- :V- NAL. aYpl. v. NEW BERNE. N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 0, 1886. NO. 110. Jour II v 1 OCAL SEWS. Jsaraal Mlalatnre Umim. . New erne, latitude, 85 8 North. J.h. . longitude, 77 3 Weot. Sun riaes. u:04 I Length of day , -liin sets, 7:07 I 14 hour, 3 minute loon rises at 3:17 p m. pnSJNESS LOCALS. Itatiang Sti at 1.0. summer i. k wear. Wajte Lawn, Dude Bows. Sum titer UndfarVear, Tenuis Shifts, Plaited laoaoai Shi;1, Tourist Bas, etc , at " -HOWAHD & Jones'. Tho New York Sfur will be furnibhed by the week seven paper al 1 ' rU - The cool weather coritimn Tbrealetird rnin mill deludes uh. 1 am uo mtidwunr. mu l ii i ml iu nibl j eeterd Brday. lr man nr the man l nr, in iu the city and on exh il.it inn The Ktt'iiitu-r An. ft- n aimed i i-kut- uy auil leport lie wain MMiiat Kinston. Whfculwo coalitionist in" loj-'.i-lhrr about politico, it is u coalitmn cuIIimou of coalitionists. SllOW ill AuUnl IH .llrlCllrtKe.l it was ut North uhn. nmhl i but lln-n I III 111-w things come from. We hate private uifor malum tint the River and Harbor bill, as pnascd by the norjEO and Senate,, has been approw.l by tho President, and is now a law A Kng of convicts ( :irne i'ow n laM night and were iuurleicil al the poin t' Ktation. They aie gome, to Hyde county where, there Is Iiow a force at work Steuaaer Butufort arrived fi,.m Washington yesterday to take a mini her of convict to Hyde county. 'n the way she had n hhall Inki i, uhith may detain her for a day or ho. We wish to inform tho Ouldidn.ii, Jl.jfxetijfr that Hon (' ('. Clink mn the coalition ticket at tin- iciiiesi ,1 til Democratic (xecutive cuiiiiiutte Craven county, and in no m nm- a I or independent ll. Hrr.onal. ltev. Mr. Carpeiilei of Hyde w u, the city yesterday on a bind i-it. J. W. Woolen wan intlierilv y t r day and an busy iih unual Mr. J. U. Olive, of Wake omul) mi in the city 'yesterday on 1 uh wh y home from OdmIow county w hen he ban l i en at work foraomo time pant Joel Kinney w as m to n i-hIi r,l n and driving his air of line hircn. C. 7rmrrm, who In enRaped on the Hule woilr in Kyde. wm in the i ay yelf rdaj' ftrd reported everything lining on well there. Mr. Iiln in ha)s there is ample work for the coin n t force frtt aeveral monthn et. fllitMlry- farrow, of ( li.ldHhoi.. i visitinK friends in this city. Dr. Edward Clark, of Hyde, ir m th city to meet Mrs. -Clark on her leiurn from a vlift Wilson. KM i Chautauqua EpvR York Hun:-Thw name ha become somowhat famous, and it is interesting U know that probably lonj; before ite lake in the State of New YQrkjeas so desinaUid an Indian town at thft confluence of the Neuso and Tremtrs, In North Carolina, tho ejAwHiteDt the present town of New Bern, was so called. The journal ol Baron de4JrafTnried (who founded ""New Bern and ho named ityeXter the canton of Bern . in Hwitzerlnd from which he came) has very WOfntly been published by the Secretary; of State of North Carolina among the colonial records, and in it De GratTenriedt several times refers to this lad lan town as ' Chattawnua," "Chattauqoa," end ' Chattoocks,'' and saye it i the "jlaoe where Newbem actually atakde." and is "the old nime of the town oI Newbern.!' The settlement pt De Oraffonriedt was made in 1710. - In the year 1714(V) the North Carolina Indians, who named this towa Chautauqua, removed to New York and joined the Five Nations. Did they not take the name with them and Kive il to the lake in New York V A. M. WnrKi.t.. Wilmington , N. C, July 30th. -WUSStar. Xaying a Corner Stone Yesterday afternoon the -New Berne colored- Odd 'Fellows band, and nn ex cellent band tt fa, played In front of the Btigga nlldtagiThe crand lodge of thai eMerineH in1 ttmt buildinR. At 4 o'clock ifr4 in prooetsion, beaded by the hand,: and inarched to Oberlin. whereuwith all the ceremonies it laid the cornet stont of the colored Baptist church. Quite a numBfr of colored ex cuniooi8B Jfrfe; here. Aeft and 0f- , Tnoneanas oi men ana women n nmr the country are. silontl miserable. L . arhile the outside world think you hare "-"'jo cause to gTieve.- Bat.ahl We pro ' : noonce no anthm(fli Sguinst any other remedy? bl ' aeeert that bnn elngle knuijnf R. R B. will do more In the .twelve botueeot any uwrnr. vmr www " Is free and It tel ta IheUle. Ad drees , f BfcOD BAMt Co., Atlaeta, Ot, ". 'J Sold Hi4 New Berne tf R. N. Duf? and e.h. Mffow Xrl-T Ttio India cotton yield be very larc. The value of ;m i .vuiic lillLHill 18 Oil till ,!( !. Ill Heavy !hif iit ii t r- .,1 ll .ur . rc al made ffoni Virginia I" Squill America The mini : , i i, i t.ilwtcli ,Ni 'lurk ainl 1 l.i in., days. The r, nun lUll HI!!-! i ,.i I,. I.. I , riue lb.- d. hlu irlcLii 1 two f bi .mul ill. ut. ii, b. hec; u n TraiiHAll.n, in blralllHtllp ' . bill .0 I again cutting rati department only. The (lernian c.,, caiii.r pii-tiiiH ti. i lli cin mt ice in A pai tv ,.t t-1' Uiy ' I 1 1 1 1 it-1 , 1 ll,.,l I., as i : . I. If) II :l..ii , f J.I ferenl dmiiiiiiiiiatii iiN nr.- m.il . n,g a bii) cle tour in the Suit.-of New "ink. A (nod man) caae of dru niuj; Irolu venturing 1k far in the Mirf ale re ported al tin- Northern wateiuif renorW. Vh I'.iifliRh culler (.nii.u la ar rived but w ill not participate in any racoH until the conietit f,n the .1 i,,, . i, ii'.s cup. The uranddauhU r of '1 human J. Ifcr ou, who wan diKinirtticd from the patent olice at WaHhiiifton. haH bcin rein Htalcd. It is tlioiiKbl in New l,,il. ill liartholdi Ktutuc w ill not be pin OBition iin eail ax ant h i ate, I leinber . 1 11 Alll- tel .lain l,e until.. l He -forbiddeli Hie Male of n hp.ip in Hlieeln i ' I :i i i n i ii l: tb it u., in:! m. it lie e, III lie I le popllUl't' , I ul II H the I ' , 1,1 III I . lie I i pul 1- f rill l 1.' I n e h , I i . , I II ' I epill I- I I Sou ill ( 'aioliun bUltelllt'lIt of tlie ilep. n.li-,1 i ll i I . ' I,,. A II, at tin I, II.,, I I a , luie . ,f tin noil Ii Hull .liMli -tat. till.' Ml., I tliell ll. at '1 lie Miolnt II Miiiiiiini nl "'I he Sholwell Miiiioijal Am i.i. h ill a mi l ling held at tin- elln e , I lie plei. lent .Inly lltll. p:u,M, li-Hol ill lolih .,iiehiiii(- tin ladn of North I'aiolina ul,,, nn- friendly to the iimhoi iullon to , on, liu i a I, a.- tai iluiinc, the Slate I air to be held III Kalelgh III I ll lober licit ai, 1 I" coiitiibuti Mi, h ai tides an they nay I,,' d Ir-pOht d to t;le lovj,id.1 llh mi, cesH . i ii oi del that a mi Hie nn I .-.iiiounl o limine lli.M be l.'llM'd o e T el I hllrll a iii, nil iioiil an the) demii to place, iir the noble and lanieiili d Miotw i 11 lor a ea i 1 lie 1 11 1 I b.n finiui finn llboxc the :,Iil(-lll) beall of K illdolph A Shotvi.ll ainlxllll no i-lolie iii.iiKh Ii ih ri ht i Hi: place. lien tin nlinck of bis xuddeu and palhelic .leuUi Inst tin died the Stale, mam urn-,Iii-,h , to contribute towards l lie ei eel ion of a ninnutnont to perpetuate hit. name ami record his deal hies courage, bis heron nacrilicH. bih KlainlcHi. Inmoi , but mti le-t waned w uh the paieiii months and very little over SHOO hax been colli cted. If the ladie do ma work for the baar ami make it a siici ohh, then- w ill he no monument rained to Inn memory for il were better far to lei the crave rc main unmarked than to raino alove it nn iDsigrilicant stone all unworthy to bar no honored ft name. l.et us ko to work at once and do w hat uecantoshow that Captain Sholwell in remembered and lned wilhin the borders id the Suite for which he sacri ficed all that made life worth the li iug, and in which he has laid dow n to hi rest after years of sufferinK caufrd by those saenhces. Tho ladies of Kii lniioiid , Virginia.. held a baaar for dm bciudil of the "Confederate Home " near thai city and to that every description of con tribution w as made, and it w an a great success. The contributions suitable are fancy work of all kindp. mementoes of the lute war, ihina nnd glass ware, barrels of Hour, articles from the farm and garden. flowers in Kits and bouquets, fruils, preserves, jellies, pickles, cAkcs, catsuie, in short anything that has a money value. Persons sending articles Ui be exhibited ul the Kair, such as bread, preserves, etc., could, if in terested in this undertaking, mark them "For tho Shotwoll Memorial flazaar" after they have competed for the the priies. Mrs. I-'. A. Olds, of ltaleigh, the president of the bazaar, will give all neceeeary information to those who desire it, and requests all who will work for it to let her know as early as possible, so that she may form some idea as to what will be contributed. It is earnestly hoped that the ladies throughout the State will respond to the appeal of tho Monument Association and do all that is possible to make the 'Shotwell Memorial lUr-asr" a success. Ansa Alixakpkr Camubon. Millsboro, N. C. Inharmonious Bepublicans. Yesterday at Tarboro there were two Republican conventions of Edgecombe countT. one nominated uodd ior sner iff, Spraggine for register, Edwards fdr clerk, Killibrew for treasurer. The other ticket was Cobb for sheriff. Mines for clerk, Meech for register, Killibrew for treasurer, and it instructed for Frank Winston for solicitor . A CARD. Ta all who are suffering from the er rors aad indiscretions of youth, nervous . I J 1am -9 naviKwwt WeUDSSS, IJ " etc., I will send a recipe that wilt cure yon, FEES OP CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a niissiosiari ra Sooth America. Sendaself-addreesed envelope to the Rbt. Joseph Ti IraAJt, Motion new 4"r K 'tt'iT Kinston Items. 1 be ' el Kinstoniau who has c.-ll.c dawn to hard cider aa a nip before break f am may well oak, "Is life worih miiit'r' An old country negro visited Kinston last Monday for hhe first time since local , ,plion went into elloot. and being un able V obtain hi- usual whiikey, cussed out creation," say ing "d d if lie would give otio share of A. & N C. Hailruad oli k for the whole town.' We tender our sympathies to our orthy and interealidg cola boxer of J -uee count v in the iteruiiinff line, and ne e w e cannot giva personal attention - :,it- L;iM', u e kindly turn him over to or youne; friend. Dr. V. B. Wood ley, i, , curei. i-nake bile as well an rheu- lilal iriril . 1 lii- l,mi uiuu. wilh two litely keep erf, turned up here last Tuesday even ing lo the ekiltihh delight of Uie small boys ol Uietonii. li is truly a human omler and ik about as repulsive as it is wonderful. Anv one who sees it once will neiei i an to lo,,k u,n nuch a lb,i. af.-ain M.i i ill 'lmloi ai, J prohibition Alley opened iin full coon hunt lasl Monday uibl "lib a lantern and a bobtail dog. No tiuilol a i mill wan ft ruck, but the I,., .it,,,ii I , i liiyan I-leldr. ' future bar io, ,in a i- i xartly lixed, n lid when Ibat : e 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 ,ii I.eliiH buMnet-t-. all Knihtori "i,i (,,,. .ii li ii in ii.j,' e ei nijiht K"iN'. 1 1 it 'bo liy, ue man, fool i lant week winch wan I of Hcieulilic inleit-Bl. The II w a:- fully de eloped , but it 1 not a particle of biaiim, there ly a touli hluinb tintiiie How killed ; an olij. I, ram ci , i, tan Im-ii, . oo , .1 III . alone; al- o w about brains il a 1 it is a in one Iter d tb I mi Ii pi, ii lal ioi, I l,e Hid lie I in. -I appbh ainl tin- soundest 1 llavore.l peaches of the season w , i . 1, re ue lit In n lant Monday by Da v ul limine-. Iv, of WiHidingloIi town c-1 . 1 1 . I'be w i nt into the preserve jars i I II V i iiiiiiiniictv not. however, in I i iii, ami nugai alln the sty le of the ''. I i aiiip.nguer I nt in die genuine I i , i.il n ion way with only water and Mie.u It iiiunl be confessed the nian nei ol be campaigner in the most popu 1 ii an 1 palatable Tin- ii-ient aitn.ii i.f Ihe Isiard of coiuiU comniinsitiiierH in granting In i nne to ictail liquors outside of the low ii nf k i union i.s a complete set down on tin- bopen of the piohibitionista. The whiskey aiiaoonda is thus getting his deadly coiln around the town and must inevitably crush out all the good results of the .ocnl option law. Itesides, this action of the commissioners looks like an attempt to carry w ater on one shoul der and w hit-key on the other, which is just about as dillicull and dangerous as riding on both sides of die sapling at the Name tune The county comiii ishioiiers were in legiilai ni-ssioii last Monday. There was some hkcihI interest manifested in die i-ranliiig of retail hiUor license out side,,) die tow n. The consideration of the application of II. N. 1 it-Ids to retail 1 1 , 1 ii , i e ju-l beyond the iron bridge on the Wilmington road was continued lo the September nieetlllg. H. C. Hill was granted license to retail at Fields, about b in milim north of Kinston. This was lln only lieeimo granted, it being seem ingly nu hi d through on the patriarchal plan ' license for me and my wife, my . . it r i i son lie! Ill- H ur, wr nun thliilliwiljoic Stonewall Items. We have bad no rain fur the past tut linn fourteen days. After so much -I, ( reps are having a hard time. , , 1 1 r (.inn llrani h nemizer says I can oi, tain t lie Km. or greasy coiiara seed al t'J '.o ,.r ounce. That is rather too greasy . fear so much so that they in itil hav e the cholera. Mioses I-'mmn IVcton and Sallie iisoii. of your iity, who have been visiting Mr. M M 1 erebee for several lays, returned to their home on Tues lay. much to the rigretof the young gents of this place. .las I ,lewel), w ho has been register of deeds for our county for a number of years, is in such poor health that I understand Im declines to be a candidate anymore. No county has ever had a boiler or moru faithful servant. Mr. John Tingle, who has been a suf ferer for the past eight yvar with heart disease, and con lined to his house for the prist three months or more, died at his home near here on the 24th July. A good citizen gone over the river. He w as almut sixty years old. C. II. Fowler sowed about one and a balf acres in clover and grass seed in March last and has cut and housed by actual weight no guess work 5,000 pounds of as nice clover hay as was ever fed to team. Who can beat that, or where can il be done? Stonewall's magnetism for a New Berne w idower was in the city Tuesday and tho attraction w as so great that he was drawn across the ferry, Well, if you could know the amount of water melons, West India fruit and other nick nacks that arrive in this vicinity, you would conclude some one was soft. It is rather an. enigma to some of your readers to see the Jotjbnal champion ing L. C. Latham for Congress from tbe 1st district. It seems to equal the Argus' interest in your county affairs. If you will just be easy, I feel eon fid en t that the 1st district will take care of it self, and it won't be with a let-down champion nor a money shark either, and don't yon forget it. Skinner stock is at par in Pamlijo. Barklea's Amies Aatvc. ' Thi Best Salts in the world for Cuts, Bntteee, Sores, TJlcers, , Bait Rheum, Ferer Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corse, and all Skin KruDtione. nnd vmsitivelr f ii res tiilee. It is guaranteed to give perfect aatiaf ac tion, or money refunded. Price ttesnti par box. for a&ie by Uancock Bree. If -ii 1 ii . -. - Georgia Proposing to Pension Her Soldiurt A I aI.aMa, Atu. '-IliBio will be two constitutional suendments voted on at ths State electfou in October, one of which is of general interest, as it is likely u place maimed Confederate sold iee on a permanent pension list. Ths aiuerjiinieiit is as fwliowa. That the last sentence of article 7, Necuon 1, paragraph 1, of the Constitu tion of 1P77 bo, and the name is hereby amended, by adding thereto at tbe end of said sentence the following words 'And to make suitable uruMsiou for such Confederate sol i icrp a.- may have been permanently ln.ured in such service. ' Ho that said sentence, w hen so amended, shall read as follows "To supply the soldier who loot a limb or limbs iu the military service of the Confederate States w uh mutable alin cial limbs during life, and lo make suitable provision for sued Confederate soldiers aa may have been permanently injured in such service. I nder the lanl clause cl the proposed amendment the legislature would be at liberty to establish a pens. mi lint There is no opKettiou w halever in the Slate lu tbe promised amendment. 8. C. Democratic Convention. t'oLi Miili, Aug. 4 The Democratic Slate Convention met in the opera bouse at 12 m. Kx-tiovenior Johnson Hagoo-J was elected permanent chairman. Considerable interent has been felt as Ui tho action of the body in view of Ihe "farmers movement, which cropt)il out early in the yual and resulted in a contention bun- in June to consider the grievances of agriculturists. Hincetlit-n the leader of the movement H. H. Till man, of hdgeheld has been working v lgorously lo seen re county de legal lous, and many poopls believed dial he w ould be able to shape the policy of the convent ion and dictate the nomination, j The present ( in ernoi . ll n. J. C. Shwp pard, w as supposed lo t.e the choice of die farmers party for the lust place on the ticket, and dm first ballot showed a vote for him of ft1 out of :11s cast. Tbe other candidates were J. I'. Richardson, present Stale Tittasurer Senator W. I . Coker, of Darlington Senator liilosj. Patterson, of Choslei . Representative Edward MoCready , jr. , of Charleston, and Chancellor Johnson of Marion No choice was had m die first two ballots, and on the third ballot Richardson received 17- i otes and win declared nominated. The convention ih now considering other nominations, and the name of (Joneral W. I,. Ta Prince, Chesterfield has been put in nomination for f.ieuten ant tiovornor. Had Treatment. The Hon. John (loode has w ritten a letter to the Democratic voters of the second Virginia district Ihe district that elected him to Congress which is interesting not only to those to whom it is addressed but to the people of the wholo country. It is a manly protest against the injustice which has been done him in the rejection of his nomiria lion to the Bolicitorship general by tbe l'residunl. He shows that tins action was due not to any unlitnesH on his part for tho ollice to which ho was called but to the demand made by his personal enemy, Mahono as a part of the fulfillment of n corrupt bargain, and tho efforts of an incorpurtod monopxdy, whose hostility he won by doing his duty. Ho claims too, and with reason doubtless, that had his ap pointment been discussed in open see sion of i tho Senate, instead of in tbe darkness of star chamber proceedings, the wrong which has been done hirn could not have been accomplished . Nnr nnd (Karnw. A Judge's Suiiide. Natchez, Mies., Aug. 4. Judge Joseph Shields, a prominent member of the bar and the author of the l.ifo and Times of S. S. Prentiss, " committed snicide by strangulation last night. The loss of his w ife some t nne ago had af fected his mind. Revolutionary Circulars. MaPHIP, Aug. 2. Pamphlets and cir culars containing an appeal to the peo ple to cast off tho Castiliau yoke and proclaim tho ancient kingdom have been widely distributed in catatonia. The police are seizing tho documents. Democratic Ward Meetings. The Democrats of the 1st ward will meet at the-city hall on Monday, August 9lh, at 8 p. m., for the purpose of elect ing delegates to the county convention to be held Friday. Aug. 13th, 18SU. ALPHECS W. WOOf. for the committee. The Democrats of the 3d ward will meet at Gardner's carriage shop on Monday, Aug. 8th, at S p. m. for the purpose of electing delegates tr? the county convention to be held Friday, Aug. 13, ISSfi. R. D. nANiXX'K, chairman. The Democrats of the 3d ward will meet at Reliance engine house on Mon day, Aug. 9th, at 8 p. m. for the purpose of electing delegates to the county con vention to beheld Friday, Aug. 13, ISm Ja. W. Moore, Chairman. The Democrats of the 4th ward will meet at J. B. Lane's shop, on Monday, Aug. 9lh, at 8 p. m., for the purpose of electing delegates to tbe county conven tion to beheld Friday, Aug. 13, 188. J. B. Lane, Chairman. The Democrats of the Fifth Ward will meet at Hackburn's store on Monday, AugtfSt 9th, at 8 p. rrT. for the purpose of selecting'' delegates tr the county con vention to pe held Friday, August I Jtn. 1886. .3. HAcaiBURtfjChm'n. . The Dernoerata bt. 8th fownaniri outside Of the town will meet at the Mayor's office on Monday, August Oth i at 11 oVIockr, for the porpoeeof electing delegates ta the aountf oonryeatian to e beW Friday, A-nMM IStti, i STBBrr, Ch'mn.. ' .1.: iii .1. 1 Fiance to Withdraw her Ambassador at the Tatvcan. Rome, Aug. 2. The Pope has notified the foreign representatives here of tbe appointment of Hrr. AgUardi as Apoe-i tolic Delegate and Minister Resident at Pekin. In consequenoe of this appoint' ment r ranee will withdraw her AnihaiH sador to ihe Vatican. A (pialm'a Vrile Mwfr Capt. Coleman, achr. Weymouth, ply ing between Atlantic City and N. x.. had been troubled with a cough SO that Le w a; unable to sleep, and was induced to uy Dr. King's New Discovery for uiunuiiiBtiuii. It not only gavezhim m slant relief, hut allayed ihe extreme soreness in his breast. His children were similarly affected and a single dose had the same happy effect. Dr King s New Discovery is now the Stan dard remedy in the Coloinan household and on board the schooner Free trial Isittles of this Standard Remedy at Hancock Hros Drug Htore Notice. The licm.icraUs of the pib township are hereby null Hod that a meeting will be held at the Mayor 's office on Monday . August tflh. lt6, at 12 o clock, lo elect ihe township executive committee for the ensuing two years. Hy order of the oommlllee. Cucmkmt UaMV, Chm u. COMMERCIAL. Joi-hnai. Ornci Aug ri B P. li. OOTTON . Nkw YnNK. Aug. :.- Futuies losvd 9 41 y.TiU 'J.7H bow steady. Sales of 7ii,7dO bales. August, a t", February. September, 'J ill' March. October. '.i X' April. November ;i May December. '.I V 1 June. January. '.i :ct July. Sik.is T . r iii Middling 'J I .' Middling - , l tis.,1 Ordinary No sales. Middling 1 '-'. New 'Heme market dull Middling H Ixiw , !' Hood Ordinary 7 ' ooinitsric niHiKi. SkKI) IXITTUN J$2 .9(1. Ootton 8kki J10 00. TcKPSNTim Hard, $1.00, dip, J1.75. Tab 75c. all. 25. Oats -New, 35c. in bulk Corn 5oc. in bulk from boats 'like. to flOc. from stores. RitTt 75aH5. Bimwii-80c. per lb. Bnr On foot, 8c. to 6c. Oocbtbt Ha MB 10c. per lb. " Laud 10c. per lb. Eoob Mc. per dosen. Fbbbb Pobk 4ia9o. per pound. PaAKUTS 50o. per bushel. Foddeb 75o.ajl.00 per hundred. Onions 50c. per barrel.; Field Pab 65a70c. Hidbb Dry, loc. ; green 5o. AlTI.KS 2aa50c. per bushel. Pkaiih 75c.aS?1.2.ri per bushel. Hi inky 40c. per gal. Tali-ow 5c. per lb. Ohiokens Drown, ,H0a35c. . tiring 30a85c. Meal ft.'ic. per bushel. Oats 50 cts. per bushel. Turnips 50c. per bushel. Ski i Pi it a to ics Fjirly Rose, 82.7a per hbl. Wool 10al6c. per pound. Potatoes Ikihamas. SiaJOc. . yams, 40a50c. Kerosene 9jc. Sbinqlks West India, dull and mm nal;not wanted. Building. 5 inch hearts, f 3. 00 ; saps, f 1. 50 per M. wholesale priceb. New Mess Pork f 12.00. HnouLDER Meat 7Jc. C. R. 's, F. B'e, B.'s and L. 0 7c. Flour 3.25a8.00. I.aru 7Jc. by the tierce. Nails Basis 10's, 82.75. Suoar Granulated, 7c. Coffee Wallc. Salt H'a90c. per sack. Molasses and Stbtjpb 0a45c Powder 85.00. BnoT 81.75. FRENCH'S HOTEL, C1TV MALL SO, U ARK, SJEW YORK. 'nniwile t'Uy Hall and the Post OHIep. I li s llnlel 1 one of the most complete in Is appointments anil furniture of A1Y HOUSK tn New York City and Is condnrted mi the XJuropostri Plau. Htioms only One Dollar per ilav. Half min iil i- s walk from Brooklyn I! ridge and Kle vatetl H. K. All lines of cars pass the door. Most oonveiiient Hotel In New York for Mi-rcliaiits to stop at. lilnlnn Kooms. Cafes ami Lunch Counter replete with all ihe lux uries nl numeral pnoeH. (; wly Rock Lime, Plaster, Cements, Goat Hair. K. 0. K. LODGE. CKAVKN STREET, Itelow Exprcm Office. niayXl iUkwAw Fcr Sheriff. I hereby announce ttryself a candidate for tire office of SHERIFF OF CRAVEN COUNTY, witkont rorard to party, and if elected will endeavor to be theotfoer of the whole people of the oounty. Respectfully, " ' ' JOSEPH NELSON. July 8tb, 1986. tf Great Reduction ! A Ungc Line ul luUia lirwiss Ckerk siu- oolu, li.niii.ii Mrilicl, Kfptuui and (Jrlsu ll Laces ill U-.,Uerel at Marvsiuiisiy Low Pilots ul Little Store Round Corner. J F. IVES, MliLdl BWttL. wit Uuur latm tvtkjek NEW BERN GfWDElTswiOOl, SKSSIOJI OF lS-7. l'Uui. tiLuliiit W. NtSAL, Principal. i n x Cl-el., I i,,l ll.' N In I Ol ll.lt, ,-bCK.I HIS l 1 i,i,.':Lt'l rulca uf Monday, Sept. 13th, 1886. ii, ii 'I" : i I,..- r.l I.) '.!, in .1 i.e niy ua,e4 bra . 1 : . l, l l efc i.rl. ' , f 11.- luttl.fcr liii i, I. MMlal t-' i, . o'.lr I l,L. L,uu uf , .tllem nf N w lit . MIM 1 tv IiumI . nak. ' .cien ,.! i,u,i hint rin- or ri : i n ! ' ' t "- -n.,l I "lilrit l i.l i-imru in.- ' 1 I . I W , 'hi;'. I H, lit i Ulll.ll II) ..r.l. : . ..,,, v M VlAlNlN Hec and Tres mii:l 1,'. Portsmouth & Ocracoke The Hteaun-r Trent will loave her luck, ai the fool of ( raven nlnwt for l'ortaniouih ainl llrro,k luiniv A I'll I KT (llli INHfi. at flam .mln! turn THIk-iliAY, A L UL ST 12th, lHSfl, touching at Martin's Wharf, Adams viera auu nroaa i reek, .ins excursion will Vive an oiiiuirliimiv iiimunJ j - v UBVB I'll IiIhhmhiiIIv mi 1 1 . .. uu.ulw.A a small amount, and also attending the annum amp meeting at Ocracoke T hCHKLll LK Leave New lterue at 6 a. m.' Leave Martin's Wharf at S 30 a. m lave Adams ( reek at tf::)0 a. m. Uiave Ilroad ( reek al 1 1 ,30 a. in. Arrive at Portsmouth at "i p. to. rare for round trip ,2 00. meals eitra Person- inieii,! mi- t,, tL il.ir... will lileat-e notify me aa hiiIv h. m Bible, as t!,e iuiinl.er w ill be limited jlySltf J1 U1N ll. HKIJ., Ag't. ZKINSEY'S SCHOOL 11IR Girls aud Young Ladies, I. A (iliANliK, N. (.'. .IOS1.P1I KINHKV, I'hincu-ai.. Kail SeHHion heine Monday, Auirust :io, ixm;. ri KMb KxperiHe t r Hension of Jo weeks, in cluding hoard, tuition, instruction in music, vocal and instrumental. Ancient and Modern languages, and exercise in Calisthenics, gno.n0. Pupils will hoard with Princioal whom please iidilroHs for further uartic- ulars. ty 14 dim wtf Special Announcement To make room for our Fall and Winter Stock we will CLOSE OCT THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK OF CLOTH ING at COST. Some Nice Suits at tlO-00. Special Bargains in Chil dren's Suits for 5, 6 and ,7 years. HOWARD & JONES. Jul W dwlf - . . ' -' -'i Crab OkchnrdJ V T)?5.raIitC- I THRKlDNevs. LthgstorachV r THE UOM, KKJ. K IMISIT1VK CUliK Koll. 3 DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, aJ SICK HEADACHEw (reniaii) Cmi (Iu'haui Halt in ) Vd pack at to arnl 2 la. u f-n r . UlliV JilLB SUIU in DUIk. v. Crab Orchard Wittr C... Proavi 9 N. lONhS, Maoak'vr. luiavilk. fc.y. Ferdinand Ulrich, WHOLESALE. GE0CEE AC.ENCY OF HAZARD POWDEE 00. ALSO IN STOCt: Uraiu Hacks, it apes, Tyring S3 sire-? Paints, Oils, NaIN, and Shot of all 8Ue8 nt -i ; ,i'i T. A. Green. Old Stand; :i 1,1 - -!fj ii rU'flf NEW BKkNE, N. ). ativoa 1lTdlw v I tt. HArkTT: RnJr. All persona owhraaaiifer? u7M . must eonke forward alrdtayfte'fcH),? at onoe, aeoost wilt Waddel after tha3 loth Aavn AiaMu.1Aan, t-l7,iAA I e?J i-iS -: : Ml