THE JOURNAL. 11 J KEW EESE. . C.. 8. IS?8. 3 , . il vci I -ij .111 .ISM if E HAVE KO DEIVES; we r'm Mling pomrnoogoodi Aiwip' keep stook last f.'.l i' 1 f . j'! i tiieT did not at all Bait ourcustomers Sa jia, mors trash for vs.' e i. l J to 6e!I only food goods atyerylsw; priotirf dtp&xltW t ) hiTB a liioiiOpolj of all the good or 'all the fins dry goods to be found in the , r..i lut we dj eUiru to carry many ttann m fins .Dress Uoods and Trim- luiu-s, snd.a thouiand other things Ahat ladies nse which you cannot find! & " We are moving on QaalitV this season', and we are determined to-sell Our rjoKtoiuer Uood uooas ior verrjuitua aioney. - -.-i: We d-'re to sell the Ladies trade, and we intend; Jo "r"r"iicfl. Cn"an3 see us and send for samples. '-anything joij1'-)? If . .w. vured aByotLeiJ Btorf withr tserbulkTf yu,radeVwe do not a yoa'WdcS-i them ; only yon may find some gWi in' our Btore aat obtainable elsewhere -JI BO,we wouia D glad to tars s share of toot reulaittsonjl apuinn nn i no mm wwu-i iniw mwia ti spU only the best reeds that th trade will bay atHnfTrT BOT. TOU PEICESJ ALD PH0FIT5-wi girt yea' br goods yerr riease don't eall oo us for -Bargains, Bartralns, BargatosV We 4 laye none.' Kemember. . w eep Btore lor M1C0 ttOOdS t BocJk rottsa Prices. Vv.-.iT" ' ' turnip siixT'.ff M- -! "' ' iVuir fcgular isnstoCatrs would say we nars Just the goods tor you this v uu tor vs. w T7) MTIf,IAWa: r J3g - 1 r ." a quality .bottofrntliw jF wdugEt to, this mi , .rock bottom' pfW:irUktfillwtel of al.. Lovciquiilty TCI !SAltT2-r;?iTOVj" t se ral Bt .oJ .St3c3r) ?;: : i crmind Irhits. Ilgued,,;1 '".l,., , . ' - -:-' ( i rTTasTirgliedninff iolld mCttt and white."; We' karo s good Jaw ! ".V-lUd it fir eenU; en'wtare rafts ; of iaoi-goods as J.-zX InAn Iawn", IrenchlttulKKtiiTjsookDlmity, oiiered Hull Perslun Lawzu 4 twenty-styles ft fancy . vUin white inBlis,hloieaualitl.i.vr. ' '. - ' ; .. UiS'fl briugEt o this market for years, and yet at ,vril rrwo trora- hl h6opBt: to thfl host kept in thii market, inch as in w Irish rt llnll JEmbrolderies Swiss Edges, tither i l rrsbon ii1.8 many, gualities and ttylesSome of them are duUl yoa f t ua ot line uaoe ou on us. fXlTE G0npn AND SMALL PROFITS' tS OCJR MOTTO. l 4 icweTwe haM 4!Htross; Nuns Veiiinffs 111111117001 and ? if Cottca, Bottrette ClothrBerew. Worsted Satines, shmeresIiamese, xognt weigni iticoi, ew. vge snd mall.v Theyisieho totj stylish this season for trimming, we v ? M sorot tiegmnt ityfci.f- ' - ' ' '- -K,ljt'"7fi " . . f rnrhnjni2, and that, elerant stylish MOSS Fringe. Uf tliem-in different sUdps. ,; r,' , ; .; ,. ' 'VenaTe'soiue Very'nae Jerseys in tii lUst styles, and they are cheap. ... v JUL - rt W VWiT" w w v--' . I tK , T7eaand"Tiair Bhoe; they -' f ; ; are fine and sre sure: to fit, lTV7: -W'-aii-' 18 irafr&nted :t UjVi, ' good fine sboej buy 4kA Tin of.Uiena,' luch as Be jaSCVSoIcodna d; fbe ,1i ('.'' !'" - . Bee our FrenSff Bibbed Hose for , bojs rt TTrenty-flya .CfAts. fO.b'ir wIll oatweasfirt woi nary., tf M M JV fadf We carry Ml line orLisl and Cotton. Hoiil. vy:t;-, ),. 1 ', ,v.i:i W u Ii ' ll If- 7 ' ; r "win t-i I j A. ne vspaper t para graph aays uat iaorae part f-Gorgi are so miesiea py aeer nj .wua imwcys that the teople hare to drire tben oufcof lit fields tec protect" their crops."- To sportmea la 4 thickly settled .'. . commanities--JIassacbn- setta, foi 'instanc thii statement Of the condition ot fame. in. QtajrlA wast aSord g splendic Tifiion; Mas. aachasetta is the Und where) peoole came fipiik o ;going i'buatlog1' iostead of going. "shooting, f, be- Ctiaa.tbe aport: liMre really f as banting. , with little finding, and ooisequeatiy, little ( .shootiag,, to reward it. The old commonweaitn bat become . meaa uraWy r res tooked under the ' game UawsjW1 recent rears, Lot tne trro puntiqg '( etm noiaa eooa, even wn goinge aftjex meadowtr! orx are only Am BaUrtrWas, BalUkU H. 1 Hanooo Bras, oav fclaprs b tejied upoa, not only to carry in stock the best .of eyerrthipt:, but to secure . ths ,Agay for susk! article fasT wsii knowsi merit, and axe popular with t people, thereby sustaiaiat ; te'. rt MU tknof being always wnterprldng, aod i wiiauie. iunuf awunu, n JlKencji fr) the oelebrated' Dt K3ag new uisoorery for. Consumption, will sell it on a paeitiTe fuaranteai U Wtll surely oure any i and every affection of so so U to ( f f if Throat, Lungs, and. Chest, iaud to show outr obnideade, we ' Inyite you to eall ana gel a Trial zsotue rree. 1 1 I j ) ii I ,mkii, il I pi Jew.Sforc! ricvGc:di! .1 i. , . T ! Bargains'! Bargifos! ) .'-'" ' ' I wish to .iftfonn my friends and tht public . in general, that I hare just returned from the Northern Markets. where I bare purchased a Very Large and Well Assorted Stock of Dry Goods, . Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gaps, And everything you can oa! for that is Kept m a first Class Dry Uoods and Clothipg Store. 1 ' 'I ' can't sell you f ooda of erwy kind cheaper than anjf tother house in tf )city (quality , considered) I Will give mem away. i .I Isoit lew and' I am tleiermbed tj sell Jow.i , I wpuld be pleaded . te have you calf and Examine my itocki - Mj ALotte ls-JSlore goods aid bt ter goods for a fittle money than ant Other Dry Uoods II eaecUa the city : Vejj respefltfaily;, J ) jihop Bnilingp opptistafte nil . ir.ur murt-t uwu ituauie, sveeb. JJA. Tabktai,.f3alesniaa. -'.; ' jpW . 1 . ji J ti y.swsk. i - r u; j" "" J Mf WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, Ginger Ale, . T t Sarsaparilla,. - Lemon Soda Jiiffalfillead. CalifbrlliJ PeaY Cider- fete., Et miB.lj fi 4 il l. . XJUNWKOTION WITH THE AGKNUi JTUK laTETLlJSO TCa W Brewing Company's JLagerfeeer, Portal, fa., ( vm - ' ui KEEP ON HAND A FULL LUTE OT AIID LIQUORS AT WilOESALE, g the Barrel or Gallon at VLBYLOW FIGURES fua CASir ' .'ghigicr. Ai'e .'a'alB ported, andnperior to any procoiabie in North Carojty. 1 .Which wilt b sold b; i. 'ti;; u." irm r LMbfhiti g 5B 1 1 1 1 t II J "U ' JI. 1 1 m hii lut Bargains PPBNB GE.QRGE IMS lvii ill fw mwniruli CAitltMraliiTMa urn rrnri w . a ri r htm it w . Ttnrtiii.i , OAjurawiuni v Ifl tVerr mpact, il ht fno nehipktkxl hf ltn HANGiT.WRIA.'; 33V :vA Hhirt. f i Ms tie" best '.'Shirt. iyjU! -: .... o Why con't y-u t reaJy-nu.!? V,"' : u-carir- yr . r ty ; r " " : v c:k, :'. i L: ! . ', ' - ' - t: r ve a f.-.v c ! i,' '.'cfit. .:-. nen'riilliryOocdj! r . t I nei riuiiin (Hum stock or,.... HAS aUEIVBO, tat on UbUnJuiJLU..iiU' tmiM'diWsa .'hv I wlUJe Mostfaur rmtylng addlHeas to bow. the friends and oainbMrs Fdler-TcrXet0 Mr jtir Stock. Upon Stas Ikoat rwtkl itfom. to bo fide sarChaMM,! (M-aakMie- men trasUd wltb.) ! I will my r.nrr itork of CIGAB8 TO-.I baax1.i tioARkrTK', FiriCrjKr mV F oat 10 nay nn an nniipoiw wi r 1 aho,hoo e,iHnur ak MaLwto DMpRoea Water, Ckndkef, ato ato. In fMt any food I hmve in Mock, all (ood and rreao. rhla detarmlDtUlon la arrlTad at for tha raav cm that I waat la ehana y bnalneea, L a.) from rur it doww, unnui rr, wiu. pat wbeit I cons xx AO in. I find ttala plaa don't work well, and I wish to aaU oat. And 1 ! roni ana wiaai lis. Tr eotner Of buulh 1 ONE HKBEINO OO. BJLFE. a mJ'7 alwtf; ! tsiim) :y ry shirts it's t':e uh2 oi c ; ever :- ; yo-jrj' e r I The Southern Cultiyafctc if- V . t ! I...- , AND. DIXIE FAr.m. . , 1 - - 1 ' j.y,-- , ., iAi-AR, , ?.l v-A ,1 i.fri V .. ) t'.l NEXT "TO L. H. CUTLER'S. w THE FINEST CLOTHING IN THE CTEY - ; : 7 . FOR THE c LEAST MONEY I JTjST tUCtlVJi!!), a.nw 'line of beautiful rrfikleduSEJ3RSUCKEB COATp AND VESTS, for isuimux wtar, the most pleasant' garment made titc4 1 arcKwcar: 1 be "Ma ing eoiiar witn points angbtiy turur i, ami eoiiar with points she acistrato," a high stand- otted Lawn liow is the tony thing The "JudgsJ'an Ka fine French I'ur Hat, cspwjfelly made for as, is just the hat fot MMesSiohal gentlemen ami anybody, elssi who lifces a fiuo lighj Wetghf far nstof medium crown and brim ; prioe oall 2 50. 4 .I parTjaULi.INJS QF .SilOES AND . DRCOODd sell them as iaj r as any sousa jaus cuy, 3 cjr ..mri. 1. 1 1 , , 1 1 1 rs fro loveiy ana aia iron) .c. up. . . - 1. quest of uoou Api at Low riiaes, remember : bliing but Bargains at GEORGE ASH'S H tf i it af6iItClw -l" STORK. Middle ttawt, netTi.M. Cutlers. 1 w vur iwaoe sunungs m ait ypAO Large arid final! rlaid Gincka U.; 11. SULTAN ASKS A toESTJOIl ! 1 & ;fTAM80TH am 2S2t t?S v. eastern mn fjiilim UA RBLf wrks, ' 1 KEW KKK gwaryV ' 1 j !' jl . ; ' wr w vjl. '4 1 -rj-rf! $4 (Monuments Tombs Aadall tmda Grsvcliutl Building wort In 1 ITALIAN&AMERICAN MARBLE Ordare will reeetye prompt attentior saiatactiou MStantued . JOE K. Willis, Proprietor NUKa :.( obby Sack and If so. don't make your purchase until you see Cutaway Bt,rtJyjHMLow Pricea. Boya' Sailor Salts from $1.50 to $3.50. H MSmTt yU &t TRICES we are. na tsnoea we oner Aonjinioiiiivi GiWlTMMlaliman d See ForiYourself. trm He SULTAN, i rA rrwf eifliaiiltW AT ASA JONES' OLD .i. 1 IF Y0lP,"JAt3T GOOD SHOES ziteiiRi BROS., 5 V etwor Ml UtMirge W . CLmypoole) litfW BERNE, N. C - O. E, Hillsb H'Mj authorized aget.t in Kinatawi. M naa80-lydv tjIMABLE,-: Atlantic 6c JN. aMa- "1n C. Railroad InEff EASTS ePl2:00 ItVSanday, May 80th. 5 w-i Mo. tl Paaaangwj J Ait. 11 CV) W18T. al STATH)N8 He.fO Paaaanswt An. L'ra a ssi life ldaboro, llyep Li except Sunday. a. 11 18 10 r 10 08 A. M. 10t 10 OS S41 EAST. I 1 a Wlxad Fit. k j r--Val WW TLJ rriL.""' ?. TTnV 1 . -A. " AVrr. M M 1 r s' I f 4 '.1 .aaaa. .aaBBBaal w aav AW VJ M I IBHl I 1 - Wa l I I f A , lVY -II f rlki ) I I . 1UBI ! OVI I ill III I anaaaa-aafl ' T . II i : r 11 M I A i Wf I i ,A1 a nil ua . SW I ' L VN J Jafill 111 1Z1S -a- rilH WSJ l 1 -- !1. - ' .. aT . " I 4 46; IC lid o:;ly . is a m w : IHI int. STATIONS. Ho, at Hlxedlrft. Paaa. Train T-"T J j ' J ' 1 ilmll MTO..A I -. -T'- - . . very pais wwftteii try fclvo satisfaction or money refunded. .x.verwpair tll" a n mi n a aav a . J :-' - . r t to fnr.m xa , .Mi;:o'r::.'in cK::fc" , corn:::.? rxaAit, srnnrs 7 40 1 fioWa boro, Itaett La Oraare, FalUacUraek . aUaaioa. OaawaL Dover... OaraCaMk I Taaearara Clarkel.- . MWaTa. 1! 1 - S081 Oraataa. i (3: BayeloekM S SO j Wild wood- . S 40! AUantia.. r. at. I ... A. k. J A. . TwaaSay, Thnradaymnd Satnrday. tntanda. Wedneiday and Frklay. Arr. L'ra. r. h. 41 3 t 0 f 10 M IS i i S ST . 4S .os css ,IM t a IU or 1 w 10 4 11 si 1 10 40 1 101 MSS 17) 27 tool t tm I 47; 52 Train MeoczierU with Wllm1nrwi A Son -Train k--wn rx inayti.g ljiia. aa- tr nm"- , at rtir v tw. a rain .... i Trwa al eoaaeeta uta Jntchmimd a Train, arHvinf at 0"' 4 ..1 p m . . Wliruintrt."' aa t inua iiu. . Korth at 4:M p.m. Tmin eoen- wita w . ia'a t ; a 6ouUvvasiaooro lit T .5 p m. i.J4 V7i ' 1 i..vr J. 15.' BROT, I ; ; . 1 w IU' Wit