' i ii !-r; I it. J fJ" -fj -f r' ., -. .t i K i ll 11 miioc. ' , 1 ,j4Ai .-. .- an-- ' 'vol; v. mm t LOC.'vL NEWS.. M snru.l lilmnir) ilBUUt . ,. (ii New Berne, latitude. 135 6' North.., u i - de, 77 IT Wert.-? V" id rise, 1:41 I Lcgt or id eeia, 7:10 I 14 tours, 83 minute. . - ' tni V BUSINESS X0CAL& . - -nrrr'Tyfvm" v- Lost la or Br tbe city,-' ft leather purae containing some money; Tbe finder iU be liberally rewarded by tea iK same floPKM JJBOfflce.r mlSSSt IiOf' ,' ung earp hve appear ia. mar- Remember the excursion train ! ' Pol look treUhU morning at I o'clock. v lilaA taroontiiaij f nee for, ; the Atlantic Hotel at Jlorehead City, ' The cemt ry . committee) begjan work on the extension of the rock wall oolho west side of Cedar . Grove Ceme- Alarge'elilpment of Irish -potatoei aqaaih,' cucumberei"etf."awitei the . Arrival .ft Jijtef tPtenctntoah I yesterday Tfolog which wretakenutatlQp.m. rt fcrHrCatlSr glfes noUoe of frnlf Jaw fPBrti.,B we-.thercyai be an buL,--iC-"i Wverr ahouU procure1 Jars anJ'' lay Infnsuri- , A jcprrfWOteitf Vary eensf- v. ble rctter.on, Jbe OlwJbVr r&nro4Th ; achepj K. practical bh&i and we hm liev5ojh4 4ay;lput laia opera- Tbe tfStia W 'nbwTIuOeWTrom' Golds boroarT.47Vn.f wetye minutes later than forrneriyv iDttiH tt i-.i ; JThe Bepnblioan . county Jeeutive v eommitep ftfe oday. rilEtim (or calling tbe county fconveiiHon.'or ' rather to VX Ihe' li A for tW'culion; ' of a larg DupO'ofrfoe.sekere. TbeateaiM JCiiion wili 'Wkve this . marningiot glnston and wHl tetura on ' cxeroisen of Polloksville Academy Wi'iopl tB trJsMM f th Aodmy -will Ihfi Ihe peojplS bC W Berne at nearly dayif wear tqthave a free jrd' school f& another rearV,1 We have full cpnfidenoa ft the abiQtt (Jf the trostexM. but we see nb reason why their deljberatioris shouldjaolbe made public. , Batlra Stock for Bale. . Vt. J.A.Tridgenchairm'of the board of vbmmiBsionerf pf Renoir Co., offers f or'sale 'the co'unty f itock In the A Can pi . "Mr. aln "Ves; why lAfXf '"Cause a J ShdShiilb&iei. This rouoquy wwk uauot yoonsruj entlei unand altle-atchin betwf Who r and i.. . -dock-' of t!) refii.' that I , iroaf g fittD?hrI finecorh'plff ibe r ffticl Tjunctuality'ftth: VWch .. . ;: . Khedancw"" . , , -, .--mgrotaarr a QronEbt Ifenror HHI. A-. ,f-; I .. J The remaps, of, ljJeseeip Beale; which were brought herefrom .Buffoflt. Va., wherej she died ,Bone yean. ago, arriv'i lobi nit and "were 'buried fa the famUy lot Jo Cedar 'jrev Ceme tory. &rs, Beale was . a r resident of New Et'tntiUfofe) the Wkr , Vnd -yru well known by many of our. oldest citi- Efins. "i .-.V- - Tlse renwitawfr a t chrs5ai Vbr B m, IfrvCadi Beale, now oC AtobuUMj' waiter- r.trcu: Eir,i kbH i&aFf J.B i: r ' -- Jvcd last lght OtV to Lis fairer, Prof. Geo.. W. Neal,,i. v . II. A. Lail ri-ii, E04.V associale editor cf t' i 'rrtcil';.7a?efi;cr.-Ki-V.K. j.rf , I I., editor f 'the 0; Wash j . tv t-9( n 1 W. J.' Grumpier, I . 'i the .Washincton' natcn T ! c f 'v e f :ci.ctndcu yfis- t , ( their way -to the ir.'s Asfociaf-on of 'i meets at Kore- ( hnrm to 800th the t --r wrote the above " but we I've 0 b eition for T: 9 drc.ry -1 end ThursddT end roak rnnto Polloku Villa on Ur,' giag an pportnnlty to those iesir toi a tteed the cloeinrf -,The case f Dewey vs. Williams, be fore Justice W, Gi Brinaoe drew quite a- crowd yesterday. ' y 'C; J" ' : i 1 The plaintifl claimed that the defend ant waa under contract to furnish him the steamer J? QUy to run an excur sion to Norfolk 00 June Tth, and failing to do, thia' he,' the - plaintiff; suMained damage to the amount of two Lund red dollars. Hon. C O. Clark and W. W. Claik, Eq., appeared for the plaintiff; Messrs: Simmons & MahlyTor the defendant' The plaintiff introduced in evidence a written Tcootrac. f The defendant offered '-to 'show by pirofe" tastunony that there - were) other considerations Jhjoh . ww att mentioned, 1 in itke ntrlot. .Objactroa' to' this 'testi mony . brought -, nbout quite ' a sharp skirmish between, the opposing counsel as to its admissibility. The Justice, finally decided to admit the testimony and note, the . objections, and if, after considering the- matter he assausnea (ne evidence waa not com petent, he would rule it out. , " After the evidence was all in the case was adjourned to 9 o'clock this morn- JMrt Aat, Maease. .fwOM; VVK LweJk up tAwn,en MoftdTeveninc gives us the foliowink account of what he saw and how he en ;1 'ThVirtVwitii 4 eil'cailid''us UrftaitietyStroU m pleeaaot oqmpaoi- .HMrierc- iue reuvxins . iroca oust oerea. PasaiDeuD Pollock -street, wa CAfha ta puap: urnea Ttowaras Trent rivet on the street nearly parallel to German. , lU-omened eflluviar- We drew near to a pump on the sidewalk, and tbe offensive pmells 'were utterly stifling. , Just be yond was a long ditch with its stagnant water, covered with thick. darkrsen sCum, and the rank dark grass clustered thickly rat the margin of the putrid uquia'vsess. 'inere was no aiincuuv in the whole being effectually drained, ror tnere was elope enough downwards. But the neighborhood was full of pois oned air. - How could the J&hahitants stand , itr... Unless , something i done there to remedy the nuisance, a pestil amasi ma Ka avMintet iat rV n 111s Fia I wve fcsnj-. wtyvyKv as sjaae v 9 f We call the Ittentlol ef the fieaitery Conimiif OUiJ?Pli.(4 to th! awl! condition of that street. I( 9ught tobe amended, and" quickly too',' 'And who ever is culpable for Its geUiDg fob twth e state Ought tq be warned , . , . ';' ' ' '.OnsioV BaillroAd.,,' y - jACKSONVItLEN.C.,'Junel4th.i , fl 'Editor Jocftitii.. Dear Sfr: I have read letter written to the Wilmington Star proposing AnaJrfow gauge railroad from Wilmington to Onslow. OQuaty, v , 1 NoWMr. Editor, h Wilt prrwxlse pnfc fromrouasirrto Onslo county: and amqng the, many way and -.means that have been effexed , for, the building of the same. I will sueeeet the following asn ,my opiuiont el ig. aeaUytS the most leasioie pian ror tne auocessiui inauguration of A project that will prao tilv eive steamboat and railroad trans pomtioirtortowTrioiiIin"as I am not familiar with the 3 price ol eteel rails," but supp-e the gguree ef out Wtlmintrton friend k te , or r recti v. S3 to nn ton 1 S .71 tl t .24 UiT Bailsi "fTtor i JwfpoJ raUroad, Norn, I take k tnat any rn roau nnmiiri-incf jynaiow peunty that would Botw9eeitaliWiarn boat transportation-on, he; Ner,ttlyer will'riot cava filled its mission,-because the New rivet is coted for the. finest feeh and oy store in the south v and the facili ties for starting en oystercanning., in dustry woplhbe ui8rpfledj bHeideg the fltaetimbef lands and farmini lands that steamers would raaoh in travelling up and down this lovely river, y There is also no finer section for both winter and mmmer reaorta.r The Aln m snrinsaL the Catharine-;lake, the- beautiful' pine forest , and. tha Atlantic ocean at v mouth, all combine in furnishing a va riety of reasons that this country is tne natural home of tbe'sporlemarti and the man of leisure.) The Trent river in Jones county hi 'already tdying upoe its waters a successful system of steam boat transportation, which I understand is of profit to it owner and A conve nience and benefit to its patrons, along it line; The distance from Trent river in Jones to NeW river in Onslow coun ty itrabont 20 to 25 miles; a .Now what we most need is to tie those two rivers wiia a narrow gauge railroad. ' This, I claim, can be -done almost: within, our own people and without any very great outlay with anvone.,r , j'f W ) -The people owning the Neuse & Trent Eiver BteamboBt Co. are already organ ized (and t'-.cre b grest sUebUiia or-E-anization). They have a nucleus, and they should, fcier t'.is rrattr t either sb ajpart c f tbf ? e jh t . SjeIom or 'a tram h idea to it, becaupe there is no dJoountirT thi firt tv two? rivers once eorr t,' M and t-at 'crceection ccDtro"1 ty V -i c be cf y L . I.. Onslow county can -w nr.te ton thou m3 '...V j -y w! a will bulM t' . ,. t r,, 1 ,1 .- ' riv(. r i f'-iHit c-.i t. . i- rut fVb wo' 1 ' -- ' ' 'i it v -ny vi. I P'ire'v ;1 sTord to do i tJ ar. y' c- . 1- r ton I from s: v ' " r r c T-" ' ' and the- people' would nof feel 1Q Y&iM oonnty as a county would hardly be ex- peoted to take any stock, but that town- snip or neighborhood in wkucn the road terminated on the Trent river ought to give at leaat flve thonaand doUan lae similar manner as Onslow does here. The State of North Carolina ought to give a portionaf its public lands through which th road-fcrould paasy say every alternate section it eonld wall afford to do this, and then tbe remaining part ef tne una wouia do wortn mora to tne State than the whole ef it fa now. The building of twenty-five mile of narrow gauge road through this level and open road, judging from former estimates mat we nave seen upon this subject, and especially when rauatt pf oof oMas tabor can be used in gradinn; end cut ting and laying ties, iron, etc, the total cost ought not to be oyer forty thousand dollars to. tie thM two rivers together, and as we have before stated the Nense Trent Bivsr pteexnbot Cecsaaoy is better ' prepared to undertake this scheme than any one else we know of; ana u tne otner subscriptions as above on the part of the Steamboat Company of twentv-five thousand dollars, than the road might bbllfae Steamboat Company already has the extra boats to navigate the New river And the, Trent river. And twentyfive miles atf narrow gauge road1 'would' tie the"' two rivers together. And open no to steamboat and Irailroad transportation one hundred miles oPtbeflnHfrcouatiyi mi Eaqtern North Carolina. Tours truly, Onslow. Promt tho L 1 ! Star scatr. ' Hdtcbenb, Texas, February, 8S. For many yean my wife hae been af flicted with a large eating uloer on the leg, which has had the attention of sev eral doctors, and the use of all kinds of medicine, without benefit. She was told that B. B. B. would care her: She has used two bottles, and the ulcers improved rapidly until entirely lenred. It was tbe first and only medicine that ever did her any good. W. J. Kihvim, - Bold; id New 'Berne by fc. N. Duffy and E. H. Meadows. I . La Grange Items. Dr. J. 8. Bizzell has resumed the prac tice of bis profession in our place. - There is considerable sickness in our community, mainly bowal troubles. We are sorry to hear of the serious illness of AJlea Wooteo near this place. Farmers are giving the grats a black eye. Last week was favorable for such operations. " " 1 - 1 The closing , exercise of L. C. I. will begin Tuesday night. If 'possible, we will giyejthe proceedings in our next. Nearly1, we might say all, tbe cadets have 'returned to their homes. Oar town ie not as live ae it was some week 1 go. J. H. Kinsey. Esq., k fa (aw visiting JoeephlKinsey, V'unole JBendereost'sr' visiu are Always pleasant apd,,when be cojies the wood saws get sharpened. ) I J. M. Starks, Professor fa Davis' School, left bore for hie home in. rota rs- burg, ,vb.lAea Saturdays Pref. Starke bae many warm (rtendafa L4, (Isange, and oarrie with bint their best wishes. A large erowd was ftt town last week attending tU' Jinmenoenvaat Many ladies, and the young gents said pretty ones, were here from, various sections. The, boys werer bare In full force, mahr ttg osaor tn largeee gathennge seen in our town ror some rime. M w.e.woold like to 'mention all .Vaeeeat. bstM wo Cannot, think best tqsfj sg(Ma,riX 3HBV. T. j. ggtmsa pveaoned tne con eAeeraeat. asrasbaT ai the L. C L last Sunday. - It was oar pleasure to hear htm, At4 trspagtC ffaipteAdhlr wVJevt dently unwell, we have never heard a better sermon. --' Serrioea .were . held Sundaf b$gh akB the otimddiu ei bsrpl tavfl send oOnunnaion . administered, MAaday the preacher visited and preached at Hickory Grove. ' "We regret our inability to give at ae- . oouat of tbe'oleeinK'-bzeniseebt Davl School. The address, ef Cape, Ashe, of Saleiffhi' on Wednesdav la said, br one competent to judge, to bat beea splen did,, Mr. Burkhead'a speech wajwe delivered 'and well 'received. The speeches, declamations aad debates of the societies were good. And taken all fa alb, 'the entire proceedings, so far as ws saw or have heard,, were a complete success, col.' Davis deserves tbe en oouragement of all the business men fa our town for, his 1 Successful efforts ia building no a first-class school. "WS wish, hint alii tbe encouragement and patronage he deserves. ,A " - ' ' s ! f nrlew"BBrs. Mr. Joseph Peed. Of. leaiuosAooa&tr, 1 iMv.-0!l"rV.T, says that if the fanner wiU ouUb eat stalks and rice stubbles with., a hoe. cloeetoor even With the grourJ,' at soon after the crop is gathered as poewi- ble, be will toot be troubled" wfth the curlew buav" This Is A Vrrf at'e itrai of iafc-a5..v;cn, and.it should be carefully auendsd.to- by all .who Are liable to theraTsjcf tl ' ft. "'!'' .! -' , ,cej Auu A to. .AH' V "I 1 ' 1 ' 4 rr.KTAEATIOKS ' FOR TF! lTitVn(- TFMT Eopton, Jure 12. Llr. Ct.a Uars Innd is ia T tl- a t ' f-r tv r" cf cwtV- it f-o t ; t . : . . i r t -e ' : t.--"iv i 1 cf t'.e ' ; .'- an .' 1 b 1 in t t I '11.: 9 r ''It '" . '''. - a . L stated oa4 be raised and st snbMjrlpUoAl"16 unprisoned Sparuards for the iawult 1 ::;-4RrEp..'::'v llj thought -Cwagregs wUl ' irn abotr) Iha'flist of Julyi 1 f -) : An :we4n W. Atrlou- BubinateinTthe1 dtiLkiuhed pianist, wW make e,toy ef,-rhfrrw. ' The tkefejatnet ir i.1: in V lie tornd, meqepj f UTfrw Berne it was B degreea tower. . Girv0lW bWUK)si A its roiiay th largest umber .atsy, tune sine th erganiiaUon of the tnktttlon; juoo. t j. u. xamar a a aeceyssa an InTtaOon to deliver th membriiJaeV dveas at the unveiling of the Calhoun monument in Charleston, m ber." v ';: On hi That wise nnd noble ruler, Emperor William, of Germany, has expressed S I I . ' -i 1 r his wish, and, he. believes, that P, hs conn try also, that" pardon be granted offered the (JertiawrlSgat''M4drid lat year.bifasl the excitement about the seizure of the Caroline Islands Almonds, Englhh Walnuts and pecans is aouotrur wnetner tne nrst two men tioned can be grown, fa North Carolina. but front practical experience the latter fruit can, and with good results.' The tree is not only prolific in jielQiag, fut deep with root, hardy, and fine of body, rendering it an excellent shade tree as well as being profitable Thej Legislature eft tsAii passjejl wjpiblii, pri-leges allowed in the; cjj LStote on SW New Orleans will be effected utafnhlt nrl ti'iif place l?ba1 incest ah to be'oloaed -ere opt sewp4per offices, book stores, pub bo markets, arner stores. rcstoamnw and "thenar, where liquors are not sold.. .This is better, but couM be.very yrtu, further, anrwiM. . , Colon, June 12. A cable dispatch from Kingston sara: Heavy rains bay causMrafeacjaatacr94 tnrnptiDOfi tea island. d In' Kinstod (heloesis estimated at 1100,000. All tfaa aBrnment tele graph lines are prostrated, and tbe rivers bave been impassable lor several days while railway communication is at a standstill. A number of bouses have been destroyed. ' I rj THREE BUNDSKD ICEBKRUK. 8t. Johns. N. F. Jdaa, M. The Htr St. Joseph from Liverpool, whitsj has Just arrived, brought the crew of the schooner Mary, Quean of the Bens, which was lost on May 8 in the middle if the .Atlantic. The captain of the oeeph reports some 800 icebergs east ol tht Great Banks and as low down as the forty-fourth parrallel of latitude. Am S)I4 CUI steaks, Mr. J. M. NorriS, An old resident of f trot bled with kidney complaint, lot a great many years and with ebeerttafbr three years; at times could scarcely walk and, had tried many, remedies without benefit, until lie began taking Etetotrio Bitters and anointing his hands and feci with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. This treatment afforded him great relief hum he strongly, recommend a Electrio Bitters to-" all wno Suffer with kidney 1 1 . . KLI. m-Mt. r. I " l'li t VIV" VW Pi tnu-l It ts generally known throtfrhout tne whele ooantry th&f l&fge stt,ikAf rare being made Anions Um laboring elasset in some or our Jarf oiues, sncri as; ynicagey rniiaaeipauv ana new xora. Sdsne have been, wounded, foe life and some have 1 last therrlfvw TbeTCe tioa sow srises. wline thaJl be dona to keep the peace . fa'i Eastern Kerth Oaro- linay ,,The, larmes eaaad' afford ' the eight hour system at the , present prfces e prodnoe, nelthar ie the laboring nran satisfied with the present prices of labor. I 1,11 IT miU W HIM T II Lmuflt beforA; aomi) dbe mist ome the front eid devWsorneVneme by which the people assy. Db elirs trom such a tyTanuJcal oppression. In Tie w of the tofect)!ng fact, Andfa the rah. senoe'of Any relief from ether sources, we suggest that the quickest And most satisfactory way : of keeping-. down strikes An1 difnefVoas AaMertto ' ibor tag eltsat li.frAMibmfortb Uarotina is to ihaks the prices of goods and supplies fa conformity to low wages, and fa nuking the fufrgestion we here Douncey t's - ubrtttyt wv jhpash to set npon ft, and direct everybody, labor ing classes anda)i, to lhaJ-4chvap cash; store of Humphrey ft Howard, where they wil( find a large faBdroomi plete toekoCivceriLa CUlrygVids U strike prices. The mbst vital strike fa liTe is, the strike, for ways endY tneahs wv :'rh gTjaranteea, 70a,. perfeot, satisfaw. t' .a at Us least oost, the strike then for 1 . Teat cheap cash stoi wut? Outfrphfty 1 . ward will certainly obtain for you It lowest possible prices, thereby aile vinUeg ail past troubles and guarantee1 ir ? ycu race, prarirysmd hAppineet ia US future. r-' 1 wlna ,-,h ' v b.w Dal :T.MTrrdn3HT3Td five r.rr-r r-Tr.m r SB 3k4-d)ry of in ;t "aTLANTICV AIUJ -KOSTH c : :; r ".- :Ar,; u lo 'rr'y to- ' ; ' j. a. r:::r -V ;'- t n. D'll Co. C --is'ra, K.r-'t n,N. C. ' - ,1. r. :r COMMERCIAL. JOTTaJTAL Ornox, June 15, IP.K. O0TTO - New Yoke, June 14. Futures oloeed steady. Bales of 83,000 bales. June, 9.02 Deoesaber, 8. S.05 t.ts 9.82 July, .ll August, 9.28 September, 9.10 October. 9.M Jan nary, February, March. April, Nevember.,.,0.8 . Bsots, easy; Middling 1 1-8; xw iTiddling a W; Good Ordinary o 1-8. i ITsw Berne market dulL No sales. Middtmw 8 7-16: Low Middling ald;OeodOrdfaurrT7-l. - , aeitiin mawKK-r. Bxgn oottos 19.90. OTTOWaBJBn--S)lU.0. I TnarBnif - Hard. tl.OO; dip, 11.75. . Tab 75o.atl.95. Corn I8aa0e. Oats Retail, 66a60. BJPSW70A8& : , 1 BaaswAX-riaOs. per lb. ! Beef Onjoot, 8c.to 60. 1 Omtotat Haw 10c, per lb. K - LAan-rlOc. per lb. 1 E0Q8i0c. pec dosen. Fsxsqi Pqa jsrato, per pound i FTt Ajrrrrs-r-SOo. per bushel. ForpEa-i-75call.OO per hundred. OniSitb 8.50 per barrel. FraxD Pkajb 6fie,70c. " linnta Dry, JOo.; green to. Apples 80a50o. per bushel. Pears $75o. per bushel. Z , Tallow Bo. per lb. CHflaaxNS-TrUrewn, 80a8Se.; spring 20a25c ... . Mkal 6!o. per baahel. . Oats 50 cts. per, bushel. ToaNTPB- We. per bushel. Seed PovaTens Early Eosc, $2.75 per bbl. . ' 1 Wool lOalto. per pound. roTATOE tiabamas. aoasoc., yams, 40a5Oc. KinoaBNB 10c. ShinqLea West India, dull and n jm inal; not wanted. 'Building. 5 in oh hearts, f 3.00; saps, 11.50 per M. 1 , WHOLESALE PBIOES. New Mass Pork flO.Ot. Shoulders Smoked, No. 2. 5c.' prime, 60. C. B.'s, F. B's, B.'s and L. C.-io. Flotjr S3.25aS.00. Labb 7o. by the tierce. 14 i.n Basis 10 's, $8.75. Booia -Oranalated, 7e. CorFEjt Vallo. Salt 85a90c. per sack Mo labsrs and Byrefs 20a45o. POWDHB 6.00. 1 , Baov-r-81 .60. 1. I I I I I ilM "OCEAN VlieW SAiXlTABIUU." Tbo ondarelfttMMl hag opened a HANT TABIC M In awANBBORU, N, C. He has a ptlty TWX1-STOBY HOC8K. neatly rur nlaHed, well shsdod, and frotitlDg tbe great okloonn; dellghtfol sea-breriM. line fish ing, sailing and surf-balnlng. Tlie imvrllaR (labile and Tlsltors generally will find gcxxl aaeommedflrtlons at tbe Hotel. Terms moderate. 1 A. 1 M ALLriT, M. 1). Job HI, 1KSSI dlt wit l 1 iii i I, 1 1 ..I a it To Ihc Houje-ICecpcr 1 LIASON'S niPEOVED ? ERUIT JAR, ltlff;EST--a. iiUnis'. 1 L 1 " -. a . : a-An a a W tw v ' FOR SALE BY L. IKH 0UTI.ER, X...-1 IV I I'M rv CITX Q&DLWAJBKS. Be) it ordained. That say psrsow who shaJl keep open any store or shop on aidays. except 111 easea, ef nsoesaisy. shaUpay upon conviction a fine of Ave dollars; Provided, that nothing In. this ordinanoe shall prevent any drngatars Anpotheeary eJkos) - f rosa benve kept atmn lor tns aaio or crnrwanri snanu- cinesjonly; Provided, ffrther tbat the baker f shops or tha eity snay ' be open ;' for. aha. sranawotloit nf-thelr (nsnat business front 7 tot t oUonk-a. am.' on Banaaya ana that toe nouses may ne on SaBdavw..Proyi(tM. s'so. that noih- fag in tat o1rr.nce' ahall freveat Abe sale of milk In the Citv of Kew krne ort Sunday or the taltf of meats or fish from to a'ciockj a. m. on said dA'. ' E. H.Mfabowr. Mayea. ; i just Miwmujiw&,vuj vttu&fi ' W m mmm - V U,,,,, J J Lial :M h toeai el:'pifllcn' it T ' ff KW BernHt 1 an In. th eLr i a w4 a, . M, . kspti sperMios ne sale or fee, rrpm. 7 to w l w-'We":." fai, -irosa to fraYIoclt d. nu aad-tVssn I so-7 svnu ,i I U ... . 'Sj. 'xm: l: d -' 1 h" ' IMri.,T r.( t , gu&rftf, -e - y v w a i. v.t r r- - - . (1 t F'l New Stock Satines - Little Store 'Bound the Corner. - By wetehlng bolletla Boards at aajna DlaW Foe srUl kset op with tmUm evaau. , !TT , X P. IVES. LTTTLE 8TOKK, I Middle Street, ' . ianusmuta. 1 uneeoorrron Pnlloek-; JW 4 WUu W BKttll K. nf y, ' TI11 IiUo'cal-LiTi Std JisitiaB,' Kor UiSunf rieerrel Risks la IMm Stork. - ' IHSPBCTIOH SSLKCTIOn PaUTXCTlOlf. , . . CAKUIMAI. riATVIBl ' ' , Bclenoe But UiM. practical opesatloax A "' llb tOnfol policy Kuatnut teeing lsdeiunltv. ' lortuary premiums payabla auuujkUy.Mml- . ' annDally. auarlMcly or bi monthly, at tba epaion or ths 'aaaared. An ample reaerva. available for all unforeseen oontlDteuelaa. , Loeal trustees lu every county, lor eollaoUng of Mortuary Premiums, lDanrlng policy bol- ' aera aaalust lapaa, by Uve failure o( malia TRjIan of CKe Company Is purely mutual sud oners to Insurers utdauiaUv imiiiu Im. or stook by dlsease-eil accident. o policy will le lsaued. eoTenag Btoak,, "rr"' "nwn leas loan siuu. "1 a l'ollcv of Inauranoa be ' turn amount greAler than fffrs. on a alnnia Kink in is uompapy does not insure Caney hi nDcy pnoss, our simply agree tol Unndam- niry owneis for Uieli animals, at geod serrtrealile stork Uorsea and Colts tnsutedi between tha aeea I of one and fifteen years ; and Mules between ' asea ox one and twenty years. Policies 'win not be Issued covering 1,1 v- ' err. liny. lUae or Twmck uorsea. nor any 3oSUSSl,i "'reet K11yu ... No Plugs, or second cuusastock. nor Agent wlJlbqotregspd rosarathrulnws, tole'ratee. B. HO YD. AKulS.' ,ui ,;b ,W ftKaB..e. dw Ferdinand Ulrich, WHOLESALE! GE0CEE MB7iliH (H)IH A'ir1 " I SMALL MARQINa Special Prices on Flour. T. A. Green. (aW St mid. NriVV-ilKHNE, N. C. Stockholders' Meeting. The Tnlrty-Seromt i lt.-tular) Annual Meet ing of the Slock holders of the Atlantic and Nortii ChrolinW Kallroail (Company will be held at MOKKflKAD CITY, N. C. on tHUKSDAY, 24th day of June, 1(J. The By-Laws reisire that no vote- by proxy aball be allowed, unleu I ha proxy be accompanied" by an affidavit by alleged owner as lo boim-flde ownemlilp of stock K. C. KORKKTB. Jnnia . Heeretarv. ' Dissolution &f Oopartaership. The (lonaitnamliln hnrtnfnr . der tbe Arm name of Jsranl A Keel lathis day dissolved by mutual oouaeni. J, M. Keel will ooutlnue the buslneaa and will settle all . claims owing by U4 firm and receipt tor all monies dne the same. May Ui, ma. J. B. FRNITL. SB28-S0d J. M. KkEL. , . t : . . . Please To Take Notice That the National Bank Itulldlnn is now on- ertoing repairs, ana during that time Its wUl be carried nn usual, at hm iinea store adjoining Prag.M . w (leo. Allen and at. j. a, entoK. Jnldtf Bay 31, "7- ' HAY 1 HAT! 100 Tons To Arrive! PntoTimothy, $2L00: Ton;' u .'j .:i lower . Grade' $16.00 U rT4A'4a ! I' l"'l '"-' ' '"" i J. a. umadowb;" n; : jjuatdtrawi) iivniom Wiiit- t'J: J Ioiii j-.;; 0! ill I n r-wwro rill 'r- t- ' awawawawesaBWA.Waiiahatl atraM. -H iali-'1,,?f,!,Jh, ""'. 1 LMW Ue4ief',a:l h nvaxBrfcaiav anMMkhymsll. aaoo aaue o.. osriaru.. a.. r fi. mii a i ,).k ii "2 fcA .OAnCSat n XO.jKI Wiewnarsnrriel!stll BarmV, keenly1'' ido in.l MiH.i1r- all penwrrn havln ' ' " rts Sgalnst the rotate of the said Mrrri , , ,a Tw't preaan. Hwn -to the aalit .n T6W, -rtoly anthnatleated. for- Kmcui?! or berorn the Ai day of Jnne, i -.. n VQkke wlM.ba- pleaded 1 1, bar re.- - ' ovary, Pewone wlUmat.lar' a LZBWAN, - ' vtLinflKWIW, .h 1 Admlnwrwtor, ' . :l-Tr Aii.jwaeatw " '.t.." H lijr t'.H w , lily r I 6 ,1 ") i ;irnv,1, l te h, i. .ii t tills mg and 1 J. Mir . i J l- i . Ii -.4- f ' f: m. mi, r t bC;: ? . o. , 11 3"' -I 1 l' . . vi CO. SAFE, Ktw OVAL MCKEL TLATK r. nn tj'"

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