THE JOUKNAli mi m NEW BEKNE, N. C MAY 7. 1888. : "ir Hne Goods ! inblBariini! ... i J WE HAVE NO DRIVES ; we trie4 selling common goods cheap lasl fall and found they did not at; all suit oar customers. So no more trash for us. v; Wo intend to sell only good goods at very low prices. We ' do not claim : U have a monopoly of air the goodor all the fine dry goods to bo found in the X' , J g v ar tthw vs-va ww vs J MJ SU SA au ,U Mill VS r A VfUB U.U A A A IIU inings, and a thousand other things that ladies use which you cannot find in any other store. - - ' AVo are running on duality this season, and we are determined to sell our jfomers Good Goods for Very We desire to sell the .Ladies trade, 1 ej need. (Jail and see ns and send - a nrorrontxl Ir you; have; favored any other Store I- 1 J A I. . .ill. lLMic 'Villi ' HHM'rii i.iit-iui : iiiiiv villi obtainable elsewhere. 4 If so, we would ba glad to have a share of yoai patronage. ' . ." To our regular customers we would say we have just the goods tor yon thit season. ' But no trash at catoh-fly prices. No more of that for us. Wc intend to sell only the best goods that the trade will buy at ROCK BOT TOM PRICES- SMALL PROFITS will give you nice goods very cheap. Please don't call on us for Bargains, Bargains, Bargains. We have none, Kemember, we keep THE Store for Nice GOOuS at Rock Bottom Prices. SUMMER SILK- Vj( i In striped and plain. FIGUED LINEN LAWN . Lovely quality. FRENCH SATINE In several styles. FOULARDS j , In colors and black, just the goods for a cool mourning dress. BATISTE- a 3 In oream and white figued. LAWNS J L , Of all kinds, figued and solid colored and white. We have a good lawn in figued .and white at five oents ; then we have rafts of such goods as IndiaXinen, India Lawn, French Mull. Nainsook, Dimity, Embroidered Mull, Persian Lawn, and twenty styles of fancy . and plain white mulls in nice quality. ROBES' In quality better than any brought to this market for years, and yet at rock bottom prioes within the reach of all. EMBROIDERIES 'At 'all prices from the cheapest to the beet kept in this market, such as Irish Point Mull Embroideries and Swiss Edges, either in '-" sets or per yard. LACES ToTShonS in &U the many qualities and itylcs. Some of them are 'jt Just Buperb. If you want any kind of fine Lace call on us. FINE GOODS AND SMALL PROFITS IS 0 OR MOTTO. WORSTED GOODS For Dresses we have Albatross; Nuns Veilings in all Wool and haif Cotton, BOurette Cloth, Berege, Worsted Satines, i. Cashmeres, Tiamese, Light Weight Tricot, etc. jJfJTTONS Large and small. They are so very stylish this season for trimming, wo . . bought some elegant styles. FRINGESr- Lace Braids for trimming, and that elegant stylish MOSS Fringe. ! We have all of them in different shades. JER8EYS We have somo vcrv fine Jerseys in the latest styles, and they arc cheap. - iOall and see them and you will be SHOES- We sell the celebrated Clement Weil and Ball Shoe; they are fine and are sure to fit. Every pair is "warranted. If you want a good fine' shoe, buy that shoe. ma nmffl , T We' carry a-full line of them, ; Buch as Ball's, Dr. Strong's Tampeco, Warner's; Mad - ame Foy's Side Laced, and several other makes of cheaper . styles.- JiUaUJ-Oil-- . o . -.hi TflWnrl TTnao fnr ' ": ptJQ UUK A'ICUO" w. " boys at Twenty-five Cents. . One pair will outwear five ordi- nary hose and ' will 'not fade. w ...rrW fnll line of Lisle and Cotton flose. V 'V- HANDKEECHIEFS P. "We challenge the town to excel us in style, price and quality. PARASOLS-?; ' .It will do you good. to see our. - v you as 'ti: priced GENT'S SHIHTS- ;. f. -We carry .' , -' Thfi' niamond Shirt, t f or Mnmn -'tis the best Shirt made. ' I ' ' : - -- '. 7 v . t ;. J v: ?t i ix- ' -1 i 1 ; :REIIEIIBER!p A. II. BAKER has no Bargains to offerf hut sells Good Goods at Little money. and we intend to keep just ,t,Ti ,.' for samples, anything ju nmi 'i t oj in rusvtt with the bulk of vour trade. C J 1 , IIIH.V 1 1 1 1 1 Niiiiifi wrnnna i n su xrnvn nm sure to buy. BALL'S ITie ONLY CORSET made that can be returned by iti purdtaKT fter three weeka' wear il not found PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY in every respect, and it price refunded by teller. Hade la a variety oi itylea and price. Beware of worthless hnitaaons. None genuine without Ball' nam cm box. HANG PP.flA'RIA' CORSETS. r?-M : ' ' fl - J I' m , " ' Why don't you buy my shirts ready-made ?- What's the use oi wearing your eyes out over fine , needle work, and breaking your back trying to save a few cents ! I don't seethe savin of if , Why, you can buy shirts now-a-days for very little more than the cost of material. Look at this " Dia mond" I've just bought .-I say, Maria, I am going to buy a dozen ' more right away. . , ' v.; Serene Confidence: rr Tmst and obedience are royal virtues, and ' aro : nsnally ' found among the followers' of great lead ers. If men are to obey implicitly, they must have confidence in those wliom they serve. .- Who shall say bat the following act of obedience lemanded less nerve than the much rauuted deed of Gasabianacat The Duke of Wellington's cook vas reckoned a most accomplished irtist in his line. He entered the service of the Iron Dnke, sometime letore the feninsular campaign tad remained at bis post while he ved. and the following incident U show now thoroughly bejunder ; od the character of his illustrious .ster. While the battle of Waterloo was n progress, the cook, with his as dstants, and the implements of his sailing, had taken up his station in be Forest of Soignes, and was pre paring dinner lor his chief. While he was engaged in the work ;he battle was raging fiercely, the shunderof the artillery and the rattle of musketry filling the air ibout him with a terrific din: and inon, terrified fugitives began co pour along towards Brus sels. As the scrambling multitude plunged and staggered on, by the thousand some of them espied the cook, and advised him to flee also. "Fly t fly ! cried the leader of the demoralized host. "The French are coming; you will be slaughter ed! Have youself while you can." The staunch old cook only shook his head, as he kept steadily about his work; but at length he straight ened up, and made reply, "JNo, l will not fly! 1 have serv ed the Duke of Wellington while he nas lougbt a hundred battles, and he never yet failed to come to his dinner! Never!" lie cooked on. in soite of the 5lamor of the flying thousands, anI m toe end he was rewarded. The Duke came, at last, and with an ap petite! A Generous Fropoaltlon. We are credibly informed that the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., propose to cure any of the following complaints for one-third the money and in one-half the time required by any known rem edy on earth. The diseases embrace all forma of Scrofula and Scrofulous Ulcers and Tumors, all stages of Blood Poison, Kbeumatism, Catarrh, Skin Diseases and Hnmors, Kidney Affec tions, Chronic Female Complaints, Ec zema, etc. Send to them for a book filled with the most wonderful cases on record, mailed free to any address. Sold in New Berne by R. N. Duffy and E. H. Meadows. B. BOYD, Gen'l Insurance1 Agent. LIFE, PIEE, ACCIDENT, LIVE STOCK. DEATH BY ACCIDENT, $5,000, with $25 per week lor disability by accident, for fee ol $5.00 and an annual cost of $13. None But Safe Companies Represented. Office 8011th Front St., Two Doors East of Gaston House. ' aplTdwlm A NEW MAN And NEW GOODS! I have Just opened a First-Class Fancy and Staple Grocery, and will also always keep on hand, a Select Stock of German and French Delicacies at TEISER'S OLD STAND, on Broad street Soliciting the trade I made my motto GOOD GOODS AND LOW" PBICES. Very respebtfully, 1 dw6m A. M. JACOBSON. W. X. GRANGER. H. SBLLIB JKN5IMG8 S. J. CHANDLER, u: ' WITH ' . GRANGER & JENNINGS, , General Frodncs & Commission Merchants ' 1508 E. Main gt., Richmond, Ya. Bp clal attention given to the sale of all Kioas 01 uouniry rroanos, cc Fish, Oysters and Game. Headquarters mas am RELIABLE SELF CURE A favorite orescriDtioa- of ou of th most noted d successful specialists in the U. S. (now retired) for the cure of XeiTom Oeblllty, Xoat Manhood, Weakneis and Decay. Sent in plain Kalcd envelope Free. Druggist can fill it. Address DR. WARD Ji CO.. Louisiana, Mo. - The Mirror s (s no flatterer. iWould you make it tell a sweeter tale? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the ' looking-glass. ;c; ..v IN CONNECTION WITH THE AGENCY FOR BOTTLING The Bergncr & Engel Brewing Company's.Lager Beer Porter, &c, I KEEP ON HAND A FULL LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS AT WHOESALE, Which will be sold by the Barrel or Gallon at VERY LOW FIGURES for CASH. Ginger Ale equal to Best Imported, and superior to any procurable in North Carolina. GRAND OPENING ! FOR VALUE RECEIVED, I will give to any Person, White or Black, THE MOST GOODS for a LITTLE MONEY than any other Dry Goods Store in the city. I keep a Full Line of Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots, Shpes, Hats. Caps, and a fino assorted Stock of Gents'and Ladies' Furnish ing Goods. These Goods were bought on a Flat Market, where they wanted money worse than goods, so I bought EXTREMELY LOW for CASH, and intend giving ray friends the benefit of these bargains. 13" CALL AND BE CONVINCED. M. COHEN. Next door to Suter's Furniture Store. apl dwtf 1,1. H. SULTAN ASKS A QUESTION ! ARE YOU READY TO BUY YOUR EESPRING SUIT? If so, don't make your purchase until Cutaway Suits at Very Low Boys' Sailor Suits from $1.50 In Straw Hats we can surprise selling them. Our Stock of Underwear is COMPLETE. In Ladies' Dress Goods and Shoes we offer ASTONISHING BARGAINS. Give Us a Call, and See For Yourself. M. H. SULTAN, oc7 dwtim IF YOU WT BUY ZEIGLER BROS., BayStatcS Penitentiary TO BE HAD ONLY AT PATTERSON'S. Every pair warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Patterson's 13 Aw. to'.-- Sijjn BIG BOOT, Tan Thnoafuid Trio, Package nailed to ptv BTswrrauanti a lam pronoi imoni X AL AAliCtrif whom took a f nil treat mant and were restored to health b OM of PROP., Jjj WsaknMaand; urfl Tor NArvnnaUMiilltTr.CJramnf. idPhvlllm.1 11Mf In TnnwnpMld Am AattA Man. TMtAd fnr Fiohfc Vaaiv in mtllT - thooaand omm hr afaaoltiiAlT rtrmnatnralr .ad and brokna down men to the fall anjoymntqC perfect a ad full Manly RtrenRth and Vlsoroaa Health. iniaofiwiuinBir xrom umduidt oownirBuiuuuuuw DnNubtatxras by Indlnoretion, Juipoffare, Orer-Brftla Work, or too free Indulgence, we ask that yoa aend na roar name with statement of your trouble, and aeoora TKIJLL PACK AGE FREE, with Ulurt'd Pamphletfto. O'llif BROTHERS, o I e s a 8 e HAVE R1-M6VE1V TO THEIR TWO STORES, SOUTH OF Ajrid kee of FLOUR. MEATS, BIOliASsES. SAIiT. " TOBACCO, eTerrt Ins In tb GROCERY NEWBERN, N. C, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, AND MANUFACTURER OF you see our Nobby Sack and Prices. to $3.50. you at the LOW TRICES we are AT ASA JONES' OLD STAND BOOD SHOES, Shoe Store Middle Street. New Berne, X. C. Avoid th imposition at prettntioua rune a tea r nvuoM, ana ui v000 k krilsiiri fthlask Ksais.wA. Vltims. Tvk 8TJRJE RftUKDT that HAS 1 CURED thooaaiKla, on no interfere won tneBDon to pimibms, or cum pun or Inconvenience in enr war. Foonded on aeientina medical Drincinies. Bt direct rapplkaUonto the wet of ditwatw Ui gpeeiflo iRflmmM.a fhit wunaid otur. list namru fnactionflof the htnnaa orfranitm natored. Tha winwionnianf eiemenn or lire are grren mra, m pHmn henrwnai nltearfyl ind rapidly gaiat both etwaftk nd fieiUh TEEATMEWT.-fat ttmth, t3. Tr Moi8. Am, 17 HARRIS REMEDY CO., Kro CHOimi, - o&4 n T Troth mtr&k, 8T. ixTjia, yo, G ro c e r s, THEIR FORMER STAND, COFFEE.. BUGAU, BYRTTPS SNUFF AND CIQAkS, an IjJNEy ft .FTLI STOCK and at Ginger Ale, "Sarsaparilla, Lemon Soda, Buffalo Mead. California AOS !i3 Pear Cider, ;Etc, Etc. EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA MA RBLE WORKS, NEW BERNE. N. C. Monuments. Tombs, ud all kinds Grave anil Building work In ITALIAN&AHEMCAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attontior satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K. WILMS, Proprietor (Hueee 8Ror lo George VT. Claypoole) Cor. BROAD A A D CRAVEN Sts., NEW BERNE, N. C- O. E. Miller ig my authorized ageiit in Kinston. ma80-lrdv TIME TABLE, Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE No. 24, In Effect 12 M., Sunday, April 18th. 1880. EAST. j WEST. No. 61. No. 60 Passenger 1 Passenger STATIONS I Arr. Iye. j Arr. L't. P M. F. H. A. H. A. M. 6 07 Qoldsboro 10 12 6 51 5 54'La 9 2(1 9 2!) 6 32 8 52Kinaton,. 8 12 8 47 8.17 MewBerns, 47 P. at. P. M. A. M. A. at. Dally eNcept Sunday. EAST. I WEST. No. 1 KixedFgt. A: P&as. Train. No. 2. : Mixed Fgt. k Pass. Train STATIONS. Arr. L're: : i : 8 57 Newbern,.. 50; Rlverdale ; 9 AO Croatan 10 21 ; Havelock 11 10; Newport 11 25; Wlldwood : 11 32! Atlantic ! 11 58; Morehead City j ; Morehead Depots. P.M. Dally except Sunday Arr. L'TS. 221 5 2i 5 20; 4 55 4 15: 4 00: 3 53: 5 17 A. M. 'l 9 4 r: 9 Hi lt) 21 11 07: 11 25; 11 32- 11 48: 12 10 P. M. & 31 5 20 4 68 4 15 4 CO 3 53 3 87 8 K A.m. EAST. I WEST. No.4t Mixe." F((t. A Pass. Tra D No.S Mixed Fgt. A Pass. Train. I STATI..s. Att. Ie. i A. M. I Arr. i.'tv A M. P. . 7 (fi 6 20 P. w. I 8 45 15 10 00 10 83 U 08 11 8 U 0 1 00 l to 3 00 P. X. 8 07Oold8boio,. 8 60 I Beat'a .. 6 2.5 9 80 i La arance 10 06 I FaUlBgUscek 10 48IKiVoti 11 HCasweU U 40 Dow.TT.7 13 25 Core Cr.k 1 05 I Tntcaror 1 t I Clarke's 5 41 ft 66 66W-0 -4 It it ,4 KH 03 83 148 303 1 48 105 2 43 203 146 Tnesday.Thnrsda- and Patnrday. Train 60 eonnecta 1th Wilmington A Wnl- don Train brnnd North, leaving Ooldsboro 11:35 a. m.. ad with Richmond 4 D nvllle Train Wcai, leavlna; Qoldsboro 12:3$ p.m And w umintrton x weldon Train Sooth at 4:64D.ra. Train 51 eonoecta with Rirhmrmd A na-illa Train, arrtrinr at Ooldsbero 4:40 an.,and with w umineion ana wetion Anun Irom uia North at 4:64 p.m." - . - Train 4 with V. M W Trell lmnnA Bouth, lenng Qoldsboro at 7:38 a ' : W. Dunn, T ' - L017TRICES for CASH,;" -tf -r 24b Foci: i.:ttc;n kn '-,. ' ; - Vi Tapertntendexitv-' n '