THE JOURlAL. Ki5 Z lLiJ MLii. Itu.v3ivi) J7. IKS. x !:;!o'Sargains! v f 1! f!t-.. . . t ' s . 1 -T UUti .jUIVES ; we tried selling common good cheap lag; i . . . j uii not at all Bait oar customers, &j o, wore trath for , i'f,i-;,u to itU pnly goed goods at very low prices,,,.. W.,oVBomiBA to Lave a monopoly of all the good orjaH the fin dry good t be fond in the city, lut we da claim to carry many things iff' jlne JJres',GoHl,aJ,Tnm '. -aa J a thousand other things that i ladies use which jott'eanngt', fled in. any otlief t.-ie. . :. Uilli, ,,,.,,-,. ., iwnju;'"".")' ; We are running on Quality this season; and w are 'determined !"to"sell ouV ' C rfg c&o i Goods for Very Little Moneys ""1 ., , i ,, , e t re to sell thr Ladies trade,' and we intend; to i keep jost the stock tLt uceJ. ' Call and see us and tend for samples. Anything joOiy iMm ,!T - ."V B.-'..; f M , l; 5 u Lave favored any other Jatore with the bulx of your trade, we do Andrew Carnegie mijTted from W . Siatianvt to tLiv umi&u -Li4 a 33 r -'ft deBtUiwBkfl2jroa nay find wa goods to ourtore not ( . i i iher- I - io, we -would fer'gUd to hare a share of your . , -itiilirTiuJW!Ww-9lulday le haT Mttt the gdods I or you thiB 4iaie--4raeAorti-flT pricev ' Ifo more' of that for b. ' We! muud t efcll nlythebW.Jfeood that the trade wiJUbuy at JJLOCl BOT-.:""-UIlICr3I SIlALUDFEOHTSiH'fcite yOrf W6e good Terjr riaiilrVBiik ik&iy? We cheap. .,,!,,!rfl fc.-wlibl ; i.v," he. lJTpapliV .w&f XUliS Store for Nice Oooos t Rock boy. Starting with npttlngbj indgttry hd ntelHgtnoe has jaj. camaLited a vafet fortune as a 1003 ufacturer of steel., v Xhi erenfl4B has -recently, toublifihed a boa titlM TrinmDhant Detnoer; It U ft biWtqry of thfe mattelods terjal . prosperity of tae . -vi BSot& audi o a ?o erery-yng American saould read, for nownert tJep;caTj:bS found ad i toiny J fatU showing the wooderful industrial elopnien if ,-ur: fioimtrj,' a Ibo possibilities of Itw still inert f6n4erful futur f Tho wott Is 'so eulogislie of our institutions thai it ujouw not vexs well ve PfOk JPfi ken oy an American,, bat eomijig from a Bootchman iJsi not opeaito the' cuargd'of "spread-eagleism. Mr. Carneeie's object seems to baVe been 1 to impress thevBdo netishl)eoDle with the auDeriei f a democratic Over1 an ariatoct or a monarchial form of.goi mtnt.llftb(s wortt'eoold let the hands of the oommon people jof yreat cruaiwit wtnua weaa nsai iy of them, from mqnarchicair , instil a tfcMS'ankr fnAke them,iaelrjxtast m the day when the prirlleged, class 3 would W asked to step 1 down k id out. Horaver. this cbanca ef & si- JnJitolciDg place anyway,' as the result of tendenoles inherent tittle iUtitntiohs1 of the old-eoHTjtry.rr In colors and bltcrilfft'lhe goods for a cool mourning dress. ' vpjVkiiA. rsiu . i la t ., iJA .1 ',1 -mTurrwhite fiarued. ' ha Bt ' rU, i&4l igioi and solid eoloreTand'wliW t We have a good Iswu -l nd white- at-ifiWTOOhti l then We have rafts- ef such goods as Liaeai IndiA'XttW Trench Mnll. Nainsook, Dimity, rnidered.:nuU.:JnBXBiailAawni twenty sijies 01 mncy d plain white mulli Muuee.uahtj, j-4ttlitT'bAteaB?a5Vl)rought to this market for years, and yet at tiiioi. t. Vt- ftilt T"TnhrA!i1r1 and Kwi Udcoa. either in . i'""' ?!X,f 'U"i iEtf-anJJtiAS 'inVlitvlflg. Snmft of hm are just Buperb!ujeirtrtrtf kiul of fine Lace call on us., ir.i or .Ureases we hava .AlbfttivBS; NunsVeUpffs ujU . Wool and rt 'Cottn;iJtClptair worstod Satines, lC a,krteresf!tiamSe?3t height6 ifrlcot. te. large and smalV'-Ttioj a'.ierj rtylill. Ibi J LirfoV Wmif fcg, we rz.:i;ui.i-"3)tf vj ei fcMts ,. , . t-- I a.ce Braids for trimming, and that eleaanlj auluh MOSS Fringe. rvvVuSW'Stlem ia different shadidTniY uU O.n , W e7aClne 'Ay'Ink'Uys in Uisi lai'styU." and they are cheap Halt and eUOT andaouwill be sure to buy. ' . r. .tl.l I III! Vmoretf$ Monthly. HOW., C?KBQYAJl zLkd.-l-a ' bnne6ttcut clenrrasn reading the burial , se,rvJx, ,ln la Kjbui'cUitardl sncT haWn fbYgbt which sex the decea&ed: waS..dn oiaihig'to thtrt part ofttie ceremony which reads thua "on dear brother or ir, "the revereiid vAnftniM 'i vt efyinrioH an1 aaointt ArtsS 01 the monrbers near him stopped back, and whispering to him, said c "Is it a brother or otterl" 1 The mourner answered: . ! f , 1 1 ""TiS neither; lis only a relation 1 She BklteVeJ' m hkm! -Ko jrou believe in spirits, Mn$.,McGin nigiei" "I do, ma'am. Whip the jweatber is-odw!d, vi little drop does me a I- e j 1, . ! IT all whd are- MSerthg from (he eS rors and indiscretions of yonth. nerroiv xtr aecsfj lose m laaaaeooL and a recipe that will cure yov,TrfUUF UMAKUJfcjTWegreaf i. If f. .11. ' " 'a j e sen me vv4mvwi 'X7cU; and,BalI,BliOf rl ,i .-are Une'a.'d are Mrs tofit, :E;erj ; -j .' , 'Warnatel. .ulf TM wan - ; . ... j". -fs .11-, ' ,wX' JL. . A V a ' eaiTT ' full lias ' or inemri,, fc, ,ir ;.. khpIi as rail's.- ur. bitoiis sj : 2. L 3 few's Side;Lea,;:-f veral other . maKes 01 eneaper. ,; , .," . sc 4H r -'r.e our Trcnek EiHed Ilosoor; . boy, at Twenty-five Ce j-- Ono pair, irilli outwear if omm, 1 jj,u5unet thre nary ! hose In (wi ropect. ,.t,s.ti.'. mm cN4 i(i 'f 4.: -J t that ta bs rtural re Weekt -wear i Wc carry " ' and TCotton . lloai. fadftli ! tou4 V ' "iniL -of tfc TEHFECTtYSATtJFlCTORT M.p - - -5 4 , A il.'.ingft the town. s;jj . ii in etjlo", price and quality. T .". .2LZ - ' "1. 5 "do you good ! to' w 0 'of '.rarasol''and,--urpn8j , A. K I J-'l"'' r-r , j , ,. :,w( VijU.JAK nnca refunded hr lelW. is aad anoM. :Barc rtt without ilalTt ' i f 1 11. . It raw '4L':iirt 7ff.'''-M' . - reac.-r.-.? .I -si ' f ' "' . v ' -yc::r c;- . c : r . .r" ' " ) - in South America. 8endaself-ddreses mrtlopetoiCie Kit; Joaxrai Vjunaai 8tatio D. Vet- YbrkCitv. r"wi US BARGAINSkiioi M,60,ibbls, ! lliickcffld; Mii.q.aS. " 1 . ti ?9EPJf!?9 ilio hewbekh, h. u., , 'y; 7H 0 EESflLE L I Q U 0 R -0 E A L"E tlf Ointr er Ale. 4 - Jlnl Sarsaparilla, If BuffiIIead. t 5 CalifornH v i Pear Cider hbljifeOTION WITH THE AGENCY FOB BOTTLING CD ; Iho'SifgnteKiil Brewing Company's tyger OecjJ-Porl 6c ui il irnttn -V.VT If 1 X7TA DITI T TltlD iU xzfijn uha . .. i . 4 I v. , wo:t g X- X 1L ?M 1 1-mmmS rr u sm-i---fc---a-fc-SS-ae-fc-asa-a.-r rr i fii 11 3iUt Mi bi ,'VM1 '-4' lK-i..l. ml tw'f l'n r.aufciM Vt,o . 0) 1, , i , A7IIIES AND LIQUORS AT YiH0LEE3LE, wJVbb11willJi1Uj the BarrefiaGallon at VLUYOW FmtliKHMcAh OUisTSjel JwJW'WHral to'JBest fkiported, andjserior to any procaatfle in Nftii Carofcs. iu.H Hi rr r sn m i n 1 i; Mothirig: -But LTargain GEORGE "NEXT TO L. H. CUTtER'S. ' J TEtE Fl-ttST CIX)THING INJTHE CITY M i h .i , 3:.ih- hT vnji at T.-RART Y.TOWEY ! jyOT llECI VEJtX Sa.pui lino, of beautiful crinkled SEERSUCKER (TOATH A Nil V KH S. lor anuuuar wear, the maakaieksani s-armeut muu st m i istrav bieh stand- n Bowiihe tony tlffO iso. a few snecuJ nevcluos in aecKwear: i be fii iW enllar with noinu alifidalv tuuud. and dotted ihis ej-on: we seUew ,wjfy fihesp. fji . J Tty'tTudge,'' Uj extra fino French Fur Hat, Jjeoilly isavrpr uw, is JtlBl tne' i for professional gentlemen and anybody4? whovCkeS a fine lit hat. of medium crown and brim ; priceonry f j.owf rCiUUlOr ni '" t "'" iiiti tlm IlSTEESy tJBBL WORKS, CD -s the' welghjifur ;iearVyiij5t WE'.OFU0KS AND DITT as LOW. u any.hoase in, the. city. , ,i 1 1 ' Our Iiaoe Buntinirs in all ceW.aru luvtly and ikei all rlaid Uinehawsfrom Dc. up. Large and small Flaid Gingbawsfrom 5c. up When iiajuaeat of Good Good at I-owTMlci, wasnaftilM r Nothing but Bargain? at " i) n.17 ' : , ' Sl'ORK- Middle Jet.ngyaVMSH. Culler, mWaSKSAESJgfl! r n 1:1 all .as - r Monuments Tombs- Audyiiuu ijnuDd Huiidiuc work lnll ? 'i ITAL!ANifl;rtlCAN MARBLE OrdSrH will Sacefe prompt attentior aatisf aotinyjrjaanteed . JOC WajptfiS. Proprietor R.E-.V0U RE ilrD Yp 0B- '"" 2 tr.H -1 W BERNE, N. C T.mi Y Y W 11 III ftsT.wK. - - J 3SBR1NC Sff.-isfe Siltxo Valikblelilacnlnsrr; STATS 0 NOHTH OaBOMKA, J ; VWi,9- bitisMviMpM court. - nnraant to U judgment rendered In the above named action at tn Mar Tvrni M&i of said oonrt, I will Mil at ttitilM AnctloA at the Machine Shopa lately occupied by Uaa- weii vranire. on vne eat aioa 01 vnm ttrwet. In the Ultr ot liewbarni a MOM BAY. It'lrsili, 1S8S: The lot of land. tOfeUiar wim tne Dnuainv ana unprOTemenM tOarar Ort. vitreoa aaid Maehlna - Sbona a HO atel. txlng the aame dteerlbad In in aom- plaint In eatd action, r vt.rt Alao,aUo(tbeinaMarrafitrtmaom ra prelum, ua au un noia ana mate rial.. . H ... - . rvi .:,H.:.ty. v.i5 .'t I'ermeof tale Oaah. ' .". Sale to commence at TBIf o'clock, A. if . o R. B. LEHMAN. Bwaelver. Jon 4th. 18BS. .. . r did. . . , . - ,.aiiir;3Ig f'" ' f ' 1 ... n d ilfho.ohVtna' Boya' SaHof Btfif from' 1150 to $30. :?t$ji S VWsurprisu you at the LOW PRICES sefliug! Aem";r;, ; "WWVWW 14 CtJMrLETK. lu Ltdiea'-Dress Goods and Shoes 4sjm BARGAINS. R, Mii.i.ny jgy authorized agei maov-iTa llTABLE, T0U e miFNobby Back ana fv hw skat, Very Io Prices. -J? ,A XaAiw JKm .n-Er-rr . l -""irvwv nif wo fer ASTONISIU1 afV A give'lJsieafed See For Yourself. ...Mna.a.iifMiii2jTflliH. SULTAN, I AT AS4 JONES1 OLD BTJUH - oo7 4w6a A-tlttJTJc; C. Railroad ism 111 GOOD SHOE t j. T.'wd'i ni .f.w ram u.mjj ,Eioo Sw. i .c: .3i a Li. 4 SE W? ' i - M - - aa A . r w ft " a- .-a O ia rvery rwr warranted tajrlvSAtlsraction or tno ?y reiamieu. 5 No. 26, lln E4&U: 10 A JjTf Wednesday, Jute' 1 M (EAST.m ' wast. " Me. I1.V.4I Ma KM JPaaaenBef I Paaeentei STATIONS . . '5iJo.dBoro itizil 6 4tfXaUriuut 1041 lfr- IS 18 ,fflHtlB.Ua, IV 04 10 l 7 47 MewBecae. SSSV- r. m.p. m I a .'a. B). "uany except uniay Wo.l.w. j WowXt flfwixi je.Aj tfixedVctl a akPaw. aiaTl STATIONS. Paaa. Traav a. m.V r. m'. t r. W. Maa Ooldtbore. S4 . tjfllBMt'e S lei - S IS tTM 1 La frnr, SSKf IM l FalliaiUraek 'IMt IK 1K1 KUuton I 1 I 4H Tlioael lCwrlrtoTer 1 .lf SSI I ' 1 Mi aw1-.-"t f 1S I Sh7 I ii ai an .. - -i, t 1 JW 4k J .-. ' s M w: la M . ". ,-1 UM 04. : wi, i vn . k C Ld L '? r If 1 a 4tt 0 io tn u it as 13 14 u 61 4 4 4 ; s ui; s Wi e ss; 7 001 ir 12 03 13 19 4 U 4 SI t cam V,. rJG:'i-(?.'oo.c.?C5' r. n. I r at fWrtaw.fllV. ktSwav i ... yand. 11: aim., with Klrhmnnd Tmln Waai, imtiac 0tlMmll 9 47: ,g A3 V 17 C ,' ' : t I ee s Dover.. UreOMk . Taiearora I Olarke'c I Jiewaern,. urmu 5 IK i Oraataa . Ml fnrnort. S f WlldwflOtT- WI Atlantic T 101 lmW4 riii Till 1 JO; AUanUe HUli , IMoreaeadDepoU.! y and . if. rtWOU with Wllmtixrum A .1. ' 1 don Train Iw-nnd North, leaving uoidahnro A .11., mi wna nipnmoM n itw 0 1 n n. anil Tralail eoaaeni wim . . n, .... i... TTHIB, MTiTtnf atO"lrt.wro i r m..n,l . ,. wirtnipgion at eii ta urn- Ui! . Knrth at iM p.m. . Train i tonin-ctn rr tv.i vjvnrM aoattb; at. p.m. ' J i 'V"'-C - 1, '''' - 1 ...... f T adent - - w , i II 1 ! I i:h:toved n o tixeii: ' f - a- . L lk.-i. I v v ".tat:', corn :.r i.i: r, a rur l : ic J;BlBKOWJwM , r -r and Hair E;; t l-"t I Otli , l r i ( 1 ,. i . i T