rCBUSHKKB AIBOVRCUKBT. . rtUC DAILY JOUHNAL U St column paper, published dally, except Monday, at 4.00 per year, $3.00 for six months. Delivered t owelty subscribers at 50 cents per month. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL, a 38 eoluma ' paper, is published every Thursday at 2.00 .per annum. - . ' .- ADVERTISING BATES , (DAILY) One Inch one day $1.00; one week $2.00; one mon th' ft.Mt three months 110.00; six months 15.00; twelve months $30.00. v . Advertisements under head of "Business , Locals," 10 cents per line for first, and 6 cents - for erery subsequent Insertion. . ' ' : Mo ad vertisemenU ill beluai.'.ed between ; tacal matter at any price.- 5 r " ' , ! t i Jfottees of Marrlfccea orDeaths. not to exceed a lines will be Inserted free. All additional matter will be enarged 5 cents per line. - amadelaedvarw. RnUr.dv.rH.m..4. USeCI. It 18 BlmpIV ft BiaSS Of Blinnte, ? WlUbecolteotedDroniDtlv at the en I of each .but V6rY tOQgh fibres. , that look montn. - j. I rjoder the'rnicroacope like the finest uommnui-ationseontalnlnsnews or a dis- ami whitest 01 Wool. This Will make ossion or- oca! matters are solicited. a ew demand fOT CJpreSS a tim vuuiuiuumiiuiD niuii ue expectant to uu puir i . . - . a , -tuna that eontaln. eblectionable penori.l- tha abounds iq these lowlands . lUeat withholds the nrme of the author: or uuu uueu UUUIU9 : immense S1ZS. . that will make more than one column of this -i oaper. , . 5 ' , - Any person feellns agavleved at any anony , uous communication can obtain the name of '- ua aathor by application at this offloe and . snowing wnerein me grievance exists. deprived of most of its water, re daced to the desired thickness, and then carried to v the dryer. The system employed was invented by a Swede, Eckmann by name. This establishment represents an invest ment or $ 65,000. Sew and costly machinery has been ordered, which win aaa considerably to that sum One of the buildings is "two stories high, and 200 feet long by 40 feet wide; another is 80 feet long, of the same width as the first, and 3 stories high. " A' laboratory , and a brick kiln, A r roasting', magnesite, are also ; parts- of this establishment The pulp has been pronounced by experts the best they Lave ever Doubtless the success attending tms new enterprise will lead many like it in the. coast counties of the South. THE JOURNAL. K. s. wvmn. - SHARPER. - - Edltar, Business Haaa;ri JISW BERNE. N. C. MAY 11 1886. Entered at the Post oirtce at New Barn, as Mcoad-class matter. N 0. THE TfiUCKIKU DISTRICT Of 5 NORTH CAROLINA. Col. B. S. Pardee writing from New Berne to the Baltimore Manu facturer's Record says: j : This section of the State owes to a merchant of New Berne, Mr. Geo. Allen, a debt of gratitude for origu natin? tbis imoortant ana pron li able industry. A Captain's Fortunate Discovery. ipt. uoieman. senr. wevmouth. dit injt between Atlantic City and N. Y. had been troubled with a cough so that ne was unable to Bleep, and was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery; for Consumption. It not only gavejhim in stant relief, but allayed the extreme soreness in hie breast His children were similarly affected and a tingla dose had. the same haDor effect. Dr King's New Discovery is now the stan dard remedy in the Coleman household and on board the schdbner. Free trial bottles of this Standard . Remedy at Hancock Bros. Drug Store. The Pittsburgh Ministers' Asso ciation the other day deeide-i in favor of boycotting Sunday news papers and retail liquor Btorea Then they stopped a resolution con deming the boycott as "a method Fifteen years of coercion unmanly and cowardly, the people here bought their earlj - X?ilZr" T1 ; ha tw nM "id religious institutions." aiidu. iuu.ii.wu I rk r tk;- i, iij Ui. ! I!.!, nMtnl.la trnls I UUCll UU1UUC1 VOUDU UbbCU (iiiiA- a fa nn Aifwnnu rn onnnt i " v"" few " VM his view. ' At first it was up hill inconsistency; but the resolution wnrlr h.lt. thn fnw who took his ad. luoutuc Dam ": " i: i wi fKof I makes all the difference vivo r ci a du aiuyij .vi in It the lone the business was established on a permanent footing. I was taken, today by Mr. Green, of the banking firm of Green, Foy & Con out into the heart of the tracking district in this immediate vicinity. This was the first general pea picking of the season world whose ox is boycotted. Economical Chinamen. Liv- ing among the humble classes of Chinese working in San Francisco is very cheap. A man who earns only four cents a day will live on There two cent8 an two meals; the re were fields of from fifty to one bun dred and fifty acres in extent green with vines, and dotted over with bands of industrious pickers, while by the side of the cart paths were Dilea of crates, and at intervals at the nds of the row were those that had been filled, standing on end read v for the stencil. Mule carts laden with fnll crates were encount- maining two cents will pay for the shelf on which he lies at night and what clothing he may need. For ten cents a day a Chinaman can get in Ceinatown two meals of rice, saic nsn ana vegetables, and wash each meal down with a enp of good Cargon. Ten persons eating twice a day of two kinds of meat and vegetables, and the never absent I wtiAA n . rl V . i A eer ered on the hiehways, while others 1 . BUU lV u uuaru lor 1":o - . . i u'l i' n u ty rr t n were in the fields receiving loads. Whenever a crate was filled the picker received twenty-five cents from the superintendent, and went back to the row with an empty bas- Why is it that the sirl with the bie gest feet always wants to nlar Cinder eiiaf we aon't know; but we do know that the best remedy for coughs and ket trod happy face to resume her colds is the far-famed Dr. Bull's Cough occnnation. At least two thousand oyrap. women and children were at work Kiw.T SrfeSC IJewSlore! New Goods! 11,500. The steamer Shenandoah y ' " ' bargains ! bargains! I wish to inform my friends and the public in general, that I have just took away 4,000 crates this even ing; the railroad half as many more, most of which will be delivered in New York Monday morning, and kofnM fliio luf f nv io rinKlta rtofl frnm 110.000 to $12,000 will have been roturDed from the Northern Markets, received here for this day's pea where I have purchased a shipments. Turnips, cabbages and Irish potatoes will follow the pea crop in rapid succession, and, as daring this week there were two days of rain, all these vegetables are looking well, and give promise Of ft speedy and abundant crop. The most forward potatoes are now about the size of pullets eggs, and cabbages are beginning to head. The branch house of Moore & Very Large and Well Assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats. Caps, And everything you can call for that Brady, of Baltimore, has done a is kept in a First Class Dry Goods nne. Dnsiness in canning oysters .nd ninthinv SUn. last Wednesday. They have put in some very fine pear canning ma chinery this spring, and will com mence that branch or their business at once. This firm Becured from the city, at a nominal price, the lease for 99 years of an extensive If I can't ; sell yon goods of every kind cheaper than any other house in tie city (quality considered) I will give them away. I bought Ion and I am determined to sell low. I would be pleased, to i frontage on the Mease river, where nTa Jn examine my stock. DUFFY'S COLOl. Absolutely Pure This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, trenKih, and wbolesomenesa. More eeoDomleal than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In eomnetltlon with the mnltltnde of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate rnwders. Sold only lu cans. Botax Basjuo owsBBOoltWWaU-UN.Tr . novlS-lTdw Seltzer CURE FOR r an elegautf efflcaelons, CONSTIPATION. RoVi.V VWIIVI I II ""ldncin when diuolved In water aa Exhilerat- ing, rre r ve so 1 n i DrauKh t. reoommendei by our bvst Physlolans a a reliable and agree able remedy. It cures constipation, cores ln- - digestion, cures Dys y .. pepsla,oures Flles.eures ' Heartburn cures Slck Sicl(-Headache.a2s,:ti.onadrne8n,5y R -, jW nrges all the Excretory BARGAIN A gain ful or satisfactory transaction."-Webster. We repeat with' em phasis, everything ; for merly mentioned in this . eoluhan v calling attention to the many "Bargains" with which our1 store is packed from the bottom to the too, and after reading the above definition of this much discussed word, we hope, if you want J "gainful or satisfactory transactions," that you will visit our "Bargain Store." We invite the oxnni nvcPFPm uon?n.horaun0d public to inspect, !com- U I OlCrOIH sin every household and 1 7 pare, ana juage ior carried by every traveler. everywhere. Bold by druggists I apajawim A BIG OFFER To introduce them, we will vive wir i. mv eeif-uneranng Washlug Machines. If you want one send o your same. at once. apr.U :m O. and express office The National Co.. ill Uey St , N. Y. j ADIES WAItTltD-To work for us at tueir own homes, $7 to tlOper week can be easily made; no canvassing; faicl Dating and steady employment. Pertlcn lar ana samoie or tne work sent for stamp. Address HOME M'F'Q CO., P. O. Box Win, uoston, Mara. uprW lm themselves, quality at all times considered. We have cheap or low-priced goods for those wanting goods of such character, and arnere, I -i n -t medium or tine goods t OI aZJS saw S11U IIAIB (1 it j 1 ?B,o8nTARDap8?B fr those wanting such kinds, but do not dis IVCKVUUd DEBILITATED MEN. Toa ar allowed a frm trial afthtrfv da of the or Dr. vya CtWnted Voltaie BeH wlta '-"bm ' m-m ' f 'W -11 :L ' Al. ' "ha Hon in rws - mir nni ar is wnrm omv. 78c, exchange it at once at ; . . . . TMB:ME STTKE, . "JUST OlMDNED BY Next to I. H. Cutler, for $1.25 worth of the Best Lot of Goods you ever laid eyes on. Boys, I've got . them this time. . Gassimere Suits made in tne correct style, warrantea not to fade, for $5.00, worth $8.00. Fine Cassimere Suits for 8.00, worth 12.00 Fine Corkscrew, : : 10.00, " 15.00 Extra Fine Diagonal, 16.00. " 20.00 Oar Strew Bats, regular stunners, way down in price. Our Crush hat at A. r,n - l. . I. 1 1-: ... f T : If .: J If :M slouches and within everybody's reach. - Our fine French Fur Derby, 6th Ave. style, latest You ru an 'a block, is a beauty; also Full Crown Hats for full grown men with extra size brains. ' . '.. In Scarfs and Ties, the boys WHO KNOW say I take the bakery. You must come and take a peep. Dave Jones will show them, whether you buv or not. Our line of Shoes is full up to the mark. BAND-MADE CALFSKIN Low quarters for $3.50, worth (6.00. All that for the b?ys, but we have not forgotten the Ladies either. We have gome special bargains for them: An imported braided Jersey -for $1.50, worth $2 50. . A woolen Jersey for 50c, worth $1.50. Linen Towels at Sc.; Turkish Towels, large size, at 10c ; our Damask Towel, 40 inches long, at S5c, is worth a dollar. Nothing but Bargains at GEORGE ASH'S, ; New store next to L. H. Cutler's. R want 8ALEWMEN everywhere, local ana traveling, to sen oar will pay good salary and all ex Write for salary wan W AKH. UUM1"I, KieCtrlO BUMUMT AimlluiM. tm tkm rjllefaBd permaMntmiieof Ktrmut ImMIUu, lorn . . sun jiomw, ana uu Kmaraa irounje. AIM) for DlAflT OthAP ri1u.ua (VinW. wnm- tlon to Healli, V Igor md Manhood inwruiteed. nonttB IncnrrM. rllwtrated ptunpalet UmoW VwiaXAlu 1.1 CO., Karsoall, Kiea, of trade. Ou store is for the public and we at all times welcome any in 'searcl of Bargains. As to competition, with the W. P. BURRUS & CO., " large and imposing OBAIN AND COTTON hmiflAR that, nrfi n nil city," we would say that our building is much smaller than we would like it to be out il you compare what is in it. with COMMISSION NEW BI2ICNE feblidw MEECHANTS, N. C. ACID PHOSPHATE, Whann's Ammoniated Super-Phosphate, Lister Dissolved Bone other stores, think you Phosphate, Navassa Guano, AT I0W, PRICES. GEO. ALLEN & CO. they pat np a large building and a wharf. With their sheila they are AAnafmitfinr wh nwrrna a n dina wuou uvuiug n uat uu vs. which will, in a few years, be com pleted and give them a very large place ior the transaction of their business. The extensive establishment of the S. H. Gray Mannfaotnring i Company, at .the month of the Trent river, opposite this city, is the most conspicuous group of build ings in view of travellers coming, by steamers, from Albemarle Hound. In these buildings are made mil lions of wooden plates ior grocers, pie dealers and picnickers. Here also are the pulp works, where cypress logs - are torn into small fragments by a peculiar .machine, and these are drawn by an air blast into the great cauldron where they are boiled toa pulp, This is pumped into a huge tank, and stirred in water until free of all dirt, when it is run out into a paper machine, My Motto is More goods and bet ter goods for a. little money than any other Dry Goods House in the city. Veryrespectfully, ; ' Wm. SDXTAN.. pishop Building, opp. Baptist Church, mw24 dwtf ' i ; Middle street. A. 'ThohaS, Salesman " All -Sorts of v I- - 5:"- - - '.':r' -s "'.-- hurts and many sorts of ails of man and. beast 'seed a tooling loUon Mustang liniment. . , ., i i ' ; - ? - ' . 1 1 .';':-. i K ( u '-"-:- will decide that goods with us 1 are abundant -We are grateful and thankful for past fa vors, and a continu- n - t i ancc or your valued patronage, is most earnestly solicited. UPHOLSTERY GOODS. : Vi'S.J.' SLOAIIE FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY: Good quality 4-4 Bleached Domestics for 6 1-2 cents, worth 8 cents. - ; TORCHON Laces, 12 cents stock Is now IHVTtE ATTENTION TO THE ATTRACT IVB PRICES AT WHICH THEIR TIRS STOCK IS BEINQ OFFRI. A ilaatrs , from tl.OO per yd. upward Wlltana , k from 1.7 5 per yd. upward Maqaettca ' - from 1.88 per yd. opward Baay Bnui.li from ,0 par yd. upward for 1 2 T ardSa InaralB ' ' from -' .RO oer yd. upward CUktma Bfattlitfr from .1 par yd. upward Swlaa La Cmrtal from 4.59 par pair upward Hadrma Tsmem Cartalns - from t SO par pair upward Aatlaa aad Frcacli Cartalai from S3. ft per pair apwaia "r "iV , atlsfy ; you. ; Samples for T"S.:. c"V5.ror Z:?'ZZ I shed upon appUcatlon. 1 """fm tl.OO paryd.npw.rd SATURDAY, iTa varwim Wladaw Our Shoe complete. ' . ; Come to see us for all kinds of Goods, and we will we propose MCTftSm j per 'yd upward to give you a drive in Men's, trSSauuir""'' Youth's and Boy's Straw Hats. If you want a Straw Hat, you can save about one third by buying from us. Respectfully submitted, SAMPLES BENT WHEN DESIRED AND .PROMPT ATTENTION PAID TO ALU - MAIL ORihS. -. J C-rrpoadKC laTltcd. iBroadway and ;19th . Street, ' - NEW -YORK. marl dsm : . ALEXANDER OLDHAM, JAJIE8 BARNES. jr Liaio Kroprie tor pe i ear r lour unci i-enri uicest ana moit experienced rrucK f Hottiny JilllB, Wilmington, N.C. Farmer In North Carolina. II LrTIAIVI &c BAKNEH. I II I ' -X3Lex'A'1 Oommiaalon 3VEexrola.ei.xa.tiw, I J J We solicit ( qntlKnment at North Carolina Track Prodact. The HandlinK of North Carolina FUh a Specialty. . AND INSURE HIGHEST H1KKET PRICES) Mention tliK pnpr. Onlck Salei and Prompt Retnraa. - apl6dw8m Spring and Sumnier -1886. Our Spring Stock of Nobby Sack and Cutaway Suits is now noarl anmrilcte. Plaid Suits. Straight Cuts, are ths style, of which we have a large variety. Boys, Youths and Children's Suits. Boy's Sailor Suit, $1.76 to $ 4.00. Men's Blue Flannel Suits at low prices. Our Blue Suite at 110.00 we guarantee Fast Color. Ve have a larger stock of Straw flats than ever before. .- Men's and Boy's 50c. Straw Uats a specialty, as good as you have been paying -f 1.00 for. v . 50 doz. 5c. Hats. Men's Mackinaw, Manilla and Crash Straws in one hundred different styles. , , "Our stockf Summer Underwear is very complete, (iauze Shirts, 25oi up. Also BalbrJgan and Summer Merino. Bath in cr Suits at fl 00. We havo a nice line of Stacy Adams & Co.'s High and Low Shoes, the best in the market. ' Affents for .Tas. Means' 9S3.0O ShnAo. Celluloid and Linen Collars and Cuffs. ova nnm VAAAf.inn O.mk. O XT 1 TIT w r Handkerchiefs, ctc . ; t We bought a drummer's samples of Suspenders, Silk Handkerchiefs, Neck t -a. uidvp ja hwd auu uuu w ill ffillUU WU Viler UT SfKlUSt j ihe Uelobrated fiSAliL BU1KTS and our Boss Colored Shirts artf the best in the market. N Boy's and Men's Bycicle Shirts. . ' utian Auaiiuiujjo, xruuaa, vaiUUB, ana onawi OirapS. We are agents for Rogers, Peet & Co.'s Full Line of 8amples. - . Be sure-and see us when in need of anything in our line. ' ' ' pG dwtf HOWARD & JONES, , ' - Opposite Episcopal Church. THE NEW BERNE ' LIVERY, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLES. " I AM PREPARED TO; Furnish Fine Mules & Horses LOWEST PRICES Teams taken and eared for by tba dav. week or month.- - A drove of Mules and Horses just received o. hvbbs, . : . febldtf .' f " . Proprietor, J. C. ETHERIDGE & CO.. Cottcn Factors and Commission Merchants ; 110 WaUr SU eet, NarTolk, Ta. Conslirnmehta rif OOTTON. torn. vtt.K NUTS, und 1'ARM PRODUCTS solicited, , i uruKncn t ' ,i Williams Bros,. Norfolk. Va -fl. K. W hltoBro., ' -UarlneBank, ' " ' - Jniadwly ': ' ' - i 'ST FREE! XRELI&BLE SELF CURE f C A favorite prescnnooB of one of the non tooted and successful tnecblisH in th IT e. (now retired) for the core of Kerroae Debility, tee Manhood. Wenknuud Senr, Scut m puun seaiea emretope rree, uruggisti can fiu Addres DR. WARD A CO.. Louisiana. Mo. For Sale or To Let Mr entire Slock, upon the most reason shin terms, to bona flde purchasers, (No middle men treated with.) I will sell nr entire strrk-nf rrrnATtp. tpl. BiOUU. U1UAK&TTKH, riPF.8. and Fancy Articles, to any one In want, for CASH, from day to day till all IS disposed of. Also, Bods Witter, Ginger Ale and Oswego UeeD Rock Water. Candles, etc.. etc In fat any goods I have In stock, all good and fresh. This determination Is at rived at for the rea. sonthnt I waotto change toy business, (1. e.) FTJiu ri i wwa, JtKJi IIJ1KR IT, WILI,PAT whn I come ix Ao.irt. I find this plan don't work well, and I wish to sell out. And this Is to LETyon know It. WM. U PALMER, Kear comer of South Front and Middle sta. - - - Change of Pier in Kew TorL - The N. C. Freigtt LiDe . ? FOR NEW YORE, v ;boston, peovidenoe, tad atf v&nt . v- 'H ' -', - - ' rVortti a.nl "West ' Ifter this data will rseslTs meat la New Yo " for HswBmsat .. '!:-';"' PIEB 7. NORTU -RIVER, - Offloe of New Tori And Baltimot Transportation Co. - ."''. .' Uerchanu shonld ransmber that thU la on oi thi best Steam Lines out of Dew York, makina dallr eonneetioa with Baitlmni-ai tr-r u. u ? all inside, sad only one chants.. v , .T SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMEBS ' etireen Few Bane ; and" Baltmori (Toachbig at Horfblk) :'; ' l ''' :: 1 AliiAl S At f It m I .atat wm Dal.i., - Ksw Bems WEDNLSDATS dnd BATtmniva P-ai. . .-,::-,.. ,,- , AsaU are aa follsws: . ' EUBHT roSTXR, Oeal JTsnairer, : NLichtSt.Bsl't.aTd AS. W. MoOABRIOX. Aft Norfolk, Ya. . W. f. Oyda fle, PhUadsIphla, 11 Boat -harres. . , Tors Balto.Tran.. Line, Pier ,Non river E.Sampsoa, Boston, 63 Central wharf. K.H. Rockwell, Providence K.I. D.O. Mink, Fell River, Derrick wharf. IP '-B"'ob, Taedaya and Satsrdajs. il7" New Yor n''y. v - " " Baltimore, Wwlnmdiiya andSatnrdas . " 7 r" fiiver, Uondafs. Wedaeeaays . t rrldaye. Provldi-nce, Satardftvt hrongh bills lading given, and rateigasraa to all points, at the diff.rent nfflees of . -psalee. .--..' lT;id l::;i cl izl IB ill N. Z. LINE. d KarM lyS B 3RA1 Ac Hew yns If

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