.T a I"' 'Hj ifUa l ;t-5 vdl mo saxa 4JUf.a wv via-3 -4e - Jl- tTSrWi. a. aar luoaa wkmj n a v .iJ.it I ' lAiiWi -. ( rut v .i f,itiiiw.Bi,-i,-i!, V j,;i , NEW BEIUiE;;N.- C, FXmMm. U-, (!T 0! TP :- - . h - . .U 3: J-. -t-'9 13 V'li ' 1 -- x " aT I .1 . Q X 0 :! ?-' New r ;u iJv 3 6' ortk,1 t ; Suit r e, 4.4tlLenrth of drny. 5 -ia cJodc at U&nw Ml k raoira iou o- t-drjt'',-ankiW-lil ..18-fboi Iron PUioer. on bolt puttee, ona drill preee. j morteaeed to Cumberland. Duean & -ltlIritK.,bva riai' Just deceived Choice i9MMfor Baking Iced! TeM Flavoring f, jitxUMtaj d roue - twy i , . CoIords,, Fuljotpbirfcet iwnUy Jtseef, I RmllI&iP'v JreakfajtBaoon , Freslj Ueasted Coftee efoDrttrcler. But Aer on ItA i'd no flies. Jlj71w .V Th4 HTSiM FEKY. -a-WKBliEBDAyS .ATuimjiVij. TWIe TuWe: Leare New.limt5: :. 8:15, 9:45.11:15 , "A.IC, 12:45, 8:15, 6:45, 5:15, 6:45 P.M. LeTO Banringtoo, Ferry at 8:00, 70, 1H, t-Xayirtkf tW,-f8:W,. 40, :(, 7J9Q fj,. , m 0 oeoU each way. ' v City . Axauniou ' partiea 10 oenU -partiea 8 centaround trip. 4 aoutd, Ot nor bn r baakel, retail. .- -f i J. A. Me At ' . r . J. A. SHADOWS, .?grcte-"''TT A mm meeting la called by the Stim- aoa faotion next Tuesday night Let ua .hT Teopl" ticket. The Jeltlon among ' the Republicans bow ia, "Who are the regular nomi , ntettV Vote the "People's Ucket," which wa propose to put up before long, and you will do right. Remambej jtbe( cheap, axcurnion to Morfehea City Sunday morning which wilt fetnrri in the eTCDiflg giTiog one 'if. "V lCamhilaioiiar;JiKT. Patirck took a 4rp Aaiivardala' yesterday lie rt waning ani viai ted Moore .'& iWay Voannlng esublishoia Hi a4i;laV wtabliflh'a winter rst)rt in ii!5f,?itl(,thrnTiit0, 1 Wwii Wrtrl agaiast by a'Ht'anearB -crossing wt railroad iMtu, Hull uui "W)Huuwy tmrtrypsfer- niiV ..i-i-ti.i'' '."t". Tsjral.Mn.. " . CapkrThos. Gates and faanjlt Uttyee: tardNT for Moreheadv Z . , " HoreMaA lea Use eaasoniywitardsry ev n . . " ItoA fr! 1 fteo. 5y Jliy d family ' arrived last night. XsarMlUtls. ' Jovrmaf, lutflirrTifeforwhat was once . . the 8taU$v&e American, la before up. . x E. B. Drake Manager, who Informs his ;,rea-fthCrnuc4W4ttatfcn will . be djrot&XaJ djanaiia iftforma- Uoa : in 'reference to the culture of tv baooo. A more pledt kndipcnbably ' more profitable emloynrerrt than that , " of the Ameriegn hBt d4aarouiatiig the QCtrioe.fiLiepettitoUa.elast campaign.! ' a ' E '-As & w aad Augustua Railroad , had a'serfoos ; Are on"Monday night. , : '' tiTrsakWkyk ahd'meMn4domaiittae hare ' 7 ordered an ad Terse report to be made - on the Randall, tariff bill." '..-(I i.i 4i - i Joint reaolution appointing managers " ' - for the National Home for disabled aoJdienifg7,r0Y0'T 393 i The Senate has confirmed the nom- 'i inationotOdTfnht8.Tli64nai,o C, .to be Wssislaht'Sefcetiry'of ' -New Ilanoyer county Is congideririg , lliSmatter of subscribing 1100,000 to the Wilminirinv rTo wH ff Fiftf CaroKht Roilro, 1 ri rT.f -!Ti i'"f4 i i r L Cxl. Weo, eo. li. Corkhiii. who was die- ti h t attorney for the District Coram' li" ' '"m"niFi aaTIk Mbductod the At a rpgatu at Wr d y, 0 ,a yacht Idler Vixen tl i"""rnd rize. .01id,rjc cuivt ; .,t.e koU &a& lor ascent r!n t-Ha. NirA Tur.hu w re entered. T..e . .( ..j:-ldiixiK the progress of t' ' ? --'', '& .' ' W i y hicn was crowded J . .-ttk-menl garafwiy .1 ' 'utel about twenty-five or l-'-t te sqed. The t. j cut, bowe-rer, and tbe ' 1 t- cr f 9 f t drf,4 a i . is f t l ao a d'p in r f - ' ' ,r srjbody, TlIEREPCBLIjfJAS CONTENTION Irtk r In a Btw aad Iwa Coiura : tfroaa ar Held. ; A w minutes to 12 D'olock jestorday the dsiegaUs to the Republican county ooqveatian quietly ftled lotothe theati e, tha . Ilahi t faction, caaaebtag from the AYiia sb)iil4Uig and, the- fcdnison faotioo, Iroin, firmly IJall. TUer. wer several oogtested ,, delegations, mi,: i wa .apparent, aotwitnsuiiciui- uu Quietness with' which ihev asser.il lt-d. tbat trouble was ahead. bevaw prominent Uemucruid hud entered; at the rear door and secured on the stage t among them was the Mayor and a policeman. At IS ua. I. B. Abbott, tlminuttu of the - executive coinuuttee, called the conventiou to order and expluiued the object, lie hoped there would Lte no confusion; was sorry to see to many contested delegations a great deal had been said aaiuHt hrm, ' but he was not to bad a man as he had been represented to be. The plan of organization made it his duty to organise the convention, but he did not want any oouf uniou, and aa so muoh had been said about him he would call to tbe chair, K. W. Fisher. Fishtr " extended the . DJatform and took the 'chair, wnaa Lewis Smith , col. , a delegate from Maple Cypress, asked what right the chairman had U surren der his authority ; if it warf in accord ance with tbe plan of organization, etc. Hon. O. Hubbs made the point that the chairman had surrendered his authority as chairman of the. executive oommittee, and bad no further control of the convention. B. E. Tucker stepped forward off tbe stage and moved that lion. O. Hubbs be made chairman of the convention. Robt. Hancock, jr., immediately moved that A. U. Uden be made chair man, and put the vote. The scene which followed -beggars ' description. Hubbs! Hubbs t! Odenl Odea!! was shouted by tha two factions. Hubbs and. Oden both went to the stage and immediately a crowd rushed from the parquet and assembled around thetable, each bawling for hi" favorite chairman at the top of his oe. Around this table, which bad oeen placed for the accommodation of the chairman and secretary, .the crowd surged to and fro like a mob of raying maniaca. Tbe . table was bunted to pieces, '.ahairs were mndo useless by breaking their logs. Tbe Mayor and a police ma n rushed ' into the breach and commanded peace, but there was bo peace.' Tha mob continued until manv were well nigh exhausted, and at the first calm the Mayor proclaimed at the top of his voice that tho mooting should disband. - Aftea. muoh persuaskai, the crowd quieted enough. to heat a few words from Mr. Hubbs. Ho said the Mayor had seen fit for the preservation of law and order, tot order tho meeting, to dis band, j "As for his part ho wriheit it die-1 tinctly understood that ho was In favor j of .obedience to law and would submit to the rightful authority of those entrusted ith the preservation of the peace of aeoiety' uidy'lhe eetsifajB&Uy. He had honed that the buBines of the conven tion might be transacted" peaceably and quietly, but it was evident to every one present that ip coo Id not be done. He declared bo was not reeponsibld for the existence of the fao4iotts m his party. Be then' said 'artaialcoavtfhUen kad been ordered to -disband bf the Mayer, those, who beloojted Uf the- faction Whk:hK ho, ypreaenjed. would euletly leave the ouse and assamblja . at Stanly Hall. This announcement was reotiveftwilh seDiidfrahla iAJause by the Stlmsou crowd and they quietly left theltti 1 We believe the only serious damage done in the hurrah around the table waa tbe splitting of J, L, Uahn's pants. , . Sheriff Habn supped to the front or t&eftaxe ind asked aHftis Haa men A . . . I .A w . . - t , a A -S-9 ' Se the llahn (action remained in the theatre with Oden. aa chaiajnan r and lominitMfBe Jnowiaicrtiote: VFlr thi ftehaK the House, John E. , rLt;il. fcshnf'for Huaaty, ooh: for for Treasurer, Dv N. Kilburo for Jtagistet oX Deads, Jlobt Hanodbk I Jf ,fesT caeiE oli Superior Court, Et-W. .Carpenter; for Coroner, A.'d. OdenJ col.t Tor Surveyor, 11.' J. LoVfcfc;lTelegaUs 6' judicial conVen- tied; C: C Roach and tl B. Dadleyi AHematvs, Frfdrick, Donglae, and . p Willis. . , DeiepttM : toCongrwionaJ convention, M. Habn and J. W. Bar- reUvMrfeste, . K. nueB4t'Way ington Er'T'yV v L. J. K vre, Eq. WM declared first choice frr Orgrs and i. H. Abbott of"'. 'II. V, ', ,,r, rJ.,''RA i'l'J chcire ' r f r r. lirikr. . r . I .,' ' Jt ' - the chair, AddresBe were made by fc, UDuAe7p.&jmM?&t. H.&rlh ad B.X, 'Kehoerarpermanenr orianixm tnpn waa ef eoted by eleotlhR Vr. Hubbs chaifmaa ad. Ej Pataereeorelary.j A mnhmjitef of, ta$ jrappointed y consider nominations. Tbe convention 0keeM4H145Btoja ( Unon- sreassembUng.-4tM qpwing ticket wae WominaAed: t For Sheriff. DjanielSttmsonoa Reeia c)f DeedsHdllbe? ihi erk of iuperior Courts E. W, . Carpenter) far i; fox urveyer, kroner, Or. H. 0. Bates H, J. Lovick; for Treasurer, Jsaac Pat terson. i wi B. W. Morris was endorsed as first choice for Congress and J. E. O'Hara second choice. .T" I JDeleates were elected to the Jitdfcial anal Congressional oonventionS" bos the secretary has not given us th mime. ! ,TLe following execuUvQ oommittee w as appointed for the enauing yeat$ ; KXKOflTTVB OOmmTEJ i No. 1 township Yanoeboro," Stanly Ddwson ; Maple Cypress, Duraitt Greed. No. townshio Fulcher's. W Betuier.Mr rf0b, No. a township Kussels, Nathan Cobb. Core Creek. C. G HatcntDdyer, W. F. Miils ,, l4,r ,i, -lyinjlo Ko. 5. township Adami 11 'Ott, Pavid Ambrose. bin ( No. 6 township Lee's Farm, AdOi Cully. ' So. 7 township Jatues City, 'Jesse Hrooks. ' 'I " No. 6 township-Camp Palmer, E. U. Dudley; Jumping Run, Peter Spikes, FloaBant Hill, City of New Berne First ward, R. Berry; 2d ward. U. Hubbs, 3d ward, P. M. Draney : 4th ward, H. W. Thomp son; 5th ward, Sth precinct, C. E. Palmer; 5th precinct, E- E. Tucker. Cbaixiaar q. IdUey. 11 I Secretary L. H. Smith. Assistant secretary-r-C. E. Palmer. A resolution was passed calling for a mass meeting to be held at Stanly Hall on Tuesday night next. This meeting is called as the people's meeting with out regard to paity. Thus, the two factions have nominated tickets and one seems to have been about as regular as tbe other. In the evening Joseph Nelson, the present Register of Deeds, issued a cir cular announcing himself a candidate for Hberif . Maved His Life. Yr. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky ., says he was, for many years, badly aillicted with Phthisic, also Diabetes; the paida wore almost unendurable and would sometimes almost throw him into convulsions. He tried . Electric Bitters and got relief from first bottle, and after taking six bottles waa entireir opred and had gained, in; fea HgMr4n pounds. Rays' he positively believes be would have died, bad it not been fpr tbe relief afforded by Electrio Bitters, bold at fifty cents a bottle by Hancock Bros. isousa river s now tkraafr the widest eternoi it his known In many years. Lmonade. with KaryiaAd Ut," is now the Kinston prohibition bever age. It is mighty good, too, for the stomach's sake. Miss Sebie Dunn and Misses Mattde W. and Mattie H. Ronntreei Qol. D, Jotksoa, J. W. Oraiuger and wife, hi some others joined, the. , '.'Nag's Jlead excuionatisplaWawtneeday. i Several applications were made to the board of . county' commissioners last Monday for license to retail liquor 00 1- sid ef iiaetoitowatbip. rTJbe kpdli canU not being satisfactorily recom mended, liceeein all casea was refused. .'Ai iaUt'r 'akeursiby Wroaj ib addth side of Neuse river to White Hall, ia Wayne county, ia fixed for next Satur day. Six four horse wagons will con stitute , tha grand, earn van sary. Any-body- with a jurw uemljohn' can ket a "free paaa wiumu rurter ooaoumnsi k SJaushter has moved hia bar-room to Hookertoa ki ; Qreenaoasityji 1 ne .S . r irJ. TT t... uiutaacv iirim jvimnw wowyisniiii.im recently been shortened toy a near road on an air line and, every facility to ob tain "the one thing needful" will now be offered to the thirsty. Kinatoniane. We observe Jwith regret and surprise that tbe "Sageef MondoaUo." Lenoir county, has not yet been placed an tbe internal ravenua pay roll tXorw Carolina) rwenua raider". " HVnai taor1 oughly mastered the two instruction books give hint br- the' cemmkwiofcev and, like another Alexander, wept for ether books tcr wwjtjefj 3 .Tf a tic eon gressional assurance, however, vnleae something is done very Kwm; there will be a faaefal In the department ot the interior toefer many day a; " wTae aray aad feUre wi.1rww eirme4 encounter stumbling blocks whan least expected rQ of WeW iSrtseTl rairwtit beautiea, bemf ea a reet wH M tela vivne t this plar. wss t I by a ijvrer unaer paitti,arBia u. , s.u .0, to lir borne wtere- a a!eatrc is- r- rot iw- f ...if I r 1 - S sl . - .. "1 h I' 1. r t i t me -.' 1 '. even t - , ! (.rr.il Ltneaa of I .- - -1 e!'e at - snd Deeds for . mm 1-1) r mm imui') guim tmim iia ul ii'Men !VhslljlyeioWllii. ' o WASHttiy Jul io".f-rtPstuVpt todaji traasroitrtditdtao Jniiiiianiti jageaj.asniuiqpMi h1jiwi5rTal,tfi mil providing ror ine erecHon 91 a pu lie- WUdTneS at"' ftrrlr !M hri: The MHsloa Uilaiiwttr4 fcrniev berieM ' Aretuaj Ft, UomdWsiioEAaiaeJaij Hj T. Irwin," Maria Owuringhnrf- MaTr KarsteMv, Wmv Dermedy Robert ij. Btaideton, Jamei Cwroil; Joaeeh 1mm iafi, Inward J4, Harrwgtoa, lFia W. Scanland, Francis Doming. James Carroll's t)ill is vetoed on the ground that at the time the claimant received his Wound hw waa- engaged in plundering the' neighborhood of Ws tauga, SC and waa hunted dow by 1 theJtpme guards., ty4 . W. Sauland , filed his declaration, for, a pension in 18M.'aIIeirtmi that hb contracted chronic dlatrbeeie th Blank Hawk war1. Is wtotacthet bill foe hie relief the Preai- dunavsaysft,' ! aw uh1iu4 totlaink-it would, have, petu a fpr tuuau) Hn, u to Sit 'caie 'It Chuld have been, dimoflatra d ihat amsrn'eburd-ttirive'So We wltb theJhxenioTllaTrfcawJfr fifty-two tears, as itawsaiO stain aav ae ease of this eeod old gentleman would vrov We ahould then, per.haw.hay less Ht, it in claims far peneTdnsT''T . -A ThePresidemv says' 4Norid of. us ars eaUded to'eradl. for ertreme tendeVr aeatbaod leaasiaersaicm 1 ou ard these ho. , fouah their . . eouatry s lOUios. I These are sentiment .common .u all good" Citizens. They lead to tbe mAl benevtrtenf oare en1 the part of tire gov arnmeat aad deeAef eharfty and mercy ia novate iUa nlfte blMant and apisy seU-aaaertipa. ,ef tfeoee yhe, Upm mc Uvea that may weAl jjtf easpecWjie olare themselves aQQve all other ft ijenc" t of the' soiaief cannot discredit 'ndr belit tle the! ealm.1 steady andf afecttenale regard ef a gsa falatioth Legislation has beea at tha present seaaion of Con gress perfectedkConsidefably ipcreasiog the rateof. pinsibu, hi certaui cages. Appropriatfone have also been made of large'suma'for'the7 support of national homes, where sick, disabled orneody oldiexs are oared for, and within a few days a liberal sum has been appropriat ed for the enlaf-gem&nt and increased accommodation aad' convenience ot these iaatitutioas; Al V ' this- la ho more than ahehld be tone. But with all this, and' with, the kaadredsof saeoitl sots which have been, passed granting pen sions it) oases where, (or niy park, I am willing to confess that sympathy rather than- judgment has- often led to the dis covery of a relation between injury or death and military service, 1 aw con strained by a sense of public duty to Interpose against establishing a principle add setting a precedent which must re sult in unregnluted, partial and unjust gtfta of pdblio money under tha pretext of indemnifying fhoso who suffered hi their means of support-as. an incident of military seevice.",' , , Mrs. WWRtow'9 BoofirVvi Sviicp should always b used ' or rhfldmi teething. Iff eootbee tbe 'child, softens the gums, allays; all paM cures wmd clicand ,ia tjbaaet ady, for, diai- no,a, , a we wmW , Mrs. Arnold, 'ea'r)j4ewitoyanIiT6, las' iust 1 celebrate tbe lODth auniver- U 1 I aaiojrbfjh.. Sue, baa twosistert, on'e.fed and the other 112. A old lull 'moT7!1 1trr hit ' . v, it releMa Ks. nv'JK'8! Wifchea- doiphi Cd.,'Ind trWlr long sufferer with OonenmptionU' andr-w given' afo S die by bee physceB She heaorr r. King's New Discovery for Cmstimp-' tion, and began buying. ItjPS W-ii a fx thanthi1 time' she 'Wafked, to this ettyadlsUnbebfsl triilesand'Wnew so rneoh mpeoredsaaihad qait 8tnn if,, She feelaahe owes heriiife tq'lorne trial bottles at Hancock' tqa. Drug JtrSMUSs; itl tlr ' ferttnra'iinoiiww1mvIf 4'?andWa'te foe the efflee'ef 6HWlitT or CHiWES OOCNTY; w4tbe refta4 id parcyand if'bteoteA will endeavor'td be tnV officer otiwMeeeftneccrJf;-1 1,1 iI vi juiy aookij JQSEPrT ShlWJN. Jalj. Hth VM. : Tf Tl.T; EKCiijiixB g onici th. IKSti. HKALKIX -LH'ATE tor eviiai iters will M Mmnd at this r ome m untu j a n.(U) 1 the 'S, IL1B- aMAns.iil sail peol nk farms of proof! enn Tbe rlKht an J.-ncS01UifctinifiI FleimilEu lfllMn SHOE MAKER, Cunvuvx lttT"rpps!ew Crj.,It CX tliMU cerTy Wis- oBierWe made ae tyvTge'Ffre,Ara qual- Ur. exoAaUat -and i46rable. 1 take r'rnre In MtroalzmVand recom mo- 1 i n s'l.wbomay eaiV9a,himn hU oor. Mr. J'c-vleTiwiht;o'tVifvr -'the rnbllo t Xhi be tss now 'two ffrst-claM : a.-iftt-'Vof t t - r 1 l . . j i-i n ,a...f .Arii shoes, p - k '.a on the '.ortet notice, and ptiar- -' a ft. Your order Is wtflctfully a.-.v.u'd. ; jy9 dwtt Dim 5rl mm 31 .ritH artjsTwttsArtakg ,aaxawwalkiitf'4atell It U'WU. i-BaMtterv'sx aralkiaa AftaeKaniaai JnDfjie biasJMd:ihunag1 nxtejem at eps. Da,,.ia 71 1 ears pi 4. ha .had rtBnTnjrulceT'pn fcls-jMr Sffyaarehb aalf w eMturvUand1 breviooa'by-that Uay ad awt wkeejr Wlra aUe ewcHTfarvw ysjHxiatamta4ae BaruwrWatchM a4 Bev Dr. CMrki , Johnson, aay that B. jT!B. oured he ul- uri mm roBwieu uus, f "Ob, Joeie," said little gleeful Maad, "ws are ajeing to have ansae honsy made at oux houe,i' ''Bear do yemaaaiwl"' asked Joeie. V Because mamma sent the servant after three B's, and I don't know what ' bees are good for only to make honey. ' 1 bold in Haw Berne be K. a. Duffy and E. H. Meadows. COMMERCIAL, Jopemai. Ornoa, July 6, 9 T, at. OOTTOM. Nrw YoliK.IJuly 7. Futures firm. "Sfflsof 189,500 bales. July, a.M January, .&4 Aagast, .! February, 9.64 September, U.57 Maroh. 8.78 October.... U,i5 AwrU. 988 Npvembr, 9.1il May, iDecember. ,945 June, b lRneta firm: Mlddlin 1-2 Low Mids-liner 8 8-4; Qoed Ordinary A 7-14. New Berne market steady. No aalea. Middlina: B 5 a. . Low MideUing 8 S -in: ao OrdinarTTTi 8. - Mnksrnoi'BXMirr. ' fSEKI) OOTTON 2.9. ' OOTTON Brrrf ttf 00 TutiFKNILNt Hard , II .00, dip, 1 75. Oat Her, See. m bulk. Owor 50o. in bulk from boats; Mc M)60o. from stores. Rice 75a85. Bixbwai 20c. per lb. BHKF On foot, 8d.to 5c. Cocntby Hams 10c. per lb. ' Lasjo 10a. pr lb. Eaas 8aeto. per dosen. Fkebb Porx 4iaQo. per pound Pkantjts 50c. per buaheL Fodder V5o.aSl.0v per hundre I. ' OMKMrs 8.50 per barrel. FtiiA PKA-.5a70c. 1 Hmfl-t-Dry, loo.; graeai to. Apputa 80a50o. per bushel. Pkab $75c. per bushel, Honet 40o. per gat. Tallow 5c. per lb. CHioacna Orown, 30aA6c. ; spring aOaSio. MxAlr 65o. per bushel. Oats 50 eta. per bushel. TCBntpb 50o. per bushel . Skbd Potatoes Early Rose, $y.75 per bbl. Wool lOalOc. peraonad. PoTATOKa Bahamas. aaa-'lOc. ; yams, 40a50a Kehobenk 91c. woluali rnioaa. Ntw Ifxsa Pom $12.00. Bhovldkb Mi at 7Jc. C. tt.m, F. B'a, B.Band L. 0.-7te. , FLoc-3,B5a6.00. Lako 7 Jo, by the tieroe. NAtta Basis 10's,S2.75 Sctub Oranulated, 7c'. CoFrans fallo. SALf5al0o. per sack. MO LABS B8 AHD STBUPfJ Maefe. Powder S5. 00. iaoT-si.B(r. - ' ' the uadersigaaft karina ivlr ejuali fTed as1 executrix ot the wUlot Bebaatian Rangers, .deceaseo, nereny uoviuea ait persons' having'' clajma or demmnda araibat the tatate of the Mid eeoeased, to preeent taem- ftf saryxaaa witkdn the time preeoribedby lawiif twelve anontM m toe a ate nereof) er as nouoa wiu miead in Mr or tneir reooverr. All peeooft fndebted to tbe aald de- oaaaed are reaaired to snake iataedlate naymetiU iit.raaotnrai Ai Baucdkbt, . t. ! Dissolatioiiv 'j tii 9 arm mo. M.BUtraOwBRO. Wtata ikydltisolvtl bs-asatual aanssas '. The bm uvM.wlU be aoniimMd attbf ea Dt.cr Ml'.'' .It u r. erarpsoir. 8r.cn, v-1 v . jytdie m il yJllariJ. OmhW Co B. SCHEDULE B. ,"1 ! ,-.. lit ftmtmm -J 11. 1 111. ;notick..,ih ... --i. -.a. Alli.-peraeM dosaw, kuaiaeav aa taer- amaai ;f aan wvaaaamr swaesaaaisaamj aw otnert irsbie uncrer Kcneruie. lJVare 4uM4rby hSWeW firf tbe keme daring the firaBiirEH.'4ayeilnV JalrVIteweaa Uaikafl tA ilist .WiLhtel the. UaatisrlM be dvOfloe'nttseeBW JrAftM!anwtllOiroe fnfyat Wa aavb autwrreiipDsnwasiM- sa??s,Wl- lit ban p., Triri.-v,a niu m a, , . JT . . - .J Ti T K9ifloolAitl 01W neA-Iotin Bt'ctiaVmaa. W ia Adtn h tolraar at tarn NM aaur (raauaeo aa AianWtolraao ae of Arnold Oreeav and taarabr aivaa a. aba fee r ertffs all ats nnm kavtrr eiims aiBSt taw wtM of The. awtd araod ohm to Irent them lo lb aald JVB CtMnian dnT aaUiABtlnAtod: Sap MniHi an nt K for Uia 4tb dr fjnlj r tats aotlfa wtti b pieadsd-ia bar of rseovary. . .irmna InSeblaotalk! OTU aaaVpy c in ia; ff t,y ftnny ('.asaiBrww 'brrftt r VHk. v nrrtr:r. M. trifStsi'i nt .; Para 1 r." uniirt . ;:to. At his old Stand on Mi-' it, elidlr . Newktm.N C. Hew Slock Batines i;,'! hf'i f taVirfV"- &a4 Hi 4 . " Wme Store :E6imd the Wvisfra; ' . il.U'e "D mil .ni ul . .- J. KX7tTi"'- 18, K STOCK, i Oue duor from Potkwk, Jnnl2dwtr NEW iilvKJtT.U. Bock Lime, Plaster '"CeW1'1 r v 1 a 1. Goat'ffiir. 1 v.. It 0. E.-um$$. CKAVRN STREET. I Ji'lov. KiAJraaX)ii1ce. iiiav2Zd2aww -T- -.'.. .11 if! I, GEORGE ALLEfl ft CO. ' ' ' DETALEES IN " GeneraX Hardware Afrriewltaml Imttenen t e. Plowa, Unrrowe, OaUiVato, Ue, u4 Wkx,,,,, WochI'b Mowers and KeuptT, steam k-iiKlnes,. Cotton Gins and PreiW Frtillrers. Land, Plaater. Kainit MM'liaiii X00U aod U ard ware, Lime, Ilrick, Cement. Plaatar. Hair. Paint, Kalsoiuineii Var nish, Oil, Olahs, I'utfy aad Hair. r reor.vra, RffriKerators, (111 Cook Htovcs. Riireka - Itrtro-lftr root' Sash Lo ka, waiThMMl fo Kve urlf y and HaiHlucUoii. I'KKKS VEK x LOy. E. ALLEX & CO. k C. WHITTY 1 ' " Eeiuirters "llabistiBe," r'Marbieine,". Kto ,' mud now 'U tbe tiros to rrm vatosrld bsmotlir immliitt. I'lnt oarila, shuw- Baaitkaariouii -uliirs, fdrntstied oa spHtaatUui. latsi amuM it. myWlewtf & Rard Opport-jnily. bn MlfWle an. l prevent afv. ind rroal st! Ill IVmw Hm that would make -' iMfiiiAV STORKS, and II soma Snierprlslnt pero would take litem titer mtaia Sail am aaat erMte a lively bnstoeta. But aa 1 have a plaea alraady that takaa ail aay Uai.Mit tead to tueoMsfolly. 1 would sr to tha elil aaasof MewUene aad tha- aalihe rsaarallr UtatI wUloonttaae ta aarva. taaqa . wUatft ua ks lours oeiJtboa ; jaaae are omi tfcevevrieest. Qvwt-. tlna aj4 Fine Oat Tvbaoooelc.,v. Call and, saama. 1 Boa 1 naa tawH abt oeai' uie rarMr sf attddla and dJiej sMumnaVl I. inyyiWr: LWt"iy -oew rt pty' ''IJ w.,'Aae;rr7' Juttdwam l-.o aUiaaVawaV KV Vat GEO. ALLENhCO., 1,1: . '. ill ilUil f I I f SpnDgfieldlglTOT'tcijOo, , Ki jaad-Mercaatile riiakaj er!l- :.. air . .1; hu-ii n Jltu.m : til ?iUET' MTiif UFF IIS? C8. .ti! I'siBwrwieaii ban Uttotl - 11 1 . iU vi in al flN,Ji icpox rinin a 823. MlfelaablelffttWTrfrOm Ireio Wea yearfa uWrog lifetW a J J -itrOlJlccq trtTr,Trf T,v wBiawie , .ill lc iUVAM. V-MwmJ1 tm -;th UEd?ejiaiUiiiio . ialfjae ! i t In ayJL'nadiprxtofinS ol 1 m yii .. fMr-.f' i'. '.'V':--V' ttJuna. B'd Co, Cvu o IA, ti I SM V. Jf.' KiflBton, N. C 18 dwtf. Jane 6th, l&Sfi.

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