- - - - i. f X. ... X. 'f: ' t. h?i ' PCBUSUSRS AHHOCNCEMKSfT. . , f UK DAILY JOURNJLL Is a sT column paper, published daily, exoept Monday, at . . per year, $3.00 lor six meatus Delivered to ity subscribers at SO cents per month. . TUB WEKKLY 3UUENAL. A M column paper, la published every Thursday f-00 "per annum.''-' ' . V ADVERTISING i RATES , (DAILY One .; loch one day H.005 on week IZ0O; one month H,0O; three months $10.00; six months ' 115.00; twelve months 120.08. i : Advertisement under head of "Business , Locals." JOoenU par Una tor first, and 6 eeats (or every subsequent Insertion,. , . ..-.- 'I Ko advertisements will be Inserted between raeai matter at any price. .. J ;- v ': j . k ' j Notices of Alanines or Deatlis. not to exceed "en tines will be Inserted free. All additional matter will be charged t eents per line, t , i .ju.B.lUr llii.iCU1,BUv.rl,uIuMIxJ. mu be made In advance. Begnlaradvertisementa payments for transient advertisements most will be collected promptly at the and of each montn.. .. - - . r Common! nations oontaining news or dls. eosslon of ooal matters are solicited. Ko oommonatton must be expected tone nub. ilshed that contain, objectionable r-rsonal- ti (HthhnMl thai MiiiA rfth. .nthraf'af ; hat will juake more tnaa4ne column f this Any person feellncaga'leved at any ahony . moos communication can obtain tbe ndme of ' ae author by application at this office and a n owing wherein the grievance exists. tTHJE JOtJRNAIie II. I. WtJBJT. . . Kdtton Business Wsaeger. I JC, H1RPER, KKW. EEENE. N. C. APRIL 4 ' fiaUrtd at tb Fost office at ITew BarM.f K O. .. . i. si asinnn rl nlasisi aaAW ' t ' r T1NCE OS C1YIL SESTICEl t :i .-; Senator "Vance's speech on the Civil Service . Law Is exhaustive -1 and Droves .conclusively thai it ''.should be repealed.' We have'sace ' ' now for only the closing paragraph ; which fully illustrates the workings '" of the great humbug: ; Conceive of an old fashioned , Democrat, who for forty years had sf.rwvl hv his nartv thronerh Brood and evil report, because he believed 'in its principles; who battled for it ' tit linn if. hail nn nffi Aia itn tri VP irnn v V times when ;it was buried beneath nr.h vast mainritifls aa left a scarce -": nrosDecfc of earthlv resurrection: often oppressed by a weight of odi- : am snffioienfe to cow tbe bravest T - spirit, nnderthe influence of which ; the faithful became even as the "few names in Sardis, who had not ' ; defiled their garments" when the 'very name of Democrat became a convertible term with that of cop- : perhead, rebel, and traitor fancy his nnconquered and undismayed soul still working for his principles, still waiting with prayerfulness for the hope of his political Israel, thanking God for each town, town : ship, or county victory which Bhow- . ed that his principles stm lived in the hearts of his countrymen, and ;" . were growing because f they were V .' immortal quicker and -qnlcker . throbs his heart, higher and higher , rises his joy as stronghold alter stronghold is carried, as State after State is captured in spite ot uncon- etitutional laws and governmental ' interference, in spite of bayonets glittering at the polls, in spite of . that gross and unblushing frand 'which is the supplement of despair, - and, lastly, imagine it you can tbe -liot tide of triumphant joy with great Democratic victories for Ee which he saw in November, 1884, publican benefit. They will not the banners of Democracy full high ..advanced and successful over all the party and win hard-fought bat 's the Union, and his party once more ties merely that their enemies may in control of the great destinies of his country. - When the hope of his ' soul had thus been at last realized, "and his old eyes' had. been permit- ted to behc-jd the great salvation, when,, the bonfires kindled, in a - thousand cities and hamlets -had v ourned down and the leasnng. had 1. ended, and the oratory and all the eiemenw vi rejuiuiug uau ouuaiucu, " and the , new administration ; had ; begun its career amid the prayers and i blessings of all Democratic .hearts, imagine, I say, this old, laithiui, and honest man oi pnnci- pie coming to Washington, in the simplicity of his heart, bringingcer- tiflcate8 from his neighbors of his I . character and services; and modest-1 ly asking for a position, naturally supposing that the king in making - up his jewels would remember his faithful servants. But imagine that - old .gentleman's disappoint-1 jnent when something like the fol- : lowing occurs between him and the Government's representative: j Old Democrat- I ; have come to . rnake application for some . position under the Government which I am competent to fill. 1 ?f Government Representative Ton ' are too old; under the laws ' of the ; - Republic men over ; forty-five years old are not permitted to i take of fice.! .;.-.,,...-...:,., ! O. D. But I see men in places ; here who; are. over - sixty years " G. E-Oh, they were here when tbe law was enacted, and - it ' does : not operate on them. I . i 7 v. ' O- D.'-"Well,,if such be the law, J submit; it may be that I am too i old. But here is my boy , he . is. ' jroung and active and well educated; give him a position. : v ' -, G. E. We can t do ft: there is no :i O. D-No vacancy f . TTellmake 1 one, - There is a ran jtepuoncan. j cnomy. He bas denounced me and my partj as traitors to our country again and again. - - Torn him: out and put in my son or my neighbor's son. v s v- Q. K. It .cannot be, suv- The law ' forbid it.: v- And, besides, if there were a ; vacancy i your.Bon could not' get the plaee unless he stood an examination by the Board of Civil Serrice'Commissioners and seemed the favor of that board. over manv others. ' ' ' 1 r O.D.Well 1 well X Did all those Republicans in there have to stand such an examination and get their places in the same way? If bo, and they-were smarter than -' the Demo ; rain T sstv I will hava to vfaiS, Again 1 ?ay,l VWIUV aavv.ro. luomM v, ?r ;t -v I -xi f ' A-1 ! ' i-tr. ti.VD, no, my near sir; no, I YOQ 866 theY Were all in - When the tlao- 'onantnA x ThA trnt in ' hvr L. i A, i kpinh wHnrf whJnli r" tl UW HlLfCJOWUI. I iJUV WiUl J ia, you eeetney uaa a eoti i resr- ed tight to their placed, and the law does not disturb vested rights, that is1 Republican rights,., exoept for very .serious cause, r J . J1 i v O.D. 'then rt seems -to me there is nothing here for me orjmine, and that , tali; .during the campaign about corruption in office and turn ing: the rascals ont was a trick and a lie.' V'lt appears that there ' were no f asdals iOi or if i there were, jou like . rascals, better than you - do honest men, -and so keep them. Gi B.-i-Old in an, yon had better go home, yon are iehind the times. This is an ;age of oiril service1 re form,. Men can no : longer be re warded by office for party work; that is, humble men like yon and yonr son. ' The ' big ones may be paid that way; for that is true re- fornix lint when such men as you confess that they want office they are spoilsmen, and that is what you are."5 1 1 am ashamed of you Away With ton I... . ': ' ' I ! ' This final and insulting reply is the iron which enters his soul, and he retires crushed and wounded be yod recovery.1- The3nseof disap rtointrtient. of iniustice. of humilia tioh, the ingratitude of those for whom he labored, are Wo much for him to endure, and the enthusiasm of his life is quenched forever. The man who calls him a spoilsman.and charges that he served his party for the sake of office only, foully belies la better man than himsell This. Mr, President, is no fancied picture. There are thousands and thousands of just such men, and we meet them or hear from them every day, They are the strength of the Democratic party today; they have been its refuge and its shield in the past; tbey preserved it from ann hilation in its darkest hours. 1 am hot quite sure' that they will eon tinue its champions in the future. can well see that they might be wil ling to concede any fair and impar tial distribution of the places under the Government, on principle of merit or anything else that patriot- ism might demand of them, but they will not submit to the disfran- chisement of themselves and their children. Mark what I say 1 And I you will hot improve the matter by impeaching the party of their mo Itives and bestowing epithets upon I them. ; They will, not fight to win continue to rally to tbe bugles of remain in possession of the field They will not preserve the discipline and organization of their splendid line of battle, and charge with their ancient courage if the epaulets and honors which - they " : . win tare to be bestowed ' upon their adversaries. , or the cow ards who skulked in the rear, or the i iuerceaane8r wuo; nung . upon me 1 flanks of the contending parties, al ternately firing upon each host.. The mass or the people on both sides demand an open fight and upright and aownngbt dealing after the fight. They . believe, too,, in the common virtues of humanity, among the most noble of which' is reckoned gratitude. And so do 1 They believe that it a man's friends take him np and enable him after a great struggle to arrive at the point coveted Dy bis ambition he owes something to them. And so do I. They believe that, other things b& ing equal, in the bestowal of favors that man should give preference to his friends over his enemies. And 80 d They believe that the man ho is lacking in the ordinary en timent of gratitude may be likewise wanting in other kindred and car dinal virtues. - And so do 1. And yet, Mr. President.' I believe in reform -such reform as the peo ple want and have been wanting for ten years or more. Between those who call me a spoilsman and myself there is perhaps only a diff erence of definition. They believe that "reform" consists in a Demo- cratio administration operated by Eepublican agents; I do not. f They believe in keeping Republicans in office by law.after the people have declared they shall go out; I do not. They believe in Ignoring the people and their representatives as far as 1 do not. They believe there can oe no sincere reiorm unless iiepuo thereof; I do. And lastly, I believe that as good material lor, all civil officials to be found in tbe Demo cratie party as in any other, and that it is the right and duty of a Democratic administration to select that material and none other as the implements of reform: they - do not. ' . . 1 : .'Let me warn men -against those who assume to be above the home ly virtues and common frailties of our race, and who affect to inhabit the untrodden altitudes of a world ainerent from 'the one where oar Creator has placed us, and deny be lng Of. the . earth, earthy. A man too good in ; politics or religion is qsite as reprehensible' as one too tad, and I am quite sure he ; is a greater , nuisance. V For the 'most part theyvare men who have failed m eecaring uie o meets 01 ineir owu amouion.- and may be described either as political old maids whose blood has been, turned jo vinegar by a failure to secure lovers before thAT" nnannMAiatA1 aharmfl 1ial flarl . 11 . , . . .... ' ur an vub grsma wmun'S gi puuucei who have failed to retain the lover 1 they had won by artifice and fraud They are men who desire to con duct politics without the aid of the politicians; who believe that, the most successful way to operate me chanics is to work without imple ments. 1 , 'v rri': Let such in God's name on fine wheat be And let us honest Democrats eat barley : bread. a cceious dodge. The Pamlico JUnterprite publishes the river and . harbor bill as ' com- Dieted bv the House of EeDresenta-1 ,7 -1 lives wun ine ioiiowingxemarKs: We fail to see' any appropriation for Bay riyer. notwithstanding the fact that the Legislature has memorialized Con tress relative to this matter, as wtfl as the citizens of Pamlico county, joined with a statement of facts from every captain of a vessel and every pilot who navigates this river. . Now if the Legis lature has tbe right to instruct our mem bers in Congress to tax her citizens three dollars for the privilege of saying we will give you back one-third of it for educational purposes, and they feel bound by these Instructions, wben tbe taxpayers have not asked them to do so, how i much more -ought they to feel themselves bound by the instructions of the Legislature when memorialized by the taxpayers. As our members of Congress may not be able to answer the question, will our- esteemed contempo rary, the New Berne Journal, please answer ror tnemr - To get at the gist of this matter and to show the- reason why the Enterprite puts such a question to the: Journal, it is necessary to refer to the position assumed by the EnterprUe some two weeks ago in regard to the Blaib bill In its zeal and anxiety to outstrip itd con temporaries in denouncing the edu cational bill now : before Congress, the Enterprise declared the bill dis honest and corrupt and declared that every Southern : Senator and Representative . who voted for it would be held responsible.- for treason to his party. The Jotjenal thought it . right and proper to re mind the EnterprUe that if the Democratic party of North Caro lina was thoroughly committed to anything it Was National aid to public schools. ' The Convention oi the party in which there, were rep resentatives from every connty in the State, ; fresh : from ; .the people, endorsed.it by a large, majority, ingly democratic, also lresh froin "T. 7T.T OT""w"0f unanimous vote we oeueve, rtquest-x iMurfSenators and" Kenresentatives to vote for huuu a measure, xnis oemg tne , , ,; , . l I Case We tbOngnt it Very UnjU8t and I nn in tfcn . X?- . . 1 The General ABsembly, over4elmWre, uunmu u vuu onijiins iw kuatoiaoa largest, njiioiei wmen on approvea our Senators and Representatives with treason to the party when they were simply carrying ont the wishes and demands of the party in North Carolina.'; The Enterprise evident ly saw that It had gone beyond the bounds of. prudence,' bat instead of manfully ' acknowledging : its error and trying to correct it, propounds silly questions for. the JotnslriJ. to answer r- We have not the least doubt that Senator Ransom and Congressman BmsREB 'are giving attention, to the matter to which the Enterprise refers, and will dp aU theycan to secure.- an appropriation for Day river, -7 xsnt it . we were ever so strongly ; opposed to river and har bor improvements ' we ; certainly would not charge our Senators and Represen tatives with treason to heir party if they voted for it. . l A CARD. ... u Jy-- To all who are snfferinK from tha er rors ana indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay. Joss of manhood, etc., I will send- a recipe that will curs you, FKKE OW CHARGE. . This treat remedy was discovered by missionary ' Balm -in South America. Bend a self-addressed I ; rf. ' -' envelope to the Ret. Joseph 1. Ivmajt. 1 f Absolutely Pure. I This powder never vanes. A marvel or pimy, strength, and-wholesomeness. More 5S2?2SS.'i5L25S I or low test, bort weight, aium or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Koyal, Bakisu l rwiuusH iw wau-st... r. ; novis-ivaw 'ASTTED Agonts thronghoat the Sooth to 1-jtrodnoe a new Invention for rus- nliig Sewing Machines. Saves time, labor and I neajiu. uareensnoe. -Permanent business. uooa pay. for (ull.panioulars enclose stamp I and address P. A. Gorsuch, Baltimore, Md, 18 TJTn ( L' L' B.' U To introduce JJJ.VJ U JC JuXV them, we will uive Ann 1.UJ0 eelf-Opei-atlnn Wosljlng Machines, les. If von want one end os your name. P. stonoe. . The National Co, v. ana express omce mrlm - m Dey St , N. V. ADIES WANTED To work for ns at meir.own nomes. it 10 via ner wees can do eaauy maue; no canvassing; rasci nating and steady employment." Partlen I lois and umnle of the work: sent for tmp. Address uomk mtq oo.,p.-o.box 1MB, Boston, Mass. marlDlm I BK waDt SALESMEN everywhere, I I f I local and traveling, to sell onr goods. I I I Will pay good salary and all exper.ses. H wme l0T leims at once, ana lime D RnUrvwanted. - RTANDAB.D SILVKR WAJ.UE uumri, liouion, mass, inarivim nnocH&soiu's II f I celebrated Fasfcioa Catmlcgne 17 I C.CMT CDCCTorSprWandW I loth, to any address. Uluitretea sod Hats I erery thing for Ladles', Oeots', Children1 1 and iDfaDta wear and Bouaekeeplng 1 Oooda, at prices lower than thoae o( any 1 boiue In th United Slaua. Canoleta Ij I 1 aatiHfactioB raran4, or money rer wmm BjMtma AVVt W VB PM III VI. NERVOUS DEBILITATED men. Ton sre auowed a tow Mil r DM. An nta,m Je of Dy. Dre't Celebrated Voltoie Belt wlttl Elect rio Soipeiuory Appliances, tor the r needy relief and permanent cure of Aferemu Debility, loss of VUaMi and Manhood, and all kindred trnublea, Alas lot 'many other diaeaaea. Complete restora tion to Health, Vigor and Manhood irnaranteed. No rMK la Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet lnaaoJed T0LXAI0 BlT CO- Marshall. Kich. THE NEW BERNE LIVERY. SALE & EXCHANGE STABLES. AM EEPAEED TO Furnish Fine Mules &Horses AT LOWEST PEICES Teams taken and cared for by the day. Veek or month. A drove of Unlr s and Hones Jest received O. HVBBS, febldtf ; - - v Proprietor. William H. Oliver, ' AGENT FOE THE CONTINENTAL - Of NEW YORK. one of the oldest and tnose substantial Insurance CSompanies in theU. S, issets, Tive;!iUlion' Dollars: . - . - . - unr amount to near TWO MILLION lOL- LARS. Only seven Insurance Companies have complied with the Safety Deposit Law 01 w w! aneuuneniai ce.nu lue nrst risks on most Favorable Terms. WILLIAM H. OLIVER. Kewbern.N. C- ' " ' ' jeb25 dtf THE STAR. Wm, Dobsbbtmeb,- Editor, and Prop r, JNJKW UKli, Daily $6,00 and 7.00; Weekly 1.85. f A Democratic newspaper supporting p , istration. s- As Agent for the Publisher, I will re oeive subscriptions for the above paper. v D. T.CA.KBAW AY.- i New Bebke, March , 1886. r : s Beans, Onion Sets, All Other. Kinds of SEEDS, AT-"- Hancock Eros.- Driig Store. Manvra is beautiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it' is to put i on the Ekin is Magnolia . k 4 ' m SV 1 F mm STRUGGLE WITH . Three hundred and sixty-five timss each year every mother's son of us has j strug gle getting into his shirt. Jf kshirt is worth getting into, if it is strong and well made, sure, riot to rip or tear, perfect fitting, then there is some compen sation for spending so much of our exist ence in such a struggle. Vou may wrestle with the Diamond, but-with Its everlasting-stiy-attachment and reinforced bosom, you will come out head first every time, covered with dorr and with the best shirt in the land. - ! 1 : 1 ' - .-' . -;:i-,..- vrn - ; , H: f:a. W'r . : --PIP 1 -T PWI -mm X1 t - . . . W't -. sakssjasssBsst . - i tilt. i J t vj Wj ' . v - I ' j; : CsaBsfeBBHsX - T L CiZsjZrgsBBiItl i.' ' smi.bj , ...... '.wv?;! . , r ... r,- , -, ; : m . . ;: , - - .- f ...... , -V :,!:, -J- fc . . -SJaaSBsjsaBaasaiVaam ' ' ' ' " ft -' A shift is a veiy humble gar;-',,; l -Mint, but after all it has a, great rW 1 deal to do with a man's happiness . h vWhat misery arises from an ilWJ; . setting bosom, a bad-fitting neck- - band, an uncomfortable yoke, or sleeves, too short , or - too long.;. :i But" now I will be comfortable Vi ind happy, I have found the shirt ' ' that always fits Ine Uiamond. -The tangled thread of life's ex ' istence henceforth will be smooth.' That manukas been our: bitterest Means are' the chief beneficiaries Station V, tiew York City i Xl d wy . V