1 fin '.f.y-y V- '..-; 8TEAMEKJ, ;:,.: sew-bersb iSD pmico : ' Steam Transportation Co'w &IAj SOHlCODLje ""OK . TffB a rflAMRP ; V 10 " Into Affect on and after tcpt, 21.1885. ' VfoUdajrs ' " " , '-" '. . J.eve New Bertie at 10 e'elock, a. m , lot , . Lake Landing, (topping at Adaius tretk, '". - Vandemere, Stonewall and Bayborojar. ' riving at Lake Landing, Tuesday, a ; .",, - ' 8 o'clock, a. m. , .. , i Wednesdays-? " . - Leave Lake Landing for Kew Kerne at . ' ,, o'clock, a.m., stopping at liayboro, Stone ' - wall, Vandemere and Adams Creek, ar ' . : riving at New Berne, ThuTtd.iys. 1 a. m. i Thursdays ' - V! Leave New Heme at 10 o'clock, a. m . for " I -ate Landing, stopping at Adaroa Creek, . . - Vandemere, Ktonewall and Iluvboro, ar-,-;; riving at LHke Landius, Friday, V -;, o'clock, a tn. Saturdays : ' Leave Lake'Laiidtng Kt o'clock,a.m., fo. Sw Berne, aropplug at Kayboro,Ktfu6 - whII. Vandemere and Ad-iina Cn-t k, ar - " 1 rivlug at New Heine, 1 o'clock a. m.,Kna days. " J ' ' r - By thia arrangement we are able . iimke -Close connection with Hie Nminero steum era, alao having good accommodations both "' for paatiengers and freight at very low rates, ' ask that the merchants and producers along lie line to give It their cheerful support. , freight received under cover every day of tne week for further Information enquire at the of doe. Foot of Market street. All goods received only at our warehouse, foot Market street. - . - . W.iMJURIttM ACo., Agent. ' ' " ' NfW Berne, N. O. . Or any of It Agenta at the following places: -. AJJK LEE, Adams Creek. Q. I. WATSON, Lake Landing, . D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, 0. H. FOWLER, Stonewall, II. W. LANE. Bayboro, . W. P. liUKIMM CO.. lan'JldAwly General Mauateis. THE 2TEUSE & TRENT EIVEE Steamboat Company Will run the following Schedule on and aftei September 9th, 1885 : Steamer Trent Will leave New Berne for Trenton every Wednesday at (I a. in., and Friday after the arrival of the steamer ctuenandoau; return ing, will leave Trenton every Thursday find . Haturday, touching at all points along the river Steamer Kinston. '' On and after June 20th, 1885, the Steamer Kinston will leav Kinston lor New Berne evory Monday and Thursday at 6 o'clock a.m.; returning, will leave New Berne every Tues day and Friday, stopping at Jolly Old Field and louchlngat all landings on Neuse river. Cloae connection made with steamer Kheu andoah of the Old Dominion steamship Co. JOHN , PELL, at Newbern. V. F. BTAKir, Kinston. D. S. Babbtjs, Folloksvllle. I T. WILSON, Agent at Trenton. J. P. QuinaRLT, Jolly Old Field. J, B. Banks, Quaker Bridge. J. M. WII'TE.Gen'l Manager, eb7d&w Kinston. N. O OJ-iX) DOMINION Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE FVi New Yoric, litUlimore, Nop folic, Boston, EHinbetb City, Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTEU Mouday, January 11th, 1886, yKT FUBTIIEH NOTICE Steamer Shenandoah Will leave, npon arrival of train on Norfolk Southern Railroad at Elisabeth City, every BIONDAT AND TIIl'RSDAY for Ifew Berne. Retaining leaves New Berne ; for Elisabeth Olty every .r i - TUBSDAT AID FIUDAT J.t 4 p.m.-v making CI so Connection with Noi ollk Southern R. U. for Northern cities Hon connection made at New Heme with Steamers for Kinston,- Folloksvllle, Trentos - and all landings on the Nense and Trent Rivers. No freights received for shipment on Tuesdays and Fridays after 8S P m - Freight forwarded promptly and lowest rates i guaranteed to destination. , H. B ROBKRT8, Ag't, New Rerae, vmTtm k TcBHBn, ':;:, -';':. Vy,o.'" ' Ag'ts, Norfolk, V. A ' W. R. STAHrOBD, Oeo'l IVt Ag't, : -v , . New fork City. tfl4WWllJ-'U''y:'yM''' " ' " ' ' . Change of Pier in New York. . : FOR NEW VOHE, BOSTON,: ?ilQVIl)ENCE. , ' " ; and all joni ! V'iv-N ortU "West ' Affr? H' vai 'eelvs AeiKht in New Yo' ; . ... for New Beraeit ' ' z . " . .P1KH 7, NOBT11 KIVI5K, Office of Few York'and JBaltimot ; , Transportation Co. ; ' " Merchants should remember that this is one o . . ' . .... 1 . .... , ,.t UaM Vn.1, malrln ally oonnection with Baltimore for. New Berne t all Inside, and only one change. . v , j SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS . Between- Hew. : Seme &nd Baltimore ; - ' (Touching at Norfolk) " - Leaving New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAYS FRIDAYS at 1 p m. Leave Baltimore foJ . New Berne WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS .. , .p, at. j. - Agtsareas follews: EUBIN FQgT5R,0nUfsnager. Light St., Bal't.Md ' A5. W. IJcOARRIOK, Ag't. Norfolk, YA. V. Clyde Co., VhUadelphia, II Sonl VorkkBalto.Tran.Line,Pier JJorwrtver E. Sampson, uoston, 04 wmnu wun, . - -' S. H.Kookwell.Vrovidence R. I. n n ivlinlr Vail River. Derrick wharf. Bliln's leave Boston, Tuesdays and SatnrdayS, ' ' Beitimore. WedneedayaandBatnrdsy .'.. . Fn River, Mondsj'i, Wednesdays Fridays. - . , .. itmwiAann. ftatnrdars. . . Through bills lading given, and rates gnaraa to all points, at tne aineren muc 01 fpanles. . li:id Ersahge ol Bulk ana Shp Tia N. C. LINE. d . siarWlyS H GRAY ktt Vrm .jm H rriiE JOURNAL. NEV BEKNE. K. C, FEB. 8. 188(5. i.'-V.,-Mr. Garland's Example. . ; The nnfortunate' positiou Attor-ney-General Garland occupies through the ownership of his spec ulative Telephone stock caunoc be changed by the' pleadings of per sonal friends or. the mendacity of paid partisans. The truthful rec ord is before the people a just if exacting jury. It did not need the admissions of Dr. Kogersto make it clear that the stock of the Pan Electric Telephone Company was giveu to the prominent Senators and politicians named to obtain in fluence, prestige, and aid in politi cal and oflicial quarters. At the tune they accepted the gi:t ot the stock Mr. Garland and .Mr. Harris were Senators of the United States. Mr. Garland's position is the more untortunate because wuen tendered a seat in Mr. Cleveland's Reform Cabinet he accepted it and became Attorney-General while still retaining possession of his stock, although be must have known that as the head of the Department ol Justice bo would be called upon to aid in the determination of a ques tion which would make his stock worthless or raise its immediate value and give it a chance of swell ing into a large fortune. In tho discharge of its duty as a faithful and fearless public journal The llond has published these painful facts. It has made no "scandalous insinuations" against Mr. Garland. It has uttered no word against Mr. Lamar's action. for tho reason that Mr. Lamar is in no manner or degree implicated in the ownership ot stock, aud is a gentleman above reproach or sus picion. It lias not called upon the Attorney-General to resign. It has simply insisted that it is his duty to himself, to the President, to his party and to the cquntry to wash his hands and make his official hon or clean. Wo told Mr. Garland 3 months ago, we told him three or four days ago and we tell him now that if he desires to retain the re spect and confidence of tho people he must get nu absolutely ot every dollars worth ot interest in this Telephone Company's stock. Why? Not only because the gen eral mind cannot be persuaded that his influence will not be used to pio- mate his personal interests, but for the still graver reason that the ex ample ol b'S action is a great public evil. Example is more powerful than law.. Let Mr. Garland's conscience be es clear as crystal, he roust know that tho effect of his position is de moralizing and pernicious to the whole public service. If the head ol a great department' can engage in improper speculations, why not his subordinates! Uight in this city an obscure newspaper is openly conducted by a United States Dis trict-Attorney, with means raised thrqugh the influence of that office. This model official, with 2,800 nn- tried cases on his docket, naturally fiuds time to give Mr. Garland an enthusiastic support iu his journal. Of course in the eye of tho journal istic District-Attorney his chief nad as perfect a right to be head over ears in telephone stock as the Dis trict Attorney is head over ears in his own speculative enterprise. Like master,like man. But is this a wholesome example? Are these the "business" principles upon which tho public service is to be conduct ed! Is publio office a public trust when it is thus prostituted lor pn vate gain! If a United States Dis trict-Attorney under tho Depart ment of Justice and a Eeform Ad ministration may run a political newspaper backed by men who ought to be under investigation in the District Attorney's office,, an Appraiser or Collector of Customs under the Treasury Department may have a partnership interest in an importing uouse or nave an m tercst in the invoices he has to pass npon. Is this Civil Service Ke- forrat Mr. Garland should sell absolute ly and outright every dollar of spec ulative telephone stock: iiu bis pos session. N. Y. Worlds ' A Hemarkable Escape. ' Mrs. George C. Clarke, of Port Dal housie, Ontario, states that she had been confined to her room for a longtime with- that dreadful disease, consump tion. The doctors said she could not escape an early crave, bat fortunately she began taking 'Dr.'King's New Dis covery for Consumption, and in a short time was completely cured. - Doubting ones, please wtite Mrs. Clarke, and be convinced, sold Dy an druggists. Administrator's Sale of Land. Pursuant to a Judgment and order of thc Superior Court of Craven county, rendered on the 4th day of January, lKt6, In the case of Jas u. Harrison, Adm'r of Thomas Fenner, dee'd, vs. Jos. T. Oasklll et als., the under signed will, on MOM DAT, MARCH 1st, 110, at the Court House door in New Beine, N. C, sell to the highest bidder, the relieving real estate belonging to the estate of Thomas Fenner, deo'u, to wit : - - A certain tract of land In Craven county, on the south side of Neuse river, west side of Graat Marsh Gut, adjoining the lands of Gam bo Fenner on west. Win.- Tenple on sonth and east, and Neuse river on the north, containing 100 acres more or less. Terms of Bale : One half cssh : balance six months credit, secured br mortgage on the Hale will commence at 12 o'clock. H. -New lSerne, January 19th. 18S6 . n . JAS. O. HAKRISOS. lsldtd . Adm'r of The fenner, dee'd. .' : JAMES The Bargnar EngsS Brewing Gosnpans Lager Beer, Porter, &c., 1 KEEP ON HAND A FULL LINE OF WIHES AND LIQUORS AT WHOLESALE, Which will bo sold by the Barrel or Gallon at VERY LOW FIGURES for CASH. Ginger Ale equal to Best Imported, and superior to any procurable iu North Carolina. iliampion Middle street, cor. South Front street, New Heme, N. C. In older to ninke room for my Spring toc)r,I will fell, for the NEXT 1'IlillTV DAYS, my KMlItE STOCK AJT COOT Connistineof Mens Hos'KuitH. Overcoat. Cistern. slnRlft run's, ("niits mul Ve.ts, l.mlird UioiiUt;. .leiwj h. Slmwls, ItlanlictH. Drets (Jooils, Hoots amlSlKMM, Huts, Trunks, I hibrelliiN Kuljhcr fclioi'S, Itubber Coats. Also a lull assoitnienioi jnouohs. r Only Thirty Days. .3 Come before Bargains are gone. hint.! dwUni MAX ECnWlSKIW. The Bass Oloihisig, to sell them than line. We mean what we say, We are HUL,rc AtlBi.- . e A. A. u.vi'TLi.a mm. s nil BOY'S VA LP SEM'EU t'i.jd SIlOK-i. The Ollly Slioes solil In Ihl city ihntnre H'AKI'AM'EU l'.vi lUe nianuliiciiiior 10 us, mm uy us 10 our ikhiiuiik, v ir. . f.' i-..-,. Pnir i Uarmninl. should any of thefinHji any way, within any reasonable time give out, wo etiun of daniimed pair and statement as to length of T - venr. either refund tho money or give another new pair u cxi-liaiifo. It is the b st, finest, nml eheaixst shoo 111 the world i.S SCHWEEIN & ASV- Middle Street, corner vf federal Alley, directly opposite Baptist Clruixh. apaodwtf Wholesale Grocers, HAVE REMOVED TO Til Kill TWO STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND, Xud keep of FLOUR. MEATS, COFFEE, SUGAR, SVKX'l'S. MOLASsES. SALT. TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAkS, nn cveiytblii in tlio GROCERY L.1NE, a FULL. STOCK and at LOW PRICES for CASH, 24b I it.i.i. R.rh.l wim for Fcnclnc at full line of THE BEST Agricultural Implements, among which are tho Celebrated "Champion." Gronger," Poney-Q,nen,' "Farmer's Frlentl,'' "Advance." Chilled turn Plows j also the Nos. A O, 10 11, 35, 40, 43, 47, 48, 49. 50. 55 and CO Plows, and the Climax Cotton Plow, whlchls now King of the Cotton Field. Castings of all kinds ; and a fall stock or Shovels, Spades, Fori s Rakf s. Potato WlWf . Bush Cuu"ra, Briar Hooks, Axes, Hoes, Stub Scythes, Grain traoleB. lVst Hole I)igBors Cart Wheels and Axles, Plow Lines, Traces, Haines, Back Bands, t lev.sea, BIdk e and Donole Trees, plow Handles, Plow Beams, Plow Bolts, and everything else that joumay need so don't fail to give me a call. Yours "tell deth." J. C. WHITTY, jan26 w 8m Iron Front. Craven street. New Bern, S. C. . t DEALER IN General;Ha3?dwaie. Builders' Material, MacMnists' Supplies,; Machinery, Cotton Gins, Engines Cotton Presses, Hay Presses, Cider Mills, Grain Fans, Rubber and-Lcathe Belting, Lace Leather, Machine Oil, White Lead, Mixed Paint;J Linseed Cil,; Glass, Putty, Lime. Brick. Cement. Plaster, i BUILDERS' MATE-T?TAT1-.TvrApVinm'f'H Tnnla. Builder's Hardware." Carriage Material, Saddlery, Steam Steam Fittings. vAGKiuuiTUjftaij-imrJjiUi.Ao xiows, Cultivators, Harrows, Etc., ; Cotton agging and Ties.l Hope ; Twine, Etc, at LOWEST MABE3STPBICES.v . : X Agents for Fire and life Insurance, t- - . GEO. ALLEN & CO HEWBEEN, IT. C, 3QLESALE AND IX CONNECTION WIT II THE AGE NOV FOli Clothing House!! GEORGE ASH. Shee and M Store. To make room for a large Spring Stock, ve do not offer the Balance of our Winter Goods AT COST, any hpusc in the city in our and say what we mean. will npou SIGN Of I' l.AG. Lowest Possible Figures, and albo carry a and Gas Pipe, 'Iron1 and Brass LIQUOR DEALER, MANUFACTURE!! ok Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla, Lemon Soda, Buffalo Mead, California Pear Cider, Etc., Etc. iJOTTLING Cigars, Cheap ! Another Lot oi Cigars Just In Which I am oifering at Prices Lower Than Ever. CAIXASD EXAMINE MY STOCK. JOHN DUNN. rt WEEK'S READING FREE I i it tx COOD FAMILIES. -h. -I . a ii imjiir nmlrtiltlreasof five t; ; . . ..! .-I - or tii !' mi u juistul .:.. ..lit :io- v j.itir-.t:ir and c.i '.; ..4 1 .i !.! : .chun ntpy of Tiii: ;.:;! i'l Si'i lJILKN WEEKLY, flie "Atlanta Constitution," OUR "UCLE REMUS'S" Word. Fav.out Sketches ol the Plan- TU IT ta';u" Dsrkey. I "GILL ARP S " Humorous Let- KUiMOnOUS . jci,Jor thc Homo and Hearth I DiTSY HAMILTON'S" edven I U res to'd in "Cracker" Dialect. V. ..I- - l ,!-;,- . r..-'i-'icM of Travel, News, I';, ., I mi, . :..elurH, "Tho Farm," u liniui- . .'rt, v'oi-i'cHpundcnce, A '' , , ! I ,s!r: - !jn tr.d Entertainment I Th. ! l i j . - li: iu'liti-t and Best Weekly. Plr;w- . i .y im-ii.i vr i.-;'tijt' 1 amily. SEND A POSTAL F0!t A SPECIMEN COPY, FREE. - . AJ.ir. ss. "Tim CujiSTiTi'TioM. Atlanta. G TIME TABJiE, Atlantic &. N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE No. 22. Ia Effect 12 M., Sunday, January 17th, 1886. EAST. No. 61. Passenger Arr. L've. WEST. No. 50 I Passenger STATION I Arr. L've. r a. P. M.I 5 (17'Ooldsboro 5 "1 5 "il Lji Crrangt ti -".-I Kinston. - S i 1 1 !Vew B;rne, P. l' M I Daily exeept Sunday. A. M 11 12 10 Lt a 42i 1(1 2! ! i7 7 i7 tVST. WEST. Mo. l. Bixed Ygt. 4; Bass. Traiu. : No,2. : Mixed Ygt. 4 j Pass. Train STATIONS. Arr. L've: Arr. L've X 57 Newbern, ... I 7 22 6 40; B 80; 0 14: 5 42- 6 so; 5 IB 4 40: 0 ::: 10 mi; 111 .57 : 10 ol ll 01 : 11 IS; 11 40; it an; Kiverdate t) 40; Croatan Ill 10: Hsvelock 10 42; Newport 10 51- Wild wood 11 01: Atlantic 11 28- Moretaead City.... Morehead Depot v. M. 6 43 so O IK 5 47 6 30 5 23 5 00 4 35 A. H. p. II. I Dally except Sunday. EAST. WEST. No.S No.4f Mixed Fgt. a Mixe Tgt. Pa3s. Train. STATlOS. Pass. Tra n Arr. Ii'ts. Arr. Vve a, m. a. m. r. k. r. u. g 07 I Ooldsboro, 7 05 8 45 8 5C I Best's 20 6 25 9 15 9 25 La Grange, 5 41 S 66 9 55 10 06 FallinECreek 6 05 5 10 10 33 10 48 Kinston, 4 21 4 89 It 08 11 11 Jasweli .. 8 58 4 08 11 S II 40 Dorer S 28 8 83 12 20 12 25 Hon Greek 2 48 48 1 00 1 05 TnecArora 2 03 2 08 1 20 1 23 Clarke's-... 15 1 48 2 00 Newbern 1 05 p. H. P. K, Tuesday, ', Thnreday and Baturday. tMontlay weune- aay ana maay. Train 60 connects with Wilmington A Wel don Train bonnd North, leaving Ooldsboro 11:3S a. m., and with Richmond St D-nvllle Train West, leaving Ooldsboro 12:85 pjn and Wilmington Weldon Train Southat4:54p.ra. Train 61 coined witk Sictamoad tt IXavills Traia, arrirint t Ooldsbcro 4:40 b.bx, udy ith Wilmington and Wellon Train from the North at 44 p.m. li. ' Train 4 eonneet with W. Aw. Train bound Soutli, leaving Ooldsooro at 7:88 p.u. V j ' W. Dunn, Superintendent. :eieriratel Fashion Calalcrue QCMT CRCC For tSprhig and 8unt OCil I r ntt mer. 1&4 ready lUieh 10th. to sov address. Illuscratas and Hutu every ttalDK for Ladies', Gent', Cbilsrct. and lufauts' wear and BouneMefptug Oooda, at prices lower than tause t any . Douse in me united Butes. c;ipfcto satisfactiao juaranlted or amuy ro-. funded. 11. V. F. KOCH fc WX, 6tb Ave. & gOth bu. N. V, tti:. TO ADVERTISEES. A Catalogue of JIS! nev&papersdivldedlnto ' STATKW An)SK(;TIuNHwi11 be sent ou ap-. plication FKEE. TotlioKe v. Iii want tlieiradveitlslng to pay, wc can otl'er no bttti r medium for thorough ami i-l!tM'ti. o work than Uio various sections ciout-.SeJ. rt l.outl lAnt. C KO. P. HOWELL & CO.. Ni-WHiiiiiMT AilveriiHirig Bureau, J iiilli lo spruce istrett. New York, W'&TCriE! AT C ItiOATLY KK dnred I rices. Address I.. i. UKADY, Halifax. BT. C. oc!7 dw WATIiJ-l. l il S : Ii. ir ii l,i. in. s. can 'iii'-t 1 v p :: if. nn e:c.iv.is.sli:'. I' r f n ' jul-llt ss, ul oi.,- . ( -; , .Mass , i: : ',17 i. t work for us at ?7 to SI0 per Wiek No photo painting; I ji ii ticiilars, please :ii Alt Co.. Boston, dell) lm W1M'M)-I.y :nil BPiitlcmen In city ur i oi; airv t,i i :. k liiilit work at their own hnini'K S-'l to 81 a day can be easily nKuie : work m-ii( h- mail; no canvaasinR. Wr liave 1 ilemaiid tor our work and fur ii i Ii Kti-:il Hipiiliiymi-nt. Addrens with Nlanip. tKOW M'I'"U I'OMPillV, 204 Vine M., t I m limatl. Ohio. delO lnl AUVKItTISERS should tiddlVKK CiKO. V. KOIVEU Sc CO., 10 Sprm e Street, Sew York Clt;-,' For Select Litt of 1,000 Newspapers. P 8 AliO FORTES. UKEQ0ALLED IN TONE. TOUCH. WORKMANSHIP nnrl DURARILI1 W1M.I.1M KXADB fcVCO. Nob. 204 an. I -ixl V.t ll,iluinor8t.,IiSlimort. Nu. 11 J Fiftli Avenue, New York. I -INFSH MKBE. YIE.MHEIt. -Moneu Vaivii is Atuneu'Mads.1 Do Your Own Printing. Onlu perfect Mlf-inking riihber stamp praasawi" ottered. Workmanship vnmrpassrrf. Prints Tfecty. No business maa Bliolllil uewillluut "in1, t ntire BatitfactionQWW ante.d. c.tl ,..u. :i 'i.l liMiiiiriiilala frf. Prloo am-'rin-.y 1 .v. II. I'. r .v prrmlMlnn to HOB. A II li.i'-i .- "' in .1 -is.-riil United 8tte. Til''. vn: t '. t filSER HTAMP T!'' ; A uvusta. Uo. DEBILITATED &VIEN. Yon arc allowed a free trlnlnf thirty day ot the nse of Dr. Dye's 'eleliRiled Voltaic lielt wltB Eleetrlo Suspi'iiftory Applianrofi, for the .peedy relief and periiinnentciire of Senxntt Debility, loss of Vitality and ilanhooi. and all kindred troables. AUo for many other dlseupcfl. Complete restora- ..v.. ur.iiwi, . ikui i.iiu nianiioiKi icunnuiiwu. No risk Is lneurreil. lllustmteii pamphlet Inacaled. . SUWktve malle.1 free. I,v HdilreKnitiff 4 V0LTA10 BELT CO., HarshaU, Mich. ones COMMISSION Consi umenta of Grain, Cotton, and other ritODUCE H O Ij I C I 1' E 33. PEciiii a77e:;t:o:t c-uasantezd Dry (ioods, IS'otions, ii jl rr s, ?00TS AND SHOES. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS Fcili, Eccon, Flour Sugar, OolTcc, Si!, Syrup and MOLASSES. SKU Fraud TOBACCO. II A II I) W R E BUCII AS Spades, Shovels, Ilces, Axes, Nails Plow Traces Hames, &c. Sec. Fnnner's iipplie GENERAL Y A L S O MOTT'S SWEET CIDEE, THE BEST MADE, CONSTANTLY IN STOCK Prices low for casb. ' Satisfaction guaranteed. Highest cash prices- paid country Produce. tt& Call and tee me Vorth West corner SOUTH FRONT & KIDDLE Streets, . . NEW BERJfE, N C Mar. w It . r 30, ' 4 t V