Bpring and Sumniei THE JOTJKNAL. :A STRUGGLE WITH A SHIRT . rtTZ-EDWARD ON SHIRTS I a Lady ' NEW BERNE. V. C APRIL 1. 1836. j (o) O Ho o DOST PUT THIS DOWN until jou have read it -all, and' then COME TO SEE US. and find out how much more we have in itock than we can pomlly crowd into our limitcdnace. Marks Has Gotten Home Again And, as usual, lie has done his lest for Iiis numerous patrons. DRESS GOODS : PBIKTS. Satinn8, Plaids, Cambrio Stales, Second Mourning", Pcroabr. GINGHAMS.- Plaidp, Stripe", Seersuckers, ChaijibnrysC American and Imported, .WOBSTEDS. Full Jme in cJJ fbadea. EWsnt Line AlLWool Mournings. Summer Flannels, 'full Jiue. Novelty Goods of all description?. Albutros. Black, Cream, Dcucatc fchadcs all colors, aubs Veilings, all sbader. WHITE GOODS. Plain and JCbcikrd Lawn?, India Linen?, Book fold Laws, Checked Uameookf, and every variety of bite Goods. j LACES. Torchons, Valenciennes.immcDse line Cotton Laces of all descriptions, .White Silk Laces, Oriental Lures, All Over Orientals and Oriental Flouncing?. EMBROIDERIES. All Widths, SWISS and CAMBRIC. All Over Embroideries and Em broidery Flouncings. EMBROIDERY NET. The Porpoise Fisheries. from a Northern gentleman, WHO (Street's Ferry on r.'ecae river and running baa just retnrned irom Uatteras, N. C, where he had been looking into the porpoise fisheries in that vicin ity, we yesterday gathered a few facts which are of interest concern ing this new industry. The gentle man said that the porpoises ran in large schools, follow a leader, and freonent. eertaiB-'-"Portions lof- -Uie -.flantie coast. It may be noted that but a lim ited number has been seen on the A large line of Ladies' and Gents' SummerSVests A full line of Ladies, Misses and Children's Hose and Men's Half Hose. Ladies' Jersey Gloves, in Silk, Lisle and Cotton. Velveteens in all Colors. Silks and Satins a large iline. Mattings, Carpets, Oil-Cloths--full assortment. Curtain Goods all kinds and styles, in Scrims, IMuslins, Crinkles, Etc. Look at Our Leaders ! Arrival and Departure Hails . K :". 1 MATT CLOSES. . .'' For North. West and South, via A. ft N. C. R. R. at 7.00 a.m. - .- . For Beaufort ; and the - East, at 8.-00 p. m. -For Washington, Swift "Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, ' Wednes days, and iridays at 8:00 a. m. -- , For Trenton, Pollokaville and . Maya ville, daily at 70 a.m. v , For Grantaboro, Bay River an 1 Van- demere, daily at 8 a. m. ; - OFFICE HOURS: ' :' In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing Department from V a. m. to 5 p. m, . . , Office open constantly between these hours except when mails are being dis tributed or sent. is beautiful, all but hef skin and nobody, has ever told her how easy is to put beauty on theskin. Beauty , on tne ? skin . is Magnolia Balm. Sheriff 's Sale of Lands. By virtue of an zecution Issued on th Mth day of December, 186, from tbs Superior Court of?rven county, on Judgments Nos. wws anu stKzs, into my Hand ror collection. In favor of Jas. C. Harrison, Adm'r of HenJ. Woraeley, dee'd, and sgalDst Dun Htrn t, 1 have levied on and will sell, for casta, at Pub lic Outcry, to the highest bidder, at ti.e Court House door in the (.'It v of Hew Berne, at 12 o'clock, H.. on MONDAY, MAT M, 188 (It being a regular sale day according to law), the following Real Estate to la tlsfy said Execution, to wit: A certain tract of land tn Craven county, on north side of Nfcdse river and west side of Big Hwirt crek; b ginning at apoiut below Street's Ferry on f.'epse river and runnlns thence down the Iver to a cypress on the tower siae or tne niniitn or tn lane run; thence north lowest 1M Doles to a llglitwnod stake; tbencewaitb 68 west 88 poles toastake; thence south Kg west 1.1 poles tothebeglnli g; containing 79 acres. more or les; 'being the same land oonveyed by H. N. 8tre t and wife io BenJ. Worseley by deed bearing date 2ith of December, JH70, and afterwards convered byBeDj. Woraeley tn Unit Ktieft on the dth of April 1RK5. Kalil limd contains a valuible seine beach. Hen Berne, si. C, March 2Sd, Kim. - - ,. M. HAH.N, mail Id Sheriff of raven County ACID PHOSPHATE, Virtrinio. Aftftf; H win or fn f Ha na. - vw vv. w " 1 w vaw By a . as culiar formation of the Uatteras I WHann S AmmOlliated beach, and the number of inlets feeding the Carolina Bounds, the SuDer-PllOSTlhate. flala AnnrVrArvaf a in fltA irtAinif it s4' I ' Cape Uatteras. and of course their capture is more readily effected at Lister Dissolved Bdie iuuii puiut. lug Bemea witn wnicn they fifb. are of great -size acd strength, some of them being mile and a half in length. Every part of the fish is utilized, not a scrap going to waste. As soon as caught the bides are taken off, the blubber extracted and the remainder of the carcass is either smoked for the distant markets or I worked up into fertilizers. The fin tail rare made up into slue, and and the bones converted into phos phates. The blood is saved and sold for tanning purposes, and the Machine Shop, Machinery and Phosphate, Navassa Guano, AT LOW PRICES. GEO. ALLEN & CO. Valuable Cilv Lot; For Sale. hide is tanned and placed upon the market in the form of a superior quality of leather for which fancy prices are obtained. The fisheries are attracting considerable atten tion from Northern capitalists, and we are assured that the new' indus try is as profitable as it is novel. Norfolk Ytrgxnian. Are you lonely tonixht. Mitts Ada?" 'No, sir! I wish I were lonelier." Be bade her gcod night and went home, took a large dose of Dr. Bull's Cough Machinist's Tools. Pursuant to an agreement between Jam? Man well and J. Jl. Crabtr.e, whereby the copartnership hereby existing ui.d r the firm name or Manwell & Crabttce is dis solved, I will sel I at Public Au-t:on, on the premlHOs, on Ihe TIUUTEKNTri duv oi APRIL. 18K6. commencing at TEN o'clock A.M., the lot of land on Craven street, in the CI ty of Ne wbern, whereon the Marh ne f hop of said Manweil A Crabtree is situated, to- gemer wiiu lue ouuaings toereon. Also, all the Machinery. Flxtur, a. Tools etc , of the said Manwell & Urabtreo on said premises. Terms of sale. Cash. marl3dwtU JAMli.8 W. MOOP.E. Sf a?coid!to,Eherioy mannerhad Kiven w . P. BURRUS & CO., QBAIN AKD COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Checked Homespun, 5c. Extra weight yd. wide Domestic, 5c Extra Wide Hamburg?, 5c. Eick Sack Braid, 5c. Full Size Gents Handkerchiefs, 5c. Ladies Fine Cambrio HandkVfs, 10a. Heary $ lb. Note Paper, 5c. quire, XoTelty Hair Pins, 6c. package. Pturl Dress Buttons, 5c. dozen. Jerseys, 50c. Children's Straw Hats, 5c. Ladies Hose, 5c. Nun's Veiling, all shades, 8c. yd. s Turkish Wash Hags, So. Silk Handkerchiefs, 5c. Beautiful Colored Lawns, 5c. Nice White Lawns. 5c. Garter Webb,, best, 5c. Table Oil Cloth, 15c. Elegant Ladies Handkerchief, 5c. Knitting Cotton, 20c. Ib. Envelopes, 5c. package. 800 yds. Spool Cotton, 5c. Children's Handkerchiefs, 2c. Brass Pins, 5c. paper. Children's Polo Caps, 10c. Genu Half Hose, 5o. Collar Buttons, 5c. doz. Oil Cloth Baby Bibs, 2Jc. WE nAVE DOUBLED OUR ALREADY COMPLETE LINE OF LADIES, MIFSES AND CHILDREN'S ' LACE ' AF1D BUnOll BOOTS AND SHOES, AND OUR LINE OF SLIPPERS IS THE JCHEAPEST AND PRETTIEST -EVER SEEN IN THIS CITY. Dcn't Fail to See Our Dollar Shoe in Lace t and Button. in Wholesale ' Will find ui thoroughly prepared in very detail to meet all requirements, as 1 yri fcaT more particularly looked oat tor the interest of our WHOLESALE JiDTERS this season than ever before. ' Don't fail to eall on us as we take ; iteasnr in showing goods, and ouo prices cannot beleaten.. V-; ' ' Hoping to ae' all of our many' pAST patrons, and as mai.y more new We are Tefy truly, 80 Day Seed Corn. Dear Editor: I have a limited amount of a very superior quality of extremely large held corn which has recently been originated and which will mature in from 80 to 90 days. Ears are from 10 to 14 inches long, and has a slender cob and very line large grains: jg a marvel of beauty: 134 bushels of shelled corn has been raised per acre. I am very anxious to know what this corn will do in other climates, before advertising it for sale and will send a large sample package free to any farmer who will take good care and report his success rith it and win enclose 25 cents in silver to pay postage, packing, etc.. on same. Ad- drees, W. F. Rost, Springfied, Ohio. fel4d2mwlt. NEW BEltNE feblrdw N. C. NOTICE. The nndnrslgned, .R - P. Williams. of John P. Thor W. . QKANSIII. H KELLIK JEN.IfNOS I S. J. CHANDLER, wren GRANGER & JENNINGS, General Produce & Commission Merchants 1508 E. Main St., Richmond, Va. 8peclftl attent ion given to the sale of nil kinds of Country pi Uuee, 4c. Headquarters r ihi, uyBiprn ana uarae. oiaaifm THE CENTURY FOR 1885-86. The remarkable Interest in the War Papers and In the many timely articles and strong serial features published recently in Turn Ckktury baa Riven that masazlne a rtmilnr oircuiMfcluu ui ' More than 800,000 Copies Monthly. Among the features for the eomlnir volnm which begirt with the November number are: - . ,, . The War Papers By General Giant an i Olhors. Three will be continued (most of them Ulna Uated) until the chief events of the X ril War nave Dcen aescrioea by leading pirtloipanl' vjii uuui BiuvH. uenerai oram s papers in clude descriptions of the battles of Chalta noogaana tne wilderness. General McClel lan will write of Antietnra, General D C I, uneu or en i ion, uenerals fope, LongRtreel j Rmininiin nr inA mammiii un u,,n i. Property of the N, O. Conference of M. XL I Naval combats, Inoladlpg Uie flght' between Church Bonth : nnder the dtrnntlnn cfa Umni I thm KesraaraA nnd thA A inhsmii T.v AtfHMM I w .iwwtiBicuiwiiy iuo vunierence; man aged at present by a Committee of Three J. it. aiuoh, j, b uarr, ana J. A. Gray: a I Facullv of Seven Pmfeaanni, fnnr vMr. i iki- I lege oourae leading to the deirree of Bachelor I ato or uacneior oi nuosophy; prepara-1 wry nuu uuiiutn ueparunenis; kOOa DUila- lma auiy quannea as Administrator of the estate roe, rives notice that he deceased, and hereby he requires all persons hav- he state of tne said John Ing claims against the P. Thorpe to present them to the said Ad ministrator, duly authenticated, for payment on or before the 25th day of March, 1887, or ewe mis notice will De pleaded in bar of re covery. i-ersons inaebte" to the Estate must pay without delay. R, P. WlfXIAMS, mar2Jd6 Admln'strator. Trinity College. Spring; Terns Jan'y Oih-aBna 10th, lnga.furailnre and apparatus; location very healthy; charges moderate. , . r or catalogue and particulars address PROF. J. F. HEITHAir, ,1 10 Trinity College, Bandolph Co., N.O. Public Sale of land. Pursuant to a ndflrinent tint tiaotm ,r f Superior Court or Craven county, rendered at February Term, 1886, in the ease of James , V. rrvEZIO wmn W1IB VL KIlflAh WMllwnrlh and others, the undersigned, as Commission, er, will, on .-..-,-;r..s. - Jfuday, April 5th. 1886. ' at the ronrt House door. In the City of New ", n. v.. sea to- the Jiighest bidder, for cash, the following real estate belonging to the estate of Jamea Arnrntrnnir. rinIri described In the leed-ln-Trust from James Armstrong 10 r-nuiip Mpkln, bearing date Februarr 2Sd. 18ri7. to wit! in nnHivMj half of the northern half of hot No. 118. on nasi rTont street, in the City of New Berne lMviuuuiK uie water ironi oi tne same), ad olning the lou of D. Stlm on and others' - caie win commence at 12 o'clock, M. . JAMES O. HARKISON, ' - Commii loner. New Berne, Feb. ZT. 18SS. Utd Judge and Jury; Tt Is the oninlnn tf thA mmt mminat JUDGES, from the TJnlttd States Bupreme Court down through all the crailpa nr ini. elaiy, that I have the Finest and Best Grades of OlQAKa of any of the 100 1 places lnew orrufl wunv uwn in IOH1. m me jury is miivor or Uie Plaiotln. 1 numbers onlv sunuiled at Uuun,in ,i AtPl .Uh-R'Br,nu.fl S 'l-i . I l ' ' , , " " " ' . .j t, ,mu liuu , If"i, H001 lULNKIipUUHB, both shine, will be described. The "Kacol lections of a Private" and sp, elal I war papers of an anecdotal or humorous I onaracier win ne reatures or the year. , . Serial Stsrlti kv" ? W. D- Howells, Maxy Hallock Foot Ana ueorgs W. Cable. Mr. Howell's serial will be in lighter Vein Irian - lDc iviBB oi cuas juapnam.'' Mrs Foote's Is a story of mining life, ami Mr Cable's a novelette of the Aeadlnns of Louis iana, air. uame will also contribute a series I of papers on Slave songs and dances, luclud-1 jua uvgivHriwiii.warbuip, etc.. , Special Featavres ' Include "A Trlcvcle PlItrriinseA In llnnu ' illustrated by Pennell; Uistonral Papers by A'unniu jieisirBiAfTi, aim vipers: capers on Persia, by H. O. W. ilenjamin, lately O. S minuter, with numerous illustrations; As tronomical Articles, practical and popular, on "Mdereai Astronomy; Papers on Chris- iibu unity uy representatives of various re 1 llgloos denomlnatlonsf Papers on Manual I ciucauon,-Dy various experts, etc., etc, S' f :- ' Short Stone ; ? By Fiank R. Stockton, Mrs. Helen Jackson! in, a i, si is. jwary uauocK roote, Joel Chan dler Harris, H. H. Boyesen. T. A. Janvier, Julian Hawthorne, Richard M. Johnston, and others; and poems by leading poets.- The ueparunenTS. -open Lietters," Brlc-a-Btac,1 etc., will ba fully sustained. . "-';, , The Illustrations "' J . will be kept up to the standard wbloh hat made THE Ckjtukt engravings famous th ' Frier. A Special Offer. tteguiar Mbscripllon price, li.OO ft year. To enaoie new readers to get all the War Papers, with contributions from Generals Grant, Beauregard, McClellan. J. K. Johnston, Lew Wallace, Admiral Po" and others, we will send the 12 back ninucwrs. fvoven.ber, 81I o uuiucr, iivKi, wita a year s suofccriptlon be glnnlDg Wn, for M.00 for the whole. A iih scription, with the 12 numbers bound In two 05&J, uiDDi.iNo good ones, and some veky iw n vu'b, f wi ma Daaai oilier pison You D4TS votir mnnpv nrf choice. JNuffsed try em. . WM. U PAf.MFR - . - Next to coiner of South Front and Middle, X free specimen ponr rbsck nnmWi win be sent on request. Mention this paper. All dealers and prstmasters take subscrip tions and supply numbers M-cniYllnv ton,,- pvihi ituer, ur rumuuiac. may oe made dl reotly to Tn CKimM Co Kew Tk. l'hree hundred and sixty-five timt each fsar every mother's son of us has J slru i,U getting into his shirt. 1 f asliirt is worth getting into, if it is strong itfl well made, sure not to rip or ten, x.'iTrct fitting, then there is eome compen a, ii, in forspending so much of our exist ence in such a struggle.- You may wrestle -.- il'i the Diamond, but with Hs everlasting. t y-Rtlachment mid reinforced bosam, you ui'l i i.nic out head first every time, covered :' '. l irvand with the best shirt in the land. A shirt is a very humble gar nent, but after all it has a great deal to do with a man's happiness,' 'What misery. arises from an ill., setting bosom, a bad-fitting neck band, an uncomfortable yoke, or ; sleeves too short or too long. , But now I will be comfortable md happy, I have found the shirt that always fits "The Diamond." The tangled thread of life's ex- , istence henceforth will be smooth. CP 12323 & r "71 7 nn V3 w B " '. ' : m 1 0 r. y .- -r. i 9 'JT r HI 13 V) tJ-2 j u V n v w i . - v ra o - o - p.o tS A IB Ai m u ti " wi v?u. 2 $ a f in 1 1 . i