" rr T - f LH'l U ...J IS .i. ' rrtTTT "1 t rtrrtT tV , 'i i -i """ " J; I i xie;. aaa oeen j to tauljf n4 x on 'men ber (he auths !? be a&kedUfiia- jrLb, Ul' Silver Crik p5 r J P- ' J P fj -"f ' " " - , Smiths, ther; as fctrtf&feii 4he V i 4 -'-v .. H j Jn - , - wmw hT6 ui agraa' house on rtwt I'fe i'ty ' ' ' they caU tUarenoo. Thejridains - v$ W" : J"'"-! t" :" "' ', doobla kerriajje and here noaodef '-..i-' -i t money." - - -r Will Il5n f- CI ?' It'rag f - ' , , Shesaid shea'Doaed as mnch. a nrsiA said iii I 'III B DRDV ES, EuF Cliaiiice to Buy .'V si ! I;.. ,a ii Mo ; JL -FINE CODS P She said she a'poaed as much. "fiat, dumb sakes ! Handy, you wouldn't want ter, change places with her. I see her a minnit an' I didn't hev the heart to speak t ner." She said she'd like to know why stucK np wing i "No. she ain't. Mandr: not now Skafl bin humbled rite down to the dust. She's a blind as a bat." Blind 1 She gnessed not. "But she is - Poet, she didn't ano' me me tnat's rid down hill and played tag with her when she' warn't knee-high to a turkey Then, Mandy, tho' her eyes was wide open, she went rite along the streets all dressed np in her fine clo'se, and a leetle mite of a dog was T leading her along. lie was ti A1 ivt a afraaft e nt1 ak UajI Vlyl wvw wv, vwvougt auu dud uai uuiu or t'other end or the Btreeng. Now, Jttanay, now'd yon like to bo her V Detroit Free Freut. 4lff il" TifhW 1J TT ADVIGB TO arOTHKIU. Mbs. WnreLoWs Soothing Hykuf hould always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, aof tens we rams, allays all pais, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diar- db. i weaty-flrt cents a bottle. jan24dnitiMatwlT Bead what we can offer you: .1 A Nice Figured Lawn at 5c. Best of Calicoes at 5c. A Lot of Dark Prints at 4c. A Splendid Gingham at 8c, h .awr.T CRINKLED SEERSUCKERS. BATI8TE, i f Jmfiii INDIA LAWN, GEORGE ALLEN & CO. ' DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural Implements. Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Haes and Axes, Wood Mowers and Iteapers, Steam Engines, Cotton Ulns and Presses, Fertilizers. Land Plotter, Kainlt tfeclianlcs Toole and Hardware, Lime, Brick, Cement. Plaster, Hair. Pnint, Kalsomlne, Var- uisb, Oil, Class, Putty and Hair. Freexer, lifrirorntorM, Oil Cook Stoves, Eureka Burglar Proof Sash Ixx-k, warranted to give security and satisiactioii. PRICES VERY M)W. QBO. ALLKN & CO. iSg-H, -. .jck,,. .... ,.,.r . , Jrrrrt 'OjTryT I jMlpCTUlleiKteilt S Keasl.U'llUL' and Mthh Httil 11 Itusiiu-i Drti. e DAVIS SCHOOL LA fiSANfit. LEMOM Ca, . C ; A Military Boarding School. COL. A- C. DAVIS, Supenutendeui III I r:..i k 1 v ll.uwii V Mo i. Dun.. Inltby LocatioD Kaver a Death in Sclool. Eietltot Iiw IriUqgs. iFmi Society Hails. C&dit Corttt ui Resident Physician. In uue of sickuess no charge for Medical atceutiou. Full Course ol Study. Cadets comniete their ednc&tion hri. ot a thomnpl. for any College or University or Government Schools at Practical Business Department. Book Keepiuj?, liankiug, &c. TIhn Department ofturs fw eood advantages as any Northern Business College. Special Course In Penmanship under a l'roleHioua! l'enmau. First Class Department of Art, Drawine. Architet-taral Draft inn. Oil I'm lit mi' mill Wular (Mik No EXTBA (JHABOU. Full Course in Telegraphy and in Short Jland. Our Rates are very low, and we have no " Extras." (V 8es8iou always begins"iirBt Thursday i it September For Reffutter rntainiuff ' tali nartinnlara. address July a, 110. aw COL. A. C. DAVIS, 8np t. JAMES REDMON LINEN LAWNS, Etc., Etc. Just Received : BARGAINS. 50 bbls. IlackerelsZ 3.50 per barrel. 1 lot Hams 10c. lb. ! 25 Chandeliers (two We have just taken an inventory, and final lamp) $1.70, fS V&W'loU of Goods which we are anxious AT ttt'i8ellVTherefore i S. Ft TEISER, And all other Goods at BOOK T; ' - ywiiStitd'".lray good Goods cheap, callL. , "uii .. fi .' .... 4i y ' BOTTOM PBIOES. ..iiMMlliniliY,-... . .. .. ttli S. w;.- ..j Bcopur :7qrsjed Dress I G66ds) marked way down. Plaster, Cements, Goat Hair. , BnttodJW.heaper than ever. UVVirirT r; ' nuuw'f ''x 0r!T,f ' . -..- .m i . . XV v H XJV VVfl """ l - if NEWBERN, H. C, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER an p mani ka( rruKU Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla ! Lemon Soda- Buffalo Head. California Pear Cide" Etc., Etc, -4N-O0NNE0TION VVITn TIIE AGENCY FOE BOTTLING Tho Bergner fi 'L-njCl brewing Compcny's Lsger Deer, Porter, &c, ' rsi" T'Xia IiLiTkeep on band a mvlL line of WIHES AND LIQUOHS AT WHOLESALE, i Which will be spld the Barrel or Gallon at VhEY L0JV FIGURES for DAHH. j Ginger Ale oqaal to. Best Imported, and superior to any procurable in North Carolina. , U. II. SULTAIl ASICS A QUESTIOHI 1 'I u. ARE YOU RBA9V TO JillY YOUR CRAVEN 8THEET, C:hV.3. Hc:ieryi'flaSdkerchleis;iind Parasols txy xx-. ; waixacs your own prices. AaIo-w Express Oflice. marl? oawrw -; . . i i- I i; ,jl.MIU:i,i.iril'.':lTi ; j t ,b...,!..j;j -14 ,r. (..!.- A .''fll 1' . ,WnHil. .'- : . 'Kit H . 1 it i.wn -f PAT) fl ATT" : -V , 4h V . - sasksa -j -rrr t:3 witnvyoworuerB ana we wui Mvo Tifj?if . r-.:,vif;Xi .'-vii'w-wi.,....;, dltaAjliAiiJioirx'WWto ; j?:.-WTVsM! , '"' ? 1,11 ''-'ri; "'f J ? Mtf&fc : ,7- -pr.T w--- kH; '4"". " j 1 5 CaHsiai 0a'OssiiyiVs. L tii'don'Oorgct wo sell.thd "celebrated . i , ; CI: c ..'T r-.11 rVnn frir "Ifirlir.S ftTltl v..w- www, .w. Vr- I P-t T i .-i lia ,t..it,T ,i 4 i i. '.- I ' j p; ... i - I 1.; i ... I , 1: -j ; ; Sevi4 w r- A'.i 1 - s- r n ond Aim tiur ' I ! ni.l '.n,t M flM, -r i. c . . ! rrt n- 1 i 1 .- n l wuuty ..el I . l b . f. .... .n, . li.aliuAKtiuftt If so, donl nftded your purchase until you see our Nobby Sack and utatfay Suits st Very Low Priqes. DOT' flaJJOf qmts from fl.o to In Straw llats n surprine yon t tho LOW PBICES we arc sellinf.mT i,rlr,,.r ,,,ir OarotocirDf tmderwar is COMPLETE. In Ladies' Dress Goods. and Shoes wo offer ASTONISHING Give Us a CaU, and See For yourself. H. SULTAN, oci rj 1 yy'j t 1 ' AT ASA 0LD STAND EASTERN NOETB ClirLTJM UA ItBLE 70RKS, 5EW BEKHE. N. C. 1 J r t FOE t-tWetyntyitire tiothtoioods, J&l&d , t ...--w-wi. .....j- -4.J -a Uonttments Tombs. - Ast sTtnsf yT an HWX4 ITALIANiAMERICAH UARBLE . - ! . ' ' .n, Orders will reoeire prompt attsntior MtisfaotioD gnatmd. JOE K. WILUs'EnpeUftwIl immioru OxrSW.Clsss jSQ'-' w ' 11M KW HKW BKMXM,n. C- . lulttlMTtllT 'tell XKainu sTiwthH4t t'Mk DWKS) 1L GCIOM. P.H.fBU.1 I T k W W 4 1 -1 12 u V&.iSJvbZ ins:. ClUMl'ION 'CLQTIIINGiSTOIlE; : Middle St., cor. Sonth Fron, opp. K. B Jones. ; j '' ' .' ' . . .. "1 ""'V. ''" -. - '. ' ' ';- a -3wS"3 . TWBtts VtmMrrM r rM.'f ; "'4 In Kh Mummm I v...rt . i i .. . . .t'nof . firm t V t 'hAki. 10 I B P'4C Mtliwnw '-4 t ... , , . . " Ikduhi, Jones ou&kr, twumuhf Uikcki ulrjk Ururst sSwsjty, TtarMlay o4jb" '