. r ; -- -. rn ."itu1 : " 4 't.. ; -' : a "ail f.-.-'t t-i - ii ProtecH Janr iSTrieal lirom WmyU. 1 ; r - . Ilie" .wieafc erB in oar BUte lias a- -.-.v V- wea narrestetr'nnderinosT'Tifl'- si j.-jpv s."'' at damaged.: Froper preeaotioa eboa bo takea as doubtl tkis f e AT LCVJ PC33 be .QuaBQaDjacttre. ,ATit8g;ain there la dancer from tha uov.; con awi ' V -.4 .'uia i ui v. dition of the prii!tiiatit will , . t Prepare scaffolds, ; ets vVr-. Uh sheets and pat oal tho. w , t-lxiot . . ')yfAentv? -' tpoj; Inches yo. depth. JC"rt hare the:' full sunshine afirrtnj'tol tt r r ir a(t V 1 i. i..! v. nuv J ' 4lT ninis 'ja thje forenonitoAfaar ulterndbn, istirrina fit ctaerdariry 'i!-' " ' 'i. : . k ju .f'i'L-l'-L1" 'i' 1-'; i ha ,uuiai-A -'riv TtiTl ,., I,, .1, I, ii .i .i iii . in j : v- -,. i; ..-.ii- r- 1 i-.miMka Ml - ?pam rAnc-v r.iy r ..l t! yijsftwi. "- ' i - :i i iU).iaaivoJK .majajiyy: -.v ;y:: ' " eV ' - 'lai 4'(1iJh Til ... 5v ' S! Kadjj-what we canjpffer you: ft1 ,s4 .!. U4 V Nico Figured Lawn at 5c. Best of Calicoes at 5c. A-Lot of Dark Prints at 4c T wA9piQdid Gingham at 8o. .. ccoxcit;oiNQiATas. H'IHKd, mul It noma enlarprlalog pen) wunld take ihem IhwvmiBlit sell uime and piuM airaauy mat take all my Una u at. Lnu loiucoewiaiiy. i wouia Mr so in oil I. ojn or new twrne ana me pnmto generallr iiini.a wui oofiLinue u aarre laem Willi ma VKltY UilOJCKHT ClUAKi evtr made bt the KMUHrs OK LAHOH thf re are none teller ir ax gooa. TA K UKliX, EuoklBf Tobaeoaa utTtoiAi.TY the vory ueit. Chewing, l'lug and Klue Out rouaooo, ei ow, uaii ana lee me. 1 Bad n'tften Mt ntitr the corner of Middle and muuiii KroultlreelaMewnorBe. , I'AilJl.l(. r-'4:4 BATISTE, fattftElllNDIA LAWN. LINEN LAWNS, Etc., Etc. .I.'.lj .yiffU- .1 ,w i . -i. . We.haye, just taken an inventory, and find 1 ' ! I - wo have lots of Goods which fwe ar . anxious . tq pcllf. therefore c ' - -m1 U . -m-i) If 7bu-wt to ; buy gooGooap, caU fi g . '. irIM I Ol! seven spEmos; WAYffi C0J2f. . Thia hotel if' now open lot the bomou C-o our Worsted Dress .Goodsmarkeway KCSaS ' tiwiV.iK'wi The medicinal I propertiet and Euttcns 'and . Prinnres chc,pbrimeve-;y l1?.Tntot Wi .VW -'Jtj. 4 Iwxes, hogBheada or bins thorough 1 jhSritf sidxrtf and rady tcfreceiy tuts giaiu. .if wiem.mil sua tuem thoroughly.", They should be as ht aa the snn can make tbem atthfj time the wheat ia put in them.: Pour It up wAtfc if pi M, taixtng witu it n iianaim or salt or lime to every , three bushels. The wheat will keep aound and we have had very little trouble with weeTH wfcerj we used these precautions. Pro- Our Flrna Belief. It is our firm belief that B. B. 8. is h bkst blood purifier on tha market. Wd are sulhng four or Jive bottle of it to one of any other preparation of the kind. 1 1 has tailed m no instance, to . gire mm lira aaweiacuun. juwu la uw aecrev Xi w. f. uvrru vo., Uragwta. Sold in New Berne by R. N. Duffy ana u.. u, weaaows. . A fare Opportunity. eroaa atrwt, m w Bere AH 'l'lmr ro at preaea eewraJ yananl atataa n Miaaif ana eroaa (inx IImiIouj4 k elegant aiaeea fur t)16 Please Xo Tike, Notice rnai uie national iwik Bnrklin W nowon iIi'Ik.iIiib repairs, and during that lima 111 lniii4-ii will be carried on aa usual, at tha llrlck hlnm nilj.ilulua (Jco. Allen and If. r-rsg. J A. GUION. May M.IKXO. Inldtf The National Lire Stick issociitioo, RICHMOND. TA. Vr limiiring I'rt'ferreil HlRka In Live Htock iMNi'Kcrioif Sci.itcrrioK 1'uoTimov. !A1)1KAI. FEATtTKM. Hclence nut Into practical operation. A pi ll form of policy guaranteelnglndemnltr. Mortuary nremluma nayahle annually. aeml- annuaily, quarterly or bl monthly, at the option of tlio aasured. An ample reaerva, available for all unforeseen oouttngenclea. Local truataoa ht every oounty, toy colleetlng oi Mortaary rremiunia, 1 muring' policy noi dera agalnat lapaSi y the laUureof malls rkABi The Man of tha Convuany im nurely mutual and olfera to Insurers Indemnity aaalnat lose or aioca ey nissaas ow aeemenfc no policy wui d laanoa . oovennr Htoek Whoae actual cosh Value la lea than f 100, nor will a 1'ollcy of Insurance be Isaned for an amount greater than I-T75. on Simla Klak. Th la Oompany doea sot taaara fancy horses at iney prices, dui simpiy agrees Miisucm. ntfy ewnoisfor their animals, to the extent of good serviceable stock. Ilorsos siul Dolls lasered between the aires of one end'arteen years ; and Mylss betwcua the ages of one and twenty years. Policies will not he laanjwl Aoverlntf I.t err, Drayt Kaee or Track horses, nor aa siock asea dj Btreei uaiiwaya, or atinloi Companies, . . , p no flags, oraeeorm enuwatecic. nor Amu without regard for truihfulneaa, tolerated; w n. imvn. imni MW KSKflE, IT. O," 4"j JTtjBCosaary to mention them, t t t i ' r IT '1. rr--K Hosiery, ,i: rzizi at almost your own prices- - y ?'1 v. : ; -. ; Ith your: orders aridc ilpv YJIAQ-3HT Wei. W Vfc :;t yy.;cVwoT' ccliytbo;c"cl ii f;;:d Eall Shoe, for b:c3;ana rv;-:? r.alr .warranted, 4 I' -y ';"r " i . ' . 4 I return thanka for the liberal Mtroat aee heretofore, beatowad. and aoltcit a eontirjuanca of the mt. . ;i -.i - v , ' 1,I. A.,WUUIitUlj.) jyll dw2r i.iiv Proprietor'.;, 4 CEORGEflLErifiCO. .. DEAIEKSIN . General. Hardware;. A rrl cultural J Im pi m e n j g, iriows, Harrows, CultlTatora," - . !i'-Uesndxes Wood's Mowers anrV illeapers, rj! ' Steam EnitioV . Cotton Gisa asd PreHaeayv '1 fertilizers. Land rt&stcr, K&init Afecti antes Tools and Hardware, Lime, Brick, Cement, tPlater llair. Paint, , iCalsomlno, Varv r ish. Oil, Glass, Putty kml Hair. ."Freeaers, Refrigerators. I Oil (ook- Stoves Eureka Bnrg-lar Proof Sash Locks, warrand to flic pocurity and satisfaction, i m. , PK1CES VERtLOW'i - : cr.o. Aury co.'' .iU'Ca'alaMrlsret' . a a a. u. variB) vapenntenaent. r a '! (!' J4rtf i tl Business Oitice .... . . w rV1 Cnruuiumuiut'! Office. "' . ' Main nuiUliitg f n a ieiltiy rtlfin,'.. KmrViaitirii School. Pflnildiin. Fine Society bis. Cida' WMT? TT i t. rru !S-.-l.! Resilient PsWsicieaa In case of alekheaa aueharee for Medieal attntiuii. Fml.Coura oJ fitualv. Uadetif eon)i)rvte thetr edncAtfan Ifire. r a tLoruuh. for any C3ollege or University or Garernment Schools at Annapolis and West Point. j ., 0. vPraVOtical Buaineos Department.' Book KeenlBsr.'Bankinir. &c. This DuartBi 840); eg 9j orther Bu8ines8 College. t , . alpecill Comraievin Penmanahio under it Professional Penman. First Class Department aid .Art, Drairingfchiteftnral Drarting, Oil 1'amtiug ;ind Water Colors fFul. CjQurse jjUiTelegraphy anl in Sliort LUnd: 0f RatSl.aio yery Loir, and we,havny 'Bxtrus." '.7,1,1 w ...JJ ,m i i ' -Cj 1 fl ' H ii M 1 I it"W . I.F" Bession uIwiivh begiaa- lirjst Tbnfsday Iu afepttember. For. Eetrlstcrli cohtairiiufl'r lull DartkiQlar' . -5'aly i.lSW. dlirirm t.-j Tin ,: rj fjDOjfelA- "C. DAVii, siip't.: - ": fill's siiMSfi,rz3 HEWBEBHVH.G., VIIOI,ES)LE L I QllOR 0EflL0) , a- ... j "-r- ft . f I I V- 1 I ' I 'It' 1 1 Vr: -. ..;r.5l6a- i i 'It I an n HANr?FxrTrniCR,oi!' ' Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla Lemon Soda Buffalo Usad. California Pear &6V 2 -!t ?. i J lil at!iLyi3-?At Wl.a. ' IN CONNECTION WITH TIIB AGENCY FOR JlOTTLINO : i-Ji t f Tc!C3BC.Wr!r User Beer. Porter. Cs:; .'I KEKP ON1 HAND -A FULL LLNB OF tiiisinb Liiiubns at vrictEsiLE, llgrtl V- Which will be sold by the Barrel or Gallon at VbUY LOW FIGURES lor CASH. Ginger! Ale equal to Best Importod, and sapeiior to yy procurable in North Carolina. T(i8 Cknier Goods T.iiist Qo! ; 'i.V? ..(.TJ wl0 ,::a.' ? 'i :r, . ; t- mI'L -s s ire tr J! ::.. No nutter what prices they'll brine, they will be aold,o if In jrieM Pt iaasftiirig, you'will find it to -yemr tvfraritage flo iL- ' " ' ' V'li;!- ! . .... ., ...ii. -afuiri-f; il ' .- ' i "'rrl-v ' -j 1 J Itf .. . fi! t z. na l a. .sjBaw- M .VrP Ttm ,,awJ . at HEXT .TO fLU. CUTLKR',T M v a iriaLvf 1 hst'etrfad ipiwi lletionsia priceaia .aJt lines of gooU anof Will rnutf So SfeafiaUL-4.Moia JtS .lJi...si'l 'sure of . hftrgsm.) ur MJWMJJcjjpoia Is Btill pretty fctiT, me are tore to liSTBEM NOITI C1I5LDU (iAitDLErrjlilks, NEW BEKJt jl. & aB 1 Tiai'- JrrasfM iet: aU vdyif io iil lis.iiiri i- r WW ir4 t TT1S" -'eel fce 4j lffinnnnlxsl;QOT3i art 1 ,l.srMeiii y, ::atia -. eiiii.eiias la4eJiJMiwaBaAawWk:ia- lrilea;ydmsr3sw-i9'SftiMrwt,evK. 4 ojf j&Vthtogrel iumjiw. Member j Un- 'X f .'-vt tf tew" .".Tir-OTTA:: Mi fa is fit.. i.UU oi:,l"ut - Vn(J t' - J"si-(! 1AC If X7f r.V-.IKT MinvlslKi. . I ST WaW sf WW ssMeaweVf aS Va ByWa 4 5 I - VlVtlal kjs'lILi. rr:i?"-wis'ri-. -a' . i , Ht s J ', . i,iMl.:k; AHiHSlM r,a i 3 a, 1 Mrs Wt&TSCit.'Ci'-. dll.&lCiUJato mflttt)ioriT4 area ay jKiBstosv,., v,,w . r-- ' Iwfll bfr'my.tife'-mu.'C-ltfitc TJftJ - ii fntq ?rt f Til 3- 0t it owfiir.' ! ' ;LJ iv..l.-' lUii itvii ...'Java iat-fixai iTi-aWai mrT, m,r satlaf aotion narantMd. -; J 4 ulwHl Sw4TMiU r 4 , j f ei .i j.. -, i v : i V. 1 t ,.. ., v s en t eon . a . v in e' ii i,k.ni . ITor.t rt., T p. K. Ii. Jncs';