t a f ..... Tlie ileal r - 7; a 't x.-j v.u.e. It holds the ftrt ; iui-x u -tuvo -nodi.-uls of it eias.--ikAi.oN Jol i .nal. -" j ... riip'r).,,,.!)...;-.; 1 r "a. . Hai-pcr's 21 ii.lusti:ati:i Haw 1 a h : "A t !n trv JYp y 1 ii JTT. Made to See aud Hear. ' I ! I f- III A3 I 1 TKIIKSTIS W STORkVluaOJ ' . "-retifloK klis Mliint Wallace reiidf fwltHlr errge Ft 'kin; d,(l Mc.-A.fes stjwa. Alloa la Co., and fiym Iter owa lipsa Constitution" rs porter learned the following appalling story. Several mom hi f go she became slmustto tally blind and deuf.aud could not taataany tblun except salt. Her bone aeeamethe Ml of intense psln, her Joint were swollen Qd palniul, and eventually Iter whole body'' and limbs becama covered wit splotches And small aorea. Her appetite felled, and the gradually lost teen and strength, ind hai, ) little dm of herself, at her llmba aqd. muscle, were paralysed., . , 6 , ,. j s-in.l ;'&Xl treaUuat from physeiaiw and the m of auaxUertiw seamed powerlejs.' Beg disease -.was otooo poison ana rneumai ism. .-.(so Aa aba now seemed well and hearty the re porter asked what wrought such a wonderful BaO(.- - .,.,1 . ...;.- :! ' "1 us?a a medietas recommends 'Dr.vj friend," sba replied, "and bvaurs one Bottle I bad been iHkcu I beuu to ss Andowar. TbI second bottle relieved all rheumatic yalna ana improved, my upturns, w ben 1 naa com pleted the nee or six bottles u eyestabtanet Jiearlng were luiiy reatored. sense y-torned.sll splotches diaapntxtrad, sores aitl kenled, aud my sTengtuand rush restored . -wnai was me meaicineir . asxea aae-i poner. 'I-'-. t.'L ii ! . ft "Boin:o uiooa im-B, B. B. was the great remedy tbat acted so pwerfllen idyl eiiaeaseana cured me. 1 never sspsrieasea any nnpieaatnaat symptoms from lit use. and lis action U so aukx .that It eurprles all" ...... ..m i i.l.H .H JU The reporter then sought a physician who knew the ease, whereupon ha handed us the Jollowlntj lines: vi .!.. "1 ezaintned the above case of blood poison , nm rsswmasiam. oeiore ana alter oein ured, and certify to (he main facts as above slated, ami most acknowledge that ths B. B. Jt effected a moat wOJldulrfUr AnAaJel 0100a saim m, Atlanta, ui., will nau ai S'J-p tis boaafree.UUd wltk jaa(U irM eneois is A STATEUEHT nlinulq OP. FACTS FOIl THE FVBMjCL - r.uiai TO IJOirSIDER. .J 1 ' Atlanta. OA.r January 11 1886. tasntlnjtr 1swresd4ohi'ipell ol typhoid (vst, J dissoversd that It bad Mils lBniay .(lat tec which swelled t aft. fcnof- j . moas lM, TBiaimac.ao qn'.le Uiree year. mlatlaa y trsatment A sua,:i nlee ttnelly mads twsppaaraxs . little abore t6 ftnfah which rerosefl Mbeal to an? sind all f xtanasi ' application and ths use of the most noted ' blood pofcoBTemedl i. u Ths nicer oontlnaed t Enlarge, frequently dlachsrglnf, parhape, as maeti ai a cupful of ,. pqa sr mataar per ay.: ' the else of the nicer I waAaboot two lnohes In diameter, extendTiiB ' to a depth Dearths son. At 0ri(f time lt.lp - peered that the Otah l alt eonttgttbqai would swrely toeeom e a rnnDlng tore, ai Ua pseallarry flabby, spotted and unhealthy J eondtno litany lircated. and itwsfhtl-1 . matsd that I might loss my leg Mr condM tloa tesams orttleal, and; ths olqpr, r-J - laitlUa w rapidly, we sent for Dr. 3. P ' Dromgooto, who mads a thorr ugh examlna- ; HoB.aneVaald that the Seih mi to? kig far Ms Inches aiound the sore would soon sloughy ofl, f If oa.tmdAd; that! must oommenc the nMafB..B,( ..,,,Tr-i.-:1,v.f1ll. .rflel I acted according W his lnstrKotlon. and after using tMsesaodboUlstha nhWlooaea ; fresh and healthy and commenced pealing. 1 oontlnaed the nse bf U. B. V., and to the (real astonishment and antlsfaction of my self and frlenda, ths V leer rcstrtlnucd to heal rapidly, and is now entirely well, and I am atteadtni to nrx tfiMtoAss at W.TL Brother IWilrUtaawJi iUtA.k-'" 1 I refer to W, H. Brotherton, W, P. qopJ m b. a. uooa, ur. rant, ur. 3. i .,rinson . and others of Atlanta. LATEST APPESTisi u It is tiliirsrnrJlT conceded to be tha finest fii?ishtjd Deanmae on tbo x-arket. ly alecorateti Iri Ebony ;..,asqwm.(,M,k. .arAJSA,.JUtaXOi 11 wo Dnurj.tErjrjEss IsuBtimtlr Cured. " ! 1T. CMvCDBN PPVCiriCtnttanitm d)MirDtv t -9)M(itai f or ftleobolie liqaorm. ItCAa 11 tu D svamiavMrea u wine, left, or any ftrtirl of food, ven in liquor ItMiC, with tuawpw 4r simr rvmuw,' Anamanoa ox iMwont mnsT 4iinkinr of thirownbvwllL Kndonww) by errr f7i,2 svuw u v w v ss finuci wo vaiiuon-sieepcni. eend for ta)Dhlet cod Lai nisi sr huraairsMiat af mil stonLtvU from the bMt women and men xVomLl aAsy wmrjt awauisw f sjajMUUfjsjjc OLX &fXCCTK, COhIsI Ean St. Oiiioiasatl. fj. wB SAi BOOK STOKER, J. LfiAETSFIELD, V BOOKS and fetATIONHYi J4 KA n :t5 ;5 School Books ftod School Sapplfes f, - -- - sjs pr7viniiji .v .Oonfeotionerica Tobacco, Snuff, Ciciurt, Toyni Ohtswafti, Crockery, Fishing Tackle, Etc ne door south of Lof tin's Bank. Very truly. ' ; J. L. IIAETSFIELD. . , ' : r 1 rJ-Mi-' ".I': I I V 1 1 i I I I V ,"N. H ! t J Xpsa,pi4iresn th ZUiiosa shirt, - - 111 conquest t sure 01 heant so teaaer, -JTwlien they seethit manly guisa, . . , Quick wrmvior..' h I i Surely the ladies are attracted , byjocatnesstof dreBs; hich adds so much to the "general tlegance of ones appe; arance.'t, What's VelWressed mar! ;l raoiw virai to-a than a perfect-fitting, smooth -set tingfthiit-J o twwa. . IKA ft ' ItJlfc TQM .2.1 i l; f tB i mi l-i ... I B J, '; ... 15 V. j "?r ""V"' 1 a-i Jl:' - I swii? at . i' .'il, i tsfjl aU J JJa? U" v " i-. -j wiwr ,W v i iiiw w jtiji :jlv Vrrjrjrr;r r If ."' I I . as '. ttnrniAt adf I . . . . m - I s- wsASs-"w 1 1 -': ' ; ; u, I IV"; I.J -af !i0 Vill i lent -rill f. f Lh I?C32j'',!,WO;' 3I MSB' i. nin aim i iNMinniii- r - ..).isMAA vMMn a sbn r II t iTl I ; 1 II;--. ...... , . ,-sr.'- r V.-r n i i i ii .. A" la r- -O M A shirt is a; very humble' gsr:0, meat, but aHer all it has "a J treat UCJU lO UO W1U a a J'tWHl What misery anses from aniU.T settinff bosom, a bad-Fitting heckr ; band, aa uncomfortable ypke. ort ; sleeve too short vtoo long. -But now I Trill be corWortabla. ; and happy, I have found, the shirts ' that always --"The Diamo'KD; iThe tangled thread ot utes,x istence henceibrth ww be moQU t 6i8 ' I . I. I .111 . I l III ''It I .f'4.'r;v .' 'v harT r1 i S! 1,11 L JO if )) P.' 11 V -1 3 s -1 wH - & U ' -II oil IS O Paw - g ii fw- - o I E 8 " " , t TT-' , , f'-' ' '' T."."-'-M" V-'-- si r- -r Fur North. Wen and -Soathv -vis A. & fN.C.li. R. at .00 a.m.- : ' . for . Luivtf. -am ,i,ke ' East. ! at ForWtishinstrm'.Svvfft'Cre Beaufort Counties' Mod Jays, ,tVednea? dare, and J'rijayst 5:00 a. yn.,,.- T., j rtS!:la5, if."t!;'- ' I Ai.-'jB4,wt"-' - .- ?!lgtirucucy:j auif its, repordlor,. the fast JHFFiCE'-rioURS:- r"f?i kwcjyft years, uijng;'Vich";U Jias al- ii ' Lt i lorand liccriBterta Lttt at f sr ti from 0 a.m. tn 4 n. mi i Ami iliiiir i erartajebt rort r Jl P-"-. i-T. - . i m u: t hours exceptaet.raila are being du-ii rfd.nT.OV; .K2 jOr ,;',orj - V !-. . . . r t 1 . . - - j .67wt,, ,!b; ''. f 3 d; tlisitiriiiuiwlliepiuckiiiu, we beait- i'l'MtiilLi-ec !of bearing ttie ilcpre iWMfcttr'.'br .HVe want Yanks riisV'ttU.l, enterprise.'..'. We ,loiit iySnt?:a"niL:suc.U tUluff,'.1 ,'We , want Bctirii brains and -enterprise. What tbe South wants is common in New EnglaaidA On the (Jbhtrarj, history Bhowa that when we Applied enrselves to tbe tbipe nj htid "wjj ixtfelfed tli otl,h .!,Weiad.uiore go6dl"8l;aesmn and .orators tban h4'3S'6i'thrfvX)ur 'military nien were ?he: foretnQst;' "Jdniknuera and ,t'e hf OQtl'yilth ! illl ber .smaller cities nd ei'mp-'e populrttionj ws 'at teal5t"6"(fuat,'and abroad beld super folJatbeKortk. Jn-pbyieil de telopmest the.Vaje and have bben superiorvikii ibi K"ortb. - Slavery prereqed mAnnfactnres and conr 8ierc(5, and interfered f ilh common Jdncation, arid therefore whs a block 9 most of tbe progress of modern j diyiUzttionj mechanics,, art roada, ttstldiiii's:enB)8i sod all iaat. .It prevented inventions and the intel Ueent use i I tini anli-ma gone, ana frpad te pAgrcs ljesv full, and free oeiONLua. Aiuwe.wtae toeoia siare lne as the border of. the South, we Have large And better surface and oil than the North, and also better ; I We ate - the, place r the great world staDles-rrCottori, corn (maize). I tobaceiiJandartcdl i' There are- vast fields yepjo ,be occtipied .ritu' tbe snjrar cane. . The cotton and all these, other -staples should reach thtft highest preparation for oi epmptioi. here. We bate all the ruin eralB of tho world, x We have 'the clime fori the best peaches, apple apd cber.rie8, ,not to epeak : of the orange, i, tiauaria, jemon, ana tne wateuaeloii. and many small fruits. The.'Troe .arid silk cnlture must suc ceed here, if anywhere in America. Ite South has the best timber: the fwbdf the Snuny Sorrth is firmer, stron ger and more Varied than in ibe Northland its- ferowth is more V J ; , r . 1 art and cnltnre, as it will, the South ,yilbe the place of jts.highest sucT mss. vv nen sorgnum anu me sn-iftb&tl-thQ one for stock and the gtjher for epgar, -.sball . become .the great staples, and they will in time, the So'nth' wiir be the place for their ciiliure3Yehave also the site for flixandfiemi and the best wheat arjd barley. There is plenty of capital in the South fo? . all legiti mate 4nrrrtses. , Wh comes the mprjjetpr;oar foreign "travel our summer watering places, nr cx travagance lfl household and per-. ai aec.oratiou j . we nave enoagn tegiu wilu.'Muu inure win joiu us eed rsfRural Hecord. , Ai ,irs:j!e a'CiBD..;... .' I . S T .ami : - - 1 " o all wbo-arfl suffering from the er ."li.i :. ... J. attu iauiucreiions oi youin, nervous nesa.'earlT decay, loss cf manhood. ill Siinrl a ioia that will nre Twayi Ii REE OF CHARGE, this great meoy wurrdiBcoyerea bf a missionary 9outn America. Hena a sen-addressed telope to the Rev. Joskph T. Inman, hs Doctors Last Happy Besort. ta.ert Evans villr. Ind: I 'x!!eT a...r. i , t .uort S pit .a. receaty ,(yaa a ' vers difBcnU ease of THouarimbtioiU I treated it. in. the Woet sciantifk) 'ruftdtier possible, imi to'no effebtj .patieat grew ''gradually worsa. Ratter than cive rjB. and . aa a, last re- sori, i deaided uuca against my wish, to use a remedy that had cored" one of my fottaer patients. Greatly to nr sur- rise, the patient began to Kaitv, and in mucb ehorter tim than I dared to Iter eipoct, ehe was completely oared. Ibe1 name of this remarkable remedy is Dr. iKinga'Nsw Discovery for Consump tioni " I ppw fjse it altogptber in my practice. Liiadin,, M. D., Evansville... , Cfifbr und Hiir "'Drccscr, With tentvd NeftW'st an'l ' -t city, will l' ' furnlrm e, o ; y n's c.i tTHrco, and ti fc 1 ' ni - .1 sio(in ia tht it-;ve -scan be hud i r N'ls. w shop, new l ion irnMrnnf ct-d. xLdtor to Ietr.cfc. iiai s, f as not s.nd ii, not. more m: AflVieul: clss than.tbej same strata If An- illsifitrated -BioutLli periodical i for , boys -find 'girls, appearing b the ' 20 ih of etch taout'a.n i Edited by . Wart Ui iv,.i., ... ..h... Lumber, or '1.00 a year, in ad.yai.ca. VW u d ,Ui puL.i, Lfi Vv -wli msatrf, pt)iooa. I wk'ih )ioali.,lieiu it. HHt.vS'oTeiB! ' Si. Nicholas aims .Mt! Wiefj ""J? 1 Lead of DCrkldi ur. Dosftn!! gins, ills ' 'sajEBcico't warrant for its excellence !i"luriu' tlie cViiiing Bcasbn.' Tliis editors announce tbc ifollowirjr s among Iti ,.fX, ,ii-ii'. Ji. V ...... S xti Bt?atetl JeaiataWsW issi.'ea.i'; ' Serial1 Siorr b v Frances Ilodeson puraetK 'T. c fisrf long story shffJiaS 'VC'fjlirlsiis'Sf'ory ty W'j)', Uow- fejls: !':VVith Jiurii. Tons' jnotures by his l 'GeorgeJ sshtcgiou,','. by Horace E. Scuddcr. A i.ovcl.und attractire k:'.SA.....fi - V---. 1- Short tories,vr Qirls, by L'ouisa M "AtnUi ' Tim' firfjli'nia fTandtr Ptinntry'.'ia jfovembe..'',','', ' l'- Sew Uits: Of. Talk, tor 'foung FdlJiWVhy"'!!,!!.". This serU forms graciens sna.nning niemoria. oii i thilddoTirig and child-helping soul., ; j Papers on ihe' Great English Schools. Eucbv and others. ,11 lustra tions by Joseph J'enncll. , r.A Sea coast Serial Story, by J,T, Trowbridge, will be bfe like, vigorous ind useful. , j . , x . j'i,'' Jenny UosrdiagHouBe, a serial by Jjatnes Otis..).'. Pealing. with ..ew. boy life and enterprise.) - 'tt'i it .Frank: E. Stockton will eontribule gevieral of his humorous andfaneifal ( DriU.,f .'P Bt John Preston "(tn, A canltal 'school torv for boys.- !. I The' Boyhood of Shslefpearc; .'by Bose Kirirtley. j With 'iljdbtratiojis by Alfred Parsons. j 'Short Stories hy Bcores, of prominent tjlezekiah Uuttetworth. W. O." Stod PiJ.j t.1'. tj in. bir a '-Ji aara, jjarrict . xrestuii jOuuuiu, uiu M .Enterprising Sketches -by Alios W Boll ins Ch arles . ; Lei and, ilenry rEckford. , lieutenant ? icliwatta. lid rward Fggleston ' and otbers.Vgj-,i.t ,j Poeme, borUfj contribuioas,,, aad rfntntrmflnf J will' sVivnninf A nrl-ifi t tTi O Bural New ,' Vofket calls . J'the ,bes magHZincior. cijnureu iu ino wurw. h a s v a y u , vu ., , it v y , A y , ;t 0 NARAL'LEtEb. OFFEiRl'i wnbH THE OE3 ,! T' Of all the Magazines. J ' fGl" u ' '.' fns Ma oinri.i. , srry attraction, comoinipg nrtitc, i.cica iRa n HsusehoM tiers. I - f lUtutraled with rlil"l Mt1 4nrpt PhotofrrnvurcMi Oit Vitjttf autt , I i .. tmoaziiia Cf .4 int., ..j V- f w pmjwiw to (rlre totirfflcrstote atlrtilion tS tM GryaA rrohlMtloni.fltUnicvt;ibrntitone(tf dieoipiil Ewb co7"f " ' Dnwfft's Umniiy MornllM ftaina j u a coupon timer, emunni ihc hoidpr ii tlie Kloo. i of an. uaMern4UlitniieT I' Ih. Ai.hiM l,.n-rt I ton ( went IB tbat number. In any of tlie slrrn manufactured, Bens twentr cekti for tha eurrtnt nnmWr with pw. i tern Coopon and you will certainly eub.crlbeTwo fol. Ian for a year aoa aat as titaea luaaruer I vt. i insui W. Jenjniojcs Dfoiorest, Pusliilpr, 17 t..l4UiSt,.fi,lt "l-lllwBVy-1-" afa-W jThe Best ;Newspaper?in Amerkal iand ; by .far SJie r Most ' Readable, V v ' Affents Vanted wervwhere d eart ; iiivncy ,ii wrouiLULUJU WUII e.J.I9 -i';i,.)l!2a -h:LL Ul ',il -i ir.ij ne rnpsij irjieriewing; ajia aayanwv eo offerp yer.rrjade; by ary: New!: iPaper? I'Wif.'jf r;):lr nn?'t n I3tandard Gold and otksr Watches, ValnablS - Books, the'Bert laaily Bewlng Machins ' o ktrOwn.totherado.andamilKiqilaledlist of objeotsof r4alntUityandlnstrxioUon..f ' DAILY, per Year (sritlibnt snndsy) So 00 ; DAILY,' per Month (wHhont Snaday) ' 50 " ". SUNDAY, 'per Ye i ; J'' 00 T FOR EVfRY, DAY IN THE YEAR , 7 00 , VVEKLY, per Year,, ,Wi(f;J J 00 j j . . , Adaresa, r SCXsw Isrk City, , , : ; a 1 r The moet n- e Wo 'y w.rrdayote4 r.i.g gim- .vertea, to. . Tentiona ana pai- -eveii. .i.nert. l.,eryc".n. ' bar illnMrftt. d .1 anlen d eneraTiopa. 1 ma puDliom ion turni.irena moi vnln D,e en.:vrMri;i , 'of inlormfttioa wii'i ti no poison sl.oulii be vi l.ouft. "Tha p.-pumrity of iiin-..im(ijIm'.i!iu is , anr-h Hint ita ciroulition n- ' pnuio , . t of nl 0 her r .pere ol ite f I"..r. 1 .(.ennnt tn 1 lu 1 NNal.).. Inl 8 C. 1. I'l f 1 T I f .NoiSubscriber'igriored r neglecioa.' ' Something' rfa 'blljs f AJ-i h; 1 I Beattiifal andfiabstaalial treininmi &" The reePTiiberJuniler wlil nll '-.-r. euvH-oiid Volume 01 .tUK ft K s Uui wooivon's sovel, "1 "i Ap. sua Mr Howell "Xiidisu fculuii ur"-iiuiumg i' forsmtst placsln rurriul tfrial tt-tioii- v r tun ila-wi-su evri.l iiaailwra, ui i i fojlowwl by serial morie irom K. 1. lna -ii rei'l Alia U. M.K.'aik. Anew il driwrtiiwnt. olbiuhijia Kpi sumt-Mrd l,y Uiec-ir.-ntil ermuieyf Aiimriraiiml l urrm. w rt c lutrtouiel bv W. H.lwr ",l' "-j wlKgwiih the Jmiuury numl tr. 'It.u t hteiarf vvoutof tue yarwiil be ll.e i uuaofa aiies of pen Uiklutj tnc sum of .a ftnrv jAnd depleting chaiucuiriai ic '"" ', of Aineiloah clety as keen, at our ium i, pleasure leuoris written by UmrlfS 1-n t f, ainer, and lilustnma Dy v. a. hi d ..i i. Tne mHifiiume win give erjicciui u uij AniericuQ subjects, treated by tlie bi-sl Aim:rrl lean WHUts, and ,. illustrate J Dy ieaumg American artists. ' ... , ... , . Harper's Periodicals. Vil'r7l HARPpB'tS MAGAZINE..... 1-fl-aM i ft. UAttfER'S Wi-tK-LY rJA BPER'S Y0URPE0PLE..- 1 00 -rJAEPEft'8 FKAKKI.tR aJQOARR L"' - PP A R7. One Year (52 NDmbrs)-,w 10 Postase Free to sll subscribera4 In - Hitf Onlted states or Canada. - TbevolnrncsoribeMeesr.lne besln with ttfr.. NOmOers for jud auu litter niter Li it. .. year, wnen no urns Is apeoined, it win i uudaisto. dihat the subscriber wishes tuLr. gin wltb the ouiTeol Numb r. uouua volumes oi narpii s aiagasms Kir inreeeors dsck, in neai uiutn muuing, wui. be sent by mail, nvsipa'd, .on rxsibt ot SHOWq ler volume. Cloih Cases, .r .binding. 60' 'J cents each by mall, postpaid. " ' ' isaei w siarper s. MRKuaiiie, Ainnapeuosi.. . i ...... ii... : .1 . . I .71. . i.JL nuaiviirau Mill uimiuru. lur vuiuuhh I w 6Ur Inclusive, rora June, lti0, to Juuev Its',- . one-voi i8vo. Cloth, II 00. ..-' t Kemitiano-s should mt.de w rotwnwsi Money orJeroa Draft, to avol j rbaiioe of loss. . iCawMMDers are not tu e)DV this advertise'- . meni. wimuui me t-Aprefs urutf ui xiaryer fl, Brothers. Address ..... ', ... .' - 1 Kl r. U Pi. It. A Hllin H K'Pfi K.w.VniV . ' .' i ETC I.I 18SO 'I 1"- ". .Mwjitoa. ul : ;;;;' H arpVs ; Weckfy7! ': ltT r I h f 1 II I ' " ' , ILLTJSIKATUJP. I iU n 1,1 MuM hi ........ ... i ... . Jiii4ti.M4 ; , , ' I i'l S lit ; ' : Harpbb'b Wkki.t has now, for mora than " twenty years, maintained Its position aa ths ' leading Illustrated weekly newspaper - -la , America, vi Hh- roustant Increase of 11U .. srary and art etlo resources, it Is able to offer ' for the ensuing year attractions nnerjnaled by any previous, wlnme, era braolna twaeaaMI ltal Ilia uated serial storks, one by Mr. Thoa,M Hardy, dn ongti s foremost of living Writers, of flatlon, and tlie 61 her by M r. 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Bound Voltime of Harper's Weekly, for . ; tares yens back, In neat elotli blndletjrWiar be it-ni by mall, poeuige paid, or by expiena, ., free or ex pause (provided the frelgtit doesnot- " exceed one dollur per volume), for 17.(0 par Volnrae. - - Cloth Caaea for each volume, suitable bf binding, will be sent by mall, ptstpsld, on receipt of 11.00 each. . .Remittances should bettaie by PosMMHte ' ' Afoney orderorlnaft, toavoldctiancecf loss. .Newspapers are not to copy this sdve-rtlss-ment wlmoutihe cxpiesoideri4 Barfesefsv Brothers. , Address : , HAPPJCB & , BROTHERS), " " a - ai..A u a "-j Mew Yoik. . TI1K lOENTLFHY Tne lemarkablelnten st In the War Papers ' and In tne mauv tuuelv articles and atraaaf I serial features published leoeutjy In 1m . CXNTURY has given th .t manaz:ne a nsular lrcnlation or 3 jr i i i Mora than 800.000 Canlea Monf hlv. 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