i.y-i'3t"T.l:.crj.'i 1 -1 v - A.-' 1 1 ! v t -:J a n xn-f -,- i : - Mil l" Vts 'l ! .AV .i at jstuj. $.! -i; 1 ' IJSlVilA- . ; I. , . I ' - "- i v - NEW. BEBNE. N. C.; SzVTUBDAY,, JUNE 5; , 1,886,, ' KO;,'5?. h V I t ..I, ' ' - : : i. i'.Iv." S ' 1 K. It-rue, latitude; J W North. ' ,l wi . . . , -. longitude, T7 J Weet.0 sun- rfeeeVt: I Leatb of day, -''d jMr sea, I Htoin, S7 minute. HOOD el -... 1Mb H ...Wi . , - - 1 - ' i 1 rrr - VnnaTQ :' i 'I Jtirt rebel ved; by Mr.' & t, Bfnf, t ' MeurclTof RoTBter'eChOIoe Cnoie. Brwd d r kt tier tooihi ana rarautiM on reuansUft toraia forpanle of fea- RrBIKin4V, fceoelTer, offera jafa. ' able propaHj 'f aU"li flla fcroe," 'Bea "ad." ',;; .m: i ir large cncnmaart yaatwrtay rafced van thtiryy,Vr'., 14 UltUUVVUHi VVii DwIhWttUMP iUtoi ia tdog raale 4y ewening for Mtfof tofU ehtt- "til SIli1 tt It huued Uiat ttia ilf H -not aartotit. JVl-' J cuSaa ttefo? gVoVeii?Bowto advanlagea offered by thia linabo There were fire deatbaln tha white IiKiiIatfca idtltog5? t mmXM t Hayl Though thia number U tmall.it ia larger ter to 68 at tha aame, place in the Jo.c lore.- - 1 ' ' ' ". surt ne oitafileaaorev, Thoel)nWa,-! ' ' ready to eaah all voucher! taraad by the .jtprraena Ward f oooaelt' It 1 truly gratifying W kniwtbat !,thi, pteaeht " fhaDTienal fof ou !altMdl Wty. ? " The 'thermometer turneij,,, on he ."weather yeeterday an4,f,prpdjt(i kegia- i"Uaa will fee ft a eaah baala. ' Te?Sfcenodoofc,! carried out a large :' ' oargoe of Irieb potatoei 4nd beana yea- terday( (jre glad jto see that our . ' 'people appreciate tha effort of thia line I j( JUygiTe , icki tra.neportation (orupk , and ita alwayajreadUreai to aocommo- ptonuI.i,-Ji r-- - One of the lateat improvementa on ' . the A. & N. C," K. ia a machine for . . "wood ing np. " ' Wa aa b'ApM QV l ' Tuaoarora oa',Thurad,ay" and ! IK Vorki - almost to porfeolda':' 'In'.acf -df itop- plng fi rood oKnt Qmf requires, aBav.:..aer, about two minutea. Peace, Inetitnte oommenoement, Misa ' llamw U AdQ gradaated with honor J took two medalaaird a certificate Of pro- 'piLb&ea to near 01 tno aucoeaa ox any o New Berne WaJr.dabterer PC. aona U their e'Horti to attain 'high degree Escape frona JaU.i. hna $f" 'v'' George Jonea, who wee convicted at -. the Lst Witoft U Uf ' tWur J for U licit dfUilinz;w4Jwntce4.iOr. ay : month ' Imprieetftoeaktitf Trenton jail, air. J. ives. naa a -Aiitue aiora Ground d Xo1 n'et hlie ' aaya i. ' wx"rfloiegpd 'gtfodiJclii put V e ul eattUt nst taouiid theoorneir, at t Meadows drugstore and yW find It,' and ,l; i - a want to Inow whatli tfeeri before rou ?o, 0M'&Jtyevp , l'aH ! ..rereaiwU ' ?J ,, 'T' i ' r-". L. C. Vacs returnjpd, jart, night Y,L . vsustaVoi wfcera. M'bit beeii . ,;i2th'e General ''Attam.Mji.of 'n'o Southern PresbyteriaaioC3iacohjWe : are Indebted to him fo ihterteting Wt- - a. -"T, .;j " "A Tr . D. t. rTii'eaveSjJniaiuorning fur LU Lome in Johnston county, i- He 1j i t j(f r.ria,,of0Vofcl,lBia f ool, t',e Fail session yf whichj. opepa ( ' ' ..'nia an eiclUn't teacher ; wnv -Hc-ntlrrainr--;-' C ". iinrtiaiKl Iay at Klnttt i c r i'. oure to-visit Cinaton ' 1 . to- attend the otm- t exercises of Kinstori Cbl- - - ( ' " 1 3 i rf l ajtfir fcwfa rcly U"'. ..A large . . i, t s nsuaifc and,.P-T" -9 eiercisea for several i ' ',(' -t t-e . v LIiQ dc-Uiing -son forroer.oc - - t'lTLe l story of ,'' v.-a well writlcn '' ' "T.?red. If we t, v a t'. 're to ' f - 1 ' ' ' " rf ' f ' j ier.ts Of We -are " -. Ci 'T "3 16 pn- ,1 Craved Sfc-Ara rKlL 8. , Tb leacbfrs, popUa a&d a Dumber of our citkeoa aaaembied at the ( theatrt yesterday morning aj; 10 olock to'opo pleU the clpdng ezerciaea o(he graded school for th praaeat year j A platform and aeata . bad Veen ivrrangad . on tha Aeademf Orean for thff aercie, pu tba.inolamanl weather mad it netea- saryjq gp to the . theatre, ;u ; I Tha exeroiaea were opened with prayer by Be. L. W. Crawford, of the M. E. Church. i. c Tb Praaideniof the Academy, iL & Rrjan,, Esq., iuqm and , delivered the address of , welcome in a abort and ap propriate speech. ' I Jobir, tAtL Ei-iAtv wtrodubei Ha B an FmgieusaBoperliteBdnr Jf PtfbHo Inif ruotiona. ?t i- CXilPereiormei iLe-Iphjdren Uiat he bad been e school teacher; had taatfsat n good dealiulbftjieTCr al 4owed the children to talk while ha was talking. This admonhion fini olosw atiablioii rabf awea th smstTbrfes in the'galll Inf opurse. are always inclined Sabisyt .VBeannoahoed that he wss not there to lelWer a4 dratloo, but simply to talk to them with a view of makioej tome kQprseslda.otithsic -minds aboat Labor and Edoofition. tie sometimes said Ed4oation 'shd' labor; he put both ways; didn't know which oogbt to borne first a they were btib of grea tm porUnde.' "In' the sweat "of thyface sbaHhou eat bread," ia the lenience pronouncea ny ucwj on man. no one who, believe, he Bible , will doubt tbu.. The primary significance of this sentence meant manual labor, but in its broadest sense. itincUded both manual and. .mental labor. Uaa hss always been diaincUned. to labor. ' This if ma,nifested in children every day. They willingly undergo the aeverest bodily exeroiaea when at play, but when useful -labor is ooni banded 1 they are ready-to rebel, kid In their Intellectu al labors they were oftener Induced to study 1 by v ararfls, 'prsisei ato., than comntHbded.' "The sarha prTncfpIa is ap plicable Vi'iMn aid' women. ' 'lien have always Industriously Sought inventions 3 Eld ways to keep from labor by intro ucing labor-saving machine and re sorting to many other contrivances, but nMwkhstalBg all these they go ' foil ing on under the labor sentence. The changed,, bnt it goes o& nevertheless', because ft is tha semsaoal pronounced, by God;! abd no man is happy who does not labor. Thy f ansas f Ua so safot mpje ln teiligeni labor. J'' Boy are Intellectually educated"! wltiout iavlag! a -taWta-ibr work Inculcated: n limbers ere turned ova . annually wt this 'bigsi schools ana colleges viUioot.knowing.nov to gaopt and make allvlng. ' -, FoUoviPK tber above Ihre oa . thooght, Ma'J. finger' went on to show that tha the pVofessiori YatherTban the art; that the average msjsjof ihj ffjsent sge was more Intelligent than formerly, sharpe? ia making, ) iet jitaajl?1", where labor and intelligence combined iooomplamed a greal'WdtkjAft fhere ws no other .vaT to bo hancn wader God VlawUan by ;uWU vorki tnat It did not matter what a mn did so itvas that God did not intend th a tjthere should be dromaatf te'Ai i6atind but all . Touching upon the subjeco public schoolr, ia saidVhat the'Stale mustfdu cata her children; every , community should , aducato Ita chjldo;, kf had found, uanrlnen In heit ot Hofth Carolina opposed to public scboolsbnt had not found.onei M it'll! t rr tioal objection, U oTate, to disduss the ueetio JwitlvM;'rv)B',vul,d nave putlio schools or not; ft irbot a practical question to "dl?CTisg,"as- our fathers had decjiCOtftt iSlj-:icilraio,'wnil4he Conntitution of the State require it and has required it for many years;' ft la In the ConstitutWahd thefe'it way to gfet ft c"t, butfcy 4 vota of, the peopra, and tbe people would not vste it out so long ss they want public schoois . Maj. Finger cited figtrres to show what the most prorerous nations were aa our coiitui,u.iun required puouc school81t,..ofilyi"rJ:il quJon be fore the pp"; le i-: wht ) ;ndff a as tern of'puUlio BcLotIs fc .iiil we baTe? Hcxi'iinf.i 4 3 T.5V ia t..;ud to taxa- tion for e lev: ' a '"1 bv t'. e ... .i i i ' r vo r ' 1 1 , irs i. 1 secured; to bylo.l tober al limitaUoa, tha county oortmiastoners ware bound to levy tax for ehook war til they brought tba lery up to alxtyalx and two-thirds or to point that villi giya revenue enough to maintain a, pna-4 Up', school, In laacb district for tour months in each jear.1 " In other words, while tha commiwi otters cannot go be yond theXoonstitutional Umitatiosi they must oome tip to it or maintain 'the school. . ' " l' ' Coming down to tha decision of toe eonrt which effects thisimmediateoom ib unity, ha thought it vaa bard, but tha court was consoUntious and the deoUion would remain, Ha advised thai adoption of the law in force at Ealeigb, Winston and Charlotte, and until thia oonld be done he would urge tha people to leap th fcrtdi d acfcka in tact i B kaaVtba great good these schools bad dona all over the. State, No one. said he, who Uasfeatigatd Ihe aubjepli will, pre tend to deny that children ran be edt oated cheaper j aiwl .bettofl "r-t4 ihwfe acnoou than in nmnllpr mm 1 in in smaller ones. ! lotai - fhif point Wf About to emaTts;ikvlng spoken about The Uajoj olose his re jrauience 01 wnai no naa seen in ths SUtotbMtO dldutt like, which was a disposition to get away from the! EqgJfelf latigAagar iitor ' dwelling on this minUfor awhile and ahewinsrthei ftapbitaneaof Hborbugnry ' tinderstand- ing the English language and of learn ing children tha definition , of words, and of taking short cuta la education as well as in every other branch of science. he closed, having made a very sensible and practical talk, one which a large majority of children present could obm prShend and- appreciate. CERTIFICATES, OF PUTTlKCTION. Professor Thomas called to the stage about fifty pupils, to' whom certificates of distinction were awarded. We would be pleased to publish their names, but the list is rather too large for our columns. 1 r PHIZES AWARDED. J . VrHe were awarded to' the Toflowing pupils as being the beet in their respec tive grades during the year: 1st grade, Willie Schisler and DwIgbJ Sty ton? ad vanced 1st, Bertha Safer;, SdVarada, Julia fltaub and Ella Schvertni M, Inea Styron and Rachael Sohwaiin; 4th, Rosa DaU; 5th, Nannie Hill; th, Mauds Moore j 7th Battle Hall; 8th, Katie Daniels; Oth, Janie Brown; 10th, Eattie Dail. ;, . i i (! Mr. John 8. Long presented to Miss Haadef Moore the medal for the best student In every respect in the whola school.' ' , Kii. S. M. Finger preeeqted the do- clatmers' and ' ' essayists madala, which tha oemmiUee bad awarded to Alii PowelL-basfdetlalmer aaflYHlas Mvra Burrji; best easay (st Tbas ah,' Major did in a neat and happy little speech. Diplomas vere awarded by President 5nfJ K&aetJHSSb .'Tlctori. uixon, jaary jbrownwia. Masts ana JanioHrownthe graduating class for ttjbrWyMf.-- 'HZ ' DMiog Hha siweftsw psr: Thursday, night and Wednesday morning asasio Mradowand NllllS Wilksrt 'Thefare der- log their , tender sgeer and i possess ftnel musroaltklehtr'' JPI" kaa-olo the fourth, annul session of the New Berne graded School. ' lmctr(rpnlhg lnpctpbejt(e rhite oUldren of New Bern have bad an opportunity of acquiring knowledge thatlvmi BUfcf:fur tVemttoveiti- aenshiD. and. the influenoav ot, tha work done is beginning to no felt. . iShaillt.be oohttnuedf ' br; khah the echobl dlaband and fcaltte 4ntb,,frtgment''Thls,is a question of na small inporteaice to the citisens- '-'Of-- Kew 1 Berne' . He that - la - able to'. adooaUUbis own may cai int 'Uttfe iboat tt, but wpQtnrBt sucbr balaahneaf ia not de tVih'New Wneali'that some oteahHwlirbe-prbrtdei M tbei school toconjmuaa. Ana Via llbnt. -' ; 1 .' - - ' 'men'I.ttb'UiLaatf buJldtogfto erected pn. the .corner af PpUpok and Craven streets, a shed, was placed, rer tbe sidewalk to protect the winaow from tha 'sntenseiaes.Cf af1 t&a ' Vvenlng svn; "nd-Msd tf standera o4 tie sUewalki, trom,,i merciless '.shovazs. Ti ab?pnr - ,ot r' toixlce . ;cf o.uer: iiVcrn&.mentatioa OTr , r. Ht pwapet ,,,;' wsriS I VproTcie' j SiUth comment and no r'.:!s t ' V.f'Jr.- Among other '.''good. tLir.s'! , aaUu was one by an ed attorrey, who remarked tut th e. t-'" r.ti lxtl I'.la a1 un 'u ruf .el shirt bosom, with no hat - -. t :t-'. i viv. '. : r u His cnrSEwa. . . . ! Thfrty-four additional fndictmenta baa4fou;agaJnat(i,Chjpagb Aaarchiata. ; n? . rV,f,i ' ii'ii I i Anpasnienof oc, naif. Mess was, one ML - . . rw . year to tha penito&tiary and a .Has) of VMK the, fait penalty U the Uw.' il:. . The.eefua-steamship Siberian has baao heard from, i Baring encountered field f ioebergai and j naavyy f oas oanaedliar datantios ! . " Thar va considerable' disappoint asent In" Buffalo amoiig the friends of President Cleveland who were not in vited to attend his marriage. Governor Fitxhueh Lee has accepted an Invitation to' be present at the re union of Federal and Confederate cav alry officers at Gettysburg on July 7th. The Dry Goods Chronicle ys that "unless all signs fail, tbe volume of trade for, autumn, 1886, will be the largest of any period since the great boom of ,78 and, ,. Tha CUrman government is institut ing strong mass wns against tbe Social ists,, with a vieV to forcina them to etn lgniu.'' R Hhey are the type of Bf n Moat', our government ought to have, as much to say im regard to their' admis sion to the United States as Bisrasrck bad against the . Importation 'of ' the American bog into Germany. Prof. King, the aeronaut, made a balloon ascension -rom Richmond on Wedn68darlanding safely at Powhatan Station oa,' tbe' RJohmorid tet Panville Eailroadi Tbe desoait caused av sensa tion among tha lolorad. people. ' Upon seeing the v elrange eight ' one 'darkey wildly shoutedu rvome yeve, 4hillun, right out In,do aaiddleob be road; some thin' gwme to happen. Yonder comes my blessed Jeeui, walk in' in le clouds."" . ' - n : Bnrd tDawU and Restored to Lire I know of a man i near i Maxey's. Oa., who for tisn Ot tweltf jsaars was almost a .solid torelroa head; to foot, for three years bis appearanoe being so hor libly repulsive,' he laf used to let any o&ee hinftTThe disease, after eating his fleas commenced on his skull bones. kB tried, gill dsjetoks and medicines PkL vaA . A M.AM,k , iw oould nOfleMrswSrfcAB-last he be gan the ualoblUaantnd after using six bottles, bis sores were, all healed and Bet looksf jeit likeA &aa.wls had bean hi ted) t4 daaUa abd ftfed restored toMtei-fl-hr bessmfen ofthe county know of .the cska, and' sertLdoctore an merchants, haw fchfrkbtf-W h as a most wonderful oaae. i ' aBJUi VIVA W m VIMSj DrnjtKist. Athens. Oa CBAWTOBB Bold la Nov v Berne by.B. N. Duffy and E. H. Meadow. SVAH8BOSS0. May 81j 1886. Editor Jodhkax -ince writing my last items, . another ejcJOne passed through a partof OttT county, ooifa- mencmg, aa ,wq ismu im.uk war a. . Harsat Co., passing on to D. and Naah MattookfUee. W. Smith, Wm. ParkarJ Edv frari er, perhaps B." W. Freeman.'thenoe across the river near Barker'a. bridge nearly oapaizing the large sailing sharpie Katie Doe, belong- farmb wfbrV P?Ko&!"1xon Thoe, Dudley, Wattsr PeUetier, E. W Pallatlet aad Eon-Psllstter, eompletbly desaoUshlagtbetr farma- of cotton and corn. The hall -fell to1 large quantities and was visible ' two daya gftartrards. Tbeyoloner whtrrwiBd commenced about 8 p.m. on Friday tha 28 th, and on Sunday tha 80th there was plenty of hail on the arounds of Mr. Dudlev.. He said b owtld hhra fcatharedt tov barrels 61 banstoitos ia hteyarat aru. sqaAii Nksprer The stormy pasaed tarytiear B fr A giva wghraffTaWf S C2 . er-5 acreT ta bottoh. Fraziecand Parken' .W 'acres? OWTSmih,.00 toreas Nash and Oae MattocltS, V) actfcs ach.G, :K Dixo t& aorea,, Msssra. PelletiesH about 1W ' orea,' Dr. ,KOouc 80 act.v Theaa figttrea are for eotttn alone; we hsve no estimate oC aha born. Wo bear Ei W." Freeman Vas damaged eonsiderablr. Messrs. Dixon. PeUetier, goonce.MattOCkai-RiTiith, ParVef.Frar aiervart-rt l-Vt Jtttkillfnf Am t gator .'r. G.U?mtockli4 thif grea st suffer, ttriivtif!Ur hi full In bo c . HM!" I "i-t" Dirwir IK .We ,i't there has evt . u sucl sejaMrb& and w 'nd storu iu"T)lirCiunty, at le Wd doiTt r saember lt:aud-t iraK ntrr rna'.eamori the labori golaayeJ e -rf, our largflft ci'-- sufas o,. 1 1.'-- leiphia ana i w . ;rs st ber 1 v or - i el fo1' Uf. "1 ta i lost, their iiv l fhe t t e, .. ins? s: f t :-.' a;I Vtroi " r f t t ,J thd t jLbotj nethinf I rJreat Cllcagi glrjkeT 1 I: 1 ' : geneiiny known throu fbo ! thl i nrmntrr- that larra atr JteLarH In conformity to low wagea, and ia making tha suggestion ws hereby aa Bonnca to the public that we propose to act a past is, and direct everybody, labor ing classes and all, to ta civet cheep eaah store of Humphrey el lioward, where they will find a large and com plete stock of groceries and dry good at strike prioaa. The moat vital strike In life ia the strike for vara and aaeana which guarantees yon perfect aatisfin tion at the least cost, tha strike then for thegreat cheap cash store of Humphrey & Howard trill certainly obtain for you the lowest possible prices, thereby aile- 1 via tin all treoblea as and gvaraatee- ing yo peaoe. proapariEyand happiness in the future. snSddwloa WeMdarfM Cams. W. B. Hoyt Co., wholesale and re tail drnggista of Borne, Ga,, sayt We have been selling Dr. King's Hew Dis covery, Electrio Bittern and Buck leas Arnica Salve for two yeaxa. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfac tion. There have been some wonderful oures effeoted by these medicates Id thisoity. Several oases of prooosvaosd Consumption have been entirely cured by use of a fev bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Eleotrio Bittern. Wa gvarantee them always, i Sold by Hancock raroa. On the lath ad May, at the res idea ce of W. R. Simmonst Beven Bpringa, N.fl, "Virgie," aon or JJr. v. H. and V. .. Seawell, aged 15 months. Only two months ago the fond mother left bar darling boy to the care of kind friends, and now he is called to join her in tha bright realms of bliss. Go, sweet one, to the Father above. And join the dear mother in mansions of love; We calmly relinquish our own darling boy. To add a new charm to eternity joy. COMMERCIAL. Jocbsal OvnoK, June 4, P. M. oorroji. New Tore, June 8. Futures closed quiet and steady. Sales of 83,000 bale. June, 9.08 December, 9.04 O.SO January, t.ll .80 rebrnary, 11 St. 16 March. 8 31 0.04 April, .4i 9.02 Mar. - July, August, September, October. November, Spots steady; Middling 9 1 4 ; Low Mid dling 8 (kwd Ordinary 8 1-9. dew Berne market dan. no sales. Middlinsr 8 9-lftc Lav Msddlinic 8 8-10; Good Ordinarr 7 B-lfl. DOIHktSXIO M SEED OOTMir J3.90. OOTTOT SEED f 18.00. Tihteshuw Herd, $1.00; dip, fl.7S. Taar-ribwaJLAO. ' OOBJf 43a 55a Oats Retail, 56a00. Bic-75a85. Bkkbvvaz--80c. per lb. azr On foot. So. to Be. Oooraar atAica-t-lOe, per lb. i LaV7-10c. per lb. Eoob Sato, per doaen. Fsxsb PX diaBc per pound. pEAirtmMUOoi per bushel. Fono Ett 730. afl . 00 per hundred. OaTB(Mn-S3.50 per barrel. Fikl PA MaTOa HiD-rDrv, 10c; green to. Atple 80ai0o. per bushel. PEAR8-$78c. per bushel. TALiiOW--oc per id. CarixKMS Grown, SOaSSc: apriag 0a86o.,. MeaIc-5o, par buakaL Oats 50 ota. per bushel. . . Yoairrr Boe. per bushel. j Seed roVATORa Earty Rose, S3.75 per bbl. .V Wool IPalflxj. per pomnd. -Potatoes Bahamas. t5a90o.: rams. 40a50o. . , KKttOBEJIE 10c. 8HiiroLE West Inflfa.tfutl and sum Inal: not vaated. i Baiklra. Inch hearts S8.09;aaM,tl.5v per aC ' u: .VHOutaAUi maim..,,' BEv MEsa Ppax-19.60. Shotjldebs Smoked. No. i.' 6c prime, oo. " ij. rest r, s, . and i v. arc: FLOUB43.85a0.ai). - ; , ,LAK-T.7o1by the tierce. Bcoab Granulated, 7c. Oorm Vallo. ' 8AXAH-85a90cvoeraaek. iM0XAaaattATO8Tprs fntaa. rowDis-eo,,,: ; j . j o. ;0Tli 0 SalQf , Valrutli schintTT, TTT- f9u nil iiuiKunjf nana hvu ttftt est KekM J 3HV John. B.urabtre aad wu 8nprlorOor. NM, enable; and othara. V' VpsHraant tb-tt'w' JwiSmeit VendrM In Uift abvrw-natwisd aelJonal tfee Ma. Tmm. MaL of said court, I will sell at Fnblie AaeUnn at M.nmn. naofw sneiy-eeenrnea nv nan well A Crebtvee.-n taa aaaa alda f Cia1 street; t the Otjrbf Newbern, on MONDAY. JULY SU W8S:.Tta to 0 lakd, tofMAer wun roe onuairvt tsa improveasoaite were, on, whereoa laid Machine Shops are situ- atert. betas tbe wie aeamiaiid UUSM o - A Iso. ll of th maeHliietw bf everr klM oi said premiaea, anA aU. Mt sAasaasw, mia. , , . , It ...ir-i i . baie to com mane at.TFlf eWoclr. A-Wh a " V" " 'Lll. :IL B- LEHMAN, teoelTetJ Hill r.j ill :i . . I -Vi fhs ttrtcrti'i-wea rTen(l'i6 pSiff-lPTtds ftrd to"1 "e pt.M t v I -1 or, ftr .,nt il Paris r strt-; 1 i - ilflr.v. of t -e k. v .- w t iif.. , tint i.fatt .t inline THE LITTLE :ST0 EE 'jlODIID THE COnilHO IS OVERFLOWING W)CT Dry Goods, Notions '& Eti&r, BENTS' wmw'trnt,' Embroideriea, Laceg,ltoiory, Linens, Etc. Special tin Id all things. Oeods bought for cart, and a ftAlJ will eon vluee you Uit this la not only an advanUae to ounwlveii, but more so to the porchaaexT Keiaember Llute 8 tore 'Bound the Corner. J. F. IVES,, ... LITTLE STORM KM le Ariel, t LAKUK STOCK . One door from Pollock, MEW BEBHK. H. J. Please To Take- Ndti6e That the National lUnk Building Is povpa daniulDg re Balm, aad dorms) Wat Mm4 Ita hnine will l carried on as usual, at tbe Hrlck Hlore adjoining Oeo. Allen and H. frag. t. A. OUION. Jnldtf May 81. 1WW Stockholders'' Meeting. . . ' n t ii..i The Thlrty-81eond(tKiiiar)'Annal'ltfet-Ingof the Hiouklioldent of the AUajiUo end North Carolina Kallroad Company will be held at MOKJCHHAI) CITY. N. C. en THl'ltaUA V g40i day of Jqw, Umi i f 1 The By-Laws require that no vole by proxy shall be allowed, unless1 fte' proxy be Hceomyanled bf . an afflAMUl ly1'BJlCrd owner as to boua-fly ownrahln of tock r. t. bobkbts, Jsul M I rtom-tary. HAYIHAY! 7 100 Tons Jo Artive ! Call and place your i orders. Prime Timothy, $21.00 Ton. Lower Grade, $16.00 Ton. J. A. MEABOWSl, , Junl dlf I'NIOJI J"UIJ1T Dissolution of Copartnership. The Onjiartnerauip heretofore, exlstln an der the Arm name of Krnul A Keel lathle day aa 01 r.ruul A itovl lithle day dMeotved by mutual eontcnt. J.M.R!WIII oouilnue the bualaea and will settle, ell claims owing by the tlrru and receipt far H monlee dne the saaM. ' ' May 27 Ui, ma. . J. B. JTRNPL. nnW-tUd J. M. RH.KL. Just Received : BARGAINS. 50 bbls. Mackre $30 penbarrel.i 1 lot Wim 10c. IE 25 Chandeliers (two lampi $1.70. u S Fi TElStn Abd all other Goods at B6tJK BOTTDMIIMQES, i.l'.i! MllK miIT I InTTflrC fPI srp--f. , . jr. . ... a . I pell ilM Oiabrmtod i u; i.J:1 EUCKEYE UOWER 6 fiEAfcn. tkai sfttjack' al aksM'ftWl4tufe4 m yi v riiiHii w iuin t:di v'tli JrwW.ileim.l,Rs C.a Also-purtylors,i pottea; fiam pivK Sweeps, and a. foU llna of AgrtcolturalM a, cwnsry at txcK pbrr-oVt Jbices. . rj Tttti Vfjtw fcik' Lever I nl 'UlAld'mv iJ -"k it ii:J a ;.i ,tiq ai.'ii;.ii -,1n Ji-.ll ct'p.co izrtwhd. jvjTyfT:?" I,l'a''" 'TfVx . Vff W I ho ri"' 1 . V tue lurrmsr. . .., ., , r - ? ' r r-f - I .i . iu.i b i ';F.'''.TTr,PT0 ' - a ; .1 r l T' n t