.-Zi. 1..5. la tLtae t. . . . . . . t - tl waste the ir i--..c . ti tLe 1 . e x .... ' t ocr ieu-.; c 1 . . V r i - . 9 4 i t r i t - i - u . 3' f - t -mnr -jtai ; t il tit so l -ft tHJ'f r -M j V W 1-1 L.M 1 it Xtf"1 n'.n! I i ' War lMj,n -1 n o IS i IS" ':'. ' . . I' -.: .. . - -4. .i! : V- ... 'J . " I ' 1 " ? -yrtx ci f 1 j V -. 5 flit hi J f ' ? '- iS aai 1 . m 3 t!.o;oo Llj frr-pueJ a tverj 5 j srtiorjailj looked ctt grwontnan eyer befor -' -- 'g goods, and ono jri- rn i!. . : ' ' ' rn ( . --..-- .r . 3 Sit J III Vr m rp3 .roah'i .or.-? nn if "... MM' I 'V .1! i. I I' JUL l H detail tJ i I a, rn. -.U, u or Ute (..crt of tl. iVilCLLJALL Dn' f-' 'o rn i t take i.tUk ir.n! "' '. SI Vllt For North, t, t i !. c i-:.. i . ir 1 i t . . Li. . . .. i'-- t ( & , ii. i .T . ' ' ', e East, -f. Wed . . ii Vm; f OK 'IoL' red Let krl In. .r i to B . j . t t . L . .o 4 p. m, , a V ft- m. ' 1 t entheee 1 iukui iLi imug dia- A new press la Korfolk fiqaeetea cotton bo tight, it la said, that near ly fifty per cent more of oottoa tLfm to mnal cantn f: ;UJoti1tn space; and'euU another press (is bnllding in that city that promise to squeeze the material even tighter.. Doctor disagree, the 4t lauta' Coiutitution aaya, aa to tpe eQBCt T nn? extreme degree joX aqoeezing npoo the cottoa ,-ibre. Teeta ' made at the "Atlanta Eido- atMoii "showed that cotton fre jofl aaaa or Jearea coold not ie t " I by pressor,-a 61 BJfeciflpW the hardest kin a or preasare evto Improved the fibre if the &tum w free of tf jigs mtler.t;dtUaif potttdjporuiiiiy ant the be. t ... r-ADTICal TO HOTHCU, llta. Wufsiow1! BooTHine Srahr mold always b aMd or children teeUinx. U tootle Hm vbild, aofteb tbft'tmma, ftllava all txtin. enrea wild oolio, and la tha beat ramad (or di4r- bOBA Jwentr-fiTa oaota a bottla.rrn . i't i I. ? jftiOidtuUuatwlr JLll 1 J,:.Wi.,.B.-BQTsD,1 Gsn'l In:urancd flrrcn If. u $5,000. wnii fsip'Wcji; diaabinty by aVcIdeuL' lor $A-0O nJ ""a anhnai unt fan lat .Cctpuiex ieprtsentel IDfllaa RoU ACHVPHOSPHATE, uposphate, lister r:lfcBond film 'I 1 at tnxVl rafiK. . H lllftl4l t Vk lllfli4l IUIIL t P1lk(manji)aa4 IjuIIfh' Ivapopta ItiliKprtr m mnm) ky BiaU. ao BSD M., OhIM, Ey. mmim 4 t To; Baltimore " and -Beturn Um New Baraaucadf y,13 oVl'r"; t. v fU .K. iL ii 1 Leave Hi' ' " Ft 12 .o'clock, f va Kv.olk , Latni- i 'o'clock, i. V, WILLLairS, ral 1.. :"' rmTti)f-ti V Awri r a, in, i i ( i. 4ma, J In Atl -it j-. - , ' Luiph I xt. N.i ri ... . l'n- i . . v Xrhen a 1 ..I :libi f i in he T -trt- ( Vmrt -,f i ) : 4 P.i . , ,)'' " w In r ' "e al ii.f i ... e l) r f 1 1 f T ' r " ' - lui , It . . - - - J w W a w aai C w w A i ; ; i 1. - . . :7e; repeat. with em p&sls, every thing for- i . t ! i ... . ' : k 1.. iu'cil y, mentioned in tms column caning attention ' to" the many ;in;r!n3,,with which the- 4 top; tind "sifter rcxidihg'l-.r: Ihe- U above definition; (of;this much d&tis&ditt wordi we fgajrifiij )rj atiWctoiy iransaU6ns,lhat-you public to inspect, coni- pareand ijujudff6'ft!f6r opisciyesj t quaiiiy ai oil f rinQ'AfbtirlArAVI? , ' 16incc5)()ds for Wfcrucharkcterj an n;i3mjtefidooodg for thoso wantih?rf5Uch inds, but domot t!3- classy of'-tnide. :Our stgrft3ai(or,ueipu welcome fmyinBeafch 1 1 1 . ' i 1 . . it j compeuuon? wnii. ino 31TEhdaImposim city, ; ..wjo uw.ouia -say much smallerrthan we ?otlfcMe:W, but lr you compare fttitoffinK.yo will decide " that 'goods Jvjith . usfJ are abundant ancato'ouf "valued earnestly .BOIicitod... wit a i t b'4trt ft-lt- 13 Wl All dc.i 4,-aT'ly 4-4, Bleached TCr.CIION Lacea, i2 cents for 12 rsrdt. j. .t fOtrr Choe atock Is 'now! Coiae to see us for' aU iindscf Goods, end we will lalUfy you.' :Zi:ijlc3 far- I T-T - every dollar e i tt ; 1 t-2r, l!esceret' ::vrct :jie : .it . -.1 : , .1 . si g 1 and rial i l 1 -a:-. , ' MO'S ia all tie dJcrtLtstylLS, from 12.75 tp to tie l..i;t. MEN'S PAINTS from C5e. up to 5.0J. . ' . A LOT OF CANVAS HATti, 5c;. a!so;a well, aortel f .k cl STliAW AND I LLT11A13. ; ' - ' ' ; ' ; C,f1 IfT" T1i- KEEIiSyCKtlt COAT ASD Yi-.T,. Completa stock of Geuta' Furnithin GooJa, Boots and LLoca,Dry Cods, . ' , . . . Notions, .rjatbrellaa, Trunk and Valises.1 ,. . . : ; "oilAMJPION ULOTHING IIOUriC. ;..': ,w?r','i f.'f-':-'' xa."'-,wxx.ir-.-.Tj. ' ,, oSdwir - -."V i -OM VJ:iJ Y-' -, tw.IfUUUa St. ttp. K. U.J1.1 ' R I . a ? (rtf. ia:V i ' 1 I M POHTANT TO I..." IU. J If' -rrr- r na aw Dotr by alOf n taamlBlBl M IMUEXSB STOCK of ClotWng, Dry oa,fliOo,?JUoii,,llata.1CRj.r.BtWOT ' An 1I wool Butt or CloU, onljr i.iO. . if ..t" - ul' Wbll8hlrt. Uuodrlea and nnlonJrled. only 40. . , ttoola uil blioaa. ifaUaud Cap, l Kovfc Tlianktng ! public for Uiflr paUonagc ,b (utnra befor baytDf tMwberc, , . - 1 tb " - , , . MldJJJst, batweaa mm H 3 'Uo ufciisruUGiirssss& UfiniTi Crah Orrhard 8m In t-at4 parkarft At 10 "J tuta. T"u1m b -I CRCMARO WATrlf CO., rroi'r, W. rr w, a- - r i lll'l 'ii T - ' - . ibuutuand 'IritJ llUalivd to M- kV A vk awivw L.uf bom took tuil traxi a1, ftraV nania a taniv w wui uuu . tainntaiid Bfr rwaLoraxl WAwlLb by CtM or mSS'SEMIKALPASTILUS, A Ruilruil Diirtt fur Karvona lWullta. iirwKti Wtiiihijn tirt Hit sir ii 1 IoajyTo Toang or hi . iMAiwaMSB. isaMfl mrr iuni laanin i thmni buk thay taaoanitUr rmii prwmauirJr ffjM taad brotuan dowm maam tothull njoyaimrit of aatrteiland fuil MamlvBuMtctl.u4 VUorooa Kiaalth. 1 o tbosai who auiliar rrasn Uaa anaoif owqm d taaawa) Vauiatvttiaboajt r 1 fd tawwiuan, aUpoaara, 0Bri tV orku or louf ra) J4uiKUo, wttawk Uua ya Matdcav r , MlilUflTitATElV e no'rl : 4 rim v . j- -- .,1 Tli Utfeember Knmbsr will twttn the 8v nty-eoond Volumof Hkpb' llASajciaa. MM WoolMtt'B Dovel.-"Kaat Antsela." aad Mr. Howell'a "Indian Bummer" holillng Ui (oramoat plao In currant .aortal notion- will ran lhreugn evral nunibara, ann will oa followed by aarlal atorlea from K D. Blank laoraattdMia 1). M.Ctalkv A. saw editorial dapartmenl. diactlaalng topic auggeatod by tiia currant II eraturaof Anieiioaand Carnpe, Will b contributed by W. D. Howe I la, begin nlag with the January number. The great lltarary eat Of tfca year will b tba pubUaa. Uon of a aertea of papera taking the alutp of atory, and depleting character la t le (eal.urea of American aoolety aa aeen at our leading plaaauia reaorta written by Obarlra liudley Warner, and lllnatrated by C. B. ltolnbart. Tba Magaaln will give eaneelal attention to tmerlean aubjeeta, Ueavted by the beat Amer an ; writer, an,.lUu&tM. bylaadlng merlean artlsta. t ...,.- , -v . : .; '-I-'-": .'.'. - " fiTnttrper'a Periodicals HARl-tai MAaAZINK..fw HOC BPB,BA7,AR......i.w.W-..'.'1 TABrK'VcCNO PEOPIAX'N'. 0 A IrP Js.r f ilA N K 1 .1 S 8Q0 ARK JJ- . PFARYOna Tr(-j2 KumberB.W Poatage Free' to all autiaciibera " OnltedUtataorUanaa. ' ( J . . In to TlafYfuirfri nralie W I afmifl ne bee hi will the Nutaiij . Suae and l'..c.inUir df aacn year. Wlteii tio -t lmn ta at' willed, It will be undeiatood thattlie tnbarrnier fjlaiiea tabe. gin wSb tbenarrt-nt NemtH-r. t it ltoukd Volume of Harper'a MRaclile for tnree yeara DacK, in neat clow binding, wll be cent hy mail, poRtpaid, on receipt of t800 per volume. . ClolU Caaea, tor binding. 60 oentaaach by Inail, poeipaid. . , - index to Harper' WMnilnn, Alphftbetioal, AnalyttK ant nafcxlnrd. fftr Voimne 1 to 60, tncUiivi from June,' lMI,O0 Juuo. 1880, oje vol , Kvo. Cloth, 4 (W, !- - r' t Hemltlanreaahonld emade byPoat-Offlee money Order or Draft, to avoid ehanoe of loa. . Newapapera are not to copy thla advertlae ment wilnoutUie exprea order of Harper A Brot her. Add rem HARPIR BKOXHERH, New Tori. llEUS & TRENT .MVEB r t Ucnboal CprapanyA WUl ran the Vpwlnk Bctdule aiU aflei teaner, Cutibrf. t : : . - . . - - S.'-11 Win !w r.rua fnfi Trntri everv Wednemt y at rn., and (J-'n. ay.,(r the arrival f thK'-mer. Kiii'it-tr'Vof.h; rcturn Itik. wlH leave Trenton et'r.v ri iiut and Bauirdayi tonalimg at all a1n aion'g the "!: - Steaxaer, Illrstt a. ! ' On and after June i. 1K. the Bt-mer Kindlon wiil Imv, Kin- n f.-r hew lt-rne every Moii.iBvaml Tin in. - v al H o rlork a.m.; returntna, u .l! i..ve i pif-f Tumi. day and Friiiav.f . i i.i. e kt .1 v ,,I ind and imirliiMt ii j. i i - i mi i v,.r. tnoae com . ! : , mwn v 1 1 h awan .-r h'.en andoahol t tie o.d lioii.iinou i?i.iiik i p t o. ;'-' ' JOES' ir.KLi.,t ''- v i 1 v. r. tun.v, - i j -'-. B. haw. i--!. r I. T. v - ' j. r. t ' j. .A -31 uu a r PURCHASKUS.- Bottom Plgara. j.' .'"'! ' : ' -T to U put. and In Tiling thenl fo mil W.u r 4 la am, vry rMproUuily. J ; ""iZ Daffy'j aiWra aad 8w'i furotter mom, DTPPJIA, SICK HEADACHE. I -j COWtTlPATIOM. - - .u 1-ta- with ailaalius in buv .w. or tiMwn waiKiwt mi i on sriwuuae amUuad appAcatloii to fii av4 o i iiiwoM la felt vuiiwut A- ling tna KJUrRl3tll..OY CCXf trx S rwarv rn 191 lUww' iwv.aa IT ' 1.00 FOlt IX llONTlIS. ' -fJ-: ;:, ' . napwng f -44. Faall. M Lit- , r '' '4 -. ,. . . - .,, Serial, Bbort Btorle, ' diaradea, Poetna, ' .-, Alas praetleal iIM tor the tioiuM-lHtki And other valuable Infoi nation genemliy. . 8plmaa eepy It canta, Aduraaet,l-lilla delphia. . ' , ..... tt The abore magaalne an-l Joubhal both sent one year tot a Jj TONSOEIAl'AETlBT, Peraonallv in attendance at bla V al rilraftlng and bhavlng fetloun at the oiou i-.. i,i, With the beat work rn en and new lurniiinw. Batlafaetlon laaaaured to tboae Who. pairun. lae hint. . . S&80 I '.9j8..: i,:',,. ,ftLtlt)STnATED.rf " Hs-iT ")o nri-.Vvtv.-., !,''.' : BARPBB'a'Waciil.Y Iiaannw, for V ' 1' n twenty year.!i. i . ' leading Ilium mud .-. . , , , ,. Aniern. V iiii a ri.n. t t . ,, erary and art. ic r .i ,, ,. . , ,' r for the enaniiii; ..r by any )hvvi. .. Ital liluauaied evt ii. i , . Hanl v, au.oi ? ti e I . . Of bci .on, anu ue oi i t t . one of n e n.oi,! ? - . - , eiina; t m i ic iu. . . ... , r' wl lo ti-k.ii.ttln a - ; ,, entprta . umir ki ort a,. - t . , by the bmt wrnnra, a i . . v" hiirh aulhorltlea on li.e i ( i ,. day. . Kvery onewhod " , leal guide, an em . l , , family Jonrnal, em ii,-, r i . s . . ', able featum.inei.iier i.'ti. ' . tlona.ahouid aubacrioe to x . i i , , , . ; ,J IfarterVl-; U.' in.':; ..-., ri; Ti,XR: ' ' HAnPER'8 WEi-KLT ! HARFER'8 MAGA7.IM; Z, HARrER'8 BAZAR . HAnrtR-s Yor.Nar: jxe ? c i H ARIER'S ERA.VKLIN fjVAI 1J PKART.One Year ('2 un I -r.) . , . . 1 v. its -' ' C11 1. ry ACT ratror.a, asJ i . r j more IT 'L '. , ! 'i . - '