lit i . it S-T .Z ', ft-i - bit ? '. i B I W 1 alt v;..ii j.t.anwt'mmsm i v, , tY II II TJ4 1 iM I- .' ksi'k4 ,-44 , iM ft 9C? i:. ? ii .aojf lot! 1 ,.yoL.y r - ''Mil 'iL'JI' 1'. NEW BEBNEr frty- SATURDAY JUIZjtCl ! ;.'.' 'J0f-"'s', 's. v . v 1' LOCAL NEWS; i-i vrrr; rl VMMfttaMM , ' , .SM Bftrnft, UUtude, ; 86 6' North.' -OH ,ftiv.I IKitdft, 71?,! Wrt. . 4J1 1 LftMtfc-o t" iim tH. 7:18 1 14 boun. 24 minutoii. Srt t 150 .n 'r J ft jj- TLLJIIIESS I00ALS. L,, ... Cologne. .FttHoa- MarkeT Ffcmilf Beef, :' V V;i 3Smkl. JUnn, JJmkf m baooo, . FrMh J BJW4e4Xotfpfl gioud (o order. UuU and BAiuEDAVa. j me Tuole: Lw ' , "...New Bero0ft(1S:lSi,:45, 85, 9:45.11:15 - ,U13:45,JClVf4fc 5:15, 8:45 P.M. ,c Lmtw J Barring ton Ferry t 6KK), TSO, -hoitlOOl 10:80, 12;0 M., 10, KK), 430, 4:00, 730 r.M. .re lUoenls each way. CUy excursion - paniea 10 cents picnic ' V rouad trip.' Kundny school or 7 parties 9 lti round trip. fJcTtcIif atock of sound. - sweet ol oau, which wjs offer at m3, par buabai, retail jMdtt-' Union Point. ' " f f'4 . ' - The steamer Trent ia on Howard's waysforrlnt. V kr. Joseph JielsoB has an important card to voters ia this issue. Watersaelons are owning iA.prsUj VnttJ&tft&"?f yet Ts4 goifcisie)f certty SKecuUre comanUtee will meet today at the Oas- flctreftsJlX' liatJeU W leady to cash TOtifihers iasaed at the last meeting of the board o council. Carry them in. Tb iptle driver wiU begin work at Mouse Trent Hirer Steamboat Co. wharf today, driring piling for repairs ob wharf. Today Is the but day for listing Schedule B taxes. Parties who fail to ltsC today ire liable to be placed on the deltoruentlist. sJTJmci a uAton declared kiauelf t oaadl--r'aaie tot sLeriff ' before any nominations - wtmadeby thefaotions. ,K. ' U l.l .4. . t- trata fo IsreUed aty tftnVietow, will carry psrspne for one i. Mjmt:iX& totuid Ula, TTraln will lesT South Front street at it.' m. TwftP :Borhf as secured the r.mJWfr? twp(,s workiaen and U Kwidy toXaVomeasoreS tor those twelve eeXboofir and" ahoos. Bead' ETs r,ad." A. M. Baker makes a change in hit 'iiMusiaeni 'today; and makes an ' IsMuaoeaMnts of much Interest to out readers, who wish Wmake a purchase , -h rt-, drr 9f v t . . The Cfeopftfra wDl as usual run her fe'rrj1 line tod Jrf Town people wishing toNb, vlt to delightful woods will take, Advantage of the. schedule under the head of "Business tools." " i ; Mr. P.n.orpegsy, the tanner, has opee0ofeiTtoa Broad street, where hs wi&eep7 samples of his - leather. , Bince locating here in the '-: pVtag.hehas turned out considerable v 4 Uif . fMt ppsjs to hi welt done. - "Ujuriftok atttaia'lettor is very . interesting buf is rather an, overdose. 7 But few people jlltfkt (inre to read a two-oolums article in this day and age. v --U4sssfUetto4nl inaO hatches., By ; the way, Vo. I must baWbeen the one ;7blisnedVesterda, as the long one to " V ' day is evidently .the , first The malls " are getting very crooked. , The excursion party that left on the steamer Sfieucmdoah Tuesday for Nag's . Head i returned ' J yesteraajr evening. , The representation was equally divided A between New Berne and Kihstoo, mak ",)yjvtg in al) about fifty The geaeral tx r preasioa was. Chat it was one of the .. ' most enjoyable trips ever experienced. OooiSro&thcr anerty partj nicely , - 'entertained was the cause. . Prawat Js J v I H..a 4 li F. B. Loftin, Eq. of Einston; was in 'VUy n' Thursday 'and1 witnessed the v -efeiiiRg-of the- BepobHean oonntyeon ventton. Te r rl By Water, , 7-d fcaxner Cleopatra gives notios thfit tie will make a trip to Morehead r- r ' rrn 8ua4ay leaving New t 5 a. u. and rnming that i I, taia for round trio 60 cents U kMs sold by Jobn. 8, Palmer. and a u j a vi a vuuu w wwwi i sold by Jobn 8. Palmer, and to sixty'? v-"!4:1.-' limiteJ jrrs ki school; 'wiU we bare ..,it(rj t! n r ? To e want It. or not?rthat T' .trustees have ap- ( '--e'ts solicit subo,rip t school. Whea v e i - -r ; -. i v c f. a ved the city t! el r:-:-rt whether or not , jf: '.t t j s-" ' 'a it.-- ?' r 1 fTRfP ( ! ' '""1 - We are requested to male the follow ing annooncement; Hiss. sUnly will open a school for young ladies in this eity, Monday, October 4th, J88. For further particulars, apply at her resi dence on East Front street, sfter July 10th. Mac. 3, ' The Stlmson'taction of the Republican party of; Craven , eouatv baa called a inue meeunK qi we people to assemble at Btanly Ball next Tuesday night. The uemocrats wui, or course, turn t ut i4 what Is to be dose. If a pt-. -Lies ticket; can be agreed upon, we t,U.d'tf seize the opportunity and strike s perere blow at the corrupt methods thai hare prevailed lirthM COOntv for erveral yeara in eeouring nominations in county conventions, ijet the peoplo turn out Wmicr tuner. Uommissioner John T. Patrick left for Raleigh yesterday morning. lie has been here a day or two prospecting for site to establish a winter resort for Northern people, something on the plan of "Southern Pinea. " Bis idea is to es- tablieb such a place and obtain suoh low rates of travel over railroad and steamboat lines as will bring people to ror me winter ana ret tbem interest ed in building it up. He has been very suooessful in establishing "southern Pines," and wo hope hs will be eaualiv se ra this new enterprise. Sew Beraeaas at Jilaek antiUn. Editok JdouAb: eoate days sko the Journal expressed the hope that some one of the New Berne party, now ua Jourulnr at Btooks Mountain, would send a few notes descriptive of the do ing of our party. as tne writer sent a few akstones for puhlloation last year, all the other mem bers of the New Berne delegation at ones insisted that be should again act as "scribe" for the rest, and describe the various places which we have visit ed. New Berne had the praise, last vear. of sending the most attractive delega tion to the assembly, and this year she I airly beat her previous record, as a glanoe at the ptrmmnti of our party will show: Misses Harriette Lane (chaperon), UMoaiteld. s aaata Holland. Ula Ives, Nettie Boll later, Florence Bryan, Hannah (Bhinle) OUrer, Hannah Allen, Ida Christmas, Mary Allen, Flora Marks and Katie Daniels; Messrs. Price Thomas. D. U Kills, u. B. HoUister. John Ives and Jake Brown. Well, it Is a live crowd and no mis take, and we make everything lively whereverws go. Sometimes It is amus ing; to notice people pause and raze in open'-eyed wonder at some of our party as If thev were speculating whether or not we had just escaped from the asy lum; but what do-wo care for the ver dant simplicity of such folk? nothing. The trip by rail from new Berne to Black Mountain was not devoid of in terest. We spent several hours in Ral elghtf . during which time wej visited most of the places of interest ia and about the "City of Oaks. " At 7 o'clock p.m. the special assembly train pulled out from the station, and we settled ourselves for a ride of about 100 miles, amusing ourselves at whist, joking, or anything else that would stave off an hour of tune from tne heir or a tedious railway journey. About midnight most everybody in our party seemed fully awake, and we exerted ourselves to keep every one else in the car in the same happy state. Finally, some one discovered that there was a bottle of paregorio some where on the train, and proposed that it be admin- merea so o rmw awarai uu ni them to bed. We of oourse laughed the idea to scorn, and kept right "on with the dance,? till Miss Harriette Lane said we made so much noise that she could not perform her devotions; thsn we Vchoked oft" ear laughter for a few moments till somebody stumbled over the recumbent figure under, the curtain of the sleeper berth, evoking the sx rUmatkm, "I never saw so many men prowling round ia. my life!" Again every body was convulsed with shrieks of laughter, which was kept up1 at in tervals till nearly daylight.- The writer "climbed up in tne tort" (tne upper berth of the sleeper) and fastened to the concert below ahoru of snores, some treble, some bass, some alto till about 5 o'clock, wher be descended from hi lofty porch to the rear or the) sleeper, w tiers ne was soon joined by several oi the ladies; all on the "look out for fine views of the mountains; nor were we disappointed. f The train rushed along, bringing into view the dim outlines of huge, rugged peaks, covered with lirtsg green to the very summits, and, at that early hour, wrapped ' in a mystic veil of fleecy elouds, which, parting now. and then, gave glimpses of .enchanting beauty throosh those roseate bortala. - . -' - , Winding round the lower foot-hills among the dark defiles . and ravines, always climbing, the straining, tugging enrios brought suddenly, t from arouad-a sharp curve, "with a long scream of delight, it seemed to us, into the beautiful little valley of . .- ;- J , ; ' ROCKD WOB, . '. ' 3 with' Its treat fountain throwing a four- inch stream of ' water to the height of 178 feet, i Ioannot attempt to enumerate tbe adiectives which were used by our party in givlag vent to their emotions while fearting their eyes upon tbe beau ties of the scons presented to their view inthismoft lovely valley.- v Boon on s?n we wwit,. one engine befsre tue oiUer, two being required to mil ns up tw frft'ul grade, paw irr t,.e t ipeaitaaserts, swsj uown st the -bo;um of one of which lies, in i r t r Tred eonfnf ton tne v:t....scr x r;.0ST laAtH, vf.u -t r n i- tna awf ! oould be oars; but we noes in safari and slowly we win oar wsy, round end round the rugged peaks, like the threads of a screwy now pi waging into a dismal tunnel, now skirting a precipice, till, with a rush and a roar, we draw us to the station at -Mount Mit!beil Hotel J ana we nurry ae got out into the mm.' ? Now oomee the. tug ef wart and the people, oh, tha pebpiel who ever saw so assay folks at one small .hotel! then- and there ,wsa hurrying to aad fro, "and seekimr for Dlaoes losleeD-. ana were were saa paciang. aot part-iBirt!.ia-or eiirht to- the room, eraaa aeapue, -sucn M press, tpe lue from unirwMn"iamoBS senses one, especially when that wouna hean Has been soouetomsd t sieen alona for tbe last twenty years. Baf men must work and women most weep"- all of this, it is said, took place at Black Moon - tain, on the first day as to the nrstI can vouob, lor work it certainly was to handle those immense trunks, which, despite "What Shall We Carry , "seemed to be filled with all the "wealth of Ormns and of Jud. " By nightfall, all the vast crowd was under shelter, and most of tha baggage had been rmasAed and the prooees at getting acquainted was next in m order ana was kept up UU a late hour The Assembly met at- 10 o'clock. Thursdsy, 84th June,-, and abort ad-J dresses were made by the Peaidant and otaer prominent seaoners. ganuu ana eccentric bachelor, oro- lauior in one oi our most aounsbin: sohools, spoke eloquently, and .naid a glowing tribute so wotamay rHS said that he came ttngie to the "Assemblv. but that he expected to to awav dtmbit: and from the number of times be was seen "sandwiched" betweea.swa srjuns- s, perambulating we baloanies. he may not only be able to keep his word to donble, but be mar ' Derhans have to emigrate to Utah se satisfy both of his fair captives. un Friday morning:, it was decided by our party to pay a visit to. BIC-KOBY HUT UAP, which is about 25 miles from Black Mountain hotel; so we hired a two-horse wagon and ten mules and one horse. and our entire party set out. at 10 o'clock, upon one of the most pleasant excursions that we had while at the Assembly. Many of tbe ladies rode mules, all the way, and they rode remarkably well too, over those rough aad rugged roads. ranting tn rough Lkey uap, we soon found the level of Broad river, along whose wild and romantio banks we traveled for miles. Nowhere on tha wsy was the seenery mountainouaat one bend of the river, we would meet a bold cliff, seeming to dispute Our pas sage; again we would wind slowly around the top of a high bluff with the. river thundering at Its base, while op posite ub, leading up still higher into the "eternal hills ' were wild gorges, clothed with dense forests of sombre spruce and fir, and rendered beautiful by countless numbers of brilliant ool- ored rhododendra and honey suckle blooms. Water, water everywhere springs from fountains of living rock, gushed forth at our feet, and leaped away merrily down their pebbly beds; tiny rivulets, peeping out from some fern- covered cliff, sported ia tbe sunlight for a moment, ere they dashed awsy over the rooky path to join the sullen river below at all points of our journey, we were impressed with the magnificent water power supply of our State, r One of our party ooontad tha AfVams we crossed" in going from Black Moan tain to Hickory Nut Gap, and found 108, anyone of which was lares enoush to turn a mill, many, a large factory. Passing on some miles further down the river, we approached thexegioaof. CBIHNXT BOCK, I .t'l one of the most beautiful portions of Western North Carolina, Doubtless, ages ago, the high ridges of the moun tains extended entirely across what is now known as "Chimney Rock 'Gap;" but tbe Brosd river, gathering strength as it flowed on down the ridges, st last hurled itself against the hsufthty front of tbe rugged oliff ; pierced its stubborn brow with its searching; streams, out down into its besom, till, finally, it tossed the huge boulders about in sport. and bore away on its raging flood whole J cliffs, till now we and it, as if in a transport, of triumph at its victory. rushing noisily only its oourse among tha ruins of Us enemv-'s .fortifications and "bowlders and -rocks1 wnioh com posed the mountains of the long ago. How, ii reminded me of."How (bewater came down at Lodore" ' 'HereTt'goes dashing and splashing, rushing and gushing. There it goes sparkling and darkling, twirliaa; and whirline-eo the water comes down si Chimney Rock. , . But we uft ov eyee from the.. river, rushing along in its furious sport among the rooks, to drink in the sublime beanty of the scenery as it rises continuously before our eyes, like soma vast pano ramic creation, only indescribably mors grand. - ' t -'. : Yonder, on our left, frowns the bare and blackened cliff, whose counterpart stands grimly denaat,.on the tight, ana watches the hungry river gnawing at its baas, r Along tha top ef , this Jhao- eesstble height, as we turn a sharp curve in the road, a stream of water is seen pouring slowly, eeemingryt over the rugged face of the cliff; and It appears, where frr to' dashed ; frto foam, like a great of liquid snow, calmly unfolding itself modestly striving to cvret the scarred aad broken bosom of its ancient mother mountain. ' '""" , J art in the center of the great cliff, tne close observer can aisoover a won dcrful pictore-on tbe border rise greet towering ' mountain "p&ks, through w L a passes glimpses of .a greet eity co be earM-tit, a eitywhoseemfe-sttled v. k. ,a p- t turret, wrtwj rn-cy rtes r-- ii one.' of., anrier.t.' times' when 1 ' I - ' '4a - ai 1 4fire i ' res i r - "w fir r t " " " t ' ; 1 ,. t, -1, is run tniw ataxeaiuaga aaj ttusiderof JreitdtaW - bridge as scaaU 4r trsppsasaaofi, a enatllad host irons, tha mvetia nortals krfthaj -ejtj or the ciifrs;",:; Dopn we - reacner tftfl- note! at v fisM aey'iseeene'aroneptB9c' long enough- ta&aas rirs nsaiiai nslill irl tswppea.jRight bsj iRsasjmiwwbaet on to via wa coots situated 4a tv bu tary of Broad rtverTheea ?ooW are three to aumber, ani are most maiveb 00s in structure. sssmlagv oarred out of the aalid-eeea bw-lheehisel of a satnt. so symatrsasara thaJtowtUine. pae Of themvnUschrUteeeeU Davits' Ckui. disawia bottsamsas soaatiaftknewsM kad I'taaiwjaswjWiUBSait asm a sase-oi'tUd nsatsosu wlUrlisw, sasbsnal f tMnv. ijirsjed.eavwsae aaidasvlUcfc of laetaiwsvs a j L '.njci . j r leaving safe: Poof, we retraced our step so- tha- hotot; wate a aoontifu) two of our party,aladies, one too fatigued to os, cBusueeroa mm lAiyi rne on hone baek.oV Valf1nluls)iPcr,. the oUier sick with a slight chill, inducted br ex ceasivja- aieHtW AsHnk f day. Sup per over, soma native musicians struck un a waUa avthe nartou anifaaveral of our titwd batvy forgof ibeir f MiVue, and inpieitbaugbSfaoa final y we all teekhand at' hp Mdraslifofcsd "vf" rensid'' "oe-two thrsfcMan kUkXs alU theJsanoina tne writer is nuiir or mmm mniti. themtleti onkUaUbuattW daate oiosed 9 clones rsnQeaee.''Jbak- down," perforWdttty Proi.AMrAnas, who was rounaly applauded for the wonderful aailitv he disDlarad alter iMfrycChArs siftide 9la big mule. " fiUsftiawlmy atehp, aSbn claimed xu, Ia4 laliedi by the duUboomiSK of the nrwrf we enubsmreffsiiT sne' beH called as to aaata ke at a nlentirnJ hreakfaat or ail kuafts si soeuatsis: aehcaeU. Ia the saddle araln at 8 o'clock:' Some of ,the party set ant to .visit the we reached in tune fpr supper. w enia aaoajassa, wv saw some 01 the moat wonderful soanan of all wast em North Carotins., and every 00a said ae wousa aot take for ais ea joy meat. I would not sell mine for money , baa I ikieh 1 nals sit ba induced to go k?fl Us:1 on horae barfk1 for vii thi ton Wtmoed. ra. niy wil gb'yourseaders an soeswat ef ''tJifeeesWHesel.Baook- W. V- Reed, druggist, of Winkee- ter, Inid., writes: "One of my custom ers, Mmr ixmiss, HoisT Ban dolph UD JSiif, wa sf Jona; iVIerar with Consumption, and was given up SO die by her nhysieiana. Hha heard of Dr. King 'a New bieeoeery for Consump tion, aid bscan buying it of mei In sinondnthe' time oka walked to thai so much improved she had quit using it. She feels she owes her life to it. " Free trial bottles at'Hancork Pro V I Vug Store 1 r KHIKKS, John L, Sullivan was in Now York the other night and had along one of his Boston drunks. No mistake, "1" ia correct. The American nag has been tired on by Anarchists in Chicago. What will be done about it is not known ; but what should be done about it dangles before the vision of us alL . Daniel Devlin:, of Brooklyn, has gone to the penitentiary for nine years and six months for shobtiag four bullets into thf body of his .brother John last inter. Had he fired five he might have gase ia for ton years. The arrest of fbur men employed by the Singer Sewing Machine Company at Elizabeth for stealing nearly 4,000 shut tles has led to the discovery of quanti ties of (Jyuamapdrtyin the houttss of twff-of thsnien. 1 A genteel-looking man attracted at tention eJ'RWerslde Pari MbadsyUfter- noon dj tauing upon nis f uses near Grant's tomb and praying, in a lend voioe. - A Urgo arawd gathered and the mai) then prated at the top of his rploe. lie was arrested and saie has nan) was John FlsSMry.i;HaboaUaU tell where he lived or whence he bante. Another crank was arrested' lately for similar in old performance, bat praying seeme tobenw. jnia, A State oonfarenoe of Massachusetts Republicans is sailed for Mondsy next at Tremont Temple, to discuss the atti- tnHa whirl, tha RittwihliMB natft nnld be saked stfmainkin'wltlririfertce to tha temperance , qqestion, and to cow aider the propriety bl sending delegates to the National And-Salooa eonvention called al Chicago.' The call, which Is signed by a large number of the meati prominent Recrblioaasi ia ihe StaaaL aa proves oc tne resolutions adopted by tne new Jersey sepubitoaa eonierenoet at. May tV and abaVsjrnwns: Barabbcao State convention of Jane , whsrh rail upon the Republican party to take a positrva aad pronounced attitude of on- oompromismg bossilityto the orgaaiced power of tne liquor selling interests ot tO-.l CaaH Bar Tea alaeb. . 1.H-. - AWtrTLrol.'Od': JufisT'M.trN We find ftB.ato be tha steal bleod poison remedy we -ever bandied, and gives aiore s.ifaotion. Its eares art quick and d-ided, and yon can't ear too tLoch'ia its yise. We know1 -of two rmt ' ; W foNon jrad ea4f oauuh fcnreJ by its'uee. "We caat se any other weav"-1 i ii.jii ii.ri.iu a ; -,.'.; 1 " !'..; aa Asjesl aeassSHsa.J . Jsutto a walking- match is Mr. K. R. feauiter a. walking nfteea miles ia dayi nshmg and1 hunting. He Uvea at Albe, Ua-in rsstd,hasad running nicer oa hw tog M yearn i oae hair ft century aad previous to that dajF) baa ass walked, half a mils perdarror 80. years. . Mr. Uealtoe, tbe Banne-watcmnaa and Bar. Dr. Calvin rfahnewaear saar B- B. Boaswa 4h al (jer and retere4hiav. Cb, Josie,"said HtUe gleefuf Maud we axe goiar no have some honey made at our nouse. .now do voskaovr asked Joste. "Because mamma sent the servant after three Ba, and i doat now what bees are good for only to bold in New Berne by R. N. Duffr and E. H. Meadows. COMMERCIAL. Jou&KAi. Or nor, July 9, 1 P. M. OOTTOS. Naw Yoas.'July H. FutureaToleaed quiet July, uiet and steady. Sales of 174,00s bales. January. 9.46 August, September, October. November, December. ..Vi Febraary, 0.54 9.49 March. 9.84 9.35 April, 0.73 9.85 May, 9.83 9.85 June, 1 Spots firm; Middling 0 12, Low Middling H 3 4, Good Ordraary 8 7 16. New Berne market quiet- Sales Of three bales at 8 3-8. Middling 8 5 8: Law Mtddlma 83 16 , Good Ordinary 7 5 8. oastsurrio hut. Saan oorro 2.t0, ; , OottokSked liO.OO. Ttmrwrora-HareT, fl.00-. dip. ttT5. Taa-TSoAgi.M. Oats New, 85o. in bulk. Corn 50c ia bulk from boats Wc. to 60a. from stores. Kic 7585. Bxxewax fOc. per lb. Banr On foot, Sato 60. Oouirmi Hams 10c. per lb. Laed 10c. per lb. Eoos 886 . per doaen. FaxsH Poax is6o. par pound. Psakuts 50o. per bushel. FoDoxa pereuadrel Okioss t3.50 per barrel. rTxu rSAS Soa7uo. 10c.; greea Se. Piars t75o. per bushel. uoarr 4uc. per gal, Tajxow 5c per la. Oaacauora Growa. SOaSao. : aM-inft suasoe. Maatv-aso. per baahei. Oats 00 ess. pay rmshe). Tuanira 60c. per bushel Sbkd Potatobs Eariy Rose, $3.75 p-r bbi. Wool lOaldo. per pound. PoTAToaaBahamas. S5a.H0c. , yams, 40a50o. KxRoatw ,o. SamaLna West India, dull and a jm inal; not wanted. Buikiiag. ft Inch hearta, fS.OOssapa, tl.M per M. WHOLB8AU raiOBS. New Mass Poni-glJ.OO. Sbocumu Meat 7ki. C. R. 's. F. B's,.'s aad L. C.-7ic. Ftomi t3.S5aO.00. Laed 7fs. by the tierce. Nails BasU 10's,ta.75. SoaAB Granulated , 7c. Obrrxs mile. Saat 85aOs. pat saoh. MolaSsks AJrp STkorra Mai&e. Pownxa gJJ.OO. BaoTgl.60. Jor,St;rlH. I hereby aaaoanee myself a candidate for the office of 8UXRIFF OF CRAVEN COUNTY, wlthoot regard to party, and 11 einnwKi wui enaaavnr to oe meomcer of the whole people of the OMnty. Respaetfully, JOSEPH NELSON. , July tb, 1S8C . U rAuvrSTiskasirf. r. J. rraiviiii OVrtcK, n DiTia.N. 0Joir Sth, tKm, wtfAtfcfi i-ropobaIji inTjuplWat far bnUAnt Vwm seoof wHh holssat w be raraiveA at this efltse mMI II the mn any oi juiv. inw. ana onanad lauaa. dlatalylbmaarter. BMetnoSUonSatoa blank rocms 01 proposal oan ae obtain atl aa UrtS oniaw. 'Iti rUkt , la x-aBTvaS la islet any or AH pVopoaala, W. 9. BIX BY, Capua or Kattoesra v. a Araty. y 1011 lis 2B J.McSOELET, FASECIABLBlCCTmmsMlIER, POIXOCK.EX, NEWBERN, BL C. CATHinnot Lake, ObakrwOo.. N.C. .This hi m eertify that 3 MoBesie has maoe mo two pair oc nccta-of aaa saal ity ' exoellent Bt 'iind very durable, I sake bleaSurs tsi batroniainr and rstaom- aasavrUsrVo sJI Wba aaay ball an baa m bJ issa of bemnesay as aemg worthy of fldenoa. , ;CHaa. pyFf,a. Mr.MoSartey wiabee to rafbrm tha MMmtssu aaftaa Bootmakers smpioyed, has a sea ok at the very best material, and. oan pat ap sbstery beet quality of booss and shoes, maaa oa she saortass aosica, and gna a 8b T weras tsayacafally ..a jam r soUoiasdV., Yri!rt 51 4J rTh nadarslrar asMfftal VJoali led assxat?aaTiaofjtawWiaotOiksatiin Baog-ert. deoeased, bereba aotinaa ail ers.3DS iavira elaima. V dematsatf saint tba s teof tne saw ead. te avasent taem for paymert w kU..n tbe time rweaortaai by lavs tw:y rtoaOs frwi tha date hereof) or tt isotica wi'J '. ir Liv'-.4 t t1 i s . I d v 1 arervr-itred tt r ' i "lat Hew atjnes Little BmBmM the Contexts bj watcliUiK bnlleuaooaMeaisasBSBtece you 1U keep up wltn latest event!, -. J. F. 'IVES HMdteMren;-'? Cue door frass) Mlof, LA KOK STUCK., juuli dwlf DissolutioiC-' The Srui ofO. M.-miMPHOJT Jt'ltm.'U this ear dliMlved by matnaeenasilt. The boa. "will be rontlnmrt t thw siMleilsce by H.H1MI-HIIN. .4- 1 k: ruftjy. I'ollald, (Ii.mIimv May Tt. sxn. GEORGE ALLEf) A CO. UKALERS IN General Hardware Agrrloiiltiirul 1 111 u 1 e m e n t a. Plows, lIarrowaf,lVAiTr, He-H timl Axes. Wool'i Slowers and ltiiuri Steam KngrneH, otton dins and PrHK4-n. FevtlllaerH. Larid Plaster. Kainit Mecbanh-a Tool and ttarvlware, Urue, Brick. (Vmrnfr 'Plaster. Hair, Paint, Kalsoiiilne tar niftb, oil, Olasft,' Putt'7 uud Hair. rresers, RefriicreraibK' on Cok StotcN. Enreka"rirrM1Lr Pvoof Baali liSM-ks, warrafttl to givw-secarlty and sat4sW'tof. , PJWi VEKX iJIW, sh;o. ALLa. ,,aV4JO. A Rare OpnorfunifyT mi Middle and Hre.l Kir,. h NTOBX8 and if aiwi Blrr4atnk W-rw.u would tak llu-ni iij ,1J;1jt M.u Ml , . rel a lively ubIo.h, .1 Bnt Ss I haw a place alroady lhi lakts uJl my m m. u4l..uooriaiilly, I would a,yi , rm. uuaut Mew Hern.- aud Iho pulll.-nnnllv mat 1 will oo.Mm,., ,, veFtbemXi?i VK IV i ' III ill 'W sj-r . . by "..r.iunin..r Lnnuu; mere are belter If aa iixhI. none TA K HAtl. flinokf iig Tobacco a sihctm thsvury beai. thewloa, I'laa and in, iui Tobaoon, !(-., el,-. Call and see mr I lind 1 n .l out "ef 'liavoriMwrUldli) uid (teuth Kroiitatn-oiH, Nw Hrti. ;wm. U lALM:i. Bellevue High School, BgnypBD CP., VrHCIVTA. The '41.1 Annual Seiulsit Ouna Srut em ber ISih, Kor (luloKiu- or Hpeclal lnformatlou, ap ply 10 w n. ABBOT, Prln. JUIZd2m BtlUrat P, O., V,. GEO. ALLEN cfc CO., AOKNTS 10R Springfield Fire Insui'ncc Co. Offer safo inauruncn on L)wellings &nd Mercantile Risks. AGENTS FOR ' THE MLEY MUTUAL LIFB IK. CO. Rafo anJ reliable. Easy payments. ALSJ AGKNTS FOli Tie People'; Mul Ulitimm Find. Poiioies payable at intervak of from five to seven years during lifetime. Money ad vanoed en Polfciosh!. , FOR SAIE .i uT. 5 ST nr: .111 HVK UUNDUEO SilARKSslSTOCK in i the ATLANTIC ANTi ' - VrrUTCT aaxv t'VUlU CABOLINA UAltiRxAD.' !h!1 tola tn sut Ml ni'ii i . i:r-ii-) ' J. A. PRipGRI,: Cbmn. B'd Oo 0mma'ns 1 'KiftitoB.'lviC. JaneBth, 1886. , iD.lgdwtf ;noticeu nn" All nersona doins kuatsi chants, or otherwise upon all. coods bought ia or oat of thTraTi V- others liable nadec flehedalaBil' sr. required by lsw to list the same daring e , tJrtr TEN days in 'Jniy. 'Peraoi2 failing to list withia tttimto-il be be charged with double taxZ t -;n k. as my efSee to reeeive tha aasasX Clanks Aiterthe 10th bf jjj allwlkav. will be pMoed osklhedblia. qnenttist, . . , , , -i , JOSEPH KELSON, , f 15 tJ i(eglsasrA Deeos. . TyifyMv"'- In-. .... irtae Sal: that Ka m.l-. f ' u-M . . n. uauiu. KIWI r i J7yt " Wt fli OV v. nvrtirr' .- a. l rhiB -a . ... . . 1 ' -X till a a-. , : ' " .1 . ' r We t-n-ki-it..T ' lASC.Ijia A. t . . . tj .ei : , .at, fat6 tt X A lit L.A.jtl,. ! -H ).-:j.U tw- -l".: ' n't; ?1 ' S1A .v , !i.m '!. , i .' N C. is. - 1 . s ;- s i t'--'v ty 1 v; t r U, MV4 for the grai.iig of