-7 , -a 41 MA.,.- . to tjuctta asm. c'.A ui.l. iJ! j 03.:$ .o Jul i'AalA" .r-r .fH 4. V H rr - -vt A . ' . ' ' 501 ILL 1 i'flti Wl' tHOlt NEW Si 'Mi; . M, 1- N.QcfQ5, 1 1 U 1 . J tf f . VA i i liw - i : I J 11.7 1 If ,' h k;..h.Vl U.V,...II . I ' LI SI ir. .f 's.l. tiU'JrtR s-.--Vs - l-! I JtJOlfl! 3W Mil ult Ui fciti sf I ; . f , ; ... i ; - if - . in i , f7 ( New Berne, latitude. 850 ' Korth. Sun U. , t UagtiWdmyJ ' H t T AniT a. Ji , Batbine .Suite atf l.(Xk -tianmier lieck wear. White Liwa Duds' I5ow.'8nm- TtrfBt4w'Y6ffcSfw will be fnrni8hQdlc)q b timo wkeu ciiliki fur. Wlw ' bj:Vm ' wWK-MiViin Hptirt-aTq eta, ' .- Mi),11JUHJ5U.BTYU0N. v . JotnatOM are plentiful in market and '-r4twct)tjrrflTC cenU pec buebel, - vholaaalii. ',;. j-; ' ' 1 " IbarVed by tot', 0. KM. v Diryeauir(Uy inidiuatoii tlit Uwrolia . ; ' beeatheaTy.iaiD up the country . . . The surf bathing- at Morehead.City it . pWo4idl", A'bOnti6ne hundred were in f' at ofaedthii o Thursday eroniiiR, and . , " " it was a Jovial crowd. ; " . K ;" - . Qeorge Aahnys. the summer goods , BUial fto.fand ilany one will rend hie advertisement tbey will And out what ha nan0) $tyiUf "iifri vooib for A fallUdSnnlbr ateck' regardless of prices. Tjl6ftiiiejt, Elm fity .artived frim PfaUaelpUla yesterday morning with the barge 'Jennie Iteid in tow loaded with general, merchandise. She is loading at, ftftimsoji's mill for her out ward trip. Remember , the excursion to Nags . Bead next Tuesday. CapL Roberts has anixmnced cheap ratos, and the New Bern i" Steam Fire Engine Company will gueMtael plenty xf fun and pleas . urevJ5ery i uniform of the Company, we aee teformed,- wiU be filled. :'; , JJComMssioael-yV. W. Clark, ha Jre hpM yestirday J. J. West. ; ; hifiojcjpjuigea with yioiat- : leg . internal revenue laws. The ca'JMlMtioli&riiig Augv 27th, and ; . Ow (d.efeadaii gave bond for his appear- Max Uohwellu wauts now to make room for Jiie, Uli -at wiater sleek of goods. IJe fakim tow mora spring and aasamer anils of clothing and other articles which he wants out of his way. Bead iswaiMMsnoesaen IhisjWOrniDg and aeJIai(o m egi JbuMjbss. A amau member aoda tig mombor of the Hoard of Trade, steppod yito tbo large rocker in the Ajkll room at the Allan tio Hotel. They began to rock; the end With IhffttflnaJeBl qp Ind wEenJf came d$wn o sopiaM ut, as light aa a oat; this lot the big man down rabsrbyiyjedjy ha . rolled out like a barrel i of molasses and the rockvr threatened to go oyer on him ; but he ' eongraiulated. himself upon the fact KthWhow'ai todlmg"wUh an Allen rocker and they don't capsize. V Since the -4ryu Iim narrowod its ob ieoHofta! 16- Uie Mfleotion of Hon O. t. , Clark dowB to mere prophecy we don't see much left to discuss- with .it on the subject. lUWel irlll W iM w'hhe the Journal has poi'ooe hundred eyes," yet It lulbel!vefc ulrC. C Clark will be elected, the wtrns' pro. pbecy X6 Ule amtrtryhwitusUnding. P. K -Si uomvr r ltlo f the abovo'another Imus of thejfris!eJoj tT'"fbw can therovTri nyogl of sentence Viar CT CT Clark ever wrote that he is opposed to county goy or n- PryMl. "w"" . r "' - Mr. W. P. Uurrus and wife left hut night for Morehead CitilM HT OX Col. A S. Buford and Lamily and Mrs. strotf ; ;(ctpjiii;V4, fab Mrs: t &m1 nadbhft ii"on ''J'vWto ' il'on 4 Visit to I NewyerVljiAUIl from r rtraouth and. is much, lnv provp lr' , Mli left i a l f.r i::... "H. a Arpold Jtnd .nieces, e eteamer liton yestorday . ;i, r ' f,''i spend a few mor.U.s . j:r. Ta' ' court r, ' sro ' ' .eke or Aurcra, Beaufort Ihe c ' y. ' lie saysWcr --meg 1 ni sme tdnT' V. J." , t ; - enting t' e ". I'- 'rl - Vs, rf Rt. Louis, tak- ? a vt- firm of , N. C, 1. .'ten cf ( The" Bear it T'rm4 'txemruiimX r' , i The members of the New Berno. Boid. bt Trada.wh6 have stuck (b thef buii nees until the heated term, book 4' trip to the soasida on Tlmmiar. leaving JK y spWfcff tiain at 8 A5 a. m. A JOL'jtNAL reporter was. along and so 'wore i"the boys." The reporter Aops realised tha fact that "the boys" were- going to hate home. " fun. The Vileviltry" 'begun by '.demanding speeches from every one on bourd ik train ,lho older members of the ltuard who alwavs wear the appeaiuco ul appcai ;.i co gravo and reverend soniors, had to this part of the programme vrns ex- UiMttited for lack of material, the idea was suddenly conceived tohold aJZai publicaa convention and shouts began for pAlbal nubhaUOdonl Odealt Now the fun began in earnest. "The boys" rushed to the center, pulled one another Laeross the see t,' each shouting for, his favorite chairman ; In fact, It was. th Theatre convention over again, except thverewera .no chairs or tables" broken and aa particular seat eontested. The acting Mayor, Jimmia Moore, appeared after awhile and ordered" the meeting to disband , and then followed the Hahn of the) cocas ion, Bill Galon, who appealed to "all what belonged to do llahn fac tIoartoWaird"Keep quret.n This little episodo by "the boys" brought forth roars of laughter from the steady, level headed merchants who were perhaps a little annoyed with some of the tricks resorted to for amusement. The party dined at the Atlantic Hotel,' a special dinner having beeu prepared for them, and it was good enough for anybody, no matter whether members of the Board of Trodo of New lierno oi of the. Cotton Exchange of New York. In tho evening they went to the surf, taking passage on the katie Dimitl. As thiH beautiful eharpie shoved off from the wharf, tho choir and wo had a rplendid one began a song. In a few minutes wo found our selves by the side of Capt. Fiver's black- boat, with a; full cargo of beautiful ladies' who sang, baek al nf".: A abng aJterfiatelr -from each boat for a few mtautct and then tho "black boat" with its precious cargo attempted to sbual a march on us by trying to cross a ahoal too soon when lo and. behold she stack, and the Katie IktnieU sped on to the beach. Aa soon as our choir took in the situation they struck "Good byo, my Lover, Oood-byo," which was well rondered, and seemed appropriate. But -th4 ladies got even with them at last, forou rot timing both boats reached tho wharf almoet simulaneously ; tho Now Beruo choir had just concluded tho "Old North State" when a doren or more sweet voicett pealed forth from the vblck boat," worhliDg like night iagalus W a)idig'hi, a oi beautiful and captivating little song which cap tured our entiro party and drow from us three rousing cheers for .the ladies. A good supper at tho Atlantic, and a good rest in the strong breczo then pre vailing until tho arrival of the mail train, and we are off for New Berne. . Perhaps it ie well to remind our read ers fhat ,lhe hilarity sad good burner which prevailed was not produced by tho use or "distilled spirits" for this sUclq wad not considered in tho sill of refreshments but from a determina tion o','the boys" to have a good lime. It is a dull follow indeed that can't en joy a day by the. soasido with the New Berne Board of Trade. Oar choir was composed, of Messrs. Bill Humphrey, A. Wf'WoilK. Wmfst WnJOiion, KM dates, Q tt.-4Ulan,?Ca'pL "Joe Wagner, W. M. Watson, F. Ulrioh and J. tVf . Iloore, vshOj. with Hnglt jLotict t$4 nt2H ex tent music. ' The Journal reporter returns thanks for courtesies extended by the President and officers pf( the Board oTrade. .The 'Jour aC will nlways bo rbnnd res ay to aid them, in any .undertaking for tho good bf New Berno and this section or i 'in'; i ,i ... RM.srinktll Parka. . The Baltiinort'weekly unftn. has anlnterosting SkeTcVoi lion. ' Marshall Parks, accompanied by yery good likoriofi?f Jilm.'vTha foatnra of Mr. Parks' Ufa has been an nntiring devo tion to oanal building and other kindred works Of engineering.' Be has of late taken a fresh interest In 6ur KeW Berne and Beaufort caaal and we hpe aaay give the full force of Jus ability to that enterprise; . fa'SA The'" Bulletin4 suggests his nam for the Knight ot Labor to rally around and send hint to Congress from the Nor folk district, u As for ourselves, we should be highly pleased to see hint in Congrem, but would prefer that he go as astrightout Democrat. 'v ; -v " i " ' rv' ef the t t f ; f r.t - ( x . r. : r,;,d I .trrt f 3 candle liT-s r.'f. f -rsw's' rr;.lpr.ee t,' 1 came Very rrar -'.. r. -, ml Vrom Perttmet.' :r,H .r ' Our friends; who went on the excur sion to Portsmouth's fikturday night say that a fcod erowsf wJs sammering it Chee anv eiw Uytog the fives. AeaiivaljWasnaeld on lastf ' sday nigii h b&eHlothe 1 f Jareh at that plac4. ' ndlur lr dollari to the most handsome, ladr present. F'Mrgndidates Vers uotnlssd and MjtPats iitivat,iook IhaJkt, eeeiung onamndvofl an ruty ajues. Biuuggled Tin'' 'fater in, ? IsUnd, : . . Boston. July 87. A red faced. rt driver of a two-horse track got trouble yesterday afternoon and unex peetedly revealed a secret.' lie, was coming up Tremont street from the North End, and. when opposite the Coxumon, got in a jam of truck teamst ene or wnicn tipped off a portion of his toad. Among other things which fell into the street were three wooden ship ping cases tilled with eras. The oases' noi a lorty-nine aozen eaon. rue cover of une ease was knocked off, and the i . . . . . i - egg went skipping over the pavement. Two ue we boys rushed in and began to break ana suck the eggs. A large bov cracked a shell and began to swallow its contents, when be suddenly made a wry face. "lladf" asked a bystander. . ' "Naw," was the reply ; "but 's a funny tasting egg's s'ever I seed." inn other boy, after tasting one or two egg, turned to tho crowd and said Tuint an egg at all; it's nothing but whiskey. " t f course there was a scramble for the eggs, and the driver bad hard work to get his box back. 'When his boxes were all loaded again, ha said he bad received six cases of eggs from a North End liquor dealer, who told him to take them to the Providence Depot,' and cautioned him to be careful and not hatch the eggs on the way," as they were for hole! use in lihode Island. lakiug upon of the eggs and breaks ing it in front of the crowd, a ruddy liquid ran out, leaving nothing but a common porcelain shell such as Is sold at agricultural supply stores for "nest egg. Instead of albumen and volk every egg was full of the best whiskey, each one containing about enough for a. good drink. They were. tilled fhraugh a small, hole in the big end,' and the hole was closed with waterproof cemented cloth of the same color as the ogg- By chalking the egg a little the deception was complete. "They aro going to Newport and Narragaaseft : 1'jor,'' said the driyer, "and I'll bet lots of people will eat eggs down there who never liked them be fore. " ADVlt'B TO MOTIIKRS. Mrs. WinsiiOw's Soothiso Svavr should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tho beet remedy for diar biin,. Twenty-five eents a bottle. iahUsdtuthsatwlv The Anarchist Trials. . i CuinAOO. July 88, In the Anarchist trialH today, H. L. Oilbert, (painter) liv ing at No. 50 North Ann Street, testi fied that bo arrived . at the Maysearket at 9 45 o'clock: At the corner ef Dea planes and Randolph streets he saw a wagon occupied by the spenkers. Witness saw sdm one Iosys thi wagon and stort toward the alley, where par or flvs pdrsons wsre conversing, wif- nees was at tho mouth o the alley.- At that moment some one orted' Here come tho police v" Then the man who loft tks'wagon and joined tao party m tVta bIIav lit m mntj-k. ftffiH nlantn it against something held latbatail M Sno of tho persons, a fuse began; to six-Jrrea tnAhy years ana" with ecrema rer immedUtely thereafter) tilhree. years;' nr times eould scarcely ile. and bomb was thrown. Witness was shown a picture of Schenaubo and recognized it as that of th man who threw the bomb. - Question now many men were lUrl v - it. I Amwei-fwu ui nv. ; , , ,.4 j. You say the man bame from the wagon and joined this group r Can you recognise any of the defendants as that ar - I . , 4 I . I A. Yes: that is the man (pointing st SDies.l I When Spies was pointed oat he Aifmlsjedxtoaiand palpabW axitiiionj j.Do you recognize any of the re maining defendants as composing any curt or that group r A.--iee: tnat man mere was one or the grouj Witness, pointed. pS fendantFteeher.f J 5 . Tlds . tesUmon. followinsr thatV odweJka...He,wrtlto the safna plkoS Thnmn- vMtnrdav oneaafoned t,h7 most profound : sense tioii, in, the, oonJ : . . . The witness en evoss sxamlastW mill that prior to coming to Chicago lived at Dee Motnes, lowa. ue here in 1879. Foster desired to know everything about the history ef the man who had rJven soch frightful testimony, against his clients. He" asked witness When he learned that a reward had been offered for conviction id nhi ease ? u. H replied that he was not aware that any reward had been offered, i Witness explained satisfactorily as to his whereabouts. He did not appear at the oorDnrlsst, but did report the fsets to the pot.ee a few days after the tradsgy, after hav irg told some ot his friends. w He went to the Haymarket to4 lone; f of m Mend who had gone there. He did not note particutarlywhat Field en waa savisg. In conclusion, Foster asked: "And you say it was Spies -w ho left tbe'WagOar"' ftnwr "I art." -i '-"" " ' .J"" "SeUe. . .. -- I r r-- be !.' : 1 pt s M rf 1i e iicth .VwnMp tt nvt-g w.l - - r ' f ' cn V:'tt;'-T, ' t-t r. c-'t . ".. to t.-j . e . n.muwe for ' ''''. -. f t . ' iv, Clm'n. r. ' l'y or it i "Aon list; thb fhroarcianlst, is&kr A big sociajistio coneulracy iuts xwan Nnevthed' at, afnawaoanjni aacienjiuna,,,, , .t tjliBt.'si' . The Spanish Chamber of nmwttajMks adopted a resolution to free the bajanjqe of the slaves C-W- Large droves) l bears have made their appearand iat uprUMrn. New- VwsMlUnsV. They ware dsisen bswUv by she anusual sever&y of (he- weisthek " tmnr of Jif , fjuHHta, bsa arwealrenvhagiaaa by aseamer, bub the cutter' fs Ve out. He expresses" n.0 .,fer o hedanger: a Japanese mnce naa arriveq upon our shores. At pn tent he ia at Waah- fle JiibAise Minis- ter. BefoVh leaf fntr there jere ne will be presented tohVreen ' AU o(,,Uie AaLjli .asuasnanip camps- nies e ve reAiset o transport any more Greek gypsies to America. A,; band of them were, reoenily landed at New Yorkv but they were immediately re- shipped. There are other places besides North Chrothia where people aoinetiinof live to be over a hundred years old, The latest instance is that of Wm. Soott, colored, who has just died in Baltimore atlbe remarkably old age of 153 raw, so mid. The rumor of the death of BmperoT Vmiiam has nofoufidaUjn, Though) th ear: lhis'wiaoan4 in his ninetieth; fear this' wia.ojni granitoid man remains bale andvig' oroufl and he baa thu,. wishes of nearly svery nation upon the globe that his necessarily few. declining years may be those of joy Slid happiness. Uudor his guidance Germany has made probably more advanoejmeDt and progress than under any preceding ruler, tin til today, if not superior, i ranks with thtf fore most nation nf, the world. . Harbor Island Light! (en. ltansord secured his; amendment to the sondry'eivil bill appropriating 130,000' for restoring the lighthouse on Harbor Island bar, between Pamlico and Core sounds. But th waggish Joe Blackburn played a practical joke on our dignified Senator. On the viva voce vote nearly everybody voted with the Oeneral, for be has winning ways on the subject of appropriation. But Blackburn had gone, around and told many of the Senators tor Tote on the yes and nay call, which it was ex pected Allison would demand against Ransom, and then at the last moment to change their votes. When Berry's name was reached, after saver al votes had gone adverse, Qen. Ransom, want to the Arkanaan and .said:, "Good Berry, what does this mean?" Uewss mildly supported by Butler's yea. but Hampton and. .nearly- all tho others voted nay. He was almost disconso late and rallied his friends from the cloak room. All did not avail. The rote was about to be announced and he waaabeuttobe beaten badlv for the lire titoe. i f?VWie4fte?.f I waagnjisjMT. sajcweiiryMww-waH-s: vote changed, then another, and still another, until all had changed in favor, and theJHarbor Island lighthouse .wis aved.4WdsAilJ&U 0trkh4 0Htff . An Wld CltlxeK w peak a. Mr. J. M. Norris, an old resident of Rome, tie., sari; that he had been badly troubled with, kidney complaint for a waia anu uai irieu biut nmniM Htknnt Vumnflt until hn twuran taking- Electric Bitters and anointing his handaj4 and he stronglg reoonweends El ec trio Bitif't4 0liho UUffM with kidney complaii plaints, or need a blood purifier. Sold DsbIst , the Summer Stout AiT jittmloN, h 4tOd. Lamon has gone to his home inNew York for s dent's snmmer vacation. Mr. Cleve land Intends to leave Wash in gtch' very soon after UMgrsee adjournal ana mui then go to the Adirondaoks, where- h intends to remain front ( four W six where he spent month last summ er. in. .. -nM . i..n,.i.iL H He wiB be aoettfpeiiled bf MrsVCleve i . . .i i in. . .i . .1 km rim. land's mother and some of. their rela tives will be with then during their racnUetyr b t 1 1 yi ' - V 1 o: . f 9ses kieAHeBtT ' J.Jr AdssaM'ChiafofJ Fellies rtrtDx riUe, Tenn.. , writes ;,"Myfnwiy rid t svre baneficlarlea of Vour most excellent Ireedicme; Sr. Kftfffl Ksjw Dteoovery for eenenmption ; haying wnrit toAS 1 au. that you can claim for it; desire to tes tify to Its virtue. My-- friends e Whom I ave recommended . it, praise it at swmption is Kiuuwofeea to can wwkubi eoldai broi.t biiU; aethma troup'.'avid every lumrs. f sffection, tf- 4iireat, hest)and s. -Trial hoUles free at Hancock Bms. drug store. Ijargie niae flMi 1 : , Ket?ITrra . Tej the Chairmen ol Uhe Dcmsststte TWwnehin Oomwi !; " (""'Ats Iheetirgof t.ifl DemocratfeEv ecutfve 3ommitee held Jery 94thv'M was ordered t"t t' . 1" w : - ron r t nf t '- far te rurtii of e.ect. g mem- b ! t rf tl .e executive commiUee; also dole c!'U to tbe Itwrniwrntii' convent ;n to bo htl.l Aug. l-.'i. be bp'il Aug. lOw ' i j ; .' i-J. lit II KBCRI, ; ,. .'. . - - Bec'y Dora. Ex. Com Thn Oyssx? Zjaiarraanta Jkn stc LivEBJoofc, Jesw ?. The Engtisf trsmsliim Sisjif liienrsiae 'tsfusni t accept aa pasangeir,n any ersss- me Greek gypsies- who name here recently hrith th intenfioii "of aairrc. t H AnaevieavThe Greek' Consul wylM lAOi.anrence forjth shtossins 'sV gyjiates4e New 'Pdt fja Aistwwiiwuw A Ge&rMi sTrasiMitisiM I Wo are credibly inf armed tbt the mooa iiaim uo., Atlanta, ua.. lor nan shird the saeney is) the, i4ms nssnireA by any i nawsj nens edy on earth. The diseases imsssll aM forms of Scrofula and Scrofulous Ulcers snd Tumors, all stages of Blood Poison, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Skin Diseases and ' Humors, Kidney- Affections, Chronic ressale Oemplsinta; etc. Head to, then for a hook with the most wonderful oases on record, mailed free to any address, ' Bold tn Hew- Berne by R. N. Daffy and K. 11. . rieasuw Seekers Ahey 1 Alter argent solicitation front friouds I have consented s run of those , health-giving, soul-stitrfcac, blood-renovating, knock in the head all ailment excursions to Wag's Head, and at the small sum of $3.00 for adults: children from four to twelve, half fere. . It will b unnecessary to aiiasspt In describe the beautiful spenery en rouse, and the elegant drives on the beach, among1 the "Kill-Devil Hm;" the deli oious plunges among the breakers', the rotuantio promenades for the yowng' te wide, elegant verandas fos the en joy meet of the ocean breeses, for these loss sentimentally inclined; the sxoel- lent cuisine of the "prince ofeateters." CP- Tom Sonthgate; ' and 3 the enjo- merit of sbeepsheadV Maeflsn, soft crabs and, other delicacies which snhne hobt . Jacobs loads his groaning tables with; are only part of the pleasures to be enjoyed on this trip; and words are inadequate to tell the balance. I can't describe th beauties and the pleasure of the trip; you must go to enjoy then. Our "lire laddies" will participate in this grand excursion, and will see that your cup of enjoyment is continually overflowing. Let this be 'a grand swoeess as well as a grand excursion, and the "b'hoys" shall have all the credit. The hoar end date will bo thusly 8 a.m., August 8d, 1880.' Fan in. ' K B. bobkrtb. Agent. At his residence, in this oity, on Frl day afternoon, John T. Dawson, in the 48th year of his age- The funeral will take plaoe this after noon at 5 o'clock front trie M. K Church. Friends and' acquaintances are invited. COMMERCIAL. Jovuxal OrrtOn, July 80, 1 P, OOTTOIf . Nxw Yox, July 29. Fotur closed quiet and steady. Seles ef 84.000 bales. July, 9.43 943 January, February, March, April, May, 9.44 August, September October. (November, 9.53 94 9.74 9.M 9.3 Low 9.43 9.Rr 9.3.1 Doc ember ,9.36 Jane, Spots steady; Middling 9-lfi; Middll dllng 8 7-16; Good Ordinary 8 9-18. New Berne market dull. No sales. Middling 8 11-lt;- Low- Middling 14; Ooed Ordiuar 1 Tl-18. i ' . mHh i . OOKSTIO MlSglT. fino oottok 52.10. Oottoh 8kd 510.00. TtrnPEirfDrn Hard, fl.OO; dip, 11.75. Tan 76e.atl.95. Oats New. 85o. in bulk . Coun 50o in bulk from boats; 86c. mavii-SK. per to. wurvn foot, 3cto oe Oocmr Hajbs lOe. ear lb. .;." Une 10c. perlb. fiwe 7e- peg deeen, , . Fkxbh Pobk tjsee. per pound. Pmj-OTB 60o. per bushel. Foeewn 75c.af 1.00 per hundred Ovtevs-S.0 per basrel. FmPtgtasmllWOia! ; '' BneTDry,.ln,; greeti ie. AiJca35aS0e.perhaahel. , , FnAWhi75o.ai:25 per bushel, HOswipi-,-nerval. xai&ew-u-oe. per so. Cmqsgtjrs Osoern, SeaASe., rprinf MgAXr-C5o. per bushel. . ) , ,i 1 SaSplA,! , 8MiiF(JrT0Ekarry-Bt,W.t9pe bbhii! ;''1 Vud ,if'jw 1 " J I WoxiaWOaJgai ee pesMst.. -.!; 31.0 n wre- sonw an Us . "iiniMVil -in-f f . PortemouthaOcracoke Tbs: BteameraTrwel J wOi her dock, at th foot ef Craxwn Otreet. fori Portsmonth , and Qcraooke , ; FRIDAY, ATJCfUST 6th, 183, ar a. nu and re turn THURSDAY AUX3UST 12th, 18g, touohing-'et- Martin.' 'Wharf. Adam Cre and Broad Creeks This exearsiost will give an opportunity; te spend at few dj, very pleasantly at the seasbafe fey aenrnii amount, ana also attending the annual fcamp meeting at Qcraooke, '! u and , Bcn.tnciJLtd iV ' LeaVe Wwrfnat 'a. &jJrl :;isrvw Martin's Wharf at SDnfttf. J V b. Lea-v Adama-OrM ktltki ' .JVrrivti at rortsmoath at p, nut i! ' for; round trio, A tZt t aaeeJe . ror.'w'- Intehdinr'itoi' t.lkh thelrfp will f4eaas' .notify nte sv trly as pos- sible, aa the number will r I -n.ted. jlySltf .JOHN H. LLL, Agt. A lnes Ud ef IafiatiaesMi C&eek Tain- KSMMev4.EcrpUaraa4 OrUm , wHlfeessi4at MarrsloualT-tM Iaitii.Sre Round Ccrtei. MM Ijaiwi Mtaeenue One eaer front Poflocf. rTnfiVm eww w ssvoarsj ; r All persons owing sehedale 1'rfati ssast sbsss firwei J mf pis 1y9dlw M. HAHN, Sheriff. ist eesss lerwenl snJ isi UifmrA roB and Yowas' TASloi: LA QRAN0E, . C. . . JOSEPH KITSET1P5jii'rrAL. Fair Session bee ins Mondav. 80, 1181. ' " 'TT Elspense iter aeasien of 'Hi -- in. eluding board, tuition, instruction in ic, vocal and mstrnmentaf. Andsnf and Modern Languages, esd f I Siiiissi isi Calistheaics. miHL Pupils will board with Priscis!. whom Hse address for farther nnic- lrs. jillile.stlii' ill ' 'i itv To make room fr our fill ahtf Winter 8toclc we" wl CLOSE OUT THE BALXECa OF OUR STOCK Or CLTiF INO at COST. Some Nice Suite at'tlO-jb. Special Bargains in ,CWlr dren'g Suits for 5, 6 and 7 years. HpfWOHES; Williams' Fast Friei&llt Line. STEAMER ELM: 01X1,' Barge Jennie Reed in tfoVry It Will make Regular Tripe to FhilsdeF phia and return every TWO WEEKS, touching at Baltimore and NoifoffoB- return trip. ! Speeial rates givea aa feaayy freights from Baltimore aw Norfolk. n . J. V. WILLIAMS, ' General Manager, t looq viiiTTY?s;i::3 PALL flPlTryfpy " GulleU,"MfMlifOntjaC!B, withP eederan4 0endfliasfnvi i imt CoUoai Gist, milVVbdit 4ad QoPflrffineig. moil (.iliiioiq-. hu. 7 tvvirw' S44n IvOO) Plate Oottaa riaawrrfs"i n ts Ui 'tU line bTall cfisieVbf MiuV?I SWtPaUtyetc nJb'tbitM iMilf supplies arspecUUty; vrH ' Whd.fojr ciirenlaraand nrinasA " rnaranhMil isaanatitfttUU I.uji My aidirtbtxf 1-) rt' "iii't lii i iS" ij. c. wiiirxy, toii IroaFwoi, Clavrtkii, a iuUr tuMLtwiM -10'' iti-wl iwsjn XTrTnT.n T.T sftr -7T. . I'1' ':.vi.ww. 'li - Viwu I J1! JIH VttUitM or-ii tjttf- ti . ; Hi sMl!issjcksv!ifeor.'!w f '"' 41 1 lint U'nlrn v? ' ad Iw)o'l-'jiii i -TMi J I., i ' . - VT x wr T" 1 - -, -iiVil I 'iMI j. 'in ,!.! urit iinniMUtT

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