OXFOADj'W. C. .' Pprlng elon f 1R8 begin jtbe Second Monuiy, Ui UUi ol' Junuar -i ' . . . ' J. li. HuRNER, ... , l.l li. C. UOiifliMt m decZ) d,wit , , i'ljnclpal I;. in GUENVIXLE V,, l!ils aai .Teaale ' Institute. - -. . -'1 II'" H ' ' ' tprin? 'Term Open ;january,S6, 1886. T n cias"!? will be reorganized after the XT n yg, and new pupils received any time. ,i i mt-ni for the rui Xerm, yv. w qum- -t ii a'-ueis. " . . .. - i (.n hnHdlne Is new. and well for rv 1 n- 1 with "Triumph" desks, etc Ample .1 for forty boarder. Excellent advan- ta formuBio. Oood planus, etc, nf tnltinn mode rate. Board With the PMn. tpal, S7 50 to 810.0'J per monil)-, payable W John duckett. Principal. Or- A. Foruks, '.- . UOl. HaKKV bJUNHER, f '::M I;. K : n ""miarees. Greenville. N. t" Deeembr 16. 1885. tocra Academy.;.; . 1 JO ... 1 . s . ... - KeaUnlSy8ope1A0lutiJi.iij, ' , It.xcnitaT Dii-AMiiiM'-B. r. nonner. t,i! Mix Martha WblUey.Aasls4anW:.l-l ' ' inniCAt. Obpartmcnt Mm. A, O. Lane. flllieeh'feHs sltnatedln amoral and, prt gnasHee immunity. . , Fdrfurther lnftirmatlon apply to : ( ' BTA'WiNBTHCAotnA,1: "r " i .' fn il- ' A ''Vi." v Aetloa to tore- i JfcuyiA, Bryan and wife J olote equity ibi tjvt t. t ..,1,1 ( contract for purv -c O. w. McLean, .chase of land., t TatUW.MoLean; Defendant:' " "',".;".' '., above entitled, ha been begun agnlntt yon In the Snperior Court of Craven county, for the purpose of foreclosing your equity In eer tala' lands In said county, which .the Plain tiffs contracted to convey to you bv contract bearing date Hay 12th, AD. Is7, to which contract in your possession reference la hpd ttn further, particulate And yon are hereby required 10 wppaar at the J'ebruary Tftifn of said Ceufl, to be held at the Court Bobae In the City of Newbern, on the Third Mirndav before the First Mondty In March, A. U; 186, and then and there answer or demur to the complaint. - . - , . Thia December 10th, 1885. " T . f ;-. B .1 ..... .1 . r. K. W. CARPENTWt, - eesMdew no- i, iu,.i cierk8ttT Court. 4 Trinity College, Ipaaap Vera Jam'j 8Ui-Je 10ai, T89. lTProperijr .of tinei iJ. C. Conferenee of M. E. Chin ch Booth ;,nrier the direction of a Board it ''ruiiteee elected Dy the Conference ( man led at present bv a Committee oi Three J. Alapauch, J. 8 Carr, and J,A. uray; a Faculty of Be ven Professors; four years' (mi lage coi)is leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Baahelor of Philosophy; prepara tory and business departments; tood build lags. furv" ore and apparatus; location vtry health : liargea moderate . . , Fyt Catalwgueaud particulars address .'mviUf PROP; Ji V, HBTTUA5, -l' .' lO-fTrthlty College, Randolph Co , H. 0. .!.' NOTICED .-.iv. The undersigned, Charles B. Btubbs, has duly qualified as Executor or the estate of Mwv. Anderson, and hereby gives notice that ' he requires all persons having claims against the estate of the said Mary An derson to present them to the said 0. B. Btubbs duly authenticated, for payment, on or before the 17th day of December, IfWU,, or else this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery, Persoas Indebted to said estate must paT -,Hiaui?.ft?'Jf tl ftTrmnH. V!nntor. rKCOMnissroN .Consignment of .Grain. If it -'I ?' CUonv and other jf f T-. rfoiO'T ATTDITlOlt OUASAITTEED ;.Q f JDOooUs, JVotionsi ttUUH I f K. I ?00I3 AND : SHOES. : GKQCERIES. a.;'' T j OP ALL KIMD3 rl-wci "i ll'-i al'im-i." j. .( v- 'S ll Pbii, : Bacon, Flour ; Sugar ofTec Salt, Syrup and' ;. i UK I "H. .-.-1 -t. - ;M0LA8SES.;A.,. C M U FF , and TOBACCO .S1 X.U fiucn as .m lia g p 'Ivibyfts: Hoes. 'Axes t Uiiia Plow.Tyaces ame8, ' Fjirncr's ; supplies? :. ,Q,ET E.R.A'L. I.Y , J5. -lis o 'Q7T'3 IT CIDEtt, ;lzzzrzn: made,."'.-: STANTLY IN STOCK Prices low for cash. "Eatisfactioa guaranteed. ,11' 1 t c;sa prices paid for ;iWftWr,yjflTe;!Eis 'new BPi'c'iAsiiseS t Greenville ;Items. i Mr. B. F,'' Sagg has :' opened a boarding j boosa on .Erans street; and deals oat . in abundance that which cheers and revives the Inner man.. , w v. . t "f-:?-- ' Two colored men wno were trieri two courts ago for murder and con victed were granted a new trial by the Supreme court and will be tried again this week. V': ';vr W hear much complaint uf hard times, and really none : of as , are making as much monej as we would wish, hat after all everybody seems to have plenty o eat and plenty to wear.' Let - as I bo .' thankful , for these. ' ; ." ; , ' . ' " , " Oar two weeklies published here are sprightly first-class papers, both thoroughly Democratic. The Standard baa recently passed en tirely into the hands of that staunch young lawyer, Mr. Geo.; B, King, who was heretofore a paitner jn the business. With his level head and determined will, we have no doubt about his success. ' 1 ' ' '.- ! ' We: are surprised at. not seeing j the Jotjenal man here this court. Oarrawavr of the', Vbterver, John-' BohJ of the Messenger, are the only representatives ; ! ,of the . , press on hand,1; , .We have thonarh, as a sort of novelty;.' two shooting 'galleries ; ana allying jenny with ten ponies, and the walking stick and ring man. ' ' -' . ....... -;!::. . . tiA .'.i-. :f ' Court has been in session for the last week. Judge Phillips and So licitor .'jWotthingtou areH ou hand and have done good work' In' rid-' ding the county of a lot of eyii- doers. e jack Bryan, an old colored offender, goes to the penitentiary for two years for bamboozling an old darkey out of a half dead horse. The Judge says if he is allowed to go on taking things that don't be long to him that after, awhile be would get to-, stealing. ..: A white man by the name of Gay goes, ur for Ave years for . mistaking some bodys else's money for bis own, not being of a. very discerning mind. There seems , to be an innate weak ness on the part of many, of, the colored people as well as some of tne wnites .to .appropriate otner people's property to their own use and bebeit. It Is well known . that the reason of board being so high here is because where a negro wo man gets a situation as cook "she, immediately sets up a boarding bouse and feeds her guests from ber employers table. t Your iteniizer at this place dis- covered on' the" page" 6f his last JotTRNAti a great big figure 3 made with a pencil, doubtless the work of someone in your office. Now, we interpret the, meaning of, this omi nous looking 3 to be .that for three weeks we have failed to send up to the JotjeiSaL our usual items from this part of the immoral vineyard. Well, we are glad to know that our items are prized enough to be miss ed or to call forth, such a gentle little hint when they come up miss ing. Therefore, as in duty , bound, I we will proceed to make our valid W r.. u 1 eAcuB3 lur huou uue ucgicti uu , vu part;. Just : three weeks ago, and just as we were expecting, a merry (Jhnstmas, a villainous bottle mat we were trying to open erusnea in oar band and cruelly did cat, muti late nd sever muscle, arteries, liga ments, and things to that extent, that said band seemed to revolt at such treatment and proceeded to swell and become painful to the touch so that we were entirely unfit for duty fpf days; and "nights there with', yea days and nights, of .pain and anguish". Dt. O'Hagan, . the best sargeofilrf the State, stuck to ns like a brother, and when neces sary that skilled hand of his weald guide the" lancet in among onr" me tacarpal bone when we .would -see stars and stripes and holler, a "Oh, Lordl" At last relief vCameL but your correspondent had, taken - so mach morDhine that ne reaiiy thought he. waa somebody, else; ,bot we hope we.' are about', to become our wanted self again and trust ' we may be able to contribute, some thing every weekato yout, valuable paper; ' Now,' Mr Editor, before, we forget it let ns say lor tne oenent of our brother' itemlzers - and ' enr friends who know our prohibition sentiments that the bottle that cut our hand was not a whiskey bottle. No. mv friends, a whiskey bottle never breaks ia, our hands, 'for verilyV we pat not oaf wines in sold bottles.' Eo-6 vicious person, we knowi will persist in- believing sueh to be ti;3 esse, . lorsetung . mat whiskey tctt!a is 'so often opened that tie C" :l:a r.::.'.c3 the 1 b an easy one4 L nu"h !' r c t exenso Fortanee forFarraers r I V-'r TbouooiiJ of ilo'A -9 c lhfK by i Of If using; x rrT the hvn'i i you are I; ion, po r -!-ts, i t v a i i,t u tj o af ( if. nl faun. Of V .ve . I I t a t 1 1 r t 9 tr T 1 GREATLY KK- i. Address oc!7dw Halifax. M. C TfTAKTED CADIK8 to work for na At If tlitir owu homes. ti to tlO ner week can be quietly made. No photo, painting ; I address, at once. Crescent Art C.,- Boston, !Alaa,Box170. . del01m WASTED Ladles and gentlemen in city or counlrv to take light work at their own homes S3 to $ a day eon be easily mode: work sent by mail; ne canvassing. We have good demand for our work and for. nlsh stenriy employment. Address- with Stamp. CROWN H'F'Ct COUPA T Vine St., Ctacinnatl. Ohio. , . delUlm IHTENDinO ADVEUTISEHS ahonld addroMT , ,. ; ,.' . r GEO. P. BOWEU it CO.,' X1' 10 Bprnee Street, Hew Tark City,. For Select List of 1,000 Newspaper. 3? PIANOFORTE3. . . - ... UKIQDALLZD nr . TONE, TOUCH, WORKMAN8Hli - - " and DURABILITY.- "T - - tVILLIAW KHABK . COM Ho. 304andao WcitBaltimorsBtMBsHuaon, Mo. 119 Fifth Avenue, MswXotk, MEMBER "Momew Saved it Montm tiad. Do Your Owa Printings Only perfect mV-txJruia rubber lUmnnrMiMMv offered. WorfmaashlB aiaipannf. Prints ferfrhi. Vo kulness man Shoam oe witnout ono, without ono. Entire aAirftoPM',- nUMd. Catalot ViinirMMM and teiitiiiHMil&lfl frm mials frm, mea awwMinglv low. if low. Refer br DermUsloa to Hog. . A H jUwr.i, Attorney General United states. I states. rAM? THF. WHFf.r RUBBER STA. FwEsin nl'f'U Aasaara, immmy DEBILITATED. r.lEfI.1 ton are allowed d fn Irfal ofMrrw da of the Electrle SosDensorr Atnll&nrM. for tb mwrf relief aad permanent eure of Alrm IteMHty, loaf 1 of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles . Also for many other dlaeasea. Complete restora tion to Health. Vigor and Manbood gaaraatoed. No rtek Is Incurred. IHumrated pamphlet iaMOfctl v U1.1&10 BOLT co Kartiian, neb. House Keepers ! If Yon Are Going to KEEPINd, HOUSE OO TO L. II. CUTLER'S AND GET A Dinner Set, 125 Pieces. Tea1 Tet, 44 Pieces, Chamber Set, 10 Pieces. Fine Toilet Sets,: i . AND EVERYTHING IN : House Furnishing Goods Line 26 and 28 "Middle Street, NEWBEUNE, N. O. Wit Will bcmatledFREEMillwplfeaaU, alSamilit 600 UluftrftUoQi, prkM,, ucnrMe Mriptlon, and uisftble Urootlon, ter Dl.nUui kll twIMIm f VKUETARI.K ud FLOWER SEEDS, BULB, Ml. lanlufels to ah, wpmliltr to Mu-M Ouaaim. BmS kr M. D. (4. FERRY A CO., Detroit, Michigan. TIME TABLE, Atlantic A N. C, Railroad TLUB TABLE No. 21. 1 1 In Effect 13 M., Sunday, December 20, ' . looO. EAST. WBST. ire, - Ne.0 Paaaenger Passenger ' BTATKWS Arrrit've. V M. P. M I 07Ooldbora,..., 45' b 4K La uraog 42lhMaaton. . 221 S 27 . M. NSW iterae, r'.-Da! lly enoapt Bandar. EAST. WIST. no. 1. l Mixed Kft.j Pass. Train. Mo. a. HlzedFgt. Paas. Traia Arrl",.' STATIONS. Art. fvsf ' (5 I 8 871 Newbern. - U(J t li Elverdal.- T , 9 25i ., Ml: Droataa ... 1 48: i 63; HaTelock , ,. I 10 171 10 32: Newport I 10 SU 10 Hiti WlldwoodHW 10 R:' 10 41 j Atlantic. . " 10 5S; '11 OS; More head Otty..i :U111'I"' i Morehsadl)apet-.j , T Ml . T t 401. .146 67 5 461 ' Iftjr r. m. r. A.au .A.a. Dally except Bunday, EAST. WEST. ar.-'irl No. Mixed Frt. t Pass. Train. N.4t . ft,! . sTATiojra. Mrjefrgt- rass. Tra a rri L'verf It A. a. 816 0C8 Ss tlO 1 n oi .11 27 Oo(dbort, 1.8 Best's La Oranire, J08 FaUrocUraek. 10 4tf 11 SI 11 12 U i I 07 ;ir J 10 Kjnstua. Caawl II ST Dover. IS 17 (Vr tJrk 1 li I Taoarora..-i I SO 1 Clark.'. Tuesday, Thursday and fa,tBrrlayY IMonday, w edne aay ana srnisy. Tmln SOoonnerU with U'llmlnrton A Wei tlon Train botiml Forlh, leaving Ooldsboro l:ii3 D. m.. and with Kuihmoa4 A D Uie ruin West, leavlns Oolitatioro 12 86 p m and , i hnlnaton A Weldon Train Sooth at Mp.ra. Train 61 connect, wilt kKbmoad A Law' "rlln. .rrivin at Goldivro 4:i p.ra .anawtvo i ..,ip -tnn and Wel ion Traitt from toe " T in HL 4 ..1 D.TIt. 1 it t rniin t with W. A tr. Train booed MB Arr. ' 1,'vfc , A. M. A. a. 11 191 i " I ... I . A mm ,, a,,,, I IV OOI 1U Ov ,-......-,..l aH 00 , 1 . . A. a. a. a. Arr, t.'ve 14 14 460 ' it 14 W 4 10 (41 i 46 i 12 Ji7 ' 1 12 1 8T 1ST ' 0 . 1 4D I 4a N. W i y few investments better than we snowit one that is, and t!i.iiflVln , . , THWIEEH Te pottrjf i telof 22.I9 for teuOO. . It needs nO cnlUvaS .afodtfc irfuot a. yeariyaxn4t, levl. mnchaaihata on liketvalue, UDoti rfae aVath o the oltoy does hot veqoire i ap sera, administrators and lawyer tooiMi T1IJS vai.ce. pat is PAID W J-UI.av!J to the banenci; thereto . " The payment o ei llcy is guarantee i By nearly eiu.wi '; a reserve Isdem. insuranoe wun ,01)0, and oasb as- aeta of nearly AXAI. The AssochMiuh. owns illdlnE, and rants enoueh dtllos 1 lis rent free. itm hiiuiiiimi ate 1 nllM to u ildues. lnoorporaed,oember, I9H, 14 Walnut Hiseet. Phllade4Dli1l iotme Office. tise'on plan. tjand nfinu'and addreaa-for tri 4..,-, jU UfK. Dl 4fnawr8)u(6tern Dei Ko.iB-,yatevllle street, Bale .TD Jr BEIIMl DlstMdtiAaKnb For Oountlea oTj5tMn, Carteret, fceaufort, J.. i &2iys,uanreasMi,traBUia. CkMlaSenlpwajM.W.lbom weMepre nared tooCorthft meav mjerttHndnoeinenta. T, As. QBKnv li efUreen, ' JOH KlaHV. The1 ,lIoi;,;.rt "nr W.erH,, C rules who hafve-Majkrapd, OAr,JPtu'J ken policies wiQf ua, . . : Oen'l it. Uaaaon.cT lyr.ChiH.twn2r, Thoa. Dante,,. - w,r SCWOik , BiO.Oredie, "HOI SVAleA al)ltt" L Oo.ereeo,jm -,fp.g, Wpock, ;r W.3. bane, V - n 1 K.M"lne. AP.Br.via, io hf-j-Jhp vj8, Daniel Davis, . ,,. .peaeklah pnvts, Drury DLunuU ill Vfiii norlotlwtf kNERVOUSDEBIUTY HARRIS I lwAVAnd namaroua IrJuiiwiiMUUantt. baf- -:?&&Sta!i IflincrthA skilled cbr- arlAlana. Hwralt from Tonthful indiscretion. ' A RAOtOALOURg FOB? f ton free lndatKence, oi' 'over brain work. Avoid KERVOUS the imposition oi pmen tiouf Kmodies for Uiese troublei. Get our Free Circular nd Trial Ftcr:. aff,aiid learn importnTit facta brfort taking trt-V-ment elsewhere. Vake a SURE Remedy that mas CUUED thouundi, dues Dot lnterfrrt wiih aitcn tion to bustnea, or causu pain or inconvenience ia any way. Founded on cfentiOc medical prirn.1- S'ea. By direct oppucolinn the nat of diacaM ita SEBIIaTx, Oitmlc Weakness! fPHYSICAIj si: CAT. I InVourwAtMlddleS Aled Mo I Trrrro for ovensnl VEAH8BV UM IN MANY t spectno lnnueiice ia ien without delay. The nat ural function! of the hu man organUm ia re-tored. Too aVnimatlnK elemenU of lift which nave bcn raated are riven back,ani tha patlentbecomeichef r ful and rapldty ftains tVt !t trenxth twd aexuai vtr. Ilk TRIAL wtAPfttax One Konta. .- (8.00 Two Months.' , (.00 tares Months, - 7.00 HARRIS REMEDY CO., M'FOCiitriSTa TUREP PERSONS! Not a Truiso. AhIt fnrtrm.oToiir ADDliancc. was Qivu rxuixi viu. DR. J; D. CLARK, 0ENTIHT, NEWBERN, N. C. Offloe on Craven street, between Polloo aad Broad. pr!7 dAwly w, a. aiMaoaa, clement manlt. SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will nractlea la- the Couru of Craven . .1 met Onslow, Carteret, Pamlloo, Lenoir and Ilydi and In the Federal Court at New Berne. '. , V.kBj,l. MAX SCKWKRIN. THE BOSS CLOTHING Kit sf- There a real eet Ihatom SQIWEBBN & ASH We hare some very handsome Silk Handkerchiefs, Scarfs Ties, Bows, Suspenders aftd for tloliday Presents. " We are SOLE AGENTS for the A. A. BATTLES MKfl'S aad SOT'S CALK SEWED fi.SO SHOES." The oaly hoes sold in sals city that are H iaiulM tuuv the manufacturer to us, and by us to our customers, viz: Cnrr Pair ! Warranted. Should any of them la amy h. within anv NMumnRlilA time Kive out. return of damages!-pair and statement as wear, etui or reliinu tne mnnev or give anouier new pair U exchange, it is the best, fluent and cheapest Middle Street, corner of DAL BROTHERS, , nwar-av"i ar esale J- : hi mm j HAVE REMOVED TO TUELR ,.. j TWO, STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND, eUd ai4 FL,OUR MEATS, COFFEE. SUGAR STUFFS MOLASaES. SALT, TOBACCO, rprrtlilnc In the GROCERY -'r-i firo. E. i 4 ., , V '" I 1 1 f? a 9 W c PLAS5TEK, GXm ffiCimm Crrenstree!; 6flokpre&4 Office : -;.;iiiTai I8IT1 cueiai : .-t. v..- Monuments, Tombs, A udalMaadg Grave and BaUdlng work la ITALIAN AMERICAN WARBLE Orders will repeiva prompt Utentioa . eatiaaciion guaranteed. , . - ' ' T',r-r, : JOE K. WXtJISf Proprietor (Successor to George W. Claypoole) Cor. BROAD A&D CRAVEN 8t., NSW BERNE, N. C- G. E. Milleb is my authorized agent d Kington. maSO-l vdw Cigars, Cheap ! Another Lot! oi Cigars Just In1 Which I am orfering at Prices Lower Than Ever. CALL AND .EXAMINE MY STOCK. JOHN DUNN, W. II. DEWEY, THE PRACTICAL TONSOKIAL ARTIST, Personally In attendance at hla Halrdiesslni and Shaving Saloon at the Gaston House with the best workmen and new furniture. Satisfaction Is assured to those who patron ise htia. d " GEORGE ASH. AND SHOE STOKE. i One r their Stock of Fine and Cheap uiotlUnff, Shoes, Hats and eenta Furnishing- Goods at Greatly Re duced Prices. AllTJryGoods, Flannels, Shawls, Cloaks, Walking Jackets and Blan kets ;at COST. Hosiery, just the very thing We Will Boon to length of shoe in the world for;th money. n riTTTTr ITT aT a CITT Alley, directly opposite Baptist Churth. Jw SIGH OP FLAG. Grocers, SNUFF AND CIGAtcS, avn L.1NE, a FULL. STOCK and at K 4 LOBSpT eiiJUiiie! 5 i . . II iJI J ... J . lj iew-beesk us rixiice ? CtKun TransTJortation CoY. - r, .. . ,.1 olllil. FALL' 6CHED0LK Or TBI 8TEAMEB BLRTC1TY to go Into effeet on :and aftei1 HpL Jl, 1886. atondf ye " . , Leave New Berne at 10 'clock, a. at ; Itor Lake Landing, slopping at Adauia trtk, Vaadeaoere, Htenewalland Kay bora, a r i T rlvlng at Lake lAading, Taesday, ' I f o'clock, a. m. , ,. ... ;,.i,.tvii.i Wednesdays ,... iave Lake landing for "ew aerae at . . e'cloek.a.m , stopping at Uayboro, Stone wall, Vaademere and Arfama Creek, ar' , rlylugat ew ileroe, Tburadaya.la.ia. Thursdaya , , h.u. ijeave now Berne at 10 o'clock, a. m , sot Lake Landing, stopping at Adams Creek,' Vandemere, Stonewall and Bavroro, ar riving at Lake Ltinding. i'rldajr,- " o'clock, a m. , , , -, Leave Lake Landing at 9 o'clock, Cm it,'. i.w iinru., swppiutr at Hayooro, hume wall, Vandemere and Adams Oreekt aiw riving at New Berne, 1 o'clock a. m Sua Y days. ' i- -1 By this arrangement we ore nhlA . makf- elose connection with the Northern steam ers, also having good accommodations both . for psseenger s and freight at very low rates, ' ask that the merrhums and producers along . its line to give It their cheerful support. vreignt received under cover every say of the week If or further Information enquire at theof tee. Foot, of Mai ket street. All goods received only at our warehouse, foot Market street. W. P. 11UKKUS A Co., Agent, K.nr Horn. V , Or any of Its Agents at the followlna nlaoea: i ABU LEE, Adams Creek, Q. I. WATSON, Lake Landing. D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere. 0. H. FOWLER, Stonewall. H. W. LA3E. Bayboro, . o. . W. F. BURRUS 4 CO . Jan21dAwly General Managers. THE 1TEUSE L TRENT RIVEB Steamboat Company Will run the following I :chedule ou aud aftei September 9th, 1886 : Steamer Trent Will leave New Berne for Trenton every Wednesday at (j a. iu.. and Fndav Rfir arrival of the Bteamer Hheuandoab; return ing, will leave Trenton every Thursday and Saturday, touching at all points along the river Steamer Kinston. On and after .Tnnn 9Qth irrk ih. Q,aAmA Kinston will leave K I union Irir New U.na every Monday and Thursday at 6 o'clock a.m.; returning, will leave New Hei ne every Tues- aay ana Tlday, stopping at Jolly Old Field and touching at all landings on Neuse river. Close connection made with steamer Blien andoah of the Old Dominion Steamship Co. JOHN H. PELL, at Newbern. W. F. Stanlv, Kinston. D. 8. Babkus, rolloksvlUe. L T. WILSON, Agent at Trenton. J. P. Quinbkly, Jolly Old Field. J. B. Banks, Quaker Bridge. J. M. WH'TK, Gen'l Manager, ebTdAw Kinston, H. 0 OLD DOMIINION Steamship Company, SEMI-WEEKLY LINE Foi New York. Baltimore. Nor- folk, BoHton, Elizabeth City. Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTER Monday, January 11th, 1886, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICK Steamer Shenandoah , Will leave, upon arrival of train na Mnrfnik i Southern Railroad at Elisabeth Citr. srerr r. MONDAY AND TIlUBJkBAY . if S for New Bene. Returning leaves New Beraa ." tor Elisabeth Olty .rcry r .rerr . J S TVBSDAT AND FRIDAT 1 at 4 p.m., making Cl Be Connf otlon witk Ifoi ' lout bouthern K. R. for Northern ,ltiest i Uo. connection made at New Uorne wltja uamer. for Kinston, Folloksrllle.. Treatosl an. all landing, on toe Neu.s and Treat m RiTsrs. No freight, received for .hipmeatoa Tnasdays and Friday, after 3 p.m. ... f Freight lorwarded promptly and lowut rats ir guaranteed to de.tin.tion. . r m. B. HOBEKTM, Agt, New Beraa,' i OtTLrarpia Tdbhsb. . v'.- Ag'U. NorfolkT.A W. H. STAHroBD.O.n'lFT't Ag't, ' New Tork Olty. Ch&ng8 of Pier in Xew York. . ', The N. C. Freight LiDe FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and all point IV or tli and TVest Aftsr tab date will receive freight la New YOIn V for Raw Beras at PIER 7, NORTH RIVER, ,. Office '6f Xew York and BaUimot i -:;i'. .ii.dAdMi'Ur JiSaf Merchaau should rem amber that 1AkaJ( k. beat Steam Lines eat . Haw. York aaaaiaV aai7 oonaooiiou wiui aaiumere ler aea Beraa aUlaskte.alidonlyaBachanga. v" s KEn-.WEKEXY ' ST A M S BZflZ ':-3 (Toachlng atHorfblk) ! ' j ; ' LeaVrng Hnr Beraa far Baltlarore TtrESDAYl FRIDAYS Ulna Ijau B.ll .T UV lew Berne WEDNESDAYS dad SATCRDAYa- ' Agaau are as toHeiraV tTilJaooa. KURKN T0STU,On t aUaWSt..Bal't.aW. AS. W. MoOARRIOK, Ag Norfolk,ya. V v. r. Olyde t.Ov..iVfelladtrpkla211 SoAt .Is r. --. ...... v. .York A Balto. Tranr, Line,Plw " Jtona river J. Saatpaoa, Boston, 6S Central wharf, . H. Rockwell. Providence R. I. . . '. T.O.Miak,FsIl River, Derrick wharf. 4iUH mdayl. kUKiT,r M'Ve, Wednasday. Tareagh otlla lading givan, aad rates gaara naaUasiata.tthe dUTereat m of ' eaaiee. w yjt ,:. p,,, . . ) r . Ircid htftm Cl M tad SJrin -Ti V eouui, leaving Onltlistjoro at r.S p. m, . . j V. Dura, I Superintendent. ...A., .... . li tr a,l dru. t , N. C. LINE. - d."'. - KarMlyS B OUY Af Raw ;ras i-