'in We keep one ol the largest anil Best Selected Stooks of LADIES' FINE DEES3 GOODS in the city, otuiitint; of SILKS in black and colors, brocade and plain, CASHMEEES, OTOMONS, TJUCOT and GIL : BEETS FLANNELS in plain and fancy, w.hicb w0 are offering at Book Bottom Prices; and a Urge assortment of :ther drees goods, among which is a half wool Dress Goods st only ten cents per yard. This goods is real niee in olid colors and makes a tery pretty dress. r (, -t- ' It XT". Obha s ifwwant'ani (itrs U rtate the lind of Good vm.vant, at we pay no attention to request tkttyleatf trie of good you want. . r.:,;,;.,..,:: V' .1 I ,S . , ' We hare a tremendous stock of CASSIMERE3 for Gentlemen's and Children's wear, which we are now offering tl tery lot iees. Y.,, V . -: ---y--- " ' r .- - , i f- ' -; - . , . -. - i v ; , Ivh, looked NEW TOEK OYB for DRIVES, and WE found them in goods of erery kind. fiee. our i bargain Counter and yon will be surprised at the Bargains we offer on it; in fact all oar goods .are eheap and we regladoft aa we like to please oui, customers with gopoTgoodf," cheap." if1 ;,' . .V'; WE sell DOMESTICJanbleached at 4 cents and a heavy yard i .a. .'i TICKINGS are cheap. " " BLANKETS !0h 1 We stinc a man this time who had more Blankets than money; he sold to s at Papie Prices, snd now we are selling them to2r3nritomers at less than- New York prices. All wool 10 and 11 quarter Clanleteat lets than a common Blanket nsefffo sell for... I!! .t -' ; v : '. -r r '" i ' " ' . m . .-'' ;:.frv'"' " '-Wi handle the celebrated fiLOBE KID; GLOVE; only $1.00. a pair.JJETeryJpair warrantedif they split or rip we give a new pair in exchange. . - "K.-.v-1. " GIMPS and FRINGE in Silk; or! Chenille with or witheutbeads. Our stock is very fine, and tb prlfle M Jewer than it can be retailed for in toany stores in New York. If you want suoh Trimmings call on us and.be su jrdtheirbeantyandlow yfr Vj i Cloaks!,; -Cloaks! 'Cloaks! ,,,i;. Onr Indies' Cloaks are fnlce'l'tWI Jersey Jackets are niceLand our stock ' lare large assortment of Children'rcfoakslhatsre jttbeantiful snd are so 4 ;;"C0'l!me of' LADIES'' and CHI LiDREN'SuOSE are fine and good. BMnsow Store. EhbesT' . WE sell the celebrated CLEMANGfcWElL NI6iLL SHOE, on th foot and at the jsame time, one yoarnnyouer. tWa hare a GENU'S UNDElfi JI A'NP'gy.KfnnitFff, Veal good MBta. Ham of th lovelief-t stales in ... tr Oar stock of BUTTONS, thousand other Notions, is com Our floe Table Linen NAPKINS i uiu a ttieee. and a verv laree NtDkiiLheavT linen, for five and tea cents. i v Anh oh 1 pome of the! loveliest lovely styles and at such low prices. Be enr nn JUjU iass taa fiuvYx Our second floor is carrjTa full line of any thinjajnerchant can want, and at sucxi!fprices WjTiU enable merchtfcel at "as low prices as oupan'lbjr In ItewYork. Bnt don't ibrgeJieill not sell on time ; we must; have -r ;;. '..I :. ; ; ,,i Vu ... . . ... ' -AW. ,. ,,-. , : Thenwesell . - - S'-S f':: O musrSBj'isr -XP : . fill iJjW ::" riJ" c-i'" "v;'-'; W. "v. vlii'ii- ' C .-.- i " 'iC!X,,5tvV?'-,.SJ.,iir arrtVH.' l I '!' ' -,; 9 : UTESTAND BEST -I . . ;:.. . ...ain-1- WW r -: : "il". ... : I.S ' v twi " " : - i " . I. "Hen eupld wean tae DlAkONn Shirt, JZZ . . . I : . .7 . J, T.!ForwtotWethkmaalvauis 1 ! - , 5 I :-.S w ...... i i In Good by tending for Samples of Goed'OlNf ON FLANNEL at only 10 cents. ' This is heary goods. JIT. 3 V.'vV, ' T -O- .'A' A 9Y.Wj:tt. : Shoesr u" -w Shoes! Tjr' t Tr Sail of the most comfortable -shoes ever worn. t (H IT Ji A 'd Al. 1U ftviU l VEST,; ALT30L, teajy and fine, at joneafwe gj fornlj fj cents a piece, and an all lijlen. Handkerchief ;for.30 Ine Hatidkcrchiefs yon have ever - seen wo have , this season. . Call in and , SHAWI,Mia?OEALSCOBSETSf plete. j IfW "U . t li ;,-t ?.'! f.f.'fc a.-il i K J;;.'-aic. '. knd TOWKLS astobiaK the natives. TABLE LINEN ; 'tis enough to; make I . . j..-rr ; at oiuy i v ceo w. fitted'Up asBWholesale m lea are attracted by neatness of dress., which adds so much to the general elegance of one's t',,caranc& hat's more vital to a well-dressed man ' than a perfect -iiifing, smooUi-sct- - a 1 1;J tuck Good a you want to tee, but be for Sample unlet yon itate near 4" XiXt'vX ,iHi;t wide for S cents a yard. 'f A ,4 ....r. . , ,'1 -1 i Cloaks! : Xloaks of Children's Cloaks an nicer;; W much more stylish than you ean make For a littfe boney yon ean buy lie art . , .. i. a Shoes! flexible sole. , They are anelegant Shoe ; Try one pair and yon wul ; nerer ; . -d ; - only ONE DOLLAB. .'.i I i MBB0N, POCKET B00KS,wna a h .-f r. rsdt y V M w f ' f.:. '. ' t . We sell j good aft linen Napkin for -7 od hods any good bArisekeeperery our Departoeat where e 1 ? v u , ' - ick wrrender,. ;, .1 'I M 'i H $ S i a.. JEL M. J. THE JOURNAL. NEW CESE. N. C. JAN. 1.5. 18S6. Arrival and Departure Hails. ; ) MAIL CLOSES f ' -. For North. W est and South, via A. & N. a E. E. at 8.00 a.m. -For Beaufort- and the V East, at 7:00 p. m. . . , V , rV For Washington, Swift Crook, Bydeand Beaufort Counties Mondays,. Wednes days, and Fridays at 5:00 a. m. r ' For Trenton. Pollokaville and Mays- Tille, daily at 7:30 a. m. f, For OraBtsboro. Bay River an I. Van demere, dailr at 6 a. m. ; " '' .'office HOUES: T . Ia Money Order and EegiBtered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. In. Mailing Department from V a. on UL.fi p. m J' ! ', i Office open constantly between these hours except when mails are being dis tibutodor sent. .,'- : . r-s"-. Coorsge. i' Wh0'-f8 ;-'$ifraid t ''" Everybody I There is pot a creature living i who docs sot sofi'er from fear, , reason able orlinrcas6nable; and upon the wUole, there is not more fear in the world than there is need of. It is iridespensable. We could do more dint without fear4 than 'ajvatch C()uld do without ita'mainspring. . f -.Sptoe good and brave bo.ys suffer front the lear of being afraid; othefs from' the"' fear 'of; being , thought afraid. " Having learned to admire the courage and courageous deeds Of heroes,-when they "find 'them selveB alarmed at;, anything they iay to themselvesi Y '.'--, : "Am I really coward, theut If. t am afraid of a cow, a dog, dark room, or a clap of thunder,' .what a sorry-figure 1 should'tutlf I'bad to be afeoldierr ; , .' . ; ipatiet us reflect, a, moment. A' oycven a." man-rOuAt to i be ! $fraid of a. big,' strange dog coiulog toward Ji(U; with .; red ,moiith 0pen, pantingj ancf glariog; "Perhaps he ought not to run away, becanse that is a dangerous kind of strategy; but Beoughtjto pe jij anuch. afraid of the dog as to keep a sharp lookout until ue aiscovers j;ue inrencious oi the brul Wj Courage does not consist in not afraid, bull in meeting dan., wfeSare! aft-awi oR ' ;That person is brave who does a duty he men tally dreads, tndL many, a gallant, feliojrhasgonJito peril trembling and pale witl)7 alarm. But ho went i -;3aoii a i ! When ilie lata J. P. Kenned v. of iaitJnaorje,l Ibrmerly-iSeeretary oii the .Navy, was mteen years or agej tne country tuen ceing deeply a gi tated by the prospect of war with England, he made up his mind that hea war-came, be would join the army, une tnougnt neiu uim uact: He was awfolly alrnid of the dark; ,naving beeu terrified r by ghost stories in his childhood. - In order to : Cure himself 'of his rears, pe used jo go at night to ' an extensive forest near nis 'lathery house,' and walk about until morn iag. This lie did until he was' ' as much at ease' in the.' woods at two oxiock iu luti uiuruing us ue was iu i i - v. ! - Lt : i ... his father's garden after ; breakfast. Althoogh at first he saw enemies andghost8 at 'every' step, he per- yered Juntil :$vn these startling experiences ceased ' to v alarm him. When the war was declared in 1812 be went to the front, took part in the battle of Bladensburg, and ran away with the rest of h regiment Hut his runmng away was glori ona. tool "We made a fine scam per ot it," ne says. lost my musket n the melee, while bearing on a comrade whose leg was broken by a ballet.'V Another proof that even heroes ran away, sometimes It, heroes, why - not boys f Every Mod soldier knows that there '. are times when discretion is the better art of valor. Youth1 Companion, It is universally concedsd "to be tie 'finest-finished anil jjiest-made oa tho raartetj . v.ZtSI xvoott-wor it. id -1C(TTl- .! Ut-'coraltd in Xiliony ilbEHTS WAHTr.D. ;i ;Ler!Sevi:ig Hiclilue Co. J; B. BROWJN, Er.lcr"::' Hair'Dre The ideal young people'tXaaaziiie. It holdi the first place a mora ptrutdicdl of UICHIH. tJUSTOH JOURNAL. ST. NICUOEAS. An illustrated monthly periodical for boys and girls, appearing onUhe 25th of each month. Edited by My Mapes Dodge. Price, 23 cents number, or $3.00 a year, in advance. Booksellers, newsdealers, postmasters, and the publishers take subscriptions, which thould begin with the Novem ber number, the first of the volume. St. Nicholas aims both to satisfy and to develop the tastes of its con stituency; and its record for the past twelve years, during which it has al ways stood, as it stands today, at the head of periodicals for boys and girls, is a sufficient warrant for its excellence during the coming season. The editors announce the following as among the : -S' . . :r- '.. r. I Ladln( Fetnr for 1885-'80. . A Serial Story by Frances Hodgson Burnett. n The fisrt long story she haff written for children.'"'-- - 1 " 4 A ChriBtmas Story by TV".-' T. How ells.?.1 With humorous pictures by liis little daughter. iv 1 1 "George ' Washington,' by Horace JS. ' bcuddur. A novel and attractive Historical Serial, ''Short .Stories ; fur Girls, by tbuisa M. Aloott.' Thd first "The Candy Country" in November 1 : (New'Bits of "Talk tor "Young jFolks,"bj'."H.' H' This'series forms a' gracious and fitting memorial of a ill a l i - cnua-iQving ana cniui-neiping boui. . u Papers' ' on lthe Great 'English Schoolsj Ettgby and others. Illustra tions by Joseph Fennell. , ,V( ff i ; A Sea-coast Serial. Story, by Ji T, Trowbridge, will be life-like, vigorous and useful, j :i j"JenDy'a Boarding House," a serial by James, Otis. Dealing with news boy life and enterprise. f'f'rank' II. Stiockton will contribute several of his humorous and fanciful tones. ! '"' I i 1 ;iriii..-vST A capital schobrpoVy for lipys.' . i P The' Boyhobd of Shakespeare, fy Boso'-Kinesley."'" ' With illniitrations by Alfred, parsons, ; Short Stories by scores of prominent writers, including Kusan Joolidge, U. H. Bovesen, Nora-Perrvi T, A, Jan tier Washington ,' Gladden. Kossiter dounson, joaquin ouuier, oopme may, Hezekiah . Butter worth, W. O,. Stod dard, Harriet Frescott, Spofford, and many otherst.,,,. f I -Enterprising Sketches by Alice W, .Rollins, Charles G. Leland, Henry Eckford, Lieutenant ' Sohwatk a, Ea- wRrd Jigglest0n,,an(j others, . ;K"1MW , Poems, sLorter contributions, and departments Will complete what the EuralNew Yorker calls - "the .befit magazine for phildren in the world." Tns Centdbt Co., New York. UNPARALLELED OFFEFU j rEMOREST'S i ts ' THE BES j; ; Of all the Magazines, ; - (70NTAININQ Stjriei. Poem ssd (hr LH ' srary attractions. combiiiiRg Artis4ic, Icien. tide and Househuld matters. ,s ; Jlhutmtrd with OHgiHttl mtrrt Enrtrnr-' I inift, Photoqraeurr. OH 'ijwr a nrtl ' , , . fin; Wondctitu, ttinlilnr) it tlieMotitt Slnyazine of America. i We propnM t gfTe eonslderatila Mlenlioh te ths Orand rrahlbltloa Party movement aaoneof iheKoat Importaotaad lire moral tMuea ol the day. Bach doprof "Dcmortnt's Monthly Ma'ajlne" cos. tains A Coupon Order, entitling the holder to Hie aeleo- ' tlon of any pattern llluatrated In Ine faahloo depart mant In tbat number. In any of theaUeo nianufnrtured. - Sand twenty centa for the current number with I'aU tern Coupon and you will certainly ubKrlbe Two l)o. lanforayearandfetteBtlmealtaTalus. IVol.JS.lW6l W. Jenningi Demoreit, Publisher, 17 E. 14th St.ri.Y- i Trie Best riewspaper in America, ; and by W the Most JFteadable,;;.'';'1 i Agents wanted everywhere to eatr . money m distributing the Sun's Pre -' mhjms. " VV'".:u.:, JXi i-'Z '. The most interesting and advanta geous Tofters ever made by an Newt- paper. -TT,- ' ' " , Vr"'H ., ! -No SubscnbeK ignored or neglec'toa Something? for J.t-;rf,J-.r.-" u ReaotlfulM4SabstimtisJPrrniamin Standard Gold and otherWatches.Talnablo ' iooka, ths Best family Sewing Uaohlns aiiuwu iu tug traue, ana an nnoqaaiea uat ' of objeota of real utility and instraetion. ' ! i t Kates, r MmO. 'rtotpmM?, ' r:. DAILY, par Year (without Bnnday) 6 00 DAILY, par Month (withost Snnosy) - 50 SUNDAY, per Year . . . .NI00 FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR - 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year. . . . 1 00' ; E-' i kiixtm, TOE WK, Hsw Tsrk City. T The most norm - V-- - v nowi'ftrMir doted e -'eii..- ...enee, in-. ev.r. .i.."!!. imrlji'm. i em!, i enirravmea. Tins a moi.t vaivi" i e ennynlrwiia j no T'irfnp'i"uid be v fmut. t e r. ti -' n f- o Av te 'i..mn..srrr.,usM.,0i . . I c ".l. In.. a . . . t . A9c lence, mciui Tantinnsand pai.. ber ilhiflirat. d publirnliuntumj. s onaiormauonwlit 11 Ths popularity I each that ks cirouN t otiier ptpera ol it. yar. 't.iToont to . M0NNCl)..Pi) y - me i. .... 1 t - is: a. - Harper's Magazine," tL,L,usTnATi:r. . r Tbe December Numlxr will hega 1 lie Ber- enty-iecoiid V'oluiueofHAHi'EB ..i agazikk. Mibs wooirod I novel. "iuiHt At'Hm," Da Mr. Howell' "Indian bnmuier' holding Hi foremost place In current serial tUaiun- will run llirougli teverul nuoibem, nun will I followed by serial stories Irom H. U. Iiiftck itiorennd Mi 1. M. Cialk. A leiiil 1 drpurtineot. alBcim'ng topics euKetitd by the current il eraiureoi Auierifaauu tunipe, w 11 oe ooutrlbuieJ by W. D. Howe lis, ben In ning wlih tne January number. The Kiet llieiar event of tua yearwlll be the piiuiic tiou.f aeries of paper taking the amine of a kU.r-, aud depleting otiaraolerlsiie leiurva ' f Ajnerlean iclety aa aeen at our leaning pleasure leMMria written by Charles l.nmey rtauier, aud lllusliHted by C. H. Kclmiarb Tbe Aigmine will give etpecial atieuiioo to American subjects, treated by tlia ImtAmer lean writers, and Illustrated by leauiBg: American artists. , . e , : . . Harper's Periodicals. (J FKB TEAK: ' ' ' - HARPER'S MAGAZINE H l nia)iniiiniy 4 0it 4 00 rlAHPEtt'S WEEKLY, tIABPFR'S BAZARS. tIA RPER'B TOTJNO PEOPLB;-.. S 00 tJARPER'B FRANKLIN BQfJARB PR ART. One Year(BS Nnmbers)... LI- .10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers ' In tba fjnlted States or Cnaa, . v-i "it l " TbeTolumrsof the Megmlue begin with the Numbers for June and iJeoember of each year. When no time Is specified. It will be uudeistood tbat the subscriber wishes tobe gin with the current Numbrr. - n Bound Volumes of Harp sr's Mngnslne for three vears back, In neat oioth liindlpg, wUl be sent by mail, postpaid, on rrieipt of 13 00 per volume. cilolh Uases, for binding, ac cents each by maiL postpaid. . Index to Harper's alasssine, Alphabetical,. Analytical, ana CUMifled, for Volumes 1 to 60, Inclusive, from June, 1S50, to June. ICS'l. one vol ,8vo, Cloth, H 00, Remittances should s mde by Post-Offlo" : Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss, Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment witliout ths express order of Harper t' Brothers, . Address i . r ' , HA.HPER it UROIHERS. Jlew Tora.', t irrr-p. 1 "1 : t"''1886. - Hi U-'M't Aif 4 . 'if. -.iA' $ (.. H-l-V(l.lr ILLTJSTXtATED. 4 it. " ' ' Atf" I.rf , .- .. -in !.' if i : i ii ii .. . ir-j ' , VI; .''(,' ' ":! "i. !.-.'! s lii oi'i'-i, ; Harpbb's Wbsklt has now, for more then.. -twenty years, maintained its position aa ebe leading Illustrated .weekly newspaper In America.. Willi a constant inoreaee of lit. erary and artistic resources, It Is able to offer for the ensuing year attrsoMons uneoualad by any previous volume, embracing two cap ital illu.ua ted serial stories, one by Mi1. 1 hoe. Hardy, among tre foremost or living writers of dotlon, aud theother by Mr. Walter Mesankat one of ths most inpldly rising of English nov eltstat.sraphlo Illustrations of unosnal Iniere-t est to readers in all soiK.nso the eountryjl ' entertaining short stories, mostly lllastrated,o by the bestwiiteis, and important papers bftu uiku auvuuritiea ou tue uier . topic ! tiiev day. r . -.-t . -.-..i-' f.i, . t 'n Kvery one who desires a trustworthy polite ; leal guide, an eule.talning and Jnsuractlve i family Journal, entireiir free from otjectlon-l able features In either letter-press or lllustre ! tloiis, should subscribe to Harjer's Wtekly nert .1 J .f J u.Un tfSAiu Ihl iii Hi,.M-.t l.'V'irurDier'i-Peritytlfeala,' - y .ii.;,., 4 U : .. .v.. . .f. . , .....,...,. .., pKB YEAR: --; HARFBK'8 WEEKLY..W...;... 1 00 tr a riorum uin'ietv . "-liJ.!rt HAIIPEB'8 BAZAK l42Si, I W OJ . .1 B MM HAKPEBU VBAJiXlttt BQ.VAUp ' BUART, One Year (51 Numbers): -i.lb aj'J postage fiee toall subsorlbeni in-tbe Uesleel " States or Canada. , .,''' '!' ,;. . -t :; .'!-. -n i iiiii. ' " '. : , . a.r vleb The Volumsef the Weekly brgln with the first Number for January of each year. Wberf 1 no time Is mentioned. It will le underaUx 1 that tbe subscriber Wlsl.es to oommei m witn the it amber next arte 4ke recelua- of order. - ...... Hoond Volumes of Harper's Weekly, for three yeais back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by .express, free or expense (provided the freight does not -exceed one dollar per volume), tor t7.(Sper . volume. 5 Cloth rCaaef fbr each volufne. suitable, for binding, will be sent by mail, pvstpskl, on receipt of 11.00 each. " ' ueuiitutnces snouio Da ma-ie by Fost-OfJlee Honey order or Draft, toavold chance of loss. Mewsusners are not to conv this advertlaa. ment without the express Older of; Uarvec as Urothera. - - " . Address HARPER BROTHERS, New YolIl THE GENTUiiY aT"! '' AAtw aN awa " . , The remarkable Interest In the War paweM and In tne many timely articles end itipug serial features published recently In mi Cbhtuby has given tuxt macasine angular circulation of Here than 800,000 Ceplcs Mpatkly. f f Among the features for the coming volnme which beglos with Uia November number are: .... - . . ....... Ths War Papers ... . , ... By Gemsral Giaat and Other. ) ' These will be continued (meet cf them illug. dated) until tne cmei event oi tno Civil Was have been described by leading Dartu ipaa nii'ipaets 'SDera Id. en coin sjoes. ueueiai mant p viuue uncnpiiuinui vile uafciies OI vnatUa nooga and the Wilderness. General Model. inn win write oi Anne tarn, general V V. s buell of Klnloli, Oeneials l'one. lxiiiifutrtet Snd others of tbe Becond Bull Run, etc, einm llutlt between theKearearge and the Alabama, by cfllccrs of both sd I pa, will be described. . ine "tteooi lections oi a frivate" and so cial war papers of an anecdotal or humorous charaoter will be features of the i ear. - Serial Stories t W. D Howella, Maiy . Haaleela FseiWi ' a . A aid tVeerge W Cable. Mr. Howell's serial will belnllshter vein ii . V. .. . IT k. l t . . cill-. w 1 .. . ' .iu.u A ii a niia oi ohms liHPliaui. sirs. roote i is a siory oi minins Hie. and Mr, and Dry v If 1 liK, i a n. a X uaoie-a a noveiepte oi ms ACaaians or lane. Mr. (Jabis will also contribute i or papers on Slave songs and dances, lueluu; mg negro serpent-woramp, eta, . Special Features Include A Trlcyo'e Pllprlmnire to Unine.i t Illustrated by Fennell; Historical l aiiers by Jixlward JteglfSton, and otliei-s; j-Pi-rs Persia, by B. ii. W. Benjamin, late.y tf. b minister, with numerous llluetiatlons; Aa- ' tronomloal Artlclee, practical and popular. on "sidereal Asironomy"; i'apers on ibrle- lan Unity by representatives of vsrtnua re-J elons denora I nations: Fathers on Mkimil Education, by varlops expert, ejc., etc. Short Stones - ' Ey Fiank B. Stockton, Mrs. Helen Jacrsoa H, JU I, Mis. Wary Hnllock Foots, Joel ( l'o lier Harris, H. U. Boynaen. T. A. Jr. -r. uiian Hawthorne, ltu hard M.Jolirih 1 others; and poems by leading pceis. iia Llepartments. "Open Letters." Bi in-aulirac." etc., w ill be fully nuiuiut d. The Illwatratlons - Will be kept "Dp to the standard wlil. h Km ' J made Thb Caarcar engravniLS fauioi s Wie world over. Prices. A Special C v't. Rczular snbsorlption price. f ' ' it - To enable new readers to net a' i ii with contrlhntlons turn ! "snregara. Met. ,c i V. i!nw, Admiral j , Rend itie It I k nun October, 1" , t nh a aimiing . fur ...-. i ..rn.' i. in, vnh r . ... ; ll!. ;s.llie Vn i) I nniii..ra on'iv r i. J "T e i 1. A IV 1 i i, i i tui-mi-iI Alexin In the . . - . . a i st ftn chp he liH.i or i i ( i ef l'ip. uew I ' "'--il. . - : i v. ..'i l. hia.uf. iar, ! y r "1 P

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