0. r ,'- C0 o 3 O O PI " p 3 s : 0) o 71 o 53 00 00 00 on H CFQ S Pi 2 o Pi - o c 0) S 3 CD i O CD 3 o 5 o 5 Wholesale AVill find ns thorongulj prepared in every detail to meet all requirements, as irs hare more particularly looted ont lor the interest of our WHOLESALE . BUYERS this season than ever before. y Don't fail to call on us as ire take ' pleatnre in showing goods, and ouo prices cannot be beaten. : Hoping to see all of "our many PAST patrons and as many more new ones,. '. -.. . v . ". - . i : , 7 ' . j - - '. - -'--.- - " ' ' . - Wo are Tery truly. 1 , -:- cr 3 "O c o ST CD rr- " c 0) PI M- Pi 29 r o r pi 0) -J CD o o fl P P PI 53 PI - J K 39 THE JOURNAL. NEW BERNE, N. a. MAY 11." 1886. Arrival and Departure Mails , MAIL (CLOSES. : i For North, West and South, via A. 6 w.u.K.K.at7.-O0a.m. - For Beaufort j and the ; East, at 0.00 p. m.. r, ; . For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 6:00 a. m. For Trenton, Polloksville and .Mays- Tiue, aaiiy at 70 a. m. For QrantBboro, Bay Riyer an 1 Van demere, daily at 6 a. m. - OFFICE HOUB3: t'- In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing Department ' from V a. m. to 0 p. m. Kinston Items. James W. Hodges, sr., of Beaufort county, was in town on Wednesday, May 6th, having some dental work done. W. B. Murrill and lady of Gum Branch, Onslow county, have been soend ins: a short while with friends in town. ' ! Park Nunn is spending a few days at home, much to the delight of a certain person who well, it won't do to tell secrets. Collins & Crabtree have put up a sign with the words "tin shop" on it. It is a model of neatness and their work is of like character. S. H. Bountree. ir.. closed out his stock of goods some weeks ago, and has taken the road, selling tobacoo and cigars. Suooess to him in his hew work. The town commissioners met last evening and elected W. F. Stanly. Mayor. Our town is in the hands of successful business men, and we may feel secure. Bill Arp was greeted by a full house on Wednesday night. He is a repre sentative Southern man, a remarkable combination of wit. philosophy and good sense. Capt. W. P. Midyette, of Hyde Co., formerly of our town,, spent a short time with us last week. He reports a good come-up of corn, except that planted before the heavy rains. Col. Pardee was in town last week. He visited the battle grounds near the county bridge, and other points of in terest, and we hope be may be ablo to send some cheering words to his iNew England journal. Mrs. Lizzie J. Walsh, wife of Dr T. Walsh, died May 4th, after an illnees of more than a year. Her sickness first seemed to developed itself in the form of dropsy, but later proved to be an in ternal enncer, which proved ratal Many friends sympathize with the be' reaved husband and children. Who shall be our next board of com missioners, is an important question about which we should think. "The man who oan pay his debts with low taxes1' is one answer given. Tho men who can arrange to reduce our pauper list, and still give to those in real need is another answer. It is much easier to find fault than to manage publio busi ness, and all that the public need to ask of the electing po .ver is to give us non est, successful business men, and we can justly hope for the best. A most brilliant marriage occurred at Salem church, Pitt county, May 6th at 7 :S0 a. m . C. W. Howard was master of ceremonies, and Laurie J. Chapman and Miss Fannie Brooks the contracting parties. There were a large number of attendants. Indeed, it was the con summation of the single life of two of the gayest and most happy persons who have graced the social circles of this country; and doubtless the begin ning of a devoted marriage relation naying tne best wishes .of numerous friends for success and happiness. reception was held at J. B. Gardner's where the evening hours afforded pleas ure to all, specially to those living in nopeiui anticpation or tbe day when like scenes may be repeated and they oecome tne cniei actors. Interesting Experience!. Hiram Cameron, furniture dealer of UoiumbuB, Oa., tells his experience. thus: "For three years have tried every remedy on the market for Stomach and Kidney Disorders, but cot no relief, tin- til I used Electrio Bitters. , Took fire bottles and am now cured, and think tdectrlc Bitters the best blood purine in the world." Major A. B. Eeid, of West Liberty, Ky., used Electrio Bit ters for an old standing Kidnev aftec tion and says: "Nothing; has -ever done me so much good as Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Hancock uros. A Baltimore housewife found living frog la a bottle of chow chow the other day. He was too big to get oat through the neck ol the bot tle, and must have grown consider ably dnring his confinement in bis air-tight- prison. The story is vouched for by a Baltimore newspa per. ; v ' - - ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mbs. WrasLowls Soothing Syhdp should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diar hoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. jan24dtuthsatwly 1 'V ;;j3.;boyd, Gcn'l Insurance Agent. LIFE. FIEE, ; - : Y : : ACCIDENT; i LlVd STOCK. f DEATH ; BY ACCIDENT, $5,000. with $25 per week lor disability by accident, for fee ot $5.00 -ond an aunual cont of 13... ' ''J...:;,';- Im M lUi Companies ' Eepresentel Office Booth OPt BW. Two boors Kast of Gaston House, , , - . .-j, apl7lwlm Just Received BARGAINS. : 50 bbls. Mackerels $3.50 per barrel. -j-. 1 lot Hams 10 c. lb! . 25 Chandeliers (two lamp) $1.70. AT S. F. TEISER. ADd all other Goods at ROOK BOTTOM PEIOES. apia titr Notice. The ANNUAL MKKTING of the BTOriv HOLDERS of the NEUSK A TRENT KJVKK BTJSAMBOATCOMl'ANV will beheld At Ills HOAKU Oh' TRA1E ROOM. TUESDAY the 25th dayof MAY.1H 6. atTHRKK. P. M. D. li. HOBEKTH, apzj dtd - See. and Tieni. Hew Millinery Goods ! My Large and Select srrocjJi op New Millinery Goods HAS ARRIVED, but on account rf pieig of business, I have do time to in nir,' form "OPENING DAY." I will be constantly receiving nddltlons to my Mock, and will be pleased at all tim"S lo show the same to friends and cuHtomcis Also my Pattern H its and;Bonretg. Respectfully, ap2U dwtf M. 1). DEWEY. AGENTS Fast Kast Fast Selling Selling Selling Books. Jlooks. Books. WANTED Salary and Commission. Salary anil Commission. Salary and Commission. For full particulars and terms, address ATLANTA PUBLISII1N0 COMPANY, No. 8 South Broad Street, Atlanta, Oa. (.lowers and Reapers I sell the ftelcbrn BUCKEYE MOWER & REAPER ami Invito your attention to the same, and shall he pleased to fiiruitth descriptive circular ana prices. J. C. WHITTY. Agent lor Eastern N. CI New Berne,' N. C. Also CuUivntois, Cotton Plows, Dixon Sweeps, and a full line of Agricultural Ma chlnery at ROCK BOTTOM PRICKS. njay4 awdm TO THE PUBLIC I OUR STORE IS FILLED WITH Choice Groceries, Caniied Goods, Provisions, Boots and Shoes, s- ' (Of the?)est make,) Dry Goods, Hats and Gaps In fact we keep everything tbt is kept In lhni lilac. V.Kfatn Qm .11 offering AS LOW A8 THE LOWEST at wnoiesais or itetau. jSST Coma and see ua and bs convinced. : EOBEETS & BRO., : ' South Front t.t Jfew Berne, It. C Gr ASTON HOUSE, . NEW BERNE, N. C, S: B. STEEET, Sb., Proprietor The Only Firs t-o lass Bouse In the City, Omnibus connects with all Train and steamers, utrge sample rooms ror eommcr eial travelers. The BAR and BILLIARD ROOM lias eecntly been refurnished and fitted np la uua niy 19 wiiu uiiuara ana rwi xauies New Central Hotel. . (FOKMXBIiT BATXMAH HOtTSX, South Front Street, New Berne,',M'. C. HI. PATTERSON, Proprietor, Offeri special Inducements to commercial men. . . e Cuisine of superior excellence. Omnibus and baKsace waeon at all tra . and tenmera. . ,. Rates. 12,00 per day. -y p)7 State or North Caromk a graven i;ouniy.; . , Samuel T. Howen - " : " ' Kotloeof Summons in Action for Divorce. ' : vs. ' . ' Lavinia Bowen. Lavlnla Jlowen. the defendant ' above named, la hereby notified that a summous has been Issued from the HuDerlor court of craven county aforesaid. In the above en titled action, made returnable on the 12th Monday after the 1st Monday In March and the Sheriff has returned tbe said sum mons with a certificate that the defendant cannot be found in said county; and it has also oeen maae to appear mat we saia de fendant Is a non resident of the said State and cannot by due diligence be found therein. Tbe said delendant Is further notified that she is required to appear at tbe ieriri of the Superior Court of tnid -county o be held on the 12th Monday after th nrst Monday In March, 18W1. and pled; answer or demur to the complaint or judgment will be rendered against her according Xf. the prayer of the complaint . Apru i. k'!. K. "W. CARPKNTKft, i - Clerk Sup. Court . of Craven County. pleGw: QWBK H. GFION. s , ' P. H. PEixariBB. v GUT0N & PELLETIEB, u&.ttora.o'vs t XjW ; South Feoni St., or. Oastoh Hocsi, s - k IEW BEEHK, W. C. - " Practice where services are desired. - Practice in the (supreme Court, and In th Federal Court at New Berne. One of this Arm will always be at the fol lowing places at times specified below : Trenton, Jones county, Saturday of each and every week. - -. - iteaufort, Carteret county, Thursday oreah Jacksonville, Onslow county, t first Mon day In each month I'd Cant. Sam. B. Waters AGKVT, DlfPT'l PORK MALT WHISKEY. ' M. CrtchUm's "MontlceUo Pure Uy.'' 331111a. x-ci SB, Bto. At his old Stand on Middle street, el2dly New Berne, N C. DR. J. D. CLARK, DENTIST, - REWBBRH, M. C. Offio on Craven street, between Pollrx and Broad Drl7-d4wl'' W. II. J)EVEY THE PRACTICAL TONSORIAL ARTIST, Personally In attendance at his Halrdresslng and Hhavlng" Saloon at the Oaeton Ilcuse, with the best workmen and new furfthure. -Satisfaction Is assured to those who patron ise him. OL.J3 JDOiI IIN IOIN Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE Foi New York, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City,' Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities.. ON AND AFTER Monday, January 11th, 1886, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Steamer Shenandoah Will lare, upon arrival of train oa Norfolk Southern Railroad t Elizabeth City, evsry iritNDAV AND THURSDAY for Now Berne. Returning leaves New Berne for Elizabeth City evry TUESDAY AND FRIDAY at i p.m., making Cli ue Connection with Nor folk southern K. K. lor Northern cities Oluse connection made at New Derne with steamers for Kinston, Polloksville, Trenton and all bindings on the Neuse and Trui.t Rivers. No frBithts received for shipment o: Tnepdays and Fridays after 34 p.m. Froilit lorwardod promptly and lov.st rateb guaranteed to ilesiination. K. II. llUUGlt rit, Ag't, New Berne, OnLt'Sfl'ltH Tormsr, Ag'ts. Norfolk. V. A W. IT sta ickoiio, Oeo'l rr't Ag't, New York Oily. THE NEUSE & TRENT RIVEB Steamboat Company Will ruu the following Schedule on aud aflei September 9th, 1885 Steamer Cutler Will leave New Berne for Trentou every Wednesday nt (J a.m., and Friday aflr the arrival of the steamer Shenandoah; return ing, will leave Trenton every Thursdny aud Saturdny. touching at all points along the river Steamer Kinston. On and after June 2!lt.h, 1885, the Steamer KiiiKton will leave Kinston lor New Jterne every Monday and Thursday at o'clock a.m.; returning, will leave New Heine every Tues day and Friday, stopping at Jolly Old Field ami touching at all landings on Neuse liver. Close connection made with steamer Shen andoah of the Old Dominion Steamship Co, JOHN II. FELL, at Newbern. W. F. Stahlt. Kinston D. S. Barbds, Polloksville. I. T. WILSON, Agent at Trenton. J. P. QDINIRLT, Jolly Old Field. J. B. Banks, Quaker Bridge. J. M. WH'TK.Oen'1 Manager eb7d&w Kinston. N.O Bargains? Bargains ! IMPORTANT TO PURCHASERS; You can save money by calling and examining our IMMENSE STOCK or Clothiiiff, Dry Goods, Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Ca, 8. ptc. An all wool Suit of Clothes, only t.60. Gents' White Shirts, laundried and unlaondiicd, only 59a. Geuts Undershirts, only 2i)c. - . . Gents' Drawers, only 21c, . , A large stack of Dry Goods at tho LoweBt Prioe. Boots and Shoes, Hale and Cans, at Book Rottnm Flirnivs. th rS,B KfrS?."0 f0,r t6l,r P1"1"" tne future before buying elsewhere, I am, Middle st., batween Duffy's drug store and Snter"! furniture stor. Important 1 D FROM THE RED FLAG Xixxe To thee UNAPPROACHABLE ponteij invited: ".. -v; . THE GEM OP THE SJBAISOIV. . 3 ft?SRW.5J5?Il?OOKER COATS AND VESTS, M and fl.SO. Vr?S?SiJSiOATHANDVra,$1.0o"and81. 1 ' ALL WOOL NAV? BLUE FLANNEL SUITS, from S i to tin 00 ' OOBKHOKEW IN ALL COLORS, fom 3.T5 to 6.6o. ' ' ALLWliOL DIAGONAL SUITS, from $7.75 to 11 79. )00 DOZ. ASSORTED PASTS from vaZ. n to Ja oVi. 1 nf.?f0k f. Htrw..aBd eli HaU- Oenfa Purnishlng,BooU and Shoes, Ladle' Sk BEAT? AiTartecW? Rubber Goods, etc!; at prices which CAN NOT "- LARGEST STOCK OF TRUNK AUD VALISES III TBE CITY. CHAMPION CLOTHIN G HOUSE. ap23 dwtf I EES ST WO 1 1 Vf inouaana Anal "ept'ndmrsre.toredtohwilth br oseof V I VyaaknManndFbrtiosl Deoarin Votm. or II M. twert and tuU ManlTfitrBmrth.ntf Viaoroos limit h. bht bootb7 IndliBTBtitm. tipomirn. timrt- -,s . ?!Jf2JT?t i"l nl sroro. wsak that rt-ti nH nl f r?t J1! 'fs'e'Dont of roar tron i n i .-ur 1 IttALAOKAflB FBI R,wlth Illn-t vt ...... .. . 7 Crab Orchard, i-WATER. THE LITER. Till' KIDNET9 , THK STOMACH THE UOWELft A Pt)SIlVI! Cl'CB Fl 3 DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, , SICKHEADACHEW 1 3 3 J o-n 9 Dou -One to twe Imi wonfnls. . n-nnin Ckai OscHiin kalxs hi tent ed pickaxes t ID (nil sOvls. J- ten- Crib Orehartf Water Co, PropT. S. N. lONbS. Manatff LmuisvII, Ly. C . THE BE8T REMEDY KNOWN FOB the Blood la . ., . Mrs. Joe Person' Itcniedy, ;; price tl.C0 per bottle, at ' . u HANCOCK'S DKOQ 8T0UE, aIHE REMEDY. FOB COUGHS AND . Urldsll - . Hall'd Lunjr Balsam, price 25c. per bottle at HANCOCK'S rRUQ fcTCBE. Williams' FastTreight Line. STEAMER ELM CITY Leaves Mew Berne, N. O., WEDNESDAYS aud SATURDAYS, 10 o'clock, p.m. Leaves Norfolk, Va., MONDAYS and FRI DAYS, 9 o'clock, a.m. Makes close connection at Norfolk with New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk R. K. Co's "Cape Charlta" route for North and South. Cars sent through, avoiding all tiansfeia Low rates and quick time. Acknowledged thequickestrou'e for travel and freight. HOWTO SHIP. From Baltimore,!'., W. A I!.. President Street Station, via Noi iolk. From Wilmington, P , W. A V. Fu-lglit 8U- tlon, via Norfolk. From Philadelphia, Peniia H. K. Dock Street Station, via Norfolk. From New York, l'cnna. H. R. Pier No 27 Via Norfolk. From Jersey City. Penna. It. R, Freight Sta tion, via Norfolk. From Providence, New York A New England H.R., via Norfolk. From Boston, New York A New England R It., via Norfolk. Rout. L. Bukkhead, Agent, N ifolk. T. B. O. Chedi.k, Agent, New Beine, N. ('. J. V. WILLIAMS. General Manager. F. M. BIM KOK8. C IMkMT HAN1.T. SIMMONS & MANLY , ATTOKUEYS AT LAW. Will practice In the Court of Craven, Jo Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hv.li , and In the Federal Court at New Rrroe. febttdiwlj ROBERTS & HENDERSON General Insurance Agents, New Uei-iio, IN. U. Onl) first claw Compaini revtPKfn, ed ir, rire. Life and Accident Insurance. Total Capital over Forty Million o Dollar. Jun24rlH GEORGE ALLEN & CO. OFFER A FULL LINE OF General Hardware, Mechanics' Tools, Builder's Hardware, Lime. Cement, Plaster. Hair, Brick, Kalsomine, Faint, White Lead, Oil, Varnish, f.lass, Putty, Plow, Cultivators, Cox Cotton Planters, &c, &o- At Very Low Prices. Pst. and Inviting them to call aroutd In very respectfully, f hum m argain Seekers! SHOP WE OFFER YOU ox jsiff JLeaaers : FIOtlRKS ha attention of all is : ' ' Xi. WA.TjTjlfA.TJ, yew Berne, ear. South Front and Middle St., opp. K. R. Jones. VsWtrc Arid Uia iini.t,. oi p. rrt, WM'J I KFI) u.oois.n.1,. Ho not Inwrfrr w.tn futentton to OiutTww, or ccnae ra n oni'P"nviii'nr in way. miTiw- i tm'tii fie nieaioml p rvtpi. By dirwt ,.n !- tbe arat of a;fw iu fpwft8 -nt i ffit witrinut dikv. Trtur t h h ' man ortrmnini TwtorM. 1 rm fT(tl! iuHLhtJf1ttKam.A 'gTliift TncA7.'::;T.-HAn-:3K k r-.l,H3.trolCai.M. tirM, V MEDY CO.. Urv CHrviTi. 3. S

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