...... x p, . CBUSHERW illOVHCEHEIT. THIS DAILY JOURNAL" a !M column tper, published dally, .except Monday, at ' a.'lv'Deryear.KUBf&raix. months. Delivered - to city subscribers at V cents per month. p.p.r. to published .very ihud.y at m oer annam. " . "' s I , advertising, rates (uaily) one tack one day.fi.oo; , one vek $2.08; one mourn i,w, tnreeinouuuiiu.w( ut monuis 15.00; twelve nioiitlis-2.Uu.' T " , . -Advertisements under head of '"Bi spinas . Locals," 10 eents per Una for first, and & nenta for every subsequent Insertion. . . No advertisement Jl be inserted between local Blatter at any price. ; Notices of Marriages or Ilea the. not toezoeed ' .en. tinea will be inserted free. All additional mattor will be chanced 5 cents per line. Iymeuisfortranslentadvertisemeatsniiist b made In advance. KegularadventaeiiioiiMM wUI be collected promptly at tne end of each montn."' - ' - 1 ,mmm of .i a tidied, no eommuu.cat on ninst bo expected U be pb- halted that roiiUiiis obledtiouaule bonsonal tlea; withholds the nrme of the a nth or or .hat will make more Mian one column or this sper. . Any person feellnc aggrieved at any subny . snone communication eau obtain tlieiiome of author by application at thin office aiiw "snowing wherein the grievance exists, -r THE JOURNAL; ii. . nvnn. mi, UARPKIt. ' Boaiacaa Hutr. MKW BERN E. N. C, APRIL 1. lt6. ' Kuutivd at tl fo1 nmce at H"ra aaMOoad-elaaa utter. THE DULY JOURNAL. I Today four years ago the first No. of the Daily Journal made its appearance. Since that time it has regularly appeared except on such' legal holidays as we thought proper to give our employees, never miss ing an issue on iiccouut of accident or lack of material. The primary object of the publi cation of the Journal is to otiiaiii a livelihood for its publishers,,. ;rtid in return for the patronage givi n it Hie polishers endeavor to gifc e a paper worthy of patronage; jtbey aim to give the news, and jadvnricriT'lSlay 16j 1803, tbe regimen t ind the the raareriHi tutei-cst oi the ciny in which ft i patched and thecouptry in which it cinuilates. To this end we discuss fearlessly, to the best of our ability, such public measures as aro likely to affect the interest Of the section in which we live, ' beeping in view the fact . that sutb as give the greatest good to the greatest number should be adopted. ;WeT enter upon our fifth jfear much encouraged by past patronage aud hopefnl of making material im provements, in the near future. AVe sincerely thank our patrons, one and all, for tbe. support tjiey have given ns in the past, and can only promise that in the future we will use very effort to give them a paj.er worthy in every respect of their continued patronage. ' IIAIR-SPLIT1INU DECISIONS. It will perhaiis bu considered un becoming ar.d nnt of laco 1'cr a t fcniall, local newsjiapcr to criticise decisions Of oar Sapreine Court, especially so when the editor iof sncti paper is not a lawyer and not versed in the rules which govern in - -ourts. But It does really . seem , that when the court grants a man . who has been convicted of a crime , a new triainpon tne grouna tnacone of the grand jurors who found the I'll i. j t i i - taxes, the thing is being reduced to a fine ooint. This mitrlit have been reason4 for quashing the indict f ment, bntT what has it to do wiih ; the trlalT - Tfie Biblical Recorder makes the following ' sensible re- MAvrra w trtio nAintt ... uwao vu iuio jwim. y It is very difficult lor ordinary , ot law, or. the mental processes of courts or justice, js early all peo- - - ine Know rigub irum wrong . ana : tense from nonsense till the one or tbe other of these becomes a subject or judicial Action; then the mists and fog3 of lawr rnles of procedure ; money or social influence, are suffi cient to mislead even those who tirofess a full knowledge of the , ' cxHopiicHiuu cuujj. a case in point 4 : .3 .1 . - . presents ttseu in the recent decision .if nnv Knnrama I Tinrr In rn ntm j man, who was fairly convicted of " a mimA b nnv trial liAnonoA whAA - mm i;liuit) u aav rw . a. a u i UVVaUDC IDC J was some question as to whether one of the grand jurors who found true bill against, the 'party: had ' paid his taxes. Be that as it may; it will be a difficult task toorivince i the peopte of North . "Carolina Ih&t this was snfficient reason lor grant ing a new trial, and thus virtually 'allowing the guilty party to escape justice. ; ",.-! -.VNo, Ethel: when yon hear of a i onng girl having made a good 'match,' it dosen'c signify that she Las cot something that will get dp very morning and light the fire.' JCarolina company, along with the jTUE TWO LOST. FLAGS, ; r lb 87th JttaasackaMtts and. f the ,r ; i 87lk Worth Carolina..? i ' ' ) t"P lrgfljld rUpobUcan - ' 3 The annals of war for the Union ill neror lid Mimnlsf till Innir Affar " never Iw complete till long after j the last soldier on either side has gone to his final reward.. Each 'euangiug season unrolls a new and romantic chapter pertaining to the great conflict. , And there are few regimental histories TntO"'which the threads of romance are more thickly wown' than that of , thfj, 27th xr Massachusetts. " , .V ! -'-i n On the 18th of October, 1S01. while the regimeut were encamped ;0 'he WilbrultHlii load in tbisdtj, it nillfl - east (ft tile " armarjVtbPy ' -wete'- presented with a Stand " Of nhitq. auuV United . States colors by-l "I;U Andrews, a,isUnt coinuiis- j S0 r?eral lf Massachusetts, and this AVAS wimc lie said: "lbon&b thf.v lm stained with liyuiurt gore, ;rid.lltf'l.l;y .weajou4'of desiruction. iiiuic-i iy an uiiuriattid foe, or faded by die lapse of lime, - bfing them (nick unuiemisueu bnug them back a crown of glory , for yont bro.wvn Iu the spring ol LSfti, after the battlus of Roanoke Island and New Berne, Gen. -Bnruside issued orders that all the ligiments of his cow maud should place those names on their banners. The 27th,s men were the heroes of the hour here at home, and the women of Springfield seized the opportunity of sending them a uew flag by Col, Lyman and Lient. Trafton, who were returning to North Carolina after a brief lunougn. it was a flag or blue, hearing the Massachusetts coat ol arms on a silken fabric, and cost 1100. It has always, been called, to this day,' "the ladies' flag." It was presented to the regiment, then in camp near Jfew Beroe, Jupe 2, by . Chaplain Woodworth iu I "an eloquent And vigorous address." Col. Lee-received the colors anil re- sfionded.' Then the men gave three nearty cuecrs tor tne uouors-or the t1ag,tBree for the Union and three for their colonel. Then the chau.-; lam prayed, and- a dnpwe Tol lowed.;, ' t jklaj-.- Airnrews spoke as a prophet. rest oi uie.atar brigade were posted on the extreme right of the Union liue. at -the base i of Drury's Bluff, a dense S foe enveloping the .field. It was the most important positon of tbe Fed eral line, but tbe brigade was i uu supported and the regiment was outflanked in the fog, after repell ing several assaults in front, ,240 being taken prisoners. When the rebels swarmed around the flacs Color Bearer Gage cf Monsoni be gan to tear the ladies' flair from the standard, intending to hide it im his bosom, bat a rebel officer placed a pistol at his head with the threat. "Tear another thread and I'll bjow your brains out," so that Gage had to pub the banner on the ground The flags and men were taken to Richmond that morning, and in the afternoon as the men looked out of he Libby prison windows they saw tueir banners borno through the treets by the enemy in triumphal precession. Thus were they ,4nd died by .weapons of destruction hurled by an infuriated foe." Lit le prospect was there on that Mav day that the ladles' flag would ever g;nu be seen in Springfield, There was another 27th regiment 1 tne battle of Ts'ew Heme, com mauded by Mai. Gilmer; Us casual tie3 were 4 killed, wounded and 42 missing, while our regiment had 7 killed and 78 wounded. Co. A of the 27th North Carolina, the Golds boro Kifles, had their '.'ladies' flag." it was oi tne oruinary Confederate pattern, or heavy silk, and the let- xera wmcn snowed that it bad been presented to the Goldsbor'o Rifles by the Wayne County Female sem inary, and that the motto of the company should ,.be "Victory -or ueaiu, ' were elaborately, worked, The cost was 170. -When the bat tle opened v the orderly; sergeant neggea jviaj. uumerto permit : him to carry it, bnt the request was re fused, as the orders did not allow company flags on the fields So 1t was left behind in the camp, which during tbe day fell into the hands of onr 27th. i t A few davs later Col Lee brought the flag to Springfield, it was turned over to tbe soldiers union, and in time became one -of tbe fixtures ol Grand -Arntv ball. lost as effectually to .Golesboro as was our ladies' .flag in the streets of liicnmona." ; , , '-: And yet the latter has lor, Ate years adorned the stairway of the city library, and. the former was borne back to the thriving N tlh Carolina town last niehr. with mar tial music, oratory and ieastiugjust us we . receivea , our oanners on Washington's birthday, 18 jl. Tha northern standard was .'Jiscovered in a government museum at Wash ington by a soldier jof t the legion that loved it, and the southern en sign was brought to light by means of a letter written at . a venture last summef by a' Springfield Grand Army.man to 'the captain of the Goldsboro Uiflea." The survivors of our' standards "faded ,by the lapse fo Jame," but'also. 'am blem ished and a crdwn of glory." And now shey have sent to the North 1 . 0j i :" flag they brought away, a new silk en star spangled banner, as a pledge ! that a common devotion to the flag, of thefathers is one . of the richest fruits of the late unpleasantness. ' .. Early BUin fa llnpbtigv . . Dyspepsia has one virtue, il will get out, bag and baggage it gien a fair chance. It can only be kept as a companion -by. being , led and nourished according to its own pe culiar tastes. c I , Of all the humbugs ever-gotten qp for the xsnre ot dyspepsia, early morning walks' are - perhaps .the greatest;" A long walk on an emptj stomach will exhaust, a well man. How. much. more willitexlmnfitaud tire one already sntTerinz thvuiiHtk of viral' eiK'rgj f ; It will do, very well for those with a tendency to Over fatness or with too much vital ep;rgy- Tbe dyspeptic 6 the bet- terofor sleep and rest,' ' ; ! stt -Thetld: dictrine that thai eail? tihrning air Ik pnn r jind P healthier than that of middav Jiaabeen X- nlnrorl Th fnnl ilomni fh.if "rioil from thft Aart.h n.rtAr-'tha : -JtaliviniV ' ,:r: J , auu uiujiuiS, oo vi mo hub ua v been' withdrawn aro still afloat The ur uiujr ;et uiucu vwuier, auu jiuoiif with plenty of good Mood it is most awuMA lw,-o.,- if u:J . oKmou'ii. utobum in iwuo uia djo - fAin ntiha anrhtna haa. whir.li in'.l viuucm uio wuguur . uo eiut'i icuws jl . . . . - ; when he first gets out of bed. r - - The thin-blooded individual will suffer chills, while bis fat friend will be experiencing a glow. One is braced up, the other shaken, np There is the difference. It is a question of bjood,- not of nerve or disDOBition.- The fat man ia not jolly becanse he is fat, nor Ak the joiiy man iai uecause no is .; jouy. They are fat and lolly because their oj gestion is eooq. .i , i ' The first thing a dyspeptic ht'ust dQ in order to get well is to ( give his brain a rest.- - Let him cultivate a habit of resting qoietly" oiTe .hotir after eating's break fas tof boiled steak.toast and clear coffecjaleeping onviunr Or- more, af:tr a winner of Mast oeel, nsli or low I, toast t and coffee, or milk, an hour's restnfter a Mipper of steak,game or flsli,toa8t and etiffoe or tea, jlain; . ; ' 1 1 ' ' ' j vTliere, has been a: good deal, of "fun pokeil at the hot water-cure for dyspop8ia,ybt t life fact remains ,that no better tonic and regulator for the stomach is known to .the medtca profession than that same goblet ol liot water as hot as can be bof rie sipped slowly a half hour before each meal. - ; , Best, plain iood, plenty of sleep and freedom from care, will; knock the toughest case of dyspepsia silly that can be. found hi the ,' State, Pills and powders -are no good for steady use.-., Occasonally they may be needed bnt not often. Alcoholic and fermented, drinks are bad medicines for dyspepsia. Slops are not . good for dyspepsia, neither is too muph cracked wheat, Oatmeal or '. corn starch. tThese should be touched sparingly.' Milk is excellent ; when :. it agrees with one. Coffee with milk or cream. in it will rift up bitter, but with only a little sugar will aid digestion. Tbe same with ta where it is not tod mnch of a stimulant.. A CARD. To all wbo are'suflferinit from the '- ror8 anil indiscretionrof youth, nervous I wtahneBB, early decay . loaa cf manhood. etc., I will eeud a recipe that willcurf' you, FREE OF .CHARGE. This great remedy jwag discovered by a minsiouary lnooutn Aerica. bend aseir-addreeueu envelope to the, Rev. Joseph T. Ikhar. I Sfattott D, A etc York City. .'- nl7 d w New Berne and Pamlico STEAM TfiANSPORTAT'N CO THE FAST-SAlLlKQ PASfENQEB ELM CITY Leaves New Berne MONUAVn mA nmu j DAYS. o'clock, nm. DiVB?iil 'n,kTDE8DAYS' n FBI- j LMniNnrMkTnnU aomW 10oc)ock,p.m. 7 r, ---K-. Arrives at New Ber WtfnCFSin vn I Connects at Norfolk -with N. T Fhlladel pniaand Norfolk K. R, (Faat- Freiahtifor all points north. . " 7 mlaiioj uniy seven - icsnrance Companies --. i hkl'aMMnllulwllhll,. U.I.h ,T Frelchta received dallv and ih ini .. i auaniuiiKV.M .... , HQWtTO SHIP.' MmBamn.l.'e$lp4entr4 From WllmiDglon.l', W.4 R, Freight 6ta tlon. via Norfolk. . . , From Philadelphia, Penna B. R Dock Street UtatliHi at M.-.sV 1 ar ' r From New York, Penna, K. K, Pier No XT From Jersey City. Pennal R. R, Frelgr.t it - tlon. via Norfolk.; . - v .. From Piovldtmee, New York A Now England aas a. , w i ifJl IUI aV. . i From Hoaton, New York A New EnglHiid K I an 1 .lit tltranuh to Norfoifeavoldli si. and quick lime, ... J transfeis Low rates O. W. JrgTKK. A rent. NoriniV V. : B. Q.-Oksdlk, Agent, ewUvine.N.'r. y WILLIAMS, Oen. Manager febZtdwtr,, ,,, - New t-erne. N.O. A C!eaKSkin :; is onlv a cart of he: v but it isa part- 'KVervlifh- ' . 1 - .7 .rrrtv'lin..- Jr . ' r .: I. ' .'" I X iiOiv3 ;Jik(i: ii. h ?Aj-ae!.io!. . fl.i:iiv ' both Absolutely Rurc. TbW powdi-r neVr ranee. A roarvr ,f I eoonomieai than thaor.1lnarvklndK.And CftD I notbeaoleMo nonirwtltlon'wilh the multitude l of low teat. hort wlght. alnra or phoaphate I Ewder,-8ol,d mly ,u cn8- kott-1- hakik. i -, , .. .. , . . - I TTrN'''KlJ-A8en, throiisLout ;i e i;th I toiutroiiuoe now lnVMilion for in-.- i nuiK HewlDKManlilni. Havea time. laltor Hnd healths Rareehanee. Iprniaiint biiHlnetta. iuwuy. r,,J lull &r'cuiTi rUCItMVRIHIII' i ana auates u. A: TJTITt rtPTItlT) To Introduce JDlVT XJV.SRftx them, we will Give-. Away 10. iO Beif-Oneratlim Wnshlini Miu'hluea If lou want on end us your name P. 0. and express office at onee. The Rational Co.. Vnrl !m l I ey St , N. Y. 't '. " -. . ' IADIKS WAIITKD-To work for ns at tbeir own Lome, $T lb $10 per wee can ds easily made; no canvaesiug; tasci Lrr.f.? tamp. Addreaa HUM. M'if'U CO , r. I . Tlox ll,ncston,Mara ruarlflm IK want SALESMEN everywhere local and Irav.Mnn. to s?ll our poodp. Will nay sood aalaiy ar.d all fiiwi. WrttH f,i . la ma at nif. ar.d Itale salary anted. STA"M)ARP Ml VKH WAHID gciMCY litiafiui, Whkh. n.ar fi lm ocHecSc's 5PNT CRFC BpriuH and Hum. UOtk, to an? addretM. lUiueratei and llita and InauU'waar asd Uoiuekeeinff uouujl a pnewa tower uiaa uiutw cm an muw in ute uoiuki Btatea. - CMleie iMlMd. or numt-v to. funded. Ii.- if. V, KOCll & BON, aalistaclleo Mh AT. b(M , Y. Cltr. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Von sra allowed mfrm trial f fafrt Atv of tfte Aewn wispeimry Appliance, ror tne (pecdy rncf and permanent cute of Nervmu DtbiHtu, loa of yttaU'v and Manhood, and aU ktndred trenblea. Also for many otber dieama. Complete reatora Health, Vigor and Manhood miaranteed. no rhk Is Incurred. IliuntnttednaniualetiUMalui tofetop mailed free. r aditreaainx ' YQUAIO JBELX C0 Marshall, Mica. - "ji vnHintiiiu , v oi wo neit win mi RECEIVED : G." A. ?alt, , 4 PockerSait, Dcakins Fin? Sftlfc, i. ' :. - !f. l.l.iMCli, '.' NEV' BlillNEN, li' T. Ar Greeii'a Vlti Strt.td. ,t..r -i a- VYilliam H, Uliver; ; AGENT FOR THE ' ' CONTINENTAL Eire Insurance Comp'y, . .'. of new" York.' One of the oldest arid moee eubetential x iMOWBoe Companies in ifaeU. &r. . - -j- : --..,' , , - AEgfitS. FlVft ; Mlllinn nftllaTB. Its Benosits cuder Ihe Rifetr Dpnmlt Ir1:. " near iwu muiiwu vult have com plied Willi the ISafnv Uenoaltliw of Ne York; the Continental lielng the tint and largest. PoIIcIrs written on approved iuun wuh ri,wauis 4 CI Ilia. , -- V WILLIAM H,40LIVEE. Newbern, Jf.C. y jettSttfv ;;THESTARf 0; Wii. DobsheiBer. f!Utor (mi rrop'r, Dailyli.OO and ?7.00;" Weekly $1.23. A Democratic aewapaper supporting tne principles oi a Democratic -Admin- jetration An Aeent for. ihe Publisher, I will re ceive BuUcrtf Uod for the above pater. U. X CJAKttAWAY - Nkw Beknr, March 6, 1880. , . v THE NEW BERNE LIVERY, SALE & EXCHANGE frn a tit rei AM PREPARED JO , r;. if j.. mI. UIUlolX X ilia lUUiCS UUICUS ;L0V7Esf PRIGEis Teams taken and cared for liy tne day, vaek or month. . . ' . A rove of Villi and Uoiees Just received O. MX BB.. fubldtf - Proprietor. And ;T0: THE PUBLIC! OUR ,STORE IS SILLED WITH Choice Grocerles:; Q ; Cahued Goods, 5 ' rovipibes, x Boots and Slrdb? - . ' . (Of Ui iiiak.' 1 -4- Hats mid Cap rv;; in f!-t win kvipev ryihih" J' " I 'r i-! tn a Kim ' 'aa vlri-n Mci'. till of '. l.u-t. - if an, oUerjnt IXW A 'I H K I-'-' "J t ' ' . wti(i: h oi ii--t ti, , ' i ! it! li f. n'llil h' - ii. ai.d l, in vu.i- ai d b t. ' fit lirpHt. A, t- r u i iu.cTiitB, OwtS t. OUloN, ..- ! Attornbv At - sct Ti; t-noBT fcT.. ori. Gakton Hocsk; ,KEU' BERItEiV. C. ; ' Pract e-whire!fvloirBaiedeslredi ' Finoih e In Hie rupirnie Court, aud tn th Fed, rul Court at Mi'W liurne. - One of Hub tlnn will always be at the fol lowing l .i-t-K at tiu.t-aapecitltd 1 eiow: Ireiitui', .loncs county, Saturday Df each and eve'y tfeek., - ' ' Beaufo t, Carteret eouuty.Tlinn-day ra Welfk, rr . ' Ju-ki:vllle. OiikIi.w onnly. ta nit Won day In oacn niontti . i"d &ULE ftKD FEfU ACADEMY Rpihit Si-w I n pom d Ihi ur'j- IC. am) cH.e Juocll, lKcti. rnni's nmv wi.lDm any Mine In tha acaalon and ohiigpd in, in I n oof eutiai re toeud Of seaiiioii. '.-. Tuition ai d uo irii niodenil-. i This actio l I. alimtli d In A momland pro grenive lown. Kor further Ibfoi tmitton nrply to" I1 Ntftrtn caroi.iwa. , 'Jraven County, j Totri sliJn S. Jnthe aaatter of t lie lfonietead of A k iiuidor Moore otice to Cred. lofs, Alexander Moore, ofaaid Coitinly and Slate. liBvli g li ed hlK illloii iMfnro liio under, -IK'irrt nir nit n ni!H'ai(i, mi-" 18 10 no i:y uu the cndilors of t It said AI xanilcr Mi ore Kiid of .Mack Moore ticena.l, ti at llic said p lliton will bo heird at nsy ollice in New Bein, Hiti o iifhtp Craven ii univ, on the 'st day or M y, IhH ,nud wlit n it tliey kI,u:i apprnr nev innv no ncarp. Uuti d I Ills 1 th dav of March. 1SHI. W. UBKINSOV, J. P I.EONIDA8 J, MOOIIK. - ; Attorney for Petitlouor. ,m? r - i The Best Newspaper in America, , and y the Mos, Feadafc!e ! . Agent wanted everywhere tp. eair f money in distributing the" Sun's Pre. -- miums. ' '. " ' ' r The mosf interesting and advarruV' geous offers ever made by any .New -"paper.'1 ' . .- V '--'!' No Subscriber ignored or neglecicdT" BosnUfdl and Snbetantial Premlamfl Iq ' Standard Gold and otJierWatchos.'Valu&ble ' Bookn, tlie Beat Family. Sowing Machine known to the trade, and an uneqaaled list' '. 't objects of real utility and instruction.; , DAILYi per Year (vitl)ot Sunday) 6 DQ - DAILY, per Month (without Sunday) V i ' SUNDAY, per Year , , "l 00- - FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR 7 00 , WEEKLY per Year - v j t W X - -. XUmi, THE SCXew Tsrh fj, V J"UlAi fa v Grab OrchardV llnnlnn Cmh ahrt KuIIli in m..nA nyl-.rrai .1 VRBD VICvnArTU WAlr.KVW.i rrOP r8 m V" 'i .'n''-S-ti Hcnufaciuro Bu2gi Ac. Repairing in all its branches neatlv pT4r.iifH. Having secured tbe, services of l ; ' ' ; ' A First-Class We will make tliat brpnch of business ids. uau ana see us ana give us a trial.1' , v - ' ; 'v : .' ? t OARD51211 & son;'? -'3 .. ' ' . Broad street, opposite' Alex; Miller's, ;'; ' mar4dlm . - v.: - .: ; NEW BEENE. N. C.; 1 TivAJ. Pfw-krure. mailed to'mu M UimtihLot whom tew k u f oJ 1 treai t aiont nnd were rw-torwi tohGH:h hr hm nf m.s-. StLuXAL PASTIL! FS AluiltilClirafnrMw,fMn.l.illt. , , : WeakiiBiwiindPhrsfcEl Ict in Vonnior Mid yiiunn jwm inrtKMlMrjin mnay wwamiivwwweT aoaoinLeif rwrtorfl rrmAtureJr ffPd and brobrni dmn im, t. tl. , ! 1 ; I ty. V n7nlI2lninnan(l , leoroue llflaltn. . . : -.".wnu-i i.una hiiwuinnj ui wure U l!aAliea ST '""oot r InHi)rBtlon.IjiOTOr,0r-Brin nork.ortoofma 7ndn!vAnr, nink thntroo send as C?f ."."Ft SU? ?'2''?n,?"t of roar troaljla, and Moors TKMLHrKAf,!- f 1-1 R. with Tllnrt'd PnTnl- W y g HAVE KUIOVED Tv:o GTcr.zo, couth of tkeep of FLOUI MEATS, Dim BQr r.IOLiAl;S. oar nr r. - rKICOjVor CASH. . W. H. DEW EY;; ' ; TH3 PBACTICaL ' ' TONSOEIAL AETIST, rereonallT In auendanee at hl Halrdieaaini and Khavlng Saloon at Die Gaaton Uouae with the beat workmen and new furniture. , SutUiartloD laaaxurvd tu Uioae wbu patron -Ue blm. ' .- ' a, ' ROBERTS I EEHDEHSCIT - -: BeneraJ InsurancB IgenU, NtiM Uerne, JN, C ,Miii!i tiim ' i'lnra. ( .njiiiie rfir-fr el in I iff "si Aeciiect Isscrtbc I t-iH . uio'i L',ti t'itv Alilhii'0 in ! . GASTON -IU) USE; . nkw.uk itii n. x. c. t i; ' S: li. . STIIEKT, " Sn., Proprietor. 4 Tha Only Flrat-claas Flonse in the City. Omnibuk eonneets- wltb alt Trains ai d Steamers. Large sample rooms foreommrr elal irMvolnra. . - he-BAURid RIIXIAKD BOOM baa recently been reiurnlihed and nilid up la K -oi sly le -with lillilaid and I ool Tables DR. J. D. CLAJ.K, rawssak, c- ; Otflor on t'ravtr siraru betwT Pollt s and Broad' ' " V v' lV: aorlT-aatwlf ; New Central Hotel, - (r"OBBI,TBATKMAHOtr8, . South Frcnt Sweet, Now Berne, K. Cf f : IB, PATTERSON, Proprietor, . Offers special inducements to oomatereUl - men. -.; . .- . . . -r-i i - Cuisine Cif superior exeellnii'8, ,.- ' 1 Omnibus and baggage wagon -at all tra and steamers. -. --;--. Kates. S2.UI per day. ' ' . apl " l VALUABLE REAL STATE IN -THE CI -V OF KEWPERNV. To lie sold under Fcreclpri-cf Mortgage. virtue of the nowers conferred In moitgaite nom the Neuse Manumctnring (kinipany to Iaaae W Hughes, recoi ded In tlio llcgisiet'sotllce tf Craven county, Hook 711, p 'ses :t(fS-3trt. I, Annie H. Hnghes, amlunee of ' mil. I mortgage, will on Monday, tbe Silt diry of Aprll,48NO, at IS o'cloon, noon, at liiL- C.jiirt UouNe door In the City of Nfcwbern, ! ex pc a to eale at publ c auctl n, for cash, tha following di-foribed prorerty situated in the o,t oi Newtiern, klipwn ft the Li t of'iijip Kease Manufacturing vnpany,"ip-TMt He- . ginning, at ar tMiint in th south line of lot mimlii-r six ($), formerly bepwn a"8jiar row'a line," or "(leoigc Crern a line,' ttT .' feel 4 inches fnat of Vmm Front aneet; I hence . Mtuihwartliy and parallel Willi aald Kfti i-'iont Hticet 1A0 feet In! J li.oliea In tha Hue of land httely owned- by the lw-lrs ' - A 'lou . Wo den. -deceased; tbenoe wltb ihe panie ai ,.. rlnht vnKlc to said Kaat Krontunet tolne channel 0' Neuae River; thi nee nortn ardly with said channel IU) fet 11 Inches to the sombentl corner of said lot ninnber 0:1 hence with tbe sown aide or said Jo. number s, : wettwardly to--the b.gini.lmr. embraoing parts of lots numbers 7 and 8 (water frouts). AN NIB M Hy her Attorney A. Sale of Valuablo Keal ;'a3 Fersonal Proporty, Nomn .CARoxnt- '-t ;.:. ' - - Craven ConnfyV- Mal-cf 6th, IHiO , By virtue or powers coritnined In ertln mortgag.s executed bj A.U Dcnnlson and wife to Loula III II laid 6. to. of Hie ity of Norfolk, and regiatend In the Krglster's of- " ftceof CraveM eountv.i Book 88. mum XU.1. l aud Si. m and till, 491. m aud 1 will rail . for cash at the uourt Houte ilnpr In the Cfti of New lidrna. HU e andcdonVaf.irum,lil hf. : ' Ttiefflay the Hlxth day of April.'. lfed, at Is T city of New Berne, to-wll; rastern half -of water front of the lot known slid described ' iu tne plan oi tne city or new Herno as Let , No. 22; tlio lota upon which tbe said A. H. ' Dennlson i ow resides known and detorllwd as Lots Nos. 23 and 'M; the water front of Lot ; IV) ... .1 I. a .... I .... . ... . , together wlih one lorty horse sower' erl . vine (fool ' and Hull, btijldeni), . sfiaflii'B pulleys anuhangeia rpmupteil vi 1th aaM en ne. Aluooi.e act of oottohaeef ill innrhin' " ery, U wl i one t'lple set of Hsdraulio presses witn aingid pump (;ini h's; an i m patent heater roiMiletr: one tot Kumtw r 1 wo bolls v - ' I.UUI itJLOlAKU Ctl -fUNKY B. BltTAK, AUV. . IM dtd. . DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, VVIIHIU M llWIIf A A BnHrforali Dlseanas of th Ijfer, KI4--nya, kmM'h nd Bowels. A potuiivel curv for DyipeMla. HlcU HmmmrnM 1A mryA ttm fiTn 7srn nl m.), 'c.tA TJT ,,' k InBiUnkilaif. I)ora. nn Ui two truunf u ia SI.1 r. itiurn, AfAntvrv, l4XaTlllt r Kcriui4Jrw sm i IS I M 1 t-UlaV. 4f.-:"';. Harness, Carts, Dravs, .; .. ', : &mmM&$" a PflCl A LTy: ' r ' I ,, .""I" '"" ol pn-ltu. ,. irri .i. .t ii irounm,, and all Onnkf hienrrira iBtodiwl thtiirrlS on rl.ntifta meilirail prinplpfci. i,,)" j f" "ui. fcitwiihoiii dei.yTih. sul3 ;.' PM ahwnul and repidly it.iu.WUi ..(s nl a.'Sl ; TBEATMEKT.- Cm H wtk, $3. r,r Kai.W.nrt.p HARRIS REMEDY CO., Hro CHEHmt U L. JLaL dtJ.: v- TO fUElIl' TiiEin fc:::eh gk:;o. - CO rFEE. bUOAU, 'srurr'i . STOCK and nf a 1.1 rr. w 4