"A" Horn or School,. Ppring Be-sion of 188 beginsthe Steond Monday, the lltb of January. v ? , -Jf. H. HORNER, .) J. C. UUKM-iK, -- ! deo29dwit,. - - ' Principals.,- CKEENVILLE H Female IrihlP 'r'wothat the fashions of the pres. Xti-AiC ALiUtUl,BJentdavdonot8atiafv the r ideal. Spring Trm Opena January 80, 1888V Ti e clasees will bs reorganized after tlie IIuikdivh, nd new pupils received anytime, tn r. mimic m tor the f an Term, W. Four eom-Jn- nt leni'uers. v . i i.e Co la s building la new, and well fnr Bt.. I wiiH' -Triumph" desks, etc.- Ample ruiu lor forty boarders. Exoellent advan. ' tf- for music. Good pianos, etc. ' , haiea of tuition moderate. Biwrd wftb the Priuclpal, 7 53 to $10.03 perRion'Jr payable moutlily. tor further mrtlenlnrs addresa 5. -t JOHN DTJCKtSTT, Principal, Or A. Fobbks, sq. Col. U.MUtY fcKIHHKR, 1 : Trustees. Greenville, N. C Decxmbr 15. 18& .- ( Aurora ficademy, ,, AURORA.' N. C. . "feeailon 18386 opena AaguatU.im t Lttsrart DarARTM K. T. Bonner, Prin: M las Martha Whitley, Assistant, , !:' v c' i ' ' ' - ' ." - ", j WusrcAi. Dspaktokitt Mrs. A, Q. Lane. This aehool la situated hi amoral and pro greasive eoinmunity. ' 'For further Information npply to . , . augtOdwtf B, T. BONNER, Principal. 8TAT of North Carolina, 1 "Crayen ConntJ. ; ' J Bnperlor Coort ' ' Aotlon to fore. s JamtS A, Bryan and wife ( lot equity la , va. - . ( contract for pur ;Z -0-W.StcJUean., , 1 ;. cnaseofJand, To a fTi MoLean, Defendant i Yon are hereby notified that an action, as , above entitled, haa been begun agalnirt you : In the Superior Court of Craven county, for tbepurpoaeof foreclosing your equity ineer . tain lauda In eald oou-.ity, which the Plain- titfa contracted to convey to you bv contract . baring data Mav lUi, A.l. 1S79, to which contract In your possesion reference la hfd , ' foi further particulars And you are hereby .. required to appear at the February TeMn of : liM Court, to be held at (be Court Hojiae In - Ilia City of Newborn, on the Th.rd MdT V before the First Monday It) Maroh, A. If. IK80, Itnd Unu and there answer or demur to th,e ii. Of. CARPENTW, ' ' eet d8w " ": : Clqrksup courl.- .Trinity-College. .yi i 'I T1T11T.V' Iilll IKJTB.-- fnrf tern Jatt'r 6th-Jwae 10th, '85 h Property of the N, C. Conferenee of M. S Uhurob Hooth; under the dlrotloaof board of '1'raMlwa elected by the Conference; mar. aged at present by a Committee Oi Three J. to i Auoh J. B Cair. and J. A.ray; a Facully of Seven Professors ; four year'!ol Ltpa eolirae leading t the degree of Bachelor ot Arte or Bachelor of Philosophy: prepara-r lory aadnnilneas departments ; toA buUdr Insa.furultnre and apparatua; location-Very healthy charges moderate. - ' ' -. For Qatalogue and particulars address . . Ifl Trinity OoUegs, Ranqoph Co :, N. ft t, , . NOTICE. The undersigned, Charles B. Ptubbs, has duly qualified as Executor of the estate of . Mary Anderson, and hereby gives notloe that he requln-s all persona having eiai ma against the estate of the said Mary An derson to present them to the aald o, B, Stuhba dnly authenticated, for payment, db or before the 17th day of December, 188), or else this notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. Persons Indebted-to aald estate must pay withnuUdelay. '-- 1 4lil W ci B Btubbs, Executor. tl. R.'Jones ' , j . . . it .- , . . "-. . ' i 1 COMMISSION Oqnsignments of Gralu, i i.. ... .j-.ijil. 1 vU,j.;J;...'-V-'1'!'.',. Cotton an4 other v v t j p r'o d u C e r v BOXiIOXTB 33- , Ti:iZT ATTE.TIOJI ' 67AmTISD t ni tl '1 l- -l.VU vu-J.u....i ij . V';,'. f .' 3rV ood5l ;lS6tionji ' BOOTS AND SHOES.":. IIOOEIIIES ' ' ' ; Qf ALtKiNps - Per!, ' paeon,' Flour Sugar, !3ofTee, Salt, Synxp and ; MOLASSES. : c:;uf.f wdTpDACCp; SUCH AS ' i ' Epaies Shovels, Eoe-i, Axes, I ..liz Vloxr Traces names,". I" -r.ier's ytipplies GEEEALLY ; ;'' - r i ' " . ' . , r t ! pTT1 '. . aj l.J t tiJ A- - - i Aj 1- - - A -i-XiiJ .a-aj , CONSTANTLY IN STOCK f rii"-s'i r.v f -r c- TilEvJOPKNAL.: NEW BEKNE.. N. G., JAN. 15. 18i(l,; t. ; ,:. Follies of Drew. , ,. .'. Toe people who long for i. sensi 1 i 1 o orvln ft' Afacra man r,cifrl.w . They . may,. : however, cultivate a reasonable amount ot gratitude for Uie blessings they really eniov in that direction by casting a . back ward glance at the fashions : of. the last century. : Says Mary. Framp- ton, wnose journal furnishes one of the mirrors by which we may study oy-gone. maimers ana customs: . la 1870, everybody wore powder and pomatum, and a large trianf a- iaj tnmg called a custiion, to which the hair was frizzed np, with three or four enormous curls on - each side. '' ' '' ' .. , The higher .the pyramid of hair, game and feathers was carried, the more fashionable it was thought to be, and such- was the labor employ ed in rearing the fabric, that night caps were made in proportion, to it, and covered over the hair, immense black pins, powder, pomatum and all, ready for the nex$ day,. Twenty four pins , was by . no- means an unusual number to wear to bed. . ' The perfection of figure, accord ing to the fasnion of the time, lay in the smallness of the circumfer ence into which .one's unfortunate waist could , be' compressed, - and many a poor girl hurt her health very materially by trying t6 rival the reigning beauty of thatday, the Dutchess of Rutland, who was said to sqeeze her waist to the size of an orange and a ball. ; ' In 1701, says the sam writer,, all the gentlemen wore queues, or tails, of considerable length and thickness near the head dwindling by degrees towards, the extremity, the whole well-plastered and powdered' : they wore, also, great curls, frizzed, powdered, vand pomatumed, at the ears. -l - Ladies wore their r hair flowing down their backs, and high in front with much pomatum and . powder, pqton with different kinds ol puffs. TbjS powder wa,s applied at a dis tance, that every hair might'; be frosted with it. One pound ian4 sometimes two of powder were of ten pat into the hair, or wasted in the room,' in one dressing,'. - ' tlucklen'a Arnica Salre. ' .The Best Salve in the World for Cuts, Bruints, Soree Ulcers, m Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, .Tetter,- Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cores, and all Skin EruptioDS, and positively cures piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 29 cents per box. ... , . dwlr . Owin'H. Guiow, i , , P. H. Paia-BTWH. I GUI0N & PELLETIER, Attornersi At Ijw, t South FbOmt St., Ore, Gastom Hopse, ' V SEW BKBNK, S. C. '.;,... '- Practice -where servioee are desired.' : Practice tn the eiupreme Court, and In th Federal Court at Mew Bern. - One of this firm 111 always be at the folT lowing pUces at timeaspecinrd ' elow: '1 reuuin, Jones county, sartlrduy pr each and every week. ' ' 1 " Beaufort, Carteret aaunty, Thursday of eajh week. ,!- Jacksonville, Onslow county, the first Mon. day in eaoh montu. : l"d ', Beeswax. AS BUYERS OF BEESWAX WB WILL, until further nptce, pay ajc. prr lb. free onboard steamer at New Berne.' ' i- oc38dood8iu ,:S BoBton, Mass; Cliristnias: Goods la LARGE ANP HANDSOME BUPPLYOF F AM flY XOlkET OUOUS, consisting ofi Plnsb Toilet Cas,( l? ---j ..' . .. . Plasb. Wklsk tfroom Cases,- t i,,Htsilli.r.luef Extracts V If-' v.. .v Cologne, Ktc, Ktc, Just received a? HANCOCK' BROS.' OBTJff S'l'ORB. next to Post Office, New Uernet U . Call and see them before bnylng, . ' . . Cat gaihi B. Waters AOFNT, : .'"'fj:. DtrCT'S PTJRK MALT WHISKEY. M. Criehton's- 'MaUcllo Pur. Rye," , Stlliards -33to:i.kr.; : At his old Stand on Middle st reet. . .', . . aeiadly . v.j .-Hew Pern. IT"-- . For Sale,s f ' A Few Doaett : Select PECAN 'THJnaS,' at one dollar each.. : i -.i ' ' i -u -e . . Twenty-two Grade Cotswold' Eves, from one half to seven-eighth blood la. lane to a full-blood Cotswold buck." J t One palrof white China Geese., tst! , (ne pair of domesticated Wild Gep.,'r .'. v v J, S. LAKK. 1 :t ! 4ec?5 dlw wlro ; , ' 4 . Ston wall. B'.Q. e " & ' fc S .... e 5 5 2 AT GREATLY R In duced Prlv-. Address i-. e. cudv, . ocl7 dvr Halifax, , . If. C. 'TTTABTKD LAUIE8 to work or na at , mm iuc.x uwu uiMuca, 91 viu per wees . . vnu 00 quietly luaao. no pnoto. paiminc; no cauviiwilLg. For fall particalare, pleaae . address, at oner, Cr eicent Art Co., Boston, , wx aim. - T - aexv im TITAlf TED Ladles and gentlemen In alt Vf or countrv to take light work at their own nomea as to a day MO Be easily made i work sent by mall; no canvassing. We have good demand for our work and fur nlfch steady employment. Address .with stamp, tKOW.l H'C"& COJirASY, S4 Vina Jt., cinelBMaU. Oslo. delSlm TMTEKIDIJiO ADVERTI8KIU should ; ' GEO. P. ROWEU dc CO., ' " 10 Sprues Street, Brew York City, For Select List of J.000 Newspapers. 1 PIAWOFORTES. UNEQUALLED IN TONE, TOUCH WORKMANSHIP and DURABILITY. 'ft - WILLIAM KHABB A. CO Hos.804and 306 WeKBalnmoHBtBalumetaa. Mo. lia fifth Avenue, New York. . , l2LF.ss MEN sc. MEMBER -JfoBM navea u jfoiMy Mads.19 Do Your Own Prlntlnc. ' Only perfeotafV-toMaa rubber stamp mwtaw offered. Workmsuhin anmppUMtt Prtnta nrfeetly. No business maa should be without one. Eniirt tatif action ffor. '! rnntted. Catalogue and testimonials Vse. Price annaiitfrfy low. Refer by permlMloa to Boa. A. H OincAD. Attorney General United State. ' - TIIK WIIEI F"' RUBBER STAMP PttESft Rl'F'Q CO., Augusta, Ua. i! NERVOUS DEBILITATED 1 ItlCll. You are allowed afrtt (riot ofMrty ifovtof flie pseof Dr. Dye's GelebratedVolUfc Belt wlta Electrto Sutpensory AppUanoss, for the vpeedy relief and permanent cure of Afonmu DetrtHtv. Um of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. mwowmiiiM rree. By addressing v vj. a aau JtiJUii to,, jiarsnan, AusBa House Keepers S If .You Arc Going to HOUSE KEEPING, CKJ TO ' ' L, II. CUTLER'S ; . 'AND GET A. ' Dinner Set, 125 Pieces. Tea fet, 44 Pieces, : Chamber Set, 10 Pieces. Fine Toilet Sets, ! ; AND EVERYTHING IN House Furnishing Goods Line 26 arid 28 Middle Street, ' NE WB EKNE, N. O. i ' J.B. whits. J. C. KTHSBtDGI, , Norfolk Co., Ve Cnrrltuclc, N. O. WHITE, ETHERIDBE CO., ; Cittcn Factors and Commission Merchants 110 Water Street, Harfalt, Yd ' Pneolal attention given to the aale of COTTON, LUMBUR, CORN, PEANUTS, PO TATOKSadt:opntryPrOduota ... ...I'. .-t mirrrenoee: it. w . neu eon, nariowe, ir teret'Co.. N. V. J K. B. Hareet A Co.. Sllverdale. Onslow Co N. O.i J. W Shepherd. Pollocks vllle, Jones Co., N. C J Alexander A Woodley, Cressweil, N. U. John Jaoobs, South Mills. IV. t.t Marine nana, worioiit, va.; Major yra, H. Etherldne. Norfolk Co.. Va.: J. H. Ives. Norfolk Co., Va.; T. P. Hall. Coinjock, N. 0.; T. O. i-klnner, Hertford. N. C.; WUllama Bros. INOiRim, vu.i . rt, vynite at cro., nonoix. va.; -rv. .v;?ti;.' . . tuwuwir .TIME .TABLE, niiiimiu I ,-. nr.-- .- ,". f.nr rt ' 3D. fitlantic 6l N. C. Railroad TiafB TABLE Ifo.'' ill', t ' lnrEffect!13M., Sunday, December 20, 1885. EAST,; 1 wast. No. 41, PasBenger Passenger STATIONS X.'rrT'L'va. Arr. 1,'ts, r H. r. a A.M. 5 07 Qoldsboro, 11 12 10 83 66 S 4R 22i 6 48 6 it La Grant x Kinston,. Hew Berne, 10 86 10 U0 8 27 111 r. a. I p. A.la, Dally SHOept Sunday. i jt EAST. No.l.- j : Nci Mixed Fft. A ' Pass Train KixedFgt.il Paw. Train, STATIONS. "fit Arr. 9 26! L'vet , 1 u, 8 37 Newbern,. 9 19- Riverdale 9 SO! Oroataa. 1 ? 5tl I'tUl 't 19 ..1 TWi 08 , 9 46 I 16 6 67 47 880 8 00 8 48 10 17i I oil HsTSlock.i I - e ii in 93! Nnwnort..J ! 9 06! 10 81 r 10 Sii: Wlldwood... i 6 63! 10 89 i 10 41 i Atlantic. 45! 10 Mi; 11 08i Xorehead City.i ' 6 Oii 11111 . ! Morehead Depot-- - 1 P. K. t F.K. . . A-MJ . I ... 'Dally exeept Sunday. EAST I. WIST. - No.8 Mixed Frt. A Paas. Train. Ko.4t Mixa Frt 8 STATlCfJS. Pass. Tra a Air., k.'vi Arr. - L've. A V.. ' 00 9 28 19 08 1(1 49 11 21 11 62 12 8i 1 07 1 27 2 10 A. M. 8 13 9 C8 9 84 10 10 11 01 11 27 11 67 12 87 1 12 1 30 P. if. 7 05 9 14 825 4 60 4 Oi 8 42 8 12 1 82 1 M 140 P. M. Golaaboro,n. Best's La Orange,.. Falling Creek., Kinst. .. Caswell Dover (lore Creek . Tnesrora.M. rirke'. Newbern....... 820 84 i 6 4 20 8 46 8 17 9 87 902 J 42 100 P. M. T'uppildy, , Thnrsday and Saturday, Monilay; wen ue aay ana fnuay. Train 50 connects with Wilmington A Wei. ' m Train bound North, leaving tHJldiihoro ' p. ni., HMII Willi I m I ,ii,i rr u mi:.r VATCHES fx raAPi -, si irwiiaj m ir : iu A S t-iii, hi i ; .i r.ui . ii it . ... pi. "i iin.'.l fimni,i,' with Y "(mrt A t-wnt. .. n'fiTiiii a l O '.-.hfio i ..( (i.ra , una i i mi i ' ei lou Urain 1k.hu t: . 4 . . .-. i .i i c. ---" W. "".Train boar. ; .; .,1. :tVii u-- ".roati. :-i p.m, V, D L iihcrrialEdife T' jreare verrfewlnvertmentebetterthan r t estate but we ' . of oaavthat kuand that ono is policy la r THE riDELITY MUTU4.LV LIFE ASSOC'N OF PHILADELPHIA; The policy cart be bought at the rate cf 822.40 for 800T.0. ."S, i r , , -. It needs di eiiltlvatlr r repairs, and the yearly tat on 1U levied til-annuallv. Is not aa aiuca aa iheiax. on real eeiate of Hke value. 1 upon tne ueatn oi tne owner, the policy does not require appraisers, administrators and lawyers to diminish tub value but is raiDia PULLaIAr osos without expense to the baueflciarv named4herela. j, . - T6e Davroeotof acii-nolle r MnumnM by nearly 810,100,000 assessable Insurance with a reserve frderoalty of ,S20t'.0gO, and cash as aets of nearly 960,004. i tit. , The Aaaooiation'ownS Its awn hnltdincr. and rente enouah oflloea to have Its rent o, Its expenses are limited to fli ed annual d uen. Incorporated, December, 1878. Home OlBce, 914 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. -Bepa ham aa acorass lor treatise-on plan. . ;.D.a.IDTfETTK. . Manager fiotn he astern Department, No. 228 Kay ette vllle street, "Kuleigh, N. C. BOTD A BERRT. District A srent For Counties of Craven, Carteret, Beaufort, Myue, jonea ana rauinco. Good aaents wanted. to- whom we-ere ore. pared to otter the most liberal Inducements. T. A.Grebk, ) of Green, Foy A Co.. Bankers, J Trustees Joel Kihssy, Farmer, ) The following- are the name 8 of soma rf the parties who have examined pur. plans and taken policies with ub, ' " '' Gen'I K. Hansom, Thos. Daniels, B. O. Credle, Geo. Green, Jr. W. B. lAne, . A P. Dnvis, Daniel Davis, Drury Dixon. Dr. Clias. Duffy, Jr. v. u. urinsou. Alex. MilKr, S. W. Ipock, K. H Lane, , Sarah C Davis. ' - Hezekiah DuvIh, novlSdwtf iHEflVCUSDEBIL.Tf HABRZSI i FflinfflhA skiltAd Dhv- faiiolans, lesuit frora rTonthful iTKUacTetiAJ , A D.nmli ninff CT.n w Ftoo free indul trance, o v mnrnrta overbralnwork. Avt,iJ the lmpontki'.ioi prctf-i;-tlottf remedies ibi fVvi troubles. Oct our Yrcn Circular and TrlaLi'ut!; age.and lgarn important, , facii btfbrc taklnctMoi-. mrnt elsewhere VeVtc? a &URn RFMEllYthttilAS CUUED thoucandi, docs not interfere wuh a itt lo tion to busincot, or cuuho palaor lnconvenlenot in DEBTXIT7, Qrgacls Weaksass. S3PHTSICAL e DECAV, InYounp; A Middle Aaod Men. Tested for overSixf vcars bv uss in maiyt any way. iouiiwu imi cfimtifia medical nrincf- SHOUSAND CASES I 9 plea. By direct crpucniic 3 to the aeat of diacaae its vpccUla lnftucuco is ieit without delay. The nat ural function c of the htu man onrantsm la restore J. The animating elements of life, which nave b!i l wasted reciTeTt oaeK.antt -tluiMtientD8mmeBThec On Kooth. s B3.00 Two in oaths J f.oo 1 Ail and rasiidly gains botta atrerigth ainA sexuX viger ViiMJioaULa. 00 f HARRIS REMEDY CO.. MtOCflttflsta nil TUREO PERSONS! No a Trn.1-: W Vf r Aelr for terms of our AppliRacf. DR. J D. CLARK, DENTIST, NEWBERN. M. C. Omoe on Craven street, between Polloa and Broad. , . Aprl7-dxwly . St.- iBiioitB! B ' 'JT,W,KNT fcAlTLT. Sf MM0NS& MANLY, ATTOENET8 AT LAW. Will practice in the Courts of Craven. Jones Onslow. Carteret. Pamlico. Lenoir and Uvde and In the Federal Court at Uew Berne. febSdAwl) MAXSCHWERIN. THE BOSS CLOTIIlflG SeHWERIM & ASH i:m o-a vijezntsfr HI ( 1 We hare some very handsome Silk Handkerchiefs, Scarfs Ties-Bow,. Buspender a and for Holiday Pfeaents? 'V" ' Wbare SOU! AflBNTa for the A.'A. B ATTLES MEM'S - Md BOTl CALF SEWED ,50 SHOES. snaes sola la tnis ettjr tnatare wauiutuu d.v the mannfaotnrer to us, and by us to oliri quatomera, vis : auircti-y nir is wwruim, buouiu any w .uem in any wav. within anv reasonable time aive out. we will uoon retain of damaged?, pair an4 statement as- to' length of wear, either refund the monev or aive another new pair to exchange, H 1 the best, tluegtand cheapest S0HWERIN & ASH, - ' 1 Middle Street-corner of Alley, directly oppotitt Baptitt Churth. "ApSOdwtf W hoi e s a I e AAXA V f. AHAiall V V TWO STORESSOUTH OF Apd keep of FLOUKJTIKATS, MOLASsES. SALT, CCO, eTerythlns in the ; GRQEItY 1,9 W PRICES for CASlI;. . ' 1 r 111 - --4 ' , . . , in. - Mine I :i,TOfg!imtf;l Rosendale and LASTEK, GOAT liSmS JCKTl CliOLLJl LI A ROLE' V7 0 R RS, i.-.. L i i.-a. i-Ai-ji iiijj.i n m tfji$t$-i H$frfacls. i w s -i'V. a. .?: '. Monuments, Tombs, AcaaUindjiOraveaadBnUilliigworkta . ITALIANS AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention satisfaction guaranteed. JOE Ii. WILMS, Proprietor (Successor to George W.Claypoole) Cor- BROAD A A D CRAVEN 8t$., NEW BERNE, N. C- O. E. Miller is my authorized Agent n Kinatoc, oaa80-lrdw Gigars, Cheap ! Another Lot! oi Cigars Just In" Which I am otfering at Prices Lower Than Ever. CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK. JOHN DUNN. W. H. DEWEY, TBI PRACTICAL T0NS0RIAL ARTIST, Personally In attendance at his Halrdieasint and Shaving Saloon at the Gaston House with the best workmen and new furniture. Satisfaction Is assured to those who patron ise him. d GEOEGE'ASH. AND SHOE STORE Offer their Stock of Fine and Cheap Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Genta' Furnishing Goods at Greatly Re duced Prices. All Dry Goods, Flannels, Shawls, Cloaks, Walking Jackets and Blan kets at COST. Hosiery, just the . very thing The only ahoe In the world forlths money. '. SIGN OF FLAG. G r(ocers, a W JUS AW A M at m.MJUm THEIR FORMER STAND, COFFEE. bTJQAB, STRFPS SNUFF ASD CIGJUiS, an XINE, a FUL.L STOClt d at ' Cr-- Av " 1 ' v S24b'; " 1 . . " -V i-.i ft tt-. Portland CcacaL nAIR, ETC, ETC. ff l V f lira t . ' J 1 ' . I n O A fS 111 XiXtJ. - iEff-BEESE 1SPAM,1CD Steam' Transaction Co'v. FALL " 8CHKD0LK OF THE 8TKAMEK elm uinry 4 effect bp an? ats eplirT(i, kdaw lntd aionaays , 5. - - Lsra new rjerne at 10 e ciocA. a. m , for it 10 a'dock. a. m , Jo Lace Landing, stopplng-at AdaniaCrmk. . whuviui uHucwaii iuu Dayuuiw. mr riving at Lake. Landing, Juesday. a tt 8 o'eluck, a. m. . Wednesdays ;' . .'. a', itv Leave Lake Landina for New Bpraw at i ; o'clock, a.m., stopping at Bayboro, fetona' . wall, Vanderaere.. and Adama Creekv, r rivlng at Mew Berne. TLurtdava. 1a.m. . Thnradays- ' ; - -rr-a Leave New Berne at W o'clock, a, m , for Lake Landing, slopping at Adams Creek, Vandeniere, Htonewall and Bayboro, ar rt,v.lnsL laka- Landing, Fdday. o'clock. am. . . Satordaya---' 11 ' iJ ti Aave taa Landing at o o'eloek.a-r, fc. ew Berne, stopplug at Kay boro, (stone wall, Vandeniere and A dame Creek, ar riving at Mew Ilerae, 1 o'clock a, m.. Sun . daya. - BV this innmiBmant -.. . L.1 . . -. - . eloae connection with the Nor4nern atearo. era, also having good accommodatlona both tor MUAninini finH fralnht . .... 1 . . . aak that the merchants and prod ocers along I---,-- Ri'o wir cuoniai aupporv. Freight received under cover every dar of the week ' r VnrfnrMi., Inl.m.,i . . . hi 1 . vuuuuv uwa. floe. Foot of Market street. All goods received only at our warehouse, foot Market st reet. W. P. 1SUUKUS A Co., Agent, Or any of Its Agents at the following nlaeea: I ABE LEE. Adams Creelr " ' a. I. WATSON, Lake Landing. D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere. O. H. FOWLER, StonewalL r H. W. LANE. Bayboro, . , W. P. liUHROS 4 CO., an21d(ftwly General Managers THE ' 1TEUSE & TRENT RIVEE Steamboat Company Will run the following Echedule on and aflei September 9th, 1885 : - ' Steamer Trent Will leave New Berne for Trenton every .."-, 7J,"" f iriuay aiier me arrival of the steamer bheuaudoak4 return ing. Will lHVA'rr.nl,,n ,..... IM, .. H. ... -- . ...... , . . . 1 iuuini. auti Saturday, toucliing at all points along the river Steamer Klnston.'. ' ill On o . r. I m. 1- . ... r . . 17-1 . ,!, , . iin, 1000, tne steamer "u "i" ieavH Kinston lor New Be roe every Monday andThursday at o'clock a.m.: returning, will leave New Berne every Tues day and Friday, atopping at Jolly Old Field and innr)liriir ul nil I u ...II . . " ,.uiKD ..ii i,uj river. Close connection niaiio with steamer 8hen andoah of the Old Dominion Steamship Co. JOHN U. PELL.atNswbrn;i W. F. Stanly, Klnston. D. 8. Babbus, Pollokavllle. I. T. WILSON, Agent at Trenton. J . P. QTJINS-BI.Y, Jolly Old Field. J. B. Banks, Quaker Bridge.. . J. M. WH'TE, Qen'l Manager. . eb7dw Klnston. S.C OLD uorviiivioiv Steamship Company SEMI-WEEKLY LINE For New York, Baltimore, Tfor- folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTER Monday, January 11th, 1886, UNTIL FURTHER NOflCE Steamer Shenandoah Will leare, upon arrival of train oa Norfolk Southern Kulruad at Elisabeth City, every MONDAY AND THURSDAY tor New Berne. Returning leaves New Berne tor Elisabeth City vry - - v TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at 4 p.m., making Ckee Connection with Not" folk Southern R. R. lor Northern citiea InOSe connefltion m.Ha . Nov w steamers for Kinston, Polloksville, TTentow u lanuiiigi on tne Reus ana Trait Rivera. No freights received for shipment ew Freight forwarded promptly and iow.at rataa guaranteed to destination. i n -i- B. B. BObkkts, a;H, New Berne, OtTLrarraa a Tcanaa, Ag'ts, Norfolk, T.A W. H. StAirroan, Qen'l fr't Ag't, . ylfawYarkJSHy. -Change of fiein Kew York. The N. C. Freight LiDe FOR NEW YORK,'" BOSTON, PROVIDENOi; and all point IVortli and "West After this data will receive freight la New York 5P-:r for New Bern at PIER 7, NORTH RIVER, Office of New Tort and Baltimot ' Transportation Co. Merchants should remember that thi. la nwm Mte best Steam Lines out of New York, making j . 1 1 . i. . . . . omij wnufciiuii wiu usinmorr ror new uaroa all inside, aad only one Changs. . y . SElit WEEKLY STEAMERS Vr Betwen tor Berne and Biltkari (Touching at Norfolk) Leavtaaf Wew Berne for Baltimore TUESDAY FRIDAYS at 1 p m. Leare Baltimore to -lew Berne WEDNESDAYS dad SATURDAY .p.aa. v, . k , ... . v -; , .v. Agents are as follewa: :,- . SUBOrFOSTKaLOaal Jfanager," 'V - , 80 Light St, Ball. AS. WJtoCARRKJK, Agt. Norfolk, Ya. , W. , Clryda Co., PbUaaelphla, m Sons haraas. 'V- . . . .-' York a Baits. Tran..Line,pter Jforta rrrer ' E-Sai, Boston, IS Central wharf. - . J R. H. Rockwell, Providence R. I. " D. O. Mmk,rLl River, Derrick wharf 7 ' Ships lav-Boatoa, Taesdaya aad Saiardat av ". New York daily. " " Baltimore, Wednendays and Sstarday ! "" Fll River, Mondays, Wednesdays. , Fridays. . ' Prorldeacs, Satardaya. Through bill, ladiag given, and ratet rt.rn te all poinU. at the ditT.reat nffce. cf pa a lea. "i. r , .m, ..jr.-. , - a ..a . . JUi.ii . i i.CLA , r&r it iy s r. c i -" Craven Street, l'Tr-r)r:::(

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