mr. Howell's "Indian euuiuier"-liuiuuig the forenicst place In currtut serial Ootloii- will run ibrautih leveral numbers, aon will lie followed by serial si orles iroiu It, I), liiack more and Mis i. Al. Ciaik. A new editorial department, uiacuai'ng topics suggested t,y Hie current II eraiureof Auieriraand buropv, w 11 1 coutribuied by W. 1). Howella, betfln-nli-K with the January number. Tbe great llieart event of tbe year will bs Ihe publica tion of a aeries of papers taking the shape of a story, and depleting characteristic leaiurea of A nisi It an society aa seen at vur leatimg pleasure leeorls written by Cbailee l.udley Aainor, and llloatrated by C. H. Hclnhark Tbe Maftazlue will give etpcclal attention to American subjects, treated by the best Amer ican writers, and Illustrated hy leading American artists. - a Harper's Periodicals. PKB YEAR; -UAUrEE'S MAQaZINBL...-1. .11 w .400 00 iIARPEB'8 WEEKLY HARPFR'8 BAZAK- rJAItPER'S Y0CNQ PE0PLB..,. dA BPER'8 FRANKLIN SQ0ARE LI-' PBARY, Ona Year (53 Numbers) i.,10 00 Postage Free to all subscriber - In the Onlted States or Canaia. - y v . The volumcsof the Magaslae begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. Wheu no time Is apei-ifled, It will be nrdefsto' d that the subscriber wishes to be gin with the ourrant Numb' r. Bound Volumes of llamr's Mss-vslne for three years back. In neat eloth binding, will bo tent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of 13 00 Jioin vases, tor r bin per volume, t!i Usees, fur r binding, 60 cents each by mall. costDaid. . Ifidex to Harper's Magusine, Alphabetical, Analytical, ana Classlut-d, for Volumes 1 to w, iiiuiusivv, iiuiii juuv, inou, w dune, loou, one vol , Svo, Cloth, SI 03, Kemlttanres should l made by Post-Offloa Money Order or Uraft, to avoid rhanoe of loaa. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise, ment wituoutlhe f-z press order of Harper A Brothers. Addiess , HAltftR A BKOl HtRS, New York. ward n Pom llinA rT3. i U011S, r ( in, and oU ;;-r ct-ii ;.j I c :. i'.- 1 r "s 'tlie 1 .I'. Ia n ia (l.e world.' n ky C., 1'ew Yc . and tl.e Harper's Weekly, ILLTJ STItATEJ). ' IIarpkk'b Weskly has now, for more tlisn twenty years, maintained Its position aa the leading -Illustrated weekly newspaper In America, tollh a constant Inorease of lit erary and at t'stic resources. It Is able to off er for the ensuing year attractions onequaled by any prev.oua volnme, embracing two cap Ital Illustrated serial storlts, one by Mr. Thus. Hardy, an ong ti e foremost of living writers of Action, and the other by Mr. Walter Keaant, one of I he most i apldly rising of English nov ellsts; graphic Illustrations of nnnsual Inter est to readers In all sections of the country; entertaining short stories, mostly Illustrated, by the beslwrlteia, and important paper by high authorities oa the chief topics of the day Every one who desires a trustworthy polite leal guide, an entertaining and instructive family Journal, entirely free from objection able features In either letter-press or lllustra. tlotis.BhoulU subscribe to Haider's W ekly Harper's Periodicals). ' ;V ;" PEB YEAUs r 4 HARPER'S WEBa.tt.$7 00 HARPER'8 MAGAZINE ..........'.... uu HARPER'S UAZAlt HARPER'8 YOUNG PEOPLE.; HARPER'S FRANKLIN KQUAUK LI- ', BRARY. One Year (52 Numbers) .lu 00 Postage fiee to all subscribers In the Uulled States or Canada. v The A olumr s Qf the Weekly bt gin with th ... 1IW il 00 flint Number lor January of each year. When no time. Is mentioned, it will be understood that tbe subscriber wist es to oomiseoce with the Mutuber next after tbe leoelp of ordr. ' Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free or expense (provided ihe freight doea not excetd one dollar per volume), for 7 .1X1 per volume. - " j Cloth Caie for each to'.ume, suitable for bln.ilnr, will be sent by mall, pt stpald, on receipt of S1.00 each, . Remittances thou Id bs ma-'e by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers at not to copy this advertise ment without ihe expjessoider if Harper A Brotheia, Addiess HARPER & BROTHERS', . New Yoik. THE GENTUltY FOR 1885-86. The remarkable Interest In the War Paoer and In tne many timely articles and strong serial feature nnbliohed, recently In Ins Obntcry has given that maaasln a rt aniar circalatlon of .. Hor than 1900,000 Copies Hentaly, ' Among the features for the coming volume, which begins with, the November number, are:, , ;i ... , . - , t : t. . ' , ;tV'I Tk,WaPBM,:; f J'TBy General Giant knt Others. . These will be continued (most of them Illus trated) until the chief even te of tbe Olvil War have been described by leading participants on both sides. Ueneial Grant's pel1 re tD. olude dessriptlonsof the battles of Ohatta noogaand tbe Wildernes. Oeoeral HcClel- lan win write oi Anneuim, uenerai v v. Buell of Bhiloh. Geneial Pone, Longstreet ' and others of the ttecond Hull Run, eto etc, Naval combats, including" the flitlit between the Kearsarge and the Alabama, by officer of both sblps, will be described. - The "Recollections of a Private" and sp lal war papers of an anecdotal or humorous oharaoter will be feature of the ) ear. Serial Stories by " -V W, D ' Hon ells, Maiy Hallock Foots, : ' Ana Ueorge W. cable. Mr. Howell's serial will be In Hunter velni than "The Rise of Bilas Lapbam." Mrs. Koote'i is a story of minim lue. and Mr. Cable's a novelttte of the Acadlans of Louis iana, Mr. Cable will alao contribute a series of papers on Slave songs and dances, lnclud. lng negro serpent-worship, etc, Special Feature Include "A Tricyce Pllirrlmnpe in Rotne," llluatrated by Pennell; liiHtoneal nes by- Edward Jiggleston, and oineis; 1 i on Persia, by h. G. W, Benjamin, li- v 1 , 8.. minister, with numerous liU(.tini,v.. As tronomical Articles, practical and popular, on "Sidereal Asrronomy"; Papera on t lins llan Unity by representatives of various re- lieious denominations: Paeis on Manual Education, by various experts, etc . etc. Sliort StorlC ' Ey Frank R. Btookton. Mrs. Helen Jackson (H, H ), Mis. Marv Il'iUock Foole, Joel t han dler Harris, II. IL ioeseii, T. A. Janvier, Julian Hawthorne, Richard M. Jolinxion.snd - others; and poonis by iatling p. i. Ti Uepartmenla. (im-ii l.eiieiv' xi c a ili etc., 111 be ft) i s' Mthiui ! Tiie Illosi., lo Will be kept tip to the standard which bns made Thk Crntuky engravings famona tne world over. Prices. A Special C " r. Regular subscription rrlce. fine) n v r. To enable new readcis to set al urn v .m -'h. Wild conlrthn Heauic n -1. M Wallse... a Rend the 1 ;ic iclober, 1 . ?, v inning !,. f, ripi ion, yv rtnesome v Ullthcrs (,t A i i- ns ficm f 1 ., lo a I e- . ... A sob Ill two . I . i .i i 1 Ii .1 'r-;i

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