.J U 4 i 1- - 9 it - il ram- m to A. to Sr bwij cticnVC7eb:tcr. . e repeat with em- I:; everjthing for- in th iiy menuonea m 3 column calling r.tV:htion to theman k : j,"vnthi?hich our store is ' packed from " the bottomto the - top; - and - after reamng ,;tne . aoove definition of this m$cK discussed wordwe gainful or satisfactory transactions.Mtharyolf will vioit nur ",i7r - will vislf our""fife C:Wntelh public to jnspect, corai to inspect, corat pare. and judge .or V themselves, quality at tdl times cDnsidered, ( we nave., ciieap or low-priced goods for 1 taoser; wanting;- goods of such character, and - . medium or fine goodl for those aritiii giicri : kinds; but do not di$ C:.m:!dagainst; hiM Mclass pff trade. Oui j, store i i for the publiei and 'we nt -all tiiifoa welcome any in searcn .. CcrcMs. ? As to ' competition with the lirjJO- and imposing houseSthat are in ourj cityY ! ;Wp wpuld say that our building is mucK smaller- than tvef would v like it to bel ; but ? if . you comparel ntib fa vit, with other stores, think you will decidertliat goods with us are abundant. "4 We. are grateful and thankful for past far ro and a continu ance pf your rallied patronage is ! most earnesily solicited. " ' 5' rcn fhioay atno SATUitdAir: Good quality 4-4 fileachad Doroeatlca for 6 1-2 cent jtttr T JHCIIONLacaa, 12 centt Our Shoe atock ; la inof coapieie Ccrae to aee' !; foT'fll !a of Gooda, and vre Win .y yoiut SampleafBr . r j cpon application.". TUP. D A Yf ; we t pr opbai l-T- J'.,ulJU IT . . . X ' J(,7 - mx iv 1 I f;i i I ...".. fill! ' Jf ! IBg-JBE w j ,j P J. f5 3 w ! K31T2jL A 3 it II d tilOY .:i;in v. :n 'fo KiT.i ' ' . . dim'! a .. I a...... : ) r i -t t.r,i.-ifK ;-i - HIS n.:.afc-i .- r-. -r ' ' Dl !; m (.' i j t. "i i .. i ;-. i -v' j ; --,? w-'" ' .Mr-a .lit fc-aciwa'.p."' cw3 !rocr Yaasasf! eissiAH Vill Cad aa taoroaghly preparad b aferj re aare taofa IvticaW Jr looWcat In fiOTEE.Mtw aaapa ftw aw Ufora.- vtlaeevtea U eaaattna. aaaA. I.J w'j ' n . . MP' - ' ' 'L'r ''' L .to'- uvZ ' I t rrrr" Drw.rx mi to t i IIopuiJ U aett. all of. our aiaoj 1AST ptrot(, is J airniEVaore fer, n -1 jV ;j 1 V a a 9 ilT ;4fi 1' f i t f , '"' . : i. .. ) Hi. 'Iri ; j I. ji ' i; t a ,::! j . -xj Ail tr itllo j !03 A- Vf.t.'f.tX ' i mil 1 1 -1 ii -y ". A-tt' ""T i r 'J itt f .3 .-..i.ji . v 7'. mil M jap" i - " i , X - . W 'tte'taif- to Tineet j li. Utueat of m au reu;reinTjf,ai of oai AYECLIALr Daa taU Wkll 'oS i tike ll l.i..ft .'i'V t diV.- i. ' ' - i gin ' L i.-' . V'.i i J, ff, ' M. 1 1 fe. !'I m - lxti -1 a: I L. ..rtara Hails. 1: ": ' KAIL CL02LS. . Rr Konh.AVet.tfa.nd South, Ti A. 4 -H.C.lcR.at8.vo.m." - - - F.r. iHXiufort cj i thet i East, w l . -;r4 ;f ,t ! I For Wtehfcgtoii.S itt Crock. Hyde amd dyg. nl f ridaveai 5.-00 a. ni. -' flemere,' dailr fct 6, iu. . it Innvij'XirnCR HOURS In Monev Order ud fiaitarfd litt ler Iipruunt, rou f A.iuu to 4 p. m. 1 , Iq ALa.il tug , UepArtmant- fron u m. loin. m.-. , . . . f- u unic cKen6uKantiv 'between UteM horeptwbeo mil8 releingdi - I A WSTractrowA distinguish - ed citixea bu .n interesting boy of w t&aio him war tyaf last1 Sunday fifc1' Objected tO l)is A.' . . i 1 jean vuo uxu with aeedteiriorfc; at Oltiml tluUi in nnr.Bnn :riV'.a. aiostm tb gro4 1 that no i work tnouta oe aoo'-otocb BMath.l lv;bui j e uuui, pat woo, ' UUfC -r. bv Alinwinr UiB hnt- tor aiiv""Svith i al explkiaed the ttarw,"'if ' yoa only OfMiiUie (bread thronere the cloth, Kn t!t M Jill." i 1-JI1?M.U. fstvV- V'-inll .-I f --v: 1 , J hva oaW fa ord tp Aay, wbSch Atb to euw UJat I bMvs bon confiued to any bed for two 'raonthi with what tu aalLe4Nerrouji&he'amaUur), 6r Sciatica, ;month ith vhkt -u 1 ayafl anrv unal to: aotiliia ttbnnt re 1 thia conditional' oomtuenoed thf nae of B. p. i.,four botuea or. which enabled tnete'ateard thenfee of oijr crutchee aau anaaa io iMiniatwa. i i nau preTioua - Vf4U well raoammeadui hied toine. witliant relief, afehaa fceea-tar two I Beraroaat:ftrol moDUia unoA uuog'li. Uy S ud J od- aider nyself a pertnaneutlv cured man. ;' ' " P. DaVis, , . , Ai u.ila flu. lUraM , I nfiuid. in iN-wj Berne bUB. rJ. Duirv And )U U,'Hv1owa i , . ' 50 bbTsT-'llackerels. 3.50 ber barrel ..... t ( fi . fw.iji :t'ii(tt . ' ' Moi'Haxllsv:10c,,..lb., 1 ChandelierB (two lamp $i.iu. . AX u A&.jF,(iTEISEfLr J -llil 4. TA.1TT I UU qjU7UICJUrUUUS IVUUIN r . ... . p 1 1 ..I i L1IE T IHt? .'. "Mr.' 'i"T , i mnop fiaFaica Kiirnn x nnrn . ). ! ' ' ' ' 'A, i th- ' I SEMr-WERKLY SEItVICE. Freight arte IaMnaer eomnunioaUmii a-ir KOT-WjSa -pLK-uuiu. i, (yrvauutauataveieeai, iiawtieir.-'T; ... , ttemAn1 (Veiik rMuiliit11'kuf) I Heaufuri and MurebMul Cltv irimwiwa mnu newporu -WaejAeielMore. HwaiuutiHi uriaae. i ; And other polnte. on Bcu (Wriiteoak fttver. , ' 7 , . i The eldewheel BlAsinr r Cap. T. W. Warren, now running: aa eaiab. Wl avaTlnH otu. mmkH "t'-eulnr xna UonaW MeilV AUU; ttirougl U.e New Herae ana ueanien ni, ronJhiirurt ui M lieaa !lty, nod poliiUj.ni Nawfxwi.- Ktrvr Hatea IM.laa(l rniiv iiihrlfriK! antt'l tororapt Uvarr,KiaraBleed taali painra uf 1 rreunia reoetved and delivered at ti. f oek and waralouae 4 Ue aae aad Trent ITOW. , ,) .( tl .'. I. For furuterparuenlaia apply ttt j , v 1 JN(. U. Bltt.I. WM. A. BRARNK . JrrelRht Agent. auuuLClngAaeBi, v ii r Jualodw 1 A t 1 ' (Hair . Biiln..r tJeltiai Bookf.'-'; !f .'Muted Adary and Commlmioa. fwary.aaa Uonminioa. I " Far fall partiealan ml teraii, addren t t ATLANTa1 TCSUSHDfO COMPAST. ? I Se.tBoetbBroU Street.' Atlanta. 0. J V1 AUr KUi. 1ml piwolutioaef Copartnership raUiBI i i . I Tbe Onnertnevfthrp tieretofore fkbrtlnc nn I . . A- 'V, 1 V v . ter U arm mm of KraM Reel httbla da I jXv ! AS ii - - ,,' dimMved bymnukaiemieent. j.m. Rwiwifil t f ( ' Oeiieral Alanager., emulDtie lUe boataeee and Will Bottle all I T J 1 rV . . , . iBimaowkai bvUie Unm aad ranlni tm n I ! "txr 1 V V. -a - , ainntea due theaame. J' ' P "- '".lUJi'LX.Tti: jIVr-nt,.,),,, attendance t IjH Rarrdreaalnf K. W0C1 IIJ, w .' llaetm. fu 'Aloe ' l.vf tr, and K'vtyt anve IHnCIWIar rntwwa.viand f ii.- r'-.pr.a l'iii.(nrt H) ern4) bj D,it aB MM CO btltiua, K. . . A V 'I. lo tutoy iheir Ioid. It jf n,' . l-rv.T Cools justly ettei.ca Ap S'" t'--'''l rieut for Oiuarf n. tuo- foil iid Iu every bouse- nVCDTDCII '",,d- Sold by druucioij UIUI kl U I It evrry wu.r. Muiuime- uired only by tamnauta Co., w twn. .. . juiunawim CATAWBA COLLEGE, T ( if hbwtoh, n. C. ,i-;:ifcl .' r Next HesaloB wilt beeta Augoat JJ. Vail Ataulemle, Bualueni aut Oiilttitkle Uouraea. kltut iiuildiuga, Ubrmrlea. Apwruui, Ac. tJoard ud Tuition Mudentta. . Worliiy tmr- mMi I Ji lit 1 Ml Mkee&a AMUated . l"ure w&lm J' heiu MiiurijajuieiSppir. ;tijvi'o 1 TTNIVKItSlTY OP VI UQIMIA. Medical Department t! .., ,,. , ,; :- -ij-w. -v VoU euam of timtntcUaa In medicine. Th . ItAalMa a J uv.AI.h.u I '' bHlB Oeleker let and eontlnoee . - PP 7 - T ,,... vr mo AIVKRT18BRa.LoMtiatesKrad X verttainir iul4Haaa4 newiueuenaeut PROH OX BUENHAM'S ' ; IMPROVK1V ' OTinninn Tiinmriri 1 tj I IlllllMlllJ lUIlUllaCJ I . ' . ! " " . . - " . 1 1 " " I ' --- raaipaict mw Hew rriee Uet aeat rre. I p"" I "y OI' U N II A M BROS., Yerk, Pa. 1 . . . . I . ijarffainS JtanraMlS! . .. i . ... . ,t;.:i I Wiidi U 1 public in' ' ' ' ',"' ' I AT-i U.. J gtucral, that I have jast. returUe'1 fronl t Northern Marketa, where bavo purcliuM'd a Very Large and Well Assorted! Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, bnoes,: HatsgCaps, And everytdiDg you cau call for that nt ftlntLina ti h fk- , i , '; and Clothing StOM.n ' 1 - .' If L can't soil a;gdodB of eery kind cheaper than anv other house in I W T I me city (quality considered) I will . . give urm away 40 se" '"w- ' would Lc pleased to aavt' yu Ctt" llUli examine my stock. torcoodsfora little monov ttrnn an ' . j j i -'J Viwuo JUUHO IU 1UD City. 1 Vcry rcsnectfull. ft . 1 1, - " ' Wm. SULT.AN. IWIdia j, opp-. Baptist Church, Middle street. . ''' J A. , Thomas,-Salesnyiw. T ,-.!. . . . . I veeiw( owpeit.ueaaaf , ijsjd0ca, I n itm ti,.; two .iv . I , ,. .3 fi'l f.-.H1 .J" Leve NoWolk, Wedneaday, 8 o'clock, F.M.. I1 ' I -. RFTTTTrKINn tTT; TT i T f T"Jl A, thAM.' a b,?. ,. ' , ' : I oaHiraay, o 0IOCB, I TEI PMACTICAL I TONSORIAE" ARTIST, '" wurimm ni new lurnliure. i HetlManUoa U amurad to Utoee who natron lee aim. v 4 I . Y- H r ' ' ri iTh8 BontJicrii'CcLltivatoi 1 MUfc TEAR. 1 -V . The Greiit W; Induxlrvd and Stock 11 4111. irv tn IU vp-Mtrtfr;rT ft li t n n f tin -. ' i. . , f, !, , ,'''"' ' ""iM' iWwM I VA -ait ik. L.A.4 - aW t.A BarWal WiX ' lV aVhlaaJ.V" ooqriTijT ,t ' I.EnPifm I . . .jd'i sf I ftTlaiaaiAial ullniiMm.p.l.l ; ' . v I ... .-. -.. i w via.,. J. A. c SEIX8 GOOUH AT small margins; Special Prices cn ricur. lb tj i. fj 0 m T6iIioI!:'j:2-Ic:;:::. r i UABOM'S HIPnOVZD " FHUlTJAlfS, ' THE BEST JAR MADS. 26 MIDDLE STREET, NEW pBltkftVi?tt Kit 1 oo roit sik -"Aipfi?9iM ' :T"i -iv; -!t A n.KaMe,of ArtcfVPrtaav ranr-PeareW fA.L t ?uoaa (I2T2H0V I" - "A leo areeMfal blaltf toa thrtHMtw hold I.ndoiher valuable lnfoimaifoupnmli. BUiMmmlAZ1', . " Th? above miKii)e' enV WrtitV . JIMIHH1I. BilUiaarll ftnaueaafaiall HA V Itiaenaaer aaaaertlay the Priaclpiaa ei m Iaaaratte AajtaUlwta, r, . ruDUBiai u in uij et ae Ir7 ' wHiMpi"-1i-r, m j as. . . rm BdKor and rWnetor.- TA r2 :YEEI(tYfSTi"n, A tlxtenpaca Newcpapr.laued . I -r apiAfrTwai af(v noTnf)ir- wvery wadneaday. " ... A eteaa, pare, arigbt aad latarMlaa ' ' FAMILY PAPER: Poetloal, Humoroui and Editorial 7rrtarjDta, all under the dlrertioa of tr!xl Lhe bictwet btmt.j lit , lm1 the blchrot btmt.j Ju parai WJU be fooed crowded wilA vdU be fonad crowded alia food (lung from ftftgrnninr to cod. .icji - unriau eiorwe or autugoutiea f welga wilier of ActlM. ; j 'THE PAILV"TAfl,- 4h tiAlt.T flVAm Mfltatiifl m lh nmri aif tit .law lal aVH AtaractiM form. iU tCini iTMrKMidnr. . gr cabt from London. Htm, Berlin. ciui avod VuDiin m m conaNBaawa icainre. - i At WwblnEtoa. Albanr. end other arwi crnlxre. fteebtoeteorreipondniU, r.pnclllr reimd ht the M9 Stab, furnish th or a WK-ravh lauwrery imtura are unrnrpiuuieu. The Finudel aad Harkct licvim uennuullv fall and complete. peeia term aad eitreerdiaary ladaea. aente to airente and eaavaeeere. ' aead for eiraolara, V.'I ariii, aaa or roerioB la the 1 n.tfd s u anauuiaua, ouUlde lueiieiilj of Iew 1 w ttij t rwr M ...,.... u r Cinbiof Ten 10 M VluMoririfteea(andOBeextratoorrania!r).,lJ U Ttaaia or TH8 DAILY aTA re Era. oneyeeriincHm.r j; Sundnj).;..r f -J ' punuar, OM yt f (? monnn 1 NT - Suimi7, six nionilis lit nillBin f.f.,' rw "iw6j . 'ITou- Central Hct:!, South Front Street, Kew JDwae, If, C SI. PATTERSON, rreartrtor. OfTere special lnducemanla in Nutim,i,i Oi'a'ne of enperler exeellenre. . (mr.-.nua and bacciura wo..,.r, . ard iwtTi.n. Katoe. ti.uu per day. , . r . Owis U. GUIOH. ' I . i , . : UK, l C.ttoraov SOPTH FKONT 1,1,' '. KF.V- T . . . f'my ey fori I IlT, without ry dr. an lUy,wtLboat V V 1 i! V . . e you a drire la Men's, "J ' and' Boy'a Btratr . If you want a Straw - c i czn aare about one- - t "jiuj from n " . - ' . I . !f,.i:y aubmilted, " i . . .! I . . m ' .3 k ,i-Va; . I i i. ,.. ' ' ' : , J L.: ' "1 i r I't.. 1 r ; r 4. I. 4. , d t ti ; '.1

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