MM OURNAL. -J'- snieuexaxnjsB VOL. V. NEW BERNE. N. C. WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1886. NO. 00. 1 r a r -.7 LOCAL NEWS. iniial tXlxUsuere IImum. New Berne, latitude. SS6'North. . longitude, 77" 8' West. Hue'riaei, 4:81 1 Length f day, .U."u;7:18 1 14 hours, 34 minutes. t.m st4 a,l;50 n.m- V . i JWftirESS I0GAL8. Hrt Dillingham's 14 31 A Lot erf Finb Stationxhv, including Box Paper and Cards, Carter a Inks, . . - - 1 t.. . UlKl a.wtvfo BooWutttrJ Pollock st. Thij Now York Star will be furnished by an weeu seven papers at i pis. Ui v U STY RON Jl'ST JfcpnvfcD A .kick of sound, iweM AM oali, which wo olid ut .SO pur UuoJteJ , retail . J. A. MK4IKIW jtMtf Cniou Poiui. Tbe Clyde stearuahiii office and w barf in undergoing repairs. The Nt-uno and Trent Steamboat Co. his begun work on a new wharl. Tomorrow is tlie lnet duy to pay dog Ui. Those who do not pay on or I fore then will have trouble. The Shenandoah made her regular trip yesterday, bringing in oods and takUm0ut-vegetable truck. Theregular monthly business moot ing of thdj Y,' It C. A. wUl be held at their fooma tonight at 8 JW o'clock Mr. A. M. Baker was replenishing his lock, of goods yesterday. Ruad his ad vertisement and see w hat he offers. Tbe A. & N. C. R. is now taking watermelons from Morehead City in cart constructed for the purpose, through to Northern markets. In our "cemetery notes" in Sunday's issue we were in error in stating that the lot adjoining Mr. Long's belongs to Win. Colligan, jr. It is tbe property of Win. OoIIigaa, eeur. We direct attention to Miss Manly school notice In this Issue. Miss Manly ww'j'r7 toJr teacher among tbe puplli tn our graded school . Her quali fication are fl rat-class, and we bespeak for her a liberal patronage. PerMUl. Cap. J. M. White's family, of Kin toa,rt Martin's wharf, a pleasant summer rosort below Wilkinson's Point. Mr. K. L. Burkhead, of Ooldsboro, wat hi the city yesterday. MBBMVhtte cnveatl.e The Dxunocratio convention of Craven connty will be held on Friday, August 13th, for the purpose of selecting dele gates to State, Congressional and Judi cial conventions. The several voting precincts in the county will hold their primary meetings on Monday tho 9th of August, for the purpose of electing del egates to the coanty convention. JVtltftUi stiete. The Republican convention held at Stanly Hall on 'Thursday last elected Hon. O. Hubbs and N. H. Styron as dalegatfeand,W. Hv Dower and L. H. Smith Verrtt$ to the Congressional convention UbsJheM atKfeston on the 25th of August. To the Judicial con vention which assemble. at Jackson. Northampton county,' on the lOt'i i t August. I. PHoHjr andj. L. Battle werealeoted "delegates wkh 0. E. Psler and W. D. Pettipher altanaatea. The delegates to theae oonventions clalaljo lie the regular delegates of the ' f Republican party ' Craven oounty, and as rack will doubtless be admitted, , H(.mIbk c Kikt. A large crowd of Democrats and Re- publicans assembled at Stanly Hall lait nlgatib'responatitotheoaUBiadebytnfl Stimson faction of the Republioan party. The meeting was called to order by E.R.DudWfc37?''' i I On motion r Mayor. - H, Meadows was made pefnaeptb4rniaH of the meeting. ' Be explained the object of the Weing arte whic 0. E. Palmtr andUeo,U. VVUlirea fleeted lecT o- .Wolpon. dw liubba, aoom mt c loister g of the tollowinc gaa' Uemea' AyIenry, A0reen,TA, Cr '. K.O;KehaDi,iOo.SloTe J- juouas,ottresx)lu,UoM and ncm Inations was appointed, -t-- -- On inotkflraTWlVPaliaF Waj -' invited to V tie rueeting . Tne aUjoi rebtondediii a well timed ftteocb, dwelling n dob the importance ' of ha'ng reproetatiTM ia the General 7 - i- troiible today; be aid' wUn .Craven county was the scramble for office, and that the. colored people , were being used -to furtket the ends ol theee oC -Mekers. I He hoped Ut Cie thia r- -- rr""-ir W'll 1 be men 1 it it i.e. Em'.J i " 1 'ot taen in Craven to Assembly j represent tt ia the General without regard la politioa. On motion, John g. Long. Esq., was requested to address the meetinK- He responded in one of his moat eloquent appeals for unity of action among all classes for the interest of Craven county. Be was frequently applauded and made a good impression. The committee on resolutions report ed the fallowing: Whereas, The walfare and nroMwritv of Craven oounty depend 1st. On securing such reir-oniaUoii in tbe General Assembly u ui: y be able to effectuate leirfalatlvu rom iiun of tbe industrial and iiiateriul u.unai of the people; and .u. in placing the tidiuiiJicLiai..iii of local alfuirt in the hands of olluriK who aro honest, cauble an 1 faitbf i.l Tl.ure fore Itouolved, That ue iuu.1 coidiallv en dorse tho following ticket, vmt Hpeul to tbe jjood oitiiensof ll i c it n neurty Hupport. Kin- bheriff D .Stuiixou. Kor Clerk K. W. (uriut. i For Register O. Hubbs For Treasurer Isaac Patterson For Surveyor II. J. lxjtiek For Coroner Di . H. ti. lti.i..h For Sonute C. C. Clark. For Representative W. It Lun. Tho resolutions and noiniuati. ur unanimously adopted. lxud calls were ininir fui H.pi, c. Clurk Tbe chair appoinlod a couiiimlec to inform the gentlemen of their nomina tions and invite their presence. Mr. Clark appeared autidtt the deaf ening applause of tbe immense no d. After musio by tbe 8tar Bund, which enlivened the occasion, Mr. Clart arose and said that ho wax no -duiiiagoi'iie that whatever he approved lie eudomrd. and that which he could not approve he ould not endorse. While he had had some intimation of the objects of this meeting, yet be was not informed of its action, he must therefore ask the t-crt-tary to read tbe resolutions adopted. (The secretary here read tbe resolu tions). Mr. Clark continuing, said be endorsed the resolutions, ho ac oepUd tbe nomination. In a few further remarks most happily ounooived, well delivered and most enthusiasti cally received, he defined his position in regard to Craven county's interest and promised to let them hear from him. W. B. lane, Fwi., was then called for and in a brief speech promised to do his duty. Hon. (). llubbs wax next ciillnd for and mado a timely and oloquenl Hpeedi hioh was roundly applauded. Daniel Stimson wan next called for, and addressed tbe meeting in a manner that pleased the audience. Short speeches were also mado by E. li. Dudley, (len. Ransom, J. I.. Battle and others. A motion that tbe chairman appoint at his leisure a committee of one hun dred to conduct the campaign w an adopted unanimously. On motion, the meeting adjourned. The meeting was largely attonded and was very enthusiastic. We ill speak further of the nomination to morrow. Cr... W. V. Hoyt A Co., wholesale and re tail druggists of Rome, Ga., say : We have been selling Dr. King's New Dis covery, Electric Bitters andBucklon's Arnica Salve for two years. Have handled remedies that sell as well, or give such ani versa! satisfac tion. There have been aome wonderful cores effected by these medicines in this city. Several oases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured f use of a law nouies or. ut. nwg-s aw Diaooverv. taken In connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by Hanoock Bros. Kinston Items. Neuae river at this point is still ris ing. It looks like a big freshet. A large oonoouree of people were out latft Sunday morning to witness the baotism of Jacob F. Parrott by Rev. A. J. Hires of the Missionary Baptist ehurch. A force was engaged last Sunday working on the road between Kinston and the iron bridge, try ing to keep the road higher than the water, uur authorities ought to -etudy the philos ophy of preparing; for war in time of peace. The atteftrp to make or town clock keep time with the watches, of the town eommiasiotiersand the Methodist church elockhaa disgruntled that elevated time keeper, which declares tttaa "tuna anau he ae more. v, laa iwasirte ota ciooa refuses to work under such conditions. - Robert B. Taylor, a miner son of Wm a. Tarior at this ooantr. Was drowned last bunaay tn a Dranorv now mu or river hack; water on th Paeblsa land near the iron bridge. The boy was bathlne in tbe nrancb ana wnue aivmg became antaasled in the limbs af ftvsr- ipwe trees. Hi body was reeoverad. "The oommimionera of Kinston, Jaly 6tb, 188, after the local option tow wcat Into operation m tbe town, passed ordinance ix., which seems squarely to set firm-eyed reason on an edge. The ordinance enacts, aao. Ur'That it' shall not be lawful for any person or persons .... . . i - . i w "in tae oorporwe laniw vl vu v R of K inston, or wr ta on mne Hifreot, I to r.l or barter for faiuabie eonsfdera - ; -uv- tion either directly or indirectly, or give away to induce trade at any place or business, or furnish at Other public places, any spirituous, malt or any vinous liquors, brandy peaches, or any class ot eooas.or fruit pickled tn brand v whiskey or other aloohoUo liquors or intoxicating bitters, of whatever name or description used as a beveragwand not solely as a medicine, or other drinks, which if drank to exoess will produoe intoxication." Sac. 9 exempts physicians' prescriptions from the op eration of taw ordinance under certain provisions. Sec 4 imposes a penalty of n fly dollars fine or not mora than thirty 'lays imprisonment tn tbe eonnrr Jail for violations of the ordinance. The .i jthority to pass this ordinance is claimed to be found in the consolidated charter of the town, section 42: "That the board of commissioners of said town shall have power from time to time, and tor all times hereafter, to make such by-laws, rules, regulations and ordi- ounroe so to them shall seem just and reasonable for the good government of Uic town, and to fix penalties thereto for the violation thereof t the all other acts and thinm as in ilu-ir judgment may be necessary for me advantage, improvement and good t.-u eminent of said town of Kinston. ' ' Now tbe question witb us is, under the .Hfrol power, can the commisaioan lawfully enforce their ordinance? The HTipremo Court, Merrimon. Judge, saya, in relate vs. Urittain, TO N. U. itenorta: "Town ordinance must be subordinate to and hurmonious with the general law i the mule, unlptt epecial powers are inferred upoD the town by its charter: therefore, in tbe absence of special authority, it was held that an ordinaaoe prohibiting the sale of liquor within the cororate limits of the town is void, as the general law allows retailing noon obtaining license " Perhaps in render ing Ui in opinion, our Supreme Court did not "know herself." The town oom misbioueru may be witter than the oourt. Therefore we Kay to our worthy mayor, in the execution of the ordinance, "n. Stanly on An IUH ri rllug, llrilaMe.Hoa.r. Hancock Hron. can always be relied upon, not only to carry in stock tbe best of everything, but to secure the Agency for such articles as have well known merit, and are popular with the people, thereby sustaining the reputa tion of being always enterprising, and ever reliable, i-lavlng secured the Agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will soil it on a positive guarantee. It will surely cure any and every affection of Throat, Lungs, and Chest, and to show our confidence, we invite you to call and get a Trial Bottle Free. La Orange Items - H rainr frequently and sometimes ofttner. CropH are having too much rain for the heat Will N. Iladley is linprovm xlowly. wo are glad to Ray The infant daughter of V. YY. lli.ell is something better. J. V. Jojner, rsu., of Goldsboro, was in town last Saturday. There is but little sickness in our com munity juet now, that we hear of. Rev. Mr. Swain preached here last Sunday and Sunday night- Ivirge crowd in town last Saturday evening to the surprise of some. A good and almost perfect way to judge a man. is to hear what be says of others. Miss Alice Peacock paid our town a visit lant w eek, after an absence of some months. Ouiet and perfect submission to ail law and anthority is evidence of good citizenship. Neuse river is ud pleasantly high for some farmers along its course, and de structively to other. Much damage to crops has already been done, and still more w ill be, if a fall don't come soon. Col. Davis has contracted far building of more room for his cadets. Tbe in crease last session over former sessions, and the prospects of a still greater in crease the coming session, makes this necessary. A party was prosecuted and bound over for fishing a few days ago. To be compelled to fish would be punishment enough for us. We don't like it, and then we never could tell anything like a respectable nsh lie. Two negro boys, supposed to be those who took the meat from a lady near Tuscarora, were arrested and put in the guard house here last week, and notice sent to tbe aggrieved parties Dy trie Mayor. No demand being made for them, they were released after two or three days and given ten minutes to leave the city, which they did with at least Ave minutes to spar. One et oar oity blacksmiths, of tbe colored persuasion, did sixty cents' worth of work on the boggy of a colored brother, which was not paid according to promise. ' The smith filed a lain in tbe oourt of one of our justices and ob tained judgment for the amount and coats, amounting in all, to three dollars and twenty erata, with a prosper mat the property, which to heavily morv gaged to a gentleman, bavins; to be sold to satisfy the judgment. There is no us tn having a law that mV'Mtng tbe farj?; i.--....;- sne f s DeaeV , It has been reported that I was dead but I am not.' For four years V have been afiuoted wit a severe caeeor .tuoM Poiaoa, Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Mr flesh .shrank nwarr jbvjt seemed to dry up and form into little knots, joints were swoBew and painful and all -Mtkeladed I Bruat diev: 1 have need five bottle f B, B. B-aad Wars gained 60 pounds of flesh, ua4 , as soring pi s"y wc"",n,,; . . . L i u s Lvsmiif, Auaata, wa, f 4 . J Doia -in .w terjae- vy n,a, mu li. Meadowa. -r,-"T A-'-'MK ADVKKTlBrMXNT ' ProeeedliiirK of tbe KepaMirau lot TtDUSH. Htid al Ik. Kmm B.rne SIS, 1Sb. lkulrt, Jul) Tbe Hepublican.nomiaatirj conven tion met according to the call of the executive committee at the New Berne theatre on the Htb dsy of July, at 12 o'clock m. I. B. Abbott, chairman of the county executive committee, called the con vention to order and after stating the object, said that on account of hia elec tion as a delegate to the convention being contested , and his having- heard that the friends of one of tbe candidates for the position of sheriff would prefer some one else to act as temporary chair man, to show theee gentlemen and the convention that he intended to give every candidate a fair and luipaiual opportunity to eucueod, he wouid call to the chair a gentleman from one of the country precincts, a reiuleniun that bad taken no part in ihe tig hi between the two tactions in our party and he hoped that his actions would U- the means of quieting the appreht neious of the gentlemen objecting to ins exerci ing the power invested in huu by ihe plan of organization of the hepublican party and that the cumenliou wculd proceed with the business before ilium with harmony and fairuean. I'wtnn; only to the interest or the ItepuMican oanseand not to men r factio,,- O. Hubbs addressed fhe convention tetating the chairman of the committee having called some one else to the chair. he had surrendered tbe power iuveud in him by the plan of organization li was with tbe convention to ray who they should have as ohairman Robt Hancock, jr., moved that A. 1 1. Oden be made temporary chairman. wbish motion having been nut. A. ). Oden was declared temporary rha.r man of the convention E. E. Tucker moved that () Hubbs be made chairman After, considerable confuhion and noise, tbe chairman, A. . udeu, ap pointed the following named gentlemen the committee on credentials Ful cher's precinct, Judge Becton . lover, Caesar Beotou; Russells, Claudius Parker, Temples, E. W. Flalmr, Dee s Farm, Noah Jackson; Conners, Alex Griffin; James City, Washington Spivey ; 1st ward city of New Berne. M. Uahn 2d ward, D. E. horham ; 4th ward, M. P. Holly; Pleasant Hill, S. ti. Staton. Brock's store, Geo. Green, jr. Immediately after the appointment of the oommittee 0. Hubbs aros and tr Quested all those who belonged to the factum which he represented and was uientyUa with (Stimson party) to with draw from the convention aud assem ble at Stanly Hall. Tbis request was received with applause by the Stimson element present, who immediately left the convention, taking with them only nine uncontested delegates, namely: W. D. Pettipher, Kulcher h precinct: Dan'l Stimson, (V Hubbs at.1 D. K. Rarbam, 3d ward, city of New Heme; P.M. Draney and Miles Shepherd, Hd ward: V. A. Crawford, Moses T Bryan and M. P. Holly, 4th ward, making only nins uncontested delegates. Leav ing in tbe convection the following Aaron liammons and Judge Hertoti, Fulcher's precinct, Oasar Becton, J. W. Jones and Jno. White, Dover pre- cinot; Claudius Parker, Peter l'ettiway nd John Weetbrook, alternate to J. J. Jones (MY Jones having notified him be as sick and could not atrondi. Has kell's precinct; Jessie I Oodeu. Rufus U Carter and K. W. t inner, Tampif s precinct; Jno, K. Holland, Noah Jaok son and Simon Sykes, alternate to Dock Oooper (who railed to attend the con vention). Dee 8 Farm prex inrt. laaiab iJlmnaoos, Alex Griffin, and Mack Den nis, Conner s precinct, wash, cwey, Jos. B. Hooks and Robt. Davis, James City precinct ; Simon S. Staton, Charles Harris and Lews Ham, Pleasant Hill preoisKt; M. Habn, D. J. Moore and HI worth Anderson, 1st watd city of New Berne; A. A.- Bryan, 3d ward; George Green, jr., Dennis Perkins and Frank Brown, Brock s store precinct; ing thirty uncontested delegate who' remained true and loyal to the Republican party and their constituents who sent them to tne convention. After the withdrawal cf the nine del egates, several gentlemen being called upon, addressed tne convent ion. me committee on credentials appearing, re ported the following delegates entitled to seats: Vanoebore preciacfc- Delegates C ,C. Roach, Joe. Jackson and V. l.augh- inghouse; Alternates: Washington Brown, Jno. S. (. hapman and Doc Moterr. Maple Cypress Delegates, w. V. Wiiliami, F. C. Nelson and Hylvester Push: Alternates: Henry r Dawson, 9eorg L. Dawson and Bamnel.B. Pugh. Fulcber 's Delegates: Aaron Ham- morji, W. V. Pettipher ant Judge Ueo ton; Alternates: Alonzo Pettipher, Harvey Pettipher and Allen Keyes. Dovsr-Delegatos : J. w. jonea. Caesar Becton and Jno. White: Alter nate: Jessie. WhiteiL.i FlMiiU and K W. Blackledge. KasMlU Delegates : " uuunius bar ker. J. J. Jones, Peter Petti way, Alter- pates'. Sharper Osnxiady . Jno. J, Wost- Vrook and T. C. Cotton. Cora Crash Bslegatesv' lctiwRicb- ardson, Jacob Jackson and ' Edmund wallai Temple Delqgatfs: .Jpesie, F dett. m, yt. riaber atd Jfus Q.Cari Alternates: Lewis F. Uartr, Abel Carter and JnpiBeotost.-1 , i Adam Creek Delegates: Peter Chapoaan,Jro .tJptlPm" and W. F, Mor- K. Aftemates: Ambrose Boyd, tintMen and.Jaa,room,. . ,7 ia a Farm ueieaates: jno k. uoi- kuid 'Dbr. Oooper and Noah JactBOh; 1. uraaner aJeieraaes: asaian nun- jx . . . t. . trion, AUX Ongtn aad, lienjjis; Altersaus : 4 Aiaa 'rarkMav, rMBtjwe- snaa and Solomon Allen. i 1 js"" ry-riM-ait w Js" CivwD.U-si .'WanhpfawyH IJn. hh 'Uooia aad tsobtrDa.'rii; Arte 1 nates. K. W. ;iiexabry Paul WHliam jr., and SUas Neal. WiUia Chapel Delegates: Uryaa Jones. Oliver White and Wm. Fender son: Alternates: C. E. White, aotoaaon Wilson and Owen Bryant. Pleasant Bill Delegates : Simon 8. Staton, Chas Harris aawi. Lewis Bam; Alternates. Wm. McOill, Leoaa Ham and Mingo Alexander. Brock 's Store Delegates : Geo. Green, jr., Dennis Perkins and Frank Brown; Alternates: Pater Spikes, Geo Woo tec and David Bryan. City of New Berne, 1st ward Dele gates M. Hahn, L. J. Moore and F. Anderson Alternates: W. H. S. Turner, David Jones and Geo. H. While Second ward Delegates U. Hubbs, I'. Stuneon and D. K. bar ham . Alter unlet Jno b. Willis, K. ('. Kehoe and 1 1'. Clarke. Third ward Dclegatt A. A. Bryan, ' M Draney aud Milee Sheppard. Fourth ward Delegates V.A Craw foid, M. T. Bryan and M. P. liolley ; Alteruatoe W. W. Lawrence. J Dau aif and Jno. Thomas. FifUi ward 5th preciuot Delegates Jno K Huasey, Asa Bryant and A. G wdeu; Alternate. J. W. Harroll, t l..inias and 1'. H. WiKginr. 1 ifth waid -lb precinct Delegates I II., Geo. Richardson and K Merrick Alternates- W. F. Jimf i'elei Fisher and W. (' (iriffln I pou motion of 1.. J. Moore. Ihe re pi i 1 of tho committee an receivixl and cd.ipled. ' n motion of I. H. Abbott. A. U. 1) len wan made permanent chairman diid Juo. B. Willin secretary. 1 ' n motion, the roll of delegates was ailed, when the following named dale KHlof answered ('. C. Roach, Joe. Jack koii 1 I .aughinghouse, W. P. Williams, I . 1 . Nelson, Sylvester Pugh, Aaron liammons. Judge Becton and Harvey I'eiupher alternate to W. D. Pettipher) J. W. Jouee, Cease r Becton, Jno. White, Claudious Parker, Peter Petti wy, Jao. Westhrook, alternate to J. J. Jones, Henry Richardson,. Jacob Jackson, Rd roond Wallace, Jessie P. Godett, F. W. Fmher, Rufus 1,. Carter, Peter Chap man, Nero Crooms, W. F'. Morgan. Jno. R. Holland, Noah Jackson, Simon Sykes (alternate to Dock Cooper) Isaiah Sim mons, Alex. Griftln, M. C. Dennis, Washington Spivey, Joe. R. Hooks, Robert Davis, Bryan Jones. Oliver White, Wm. Fenderson, 8. 8. Staton, ('has. Harris, Lewis Ham, Geo. Green, jr., Dennis Perkins, Frank Brown, M. Hahn, L. J. Moore, E. Anderson, Jno. B. Willis (alternate to Orlando Hubbs) A. A. Bryan, W.W. Lawrence alternate to Jno. E. Hussey, Asa Bryan, A. G. Oden, I. B. Abbott, Geo. Richardson, Emanuel Merrick. n motion of Gee. U. White, a com mittee of five was appointed by the chair on resolutions, who appointed the following gentlemen: L. J. Moore, Geo. Green, jr., I. B. Abbott, J. W. Jones and W. F. Morgan. During the absenoe of the committee, M. Hahn, Geo. li. White, Robt. Han oock. ji., Jno. E. Huesay and others ad dressed the convention. 1. li. Abbott, chairman of the commit tee on resolutions, made the following report We. the Republicans of Craven county, in convention assembled, do renew our allegiano. to the purports of the great Republican party of this Union, and in the event of a State convention being oalled by said party, that the chairman of this convention be in structed to select delegates to the same to represent Craven county, and be and the secretary sign the credentials of delegates so selected. We, the Republicans of Craven oounty, in (xinvention assembled, do recommend aa onr first choice for Ctmjrress from the 2ml Congressional District for a seat in the 50th Congress of the United States 10 m. L. . J. Moore, of Craven county, and ax our second choice ws recom mend Hon. I. B. Abbott and the dele gates to said convention are instructed to do all in their power to carry out the will of this convention as herein ex pressed. J That tbe candidates, L. J. Moore and I. B. Abbott be allowed by this conven tion to select one delegate each and one alternate each from the membership of the Republican party af this county, and the ohairman is hereby instructed ta sign the credentials of delegates so selected. We, the delegates of the Republican party duly assembled in oounty conven tion at the city et New Berne, county of Craven, and State of North Carolina, on the 8th day ot July, 1880. having full confidence in the integrity and ability of Hon. Geo. II. White, both as a man and as a lawyer hereby heartily and enthusiastically endorse him as our choice tos Solicitor ot the 2nd Judicial District 0 North Carolina and instruct the delegates of Craven coanty to stand by Hon. George H. White and use every honorable means to seen re bis nomina tion as Solicitor of ear Judicial District. And we herebv heartily eMMnxaend him to the favorable consideration of dele- Egatos from other counties of our dis trict. J. W. Harrell', delegate, and Wash ington Spivey, alternate, was selected bjf Hons 1 J. Moore, and M. Hahnr, delegate, and Jno- Et Hnweey, alternate. was selected nv tne, Hon. L B. Abbott to the Congressional Convention to be held at Kinston Autf. 85th. VU ILWIIlU Wjej legal UWHUW ajtVUl inations forSUeriff iaerder, wtMretmon I t t a AKeTeT M enla U1 M, Hahn was nominated for Sheriff, re let ring fifty -two ballots and D. Stimson one. Hon. I. B. Abbott moved the conten tion proceed to the nomination' af Sena tor which- motion seintf aanted, he proceeded to place the Hon. Oeergs Green, Jr. tn nomination There aetna no tHher candidate, the nomination of uog Green, jr., waa raaas y accisr manou. ,lrri;n-! -o vu n;iut Jni n ' The rmeventum. est ntinsi mrmeeileil to nominate h member of the Bona of rUOresentatires.- Jno. " i - tiamer. EroaaM'Merriolr.cfJe6? H. WUtia and F. Douglaa wsaplaoed hnf nis thenonr edntion. , ,Tb Hon.- Ino.. E. ; Hoseey having rertTad;4injWltTthpal lot. cast was duly declared the nomi nee of the convention. On motion, Mr. E. W. Cerpenter was unanimously nominated for Superior Court Clerk. On motion. Henry J. Lovick was nominated for County Server or. On motion. D. N. Kit bom wee nom inated by acclamation for Coanty Treas urer On motion of L. J kioere. A. U. Oden was nominated by acclamation for Coroner On motion the following were placed in noinuiauue (or 1 or Deeds Rout. Hanoock, jr., Chas. E. Nelson, W R. Moore and R. H. Berry. Itobl. HauxK:k. jr., having received a major) ot ihe ball..! on motion of W. R. Moore, the nomination of Robs. Uae- cock, jr., was made unanimoea. Tho (Hinvviiuou having endorsed foe Solicitor tho Hon. eo H. White and granted him the pm ilege of Selecting the delegates to th.- Judicial Ooaven lion, he presented lite followiug named persona for delegate ' C. Itoach eWle gate, and Fiednc Douglass alternate; V. K Dudlev .l.-lr-trni. and Jxwa 11. WilliH alutrnale On nioiivi t lie con v ,-1111011 ad journed. ( 1 ouiN, Chm n. J H W 1, i 1- s , 1 II Abbott, i hi . rumn ot the county executive rorniuilUe cliei the pre cinct couiuuiuwe to tinier .nd .tew the objen 1 of ihe c. mi mitlecH loeotlng was fr the nirM of sppiiuting a oounty exeouliie committee. On motion. M. Habn wan elected chairman of precinct commillee and Jno. B. Willis secretary . L'pon roll call of pre mots, the follow ing named gentlemen wer. duly elecUd members of the county executive oom mittee for the ennuiOK two year Vanceboro - C. C. lfoach. Maple Cypress H. K. Dawson. No. 2 Tow nship Harvey Pettipher. No. 'J Township 1 lover, W. F. Mills. Russell's. W s. C'rttoo Core Creek, br later Jackson. No. '1 TowuBhi icmple Jesse P. GixleU; Adams 0ea W. F Morgan. No. TowushijJ-rjIi'B Farm, Geo. W. Bryan. No. 7' Township Conner's Alex. Orifbn. James City, 1. J. Ie No. Township kind House. A. li. Koonce; Pleasant Hill. T. H. Dillahunt. No. 9 Township Jumping Run, Ed ward Jones. Newborn Ut ward. M. Hahn 2d J. B. Willis: 3d. A. A. Brvan. 4th. W. W. Lawrence, jr. Ifch, 5th preot, Fred. Douglas, 6th prec't, I. B. Abbott. Both liana. t. New nan, Ga., June 4, 1885. For over two years 1 have been a suf ferer from Rheumatism, affecting both shoulders to such an extent that I could not put on my coal without help. Tbe use of seven bottle, of B. B. B. etfected an entire cure. I refer to Rev. W. W. Wadiworth nnd all merchants of New nan. JilOB Sl"ONJlJCn. Sold in New Berne by R. N. Duffy and F. H. Meadows. COMMERCIAL. Jourhai. Ornor July 1:1, I P. at. OOTTON. New York tlnlw r. V.,. nii oareiy8ieaiy. Bales of bales. Julr. S 47 Januarv, U.43 W.Sl 9 fll 9.71 9.81 August. 9.4.". 9 32 U.32 9.33 F'ebruary, March. April, Mar. September, October. November. December, June, Snots steailv: Middling U tl 1 Ii. Middling H 7-16; tkKd Ordinary 8 -!. new tserne marxet quteb Mo sales. Middling 8 1116; Low Middling 1-4; Good Ordinary 7 11-18. Deniifio nuiRT. Seed oottov OOTTOX SXXE dlO. 00. TuaOTTTorn Hard, $1.00, dip, 1.75. Tn-75o.a1.8S. Oatj New, 85c. ia balk. CORN 60c. in bulk from boats: 56c. to 80c from stores. Kick 75a85. BBsvwax 0c. per lb. Banr On foot, 3o.t fie. Ootjbtbt Hakb 10c. per lb. " La an 10c. per lb. Boon 7a8o. ner donen. 0 .1 1 1 . , ; . .1 l-n Ji mi laH PoaJt -ttaBo. per pound. Minn TV, (1 AO Yki..aIr' JKli Omoxs $3.50 per barrel. Ftxlo Paas 65a70o. Hrnns Dry, 10c.; green fie. Applks 30a 50c. per bushel. PaaKS t79c. per bushel. Hchtky 40c. per gal. Tallow he.. nr IK 1 l OHlCXaHs Grown . JWe86c ' frlnt'' 20aJ5c. MkaL ftSc. per bushel. , Oat 00 ots. per bnsbel. 1 Tuxjtrr 60c. per bnaheL Sited Pot aTors Early Rose. fd.TS ner bbl. VBrYY irLkia. j . j nmij 'f; i-OTATosB nanaraas. asaiwc t Uaooc rTaafsWNn ftje. . 1 School Hotica , i ii ; MISS kf ANI.V UI . Q.I 1 Young Ladies in this city, MONDAY, OCTOBBH 4th ,1 886. Vat rnerphJr' ticulars apply at her roideooa suJatv Front street. , , . . . July 14th. ' a4U,!Cajw atiTx ciiouxi, 1 TTTTrWTW.l Oiv oounty. i rIW)ct:QarViU li 1 BT. R. niehavdann v VYnin Ast'i5 r Aaa aW- Ffeaaate tm uim . besea, Soott, 4ec'4, .iM.wbem toj.xeaae' f I Vt 'SiSmJuilt - w.,i.y - , - mi. vm m tarn surm um af ni - its eoeaty.eeertwtor.Moeday.atipteinlH.rt. ie mi. aoove .aiiiied pre..iniBir or ju- t- t meet wm fie.isnitoisifcteessrtuaa m 1yj7 ' m,inijum,4V.", ir 1 35i;jiS i fa -vtVlt-4arn aasttJaU-tiV? .1 .it .rtiCJt'iH w:ty -.,1 til . t' i lvf 17

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