-1 I losing and 1 (c(o) : ' DONT PUT THIS 1)0 WIT until you hare read" it all, and then COME TO SEE UP. and find out now much more we have in itock than we can possibly crowd into our limited space. , marks las Gotten Home Again. And, as usual, he has done his best for bis numerous patrons. '-:'::V , . , : ' - - ri - t n . DRESS GOODS : PRINTS. Satines,Plaids, Cambric Styles, Second Mournings. Percales. GINGHAMS. Plaids, Stripes, Seersuckers, Ghambrays, American and Imported, WORSTEDS. Full Line in all shades. Eleeant Flannels, full line. Novelty Goods Cream, Delicate Shades all colors. Nun's Veilings, all shades. WHITE GOODS. Plain and Checked Lawns, India Nainsooks, and every variety of White Goods. LACES. Torchons. Valenciennes, immense White Silk Laces. Oriental Laces. Flounoings. EMBROIDERIES. All Widths, SWISS and CAMBRIC. All Over Erabroideries'and Em broidery Flounpings. EMBROIDERY NET. A large line of Ladies1 and Gents' Summer Vests A toll line of Ladies, Misses and Children's Hose and Men's Half Hose. Ladies' Jersey Gloves, in Velveteens in all Colors. Silks and Satins a large line. Mattings, Carpets, Oil - Curtain Goods all kinds and styles, in Scrims, Muslins, Crinkles, Etc. Look at Our Leaders ! Cheeked Homespun, 6c. Extra weight yd. wide Domestic, 5c. Extra Wide Hamburgs, 5c. . Rick Back Braid, 5c. Fall Biie Gents Handkerchiefs, 5c. Ladies Fine Cambric HandkVfs, 10c. Heavy 6 lb. Note Paper, 5c. quiro, Novelty Hair Pins, 5c. package. Pearl Dress Buttons, 5c. dozen. Jerseys, 50c. Children's Straw Hats, 5c. Ladies Hose, 5c. Nun's Veiling, all shades, 8c. yd. Turkish Wash Bags, 3o. 6ilk Handkerchiefs, 5c. AVE HAVE DOUBLED OUB ALREADY COMPLETE LINE OP LADIES, MIOSES LACE AND BUTTON r AND, OUB LINE OF SLLVPEES IS THE CHEAPEST AND ,; , , 4 PBETTIEST EVER SEEN IN THIS CITY. D:n't Fail fo See Our vvv:" and Button. Wholesale Will find us thoroughly prepared in every we have more particularly looked out tor BUYERS this season than ever before. pleasure in showing goods, and ouo prices Hoping to see' all of oar many ones, i i j t i.r .. -ii s.-.- " V a'J f v : VVe are very truly 1 m ' Minnies ... i Line All Wool Mournings. Summer of all descriptions. Albatross, Black, Linens,', Bookfold Laws, Checked line Cotton Laces of all descriptions. All Over Orientals and Oriental Silk, Lisle and Cotton. Cloths - full assortment. Beautiful Colored Lawns, 5c. Nide White Lawns. 5c. Garter Webb, best, 5c. Table Oil Cloth, 15c. , Elegant Ladies Handkerchiefs, 5c. Knitting Cotton, 20c. lb. Envelopes, 5c. package. 800 yds. Spool Cotton 5c. Children's Handkerchiefs, 2jc. Brass Pins, 5c. paper. Children's Polo Caps, 10c. Gents Half Hose, 5c. Collar Buttons, 5c. doz. Oil Cloth Baby Bibs, 2Jc. AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, Dollar Shoe in Lace detail to meet all requirements, as the interest of our WHOLESALE Don't fail to call on us as we take cannot be beaten. - PAST patrons, and as many more new ''CVS-h" VV. Si" THE JOURNAL; NEW BEMTE, N. a. APRIL 23. 1886. Arrival and Departure Hails. . WATT. mVMSS . '' .'. -i - For North, Weat and South, via A. & N.C.fi.B.tt7.-00a.m. . For Beaufort - and the East, at 8.-00 p. m. , For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Countie Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 6:00 a, m. ' For Trenton, Polloksrille and Mays villa, daily at 7:30 a.m. 1' ? For Grantsboro, Bay River an J Van demera, dailT at a. m. -: U I ''OFFICE HOUES: .r' " In Money Order and fieeistered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. .ru in auuting Department from V a. m. to 6 d. m. '. i v Omoe onen constantly between these hours except when mails are being dis tributed or Bent. . . ' .,-- . Stranger .Things Hare Been. It was formerly the case in North Carolina and elsewhere that inland towns played second fiddle to towns that had easy access to the sea and that no permanent prosperity, ac tivity in business or large' popula tions could be found off of the sea board. Hence Edenton, Elizabeth City, PI j mouth and ; other Eastern towns in North Carolina formerly thought they would become large cities if the Inlet at Nags Bead could be cue out and vessels could find the sea in a few hours. This idea was so thoroughly adopted by public men that large sums were appropriated by the State and Gen eral Governments "to open the' In let." Bus now this is all changed. Our domestic and inland trade has become so immense that inland towns are not now dependenfnpon foreign trade and instead of being second to the seaboard towns tbey now furnish another case of the tail waggling the dog. We aie credibly informed that Elizabeth Gitf now furnishes Norfolk with some of its manufactured articles and we suppose that in proportion to population it is making more headway in business aud population than its big sister by the sea. We should not be surprised if in half a dozen decades Norfolk merchants should be importing their spring and lall stock from the factories and wholesale houses of Elizabeth City, and Elizabeth City drummers and commercial travellers should be can vassing Norfolk for trade. Stranger ihmgs have happened. Our mer chant princes had better make a note of it and set their sails in that direction. We hear of one factory in our town supplying Norfolk deal ers with their manufactured Wares E. City Economist. oaivauon un cures rheumatism in from 12 to 48 hours. Swellings and bruises in a few hours. All pains and acnes almost immediately upon applica tion. Price 25 cts. a bottle. . The Northern Boundary of the U. S. There is little danger that any one wishing to nettle in far Northern Dakota will by mis take find himself in the Dominion, The boundary is marked plainly and continuously by stone cairns seven and one-half by eight feet; mounas, seven, dv lourteen feet: iron pillars, seven feet high, eight inches square at the bottom and four at the top, and timber posts nye leet high and eight inches square. There are 385 of these marks between the Lake of the Woods and the base of the Bocky Mountains.' East and west of the Bed river, the boundary is marked Dycasc-iron pillars at mile Inter vals. "American and "British" pillars alternate. On one side of each post is "Convention of Lon don;" on the other "October 20, J.8J.O.'' .wnere lates, are crossed, scone neaps nave been built pro jecting several reet above water. In forests the line was first marked bv iening cue .timber a rod wide and clearing away the nnderbrnsb;where cnis line Has since been obliterated. posts nave tasen its place. ; . Backlam's Arnica Salre. Thx Bust Salt -In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers' Sal Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter. Chanoed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin eruptions, and positively, cures piles, It is guaranteed to, give perfect satisfae tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. for tale by Hancock Bros. - ly Chattel mortzaees and Lien Bonds for sale at this office. TO THE PUBLIC f OUB STORE IS FILLED WITH, ' unoice trrocenes, j . ;:-v Canned .Goods,', '; v v ;."V' Frovisions, . , :. . -Boots and Shocs ; - (OftheJiestBiake,) p Dry Goods,-- J- 5 Hats and Caps z Crockery, Etc, In fact keepeveryUilng that ta kept In a First Class Variety Store, all of which w irnwn we arc LOWEST at onenng ab .uuw jus 1 XI JC Wholesale or uetaix. V Come and see us and be convinced. ; , EOBERTS South Front it., Hoc Berne, N. C. ? Have a Large Stock ; -or- Sugars, - Cofifee;V.;lvfS-l f Hour, iD lands, Early Rose Potatoes. WaWto SEIX. f Prices LOW, F.ULKIC1I, JXNEW BEBNE, N;.0, T. JL Green's Old Stand.'; ': Notice To All Who It MAT Cowceeic : Whereas Certlfiqate Ko. 679. for five aharei of the Capital Stock of the Wilmington and Weldon Ballroad Oompany. issued to J. H. Planner and belonging to him at the time of his death, has been lost or mislaid, and whereas application has been made by me to the sail Oompany to issue a new Certifi cate; Nov, therefore, all persona are hereby forblddea to bay or trade for the same." JOSEPH FLANNER, Adm'r aplS d w4 w of J. H. Flanner, deo'd. For Sale, A desirable house and lot on the south side of Broad street, one door west of the residence of J C. Green, Esq. For terms and further particulars, apply to decSltf Guion & Pkixetieb. Steamer for Sale-Cheap Avery light-draught, atern-wheel steam boat, douhle engines, carrying fifty to seventy-five bales of cotton, besides passen gers; boiler nearly new, machinery and boat in perfect order, is for sale cheap. Tbls boat draws about two feet, runs siwn mile per hour, requires but three men Cap tain, Engineer and Cook. burns balf-oord of wood in twelve hours, and runs at ex panse of $8.60 to $4.00 per day. She Is exactly adaDted for work on the Trent or Contentnea rivers, and will be sold to responsible parties on tlie easusi terms, una aeuvereu at new Berne free or expense to purchaser. Address I C. W., ap9dtd Box 431. New Berne. THE NEW BERNE LIVERY; SALE & EXCHANGE STABLES. I AM PREPARED TO; Furnish Fine Mules & Horses LOWEST PRICES Teams taken and cared for by the day, veek or montu. A drove of Mules and Horces Just received O. HI7BBS. febldtf Proprietor. GEORGE ALLEN & GO. OFFER A FULL LINE OF General Hardware, Mechanics' Tools, Builder's Hardware, Lime. Cement, Plaster, Hair, Brick, Ealsomine, Faint, White Lead, Oil, Varnish, Glass, Putty, Plow, Cultivators, Coz Cotton Planters. &c, &c At Very Low Prices. State of North Carolina, 1 Craven County. J Notice of Samuel T. Vowen . 1 Summons in vs. Action for Lavlnla Bowen.. ; Divorce. ' Lavlnla Bowen, the defendant above named, is hereby notified that a summons has been issued from the superior Court of Craven county aforesaid, in the above en titled action, made returnsble on the )2th Monday after the 1st Monday in March lt, ana me Hnerin nas returnea me said sum mons with a certificate that the defendant nnot be found In said county; and it has also been made to appear that the said de fendant is a non resident of the said State and cannot by due dllleance be found therein The said defendant is further notified that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the 12th Monday after the nrst Monday in Maroh, 1880, and plead, answer or demur to the complaint or Judgment will be rendered against ner according v, me prayer or tae complaint. - , t, April 16. 188. . - ' - .,' . W. CARPENTER. " ' - Clerk Sup, Court apUtw of Craven County, -S AURORA ' MALE AND FEMALE ACADEMY Spring Session opened January 86, and closes june u, 18B0. ' Pupils may enter at anytime in the session and charged from time of entrance to end of session. - . Tuition and board moderate. Tbls school is situated in a moral and pro- for further Information apply to - 1L f. B . '" '' Principal. THE STAB. Wll.DoB8IaOTK,', Editor and PropV, Daily 16.00 and $7.00; Weekly $1.25, A' Democratic sewsrjaner annnortlnir ih riuui)iies oi syemocrnuc Aamin Istration ' - l f ' r-, 1 : ; . t ? : As Agent for the Ptiblisher, I will re- oeive suoucriptiorjs tor the above paper. j;'V(i-uD.I CAR RAW AY.., j EW-tnotKt, March e, em.- ' :i v. " they know all about Mustang Lin. t iment. Few Co. : Hot to, know I OLD rOM.llNl01V ; s ' . . . .. .1 - ' Steamship" Company; : 8EMI.WEEELY UNE For New York, Baltinaore, Nor folk, Boston, Elieabeth City, - Philadelphia, Proyldence, - ';-'V''v and- other Cities, t-it, Monday, January 11th, 1886, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE V Steamer Shenandoali Will 'leave, upon arrival of train ea Norfolk Soa them Bulrwid at lisabctb, Ol ly, every BIONDAT ABTD TBVIUOAT ' for New Berne. Returning leavss New Berne lor Elisabeth OUy snry TUESDAY Alt FRIDAY at t p.m., making CI' as Connection with Nor folk Sootaern R. H. for Northern , eiUes Close connection made at Sew Berne with steamers for Klnston, Pollokerille, Trento and all landings on the Menu and Trent Rivers. No freights received for shipment oa Taeedays and Fridays sfter S!4 p m. . Freight forwarded promptly and lowest rates guaranteed te destinntion. an. . isuua.it is. Act, new sserma, OuLrsrrsn a Toehsb, , - , , Ag'ts, Norfolk, Y. A W. H. SnsroHD, Oea'l Frt Ag't, New York aty. TRE NEUSE & TRENT RIYEE Stoamboat Company Will run the following Schedule on and artel September 9th, 1885 SteaixieF Cutler Will leave New Berne for Trenton every Wednesday at II a.m., and Friday after the arrival of the steamer bhenandoali; return ing, will leave Trenton every Thursday and Saturday, touching at all poluts aloug the river Steamer Kinston. On and after June 9Ui, 1885, the Steamer Klnston will leavn Kinston lor New Berne every Alonday andTbnmday at tl o'clock a.ru.; returning, will leave New Uerne every Tues day and Friday, stopping at Jolly Old Field and oucningac an lauuinKS on iveumj river. Close connection made with steamer When andoab of the Old Dominion steamship Co. JOHN H. IfeLL,at Newbern. W. F. STANLY, Kinston D. S. BARBUS, Folloksvlile. I. T. WILSON, Agent at Treutoa. J. P. QDIHBBLY, Jolly Old Field. J. B. Banks. Quaker Bridge. J. M. WH7TE, Gen'l Mauager, eb7dw K)nsUn. N. C NOKTH CAROLINA, 1 Craven County. I Township No. 8. In the snntter of the Homestead of Alexander Moore Notice to Cred "toi s. Alexander Moore, of said County and State, having filed his petition before the under signed for his homestead, thU is to notify all the creditors of the said Alexander Moore and of Mack Moore, dt ceased, that the said g Billion will be heard at my oflioe? in New ern, 8th Tonshlp Craven county, on the 1st day of November, 1886, and whtn if they snail appear toeyinay ue lieara. D.iteil this l;tli dav of March, ISSfl. W. O. B KIN HON, J. P Leonidas J, Moore, Attirncy for Petitioner. m21 Gr ASTON HOUSE, NEW BEBME, N. C, S: E. STREET, Stt., Proprietor, The Only Flrst-elass Bonse in the City, Omnibus connects with all Trains and Steamers, Large sample rooms for oommcr elal travelers. The BAR and BILLIARD ROOM has recently been lefurniahed and titled up la gooa siyie wun uiiuara ana root nroie . The Leading Clothing, in flew I AM Sole Agent for A. A. BATTLES MEN'S AND ' l '"IP BOY'S CALF SEWED $2.50 SHOES.-The only Shoes T I I -t- sold In this city that are WARRANTED by the Manufac- .; . I I 3 ' turerTO US AND BY ME TO MT CUSTOMERS, via.! . I I ItuH ' I Every pair is WARRANTED; should any of them in any I J Way within any reasonable time give out, I will upon re- - T3 turn of damaged pair and statement as to length of wear, ' "i t . - -' 1 EITHER REFDNI) THE MONEY or GIVE ANOTHER NEW PAIR IN EXCHANGE. It la the best, flneBt aud cheapest Shoe In the world for the money, . . - , .. . ' : ; Max so1aTOrin,,4 K MlHtllA ftlrMt Pnrn.r A lloir, HIMirnnriMilst Hatt.f r-V. u . ap2ldwtf . - . 1 m Over 1 ea Xhoawnd Trial jracueM mauea to M- sent end were restored to health br nee of ' vS'AL pastilles.1 A IUdioaU (iif or Neroa Debility, Ormmiii Ormarifn WeakMMj.ndi'hTmioal Dwsrl Toons Ar W 4 fl 41a AedMen. . xwted rorKii it Tear in man? (nooaana ntTMl and dosMethey abaolatelj rwtora prmatar)r id broken down mn to the full njoTHient of nd fall Mftnlw Btfnirth nf Viaoroaa Health. perfetrtand fall MAalrStraiiRth and Viaoroaa Health. av wntassfi wno tracer rron am many eoaear dtneaaai J Hork,ortoofree Indulgences w aak thatywi aendna TRIAL PACK AGE FRF,R,wlth Illwrt'd PempMet q FOB VALUE RECEIVED. I Black, THE MOST GOODS for a Dry Goods Store in the city. , '. .. I keep a rull Line or. Dry Goods Hats. Caps, and fine assorted Stock ' Tl Ing Goods. These Goods were bought on a Flat Market, where they wanted mouey worse than goods, so I bought EXTREilELT LOW for CASH, and intend giving my friends the benefit of these bareaina. 2J5t door to Buter's Furniture Store. ; Ch:geofPicr in K8wM. '. - The N C. Freight Libq FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, . and all point ' . j lVortlx and "Vest ' After this data will reeeive night In New Yo f or He w Berae at PIER 7, NORTH RIVJCIt. ' Office of Kew Tori and Baltimot Transportation Co. ' Ilerchanta should remem berths! this Is on s el the best Steam Lines eat of Hew York, making gaily oonnactlon with Baltimore for Kew Berns all inside, and only one change. SEMI-WEEKLY 8TE AM ERS Between . Ke?. Eeraa . ud , Baltimore ' (Touching at Norfolk)'. ' Leaviag New Berne for Baltimore TUESDAY! FRIDAYS at 1 p m. Leave Baltimor foi New Berne WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAY! , .p.B. Ar'enU are ai follows: CUB IN FOSTIR, Oenl Jfaaager, - M Light St, Bal't.MU AS. W. at eCAKKIOK, Ag't. Norfolk, Ya. V. P. Clyde Co.. PbUadalpbla, It Son! barves. York k Balto.Trane. Line, Pier Jfortarlvsr E. Sampson, Boston, 63 Central wharf, g. H. Rockwell, Providence R. I. D.O. Mink, Fell River, Derrick wharf. -Bhipe leave Boston, Tuesdays and Satardets " New York daily. " " Bsltimors, Wednesdays and Baturdsi " Fall Blver, Mondays, Wednesdays Fridays. - " Provldenoe, Satnrdays hrougb bills lading given, and rates gaaraa to all points, at the different nfflees of panles. iroid Breakage cl Bulk and Ship ria ; In Wi it i H OKA i ' f r-. 1880A Harper's M&zinej IL,LUSTIIATE1. The December Number, will begin the Seventy-second Volume oTHAkpeb'8 Maoaziks. Miss Woolson's novel, "Kast Angels," and Mr. Howell's "Indian Summer" holding the foremost place in current serial fiction- will run through several numbers, ann.wlll be followed by setial stories trom H. i. Black more and Mis D. M. Cialk. A new editorial departmeut. disousa'.ng topics suggested by the current II eralureof Amerlcaand Europe, W'll be contributed by W. D.Howells, begln nl or Willi the January numbers The great literary event of the year will be the publica tion of a series of papers taking the Bhape of a story, and depicting characteristic features f American society as seen at our leading pleasure resortaWrltteu by Charles Dudley Warner, and' Illustrated by C. S. Bolnbarb The Magazine will give especial attention to American subjects, treated ty the best Amer ican writers, . and . Illustrated , by loading American artists. ' :ij xa v; , ' Harper's Periodicals. ' ' ; PER YJEAbV . HARPER'S MAGAZINE ; . 1 ul HARPER'S WEEKL..rr HARPER'S BAZAR...."I..;. ..... ".. ' rJARPEH'S YOUNG PEOPLE HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUAKK LI- f PRARY, One Year (52 Nnmbers)..........10 Postage Free to all subscribers United fcllates or Canada, j. In th The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time la specified, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to be. gin with the current Number. .. Bound Volumes of Harper's Magsalne Kir three years back. In neat cloth binding, wll be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of SO0 per volume. Cloth Cases, for. binding, 60 cents each by mall, postpaid. Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified for Volumes 1 to 00, inclusive, from June, I860, to Jnce, 1880, one vol , 8vo, Cloth, tl 00, - ' Remittances should le made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without ther express order of Harper A HrnthAH- AilHtM. V. . T. HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. Hat and Shoe Store Bernef. na: ' :fl Is iiow: opening tlSfSRING Mi) SUMMER STOCK, and invites the Public and his Friends 'to "ball and (examine the same. ; -;! : - Look for Full Advertisement in a FevrJijrejf J Uiusiei vupwvuv ISJtlOH VnUH lA, f n -;!:. tn :i, .;f , Avoid the lmpoaition ot pratentioua rvine. , die. furth.M troubk, and all Onuika, whoesonlraimlatohleedth..irTla. 'time . TEkee8URfilUMlliTll,Hs CtiRETJ tbaafletidL rin-. nn 1..,. with ettencion te bmmM. n Mi. orlneonvenieBceinenTMw. lniuui OB I eolenliag Bnedic&l prinelplie. Bjdlnet rnplletionto the enU ofdli it. innuen vutedealmulns element of lift eieziren hark. th. rtJH Becomes cheerful sad rankjljijmjnabothitteinih ' htind TKEATHEMT. C Hosts, t3. tin KM.K. tint, g HARRIS REMEDY CO., Urt CMnitm 8QV . Tenth Btrges. BT.LOTJia, yo. will rive to anv Person. White or LITTLE MONET than any other and Clothin?. Boots; Shofin. of Gents' and Ladies' rurnish- p4 dwtf 'w t rsss a & , t 11 -