;f.;:: ; , rfBUHBS AHOVMCKHKIT, . , fHslbAIL-J JOtTRKjUita a 21 MlM papar, published daily, exoept Monday, at :', $.U0 per year, $8.00 forelx months. Delivered ' 0!ltj'sabserlbei-i at esnta per month. ' ; . THS WEEKLY JOTJKNAJt W column vj paper. Is published every Thursday at Z00 " '' per annum. . '' -. - ' 11 'ADVERTISING RATES (IIAILY) One Vlaehtona day 11.00; one week $2.00; one month $4,0 three month! $10.00; tlx month c $15.00; twelve month $20.00. - - . V - Advertisements under head of "Bualnese . Ioeala,n 10 eenU per line for tint, and St eenta iyr'to avery subsequent Insertion. f :J ' . No advertiaementa Will be Inserted between - " lecal matter at ally price. . . .- i . " . Notice of Marriage or Death, not to exceed .: . an line will be inserted free. All additional : matter will be cnarged 5 eenta per line. j FaymenUfor txanslentadvertlaemenu must e made in advance. Regular advertisement will be collected promptly at the end of each jnonta. , - pommonl -ations containing news o a dls aaalonof ocal matter are solicited. No a unmnnntion moat be expected to be pub '':, llshed that con U Ins objectionable personal . . tie: withholds ttw mme of the author: or ' . h it will make mure than one ooluran of this ;.'uir. '- - - Any pemon feeling ag&i-ieved at any anony- ' moos oommnnloation can obtain the name of - ne author by application at this office and W snowing wherein the grievance exist. 1 THE JOURNAL. a. M.mvwn. K, UARFBR, Kdlter. Bulnesa Maaager. JtKW BERNE. N. C, APRIL 17 1 1880. 6 tiered at the Peat office at Nsw Bars. V o asssooad-elass scatter. WILMINGTON'S RAILROAD PROS--r . PECT8. . The President of the Produce Exchange of Wilmington in hid an nual address makes the lollowiug reference to the building of new lines of railroad: i he me arge you to do all in your power to aid in blinking the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Rail- , road from Fayetteville to your city. We consider this the most impor tant enterprise' now within your reach. They are pushing tha work rrtuidlv from Greeusboro to Mount Airy, and when they reach tliat point we may confidently look for a connection with the .Nortuwest jo v the near future. But to reap fcbe full benefit of that connection we must have the road built from here toFayetteviite. The Board of Al dermen appointed fire commission era. which appointment was no nrored by . the Board of Audit and Finance, by authority contained in an net of the last Legislature giving the City of Wilmington authority to aid tne u F. & Y. V. R. R. to extend their road to this city, and we hope the C. F. & Y V. R, 11. will send commissioners to meet our commissioners immediate ly after their annual meeting, which takes olace early In May. - "The next in importance is the proposed Onslow Railroad, which could be bnilt very easy if all onr citizens -would only put their shoulders to. the wheel and work together. If the city would take .'the matter in hand and build the mad to the Pender line, taking in MasOnboro and Wrightsville Bounds, we think Pender and Uns low would do their part in extend ing the road to the productive ; counties of the East." - This latter road is and has been for a long time, one of much inter eat to Onslow, the only county east oftbaW. &W. road that is with out J5 team navigation 'of any kind Wilmington would begin the ' work we doubt not in time it would be extended on through Onslow and Jones, and. eventually to New Berne." ; . ; ENGLAND'S GREAT DEBATE. V.Mr. Gladstone IsdJeataa notifications - of flls Scheme. ;Zi'.'.V.''ri - Hew York Star. I' ; London, April 13. Gladstone's . summing up tonight was by all , . odda-his greatest effort for many rears.' - It is difficult indeed to re call a more thorough, brilliant and ; masterly handling of any subject. : .The manner id which he smashed, r pulverized ..and nestroyed the -' ' puerile arguments' of his opponents r a was magmncenc. - reiore , nis triumphant blows the whole wordy , fabric, "reared with such pains by ' s, tnfl pigmies H)f Jthe opposition, ..seemed to crumble ' away to, the . i veriestatomB.; His voice ' lasted well, his" manner was animated and bis arguments, clear and , logical from;-the beginning to the end of : . . fbis tremendous Oratorical triumph. The sneecu of Sir' William liar court, Chancellor of the Exchequer, '.V: viU; an agreeable surprise; , We were prepared lor a tamet half and-'-,-ha'f acouiescone'etja the: Premier's " policy, but he delivered a powerful V address,, -giving . Mr. Gladstone ;' - hearty and undivided support, CV' ' JOsepfi Arch, the representative : , ia Parliament of the newly enfran " fl'iiscd'ajjiieultural' laborer cla&p, pltnlged bimself tonight in favor of ;- tome rule, Arcnisa man wnowas supposed to lie " peculiarly suscept- " ib!a to the' personal, guidance. of 'Chamberlain and the influence of - the Birmingham caucus. He was , taken up by the caucus, petted, and pat forward in every possible way as a Chamberlain man. At. the proper time he was to pull Cham berlain's chestnuts out of the fire. Chamberlain's supposed power in the counties of which such threat ening use has been . made is bnilt upon his alliance with Arch. , The critical moment for! which Chamber lain has been planning at length arrives": "Arcfi" is called upon to de cide between Gladstone and Cham berlain, and places himself at Glad stone's side, as welcome a recruit as any the Premier has yet,' re ceived, i -, Following Arch, several Scotch members, who had been oil the fence, declared themselves for Glad stone and home rule. The whole scheme so elaborately prepared to unite the Scotch delegation In op position to the Premier is in a fair way toward collapse. . , - f . The labor representatives In' Par liament are now solid for Gladstone and home rule. Not one stands out for Chamberlain, Trevelya'n or Hartington, a fact .full of hopeful significance if thers is to bu a new election. The Radical associations, too, have begun to move into line. The situation in other respects improves, and the anti-Home Rulers are losing gronod hourly. 'The speech of Samuel Whitbread, Whig member for Bedford, Lord Harring ton's intimate associate, has com pletely broken the solidity of the Whig phalanx. Disunion and de moralization prevail in the Hart ington camp. The wing is split into sections. Gladstone gains several votes hitherto regarded as hopeless, and, the entire combina tion is losing cohesion. There are fresh signs that Cham berlain is weakening. The modifi cations of the Home Rule bill, an nounced last night, have brought about corresponding modifications of the ex-minister's tactics. He probably sees thiit the change in the provision excluding the Irish members from the Westminster Parliament improves the prospect of his own scheme of federation. Alt alternative schemes are dead Russian coercion or a satisfactory scheme of home rnle are.every where seeu- to be the only choice. The cry tor Russian coercion is rallying the Liberals, and they are gathering shoulder to shoulder to oppose it TnoMAs Power O'Connor, Al. F Til K LIME-KILN CXl'L'. There was a painful silence as the regular . weekly meeting was called, to order, and it seemed as if something was aiiout to happen. It was noticed that IUder Toots had a frightened look, while Samuel Shin Whalebone Howker and Old Man Davis moved about on their chairs as if to avoid carpet-ta&ks. By and by Brother Gardner said: "Accordiu' to de coustitushun of dis club, wheneber any member feels 60 inclined, he kin demand wpte of de club on de queshun, 'Hev we or bev we not lost confidence in our President!' I has now to ip- form you that Major Exclamation Harrison, an active member of onr club, has demanded in writin' dat such a wote be taken. Dis am de first time in de history of dis organ izashun dat such a wote has been demanded. ' De Seckretary will call deron." Amidst the deepest silence the Secretary proceeded with hia moh otonous call: and of the 188 mem bera present, 187 voted that they had not lost confidence in the Presi dent. The exception was the Ma jor, vv lien the result bad been an nounced, Brother Gardner said: "My irens,. some explanasbnn seem3 to be demanded by deso pur cecdins. Three y'ars ago de Major began borrow in' my hoe an' spade an' ax an' wheel barrer. As time wore on his family borrered sugar an' butter an7 sour, as confidence increased, I was axed to lend de Major my Sunday botes an' plug hat. and my wife was axed to hand over her shawl an' breastpin,' when eber a funeral was to come off. De odder eavenin''de Major come ober to borrow my pink undershirt fur hisself, and -Mrjs.; Gardner's zebra hose fur his wife, dey hevin bin in vited to a 'lasses candy levee. , felt it a solemn dooty to draw line somewhaE'sj an' I drawed it dat night on pndershirt an stockings, Da Major wen$ away in a huff, an de call fur dis wote which has jist bin taken am de result. I obsarve dat de Major am heah in pusson, and p'raps he wonld like to state- his side oi de case." 4,I hasn't got nuflin to- say, 'cept dat 1 wish l nadn't done it," replied the Major from his corner. " Wery well. ' Dis chair has no feeliu'a , toward yon. . De meetin' will purceed wid de reglar rowiine ofbizness." " - - A communication from Memphis announced the fact that Sir Arthur Bascom, an honorary member oi the club, had passed from earth away. His death ' was produced by. lead poisoning, and the said lead was fired into him by a gentleman in the suburbs, who found Sir Arthur trying to unlock bis smoke-house door. Samuel Shin moved that the usu al resolution , of - sympathy for the family of the bereaved -bo passed and lorwarded. . . - Shindig. Wat kins obiected. . If a member of the club fooled, with other people's smoke-house, he must not only take the onsequenees, but any resolution of sympathy was a hollow mockery.' ; ... -"De-cha'r decides datBrudder Watkins' pint am well taken," said the President. "While it might be possible dat de late deceased was walkin' in bis sleep, or dat be mis took dat smoke house for an or fan asylum, de chances am tdat he bad got tired of chicken an' wanted to change fur. bacon. We will hang an emblem of mourmn' on de doah knob fur ten days, .an let de ,case rest right dar.'V-', . "V. .'. '. " - The Chairman of the Committee on Motive . Power announced that his committee f had wrestled with the following rchargesr: , prfeferred agaifist Cranberry white, an honor ary member residing at Greenville, 1. Denying the fact that Chris topher Columbus discovered Amer 2. Practicing as a doctor without having . received a diploma. 3. Denying that there was a city named Chicago in the United States.". 4 ' . . t'r ; 4.' Encouraging the sale of bogus hair-dyea..: . t-:.- . " : ' ' " . !: The committee had given the ac cused every opportunity to disprove tbe truth of the charges, but he bad failed to do so. lie therefore stooa convicted, and the committee would recommend that his name be erased from the rolls. On motion of Lord 'John Wain- wright,"the recommendation' of the committee was adopted. Some time since the Committee on Evolution were handed the query "How long before, the colored . race will be on top!" and were asked! to investigate and: report, Tnecnaic man now announced that the query had been struggled with in the most desperate manner, but that tbe committee bad failed to arrive at satisfactory conclusion. -They ranged all the way np from fifty to a million years, and one member contended that the period bad al ready arrived. He wonld ask that they wbe discharged from further consideration of the snbject. "De request am granted," replied the President, fan' uone of de reG oi you need worry yerselves to solve de conundrnm. When dar am any prospect of ' our rnce lioldin' de white man down, I'll call sp-isiuil meetin' to announce de lack." Elder John Harrison offered the lollowiug resolution: "Resolved, Dat it am do senti inents of dis club dat de continued coinage of silver must depreciate our nnanshul standing as a na shun." "Brudder Harrison," asked tbe President, "do you know de amount of silver in circulashunf'' "To, sab." "Do you know what 'depreciate' meaner' . 4 'No sab." : 'Has ybu bad any too much sil ver dis winter!" "No, sab." 1 ".Now you drop down on your cheer, and doan' let me h'ar from asifl fur sir weeks. De meetin 8 tan da adjurned fur one week." f BneUtn'i Arnlea Salve. ' Thk Best Salve in tbe world for Cut, Bruiaee. SorCB, ' Ulcers, Sai Rheum. Fever Sores,' Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin eruptions, and poeitively cores piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded, .rrlce 25 cents per box, , For sale by Hancock Bros. It CARPETB " 'A v. AND 'ii'.:'.-"- 4-?''y'x- UPHOLSTERY GOODS. 'ftjmOnilEl INVITK ATTKNTION 'TO THE ATTEACl IVB PRICES AT WHICH THEIR TI&B STOCK 18 BEING OFFERED. ; ;. Axmlnstsrs from ta.OO per yd. onward WUtMS . from 1.15 per yd. Dp ward Moqtti ' , . from . l.5 per yd. upward Velvets " .from. J i.85 per yd. upward Body Brussels from , .90 par yd. upward Tapestry ; from ; J0 per rd. apaard Inraina .- from - -.50 Der yd. upward ChlKS Blattlnsrs from .10 per yd. upward Swiss Lace Cmrtaaa j from $.0 per pair upward Madras Laee Cnrlains r from S3 SO oer Balr-nnward Antlqne aad Freneb bee Cnrtalna ' - , irom per pair up wak rTotUaghaaa Laea Curtains r from J7B oer oalr onward Tarcomam' Cnrtalng wHb Haadaonse Dmi, r, from $9.00 per pair upward Tapestry CsTerlajrs from 11.00 per yd. upward Cretause Ceverlnas .. - . (5 from .25 per yd. upward Wlaisw Shades made on short notice ;,ri, r materials lrlse. ', SAMPLES SENT WHEN DESIrlE AND J-UOJUT ATTENTION Mil) TO ALL . .i MAIL UEDKH. -: Carrespoaeleacs laTlted. y Broadway and 19tb Street, - NEW YORK. A- is beautiful, all but her skin ; arid .nobody . has ever told her how , easy i( is to put ueauiyon uiesKin. iieauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. , ' " . i - royal mstt a -.Na 1 Absolutely Pure. ' Thla powder never vanes. A marvel of purity, strength, and wtiolesoineneas. More eeonomleal than tbe ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In eomnetltlon with the multitude of low test, abort weight, alum or phosphate Ka-dera. Sold only lu oans. KoTitBismu nil Oo los wall-at- N. Y. novl-lvdw WASTED Agents throughout tbe South to lutrodnce a new Invention for rui ning Sewing Machines, eaves tint e, labor and health. Kare chance. Permanent-business. Good pay. For full parttculaiaenclotestamp and addi ess D. A. Gorsuch, Baltimore, Md. 18 A BIG OFFER To Introduce them, we will Clve Away 1,0 JU geli-Operaling Washinz Machines. If you want one send us your name P. O. and express omce at once. - The National Ca.. ' msrlVlm JljUeySt, N.T. LADIES WARTs'D-To work for us at their own homes, $1 o 9 10 per week can be easily mode; no canvassing; fasci nating aud steady employment. Partlou lur and sample of the work sent for stamp. Address HOME M'F'U CO , P. O. Box lUIO, llcston, Mats. maTlPlm K want PALEHMEN vcrj wher- local and lm v. ling, tu s?ll our goodr. Will pi'y oo.t Piihuv and all excel Kg. Write f;r terms at mire, er.d ktate aaUrywanted. STANDARD SILVER WARH COM )" V, Boston, Mam. mull Ira . NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Ton are allowed a free trial of th My days of the nm of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltafo fielt wltn Klectrlo Swpensory Appliance, for the rpeedy relief and periruinent euie of A'erwua Dthiiity.lou of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred trouble!. Also for man other dlw&ies. Complete refltora tlon to Health, Vigor and Uanhood guaranteed. No Hflk Is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet In wolcd mveivpe mni led free. lv adrtresnlna - VOLTAIC EE1T CO., Marshall, Mich. William H. Oliver, ' : AGENT FOB THE CONTINENTAL Fire Insurance Comp'y Of NEW YORE. One of the oldest and mose BubBtantial , Insurance Companies in tbe U. S. Assets, Five Million Dollars J9Its DeoosHs endor the S ifety repostt Law amount to near TWO MILLION DOLr UAKS Only seven Insurance Companies have cornnlied wilh the Safety DeDosit Law of New- York; the Continental being the first ana .largest, roncies written on approveo risKS on most ravorame xtrms. WILLIAM H. OLIVEEc ' Srewbern.K, O. t I . jeb26 dtf ACID, PHOSPHATE, ....... ... .s V . Whann-s Ammoniated Super-Phosphate, Lister Dissolved Bone . . Phosphate, - rNavassa Guano, w;McpI : GEO. ALLEN & CO. GEORGE ALLEN S CO. .PFI'liB A FULL LINE OF General -Hardware, Mechanics' , Tools; Builders " Hardware, v ; Lime, Cement, Plaster;' Hair, t Brick, K&lsomine, Paint, Wnito i Lead, - Oil, , Varnish ' Glass, Putty r ;- PlowiV Cnltivators, Cox Cotton Planters. &c., &c AtyefyiiOwPrieeSa- Notice The aWnmfr ELM CITY will take jtnt Track, THUKUAY, 3 o'clock. P.W. and pnt In rijila'elphin, 8ATCKDAY, 4 A M., - -; Jfw Yotk, . 7- .. J. WWlLLIAitf. , raJUdtf - ' GeneifU Manager.- A Bargain Offered. A RTKAM flltCriiAR HAW MILT , twentr-flve hore-poef ensluef bniiditign complete; All as good as new.- In a good neighborhood for Iocs, on navhzatile WBtrs. (with steamboat connection, bitusted in Craven county, lot particulars apply t Jouknai. Orytcji. -t ma2 dwlm -J - .. . . J, B. BROWJS Barrjer-and - Hair Dresser,- With t went) -five years experience, and the Neatest and Best Furnished looo In the elty. will give as good a shave as can be had anywhere for TEN CENTS. New sl.op.new furniture, and satisfaction guaranteed. Middle street si al door to DetrlclTa. . . marliMJ . . . . . ' - .. NEW OWNEUSI : -; -"- ' NEW MANAGEES! r, TflK KICOMOyi) WI1IO, . r.o. ml. pnrohaspd tijr stnek '' P'fy. 's now beluK publuhe I uiin-r the editt rlHl miitiunjnt of Judfu A. w.r, . WIlu and I Ahnitr Andurwm. Iw... loth ( whom bve , heeu 101 a iue years loin.tot' d w.t.. ti a pi ess -ol lU'S -viaie . i In polulcs the whig will t Imwr-l, U'i i Hon will bi- wrd ti niRkthii journal wllxt itwvlu f riuer j-mrs . -. The LradliiK le spaprrtn yirjlnlaj Ajtm.U uiitu-tl In every rruiity ti whom lib- ml e.iuiini)o;:a a III hi- pawu'.- - - -fcn i'1'ii !. o ip e- lr.n.H;p.l on upiliraMon. Ijailv ( a S8r: Vxk'yfl a ye:ir- Short- r t.meln p.u,xriion. " .. , (in) cKincRririi) - apSdlw '. K Pust- esM Hirg-i Sheriff's Sale of Lands. Hvvlrlne of an extcutioa (Hsal an the l(:th flay f lacemher. 18o, funi ti.e Superior Court of Oraven county, on Ju 'gmenU SIK)3aBd 8022, Into ray humls for Collection In favor or Jan. U- Harrlcon, Adin'r.of . BenJ. Woiseley, deo'J. nn l Kgainst buff btrtet, J hive levltdon and will 'ell, for cash, at Pub lic Outcry, to the hkbesl bied.-r, at the Court House uoor In the City of Mow Berne, at 18 o'ekek, M-, on MiUAY. MAY Sd, ltSU (It being a regmursate day according to law), tiie following K-al K tata to satisfy ald Kxecution, 1 1 it: ' - "' A pertain tract of laud iu Ciaven county, on north Bide of Neiise river ui tl wthta tie of BlgHlftcrek; beginning at a point below Street's Ferry on I-eusd liver and running thence down the nverto a cypiess on the lower side of tbe mouth of the lake run; tbenoe north lowest ldlpolrs -to a ltghtwood stkt; thencesonthCH wescfW poles to a stake; thence sout H west 13 poles to the begionirg; oonlaining 79 acres more or lew; being the same lamf conveyed by . K. Street ana wire to BenJ. Worseley by deed bearing date 2Kth of December, If70, nud sftei wards oonveyed by BenJ. Worselpy to llntf St-e-t on thelh of April 1883. riaid land contains a valuable seine beach, New Berne, N. C March 23d, VW. - m. uahn; ma2lld - fh riff of Craven County, ALEXANDBB OtDHAM, JAMES BARKES. i .' Late l"roprietor C!ape fear Clour and Pearl Oldest, and mort experienced Truck. f . V Hon.inyaiUla, Wilmington, N.C. Farmer m North Carolina. - I LTIlArVr X ;BATmEHv I I Oouoral Ooxumlsaiioii. Meroliantai, I J - Rs. ST Sooth Street, BALTIMORE, Md. , I w J ' We solicit Consignments of North Carolina Track Products, . , '. Tbe Handling of North Carolina Fish a Bpeelalty, AND INSTJRB HIGHEST HlBEETFUiOEII ' Mention HiIk pnp'T Quick Bales ;Grab Orchard IVater ICipmilne Crab Orchard Salts in sealed packajrea I bnaa uavnaau water CO., pron'ra Spring andlSii -mzem Our Spring Stock of-Nobby Sack and Cutaway Suit8 is now nearly . complete. . - ... . ' ' .- - v Plaid Suits, Straight Cuts, are the" style, of which we hare tv large - variety. Boys, Youths aiid Children's Buits. Boy's Sailor Suit. $1.75 to 1 $4.00. Men's Blue Flannel Suits at low prices. . t . Our Blue Suits at $10.00 we guarantee Fast Color. " ' -We have a larger stock of Straw flats than ver before. - - ' i Men's and Boy's 50c. Straw Ilats a specialty, aa good as yon have been " ' paying $1.00 for. ; . j - ; ; -; " " . 50 doz. 5c. Hats. Men's Mackinaw, Manilla ".and TCrash Straws in one X hundred different styles. . ' ' ; , ' " ; . . . . .. -Our stock of Suninier Underwear is very oompiete.' Gauze Shirts, -25c up. Also Balbriggan and Sriinmor Merino.' Bathing Suits at $1 00. - Wa havo a nice line of Stacy Adams & Co. High and Low Shoe8,4Tie best ' in ' the' market. " . -J" ' " ; V" '..-''";:, ';;.,';: . Agents for Jas; Meana $3.00 Shoes. . ..' i ' " . i ' . Celluloid and Linen Collars and Cuffs.. , . ' V - - -1 We are now receiving our Spring and Summer': Neck Wear, H.DoseM':: Handkerchiefs, etc ' ; ; -' :o -: ;. . - " We bought drummer's samples of Suspenders, Silk Handkerchiefs, Neck "- Wear, Purses, H. Hose and Shirts," in which we offer bargains. , . - J The Celebrated PJ5ARL SHIRTS nd our Boss Colored Shirts are the beet in the market. -;'- .': ; . . . - J - . Boy's and Men's Byoicle Shirts, - ' '. Y J, Straw Mattings, Trunks, Valises, and Shawl Straps . Wre are agents for Rogers, Peet 35 Co.'s Full Line of Samples. .':f3P Be sure and see na when in need of anything in our line, - 'V , apSdwtfi FOB VALUE RECEIVED. I Iac"'M MOST GO 0D8 for; ' LITHE ;M0NEY than any other Dry Goods Store in the city. ; t v v ; . ; . ' v ; v " -"; i I keepa Full Line of Dry Goods and Clotfling; Bwte!f Shoes Hats. CaDS, and a fine assorted Stock of Qfints'nrifl TVUno v,Zu ing uooas. 5 Anese t-iooas were Dough t -on a Jlat Market,-where theV wanted money worse .than goods, so ' I bought 'EXTREMELY LOW for uaou, auu luwiM Rivuig my inenas tne oenentot tnese bargains.' r : ' v ' CALL A2TD BE CONVINCED. , V - - : . fi ; ; Next door to Suier's Furniture Storet fojr;U.;.i ; jj dwtf v- SAVEinoiiEii BspuinoiiYoun rMtio a h the III CKEYK II AM) PJC IIT1 LIZ RTl w if. ,',,u.i.-iit. .i i. w u 11.1.. ....... . ' T -. - - Iroa Fro jT A Full AssortmMit r.f AGitTCrLTrn n iiand anu lorsale at UUUK. UOITOH TKICi-eJ. aCAa.r.ai - - - . - - N0HCE. The. undersigned, R. P.- Wllllsms, has duly qualltied as Administrator of the eataie of John P. 'Ihorpe, decessed, and hereby . aires notice that he requires all persons hav- . Ing claims s gainst tbe fcslate of tne said John y Thorpe to present them to the said Ad ministrator, duly authentic ted. for payment on or before the i5th day of March, 1M7, or else this notice will be pleaded In bar of re- oo very. -- , ergons inueuur to the Estate must pay without delay. R. P. WILLIAMS. - Aduilms'rator. ' mar21 dtr Better than Real Esta!: Ibei'Hie ve-y few 1 uvea tm ntabetler than real esl ue, but we know of one that la, and ihutone 1 pOlliT In . 4 i1 , THS FIDELITY MUXTJAO UF- ASSGC'N OF PHILADELPHIA. ' Th.V iol ry can be boogbt at the rata -of , ratw fortomot). - It needs no cultivation or repairs, and th ycariy tax on ltv levied trl-annually, la not as nim-basthetax oa real es ate of ilka value. Upon the death of the owner, tba polloy dots not require appraisers, administrators -and lawyers to diminish thb valub but la rAiu in KULb ahd at oiccB without expense . to the beneficiary named therein. - - Tbepaymentof each policy Is gn a ran teed b nearly f IU.iAO.OOO aaeessable Insurance with ' -a reserve Indemnity of SvUX'.UoO, and cash as eU of nearly $50,1X10.; ...... Tbe Association owns Its own balldlng ,--and rents enough offloea to have Its rent free - . Its expenses are limited to flied annual dues, . ' Inoorporated. December, 1878. Borne Office, . (11 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Pa. . (Send name and address for treatise on plan. ' - - . . . D.R. aUDTBTTB. -Manager Rouihesstern Department, . No. 22s r'ayetteville street, Raleigh, ti. C. - ; 4 W. B. BOYD, sl..- ' T,A. RKttn. " 1 ' - of Oreen, Foy Co., Bankers, Trustees , Jobl Kwsby, Fwrmer, , s J - . The following are Vbe names of some of the Jvties who have examined our . plana and axen pojiuiea wiut uh Gen'l R. Hansom, ;Pr. Chas. lrafTy, it. , W. (i Urinson. Alex. Miller - - -8. W. Ipock. -" , Is. U Lne, - . -ParahO Davis. ' lleaeklah Davis, , . novl8 dwtf ,- Thoa. uanieia, B.O.Oredle, Geo. Green, St: W. B Ine, - -A P. Davis, -Daniel l)visK ' Drury Dixon. and Prompt Retvras. aplSdaSm . BMM - DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, A RemnilT (or sll Diseaaes nf the Liver. Kid. A poBttlVtfl curs for - lavsnensla.' Slrk llaadjirhe. IJ ConatlpaUoa. jjoM,onsutwotspaoiiluli.! 0 and ota. . Na arenuina aalta anld In hulk. II ion at 10 and K.'.cti. WMOWjr JONBB. Maitatw lllll, Vjjl Howard; & jones;. :: ;v.'.:'' ' : Opposite Episcopal Church. will' eive to in v i vr. ' . wik KCrvcwi v,.rrm-,.i, .1 . .... " T,.' . it.v. w.iien. --B- . baiinuction guarantet (t. j. a TzniTTY. at. Craven' street. Rtw B.m. N.T. At IHPLF.M 'ym and mac Atienl lyr VtY ' lii) u .)iU . 1 i...