i . ; V. ..- f . i t. V .t.UI jUCUJlW yH. ui fViiiStrJ- til .,l0J. LU' "s I I Hi II I Ml II I I i III x - ) A? I' OCAL;,NKW.S. Jaur-UlB-luiatare elaaaaaa. :y Na w BrM. latitude. 85 Norths! i Sun riuf s, i ;5l I Lngtn or. dev. Mm Hi'.', U3 a.m.-? V j ".hH Quit urnr.4iy- XTW WW- York VM be fnrtfahed by1. Ut4iiw(ekMaa ppere-t 15 oU. ul'J rMl'.iW7f.H OwC 8TTROK. ' - Wate(m61pDB are pouriqg in in good itki (weather icool and quite refresh iai to Nf0q,'tcetws7 eocietj folks. j: C'Wkluy 'shipped' yeaterdajr to Pollokiville a bell fcr the new Baptist ehurch'atthBftinfce. , '( A crowd Of y dolor ed excurioniets ' W4vedn the eteamer Kituton yeeter t dyaiMUgaT an" entertainment at BUniySail.' The Level City Band, of Kintton, furnibhed the music. - The ateamer (Xeopatra did not leave yettordav until the arrival of the Kin mta't Vlng yaltArt for Mr. Eerman Brx&a, of Genv Ranaom'a River ,Jin proeoM tA ivm Al ImpteasloainUM minds of some baa prevailed that Prof. O. W. Neal wiU not taacji in itxy Academy, beoauae he 4rj4tiidentJ We'ara requested bj him to state that be will teach and alao attend to the interests of all the grade.'.. i i We are in receipt of an invitation from the Board of Agriculture to be present at the installation of the build ings of the Experimental farm near Raleigh o Thursday, July 23d, at 0 a. m. Wg hope, the enterprise will result in good for the fanning interest of North Carol ins. . ,Jh9Mcthodvt Aihxiucf jooom to ua , stalafroaa' GoldBboxov He. Dr. "J. B. BobbiU U editor with Rev.W. at Rober, iClXf Frank Wood and M. V. Bher rill eoWjjig editors."!?i ably edi w'prjnted an. ill be a power for iba,! denomination of phria-j tiana.VB -BCTin" welcome it to our e ohangellsr&Hd wish Ha full rnowure who are interested in temperance work, rettWjetfeAft'meet in the lecture room pf 'e -preiby terifin' church ' this (Friday), kfternoon at , &18O oJclook. lira. Chmnln. lnctnriir. whntit wmnlnvM t brYGe'filiUWon:'will visUouTtownr next jreak-Ituis daaUedi-to give ber a cordial wsloomej' and ' it U hoped that our orialliatibrwhl'b reinforced for work tor the ensuing year. The auction sale byVeeersrWateon . & Biitf jot tftmc$tJi Express goods yeeterdly wU M1 spirited.' Many , went it blind "and bid for packages ' Without knowing what they were get . ting A bnrtTlot jooargjiSk, some poor jbargkinj iJopg jhe1(rd bar- Kains was a" purchase of a package by J. W. Smallwbod which proved to bf three boxes of fine oigan-abotler pirthaaer, ' for sixty cents, secured a packsge of tonTfneianotbfetaotj of atent ?, aae4icieijirBff b5o :ojpWired to Hajor George Cradle, and one of the leading p&hn mea. inr, the late, row at ;. the theatre suooeeded in getting a botUa , of medicine for fits, which will be saved for the next convention. "' " it nf Ir'.'A' H I ..ti.i s ' : laprtttmtitic Baricw Creak. , At the request of Major Ilearpe, and, on the reoommendation of (Jen. Ran'-, : aomkWd'fJapt. Blxby, the authorities at' Washington have ordered theremeval of the sUjanjn and' sunken logs fronvfhe ' upper end of liarlowo cteekand Gen Ransom and a, portion of (bis force went vdown on.tbevoHo yeatetoa'ys whars they are met by a working party (rem Beaufort, and the work begins today. CI vaaarrra tatcmant. epu! sh Ihi uty 4xaurer's f sU Tient lidj i on-' tocduni of ". i.diisjafiublUned Uty s ifthursjameats rer yeaif arf oo- , r r e eamempBtns 1. : S it. I of f the b06T alive t i. U vidaBO-na Ut v po '"""sUyofun by .w ; j ear, isauil V-t r a in-law, ; 't -t, a.m., i. i. A. C. ' Mer of the . r and widow of , f 1 f r rmiy v j j ,r. j was t' e III. G.Cti! - 1 " - . c ; . .. etc., just received kMBfe8rAiiY '8 At a regular meeting of St.. jfohni Lodge No. 8, A, F, Alja.,;beldoii Wedneeda ereaing tas the following offloera were installed for the present freer. H. Beckburn, W. U. W. B. T. A. Gtea,. Treasurer; p. Qg Hill. Secret Searetary; Jno. C. Green, 8. D ; 'Thomas' Wilson, Pf ; ? Fdham Caaej Jjler ; II. B. ffy and Geo. Howard, Stewards: . t ,. Messrs. W, B. Boyd, A. M. Baker and Q. Marks vera appoirfted Finance Coir mittee. Urmdtd Kt hool. We learn from the couinmu vh. are authorized to solicit subaci iplioua far the support of the ree graded m-hool, that while some progress baa been made, yet it is not so rapid as desired . They hive not yet r&ieed quite one thousand dollars. We again urge the ciiiens uot to let this opportunity slip. The money will not be called for at once. Payments have been arranged for September. November, January aud March, when money will be more plentiful. Give in your name and amount to any member of the committee and continue the free school. Personal. Mrs. Henry li. Bryan and children are visiting Chapel Hill for a few weeks. C. E. Foy, Enq., is on a trip North fur a few days. L. J. Moore, Esq., is somewhere in the Northern part of the black district looking after his Congressional fence. Mr. Hamilton Dissosway, of Brook lyn, is in the city, lie has btn sum moned home on aocount of the illness of his mother, Mrs. A. M. Dissosway, who we reuret to hear is very kw . Mr. and Mrs. Clement &!auly, Mias Sadie Manly, Miss Nellie Sey mour, Miss Minnie Bryan aud Miss Rufna of Ilillnboro went to Mornliead last night. WUataruaaaa Oat ( Tewu. The following New Berneana are summering at Morehead City: Jas. Bryan, and wife, Mr. C. S. Bryan, Mm. X. ft.ifelaon, Mrs. Baail Manly, Dr. F. WHuglaa' family,-Mayor Meadows ' famlJyv J. A. iUcbarOiien'a family, Miss Maud AmyeWe, Miss Mamie Amyetle, Mr. Charles Blover and family, T. A. Green and family, Dr.'H. O. Bates and ife Mrs. John Webb, Mr. Wm. C. 0. Beyd, CafT Gates and faniilr, B. M. Gatesand wife, J. It. Willis and family. At Beaufort: Maj. John Hughes and wife, Miss Nannie Hhgbes, Miss Janie Hughes, , Dr. J. B. Hughes' fevnlla. Lura UUf Miss Laura Hughes and Mrs. Ka 1 At Winston: Mrs Sophia Jonel, Mrs. Dr. Chai. Vrs. wn, r, uoore, Duffy and children. At Asheville: Mrs, M. MrK. Naxh, Mrs. C. W. MoLoan. Buffalo Liche Rpriogs: Mrs. K. McK. Roberts. ; Urs. L W. Hughes i , and Mrs. J. F. Ives are visiting friends North. Lt. B. S. Willet's family and Miss Long, and,. Mrs. II. R.Brysn and chil dren at Chapel Hill. r " Mrs. D. B. Davenport, Portsmouth. The Lawr arm. The impression is affected that the lawyers were pot numerically strong in thernasHl4Jr DiRht, As f or thatittijiri ed be noonoern; our legal gentlemen are unobtrusive in j o litioal matters as in all others, and whan a an eating of the people is palled aa was that on Tnesday night,, they feel It their business to, 'assemble with their falloW-ciuaens but hot to tak any Very conspicuous part unsolicited; in the de liberation, and such wa1 the- Saie on tin evening n question ; there was but few, if any,- of our able . bsrrfetera; who were not loathe meeting at some stage during its. progress t snd had Jthe ocoa sion demanded and the call been made, theW would have been heard from, When the campaign is fully open, and the forcos are marshalling f or the re-detnption- of Craverr county--from-tie .positioaf ee elearly dem'cte by-Major Palmer in h la speech" that night; the gallaht diecfplee of Blackston will not be missing, nor will their rpios fail to fie fcaard in h intawest wsfis patriotic notemeuti f HJ lH J SiSl t W U n af f wwwm m tv-Mv niitir Committee of Oaunt Couniu t T v ill be a mleti; ot Vm Com m.. Saturdd. July 4, 1S.5, at 13 o'clock, t tbfi Oatoa House for the purpose of calling Township Conven tions to appoint their several Towthp Executfe OMr !' es rcri' fd ty the plan of orgab.ifc U Ut Party Alphkcs W. W ood, Chm'n. . ' ' 'MarLle4's Aralaa Balva. Tnt Best Satvi in tbe world for Cnts. Pmif. Bires.- Ultr.r Bai 1 r.csnl tver Boro, Tevtsrj hnrtxl : i la, Chi:h!5n, Crr. and all frHn f . 1 t iv.y cCres ri!. , r r.w.rj f ' 1. I'l-'P S" cents . 1 , r f..Io S r : ' ' ', ,' V ly t-' Now a Duke baa been expelled from France. i-y '; Convicts at woflc'fn ib Dade coal mines, Ga.,1 are in a Btatexf insarrec- go of 121 PeroherosX borsei has France. fel ? l Telegraphers fn osAe'o'f the cities of the Nortkv West have gon onAffcike. They want pay for extra me put A, London paper publishes ten alleged portraits of tbn President's wife, repro luced from American papem.ias a uzle "to find Mrs, Cleveland." Hchuyler Hamilton,' a grand-son of Alexander Hamilton, has been married to a Mrs. Cavanaugh. The bridegroom is 84 and the bride 46 years old. A member of the Executive Board of tbe Kbights of Labor has arrived at Augusta with instructions from Grand Master Workman Powder ly to investi gate the cause of the strike at tbe fac tories there. The coat of the new city hall a Phila delphia to date has been fll,047,4fll and it will yet require a great deal more money to complete it, but when finished it will be one of th flaest public build ings in the whole country. , . , , r. i A minister in Danville, Va., has'beeB quite ill and requested that Miss Lucy Waters, of Qhrlottrglle, to whom he w as engaged; be summoned to his bed- tjide. Hhe responded, a license was pro cured, they were married and the young bride at once begun to aot tbe part of m in iBtciing to her new husband. Polltiral Incidents Mh. Ei'iToit: Yesterdav. in a gather ing of sight colored men, five voted for Btimeon and the teople's ticket, tbe other three voted for Habn and the ticket made at his suggestion. " Later M the day, in tbe 5th ward, four colored men were together,' when another like vote was taken, with this result: Btim- son and the people's ticket four, bpt it was set- thai Bahn was.4he favorite choice of msef sbeeafour; in tile 4th ward a gatbsnng of seven oolored men. six voted for Btimson and the people's ticket, and one for Habn and his ticket Tbe people's ticket will be elected by i, - msjority. A VOTIK. Kinston ltemi. The partiality of certain Kinston girls for lawyers as beaux is accounted for in their wish to be protected by the strong arm of the law. Mrs. L. II. Haskins of Jones county had a troubiosome tooth extracted here last Bpnday, which almost caused her death by excessive bleeding. All the sweetness of the oourt house square flowers is lost to tbe man who breaks both bis back suspender buttons when he stoops to pluck them. John D. Orirasley, Esq., of Greene county, is anyionnced as a congressional candidate for the M district, lie would make a superior representative. J. H. Foy, tbe Jovial Onslow county widower, wan with us last Wednesdsk. It is needless to add he is still a young widower in search of a young wife. There is talk of a prohibition oountv and legislative ticket here this year. The prohibitionists might warm them solves by siding up to Lewis Grady's reajwamkera. . , roircicai revolt seems to be Imminent in Trent township tnis year. The voters there-propose to bring out s .people's ticket which' shall consist sbtlretv of farmera f or all oj&oee. . ' IV is hot everywhere that ' public schools and publio whiskey have a oom mon enemy and meet a oommon dee- tiny. Such, however, has been the lot in this town of these antipodal powers in the government of man. j The holding of the Republican oon greepkmaV convention at Kinston on the 25th of August may conflict with our superior oourt, which will then be in session here. However, the convention may secure a hall not aloohol. we heeWKb0ooDasianv George W. Rhodes, tbs famous moon shine dsteotiv0.il now onsrteading Hh Nenie river fa its mad attempt to wash away the embankment of (he new road. It is satisfactory to know ho controls rivers as successfully as ha does moon shiners.? 4 1TJ 'A'.-JUii One Kinston widower rot so mad the other' day that ho nearly chewed his tongue oft because his aocisto widower had neatly cleaned the grass aud weeds from tbe sidewalk in front of. bin )sUa tial mansion. "Confound that fellow," said the; jeal oas wldowct:'ne always geu In ths first and best work." Gen. Bryan W. Cobb, the advaaee agent or the Uoidsboro Meuenger, was in town "last' Wednesday, carrying strapped spon his shoulders a Urge tin barrel which atonaedLtbsj sitfpUijA of our prohibition authorities, lie is aa early riser and tPT 4 enter every "hole in the wall" for an "eye opener' 'eye opener. r r' ' rerTlaey GreVeT 4sj , ' Sunday," uly l&h, steamer t&opatra will leave New Jrr at 8 oVlqck, re turn in evening.' Fare 13 cents. From EiversUhiaQeeaka..- h rAm-.n :.i - WImi".' kh .t tTj'jy .jkUiiagsra.: : ' JftrifK to jKOTUauyCl't Mr. " WrvraxrWR . f xiksI Ptt shon l.l alwars be 'nft J t. ' s tth'-f. It tXiihM !;... (U'i.I . ' tii" f i- --'-a a. I t "" i CO , I. I i rlf c.r- hoa. 1 !- a r M a t...ia.' ' " -" twlv The 'catalogue . of ersitv of North. Carolina fdf the sBioii 18S'88 shows 805tiiifi"J't ', The pnptftMbJelabe in tMA and Greek were, d iaoon thrtdexk; at aa egia- ning of the yesjj(, lthgh,,.nMl!y;jStr dents Of. jnaufficierik preDaraUon.were Tbe Faculty number? fiftefe With ait additional niemWa to be aided daring the- ooaiBB enqsmehi - TJua Jvaoance . in 0Ht) eeuaed, iteMfcftf J Hooper, is also to be fillwliai $4 nxf meeting of the Board; ,.'";.'. , The oonrses of instrurott have been extended and elevated by the inereaee in the Faculty. Continuous instruction is etf ered for four years in Latin, Gaeek, English, Modern Languages and Mathe matics. In the sciences enlarged facil ities hay been- provided' for work in the laboratory and Held ; and in 4heee, as also tw Moral Philosophy) 1 sastnao tion extends over a longer period than formerly. , ,,,,,. . A college of Agriculture and the Me chanic Ana, a Department of Normal Instruction and a Behoof of Law offer special courses' ' to students in these branches. study- ' r Perhaps tbe most tlntum improve ment in the work of the University is the post-graduate instruction that is of- rered in every department. Bat nana Nkwkj, Ga,. Jane 4, m5. . For over two rears I nave been a suf ferer from Rheumatism, affecting both shoulders to such an extent that I could not put on my coat without ' helpv jfiu usftof jsevea bottleeof ft B .,asrtal Tadswortb and roerobnNew) ban. Jacob Sconclxr. Bold iri New BeVfie by It. N". Duffy and E. H: Meadows. VThtt Thfng'. t The cry, what shall i tfo Vo make a kHIagV is more frequent than the agon ized ory of the apostle to the Urntitee. It is wisely provuled, in the economy, of providence, that living should be easy, but pride baa ipore mouths than hunger and is more clamorous foe food, that the great oontestof UfeU oinea epoothe awttleneid of prldelnMiiix who con quers on that field has already woo the battle., , ' Tbe world ana every oommnnily in the world is full of fields Of employ ment for all . sett and. oohAtidns of men. Jo. Buohety died the other day in New York4 jefeMieeteJatof a30O,- 000 which he. had made, by keeping a lodging house ar boarders at .ton cent ahead. There,was ioomiA,b isiness of Jo. Buckley, for a rise, there, was room for .industry and enterprise and he won bp carefulness , and persever ance. A prudent aud, aapirmg man should engage in no business that is without branches and Doaaibilities of development.. . HfQCf emptloyment on salaries is generally to, be avoiaad be oauae dsvelopment iu such oases de pends upon the oaprice of another will. , A rate and, wait e panac picker is probably tbe humWest drudge bee in the human hire and vet old Aunt Rachel, of Elizabeth City, by indus triously and1 persevering! y following that bumble business has' accumulated a house, a home, a vine and a fig tree under which she rests her aged and wearv limbs with no mortgages, to molest or make ber afraid. . In this town there are many fields of employment to which the gates stand ajar and invite the; wayfarer to wait ia and work , andiive. We, resard. the farm" and the field ae tbo beet, the healthiest, the'batrpUwtl the surest and thavjnosi remunerative pursuit of man, but there may be reasons, imperative reasons for tearing the oountry tot the town and- to soon as are impelled to sewn we say eomey oome end work and stick and there it a living for you here. Look around, snd make your choice; carefully, deliberately, thoughtfully, Judiciously1, and; then 'stfek to it till death do you part and you will aot fail. ith faith in yourself and in Mod's providetrcc. Economist. she Is Sol Dead. It has been reported that I was dead but I am not. For four years I hare been afflicted w ith a severe case of Blood Poison, Rheumatism and Neuralgia. My flesh shrank, away, . my muscles seemed to dry ep and form into little knots, joints weVe swollen and painful and all concluded I most die. I have used Ave? bottles of B. B. B. and I have gained 60 sou ads of flesh and an now as sound as aay woman. ' ; . v BKLLKUDK5AWAT, AUajHa, Sold in New Berne by ft. N. Duffy and K. H. Meadows. Don's uu Kiwtoav. ' Gxapk CRtxz. HI..' JttV tt.-L bitter feeling' exiete here over (be"" proposed lmponatroiis: ox xorojea peopie to, wis U psacw of UWmeworkars who: ere ecgegvil In miUjf -poah' The sheriff baa fc"ed' 0tirfdrtjr loecJal erJie. The soilsrs" lave been entalxteen moatliatisr rb;er is much destitution among thsm. ' They have since been mtmA fromflrr comnanv-khousM and are su"'' J k wWawWr f os Uoent agee Uoauiim-dniea a aJearky of the surrounding country. A few of them have put up slab sbs-ntiesjSome tneyoin iiad,-nloWtoebiV nAvldg only the protection of the trees. . t i Weaasw ravt cmn& i W. B. Hovt afc Co., wholesale and re tail dru crista of Some, GaayrWe havrfa Mima Pf.-K-aNe-Bis- ooWry, r.KKtto' Eier Wl4JuaCsn-s Arnica Salve for two year. : Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal aatUf ac tion. T1 nre have been some wonderful t.c.y. Cwveral cases, of pronounced Oonsumrtion have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discover, taken in connection wiJa L'.ectrio T ;;tr We1 gnareatee them al wsys. Bold by Hanoock Bros. ' IBM.--i 'it- tt ';V- If i,. , 7 . 'u ;.. ,,-' ,. .f. Treasurer's Be pert fa XenU el lane. Thomas DaxixxAv ZVeewnrsn f0Nsmt June. To balance . MilM 12. To cash f .'m Tax CollecTr . Vt 96. July e. ' 3. "10. ;A,12. "j 11 Jaw I 1 l" .141 Citrlf lnMbl ita sU, Tax Ufttiaotet -wirmJW 00 Mt.N .- SMjM IT If'?0 J'i!y ?, m. By c a p dK.lL Meadows " Thoa. Daniels... " JohnM.Harget SSi.00 " John VT. Bowden W.OO " B.F. Ketchum 80.00 " Geo. Ol Bxondatseet. . j 1 Mitt John C. Green tt.00 R. H. Hilton 25.00 W. N. Russ...... 80.00 ' Robert William.. . 80.00 1. : 1 H. H. Toofcer 8.00 Wm. H. Olive VM Newbern Academy ... 8.00 W. U. 1 f ields, rent station house " Newbern Jowmal.. !.'.'. ' Atlantio Eng. Co . ' y4Hwierti Eng. Co 25.00 1.00 Vft.00 IfluOO ia.27 ' ' Jonas McDanjel ' Newbern Gas L't Co. ' Jnov CWhktf , wagon and pips) i.Uuu..'., .'iV Jh m 1 Meadows, fee 9.40 20.00 .aojttt. for 4 bosses, I mons. os.n Newbern Gas Lt Co. . . 8.75 Newbern JodriaJ 4.M 'fc.'H. Ohtler ' f.65 J. M. Iiarget, feeding praisneret-M,...,.. - &V) Solomon Edmondaon. L50 Cawman. ThomDeon 1 a ,. 4 Co 1 .'? By balance 7S.7S hi Ji in 1 , eipu-vJ fMrt ft. The following ia ap itBinejii etote- ment of,Uie 44)1 charged to streets and pumps. ' John Stamps, driver of Newbern Eng. Co Fred. Lewis, driver of Atlantic Eng. Co Wiltia Rose, pump inspector Samuel Cook, driving pipe and drilling numn on' E. Front st. . $30.00 aaoo ts.oo 1.85 30 Jos. Nelson, canoeling and pro- eaung papers I.. B. B. Fend arson, repairs to city wagon Paul Williams, brick work on pumps. 7.50 Moeee Roberto, work on streets ... ' 10.18 Rodraan. Squires, work on sweeten rJL87 Haywood Tooker,wsjrksXresw wtkS Jonas McDanl, .iswork, on , pumps. . 8.55 i."r-'-" - eiM.oi Thou. DAXDOUi, Trees. Sworato end sJScrieed before me the 13lh day of' July, lfibOi W, Q. Beimsok, J, p,, COMMEKCIAL. Jocmal Ornon, Jnly 15, 1 KM.1'' OOTTON. I " New YutiK, Julv 14. Futures, rtssii quiet and steady. Bales ef HftQO bales. July, 9.43 9.45 January, ,B.8 February," 9.49 March. 0.58 prfl, 0.67 Mam Jwne, . August, September, Ooiober. November, rJeoesnber,, 980 9.88 9.88. 9.80 Spots easier: 9 9-1 'Low Middling 8 7-16; Good Ordinarv 0-16 New Berne market quiet, No sales. Middling 8 lMOe Low Middling 8 14. Good Ordmarr 1 1MP. Msna-rio rabikrt. Seed oottox 152.90. OOTTOWBXXIH-tlO.OO. TrirnrtirtTirBj Hard, f 1.00; dip, f 1.75. TAB-75o.a$l.o. Oats New, 85o. ita balk, Corn SOo. in bulk from boats: 50o. to 60c. from stores. KICaV-7099. tasw4irH40e.tetrb. I BaxivMfaat, te,loeo. Ootrinvir HABr-10e. eer let 'V. . LakdIOo. per lb, . Eooe 7a8o. ner doaen. Fxtsh Poax 4a6o. per pound. faUMViw aoetperi . Foxwn-75e.af LOO per aaudrew. Oxioire tj.jo parbnrrel. A t Fixxd Pxa 6ia70c. HnxnDrv; ltVv. : mum S&. " Afplxs 80a50o. per bushel. rxAaa W'oo. per bushel. uoKrs-4uo.per gnu, TAtU)W 5c. per lb. . OHlcarjdre Or own- SOaSSe.: epting 30e25o." J" ' -' MtAL 45a per bafaeL Oat 50 cu. per bsjahalv . TuRHUt-f-SOa ner bushel. Bxkp Pof ATora-Enrly Base. t3.35 ner 1 WcWfctWiwuna.'' l fontTOawii ctibsaaaau -8oa8Qo.; ytni, ' fimwqtSr-wW lneia, dnji Jad njrn fnal- fcot Waited; Buadini. I inch neans, s.oo;apa.'wi.e per Bf . ' nrvf!U -santowaM rttosjsx - ' If w Bfns Pouf 18,00. 'Lard 7fo4 y the4 Hero.i,' ' !K' "NAiL-"Baail,s,t3.TV V- " ! 8utJAiuUsed,7.'ji ;; . . - Baxt &590c per neck. - MoumaVbSXaTOrwrttsjil. .J i yrttnign -tl .00. ' mm 1 g.w 1 iiimt miis i 111I1 imilT 13W -UI14tea,VJ ,B4U MIS3 itANLY will opeof a MkooT iot Yonn? Udies in Uia HON DAY, OCTO n T 1 4rtf, 1SS4. A t or f unier rr- iiruifa 4 a, pij at ner resKionce on ia I 317 nau-iti it .'.. - st-rfta FewStodktlatiiiiiti little Store ,3tound -.fts By waw-hlii bfllletlB Boards ataasseplae w r -j Triia laii m . J. P, iVE3;r; irrr: LA KUK UTOCK. una door from raTioek. HKW BK&MC. N.U. t00B'V0lTTY!S:1CC3 FALL SPECliMI Gullett's "Maenoli"CottOBOia. with Feeders and Cknderer. ;, . , Pratt eotton Gins, with Feeders AW Condensers. " C'trrerLHitoo (Jin, vMbj feed ers and Condensers. 'Boss" Power Cotton Preanee, . "Koanoke" Hand Cottorl Prettesf. Complete Cotton Cleaaera, Cotton Seed ( rushers. And a full li f all claseeaet mib ery, Fittinirs, Machine Oris. Hekinr BhaftisHrr Pulleys, etc. - saw Hill supplies a apeoialty. Send for circulars and prices. Your natnronare solicited inil atu. fection gnamnteed . Issspewtfully, J. C. vVHITIY, -1 Iron Front, Craven street,'.'1 New lterne, IT, P; Agent for Fairbanks Standard Scaler'. ' liw rSETS 8CH00X; Girls and 1 YouDfir Ladier. LA GRANGE; N. O. " 4 JOSKPJI K1NSEY, PEfwciPiX. Fall Hetsion beams Mondav. AgUt 30, ltJWt. TKUMS : Expense ier Heuaion of :H awli in cluding board, tuition, instruction in music, vocal and instrumental, Anoiant and Modern Languages, and exeroiae in Calisthenics, $80.00. Pupils will board with Principal, whom nieaae address for further pnrtk- ulars. jyltdlm wu Sealed Proposals. Baama Bids for cpj$ and Coanpatlnf the u i.iv me v;uy wui Be raeetveol aati ..IJAMlCH W. IKIUnJC If ciiali man neaitee t?um. Seven Springs 1 Cdlfl, SEVEN SPEINOS, WAYNE CO; If. C. ; i This hotel is now, open fot the soason aocommodate mieeta. and no mJjm ill be soared to make them ivunfnrt- able. The medicinal DroDertiee and curative powers of these waters ere so well known that we deem hs ea- neoessary to mention them. I return thanks for the liberal Mtron- age heretofore bestowed, and solicit a continuance of the same. For particulars address T. 4. WHITFIELD, Jjl ldw2w : Proprietor. For Sheriff. I hereby announce mveelf a candidate for the office ef SHERIFF OF CRAVEN COUNTY, without regard to party, and if elected will endeavor to be thee&oer of the whole people of the oountjr.j.,,,. ivoajjecviuiiy, . JOSEPH tCELBGX.1 July 8th, I860. 1 I li 6U0 fi n UNIVERSITY OF NORTH UZLVUL .n.U kI.O11 i TbaJ1 sfaaloii opene gaftat Mm !W- wan rnxaaon oner a wiaaange of luliw Ue In, Utatatwra, Belaaesxand fbHaaaaay. Momal' IiraeUaaraTfMiVninnJi arsWhithanawJeina. iaiiWA.wt: gallaa-aS free- ef etaa-rra- Salaetlb RooHipTlHl ns; s sum aoUaelatass a 1 Aim a PaxetDas Kl.fP.JUmj, iu fcjj I. Jyn aiwwim pnasjs4.ayyl.tt( J. IIcSOELE?"'" POLLOCK ST., NEWBEKKf W. XX t Caiamw Lake, fawisw Cif. 8Ct. -This ia to eertif x theft, Jk iUAtmmmm made me two pair of boots of fine quar Ity, excellent fit, and Tert dnraUeTTl tokpleMreJn TfrohfrWand ioon-v-mending to art who may calf en him in -hie lineef beainoas. aa baana- awtk mt oonftdenoe. , Chab. DorrB. Ea. J . Mr. McSorlev wishse"ae tnfntv tka publio that, h has , sow wot An?t-cleje Bootniakrteniployed.Tiae ;tock ef the very beet nmteriaJand' can, rt V9 the vry beet quality of Itootou ' mad on the shortest motioe, ta r aeean. .Year ords is reapnei. ally. ""W,,,,.. ... iv9 dwtr . ia the S-!orApry. b i Las vr-. s ii.i .bObflt fsrtT- ! L tt " ,wn U r?th CJimjl. BVLCb. C; z - ,1 illrt'Jtlflt