. . :. '- - ' if - - - ' " " ' r . r ., - , , - . . X r y .. Jim u f - 7 . -:u - , 1 .r f VOtj&teyyi ti&? ajJEW ; - - i j.vi-" I- f ' " i' " -- tVnraUl nUtata! llwmt. : steSOHS Wtude;7?rw.t.! Sua rise. 9.28 I Length of day. 1 . Sub mu, 8:38 1 19 hour. 18 minutes. BU8WESS X0CAL8. ' . I r. - - j j ftm'ATiOM, Waktid. A fwUemu J2iiLa liar cooaid rble xperieooe m i merohaut desires a situation in a dry jrooda atora. l willing to work fot . uadarata pay. Vof (unbar ioforma tioa apj; f Iqukmal oifloe. Foa.iMT.Tte UU1 houae on South oxa atreet. Apply to i A. Mjcadows. VJUthkif Baita at 11.00, Mmmer neck wear-lN'nite Lawn Dade hove. Sunt met Underwear, Tennia Shirt , Plaited Poeoas Bhirta. Tourwt Bags, etc., at ,'.-'- IlOWAHD & JOHKS. Tickets, er the lecture touinlit i maaia a Meadows' drug atore. Bemeaniar, the lecture tonight by Rev, Arthur Millard at the rooms of the Y. M.t3. A! XVocua) wore beoru Uto Mayor yr jtM for fatit driving and one for eeping a hog within the city Hunts. They were discharged upon payment of cost. The Motion of the Ropublican oonven Mom at Klaxton ha considerably mud d,)o4 things in the Il&hn and Htiuison faetioaa of this county. Tlist ond of he'bo'nyention that admitted the delo gatea elaetad by tbe Htimson uepubii cansnoininaied I. B. Abbott, who was (JMMri cMice of thMIahn Repnbii tfjtn& that enl o(ha eoaiUoo llbaUad (at delegate elected by UMMHbAi fiepttblioaus, nomiaated fl'QMK)l9 WM ne eecond choice of m tfumioa ICepubilcani. in tne mean &d'thr'alltl ticket of Craven is , y ' a ' . , - i- .i sm tin f in Docauau ii is uiu yrv- pjea ticke TM tilr. liar. Mr. Millard will deliver ono of bis , interesting leoturos toniKht at the rooms of the V. Vf. O A. Hubject: "riir Walter Soott." Ladiofl and gentluruen will find this a pleasant and enjoyable entertainment. The hour of opening, 8 o'clock. The price of admittance will palft cents for adults; children under 13 years old, 15 cents. i be In Tim. A man in this oily of keen poroeplion ays he notices that men who keep livery stahlus are very popular and art taken as candidates more frequently than any other profession of the day- This being so and w lulling to be in lias for the campaign of 1888 he pro npesa lio.gO into that business on n aomo wHit etfcnslve scale and is now no aaiUlaMrig stock. lie has bought a second Vand eurry comb. i Wlliirhl OU Clr4 Umm. 7, Anoo the 'colored excursion iU in New Berne from Washington oame Muitaphar,. one of the most romakablc negro In. the State. The late John Lng, of Washington, bought him forty fyfYV frem -6hadw ej, yl I ha Ui thea flfty-fowr years old. IrtAa nlw: going in Ms ninety -ni4th ymri H renjeaabers distinoUy vfce " greaf August storm t)f ' 1T98. He - spent . the most of yesterday with his old mlimtt&M& bh" a.Xo.g. sg., and rstamsd cheerful and happy aabeaeth) fftotniag.. a JXAIfe I?er AtsAnvt Imnps. I6lihoil8unl,'5ol., wa before Jwatloe ferWllitl yMftefflat 'CharKd with ga atTTmpt trJoonmfi rape Vw tAtra Dun- i, . j Mini ,ru;t uvt A m, - r (j w Iff J , jCinetiet4 and ; W. Er Clarke 1 fr thf a4aat . 0o 31. , f ybits for the proeecuUoo. . c.a ! ,r After hearing the is, J wai rea - unael that thr4etetdant bare- .ed to'gtvft bond for his appearaaoe i uhaext Urm'oflha ftrperior Oooit xf war (Mm chasge of an Msault upon usour mha aity , 4 Oa bvoin, of y ,ta Epubllcns hf . Jpne ( egl 4atro henerev .is:- cr.ff e!"-k of the Bo peri or Oonrl at Onslew '- ' -tt t. V i"" irl i Ja os is in the e Jr. ' k.jsuu . r.'Honr CaaaJy o Onslow is hi the " CrsLara RiohsrdidB," Esq., tbe-oer- gLiic firmer ef BelUIr plantalk5( h8r T'm.h GrcT ert'T drlTr "c r fe streets yesterdsy aad ciainaan y r.i!.l.of waj. , . - -s. TTsrt- rtnn Eryin, C." E. Tof t : i : -ment at- "f t--?3rn4 lact r !"U .' -' rtsteCc'-.vflion atr.J i - n waa olect4 f ' rroan f t' 1 -3 i cf vet. ,gty iiviy. atagaWa an' frtcgalanu ? Qnr Kiaaton oorreepondsnt speaks of the delegates who 'nominated I Abbott for Congress, -at the Kinatua convention on Wednesday, as the 'kreculars'1 and those that nominated O'Hara as the'tenlaM. w To one who was present and looking on it was hard to - tell which was the regular and which the irregular. True, the O liars, wing had the chairman of the executive committee with them, but unlike the King, he can do wrong. When he re fused to proceed with the business ef the convention because the delegates od everybody elee refused to clear the hall at his bidding, the convention had no other alternative but to put someone in the chair who would proceed. It ill not do to recognise the right to use such arbitrary power, even in a Repub lican convention, as was attempted by Watson on this oocasion. Of course he had tho right to requett the delegates and spectators to retire, but if they ro- luaed to obey in requeet there was nothing left for him to do but to pro- oeed with the business of theconven tlon. We ore not acquainted with the rules and regulations of tho Republican organization, bdt oommon softse teaches that a temporary chairman of a political gathering ia not invested with the powers of a military dictator. atprovuuMHis Akoat the Uf. Mr. J. A. Meadows is erecting a hund some oiuce near the corner of Houtu Front and East Front streets. Litinibor nns boen collei-ted tor repairs to the cotton platform. The new wharf of tho Nouso ami Trent Utver Btoamtwst Uo. is complete, and is ono of the best on our water front. The new dwelling of Clement Manly, Esq, , on East Front street, is nearing onmplotion. It in a handsome building and most admirably arranged for com fort and convenience. New awnings have been built to sev eral of the brick stores at tbe foot of Middle street. The grass on tho nidowulk in front of the Presbyterian church yard has boon removed and tho wulk put in splendid condition- Engineer Cosby, of tho Neuso and Trent line, is builJine n new residence on Nouso street. Mr. I!. Ii. Ihivonport Iihh laid the foundation for a new dwelling on Uio northwest corner of Pollock and (ieorga streets. U. H. Lehman, Knc.., haa.purrhaaed the Hohlaclitur property on the south east corner of Pollock and Ooorgo streets, and is preparing to erect a handsome dwolling. Mr. Hnelling is creeling n storo on Pollock stroot hctneon Metcalf and George. Mr. 8. R. ft t reel, jr., ib eroding a nice dwelling on Pollock atreet between Hancock and Metcalf. Mr. I.. II. Cutler bus repaiated his line dwelling on the corner of Hancock and Pollook and added n bath room. Mrs. Mary lloath has made ropairs to her dwelling on Pollock street. A new dwolling has been erected on the corner of South Front and Eden streets. ; ' I ' . " Tho paint brush has improved the ap pearance of buildings on George street between Broad and Neuse. St. Peters Church yard on Queen street hoe been onoloeed by a neat fence. Mavcsaenta f O. D. a. a. C.e ataa- era Te-afar, Steamers Shnandoa)i and Newberne arrive this a. m. Steamer Shenandoah aits for Elizabeth City and Nags Head at 4 p. m. Steamer Nevberne sails for Washington at 8:80 a. m. Are BubllMt Editor JotnuiALf We notice an ai- tiole in your 'paper of August 12th, headed "a reaolutioa that was rejected, " whlon we aax tpaee ao reply to, as we think it reflect! upon us and not to re mind 700 of the omission of the resolu tion, as the writer would ha va us to be lieve. Tbe writer says that the resolu tion waa ''aimed t eertaln delegates who stated that ther would not support eertaln oandidatea. in ease, they-ware nominated, and certain - delegates who were known to be EepubUcaa, or who advocated Badioal doctrine. It waa in tended to bind eertaln, Democrats who had no fixed political principles above eelf, end who would holt if their man was not nominated." We did assert that we would not support oerUin can didates if they were nominated. And are we who have always voted the Demooratio ticket to be called Republi cans simply for asserting our right to vote for who we pleased? ; Do we advo cate Berjublioan doctrine when we ad vocate voting for principle and not for party r nave , we , no - nxea poutioai principles when we -have never bast a Republican vote? If certain oandidatea had received a majority of the . totes cast at tbe primaries, this resolution would not nave been tntroduoedj . ,, v ... . ,: DgLBOATBSi ''; RaekJea's A rata atv4 ., 'Th Ebpt Sal vi , ia the world for Case. Lniiees. Sores, Ulcere, 8ai I henra. Fever Borp. Tetter, Charped ! -r- XCLUMaSr.s, C-rna, and ail fckin ! - ' -ma, and !-- :w!y envee fUm. " - teed r " ' "" 'ao L -ey r i. i i j cents J i,t Ui. l st sti lj itAbcocA Lros, If BEBNE. I.,Ct FRiDAY, AUGUST 27, 1886. The dood t Mandalay, Burmah, has rendered fifty thousand people home less. t (i Henry Irving, the English actor, has been sued by a Brooklyn playwright, who claims that Irving has one of his A large delegation of railroad and steamboat managers and ticket agents are at Fortress Monroe in a three days' convention. " Scientists have discovered that at the present wearing away of the rook at Niagara falls, within 3,300 years it will all have disappeared. The water supply of the greet city of London is becoming insufficient. A proposition to get it from the mountains of Wales is being considered. The keeper of a convict camp near Lumpkin, Ua., says that among tbe eighty-six negro convicts, thirty-five are preachers, and all are members of the church. Wednesday, September theMst, in stead of August 28th, as formerly re ported, has been definitely settled upon as the time for the race between Hanlan and Courtney on Jamaica Bay over three-mile course for a purse of 12,500. It seems that they have become friends again as they are said to have spoken and shook hands at Rocaway the other day for the first time in three years. An exchange tells of a man by the numc of Robinson who was short sighted and wore spectacles. In going down the street one day he accidentally trod on the foot of a pretty young ladv 'Awkward fellow," said she, "don't you see r And you wear spectacles, to." Robinson smiled sweetly, as he contemplated the injured member. "1 beg your pardon," said he, "but should need a microscope to see your foot." We suppose it is needless to say that it was granted. Since the release of Cutting, as far as he is concerned, no further trouble is anticipated with Mexico. The case of Arresuree has not yet been settled, but no doubt will be, as Secretary Bayard has said from the beginning. If the hot-blooded Texans oould have had their ysy the United States would haye been plunged into war today, but our cool and wise government did not so see At, and, what might not have been a war with Mexico alone, has been avorted. It is difficult to foretell what will be tho outcome of the present disturbance in Central Southern Europe. It seems that the action of Alexander, Prince of Bulgaria, a province lying on the north of TurKey, have not been hi concert with apportion of his subjects, as well as some of the more important powers. Dispatches announce that tbe Prince was taken unaware from his palace in Sofia at midnight by a Russianized egiment of oayalry and carried away to a place called Reni on Russian terri tory. While this teems to be in accord with a large number of Bulgarians, yet the majority of the populace have risen p and declared their adherence to Prince Alexander. A second provis ional government has been set up with headquarters at Tirnova, tbe former capital, with M. . Stasbulaff as Presi dent. He has summoned the Bulgarian militia to service and will proceed to rescue the Prince, and escort him back to Sophia to be replaced upon the throne. Secretary Bayard to Governor Ire land. Austin, Tex., Aug. 23. Secretary Bayard baa written Governor Ireland that, from the re port of our Consul at Pied rase Kegrass, it appears that all the acts which constitute kidnapping in the Arreeurasease were committed by the officers.? IV NfTertek aunty. Team IX It anouia apear tnat Mondra- gon or nnj other Mexican instituted M crj tne w American tide fraudulent or deoeptive pro ceeding-, eonetitnUng under the lawa of .Texas, kidnapping, a case may possibly be presented for n demand on Mexico for the extradition of tbe otlend. era. - Cutting Doesn't &a)oiee In freedom ElPasav Tex., August 83. Cutting reoeivad notice of his prospective free dom in a very gloomy manner, sayuuq that now thai the Mexican Government i . going to tarn him loose in thisi manner, he did not see how he would be paid for his - imprisonment. Consul Brighate, who '.was: present, ensured him that that would make no difference! in his claim for, damages,, for though! tne jaexican uovernment mignt now release him they would still be com pelled to pay for hia illegal iurprison- ment, as one of the holiest rights of an American oiur.en . aad been violated in his person. This seemed to cheer the prisoner", and he informed the Consul that he wanted $10,000 indemnity. The Mexican Consul eooffi at the Idea thai Mexico .will pay any indemnity. - . 11 i .ii i I ii km ,jVr.-;,.7 ' Railroad Collision. ;,- Battlx C&exx, Mich., Aug. 14,Thk mom in (r, six miles west of bore,'- a fre'-Mtrsta collide with a paesenget traa on tbe l'ich:r"n Central railroad. Two porters were badly injured t Two Wayners crmcbe teleeooped three freight cars Ironed with lumber and salt and went d -iwn a forty foot bank. A defective air-treek caused teacci' Kins ton Items. Mark Cecil, infant eon of W. T. Oast, was tax en suddenly sxck last alonday end died in about an hour after he was taken, it is supposed of eongeetion of the brain. i Col. L. W. Hamnhrev. of Qoldabore. was among the "visiting statesmen"' at the Republican Cxmgvsational oonven tion here last Wednesday. He is power ia nominating conventions. Otis Griffin, eon of E. M. Griffin of this plaoe, about eight years old, oame very near being drowned while playing on a Manx over dees wall in the Km eton parx last weanesday. tie was taken out or tbe water net la time to save nfe. lnoctea parties are learning eOw to circumvent grand lurers in the matter of indictments. They colleague with witnesses and make friends with com plainants, who, on getting in the grand lury room, -suppress facts or suggest falsehoods as inclination disposes them. The delegates to tbe Republican oon vention at Kineton last Wednesday commenced pouring in on the evening of the 33d, and by night of the 24 in every available house in the town was occupied. The boarding-house of Wiley Lowery waa soon overnowingiy full. wane the Hotel de Hunter, Singleton s Metropolitan House and the Hotel Lin cola en the European plan drew all the patronage they ceuld aooommodate There was Some delay in- securing i place for holding the convention, but at length Fisher's Hall being obtained, the delegates repaired there and "opened the ball." The irregulars organized at one end of tbe hail with Irank Duncy at cnairman and nominated Israel K Abbott of Craven county as their candi uaxe ror lougrees Mr. Abbott was present, accepted the nomination and declared himself a oandidate. This set then left the hall, whereupon A. M. Watson, chairman of the Republican executive oommittee of tbe 2d Congree sional district called the regulars to or der and proceeded with the business of the convention. J. E. O'Hara was uom inaled for Congress who accepted the nomination. Thus there are two He publican candidates in the field in the 3d district with sufiicient Republican majority in the district to make the con test interesting and close, it being un derstood a Democratic candidate will be nominated - The progress of the business in the Superior Court has been retarded to a considerable extent by the trial of the case of ritate vs. Job L. Stroud and Sam'l Howard for hog stealing. If be lieved, the state witnesses were very damaging to the defendants, but in the progress of tbe testimony it came out by confession uiat many or them were hog thieves themselves, while some of them had such bad character otherwise as to make their testimony unreliable and difficult for a jury to credit. The jury haye ben kept together since their empanelmentand last Wednesday morn ing returned a verdict of guilty as to both defendants. After this ease was given to the jury, the case of tbe State vs. A. slaughter and Purk Nunn for as sault and battery upon Joel R. Bines 1 1 i i i i i wasoaueu ana a jury secured, i it. Ford ham wae introduced as a State witness. The defence objected to bim as being an infidel, but after examina tion the court admitted the evidenoe. The defendants were charged with an aggravatedcase of assault and battery. Dr. Ford ham testified that when he saw Hines one of his ribs was broken, an other fractured and one of his eyes was bruised. Tbe complainant, Hines and a colored witness, both proving good character, said the defendant Nunn got out of the buggy and kicked complain ant nines while be was in tne sou me with Slaughter. The defendant Nunn swore he did not kick Hines at all, and the defendant Slaughter, admitting the battery, also swore that Nann did not kick Hines. The jury returned a yer dictof guilty as' to Slaughter and not guilty as to Nunn. The oase of W. H . Wnitneid lor mansiaugnter in tne kill ing of J. J. Boilers last winter was taken up last Wednesday. The defend ant was acquitted, the jury agreeing without leaving the box. General Joseph E. Johnston. St. Louts, Aug. H The reports which reached here from Washington to the effect that General Joseph E. Johnston is dying in this city are incor rect. The General arrived here yester day from the West on private business. He has been suffering from a slight attack of malarid fdr several days, bat wax so far recovered today aa to take a drive about the city and attend to his business. China Keeping an Eye on Russia. London. Auk. .Despatches from Tientsin say that the Chinese Govern ment has decided to despatch troops to the netKbborbood of Port Lazsrsf,aa a precautionary measure against the re ported design, of- Russia tor seise that place. , r-s- T Wenderfal cr. - W. ft. Hoy ft DoAtwhohMale enf re tail druggbtr or RGtae. - On,, nay f We have been selling Dr. Klxi'sW'le'Dis oovery, Electrio Bitters and Bucklen Arnica naive for two years. Have never.. handled, remedies that sell as weil er gtve such universal satisfac tion; There have been some wonderful curea effected! by these medicines in this city Several ease of pronounced Consumption have been entirelycured by nee of nfsw bottles -of Dr, King's New Discovery, taken : in connection with Electric1 Bitten.. We guarantee them always. Sold by Hancock Bros. .Five hundred white. hoys and kirb from 14 to SI fears of age to learn oigar ette miking. The work is light and very profitable to- those who are willing to apply thenwlves diligently." -?l-k' A d dress W. DuxV Bora Ci,1 au20 2aw4w wit Durham, N..CV ' ! An aaiari-utnx Kalians Haaoock Bros, aad always relied pan, not only eejca in sftoefcAn best of everything, but to eeeuie, the Agency for such" articles as hava weil-' anown mem, ana, are popular with the peopie, tnereoy en taming the repttn- Hon or oaing always enMrpTwaew, ever reliable. Havinx oeoanad I Agency for the oeiebrated ( King, v New Discovery for Coatfamntion. wiM en n on a positive guarantee, it win surely eure any and every affection of inroei, icings, and Uneet. and to show our confidence, we inyite you to oail ana get a trial Hot Us tree. Mr. Gladstone s Speech at Chisel- hurst. Ixindum, Aug. 88. Mr. Uladstons, in i address delivered af Chteelhurst to day, naid he would continue to struggle fur the restoration of happiness to Ire land. British prejudice against Ireland, ne declared, was rapidly disappearing, ah authorities agree," be continued. "that the relations of the two countries axe miserable, far as the Irish was con cerned , and the honor of England re quired an immediate settlemeat of the Irish question. " I know of a man near Maxey 's, Ua. , w ho for ten or twelve years was almost a solid sore from bead to foot. hor three years, his appearance beinsr so horribly repulsive, he refused to let y one see him. Tbe disease, after eating his Hetth, commenced on hia skull bones, lie tried all doctors and medi cinex wiuiout Denetlt. and no one thought he could possibly recover. At last be began tbe use of B. H. B.. and after using six bottles, his sores were ali healed and he was a sound man. lie looks just like a man who had been burned to death and then restored to life. The best men of the county know of the case, and several doctors and merchants have spoken of it as a raoet wonderful case. John Craw roup, Druggist. Athens, tla. Hold in New Berne by K. N. Duffy and K. H. Meadows. COMMERCIAL. Journal Ornox, Aug. 80, I P. M. OOTTON. New Yohk, Aug. 25. Futures closed steady. Hales of 1 10,400 bales.: August. 9. 10 February. 9.38 September, 9.11 March. 9.48 October. 9.11 April, 9.50 November, U i;t Hay, 9.W December. 9.17 June. 9.00 January, 9.25 July. 9.74 Spots steady ; Middling 9 1-4. Low Middling 8 1-8; Good Ordinary 8 1-4. New lierne Market dull. No sales. Middling 8 3-8; Low Middling H 18 liood Ordinary 7 3-8. DOnUfld IHAaTnnT. Skkd OOTTON 5f2.90. OoTTON Skid $10.00. TpnpxNTWS Hard , tl.00; dip, 11.75. Tax 75o.all.86. Oatst New, 85c. in bulk. Corn OSaftOc. Riox 75a85. BXXSWAX 15c. per lb. Bnxr On foot, 3c. to 6c. OoTJNTrBT Hahb 10c. per lb. " Lahd lOo. per Ib. Eoos lio. per doten. Fiusbb Pobk 41a6o. per pound Pxaxuts 50o. per bushel. Foddxb 75c.aSl.00 per hundred. Oxioxt Wo. per barrel. Fikld PnAS-6a70c. Hnn Dry, lUc.; green 5o. Appi8 a&aOOo. per bushel. Pears 7fio.aXl.2Q per buRhel. Honiy 85o. per gal. Tallow 5c. per lb. CHIOXXNS Grown, 30a.H5c. . aortas 30eS0o. Mxal 70c. per bushel. Oats 50ots. per bushel. TukNlrt 50c. per bushel. Irish Potatoes 83. 75 per bbl. WOOL lOalfto. per pound. WH0LX8ALX nUOSS. Mxw Mxae Ponx 111.50. Bhovldkb Mxat 7ic C. R.'s, F. B's, B.'s and L. C 7ic. FLOtrx t3.85a6.00. Laxd 8o. by the tierce. Nails Basis 10's,$3.50. Suoar Granulated, ftjc Coffee ttal lo. Salt 85a00o. per sack. MOLiBBXg and Otxcts tOnHo Powdxx 5J0. Shot Drop, $1.75; back, $2.00. Oatee Xceratary A Treasarer Buid Trustees itw Berne Lx&mj. A RMVlar Meetlnn of tha noard of iTnstees of New Berne Aoademy will be ueiu av vn mnw 01. we treaiaenc, rru UAY AFTURNOON. AuciMt t7th. at XIVX o'clock. W. M WATHQlf. Sao. Treas. HoUce! Notice! Hoticc! The andeislgned, titvlng opened a Gun and locksmith KstabitsbmsBt at aV a. ncrKSKtern ma- CHINK 8UOP8.1S prapared to do all elaam oi wor on uunt, jjookb, five. Ftrst-etaas work guarmatsed.' Very respeetfully, .auJldwtr UiO.Cl.AKK.Js Hotice, I wiU rent out - ex Pnblio Auction on the First Monday of September, at the Court Bouse doos, the Poor House farm to the highest bidder, for the year 1887 . By order; Board Commissioners. '"- JOSEPH NELSON, ' hugUtd ' - f- Cleri.; Mw t.i ii . ..I i Ha. i ... i -ni 1 u. Mtsa FAKHIX, 8. MTJUOK ef, Musarses- bro, ,Tj arm even p. MXOaOL 8CBOOU tn Kw .Beeoa vMly thSSMneerv 'Xge.'pax- uratareappir at tte-resUeaee et MnV JSOL angatdtf . NO. 128. Crest n:d-:L':3 ! A Large Llue'of Iadla Uaeaalokae .alaia eooks. Torchon, af edict, Egyptian and Orien tal Laoes, will be otferad at "- 1 - I Pries at Little Store :Eound.Cciaer. J. F. I7IX MiddUC One door rues PeUoefe. Notice. by order Board CnmmUaM .i Craven County there wfJT he a new registration of the voters of she srjwnty. aug4 30d clerk. For Fall Planlfrs Cabbage. Kale, Hpinaoh and Tannap Seed rJ. H. MEADOWS CO. uugVl dw School Notice. Ueoitc uroci ou Die xiiiu at SvptasalMx ueii. Pupils roived aeordlB to Uialr claaUAoaUou at the un.lrd Hchoul fraaa Uia KlraitotliH Hiilh iJiaJp. leruia : uo pnr uioulb. aulCJid MHM.MAKY .. WILUAXH A FINE Florida Tonic! Mr. FOSTER S. CHAPMAN,' 'tit me landiiiBilii oi UieGaorila Drua iiMle, now of Orlando, Florida, writes: "1 mn liardJy soluot a stasle eaae ( ih lUHuy lo whom 1 have aold Oulaa PIob.m niaa XtHau, iiui wiial have been auilgritMl, and I tlud u Uiu tHt ramedy (ox all ISfeln liRaea I havevi aolu, aa4 a Vine Hori.lu ToiiK-. KOMTKK H CHAPMAN, 'urlando, ria." ;a Certain Tar ror Caterrh. M PERB FLESH PIOMCKR AND TOMC. Ualaa'a Ploaaar niae XtaSMwar ?urtiHll IIWmkI and Hkln I H Ul....... llm, Mrnifula, Old torr-. A natfert HnrTu aTmllrlne w " If uol In your nitrkal II will ha IhmnUI on rwi-1 j, i . f ,r;,-.- hinall lx . u lee II OU: lane 1.71 Kaaa) hi IiIimkI and Main Mi flee. I mallud MiCON MEDICINE COxtfAlT, Isxcd, 61. For sale, wholesale and N. Dt'K'Y,New lieine, N. augl i dwJy reUil, by R. C. uk you. rotailnr fnr ih OrlsiaaJ SS iMnrar or imitaiiooa. Xasa Ueaalae aatoas aoariastaAa -if JAMK8 RXKAhI S3 SHOE. Xadfln HMtoaeaenaaSLeea. JJ txia- ww, vaaaoauaa ia oraaoa. a pawMnHi a wlU Btias aaa laaMaa- ana JJ"jJJjJJT aSaaajsaj. Tata ahoa - litiaai I ITmn than anv othar la tha waa waac win tan urn moraawayoi HatMah Howard fe Jones. Sole Axanta for New Berne, N. O. angl5dw NEW BERN GRADED CCUCCL, SKkSION or 1 -. PEOK. QEORGS V. N.kAJkf ncis)ei. . ... J tci. i '. v n Latev edej 1 The, ne sejalop, of ocaool wuve opeaev ubrWTlie-aiiVttWrrrileiatWtitf tlWwrifAWflor.VX-.' .3 oil UiiUi, the PTlnclMl Will be ablv aaalaleJl a a eovaa'-of owopeteai tehcherr." edby Ine UbenieonMbultanaaC ejtlesaeoi Mew Bern, to COITTIXDK lbs sMeebl rxJCK or n'ltioj to ehMren or bosia vta stav ens qj the Eighth School District of Cravaa eooaty. Those from beyoDa will be eharsed as Bjeve torore. By order of the Board, W. it. WATSOH, angltd Bee. aad 1 J. HcSOELET. FmohBLE m 111 im um POLLOCK BT.,NEWBEE3t,',llf.''ttw Cathaxikx La xx, Oa&wbL'it.bll This is to certify that J. MerWla via made me two pair of boots of Ane quel y , aavajuans iii una, vmrf emuMevM f take pleasure in DatroniMnwaaHl raaaawa. mending to all who may call on kim k na une o, Dusinees, as Mint; weru v b oonHdenoe. . , Cdas. Dcttt. i. tblio that he has now two Jtrst-ri wtBiikers emnloved. tu s awv s the very bestmateraU, and oxn pxttvp the very beet euelity of beotx ae4 tbo-n, made on thaihortest notice, tn ir-r. ".rr n v eor order is r Snti0itSdi''i' . WAm ' - That the Natlorlal Bank Hull ' i i eoiwmna ranalra. and arn, i t , tn,nea wni be earried mmi Store adjoining Gee. AUa I w . . .A.GI I "I 11 l"WH II WdiVVC It Vs. .ivx. 1 1 a a r f "N. ratu,,!

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