3 .!. V?.-" 7' '-t, vr-"'--;. .... .-. :f- Disappointment is again in store for our 'friends 1 this j morning, but we have been so busy jelling Goods dur ing the day and pack ing same at night, that our men are all worn out. Do not wait for the Advertisement, but v '' t ? r': ' '"' V ' " ioin the crowd and come at once and in spect our -many Bar- For today only: r Ladies. White Dress Robe, including, nine yards Embroidery, for tli a 4 triflitio' sum of .......,- - - . . - - . ' $1.25.' Custom-made ceived. '.:-7'. '": v,- ?: - " ' ts Bincerelv. uffv . '' ". .. . .-. '. j, . . -i "i THE JOUKNAL. NEW PERNE. N. C. j APRIL 21. 1886, - Duck; Creek Items. 1 - Miss Katie Fonrielle is in Jones visiting her sister; Mrs, II. C.Foscue B. Fonvielle has (he largest corn m tins Tlciuity; it is five blades high. - . E. H Fonvielle has been nnite sick tritn pneumonia, but is mncb better now. . DrL. O. Fonvielle sometime ago Milieu tue first rattlesnake of the season: it was CJ feet long and 13 inches in circumference. - L. O. Fonvielle. jr., has returned Irom Qoldsboro, where he has been under the treatment of Dr. Spicer He improved rapidly while there. Owing to wet weather, the farm ers are Bomewhat behind with their work; the most of them are through planting corn, and are getting ready as speedily as possible to plant tneir cotton. W. N. Marine has his large ves eel (the Myers) pulled up for re pairs, and it will be, when com pleted almost entirely new. Ohe will be the best and safest vessel that runs on our river. J. II. Fonvielle, . B. Fonvielle and C D. Provo has rented the larger portion of B. W. Fonvielle's plantation. They will plant 90 acres of the best land in cotton. They are very energetic and hard working young men. The dredge boat is in here yet. Gapt. Lord says it will take them about two months longer to get through with .their work. Capt. Lord is a very clever gentleman and takes great pleasure in show ing and explaining all to his visit ors. Tney find the dredging very difficult work, the sand is verv hard. Aqua Vitae by the wholesale; it is composed of red pepper, tobacco ana stryenmne; so says some young men who indulged pretty freely not long since, The next morning they were very sick; one of them wanted to blow his brains out; one said he was done for life; another said he would like to have one more drink and then he would quit too. Eggs have been very cheap, but I guess they will sell for a better price now. as four gentlemen tried to eat them all np not long since; they agreed for the two that ate the least to pay for them. Two of them ate 52 and the other two ate 49, and no telling how many more tney would have devoured if the lady of the house had not entered. and taken possession of the eggs, to keep them from killing themselves. O IS mm TCEDXOBD. NEWBEBH, N. C, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, MANUFACTURER OF Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla, Lemon Soda, Buffalo Mead, California Pear Cider, , Etc. IN CONNECTION WITH THE AGENCY FOE. BOTTLING The BergnerS Engel Brewing Company's Lager Beer, Porter, &c, I KEEP ON HAND A FULL LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS AT WHOLESALE, Which will be sold by the Barrel or Gallon at VERT LOW FIGUEES for CASH. Ginger Ale equal to Best Imported, and superior to any procurable in North Carolina. DK. J. P. CLARK, r eivtisx,"'' " NEWBIRI, . O. Offloa on enren itreei, between FoIIoe nd Broad h -, prl7-d4wlf J. C. ETHERIDGE &C0., Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants m.m.v natcr siivei, nirioix, va. Consignments of COTTON, CORN, PEA NUTS, and FA KM PRODUCTS solicited. IKKKKKKNCKS : Williams HroB,. Norfolk, Va 8. R. White Bro., Marine Bank, " Jul2tklwly ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mas. Wdjslow's Soothino Syeup ghould always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolic, and is the best remedy for diar hoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. jan24dtuthsatwly NewStore! IlewGoods! Bargains ! Bargains! I wish to inform my friends and the public in general, that I have just returned from the Northern Markets, where I have pnrchased'a Very Large and I , WelL Assorted Stock of Dry Goods, a Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, ; And, everything you can call for that if kept id r First Class Dry 1 Goods and Clothing Store. - ; , ; i ; If I can't sell you goods of every kind cheaper than any other house in the xity-(quality ' considered) I will give them away. ' . ; I bought lov and I am determined to Bell low. -1 would he pleased to have yon call and examine my stock - Mj Motto is More goods and bet? ter goods for a little money than any other Pry Goods House in the city . " Very respectfallyy -'f V 1 T Wni STJLTAN Bishop Building," opp. Baptist Church mar24 dwt CMUd street ' J. A. Thomas, Salesman.. ; .' they know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. ; Not to know i : not to have. , v " x V-' f.l. II. SULTAN ASKS A QUESTION ! ARE YOU READY TO BUY YOUR SPRING SUiT? If so, don't make your purchase until you see our Nobby Sack and Cutaway Suits at Very Low Prices. Boys' Sailor Suits from $1.50 to $3.50. In Straw Hats we can surprise you at the LOW PRICES wo are selling them. Our Stock of Underwear is COMPLETE. In Ladies' Dress Goods and Shoes we offer ASTONISHING BAEGAINS. Give Us a Call, and See For Yourself. M. H. SULTAN, AT ASA JONES' OLD STANDI oc7 dwCcn IF YOU WANT GOOD SHOES, ZEICLER BROS., A. TV I ) Ba; State 3 Penitentiary TO BE HAD ONLY AT PATTERSON'S. pair warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. s Shoe Store, SIGN BIG BOOT, Middle Street, New Berne, N. C. Patterson fel2 dw tf L. WALLLMU'S Champion Clothing House " i Middle 'street, cor. South Front street, New Berne, N. C In order to mike room tor my Spring Stoclr.I will sell, for the NEXT THIRTY DAY8, my ENTIRE STOCK " " . . . T - AT COST Consistlngof Men A Bovs' Bnite. Orercoata, Utateri, Ingle Pants, Coats and Vests, Ladle Cloaks, Jerseys, Shawls, Blankets, Drees Goods, Boots and Shoes, Bata, Trunks, Umbrella KuDberHUoes.ttnDDeruoata, ,AisoaiuuaioriiBenionoiioua. ... Only Thirty Days.' Come before Bargains are gone. Uver i an l nonsana xtuu . - . .VKULPiKkwtes mailed to M Vtrwriimi a lmra prepoitioii i l.AAl.of whom took A fall tnl aant ana mnrwomi to aeaitn of aaeoi PROF HARRI A ilk' SEMINAL PASTILLES, oal Oare for Narrpas Debility, Otkd carin x onus or PloKt Vaora in ntely restore prematurely m to the fa 11 ertiorsmt of ttirth end VLsroroa Health Weaknees&ndhntea die Aed Men. Teste thooMnd caeea tnnv a aged and broken down men d for Eli iey abeoint ... : 1 in fMrfnot and foil Mnnlv Rtrantrth To thoee who vuer from the many obaoore dieeaeee broncht about by Indiscretion, Exposure, Orer-Brmin Work, or too free Indnlgenoe, we ask that yon eend oe yonr name with statement of your tnrabla, and seowe TRIAL PACKAGE FREE, withlllnst'd Pwmph)M Aa. Avoid tiw isBpoaiUon ot pnetotiow iwne qks wruirae croaows, ana ail woaoasM whose only aim is to bleed their rio- tlmi, S HI' Kr iuMKDT tnaUHAa CURED thousand i, does not btertere vuk attsBtjoa to bntwiasi. eveenseeaiit orinconmueocaiaany wmy roaac n SfiUnUte insaieai tvineblea Brdlr ipplicattoato-the seat of diiaus Hi tpeeifle iflnMM i m e witnotn oeuv tm n wirmi flTl i I j ii ii l irt Hi a tliniia-ii niaranisim atniail Ths vudeahnmrlng elemcnti of li(e ars given bank, the patient Biormes olietrfai ind lapldly gains both ajrtnfth w1hesHH TtUATKElCTt Hoith, 3. twe"m.W. TIiiH 17 HARRIS REMEDY CO,, Mm ft (Mies, 4oet y . Tentri Street, ST. LOVTS. UTO. : EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA MARBLE WORKS, NEW BERNE, N. C. Monuments, Tombs, And all kinds Grave and Building work In ITALIAN&AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor (Saecessor to Qeorge W. Claypoole) Cor. BROAD AKD CRAVEN Sts. NEW BERNE, N. C- O. E. Milleb is my authorized agent id ii ins ton. maSO-lvdw TIME TABLE, Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE No. 24. In Effect 13 If., Sunday, April 18th, 1880. EAST. No. M. Passenger irr. L're. r m 6 61 6 32 8.4: P. M.P. r. h 6 07 6 64l 521 STATIONS Qoldsboro, .. La Grang Kinitoa,.. New Berae, Dally except Snnday. WBST. No. 60 Passenger Arr. iL'Tft. A.M. A.M. 10 12 9 2B 9 29 8 42 8 47 8 47 A. M. A. U. EAST. WKST. No. 1. : Hixed Fgt. A: Pais. Train, i STATIONS. No 2 Mixed Fgt. S rui. Tram Arr. .1 L'ts: KewlMnL. - 9 45! 50! RlTerdal 65 695 Uroatan 10 3t I. 1 21! HTelock..m.. 11 m;: 11 lOt Newort.. 11 85: '11 95 Wlldwood 11 82 : 11 S2j Atlantlo 11 48i 11 68- Morcbead OH. 12 10! i Honhead DeDot P. at. P. K. A. M. 'Dally except Sunday. ...i ....! ...i Arr. L'Tt. 8 221 6 2i 5 20! 4 65! 15) i 00- 5 63; 8 17; 6 SI 6 2U i 68 4 15 4 00 3 53 S 37 t 05 A.M. l WEST. No.1 klxod Fgt. k rasa. Tram. Arr. L'TS. fef : holesa le Orocers, HAVE REMOVEb TO TUEJLB - - TWO STORES, SOUTH OF THEM FORMER STANO And keep of FLOUK,, MEATS, COFFEE, 1 SUGAB, SYKUPS MOLASsUS. SALT, TOBACCO, SNUFF AND ClGAilS tn everTthlnr in thel QKOCERY LINE, a FULL STOCK . And ai LOW PRICES for-CASlL-- Mi' -' V" !a341 t A at. 8 4t 15 10 00 10 33 108 1 80 20 1 00 1 90 1 00 P. M. A. M. 8 071 8 6C 9 SO 10 08 10 48 1 11 11 40 12 96 1 05 1 S3 8TATI05S. Ooldebojo,. Bast's .. La Grange,. FallingCnek nvinston, Caawel OoraOrMk Tnsearora 01rk' l rtewbern ' a, No.t Kixtf Fgt. Piu. Tra a Arr. is'vt P. K. 705 20 5 41 6 05 4 21 168 8 28 9 48 303 146 P. M. 8 25 6 66 6 10 4 i S 948 2 1 48 106 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Monday, Wedne,day and Friday. Train 50 oouneeta with Wilmington Wtl don Train bfnnd North, tearing Qoldsboro 11:35 a. m- and with Richmond A D-nTllle TrahiWeai, leartng Qoldsboro 12:86 jn and W 1 lmlngton A Weldon Train South at 44pjn. Trala 61 eoaaseta with Bichmoad 4k DraTiU Train, srTiTku at Qoldabere 4:40 p.m., and with Wilmington and Weldon Train from the North at 4M p.m. Train 4 connect with W. A W. Train bound ooum, leansg uounooro at im p. an. OWEN H. Gl ION. 1. 11. 1'ELLKTIKR. QUION & PELLETIEB, Attorneys t Xja-vcr, South Fhont St (rp. Gaston IIofse, NEW BERNE. N. C. Practice where services are desired. Practice in the hiipreme Court, and In th Federal Court at New Kerne. Oneol thlstlim will always ho at the fol lowing places at tlii.es specltird l-elow: 'J'reuton, Jones comity, Saturday of each and every week. Beaufort, Carteret county, Thursday of each week. Jacksonville, Onslow county, tfae first Mon day in each month . I7d Judge and Jury. It is the oninlon of the must, pmlnpnt. JUDGES, from, the United States Bupreine Court down through all the grades of Judi ciary, that I have the Finest and Best Grades of CIGARS of any of the ldul places InNew Berne where Cigar are sold. Also theoplnlon of counsel and the verdict of the Jury is In favor of the I'laintiir. At PALMER'S you ran And CIGARS, good ones, middling (iooii ones, and some vehy poor ones, as you can And at other places. You pays your money, and takes youi choice. Null sed-try eiu. WM. L. PALMER, ytxl to corner of South Front and Middle, MEW BERNE, N. C. CaT)t. Sam. B. Waters AGIST, DUFFY'S PUIIK MALT WHISKEY. SI. Crlchton's "Monticello Pure Kye." Billiards, Eto. At his old Stand on Middle street, se!2dly New Berne. N C. U EUENT manly. F. M. SIMONH. SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTOKNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in the Courts of Craven, Jo Onslow, Carteret, Paiflllco, Lenoir and Hy le and In the Federal Court al New Berne. febUd&wly ROBERTS L HENDERSON General Insurance Agents, New Berne, IV. CJ. Only first class Companies represeD. ed in Fire. Life and Accident Insurance. Total Capital over Fortv1Milions"o. Dollars. Jun24dly" New Central Hotel, FOKMEKLY BATEM AN lioCSE, South Front Street, New BerneN. C. M. PATTERSON, Proprietor, Offers special Inducements to commercial men. Cuisine of sftperlor excellence. Omnibus and baggage wagon at all trai s and steamers. Kates, 82.00 per day. apl 7 Hie ideal young people's magazine. It holds the first place among periodicals of its class. Boston Journal. ST. NICHOLAS. An illustrated monthlv neriodinal for boys and girls, appearing on the 25th of each month. Edited by Mary Mapes Dodge. Price, 25 cents a number, or $3.00 a year, in advance. Booksellers, newsdealers, postmasters, and the publishers take subscriptions, which should begin with tho Novem ber number, the first of tho volume. St. Nicholas aims both to satisfy and to develop tho tastes of its con stituency ; and its reeord for tho past twelve years, during which it has al ways stood, as it stands today, at the head of periodicals for boys and girls, is a sufficient warrant for its excellence during tho coming season. The editors announce tho following as among tho Leading Features for 1885-'80. A Serial Story by Frances Ilodgson Burnett. The fisrt long story she has written for children. A Christmas Story by W. 1). How ells. With humorous pictures by his little daughter. "George Washington," by Horace E. Scudder. A novel and attractive Historical Serial. New "Bits of Talk tor Young Folks,"-by "H. H." This series forms a gracious and fitting memorial of a child-loving and child-helping soul. Papers on tho Great English Schools, Eugby and others. Illustra tions by Joseph Pennell. A Sea-coast Serial Story, by J. T. Trowbridge, will be lifo-liko, vigorous and useful. "Jenny's Boarding House," a serial by James Otis. Dealing with news boy life and enterprise. Prank E. Stockton will contribute several of his humorous and fanciful stories. "Drill." By John Preston True. A capital school story for boys. ' The Boyhood of Shakespeare, by Eose Kingsley. With illustrations by Alfred Parsons. Short Stories by scores of prominent writers, including Susan Coolidge, H. H. Boyesen, Nora Perry, T. A. Jan vier, Washington Gladden, Eossitcr Johnson, Joiquin Miller. Sophia May, Heiekiahk Butterworth, W,- O. Stod dard; Harriet vPrescott Sponord. and many others. ' . . . ... ., . Enterprising Sketches by Alice W. Boiling, Charles- G. Lcland, Henry Eckford Lieutenant Sohwatka, Ed ward Egglestoa, tod others. . Shorfr Stories for Girlar by Louisa pj. Aloott. The first "The Candr Country" in November, a Poems,- Shorter' 'contributions,- and departments will complete what the Eurar New Yorke? calls .th.e best magMine for children in the world." . , TM CKftrBT Co.; New York, v