-I - 1 -f.li-.JJ yJW'l SHI . . J.,, . . -lite vol. vr1- .3: r Je. .li-ialalaxeAlnssaa.., v'w? t ?. r.. ,Utituie, . B53 Sorth. Sun .-, 4 ' I Lecgih f e. It . . '"J - 1 - few w " 7 15 114 hour. 19 minutes. at 8:60 p.m. -"-i - .tun (c.s, UlMIO f Ut I BUS7" LCCAL8.H -j The Ns horn edl ( by the k aeven. pepem at 15 jcta. .; wCltlJ CSSt? 1 irfk(4Jt U U-boat Aha mis ' uer time ebb jaat-aawlK M.- : ; A'daign nomW W Mngirt from aborelpaaaiM .VftC o'W6fjMd last sighed KiiiK'i . ' '- ' ' i- " TW'ripJe a 'ticket "report! progress, and wfll continue td'p'rogreas until the The .JleicU. Qbwnvr want u oir premrnap. yVe, thought all re sober wAnoilie rotyVln- la a "convention," tu thejigpabliann -w tawn North ampton oouhlg j-t.trday. S $ WeWre CtfeTto baar'that Mr. W. II. Pear,wh6 wfo t Motchoad quite iek, U rapidly improving. Large shipments of watermelons have been made over Vw, Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad during the past week. The ibpf fafrw Hin is nearly out off from the adjacent country by tb,e height Df Uf ,ayna. which, aiwoat urronnS lt& I 1 1 JJi i J M There U a low placa in. 0x4 middle ol Broad atrect. just in (rout of ex Major Long jrf j4u(pledi attoailon.. It haa materially doe(ned and widened under the force of recent rains. All the Iftdy of ,New pefne jnter eated in temperance work are requested to meet with the ladies of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union in the lec ture room of the Presbyterian churoh on Tuesday 'morning, July SO; at 10 o'clock to bp add teased by Mrakapin in the interest of the society. T"-T f T"gi p1 Mattihating a series, 9f article toih."yiastfta SmUittl, day V piHr and. was upon Reoolieotionf of Fmm Btteihaite,of Washlnr ton. iaffbe-nt; brings out in bold relief mans it he Excellent qualities of thu truly ,foif fnff '.'IAAU iH boaNnJu- able eIdittipii t.thp Wographlcal litera ture of this taction of North CttroUpa. ' Welre at jws jtonw hoic Ow , El elgh fVA"0(W;;(rver gatUered li informan-tliafllunriatjidEuibouitL. was in session at New Derne the past weekj aaf(T tlM 'Mot fhbrid Dispatch even more patiiouUr. stating that the court opened op the 14th was presided byer by Judge ymoiia he,doot wu light, miilt we kereiin Iaw Derne have bo such kns wOdge. ,T " - t The editor, o t)f jfdpiuFil. ba ot ear jo)oJ Tery. cod health 4bis sprig, Mat of ihepnjnsdlcines be has taken hare only afforded temporary re lief.. Latelyl Iff 7WP3 rfg fnn . emulsion of M tiTbl our warriSterto ' inoreaae the weight of the patient to a perceptible degree daily. After a test by DtJI ' fk ftynf ibi six days bw4iwMlMM4 4t three pounds, which in accordance with arithmetical progression tfclwef atlul could only last about two Hundred 'awi forty dy. Bejngus Jmpressed, hit eyes loncellTor ih.oenosoiS Us liW!W hood, and yestardaj moihlni haastW for Jones oountyv where he will, in ad dUioi JJBAipVemeidies, air and water, try that of Col. Mulberry Sellers ' raw turnlna. ' ? v u ' -raw turnips.:' . V ' . Vke 'iiia4W U J . i- ' The steamer Cteroltna came in Friday night from Snow Hill, making the-rtpn In eleyea hours rom dock to dock.ln- war. besides having to Mow vp at all sudden bendrfth'ey on. Amount 01 nign water; uia w uia igwun nnp onrooord, ! I J H The War ef tk TraKreacr Is Hard. . On yesterday. ithe Incarceration of Job. rU-MlUerr-of-Raleighrbegam Thirty t?""' Imprisonment and a fine of two t: sen ton dolla i and ooe' wai the con't when"he.was coh . a gauiug house in the tictol c . citycf preme case c ' Thurs have tt;9 f.ne-r Aa; ;peiA to thaBtt' ,ct ho avair'aaiihe ' : r si ' e , Phillips ... .. m' iuJe to 5ucei ta ona"tiionBand dollars. Ilia V t oild not chacfe t'-s ponft'ty p ' - pre o acsd fey ' Jo i C...i' ....a -:..L-r was t6 com-pir-retis torm on Saturday. Of his cj.'.t we t ''-T t'ipr w bi d .1 or'-.-I J t!, f i: ; e t'- 1 i V ' v ; I'.y of the cTiinco wben pare- ro orcn him, an 4 at 1..3 fine - r t-t r- ;m : i if n--t A Partiia Talcr. 7 A negro boy cmtared'the tack door of the store of Mr. kUx Schwsria about 10 o'clock Urt i - ilit and htteospted to take oat some goods, whoa khs o'jIuim porter made an effort to aVrest himT ther thief drew a pistol, flred at him, and made good his escape. Fortunately the porter was not hnrt. " ' MtsaSauicA Lane, Miaa- Fannin Bol land, Mias EUa Jones Mioses Flora Marks, 1st is .Pamela,; IJae nab . A n? and Mamie Alien have returned from the TnacLers' Assembly at Black f.lour.- tain.' The following list of paseengers u ent down to Morehead yesterday after noon: Capfc. TUo, Dates, T. A. Oroen, W. l. Wuuon, J. . Wil lis, J. II. llackburn, E. II. Meadows, DriX B. Hughes, Moj. John Tlughes. C. H,' Hollister, A- W. Wood, Dr. 11. Q. Batos, Major - Oraham Davos, Alex. Meadows, David Jones, Mr. Hu phen Roberts and daughterf, Jus. A. Bryan, U. D. HancOrk. Win. Ixvick, W. H. Pearce.W. B. IJoydCapt. J. A. Rich ardson. Cant. Matt. Manly. Miss Mary Manly. 11. K- Bryan, ftruiurl with the South ern Express Company hure, and now in bulnes at Charlotte, ui rived Inst niht on a sh&rt visit to his relative. Cliureli NrrvlrtT-lr Presbyterian Church Bervmes in the Preubyteiian Charch by the Pastor, (lev. U C. Vaea, atl a. ra, and 0 p.m. Babbath-achool at t!80 a. m. The pablic are oordially invited to attend these services. t. li.'c. .; -Mooting B p. ni. frf-aflbr,' Uev. Edward Hull. Subject. "Who is Wise;" Psalms 111 10. Matt. 7:21-27. Methodist Church Services in the Method 1st chuich at 11 a. in, l'rei.ch ing by Hay. J. T. Harris, Presiding Elder of the district. Services at 8:15 p. m., conducted by the pastor, Kev. L. W. Crawford. A oordlal invitation is extended to all Versonn to attend. Baptist Church-Itev. Dr. Thoo. Whit field, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 3 p. m. Sunday-school at 4:30 p. m. Seats free and the. public -cordially in vited to' attend the services of this Church. .-. Christ ChurchV.W. Shields, Rector. Fourth Sunday after Tiiuiry. Services at "a.- tu. Holy Communion aod at 11 a. m., aud 6:30 p. ra. Bunday-ecbool at5;80p.'m. Hie public is alwajs in vited to tako part in the services of this (Church. Ushera alwsyi at the doors to pro villi aeaia. That nicnasd Dabr. The Governor's (Juards at Italeith in troduced the dangerous experiment of having a baby show in connection with their" fete militairt. We say dangerous for the reason that it the frown of fond parent once settles upon the guards, their futuro most be anything but glo rious. There were fifteen little cherubs all in a row, two of whom were the re cipients Of prises, one for being the loveliest girl and the. other the hand somest boy in the number. Two fond mothers and two hopeful papas were made happy; but think of the other thirteen mam mas and disappointed fathers; : what most havebeen.thsir feelings? How dull must they have. estimated the perception of the com mittee, to say nothing of the bare sus picion of favoritism or deeply designed flattery -i4 -T'. Oku. tha.woutfrte: tnjis inn ic tea upon loving hearts ever be healed? or if healed will not hideous scar be left as a perpetual reminder of the feaxf ul oonr diet and dreadful defeat? r , u 'As tie nrond1 tMssessor of seven Drora ising offspring with a neariWimfai of sympathy, for the disappointed oontesf iUta, w find ft difflonil to work ourtelf of to, (Offer oongratulatkms: to. th sud- cessful little Innocents who have been by erroneous zeal made the cause of nn pjeasantf recall ecgoni, in the memories of the twenty-iz defeated contestants. wttl s respectable contingent of grand pas and grandmas whose silver locks will" doubtless shake with calm but f very decided evidence of dtsappreval of the committee's award. We do not ob ject to baby shows; we are ueod to Uem. We hare in a somewhat IntereBting ex oerienco of twenty year J kerer Tailed to havoa bkby snow two or three times a ,dasi k&l ,aA nooaaionalonsJ fa tie tight time-rthe latter, generally ,wkh nuu!6 thrown in but it is lb rashness (jf deciding Thtclr fit Hie toYtHasroT tE S handsomest that we nrej diKjanthrg opon ard whertUn lies the danger - to our gallant fellow soldier? of the Gov ernor s Uuards. - - - - - ?! Mat tf Irttctl w .i ins- tb4 postoHfie Kew Irce.' Cravea county, H. C.,' July lSlh, 1P8. r Liiebi rWoai,' Lilly Bright, F. 8. riyis, J. H. Macon, P.Miller, Apsloy 'est, f uTiuel oodftrl,,-,-,. ( TeT. cal'iii.,: f-T aliove kt ui pit- advertised, and (rive date of list. . I The United States fish, ooni mission -steamer Lookoot is ashore neat Hamp ton, Va. -- 'M4vJ 1 All of Vhs jury in the csm the jLnarchists in Chicago has been ob tained. M Exclusive of stops, a train on the Great Western 'DirisioW if tbe'3rand Trunk main thn .remarkable. a of sm miles in OT.mJnntee. Canada mue be preUj wall. iUd frith bank Presidents and cashiers, J T early every batcb of press dispatches has a header'Skkops to Canada.' ftoferrlag tvuravya daily pkper reports the Atlantic Sdjtadron as being under sealed ofd ers so prose s d to the scene of the reohnVoahery troubles. It is further faoetieiMlywmarked that the fishermen will protest the navy while upon the excursion, , , A dispatch fren VdiV: Xeogi Bon tana, says that the mercury is up to 1?0 degrees in the shade. It will ( be re membered that this is the place where the thermometer ranged from 80 te M degrees below aero last winter. Siq more complaints' et Nertk Carenna woatber from ua for awhile, Iho proposed permanent Exposition 1 of the Three Americas (S attracting opr sidcrable attention, two fSiyentSj to celebrate are under discussion; first, the 12th of October. 1893, the 100th anniver sary ( Uitt 4"evsry of; Ameyica by ColumbUB, and aneond, the4ihof March, IBDO, wksn Uie Coal ttu lion , of hf United States will have completed the first century of iU.esistenoe. i Among the places already taking steps to secure the locatiqn of this proposed , gsand, sx htbigion, are Kew York, ' Washington, Chicago, St. Ixmis and the City of Mexi co The ores or mentioned event would be much more fitting, as it effects the whole, hemisphere, shun . (oesajlln making the expooition more concerted and widespread. Washington is the most appropriate and suitable location in that we all havt aanmseg jfnterwt there which' will make ft mere ef k national affair. On this occasion it is proposed that, besides our own Presi dent, the presidents of the fifteen Ameri can eittier republics, the1 Governor Gen eral of Canada, the Emperor of Bnuil, the King of Italy, in whose domain Columbus was born, and the Queen- Regent of Spain, from whose country he set sail, shall unite in unveiling a collossal statue of the illustrious discov erer of America. . Marklsn's Aralra Balv. Tux Best Salvc in the world for Cuts, Bruises, ' Bores. Uloers, Salv Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all fckln Eruptions, and positively cures piles. It la ftunranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded- Price Weonts per box. roisoMbyoiaaaDCk iiroa, iy "Nearer my God to Thee ; In hkmosITOV 0s Art HitiA oswar; died July N, 1881, trf Ihe year of her age. Borne months past Mrs. LHaosway re ceived a hurt from a faB from the effeots of which she never recovered. Cka A ssAsn A svttwa ve a a tka 1 A aat uuv mwwuw w a iviu vuv va uo fiuwi m Her father, John sastioe, sr., was one waabna I of Newborn's business mea near. one hundred years kgt. j, ! I I .T us ana nis- oo- temporaries Messrs. Devsreux. MKinler. Taylor. Ellis and others whitened the Waters of the Mouse with the sails of their shipping. In the death of Mrs. DIssoswsy a good woman has gone to rest1 - -f On Saturday aftertoon at 6 o'clock the solemn burial hearioed were he-dj at ChrUtohtrch.. I ' , As the last solemn words of the ser- vioe fell from, tb lift of ant. Becteiy the choir sung the hymn "Nearer my God to Thee." f. - t Amid the solemn silenoe of the even ing shades Jaojinging of ibiskymn wasJ peculiarly impreeaive. - 1 xtow oomiorting it. the nope .that sne ' '.t f"TtrtA i i it -I- iUi .. "Naawmiy uod to The; Nearer so Tnee; ; Nearer the great White Throne, Nearer the Crystal Sea, . ! Nf TWn a w l it a Assembled around the tomb, her children bowed u down iwithi rrief.o spenkable, hor body was committed to tbeeartho ,.t .f iii-n,i ,4 ,To them the sweetest solace is. the blessed hope Of blissful Immortality. - NowbernrN, C i, i v :m O. Sunday, July 18th, steamer Ctopofra will leave New. Berne at 8 o'clock, re- torn in evening.'! tare3 pantav. From Uivordale 20 cents. - - Manasers. W. B.noyt CKfhohsale-iiaTH tail druggista or Kome, Ua say: we have been selling Dt,. King's New Dis coTfry, Electfin.Bitteaji aad Buckle,i Ar .ica halve ror two years, nave n f er bandied remedies that Irlt a well, or give each niveraal' satisfac tion. - There harve ttettn aorti on d a f u 1 core eoctd ' bt these Uieflicin in this c"ff Ctir.f sn-ral caitt of pr.-inoi ' 1 1, ive bocn e; If oi. n f I ' .e of 1 r, I" 4 r ' t 1 f NewberftamiVen.' I '-'i OfiSBJpJi wi h ) l- i f. . i f Portland. 'Me., JuJh In.- Four cars Of rorepaughf eintst traia . went over tne emDantafnc si' vabiDorougn at ISO o'clock L mortlafrJ Twenty- five horses were rkillbfC and several men were injtredk Two- tars mi ingaad are supgass tej-feeneat' persona niaajstsattaily.'- ir , aecre taxy of the 1 nTyii-T 'f fox sharp practice in the maQer of. promotions aw: ItfwasVtVi,k,elf eMrV li the -otSptM ttet o. to (ei i I Icurreney, andXf tfnvWtUrTiul Juliuvr.'de n&ules8ectnl -class cierri in his oflioe, , CI , I P r i iVflfcKhnfwNmt rt-ri Th tVfi s'S Otto w k-, ohtWy Is hn- nounosd that Sir 3ohs Maodonald- wiU have now wow with the principal In dian chiefs of the Northwest withthL view at aseotms a. recoaanuauon oa- tween them and the government, so as to avert the threatened outbreak. The meeting- will take place at Blackfoot Creasing on Ju4y t5. ' Chief Crowfoot, hitherto loyal to tne government, will be among the most prominent chiefs present. A large corps, of the mounted police, will be present for the double purpose of rendering the occasion im posing' and to awe. the Indians by a show of strength. WASHINGTON XEWa. , (The acting' secretary of the treasury today appointed G. N. Coffin, of SauU Carolina to be chief ol the division of the issue in the office of the comptroller of the currency, and 3. D. Ferguson, of Maryland, to be teller in the same office 4DVICK TO MOTHBBI. MKS. WTKBIOW'S SOOTHliea b'ttUP should always be used for childsen teething. I soothes the child, soften ftfe gums, allays alt pam.curua, wind Colic, and is the beet remedy for diar hea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. jan24dtuihatwlv IUK1IUN KW S A BAD STATS OF A Ft A IKS IN MhMiM CuicaoO, July 16 A special dispatch from Mier. Mexhio, says: "A courier has just arrived from the. interior and reported that the revolutionists under command of Juan Mr?vino. osptuted the town of Agualae. live uiUUens were killed in the tight. Oec. Keyee has ordered the eighth regulars to the scene, with instructions to tight tne revolutionists wherever be node them. The revolutionary party is gain ing strength daily. A large num ber of - its sympathizers are ooming in from the States of Ooabuila and Neuvq Leon and also from Texas. Covemot Cuella is at Victorio, the capital of the State. Be will probably be obliged to call on the Federal government to put down the rebellion, and in thst ease martial law will be deolared. LonixHI, Jul 14i- Election riotShfis reported in Saffron-Waidoa. Many persons were injured. The police cleared the streets and arrested the ring-leaders. ret, pec d'acvalk in conixin. Parts. July 14. The Duo d Aumale, after he received the decree expelling him from France, immediately left for England and arriyed in London tonight. ggVUl take up his residence at Twick- asxu mm nniaAKPeooiiiiKi. Loirooi, Jniy 14. One hundred Greek gvpsiee . arrived in London a week aso .They refuse to lodge in houssa and aquattedaon the waste lap! . . .m e iuBsKtouibj pora Kmg, ana m grngt ana wrronxea we poopie ua iuc neichbonood until they became an tn- tolerabianufaanc. l oo ay iMy-starten for KV4ck tmj the taesiOnlH much to the relief of the populace .of Utllwall, a vast number of whom wit nessed the departure of, the, gypsif for America. THE PgBUVlAN MONET AHY BASIS. Lima, Peru, Jhili 14.-rlivocBeqf eeoej oflhe depreciation 4nd fctaatieJQ&aiffl tn silver currency it has Deenaeciaea tQ use the American gold dollar as the basis of all monetary transactions, using the silver dollar at a value of 80 cents, gold, for aU friction ferrsTqiaTiei of an eagley 'Itis thought that thl Go ernment will ask Congress to civs the matter consiaerauon. t fh. PKTKB8BCHO, jtiiy.16. While an iron dealer was unioaaing a wagon filled with,od artiUWf material yester day, which had been purchased from the government, a, nine-inch shell,, sup- UV VIWMUNr loaded, exploded net, been proper!, un- among grp oi WWtxmen ana ewers. Dineen persons, idoludins- l four , children, were 'killed, ranoiw Isjnluf 1 r8t t end several To tke lUmlir ef the Demacali"E ecutive Vommiitet of Q .)iSsCoMfy; There will bi ftmeeth r of tlio O'mv mittee on Saturday, July 4, W, mi i OX100Br lp.s1 uwwau.uuor.ii'i 1 purpose of, catogTowfe.l,' PN-Oonv jai Uonltoappoini.tneirfeveraL.Aowi nip Exfctotiv Committees a r rescrib J by tbeplanpf organizttionofr.ePr ty. 1 .Bl-H- -ti-A. " i natn nana ..... .1. t ' . " A wWKaj. Qa.. June 4, im. , jfatom two yersj have been ajnif fererfrom Ebenrr - Tr KffekjriKtth shoulders to such kn extent that! could not tut on mr eoat wuhewf-help. The u of seven boules of B. B.'B. effected an entiMtt. f tefcf1 to lie v, WW? Wadaworth apd all merchants oi; New- l '-Jacob SpoycMtK. ' !,tn.fi'ew jeraA ny. 4 a. wiIPHf.0 1 riiivvm btpit . . - auiKUeadows;' , ' Xoal Eetato tfortgAts 4nd.Ceeda for COMMEBClALi BTBWBSSWSfWB". - JocotKAj. Omosx, July It, r. .' Wgw Toag. Jnlv 15-Futsujs loasd aau. naies oi ti.buu baisa, , Jiy,'ii"' 7 .45 " January,1 Assnaafut -) 9.4 -- Fttenarr t.6a Septenabsn-.i M4 March, "frM m April, ) , i,rt w8pO steady;' Vdlinf U Middling -8 B;Oood OrdinaryS 1-1. New Berne market strtei. Nastier Middling 8 .6-8( Law Middlaag o 10; oood Ordinary 18, i . . WKTIO JKAItBlBlT. SaXB O0TT0H--f?.V0, OoTTOnTflMi IT.OO. Tunrormra -Hsrd, S1.00; dip.Cl.7S. -TAn76c.a1.8o. tJATS New, 35c m bulk. COR.V 50c, in bulk frem ljoalf , Mc. to too. from stores. Bk 75a88. Bus wax 80c. per lb. Bur Cm foot, Ue.w 6c. OOONTBY HaMSt-IUO. Pfr lb. " Lard 10c. per lb. Eooa 7a8o. perdosen. Fbxsh Posut 4)a6o. per pound PKAJtUTB &0c. per bushel. raDxa 75o$1.00 cor hundred. Onions 13.50 per barrel. Field Pbab 65a70c. HroxS Dry, loc.; green 6o. APrLEwS0aS0. per bushel. PlLams 75a per bushel. Hokky 40o. per gal. Tallow ac. par lb. Obiokkhs Grown. S0a35c. spring 20at6c. Mxal 5e. per bushel. Oatb 88 eta. per bushel. Tpiutira 60c. per bushel. Sted Putatok Earlv Uoae, $3.76 awr bb4. Wool 1 eta 16c. per pound. PpTAToaa Bahamas. 3Sa30c yams. 4sJOc. SHlMQUts West India, dall and a ta inal; not wanted. Buildinc. & inch hearts, fS.00;saps, $1.50 per M. WHOLB8AU WHOM. NKW Mkm POBJC 119.00 Sioulder Meat "ic. C. E.'s, F. B's, B.'s and L. 0. 7jo. FLO0B J3.2Safl.00. Lari 7jo. by the tierce. Nails Basis 10'g,$2.75. SOdAB Granulated, 7e. CorreE tfallo. ' Salt 85a00c par aaok. . Molabses asd BntJrs MaMo. POWpEB 15.00. 8Hry-tl.W. WOMEN! It is pot nevflssary for you to mirerany loaaer wiii inoiiv irouuiss peculiar to joui sex wbca ttmpaaB's VltartM fwppawltcrl willeuraroulnatowdavs. All female dis eases yield readily to the mild nowara of 81m Dltarisia al Carl ea. Price sua. a box. Hvhoh 1. Itoas, M.D., Hale anafkrturer. Hend 1 Oe. in stamps hr trial Lpackage and elreular to Hobbh a HHoarr, ..Kii'B, vivuh, iv jr . JJt' UW1W School Hotice. MIB8 MANLY wUl open a Boboet for Young Udiee u this city. MONDAY. OCTOBEB 4th, 1886. For further par ties bus apply at her residence on East front street. July 14th, dlM icso-ivnr SO FALL BP OulIeU'8 "Magnolia" Cotton Gia, with Feeders and Ooadenten. Prat Cotton Gin a, with Pedri and Condenert. . .Vtfarver tJotton Oio, with rW- ere and Condensers. "Bosa Power Cotton rreeses. "Rtiariolce" Haftd Ootton Presses. Odm pie te Cotton Cleaners . Yt Cotton. Setd Craahen. - ' And a. ftLUttWof nil classes of Unchin. ery, FJttinirsv Manhina Oils. BeJtisuY. Shafting, Pulleys, etc. .: osw Mill supplies a specially. fjSond for circulars and. prices. ror patronegn solicited, and satis faction giteraadeed. '' 1 Seapeetfully, -n: l. S3 1 FronttTeastej, m1 III' Jl?: H Ht - 'J J 1 Agent for Fairbanks Standard Sfcalea. 7 Sea! I tela Bids lot Otrylmraad Cam twx I.tst of the (!lty i iMllawsna wm-ba, sat.1 AMKH- w- at Al'UUOl lt, I WW, JAMRfrW: Chaliman rtnanca Com. i,!,.?', a,., ? V IV I i -'uia! t - iwvuivuwr " ummst. la iiaiU) hiia .fx W0isd m&otn- I .omasadJ JiSMip: TTTTtt':: r-.nH'SUW .OjaiiTUi. A .X - TlLzZZI 'JlllVX .Una iVlow, KxjircM Oince. TTT Kew Stock Batuiesr , ' JvAtSf" ........ v;. Little' StareJEoiiia tHe comcr.trr.:r pea WIH kaep op with la bosi ibOeat evaata.,,,.,1, J. P. IVE3. JanK in If EJXBETB S U-irl8 and Yomw LA QEANGE, N. O. . . .ul JOtiEl'il KINSKY, Iimcipal. Fall Session becins Mondar. Ai TtHJ14. ExpaMi pal anasion oL-i -B i ,uiwu(j , ii M MirOSI f Tim music, vacnl aaKl tnstrashatolai aZI3 tuitiop, instruptoa in and Modem lAngSiaget, anrfeaeTSiln Calisthenics, ftW.00. Pupila will board with- PrmWpal," whom please uddraas Hit further partlc' ularB jyHdlmwtt For SherBfT 1 hereby anoounca mrenlf a rnA iHt. . for the office of SHERIFF OF CBAVEN COUNTY, without regard to party, and if elected will endeavor m hatha nfflnar ,, of Uio whole people of the county. luwpwiruny, , , JOSEPH IffXBON. , , i- July th, issti. iW i'j UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA ' Mic,ii oi-i.m Aulruat ailK Iflf. taen Prvl 1Trt1ir a irliln m if I li tloa la I.lleraturx. Ki !.... ..Ti,. . i. .. Tb Lw Hri.uoi and ik . i --Tj 1) Vortual liimrurtion ... run.- ...t Hpecial blchar UainlM 111 an the 2irtJ menu It pirtvl.led loi uncinates ol the Vol. veraliyandof oihsi ilJiuf ftelect Llbraiy in vulumes: Maadlaa. uom or m rerlodlealM Total eolteffiate ex peus4 f-Vi-iKiH year. JIarU muu u IUL&S Mr monih. iMasioa. belu lMt Thursday In AaauHl. riir lull luronuKtkua,a(kirws Pberiukkt Km I Ham ., i,L.i ' lyliiilw wim i'iiajei iuu,.l: . and WkAskay I'" rani mi hotat Tain.. .Hit IMl. . iItuImjv lf. " mm. Alwi Safr alhl ai,-. hut. I(lln' Hrllrf na riiuiBf , mmvv ..u. V9., UV aa. B J. McSORLEY, . FioEIOXiBLE BOOT AID .BOB MilEl, POLLOCK HT:, NEWBERK, N. C. Cathauimc Ukk, Onslow Co., N.C. This is to oertify that J. McHorley has made me two pair of boots of fine qual ity, excellent lit and very durable. I take ploasure in patronizing and recom mending to all who may call on him in his line of businewi, as beinr worth r of confidence. Chass. Duffy. 8b. Mr. McSorlev wishes to inform the publio that he has now two first-class Bootmakers employed, has a stock of the very best material, and can pajt up the very best quality of boots and shoes, made on the shortest notice, and guar- an tees a fit 1 our order is raaneetfullT solicited jyDdwtf GEORGE ALLEN & CI DKALEHS IN' " 1 General Hardware Ajrricultnral I m p I ni a t s. Plows, Harrows, Cultivator. Hex's and Axes, Wood's Mowers end ItonnerH. Steam Engine. Cwttoat Gins and PrwuMu, Fertilizers, louid Plaster, Katnie Mechanics Xools and Hard wsvre, lime, Brick, Omentf PVastes-, . Haly, Paint, rtalsomlBe.Vac- , DPIIIM nish, Oil, Glass, Putty as4 Ualr. , , ' . rreecers, Berrigrators, Oil Cook Stoves. Eureka ' Bnrrtar ' " ' Proof Baal Lckl. 'wmJrranfai W ' tUti sditrtrrtne nttafttcttoi. PIMQB9 .VARY lOlfUw , i nlru u i M VSffl 1PAS r. JX. BJLJtMUAl uiLUtiiitrcitiiimwm ,i i1 Ann ' i.i fu) hi suIJibI. uv;"ux xMbu iVll v.,AVUVO. i i rVeltlit ana Fasaenaer Mimminiiia j WieMoilowlBa polate af SesUnattoai: MOM. rflJ. DAYS and THUK8UAT8. retnrnUa TUMSVi 1 nt DAYS and riUDAYS: ' " Rlverdala. ' Ululrfoot Crock (Harlcrirs r fl ' , - . 1 . JW.1 gwTOSSaTVa dji t'K.a- 'Jfd' mrW ww'aatrgWsJi1 2ff,AlJ!?J.i-Vl.,iil fTHi w .O-, rJlfidet'beel.ateaBier CUCOPATRAyrf,;, ! japstTwaraw, now rtin, ,i,:'"" Ushed aaoM, tbai sdww sJ..ai.u.ilsim. aUavaiiWl pelnta,atake r. U-' , Hon alJ)allsiHllVhRmih t . s.. . and Beanfort Oana.). ia Hear head CHy, and ptma ri -Boanr gonad IM VHill aaH . and ora-E-!?""" I "Tt J ... . , ni.(B iowr inan in, iir I'ne m4 . I-omit dallTary taanuitoed v s i i. ., , . aMunau.iei,(ar . frein tnoelveiL an I rt" I ' aim wantliottaaKil Uieh... tivet la. ,., , ( I ror fun mr parnci,j,r '- t . A. t A);nk. n . -aaauHaiuaaiiana, . j VK , if-' til. i; j.i.;n u i ,i.u-. -.--- HI i ..titoji .uj ii'tf .nrnd)-', t ) y. ,n. wi.m ; -4 Mil 1 1 . ; i . ' - frji,drt''iu'l r A t.iui ft - , : , ,i.l''iM1 , !'l.l I'HA 10. H W I 1' . 1 n: .1 ,.l Miff .1, ii r -' - at the JoiiAi. oaten, .