r a l Ii I lBfcaA n HIM h' - THE JOURNAL. : if lot? , iTfffcWTn 1 I . IR H LI H I., nxirt : ' .eUbit, .VT, , 1 1 1.71 Pi fl KEW BEBJfffKT tt." JUSg W X&U, V 7 P i st nnt i U - Li w 1 U - w U ' W E HAVE NO DRIVES ; H fall nJ. fuiMKj tosy out mof awi sun out customers.-' bo to more .tragfe for n r" , Y. V iulernl to sell tulyg ood goods at yerylow priceg.'-.W 4 sot ejaira ta bare a monopoly of til the good or - city, bat we do claim to carry many uii i Parana moiiaiwi fuipr uuue utai jaaim use wnicn job cannot una IB .VI&yUev.W.jAir ... Wo are running on Quality this Seajoh; and we. are determined to sell our . .,Castomers Good Goods-for .Very Little Money. " We desire to sell iht Ijacues traas, -ut Is need. ,Mui -n,o: aeti ub tuuacuu warranted.' - ' ir youare faTOred anyjOthertore 1 fo"1 J oeswyieitti joniyyou may nao .soup gooas m our Dtore not nibble elsewhere. If so, we would le glad to hate a share of your patronage.-,. V, To our regular customers we would say we have just the goods ior jou this aeason.t Bnnortash at eateh-fly prices. No more of that for as.- We A ratend to sell otuy ye Dest gooas mat me trade win Duy at KOCJS, BUT' UliilIiLlCiS. t8MALLPR0riTS will giye you nice goods very ratend tarseU onjy te best goods that - cheap. iPiliedoljt cllllonU for Bar (rains. Bargains, Barerains. We hare none. Kemembor, we keep J . rcttcon FrloesX f ; i SinillEB BILK In striped, f nd plain. riGTTED LIlffEN LAWN FBEKCH BATlIiJS lntolor8 mn4 'Diaclry,' jus'tthe goods ie . i&mnaA and solid colored and white. We have a irnod Itvit t , v1 aiuu0iBg. ' i .fJ4 andTTwhiJe at, five cents; 1lanaLinen,XndiaTiawn,rrencii muu. Nainsook, Dimity, Embroidered Mull Persian Lawn, nd twenty styles of tanoj ' 5 and plain whit Mulls jnnlo quality. In qualitiketter, than any brought . rock bottom price witum, the reacu oi an. r A. !1 prices from the cheapest to the host keit in this market, such as ,v;driiirointf Mail Embroideries nd- Swiss Edges, either in teU or per-ytd 'alSonsi0 all the many qualities and styles. Borne of them are Just superb.' If you want any kind of fine Lace call pn us. GOODS, AHD SMALL PROFITS IS OUR MOTTO. WORSTED GOODS . For Dresses we have Albatross; NunsVeilinflra in all Wool and '"half Cotton, Bourette Cloth, Berege, worsted Satines, Casnineresi Tiameae, Light Weight Tricot, etc. lSg?inct malL' 'They are so very stylish this season for trimming, wo JLl.bo"cbt iqmeflegjuit8tyl-. ' Vj Uraidls f 'imlbgAnd that ologaut stylisfi MOSS Fringe. ve harA BOtnS Teri line Jcrscvs in , .HCaK in'Jireyiiem ildf ybi wllVte .WJshekWWem , naVd!air4!lbe:i!!I?J !TJry V food fina.akoo, buy that sboo, " 'We41 carry"' full linfi , of, Jjop. v sueh Ball's, DrrStto ig " -" r Tampeco, Warn6r?ir Mad- - ., .iitYoilb3 c i - . i l -.iJ', li.ir.i-.i.,:.: ..d ir.ti.u n' 'Seeo,!?' I'M Vpyi at Twenty-flv V - We carrT fall-J''-5 ris j " 7. . i I i .fitnjtj li ' i "W6rcliallcnge ihe toirW. Jtee . --uiinstir,!trj : PARACOLSkiaW 1HTWIMMT ' Of eou-e .'fis'"th6TJcst"BJirr, 1 . tt ....' Ja ; 1 ,..,T , . j w.i r-t f " 1 hr.3 IO t o c . r, 1. .iti ' ,7, j,toclr of Pawols. ; andrt9V1 .U '&Y ' 'I Will w toeoegeoiw. g&iki Ipl! fat rtU.liW.iQe or good Jo J f U WioeWoodioJfe fi4 iw the things in fine Drees Goods and Tnnvi and we intend to Xeop just the hioc-U i ior samples. Aujiniug yoj3i i If i . i 1 with the bulk of your trade, we do the trade will buy at EOCKI BOT TUK Store for Nice Ooods at Rock 1 i ; Ji.t. for a col mourning dress. t- t . -- n then wo hare rafts of such goods as to this market for years, and yot at the latest styfes, and they arc cheap sure to buy. BALL'S 5 l"he ONLY CORSET mad that can he returned its purchaser after three weeks' wear It Ml lOtttMl PERFECTLT SUISCTOBT.' - In arary tcipact, and its prica refunded hy acBer. Mad ia a variety o styles and pwect. Beware ol aronhlua anicaaona. MmacenainitKautfial'a aaaia M koar J' 1 1 HANG-IT. MARIA' i: ... i i f'M Wny don t you Duy my smrts ' i ready-made ? .WTiat's the use ol iTrcaring your eyes out over fine Tneedle work, and breaking your iiack trying to S3"e a tcr tr-:s ! ; I d ?a't see the savin of it Why, 'you can buy sV'.'ts 'now-a-Inys f--r very littleness I'-.an l!ie cost .-ft -!. ' Lccktt this-'DiA- r; IN - j-tt---1 t...I s.-.y, osiA.no 17 mo . For Bars ia Scaldfe 4-1 ill A barn ts cau6e4 by .the apriica tion of dry beat? :ecUj by )iet steam or water. Barns are of three kinds: First, simple or superficial, where only the epidenrUalajjoBd; second, wUere tbe bura exUnda in to Ui flesh aiid fwia, aaoscies and tendons; thirds where it h ettends through to the bone. The 'danger from barrf depends'; more ' apon tbe amount of sBXfaos eorered titan upon the -depth r 'sererity. 1 Tbe nxst pain irom a.( porn can pe re lieved by nsing common " baking 8oaa, or the bicarbonate ot eoda, powdered dry ovex the aurfaoe.- Or a saturated solution of the : soda may be made and strips of cloth be wrung from the solntion ana laid over the born. The strips should be kept oa from a half hot to two boars, or until the intensity of suffering la relieved. - Reaew ttaem whenever they beoomwdra ' After ward, if the born is a large one, nse an absorbent dressinir ) asade by covering ganze with ointment oj son grease. Apply to the barn and coyer with abeoiben cotton, held in place by a banaag.- 'TbU makes a clean dressing1 where strp puration follows the injury, a' the cotton aDaorbs tbe pas and seore tiotsjand keeps the sorfaoe tleao. Another dreaaisg which is mneb used where there is a large surface burned, consists of equal parts of lime-water and linseed ou, and is called carron-oil. Strips of. cloth should be wrung out of this and up- plied, coering with oiled silk or paper, and held in place with a bandage, or a towel, pinned closely around the part. But there is no dressing or soothing and at the same time healing as the Balm of uuead salve. Apply it the same as the carron oil, renewing only once in 21 hours. Scalds may be treated the same as burns; sweet oil,1 vaseline, cream and whites of eggs, all form excel lent dressings for boms and scalds, The chief obiect of all fs to relieve the pain by excluding the air. N. A. W., Boston, Mass. riwrtda BvaJka. ' . Oxford, Fla., Teb. 2, 'b5, A friend of mine has been vary tow with rheumatism, and nothing seemeS to do hiin any good. A lady trienf sent Mm one bottle of B. B. p, and it re lieved him at oaoe. , ; ' ty i. j. uabuthbbb, uercnania Sold in New Bora ky R. K. Duty ana u. jneaaows. DR, Jv D. CliAKK, DENTIB, KKWsuur. a. r. Offlee on Onn Street, Btwe ftlloey and Brcxul aprlTaYwl Sale of Valuable Machinery, Building and Lot Btatc ov NostH OAaoi.rA. Craven County. Jolm 11. Crabtree and wife vs. Jamea Manwell and wife, and othera. Superior Oonrl. i Notice ol gale. Purauanl to the Judgment rendered In tbe above named action at tha Uaj Term, Its, of aald eonrt, I will sell at Public Auction at tbe Machine Shops lately occupied by Man well a Crabtree, on the eaat side of Craven atreet, la tbe City of Newpero, oa MONDAY. JULY 5th, 18M: Tbe lot of land, together with the bnlldina; and Improveatanta theie on, whereon aald Machine Sbopa are, alto, aled, being the earn dceerfbed la the euni plalnt In aald action. , Alao. all of tbe machinery of every kind en aald premlaea, and all tbe tool and male rlala. , Terms of MUa-Oaah. Hale to commence at TKN o'clock, A.M. R. B. LEHMAN. Receiver, Jane 4U, 188. dtd J. C. ETHERIDGE & CO., Citton Factors ul UmIffdut OC Ite Water 4pe efaui,'va. ' "j I HUT8, and FARM PRODUCTS eollclted. . , WllUame Broa,. Norfolk, Va B. H. White a Bro., V Marine Bank, JniaWwly . ,, THE af Steamboat C Will ran the following Bohaale 'wandj' atu September Sth.lsss I ? f fiteamcr' Cutler iui U'lir Wave gew Berae 'tot Vraatee) vwrf Wedneaday at la. aa. and yyiaay arvr u arrival ot tbe eteauw bhaaaadoatil raram Ijir. wilt leave Trenton everr Thwratav and Hatuhlay,,.toncbinf ak all pa4ota Ueng tfee river ' T 1 .c .' On aaSK Klnai4Mi will kv Kituium toe Mw ! r 4 every Monday and Tbaradav ale'eiork a.i returning, elll leave hff tera every 1 Bii'i iuudow m Kit wiiii i t rm .i r.fi I . ' or. . Uoae ennneetlnn wiart with etemr 8Uem andoahof tbe Old DonOnloa Steamatun Co... t mciOUM H. DCLUatlftWbafi. P. Bt JBAaBOvrrrfakvuie, ' - iT.-WlUafT. A t r t f I Trei. toa. . I. i. . TiiHia. n na hi wiinyi" J,.WHT(,rr'-,VK-.t J efr)W 41 Pi TAW, I 1 s , i pr 1 : 1 M'.'U ft I t,;i. I ' 1 ' ' '5 ! ' 1 t 1 ? fk , : . r- - v f. t. : . . .. . !-, on if ' ' ' , ' "f1I . a. M iliOOt U r. n. tuiviv, Aiu-t he; . K l.l fif X JX. 1 The BergneftETEngel 1 KKEP ON HAND A FULL LINE OF WyiES AND LIQUORS AT WHOLESALE, , UhicHw3ibe sold by the Barrel or Gallon at VEUY LOW FIGURES for CAII. Ginger AlewiuM to Best Imported, and superior to any procurable in North Carolina. ' Nothing But Bargains fi iraJi AT THE NEW STOKE J CHT orBNEIJ BY NESSVTO L. H. (ITLER'8, THE nNESTlCLbTHING IN-THE CITY FOR THlTliAST MONEY! JUST KECElVKl), a new line of l)eautifureririkled SBERSUCKEIi COATS AND VESTS, for summer war, tW jeek3asant garment made. Also, a few special mivltiis in mckwi ar: Tbo rrMaistrate,'' a high stand ing oollar with poinJjftHg&Jiv turncl, an I ilottodfwii Bow is tin- tony thing this season : we seUVthem vet v elu-an. VtBL S Th3 "Jud;e," ajpeitra fin French Fur Hat, rimoWally mailo for us, is jusl the hat for professional gitfemcn ami anybody else wha likes a fitu- light weight fur hat, of meaium crown and lirim : price only $ 2 50. I carry a FULL LIjr&'tiT SHOES AND )HY GOODS, an.l them as LOW as any houseliabfcity. Our Lace Buntings in aTTtolors arc lovely aujbesp. Large and small PlajdjintiamN from rc. SfwSa,,. VTlien In quest of Good tioods at l,ow PjfcU&s, reuiember: Nothing bufaifains Nr.w 11. H. SUJ.JM TO BUY If so, don't mako yolrrTrtirchasc until Cutaway Suits at Verjs Low Boys' Sailor Suits from i.m Tn Straw TTnta wa enn snrTirixo selling them. Our Stoek of Underrteaf is COMPLETE. In Ladies' Drp aaWfxls and BARGAINS. sS Qiv UslrCaT, and M. Oc7 dwflm iSl P .11 A LEX AND iUAM, Foar Dour ami f "V Late Proprietor tai r u i . a. uominy ja sa. JWtlngton.N. C. LDHAVM BARNES, SM.. We aetlelt C- -4gwaaeate ef Wartat Careltaa Track Predacta, TkV' K af Rank Ovallaa Flak a Spec lull jr. AMD niVKUHIOHIST MARKET PRICES! if nation thlf aalekVaei lee L . a. h - - Zftt w rattan arw.fe tt Snk 1 traastl tftr d BMiw rvmUwA taO skMli' taM of 4?:!:VALfASTlLlIS; i Kaviul Onr for hnfvwIMilJty, Ortmq AarW Stoats- TtatStewd tnr Fiahi Vsara its tu mmm fAeyy tabaodntoi fftors araButarsll tatata brntwi csnswm sast anlhaa fnll sawiVrranamt rtf fail rV ttattci (oil MiHr RtniwaKb&ja4 VIsmrocM Hsastitiu ITa tjaot who twaflor fmta trf nany tjtosaaaar 4 twnasna trawrlitaboat hy nri 1mtwua, jixttfwnir. OfWbrtla va auk tht ran and aa aar ua. Wlt.k tf.unt.rl mt mrlnablh aaa am 1 KlI, I ('RHI( f n K.w1ih Illwt'S Pmh-a a . ii . m ' DiGFllCKUIlirnTjDO, WK;-ii., ir moiicj, im.iae,poor, rcuue uyuuie uuij Tery dollar nd every .penny, aj Km ,JBtit m t"' j Tlcncc r throw Out among the massea these specialties L-wi hr--s r:lithiMft rood ant rhtttcttleta toHcea t I ! MEX'S BUTTS in all tlm ilffl i t --- ar r a 1-rr. . 1 t- rm . . . . ave I xux. o i yvi i. o irom 000, up to K.inj.. ftB la .bi5 xW oinr ,j 'I A LOT OF CANTAS3nATSl 25o, eJso- well Msor,t .'.sNF ol . TKAW,,ANI FELTf HATS 3 HATS. - -1 n B SEERSUCKER COAT. AND VEST, .4 Ea. , - ... i a iui. SI. 21. SI. SO. tl.TS. Aaewtotjnatreoel Con-jIcSa flock cf Gcntf ' FuniUlirg -' -, r- : I! tfZi dwtr MJUII IH1M1) 4.1 V. vnoLESJitEtVfuorpn, . tin? iit-Mi-n 'j Hi AND IN CONNECTION WITU THE AGENCYT FOU Brewing Company's Lager Beer, IPorter,, Sc.. at GEORGE ASH'S -iTOKK. Middle Street, next in. t;unr a. ASKS aTcUeSTION ! YOUR you sec our Nobby Sack and Prices. to von at the LOW PRICES wo arc Shoes wo offer ASTONISHING See For Yourself. II. SULTAN, AT ASA JONES1 OLD STAHU l'earl JAKES BARMIS, OlJcat and moet experienced Truck Farmer in Norm uaronna. : Ooxxunlaailori. jvteronaiiia, T,aith atreet. BALTIWOKK. Ma, and Praaapt Betwraa. aplMi E2HD arlaana iiaiiai ia aay aw. raiir4 ihiBrlfci aniinal priMtpte Br dim moawiaa .iiMatnaMna i a ii bihi i t aiin TaaMiattti .aettoa.rtka liuaiataiiaMi Hi Uka.MbM,IM MtMat nttwaataanaBiaaBd TaXilTMtlT. ftat Kerta, at. tw Km. W. Xlma, 17 HARRIS REMEDY CO., Bn Ctassrs, sovr y.TMaaaLfwrra, yo; strlb frws fS.fl wt ti tire finesC X ' ' rxn ' ,i v " " . S - J t f-io iM., M-t ta f f - 'Goods . lioots' and Shoes, Dry Goods, , Tm and Valises.... . ?tu.,& 01 . iivc house. . or, alldaie St opp. If, a. Jones.! y X d-" farMmaanaaS all Qaaaka, I I rttaaw waaaaalralal.tohaH4thMrTto- i I rm ' 'i. TaasraaKaaaDTthalBAa V.BS JKY ACTUEETE Li '! ri Ginger -I ! -j-t-t r-i i'.J:!l(i "z ' ' a i . i me, . , i . ... Sarcapaniia, Lemon Soda Buffalo Mead. '.ei iy California 5?Etc., Etc. BOTTLING KUTKIH MiRTn C1RULIA1 IJA RBLE WORKS, TKVT BF.RNK. . V. Monuments Tombs- And all k IiiUh (iravr ami HiUlilltiK work la ITALIAN v AMERICAN Ordpra will rereivo prompt atteDticr aatiHfnclinn g.uarantood. , JOE E. WILLIS, Proprietor (Bucooaaor to icorgo W.OIaypoole) At. Cot. BROAD AltD OMAVt 'Sis., A'fW DERIVE, O. K. Miu.Kit is my authorized ageii in Kinxton. maSO-lydw TIME TABLE, Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIMS? TABLE Nil 2C ' l S In Efloct 1:10 A. II., Wednesday, June . 1 1 . -TS3T. 1AST. No. 61 ' Paaaongtw Ke. 60 lsMcnee) STATIONS Ait. L've. r. M.I A. Bf 6 01 Ooldshoro 11 S 10 IK S W I.a I) ran . 0 4LJ Ip 1S 11 Ail ,n in. 2:1 7 47 fliw llerae 1 lftlly eoept Sunilny. .EAST. I wr J i t I No.l Mixed Ff t. a : Paaa. Train, ; I STATIONS. Arr. fva : i A. U. I 7 HI I OnlilMboro,. l.'re. r. a. P. M. fi 41 If 10 123 4 IS 8 l K 21 I Hi-n' . 13 I. fii'.r HAllIuigvr...A,' f aO uteOrealc .1 iai Kin. bo,- Caawell - -Tut-rttrorsa a... if w 4 8 f" 1 !i 111 Ml 11 M II 5ii II 14 III 51 )u mi in ss M W Itt 8-M WHS' 1 r- 1 ;mrtp .. 4 SI ; Rlverdale'l!Z.l 10 40 4 4i: 4 Ml: SS i HI". .". (; Ooauin 10i U S ! K! 1 Ha-a.J..j2.U.fii S IWT IS (It . li 14; N' awnort l 17 U JX, .Hi- Wlldwood.ii- $ 0;I 4 Sfji 6 M 4(1! Atlantic , I 8 47 ! 8 52 MANUFaCTTJEETE OF . 100: . 7 m Moea illtyJ J-H lT5tll 7 25; i MotiAimuI D.poti J l Al-S ' . I P. . , A. at. f A, M. . s. ' tatonday, Wednenlay and Ifrlilay , . Yrata connect with Wllmlneton A Wel-' " Soa Trail, teNad Ketth, leSTlns UokJabw4 U:.ff a. am! with Richmond A p nvlllf.:, .. Train WeaV lenrini Ooldaberolt a.ra- wnar ; - : WIlmlnrtonAWelJon Train Soulliat 4:54p.m. ' jTTal 6L aoaaeata wtta HMm,,ri,i j.anville ' ta, anWaf atOMeb(Mi:40 p.m. , anil with. . ". 4 Trala, I ewineckf wTSi V w. Trfa,liaaiU ' ' ontn,ieaTinguoiasuoroai2::i.s n.ui. . . rrsnJ aW.HDiuiii.' .9 no JffOua.aTisfapeit.jiltCimfenp . "R'TimviNi jBarticr '"tui'fl Hair jHrc::;; M ' f With tm ' ti-f Tpen , qii, Nflai. s ti u i-wt. i rn , t elty, ,11 gs yen. irooi MaTe ....':.!... anywhere fir 1 KM 0KNT8. Nw aimn, lie w furnilnre,anl alinfi-UonnirnloMl VMnltileaiTe rf xtdoor to Kctrlck'r, anarl&ill y