. . . Baker l ine uuuud i iau uaigama; W JS UAVJEi JHU JjaI VJiO ; we niea selling common gooas caeap last fall and found they did not at all suit our customers. So no more trash for - us.. - Wo intend to sell only good goods at very low prices. We do not claim to bare a monopoly ot an tne gooa or an toe nne dry goods to be tound in the city; bat we do claim to carry many things in fine. Dress Goods and Trim mings, and a thousand other things that ladies uso which you cannot find in any other, store, .r ' . . We are running on Quality this season, and wo are determined to pell our Customers Good Goods for Very Little Money. ; ' We desire to sell the Ladids trade, and we intend to keep just thi s'ncJ: they need. Call and ee& us and send for samples, anything yoi ,., . .. j... us " WtMIitUlOUi . If you have favored any other Store with tho bulk of your trade, vc du QVU JUU w ucsvi vuciu , vmjr jrvu wajr uuv duuic guuun lu uur I3buru XlUt 'obtainable elsewhere. If bo, we would be glad to have a share of your natrons tre. . To our regular customers we would say we have just the goods tor you this . season. But.no trash at catch-fly price?. No more' of that for us. We intend to sell only the best goods mat tne trado win buy at ROCK BUT' tptwi PUTfTES. STWATJ". PROFITS will cive vou nice mods verv .AVU.1U. A M X mmmmmtmmmm O J J cheap, VI ? ; . . rieaso don't call on us for Bargains, Bargains, Bargains. We UU1 U liV" V " 1 f ' " - Jl UVU0 " - AWA Unltnw Prififlg. SUMMER SILK v - In striped and plain. FIGUED LINEN LAWN : : Lovely quality. FRENCH SATINE .. In several styles. FOULARDS In colors and black, just the goods for a cool mourning dress BATISTE- J ' in cream ana wuuu ugucu. T. AWNS .. Of all kinds, figuod and solid colored and white. We have a good lawn in -figuod and white at five cents ; then wo have rafts of such goods as India Linen, India Lawn, French Mull. Nainsook, Dimity, Embroidered Mullt Persian Lawn, and twenty Btylcs of fancy and plain white mulls in nice quality. TnP.T!S-r- In quality better than any brought to this market for years, and yet at rock bottom prices witnin tne reacn oi an p.mrrotbtjries At all priocsfrom the cheapest to tho best kept in this market, such as Irish Point Mull Embroideries and bwiss Edges, either in sets or per yard. LACES- .. . 'IVtrnrirmfl in all the many qualities and styles, borne ot them are just superb. If you want any kind of fine Lace call on us FINE GOODS AND SMALL PKOFITS IS OUR MOTTO. wnR.RTF.Ti noons For Dresses we have Albatross; Nuns Veilings in all Wool and (1.Ua Tlnnmifti ninth Ha-rorra w rtTQTofl Sgtmos Cashmeres, Tiamese, Light weight Tricot, etc A fTTTfl'WR Large and small. They are so very stylish this season for trimming, we bought some elegant styles. LJUJ6 Braids for trimming, and that elegant stylish MOSS Fringe. -We have all of them in different shades. JERSEYS We have some very fine Jerseys in the latest styles, and they are cheap. Call and see them and you will be sure to buy. SHOES- We sell the celebrated Element Weil and Ball Shoe ; they are fine and are sure to fit. Every pair is warranted. If you want a good fine shoe, buy that shoe. CORSETS- We carry a full line of them, such as Ball's, Dr. Strong's Tampeco, Warner's, Mad ame Foy's Side Laced, nd ! several other ' makes of cheaper . Btylcs. HOSIERY See our Freneh Eibbed Hose for boys at Twenty-five Cents. One pair will outwear five ordi- nary hose and will not fade. ... Wa nirrv a fall line of Lisle J - - and Cotton IIose. j HANDKERCHIEFS-. ' We challenge the town to excel ''TMf in style, price and "quality. PARASOLS- " . i it wiU do. you good to see eur .. stock of Parasols, and surprise i. you as to price. ' GENT'S SHIRTS ,AVe carry ; - The Diamond Shirt. Of course. His the - best Shirt made.- 'V THE JOURNAL; NEW BERNE. N. .C. MAY 11. 188f. BALLS CORSETS The ONLY CORSET made that can be returned by ha purchaser after three weeks' wear if not found PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY In arerf respect, and lu price refunded by seller. Made in a Tariety of styles and price. Beware of worthless imitat ons. None genuine without Ball's ftaiue q box HANG IT.flARIA' REIIEIIBER! -A'. LL-BAKE?, has no Bargains, to offer, but Eclb Gcod Goods at Why don't you buy rhy shirts ready-madtf ? - Whaf s the use ol - wearing your eyes out over fine needle work, and breaking "your back trying to save a few cents ! I don't see the savin of it . Why, you can buy shirts now-a-days for very little more than the cost , of material. - Look at this '.' Dia mond" I've just bought -I say Maria, I am going to buy a dozen more rij-t away. , : Bro. Gardner on BeTlralists:' "I hold heah in my hands," said Brother Gardner as the sneezing, coughing and snaffling died 'away in Paradise Hall,' "a letter axin' how dls Lime-Kiln Clnb stands on de Salvashnn Army queshun. It axes far an honest expresbifn of my lndiwidual upinyuD, an darfore shan't compromise any of de res' of you when I say: 'If a revivalist has got to d ver eves to save yer soul den daro somethin' wrong wid othodox re ligun. "If de way to Heaven am lined wid whoopiu', howlin', screamin neu an' women I should reckon dat loas' of de chill'en would git scart i id turn back. "De man or woman who can't 'sperience a change of heart in church congregashnn of respecta ble people won't be very apt to hit it in a barracks half-filled wid loafers. "It seems to be a goo.d deal easier for pussons to believe dey hev a call to go out an' spread de gospel den for 'em to believe dey hev a call to make a livin' by day's work. "If it has become necessary to scare a man into callin' hisself Cnnstian it am no wonder dat re ligun doan' pay back borrowed money any sooner dan older folks. "It Ham Jones can convert men to Christ by a mixture of humor, pathos, farco an' sense, delivered in an ole barn, what's do nse of our costly church edifices an' high-sala ned ureachers t "It am my opinyun dat nine tents oi dese wanderin' revivalists will hevjist as hard work to squeeze into Heaven as de aiverage sinner "When you skcer a man into obeyin'delaw you doan' make law-abidin7 citizen ol mm any mo dan you make a Christian of a man whom you skeer into gittin' up in a crowd an' declarin'dat beam gwine to lib a different life." A Bad Fix. Thousands of men and women all over the country are silently miserable, while the outside world think you have no cause to grieve. But, ah I We pro nounoe no anathemas against any other remedy, but we assert that one single bottle of B. B. B. will do more in the cure of any case of blood poison than twelve bottles of any other. Our book is free and it tells the tale. Address, Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Sold in New Berhe by R. N. Duffy and E. H. Meadows. He Knew What he Wanted, Brown I say, Smith, what's the attraction up this way? 1 see you passing quite frequently. Smith Yes, six nights in the week, and twice on Sunday. There's a lady in tne case, old man. Brown An, ha I 1 see. liat six nights in the week and twice on Sunday is rather thick, isn' it? I found that twice a week was smith Yes, but you married a young lady. I'm courting a widow I know what I'm about, old man. a'cahd. To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FKErS OF CHAKUU. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D. Vew York Citv nl 7 d wy A man entered an asylum for in ebriates, and asked, "Do you treat drunkards heret" "Yes, sir," re plied the attendant. "Then show me the bar," he yelled, for I'm a drunkard !" When somd deep and immedicable wound" takes yonr breath away, don't lie down in despondency, bnt send a boy with twenty-five cents to the near est druggist for a bottle of Salvation Oil. A NEW MAN And NEW GOODS! I have Just opened a First-Class Fancy and Staple Grocery, and will also always keep on hand a Select Stock of Qerman and French DeUcaclei at TEISER'8 OLD STAND, on Broad street Soliciting the trade I made my motto GOOD GOODS AND LOW PRICES. Very respebtfaUy. ldwem - A, M. JAOOBSON. W. X. GRANGIR. H. 8KLLII JINHINGS 8. J. CHANDLER, with '. GRANGER & JENNINGS, eneral Produce & Commission Merchnts 1808 K. Haln St., RleluaaMd, Va. Sofclal attention Riven to the sale of all kind of Country Prodnoe, c , Headqnarten Flu, oyateri ana uta. mutm 0 The Mirror is no flatterer. ; Would you make it tell a sweeter tale? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. - i iJ t&Mm REM mizsz&fr' s:mmm i: mm hi NEWBERN, N. C, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, AND MANUFACTUKER OF Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla, Lemon Soda, Buffalo Mead. California Etc, Etc. ;IN CONNECTION WITH THE AGENCY FOR BOTTLING The Bergner & Engel Brewing Company's Lager Beer, Porter, &c, I KEEP ON HAND A FULL LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS AT VHOESALE, Which will be sold by the Barrel or Gallon at VEliY LOW FIGURES for CASH. Ginger Ale equal to Best Imported, and superior to any procurable in North Carolina. MAX SCHWERIN, The Leading lofhing, Hat and Shoe Store, Never allows any oho undersell him, and therefore offers now the foKowing Big Bargains : Suits from 'J.W) up to $20.00. An all-wool .Men's Knit for ?1.7V Genuine Assauet Indigo Blue Klunnel Hulls, warrant ed not to fade, at only $4.00. The flntst display and very latest styles of Choice Scarfs, 4 In hand Ties, Grenadine and. other Windsor Scarfs, Ties and Hows In the State. It will pay you to iook at tne recently patenteu Mean mat 1 am seumg, Xlinonly correct styles of Derby and Straw Hats in the city. 1'laln and striped French Ualbrlgan and Gauze Underwear. Beautiful assortment of Gents' ' J Hos?. Good I'llnls, 1 cts. a yard. Heavy t-t Unbleached Homespun, 5 els. a yard. Hest Checked Homespun, only 7 cts. a yard. Gooi, Honest and Solid Slioesat the very lowest prices. I AM.SDle Agent for A. A. BATTLES' MEN'S ANI BOY'S CALK SEWED S2.50 SHOES. The only Shoes sold tnthis cltythat are WARRANTED: by the Manufae- Hirer id meaku hi mbtu ait custom imim. v z. : Every pair Is WARRANTED : should any of them In any way within any reasonable time give out, I will upon io turn oiaamai'f(l pair anri statement as to teriKin oi wear E1THKR REFUND THE MONEY or GIVE A N OTHER NEW PAIR IN EXCHANGE. the best, finest and cheapest Shoo In I lie world for the iui uey. GE7C) It Is MAX SCHWERIN, ap2I dwtf Middle Street, Corner Union Alley, directly opposite Baptist Church, SIGN OK FLAG. r.l. H. SULTAN ASKS A QUESTION ! ARE YOU READY TO BUY YOUR SPRING SUIT? If so, don't make your purchase until you see our Nobby Sack and Cutaway Suits at Very Low Prices. Boys' Sailor Suits from $1.50 to $3.50. In Straw Hats we can surprise you at the LOW PRICKS wo are selling them. Our Stock of Underwear is COMPLETE. In Ladies' Dress Goods and Shoes we offer ASTONISHING BARGAINS. Give Us a Call, and See For Yourself. M. H. SULTAN, oc7 dwQat AT ASA JONES' OLD STAND IF YOU WANT 8000 SHOES, ZEIGLER BROS., -A.TX13- Bay State Penitentiary TO BE HAD ONLY AT PATTERSON'S. Every pair warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Patterson's Shoe Stored EASTERN N0BT11 CAROLINA MARBLE WORKS, XEWItERE. N.C. Monuments, Tombs, And nil kinds Urave and liulldlng work In ITALIAN&AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attentior satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K. WILLIS. Proprietor Hucceesor 10 George W. Claypoole) Cor. BROAD AbD CRAVEN St 8,, NEW BERNE, N. C- O. E. Miller is io K inn ton. my authorized agei t ma30-lTdw TIME TABLE, Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE No. 24. Ia Efloct 12 M. , Sunday, 188G. April 18th. No. 61. Passenger WEST. STATIONS I No. 5U I I'assenger Ait. L't. Arr. L't. r u. p. M.l A. H. A.M. b OTIQoldsboro 1( Yl 6 51 5 51 La arangn .. 9 2t 9 2 6 E 6 52Kinstoii, 8-12 8 47 8.17 New Berne 17 P. M. P. M l A. U. A. . Daily except Sunday. EAST. WST. No. l. Mixed Fgt.: Paw. Train, j STATIONS. Arr. 9 ! ' 9 5a; 10 21- 11 U7 11 25; II 32; 11 48- 12 lOf P. M. L've: No. 2. i Mixed Fgt. I Pasa. Train Arr." L"e" 8 57 Newbern, 60; Rirerdale 9 s9; Oroatan , 10 21; Hnvelock 11 10; Newport 11 25 ; WlldwooU.. ::::::::::::: r 6 22 5 29 5 20 ; 4 55: 4 15: 4 00 3 58; 3 17; II 32! Atlantic 11 58; Morehead City : moreneaa iepot.; : A.M. I Daily except Sunday. 5 SI 5 20 4 68 4 15 4 UO 8 58 3 S7 5 05 A. M. EAST. I WEST. No.S HUed FKt. A rasa. Tram. L'n. feisdw try Sign BIQ BOOT, Middle Street. New Berne, X. C. DAIL BROTHERS, olesale Crocers. , ' ".; HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR . . TV0 STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND, And keep of FLOUB, MEATS, COFFEE. StJQAK, SritUPS. MOLASsES. SALT, -TOBACCO, SNUFF . AKD( CIGAttS, n eTerrthlntr in theg GKOCEKT J.1NE, a TULIt STOCK and at LOW TRICES for CASH. ' i4b 8 45 9 16 10 00 10 33 11 08 11 30 13 20 100 1 20 too r. m. A. M. 8 07 8 50 f 30 10 06 10 48 11 11 11 40 13 26 1 05 1 23 P. X. STATIONS. Goldeboro, nasi LsOnuig,... F&lliM Creek. Caswell. DoTer. . ,,i (lor Ore.k . TniearorK Clarke', New ham No.4f Mixee FKt a Pua. Tra'n, Arr. L'tb P. tt. 7 05 8 20 S 41 OS in 8 28 2 48 S 03 145 P. V. 8 25 J5 '4 03 8 S3 3 48 ! 3 08 . I 48 116 Tnetday, TnrJT and Batardar. fMonday, Weineday and Friday. , Train 50 connect with Wilmington Wel ?.E Trmla 'ind- North, leaTtnc Ooldaboro Uj85 a. idh adU with Richmond J nville Train Wett, learlng Ooldaboro 12 35 p.m and Wilmington & Weldon Train South at 4:54 p.fa. Train 61 eoaaeeu with Ktchmoad A banrille Traim, arriTiac at Ooldsbero 4:40 p.m., and with Wilmington and Wei ion Train bom the North at 4:54 p.m. Train 4 connect with W. 4 W. Train bound South, leaving Ooldaboro at 7:88 p.m. : W. Dunn, " ' !8uperlntenicr;t. '

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