- , -, - , - - ....... . . .. r loo! . ,'tt-is--a M li vm, iJ ' ) 1 : ' - 'i ' ? t -:iJyOS, .r f"f! NEW :BERNE, N. C-,- TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, , 1886. NO. 125, , f I " ?i ; AJA i II t il i TT 71 . ' ,1 (-.... I Smw Bane, laUtnda, 85" ' Nortk. longitude, 77.' W. Hob ruti, 5:10 I Leagtk of dt, 4un mm. 6:48 1 13 koaia, SI minaW 4 BPSUTESS L0CAL8. r.uKiag 6aiU at 11.00, Bummer nack W4riiiteL Lwn Dud Jiows. bum utxUf jrear.TMuiia StyrU, Plaited oosoio bnirm, loansi aaga, etc., r? Uowaed & Jomts'. c I ThMMaut aprinkUr waa out davjloint ezeollent Wclr? y eater Tha ) DiprhAm Light Iafautry, Capt Pariah, with thirty men, passed down to Morehaa ust: Igh. '. " The achooner Ilattie Lolluy Capt. 'SharpAjji In port from Rock port, Maine, with a cargo of ice for Watson & Dan Attante ia called to Important nt tioea of Joseph Nelaan, Clerk of Board ol$Mbtf 'CammiaBUMera, in today' The county comouasionara weie in aeaaioa yesterday for the purpese of set tliitK WttoShanfT Ilahn. They will be In aeaaion airain today. "Ve are Indebted to Mr. John Dilliard at Croatan for a quarter of fine barbe- a. portion of the farmers1 dinner hefd-athi house lant Thurtxiay. Thanks, mrfawa'SBcMtai. XaaIIicka, a colorod man at Mr. SUmsoa's mill, had his hand cut 1 tjW8J)f the wi yesterday. Df Chariot Duffy was called and rendered medical attention. Uara mt Fire. f ,Tbj alar of fire last night was oooa- by the explosion of a lamp at the residence of Laeut. lianks, on of Lieut. Hanks, 'Ormrn - etreot. No serious damage. The engines were out but did not have aa opportunity to go to work. C'a'a4 Locks. We call attention to the advertisement of Cbaa. C Clurk, jr. Re has opened a shop at Cuthbert's machine shops on Craven street and is prepared to repair gnaw' aad looks on short noiioe. Ur Clark It a young man worthy of natron sue. We commend him to all who have work in his line. Hutr Quite a sensation was created yester day even! ng by the report that a horse of Mr.'L. J. Moore's, with carriage at taehed, had been seen running up Pol lok .afreet,, aboTe George, with no One ll the carriage. Mrs. Moore, with her children had been driving and it was leaa, thai they I had all been thrown out; but ,1ipon inquiry it was found that Krs.il Moore and children had finished the drive and were safe at lionta A colored boy wat taking the horse to the stable when a dog sprang M them aid frightened the animal into akrfcjltyp and we believe no 'serious ilam&ga. wVt the result oi a runaway Vaaicatlen terrless . ThTfVff A. Ml E. Zioa Ohorch b M las on Qu,een street waa dedicated last 1p.m. afladdfeef ahd sermon was de nvered ibyPtdf. JJ C. PrloaM vlDon WnlerfwUegw, atBaJiebiirT. 1;t Ifveed bfj.,p.. Jfrapj, and frotyath; is)n.fi,;irtBft.t.arnion was ptMehed . by xer. Q. C,.PhilUpi,.the serviit.wth.tht Myrilttratlon W WBnranrenj of the Lord1 Supper. k the 'tpaciout '. bufldlnl Wi 'aeatbi Iapacit of about thirteen hw4red- ad 1 0ach one of the,aerrise,yTry teat vj.w"oK!rt;, ... arton, Mm Capbi. M. WhiU ail KM ateacnec KimttoA yesterday evening -r i.Jga. B. Eanka, ao;V.?oni.aaln . the city yesterday and win rear tedaj iiorhicg for fjenaoort mt Co It" PN Wd at tbe bead of her tlifi (a out Graded School and win doubt , ipm make a good , wport"tGiwfirboris ,DiJt ? '-rtnrB trvt i mlix ooualf yesterday. ,JIe report the corn crops at good and (he cotton C-' -T-t br ttHr htv "tmt wtjll T r. Gee. H. Brown and" JrTT. ,t4 Vvh'rrriy. Arrived lastnhi r':lyto i : -.te emT" -. 1 -wo ran i Y. ' "1 !1 t- 1' P- f 7 re- tO 1 18 ( , !ioief. r-t : hi f , . ft t By Dresrats. On Sunday avenuig last, John W Forman, a white boy about ten years old, ton of Mr. James Forman of this city, was drowned near Stimson's saw mui. A oiown of small boys were present playing on a plank near the water, when' a younger brother of John 'a fell into the river. John, re ajionding to the nobler instincts of his nature, leaped in to save his little bro ther, who by John's aid and the other little hoys present was saved. But John, 4y soma- unaccountable means, the water not being" over waist deep to a man, was drowned. The little boys gave the alarm, and Eveline Parsons, a colored' woman liv ing near by, hastened fee the spot and with the aid of David Bines, col., suc ceeded in getting him out of the water. The colored woman says he showed signs of life after being taken out. Uad artificial respiration been applied properly no doubt he could bare been revived. But no physician reached; the spot' in time to apply the proper treatment. Dr, Bales summoned a jury of inquest out- Monday' morning and viewed the body. They returned a verdict of acci dental drowning. Mr. Forman, the father of John, was absent at the time, having gono down to the banks sometime ago to engage in Ashing. Th rolr4 Rwawl Sc hool. The present session of the colored normal school will close next Thursday. The attendance, we learn, has been very good and a good corps of teachers has done most excellent work . Besides the leeturee delivered daily by the teachers on various subjects, Rev. L. C. Vase and Clement Manly, Esq., have each delivered interesting and instructive lectures' on special subjeots. On 'yesterday Mr. John C. Dancy, col., of BaliHbury, talked to the school on matters of interest generally to the colored race. His remarks on indus trial training was the moat impressive portion of his talk, being practical and to the point. While he pointed out to his hearers with great pride and satis faction the progress made by his race in acquiring knowledge of books, ho forcibly reminded them that education does not mean that one must quit work. Tbo head, tbe hoart and the hands must all bo edu oatod, and the education that produced idleness was not the education needed. but that which taught habits of indus try. Do is a good spoakor, and his talk on this occasion mado a good iniproS' sion. A Naw Popcr. The Cintral Express, published at Sanford.K. 0., with D. F. St. Clair editor and B.Cole manager, has reached us. It is a neat, bright sheet; Demo cratic in pplitios, and no doubt is much needed in that promising and progea- sive section. We obeerfully enter it on our exchange list, and wish it abundant suooees. Weekly; 91.33 per annum. Address, "Express Publishing Com PnT." t ( miEvn. : ' Tho widow of the late General Santa Anna is dead. She died at her homo in the city of Mexico. H Editors Halstead and McLean of the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette and the Enquirer are angry. A boy only twolve year old, living at Pittsburg, Pa., who was an expert swimmer, saved three children from drowning. Sinoe the prevalence of gales and se vere storms throughout- the woet, Iowa people have taken to insuring against tornadoet. '' In the nnoient city of Athene a num ber, of column in a state et perfect preservation have been " unearthed. They are said to belong - to ' a period be fore the Persian wars, - i" rGeconWo, the i Indian chief who hat brought bJrflBeJf( JhW notoriety; haa do- elared himself in favor' of; peaceLjThe declaration coeaea lale oat It ia. sup posed the "bid warrio foresaw aid' fate, and wished to relinquish boetfl&Jea b- fon hu , mm - was . eaureiy- exterml nMa.i 'Cm 'Ji'jf.iunv i' w -..:H r..- A mock-duel tn the State of New. York resulted la very tertoaa rxmeequenoea. they were two beya wbo were to fight with nnloaded'MttM.''A-baU from one of the weapons had failed to be ex tracted and exploded, est taring the cheat of one of. them, which, will morn then probable prove fatal.! f4l i 1 JL , Jamca McLuughlm, a Florida farmer, while crossing swollen stream was apses' and carried down by the swift running current. Bo could not ewim but managea to eaten to a tree which he climbed and had to remain up tor forty-seven hours, until the water, had Jubaided. - Ti .t .'.i;k' J-a .ten K..X: tv.s iisoit.tr Case.ff " n, "Cii AELOTTB, K. C., Jan, , 1865. r The B. B. B. r ivnij h c?fine more foa I f r my kid. , .a. tl.an any let r 1. lia a.. n ia rpeedy, and it ia a i ne tnio. T. O. CaLLAHAN. ; 1 In Kew Berne by R. N. Duffy and i 1. koadowt. - . DEMOCRATIC CONTENTION Of UE50IK C0UITT. .. The Democrats of Lenoir county sembled in ooavantion at Kinston on Saturday, August 21st. The convenjUoo was nailed to order by J. W. Grainger, Esq., chairman of the executive committee, and W. 8. Herbert, of the Kinston Free Prw wat requested to act ae temporary Secretary. Tbe chair announced the object of the convention, and appointed thefol lowing committees: On Credentials: Henry Cunningham, J. Q. Jackson. D. G. Tavlor. E. P. Lof tin and Simon E. Hodges. On Permanent Organization: J. T Daly, B. P. Nunn, W. II. Sutton, son Harper and Shade Wooten. , Simp- On Rules: Dempaey Wood, E. 8. Rountree, W. Q. Taylor and Seth West. The committees retired, and during their absence the convention waa enter tained by short, pointed speeches from Messrs. N. J. Rouse, J. B. Uracil, J. C. Kennedy, Dr. II. D. Harper and others, The committee on permanent organ i zation submitted the following report For permanent chairman, J.W.Grainger; for permanent secretaries, W. O. Fields and R. C. Strong. The report was unanimously adopted . The committee on credentials reported every voting precinct represented. The following is the list of delegates handed to the secretary Kinston township J. U. Jackson, Leander Faulkner, J. A. Pndsen. Geo II. Rountree, Peter Phillips, B. F. Nnnn, U. W, Uummings, W. A. LaRoque, 8. 11. Rountree. sr., A. T. Hill. Dr. II. Tull, Dr. J. P. Bryan, W. B. Moye. Neuse precinct W. O. Tavlor. L. F. Smith and Jesse Holland. Moseley Hall Dr. J. M. Hadlsv. L. A. Ivey, Beni. F. Sutton, J. D. Walters, Levi Hill, Junius E. Sutton, Josiah Sutton, jr., 8. I. Wooten and Shade Wooten. Vance Henry Gray, B. L. liodees. D. U. Taylor and R. C. Hill. Woodington Joshua Dawson, E. S. Ford ham ,0. J. Johnson ,8. H. Humphrey and Simpson Harper. Trent A. H. Daly, T. A. Rouse. Ira Smith, E. Cavrnaugh, Alonao Rouse, W. C. 1 lines and Henry Cunningham. South West Beni. Janes, W. O. Lewis, James Brown, L. A. Robinson, W. II. Button and E. P. Lofton. Con tent nae Meek H. & Rountree, W. P. aabrt.lW. 8. Cox E. L.'Has. zelton and J. A. Williams. Fall ing Creek Wi L Herrlna. Joe. Darden, Dempsey Wood and 8. E. Hodges. Pink Uill-Geo. Turner, R. K. Noble, R. W. MoQowan and Lutson Stroud. Sand Hill J. W. Rhem, J. il. Avery and Seth West. Institute J. T. Daly, S. P. nardy, M. B. Creech, A. T. Dawson and J. II. Dawson. The report was adopted. The committee on rules submitted the following report: We the' undersigned, committee on rules, recommend the adoption of the rales of the House of Repreaentacivte of the State of North Carolina as the rules to govern the proceeding of this con vention, and that in tbe nomination of candidates for the various oounty offices, we recommond the two-thirds yule. Dr. J. P. Bryan moved to lay the re port on the table. Mr. E. P. Loftln moved to amend the report by striking out "two-thirds" and inserting "majority." The motion to table waa withdrawn. The motion was seconded and adopted. ..The report as amended was then adopted. Tbe chair announced that the first butineea in order waa the nomination of a candidate for the House of Represen tatives. -. There being sixry-three vote, thirty-two was necessary' to a choice. A. T. Hill, Esq. moved that none but delegates be allowed to participate In the VoteedfcK W" Mvvtation. ' ntt fCbnnbighefei knoVed" thai be ueiegnsee retire tor ooniuuauoa jected. Tnei'dhAirVdecUied. hominatioba In order- "Hi; Cunningham ''nominated M.' 1, qrayj Esq., which waa seconded by E. P. Ltetin, Esq j , :,,' Mvr. E. 8. Fordham nominated Mr. Joel K, Bines. Mr. Joe. Darden nominated J. Cl Kennedy, Eeq. Qeov Turner. Esq.. nominated J. W. artitagen' Mr Qraingery iaane;kt bit earnest request, waa withdbrawn H A ballot! was1 ordered1 and resulted: Gray. H, Kennedy ? Binea and & H. Rountree l. . The cnhlf dcLhei M. a. On f&otSoa of Dr. J. If., l&dley, the nomination of M. A. Gray, ; Esq., wat made vHa1P.Z?rJ 71UiS The chair anawnc4,theti the next boainent waa .the- nomlnttlseiof Can- didateftorahetlir: 'r 't? X& Cimni ISintr: Vmrt.J'WiAwmA (hat) tho rules .'be .'suspended, and 7.D. SaUon nomtnftted; for sheriff by helamatkMi. The motion was nnanlmounry' adopted and' J. D. Sutton 'waa dealared, ths noaninee. V i s. K'. .-, . lfeiwra, U J. Moore; LX Wi Wood) E. W. Diseell and U. H. ; Weeaen were placed in nomination for . Clark of the Superior Court. The fin4 ballet resulted : BiaseU 80, Moore 21, Wood 7, Wsoten 5. There being no eleotion, the chair or dered a second ballot, which resulted : Moore U, Wood I, BiaseU 38, Wooten 9, E. W. Biseell was declared the nomi nee, and on motion his nomination was made unanimous. Geo. L. Hodges and Frank King were put in nomination for Register of Deeds. The ballot resulted, Hodges 01, King 8. Geo. L. Hodges wat declared the nomi nee, and on motion hie nomination was made unanimous. Messrs. John T. Gray, C. A. Dudley, T. R. Rouse and Col. N. B. Whitfield were put in nomination for county treasurer. The ballot reeulied, Gray 36, Rouse 8, Dudley 4. Whitfield 12 and G. E. Miller 4. Jno. T. Gray was de clared the nominee and on motion bis nomination was made unanimous. Dr. J. K. Kirkpatrick was nominated for coroner by acclamation. E. P. Loftin waa nominated for county surveyor by acclamation. - Geo. H. Rountree, Esq,, moved that a committee be appointed to inform M. A. Gray andthe other gentlemen of their nominations. The motion was adopted and the chair appointed Geo. H. Roun tree, W. G. Taylor and E. 8 Rountree. Tbe committee performed their duty and brought in Mr. Gray, who in a neat and forcible little speech accepted the nomination and promised to do hit duty in the canvattt. The other candidate also came for ward, exoeptGeo. L. llodgm, who wan busy iwuing marriage licenses, and accepted the nominations tendered them. Mr. J. C. Kennedy, whoae nam u before tbe convention for tbe nomina tion for the House, oame forward to the stage and made a very earnest, patriotic little speech, promising to do all hie power for the Democratic party and the nominees of tbe convention. Mr. J. Q. Jackson, by request, intro duced a resolution requestihg the board of oounty commissioners to take steps to submit the question of sailing tbe county "a stock in the A. & N. C. Rail road to the people to be voted in the election in November. Vf, fi-iP- 5W$T,l?Tn calM gave bis views in regard to tne matter. He thought if there was any probability of leasing the road it was bad policy to sell; on the other band, if it was to be a politioal machine the connty ought to geid of her stock, and the sooner the better. The question being open for discus sion to all present, J. R- Usee) I, Esq., opposed the resolution as unwise. He did not want it made, an issue in the coming campaign. N. J. Rouse, Esq., also opposed the resolution aa untisneir ncwl hoped it would not be adopted. He thought the people were willing to leave the matter with the justices and county commis sioners. He thought tbe railroad qur s tion a daaierous, obi i A'tVHn campaign. Mr. J. M. Wooten thought the county stock1 bejonged. io tho' peoplt df.the county without regard to party, and he did not see anything wrong in allowing tle people to say what they wanted done with, and upon these grounds he favored tbe resolution. Mr. Cunningham said this convention was called together as Democrats to do a certain work. If they had completed that work, he moved to adjourn, A motion to table the resolution was carried, J and tbe convention, after thanking the officers for their services, adjourned. The convention waa largely attended and was the most harmonious we have ever seen assembled at Kinston. Probable Repiblicaa Candidates. KqtstoK, N. C, Aur.lst, 1886. Edrob JortoAX: Will yon state la the next issue of yonr paper that the following is the probable Republican tioket for Lenoir oounty tie year. - For Sheriff, B. In Taylor; foe Representa tive, W. J. Waters; for dork of Court, W. A. Coleman; for Register of Deeds, J. C. Carter; for Treasurer, Beni. Sut ton; for Coroner, Fteemad Ogiesby; for Senator, D,M, Stanton. The oounty convention wtuproDaniy be held about Sept, 13th.. . , 8. i... Wseaterfwl Car. . ,.. 0; Hoyt 9S TJo. wholesale and r tail, druggists of Rome, G,, say Us have been selling: Dr. King's Hew Die oovery, Electrio Bitten and Bucklea'i Arnica Salve for two years. Have never handled rasnedie that sell as well J or gfre ch;iiiveraal eattstao Uojk I There hate been, soma wonderful aura, affaoted- br. these snedicinee in this city. Several cwen; Of pronounced ConsuMipUoa bate, been entirely cored by nee of a tew nosuev ec wr sung-s New- Discovery,1 taken, Irr conaectjoa with, Eleotrio Bittern We guarantee twem always. Bold by Hanooak Bros. SjSli . i -i .Five bundred white boys and girls from 14 to SI years of age to learn cigar ette making. The Wort ir light and wry profitable to (nose woo are wsmng to arnly themselves diligentln : ' Address , W. Dun, Sows ft Ccs . auW taw4w wtt ' " Darnnm, K. C. i Australian Antarctic Xxplorations. MaxnovKNi, Aug. 19. The Govern ment has expreased its willingness so subsidize whaling vessels which might o raise in the Antarctic - regions in the interest of science, and has instituted inquiries in London aa to what sssenat of subsidy would induce owners of steam whalers to embark, na snob an en terprise. An BMlerprtelBC, BetteMs IHM, Hancock Bros, can always be relied upon, not only to carry in stock the best of everything, but to secure the Agency for such articles aa have well known merit, and are popular with the people, thereby sustaining the reputa tion of being always enterprising, and ever reliable. Having secured the Agency for the oelebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will sell it on a positive guarantee. It will surely cure any and every affection of Throat, Lunge, and 'Chest, and to show our confidence, we invite you to call and get a Trial Bottle Free. COMVlCLLL. Joubjial Ornox, Aug. 28 t P. M. OOTTOH. Hsw Yobs, Aug. 21. Futuiea closed steady. Bales of M.800 bales. August, U.13 February, U.88 September. 9.10 March. 0.40 October. U.16 April, D.M November, 9 10 May, 9.88 December. 9.21 June, 9.78 January, 9.29 July, 9.80 Spots steady, Middling U 5 1U, Low Middling 8 3-16; Good Ordinary 8 5-19. New Berne Market dull No sales. Middling 8 7-16. Low Middling H H 16 i.ikhI Ordiuary 7 7 16. oomKeric maitnvnT. Skki) oottok J2.90. Cotton Skkd flO.00. TusJTOTTJrn Hard, SI 00 dip, 11.75. Tab 75o.afl.8A. Oats New, 3&c. in bulk Corn o5a60c. Riou 75at(5. Bbbswax 15c. per lb. Bass On foot, 3c. to ec. Ooumtbt Hamb 10c. per lb. " Labo 10c. per lb. Koos 13c. per dosea. Fnnsa Pork tiato. per pound Pbajtots 60o. par bushel. FooDnn 75o.al.OO per huatdrort. Oinoss 50c. per barret. FtXLD Pias 65a70a. HroKft Dry, 10c.; green he ArTLXS SoaftOo. per bushel. PUAe 75o.e$l.M par Wank si. llotitT 85o. per gal. Tallow 5o. per lh. OBIOKKSS Grown, 80aS5o. , spring SOaSoo. MaAJy 70c. par boaheL Oats 60 eta. pet bushel. Tubmips OOo. per bushel. Ihuui Potatoes $2.75 per bhl. Wool lOalde, per pound. Pot ATOns Bahamas. SSaAOo ; yams, iOa&Oc. Kauoecsn Bio. Bbuous-West India, dull and n jm tnal; not wanted. Building. B Inch hearts, $3.00; saps, $1.50 per M. wbolxsulb pbiobs. Nsw Mnsa Ponx $11.50. BuouLDxn Meat 7(o. C. R.'s, F. B's, B.'s and L C -7ic. Floub $8.26a6.00. Labo 8o. by the tierce. Nails Basis 10's, $2.50. Suoajs Granulated, 61 o Com- 9allo. Salt 85a90o. per sack. MoLAsexfl AVO BTwert Males Powdeb $0j0O. Bhot Drop, $1.79; buck, e&00. Notice! Notice! Notice! Th ondciHtcned. havtns opened Gun and Locksmith KstabllabroeDt at kV. Q. CTTHBERTt MA- CHINK BUOra, ta proparod todoallelass of work on duns, Lorka. clo. Klrst-olasa work xuarantoed. Very rMpootrully, auill dwtf O. C. t'lAHK. Js, Notice. By order Board Commissioners of Craven County there will be a ne registration of the voteta of she oounty. junu.ru ntxtMN, sug24 30d Clerk. ' Notice. I will rent out at Pnblio Aaotion on the First Monday of September, at the Uourt nonsedoer, the roo atonse farm to the highest bidder, for the year losi lit order Hoard uommswnonera. JOSEPH NELSON, aug24 td Clerk. Husic School. ii- . . .. i Hiss FAIIBIK B. HTBipK of Marfroe invo, H. f,. trill span a MCaUC SCHOOL la Nsw Berne earty in Soptessber, for sar- ties lan apply at tbe wsldsaea of Ma iNa a BBU. . santidtf For FU Fk:I!:3. Oabbage. Kale, Splanoh attd Tarsrip Seedi .v t K. H. MEADOWS CO. aagStdw T School Notice. - an Ha uzzoa. toUvxs wtt! wsimwii neheot on ssoaTBiAT, BAFT, a, ssja, aa taj ywspoyoimn.j , wiwfii !S8chool IToUm.: ! A i aspett to open a Behoel at the Owe! e Oonre strwt oa tbo Uizta or smmM ntu PvMl rseolvra mwwi i ttooir elMiflnatioii ot tboQraded aokootnesa tk First to the Btxlh Otado.. Terms si.etpwawMith. ' ' aalSdM . Ma. atAJlT X. WXLUAJtS. Orcat n:ii::l!:a I A Ijuge Una or India Unems. Chsasi Main- sooks, Torcfcon. Mediet. farptlaa and krUo- cai Laeea. will be ottered at Marvetouslv Law Frteesat Little Store 'Round Corner. J.F.IVES, Middle 8traot. Oua doer rroa Potlaek. A FINE FloridaTonic. Mr. FOSTER S. CHAPMAN. 9 One of the landmarks ol the Georgia Drua trade now of OrUudu. FlorUla. wrtlea: i una uwvif MHBCi A COOP of the many to whom X have sold Oalaa'a Ploaeer Blood Xuhwii, bo who. hove boon ouaeod, and I nud 11 the beat remedy fur all Bklii Lnaeoet-e I hAve evei aoki, aad a flue KlondToulr. -Kosrr.B a chapman, OrUndo.yi." A r.rt4M Care for CaSatrk. A SLPERB FLESH PtODlCEl 1KB WIC. Uulaa'. Plou.er Blood E.MWtr Cures all blood uU Skin Dlaaaaaa, BhaaBaa- lUm, Scrornlu, Old nort-i. a perfect Burtag If not Id your market It wUI o fuiaaidsd oa revelul ol unco Hmall UitLlaali lUr lu tl.75. Kaaay on humkI and Hbln msessei malrad free. M1C0I KEDICIKE COMPUT, Xuoi, B&. For sale, wholesale and retail, br B. N. DtiKFY, New Berne, N. C. augio awiy tak root rataUxr Mr ttie OrlstasJ it Beware oflsalaVtCiaa. na Ueaaiaoaa .JAMES IXSANV 83 SHOE. . I Uad la BnrjOqmai S lasa. taw. Oatr Ma. vaeaeauM m I aa wW Wtaa jo tntx in 1MB BOW M Ml HIV MOT rata aaoe tawds klslMr tot jm Waarar than aiiT (Mbr In the wor vaewearu wuiMurvu Uicroaaua h job aak Pkaaa, Howard & Jones, Sole Agents for New Berne, N. C. aii(16 dw NEW BERN GRADED SCHOOL, MC&SION OF 1I-V. PHOF. UEOW1E W. NEAL, Principal. The lit xt l-w-mlon ol thla Hcbool will bo opened und or the an.plrt a of lh Trail Mm of tike Mew Hem Anadowy, Monday, Sept. 13th, 1886. Ttie rrlnclpal wllbe ubly aaSl.led by a norrai of eompetrnt teachers. It la the mironaaW the rnli 1 1 i 1 1 1 . a.l.T od by the liberal rontrlbuaoa) of olUienS of n.w wra, to (XJPrriRl'K the School rnKK OK TUITION to children of BORA riD;cltl Mtniarths Klfrhth Hcbool lMstrk-f of Craven oooaty. Tboee from lryond will be charted as bere- lofore. By ordxr of 1 1 , Board . W. Mm WATHUM, nitd Beo. and Traas. .1. TTRiPT.TTw' ii FiSECSULE BOUT LTD S jupR, Caxbajuk IOnalowCo,K.C, This is to oertify that J3. HcHfUy has made me two pair otheotiwf AnosJ tty, excellent fit and -very dnrahie. I take pleasure In patroneinad reoora aaending to all whe saay eall en hiss in hie line of buinese, ae being worthy of Mr. MoSorley wishes to tntorrn the stock of pninn quality of boots aM shoes. saade on the shortset notion., end I nnteeea fit. Your order is respeoUatly solicited. jy Please To Tako Hptice That the HaUonal Bank Kliltdtnt; is sown darcolaw repairs, and Surraai that ttaastls boalneee win be carried on aa asoaL at tne rnw non bojoidibw ueo, alwS asar'at. l"rc. ... J. A. Otrrow, May si. ism. faldvr Bock Lime. .j.i: Plaster, i CemcntSj'";. 1 Ocit Hair. ' 1 vi Ml3 WKflU j cxikXT.n STi: :.' i ItHew driers ' fr-rn mm lane n. II sa1C va w .aim 1 1 I sj ii m sannaw.. at n - sv rsaaoe tnai ne net now tww an Bootmakers employed, .nee a tne very best material, and can tne verr best - .