- T ' ' - - " ..... r. I cello?;: VOL. Vsr-v & -r-'' ? - - yEWiBEBiE NCUDAY; AUGUST 29, 1886, NP.13,0. m - ';- f". -. v r r ..V, X Jaraal rUtatre Asanas, v?' ' New Terne, latitude, '856' Forth, Ada sets, 6Ut 1 18 hours, 19 minute. Moon rite et.lSa amli , !-; ' ' - ATI wiAtt Painting, i Having tfored otaarj drawing and painting, notice m hereby given thatotftotejtua'eattf wfU otakea at my atudK.,at.U)e Baptist Parsonage, in tructim n ill be Biyan in DrawinA and Painting in Oil and Water .ooiors; Oav ' "-ewlii rtrom nod all and from Life- - i 8011 tife, aid b thaTrinci ple' v t Jinical Drawing; iAIao Lustra PaidwaaMtwaar TJoeorative works, for wbica orders are. solicited. K5" JjMCiXt a .aBOrning of Ant 'Ti w: Between tne poBWJiuoe ana the Trorer of the A. & . OTKrS.TV"Ach or four (4) key, via; Two (djapapattod Tale lock keys; oae (1) oonnUiud Yaie Jock key; one (1 routyi beat or desk key. The finder will be rewarded by learrng the eaine at the general office of the A. & N. C. K. B. , - ' ug28dtf SmjATipK Wanted. A gentleman who baa' considerable experieaee as a meroaaati deairea aitaaUon -te a dry goods etore. Ie"wftltng to work for moderate ,W. For,, further informa tion apply t Journal omce. F(Mk aUlir j The Hill house on South Front street." Apply to augSOtf J. A. Mbadows. Rajing Snile at 11.00, summer neck wear. White Lawn Dude Bowa. Bum mer ynderwear. Tennis Shirts, Plaited BoaomJghirta, Teatrast Bags, etc., a " i Howard & Jones'. WktAsUlsns 'axe becoming source but the seappernong grape is coming to fill their places. EememhW the lecture at the Y. M. U. A. reeaM somerrow nfght. It will be worth hearing. Notjoa iagiren that 1. B. Abbott will appear at the' Frog Pond on Monday tueaorrow night and explain hb posi tion.vr j We are reqveeted to state that dete gateaU khe Jadicial ooaventioa tone held ITWeiaerZ pext.Thiraday will be iaaaiJ r IVe? lOada at rednoed fare. The ooenty bpard of edaoation. will meet ia this cityen the Brat Monday in 8erekVY BRJe1 one of the regalar meetings provided by law and will be one of idfpdrtaaae to this eohools of the oouaty. - ri Tlfahn -pablioaBi ar -4n doabt aa to whigh -eaadidateforf Chwigreaa te tie on to? Abbott was the cjhoioe of their eoafitlA', tmt' b ' a .pon nateJfVcoaTeaUon 'which ad mitted the iineoa - delegate. If AbtMtTY,'2he 'Cegaler nominee, then Btlmaon 'Ur'Yhfl regular nominee for sheriff. i- A eaf'wsir.r" Priti At fctoent meeting of the di roc tori of thliaUonalJ&k ia thie cHy, Mr. Oeo, Hubert elected aasltUnt eaehleT.ijr Roberts' long aorTlces as teller in'tha iaatitatton has well jjaali fiedhtafcrpealt'km. . - L.Tallcau left, fojrne North yeeter daj f dfel'jio'l ittiQMe; ol pnrthaaiag a large stock of dry goods and clothing. He promleei te surprise the natives with Ber.Xt. Vaasleturned laet night' from afifefl 5?fi'j hfl !bath;chfn-lh of FayetteyUle, Prasbrterf Ml trip nrr WuntM'- W-t4 """WW WWWtHi Morehet IJM fr4ih mM1 si wUl rUiofseAJMWraarob todsr,, af?s . ita.nttfw,.ra9 ' Chrk 'riaaWL'dst Sector. teothB- AarVatTttBllyP1 tSorVloei . at 11 , m. and 8f p. m.r Sundaj School at p l. rTho fxihliovM alwajs In-'id hluke part ft'OeiW rfoes c stoTtih,tftliAriiwyi at the do.iprOTWaaata.j.3 bnt lelcr Bar&4 Chatct" oMrc Of jo Theo. - Whiifrid rto'aSrTfbea at 11 a. m. and 8 p.-"cat free- anjltho alia and sir-. ers Tislting the dty, are Cor . diall LY ;id td AUend.- 8y:jacbA6l m ari 8 p, m.,..ThernorninAertice will be rondircted bt- ih$ partor. Rer L. W. Crs a f ord:" At night Rev. Arthur U-Iaril r EcglatC .iU: pteacb. ; Pews are al Jte free, te all. A cordial feinde to all " persons to 'i t' 9 c r ricaU(isk iuiu T I 5 : ' , f. i C r : b -Serti?e If Jfci I. C t It a.ja. aod - I k , . . . I L ? i o y a a;- rklmUMcsaia4 Drawtavca. n JtftTpg Theo. WhitlbW fires actio ta tnie fane tnat sue wjl jeoeite pupus fortessons in drawing and paintings at her etvdio at the Baptist pareonage'.-. ebeetvMence o Ifrs. WJifleld oonuietency a a teacner u ner work: 8h4 haa aome on hand that indicates the touch of skilled artist. , aflafertanea Cmm; Mkl-Baaded. f : Lift Tueaday 'merning the Jouknal announced 4hat Lm Hicks, poL, bad his" hand, sawed off at Stimaon'a aaw mill.' The item found its way to Duplin county and coming under deputy Sheriff TwYeye,he at once recognized the niSMAQ BeB th aof hAi-rf.a oolorejl rhari who was ahaist there to anawar to Hjho. charge of larceny. The deputy arrived on Friday night and in tmywD poTlosWKetchiuii uuti npn, wuu wan in oea ana naa been iece the accident, a was taken to jail afad on yeeterdajlef t for Keaans- viUe. Some oonj plaint ia nude about the notion of the deputy in taking a man oil In the condition that' Ukks was in: be U charged with inhumanity, etc? Of this we know nothing. The deputy etated that he was charged with rob bing a smokehouse and had "Riven his bond for appearance at court but failed to appear, and his sureties were likely to suffer if he was not at the next term of the court. Whether or not it was in human; to make him travel, four days after having a hand taken off, we oan not say. If it was, the deputy ought to have lodred him in jail here uutil he was able to travel. We are informed by the policeman who accompanied the deputy, that they offered to take him to his physician to have his wound dressed, but he preferred not to have it dressed. But for the accident at the mill hie whereabouts would probably hnvt) re mained a mystery to his sureties. TSa Urad Bcheal. We call attention to the school notice published in this issue. The trustees of the Academy find it impossible to ran the school entirely free. The 1st and 2nd grades will be free: the tuition charged for a other grades is fixed at a very lew rate. We wish the school suo under this arrangement; it is doubt- lees the beet that can be done" under the circumstances, unless the suggestion we have to often made could hate met the approval of the Board. The old building is amply sufficient for the available funds of the trustees The e)g building could have been rented or leased to some enterprising teacher Who would have built up a flret-clase htyh school. If,, the trnstees had oon Qned thoir work to the available funds and kept a free school as lona- as the monsy would permit, there would have. been no doubt about the legality of ap propriating the publio school funds. But suppose, under the present arrange ment, a parent demands admission for his children te too third and foutth gradea nd refuses to pay? Have the trustees the right to exolude the ohil drea and at I tie same time use the pub lio. school fends? We see no hope of obtaining legisla tion by which our graded school can bo kptupbj (axAiloo;the trustees might aa well cot their garment according to the cloth they have, and M pay schools bo'ran by individual enterprise. If later wi loose or rent the new build ingwenaveno doubt one of tne nneet schools ia Eaetern Carolina would sooaee built up there. The situation ofraw Berne, its health record, and cn-Mp board Jnatuy as in makmg tnis prediction. The sohools of Klnston and Li grange take child rea-f rora our very ftvBsti aadirofc coahluW at arouhJ oat Tvy ' draw apoa their merits, proper odTorUsing' and: personal; aolieaAttoo. UPw.itnow of some jhalf doaan ypung lamies In Pamlico county. who will goto gins ton and La Orange schools thf oommg year. They covM have been oasuad ia New Berne; (heir board, sai&o. and other axpenses eonld, have ooea rornunM asas. AC wo naa naa tne nig a soneqw .c" . t t v. .1 . rtow nfcht. Augl 80th, at the Frog Pond, at 81 o clock, the Bon. X. B. A bbooV '-thoi rognlajt aowilweo for the 50th Oevi tress will extlaitl himself oa too pongressipoal aaesuoB i . . i- IW&alaMg'.ka tho rostoffieo at 'New Pecae,- Crave, eonnty, C,r Jtog. VArvon :BrTaa ' J; T.lllrfhklyV Vau lAalendrea A. P. Jonas Willie hmaall, A. Baedo, John Vsrwl'L Clinton ,T. 9 . 0. - r ty ft J l y Tersona calling for above letters, will , auiit w JBwaBM L Itka. ' Wnratowli Soothtjio Braur f feiiouid 'alwnra be need " for childrv titirr. ; I a-xthw ,tho ohSJ, oftu rt:. T,tr. A:. "T!, ,n& is t. e best remedy for diar"- f- e frts a bettiSL p 'Senator kfahons. of Virticlai ours he has nd deaire to be noani noted for Con gress. ?:fl'" V--J' grew, Paul Derouble, a Frenchman ia in Rnjsia, agitating an allianteTof Trance . .... . , . , -. i, 1 uu vuat country in a war against ue many. Tha committee appointed b the ng lish Government to examine into the Pasteur method of Inoculation foe the prevention of. rabies has expressed it self that the French Savant's treatment tier hydrophobia is effective. Two MaseachnBetDi sailors who were wrecked on the bark Napoleon in June 1865 and given ap aa lost, have been heard from. ' They were washed ashoreJ on the Siberian coast and are now on their way home. Captain Abbey, of the United States revenue steamer Got win, af Alaska, re ports having seized, for violation of the seal fishery law. four veaeels, sixty prisoners, oyer 8,000 seal skins and a large amouat of arms and ammunition. As an illustration of what may be done under the scalp bounty low, it is stated that an Indiana man found a nest of hawk eggs, took them home, placed them under a hen, and when they were hatched, out, killed them and collected the State iwunty of 60 cts. for each one. Russian authorities are highly in- oenned at the tone of the English press in reference to the Eastern question. They say that the CzAr hadn't any knowledge whatever of the Bulgarian conspiracy to depose Prince Alexander. It is believed in England that Russia in tends occupying Bulgaria. The Lion and Bear will yet measure strength. All decency has not been discarded in politics. The Philadelphia North American, a staunch Republican jour nal, sounds the keynote of dignity and dedency in the Pennsylvania guberna torial contest by its manly tribute te the Hon. Chaunoey F. Black, the can didate it earnestly opposes for Governor. It says that it "is childish and it is un true" to defarao and beirttle Mr. Black because he is a political opponent; and adds "that no aaaount oibad temnar and Bo'amooafc of fale4ir1reinYesn bring the people of Intelligence in Penn sylvania to look upon Chaunoey F. Black as other than a geatieknaa of the hiheet character, 'personally and Intel leotuaUy." ' It adds: "The Democsatol party Das few men whom It should be more proud of than Mr. Black, for he Ui doejn (he rnoaataln was thought to W a man of mtogrigy. of cdltare hod oflat tie rate of seventy-five mileeaA hour, capacity. " 'feiuston Items. If "old Chow Chow" is good author ity, a young coon hunter or candidate for sheriff has reeentky made his- ap- vmimuvp va aw inainar z. aj . mj lor at this town. Tbe entertainment at the nktsra house last Thursday night for the benefit of the Episcopal Chnrch was unique in all its appointments and a suoooso every way. The vocal and instrumental mvjao delighted ' ovtjifMr ' Priawilla, a Puritan maiden. In "The Courtship of Miles Blandish" and Betsy, Maid of ay. work, ia "Misfortune, "a charade, were the particular favorites of thov occasion. David Pearce, eon Of our respected oountyman, John S. W. Pearoe, Of Sand Hiu township, died very unexpectedly last week at the residence, of, his father. He was a student of Trinity College in this State and waa homo on the summer vacation, expecting to return with the fall session; but was taken aick with chfUa and fever and died as above stated. lie was a young man of fine promise. .-, Parson MewboVne returned last week from hia overland hunting and fishing exeuratoh to Oraslowoovnty. His party camped on Brown a magnificent beach, where they frolicked with "old oooap,1 hunted door and alligators, caught fresh and saltwater fish and lived upon tha finest orators ia the world right fron too wat. famo o jUJtlad tt abfendaat ana the fUbJna- is ansar passed. The parson found the people there sx oaadingly kindr sootal and teapitahto aal wilUorarr asrassnhar them aa for their "good Vbrks,'' with an ospoclal prayor for that prince of kind fellows, Ma?.!rporior ICort have moved smoothly and orderly ainoo the grand awakening- last Monday morn ing, MrnimlBgtlIoward, oor., oharged whB smothering nor child tq death, was ra leased.' fh, tb absence of . any teati- monyi against , bee,. Th Stata against Jca OlcDaniol was calledT Friday morning, whoa eoansel for tha aeoassa offered to submit for maoalanghter. The court, after aoaiaig tha chief wit nesses for the State, aooepted the offer sad entered judgment aooord ingly, The Snlehmoat had sot been fixed at the M we wrote. Job L. Strand: and Samuel Howard, both white vara oonv vieted of stealing hogs and sontonoad to Ibo .penitentlarr the arst, five yea ra. the lasti-oao year, at hard labor. Mr. Stroad appealed to the Supreme Court, tha apnea. appeal bond being nxad ata,M, whioh arai rivitn. A few caaaa of minor otTracee were'dospoeed'oa; leav- mg tnree burclarr cases (whites) to. he heard. This looks .very maoh like white man's coart.. There are twenry- roor prwoners in hunstov iau. or ail sexes, sizes and colors, repreeentiag al most every cruno o the enrstnai ealea dar. Jailor Loftia ia growirar tn TXT lartty a a bnei kerr. .'. E lods well, waters frffe'.y, looks Out for bull doff and ibets dnn tbe steel bvakoa ffmty (m bis anwi;:r r-Jflets, His boarders CbL Phil ThoBxpooft Makes Interest ing Buggesuoas aa to ito.comtoata. Vrw York, Aug. 23. v-Ex-Cosgreeeman Philip B. Thompson of Kentuoky, 8eo- retarrof tne NaUonal lBmoorato Con gressional Committee; said to a reporter that he had been busy at Washington getting ready a campaign book.' The book will appear, in a few. day. It oompletoly endorses the President 'l Administration. Speaking of it and the general policy of Mr. Cleveland, Mr, Thompson said: "This is a campaign document to go before tha country (or the fall elections. In it wo point to the manner in waioa civil servioe reform has been carried out by the Democrats. On the tariff question, which, in my judgment, sooner or later will be the sole issue, we take a moderate course, and we disouse th surplus in the Treasury and ask that it be reduced. ''We do aot whitewash the Presi dent 'e policy. Be has made mistakes there is no doubt in that matter, but we are all liable to err. The greatest mis take he made was the failure tosin the surplus resolution bill. It shows that the President is guided in his financial pokey by the magnates or advisers who surround him. They represent the sentiment of the East, of Wall street. It is natural that the Wall street finan ciers should oppose the putting out of so tauoh money. The West and Sooth want Che surplus paid out. It will have a tendency to make money easier and more plentiful. The President, I think, intends to carry out the provisions u the resolution. 'The Democratic party is bound to nominate President Cleveland for a second term ; it cannot be avoided. It must be done to vindicate the first Democratic Administration after an in terval of a quarter of a century. If we did) not the Republicans would have grounds to attack us, saying our first President after the war was a failure. " Boil on Ikttiy Advertiser. Aioilicr Case. UOTTK, N. C., Jan. y, lSh5. Tpe B. B. B. medicine has done more good for my kidney affection than any I ever need. Its action is speedy, and it is a fine tonio. T. O. Callahan. Sold in New Berne by R. N. Duffy and E. B. Meadows. A Horrible Accident. ws was received at Asheville aesday evening, the Advanse aays most aorripie ana nearvreouuiK eat which occurred on Tryon In Wednesday. A constraction broke loose while ascend in it the , and went whirling down thOr a terrible speed. oa wat and five ooaviota were Instantly killed and H persons ware wounded, The engineer had left the engini in charge or the fireman. The trfta started down the grade and the airbrakes torusea to worn. me speoe dovin the rnoaataln was thought to be Strange to say . neither Uie engine nor flat bars jumped the track.' The men standing' on the flat oars had nothing to bold on to and were tnrowa ra aitrerent directions when a short carve turned. Some of them were horribly manvled. The train was stopped after running six miles. -I,, BmeRlaa'a Aralea Salr. Tub Best 8alvb in the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Sal Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, knapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Emotions, and positively Onrea piles. It is guars teed to give perfect eatiflfac- tioa. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Uancock uros. ly Tha Apaches Not To Be Removed. WAflftTNOtON. Au. 95. Tho sute meats to the effect that ihe Government intende to remove the Apaohas on the S&4 Carlos reservation; Arizona, to moreoivuizea regions, pernaps to ron Marion, Florida, is not borne out by m auu-iee at the Indian Bureau. There are' on tha San Carles reservation 5,000 Anaohes. divided into the following bands: White Mountain Apaehes, 8,600; Attache Mohave. 000; Apacnes Ttnba, 800: Chiracahua Apaohea, 500. There are1 also a few Toa tot. Apaches, and a remnant of the old San Cartas- tribes. For roars the country has shuddered wish horror at the, tales, told of the atrocities of too Indians broksn loose from the San Carlos reservation, and a rear aao the reservation, ia response to popular dasnaad, was oaken . from the control of the Indian Derjortmoat, and has since been eutirelr rovemed by po lice reflation,. with Caa. . Piaroo of thvarmy ia charge of the agency. iThe whole trouble with those Indiana and tha bad reputation acaneret i try tgaay is due ni.lrly to the hand af lea than (KM) muracanuas. a ioc oi rene- s-adea thatroaUyMttato'ro. and they were liaaply seat as this raMar to prevent the rofiodical faV i in ft ch thesooaataaarlndckredit 0ur tM- Uer. To that bawA itg juaaX. AialH. band belonw. aad to these few JffyW throats tned oraesHK nss nan uanos i . I I If. . . Mi WeaOartaft Caaa- A W. B. Hort At Co.twattUsaJ and re tail druggists of RomeiQrey: Ws have boon 00111114' Dm Kivr wor Dis oorory, Eaeotrio BtteM,a IBuckloaa Aiiina Kala for !woi vearft, a Havs aever handled-reTaedierwiat, aj 11 as watt.' or give such, universal satisfac tion. ) There have b4avatrno wonderful ootos effected by taee. medicines in this oitr. Several aasea ef rrononnoed Coasompaioa have beeir-wrtfrely cured by aot of a rvf ttioa or. jr. t tng 1 New Diaor rv. t with' ElaetrMS 1 . . r . : T 4 WraAeS than always.-, kiok. Uaor-c Bros. - I ' "-- -lT: ' ilvo hs '-K' fc sf irom a w . y' tin 1 n at etto cnakU. vV'amak Ue aigM and I No I AT b laccaJ laabOahi Hrat Imoaotaao Irrade IS vfy profitable toaaoae who ara wUlipglto the higbeat bidder, lor tbe year 17 to I Tly tt anvadvel du"-tt.W lOtaiiM By order Board Ctwwm leathers, ' 1 -b i a reus w. icks, r3 v., - j 'A idreas W. ma, tnr9 or uo.,- Wi.sHn.oToa, Aug.' M. Senator aV aone has written froaa Ctd Point Com fort toe prosaiaorrt gaaUssn an ia Paters- onrg, Va., saying that, nay sargosev placing him ia the light ol a candidate for Congress froaa thev loarth .Virginia QJBtrtot, or cooroTi the idea taoi he would accept if. arnjnaAedyis distaste iiuuia nainire sue fjtpraaava opsaagai, and hs has never thought the occasion would arise that woald saaks it aooes aarj for him to btf.nnaaied. A CAJUv To all who are sufferiag from the er rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc, I will send a reoipe that will ears you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a miasioavery in South America. 8end a self -addressed envelope to the Rev. JoaarH T. Inman,1 8tatvml iew York OU. al?dwy COMMERCIAL. Journal Ornoa, Aug. 2H, tp. ai- OOTTON. ffrwYoag, Aug. 87. Fututes closed steady. Salesof 89,100 bales. August. S.Otf February. 'iU September, 9.0b March. Ootober. 9.10 April, 9.51 November, 'J Yd May, 'J.5S December. June, 9.67 January, V.M July, 9.78 Spots steady; Middbog 9 1-4. Ijom Middling H 1-8; Uood Ordinary 8 1-4. New Berne Market dull. No aalee. Middling 8 3 8, Low Middling 8 l b Good Ordinary 7 3-8. teBBO-riC M1BBBT. HKED OOTTON 8. 90. Oottom 8KXD flO.00. TvaprarruiB Hard, l.Oo. dip, l.7t. Tab 75c.all.85. Oats New, 85c. in bulk Corn 55a0c Rioa 76a85. Bras wax lie per lb. Baar On foot, to. to 5c. Country Hamb 10c. per lb. " Lard 10c. per lb. E!ooa 12e. per desen. Frbsh Poax tiafto. par pound Pranuto 50o. per baohel. Foodrr 75c.afl.00 perhnndred. Omionb 50c. per barrel. FtauD Pras 66a70o. Hasai Dry, loo.-, Apnjn-3&ao0o. a PRARa 75c.a91.S5 per ltoNir aoc. per gal. TiLLOw 5c. par lb. idaajBBWi Qrowa. SoaAoc. JMusW70a ear 'Data M ota. per I Ttrsjrrra--50c. par baahol. IwriH Potatoes $2.75 per bbl. Wool lOalRc. per poand. POTAioaa Bahamas. toeSOc.; iOaSOc yams Kkaoaava 810. WBOAdrAAia Haw Masi PoRk-il.60 SaoutDaw Meat Tic C. R.'s. F. B's, R's aad L. C.-7to Flour 8.5a. 90. Lab 80. by the tieree. Nails Basis 10's,2 60. Booabv Oranalatod, &to OorrrR BAUo. Salt 5a90e. per aaek. MOUJBaWaJraSTWOTa tOatto Powdrb 85 JO. Shot-Drop, IL75; back, 88. 0a Lost N. V. It. B. A. & STOCK. A Oartrpnate of Htock ef tbe I tbe Atlaatle a R, baa been loaR. and b audentased MM ear m aar id will tea aaaJaa. J V. joauiair. UOcale. All oonoaras Nonhero, Aug., UKfc ta 3US Assignec'i Bale. In iwnmanoe of a Jadsmant of tbe ttuaerlor Court of UawraD eouaty , will sail af A ac tion for caab. al tbe Oaart Uoaaa aocx in Craven county, on Uie FIK8T MOB DAY In OCTOBKB. IMMt, at TWKLVIo eloe, at.. Un followlnR cbea In actloa, to wit: Two oar- tain bonda Sr twaDtT-tilaa handrad dallan aaoh. (lvwa br It. 4. Lavtok to CRarlae H. Blank, and due on llja Utli Janoary. las.',. Also one Bote. BB. alCM4 by CUSrtu WU Uaaaa: one Ioc fcUt. aurnad. br V.L Baiter-. on for SWO, r saw, signed wr i. it. raraona; on aw slnd 0- A. Mdac aa for S2I.U. SM.il, ajraauawaa t7vau aaaw uei . ann ana aw bisul a. W, riabar: en for $180, stgnad W aAlta- one Rr 1101. sigaoa A. JAWrU IJW paraol to cnaa H. BiaakT a and aannad to aa troataaa. JOJUtl op. BDrroii Trnstees 0. 1 m un.. at Blank. niaaoss dt af ABIT, AM'ra. 2w. Bef na, . C. Ai wa.wta. us, anr-Odtd tailor)! Nttfe. 1 Taa Oraded Bobool will be epfaad at tea Aeadeaar day of Mi aanun on auoiMir, uie lui aaBaember, UNA. . Xas Board of Trustees Bad it tmaoaaiblf I conduct ate aoBoet pea an aafiraly B BaTtaa failed 10 ancHra tha raaatafta run Am by anbaortpuon tor tbe abova nawad nur- aoaa, a aoiall lottloa wUl be fhafaa ta all 1 raaes or aeoaoia exeen rta. 1 aaa a wbmb will ba taa. la aaanaia or aiailia Haw. a t Iftad 6 tha talttoa will ba at the rate af twenty-eve eeaa par week. All btgber STadas at tha rate of arty aer waa. rnptla stodrini tbe LUUiocAen aanu be nnsaaia any aanu paraaonta aodl I fional. . TuITPJW FATRBCE- OUAimtRXT If ADVAMOC as tea Traaaarar, WIUJAaf at WAiuo.N, aaq. By order af the 1 Beerd of Ti uses, aatw Cfth HCKaT K RVAJI. Piealdsut. mil .1. lIAil, ,1 ,11 Notice! Uotice! ITotice! -.e. Ma. .-'v. Tbe nndeislcaed. havtef oacnad a 0on and Lockmith tabnahmeniat a. Q. orrrwwrit'ra ha. hue Biiuni. araoarwa tea an eiaaai of work o Uana, Uioaja, ate, . ,. t Flnt-elaaa work fna ran teed. Very rises si sally. 3. 1.. aaH dwt(g nJ , t tX tj. tH.ABjaj, Ja, wiUkwatoaa- a IHuSUe AHotioa oa tfcs Tinit Monday of rtsatitss. BO the Court Honsa deor, too Poor i. ' NUbU'U aUUH, Orcat Bcis:ll:a I A Large Line of IndJk LlDeaa Cheek Mauv ' took, Torchon. Med tot, Egypttaa and Oris. " tal LaceK. will be offered el afarvaloualy Lew Pilaaaat Little Store 'Eound Corner. J. F. 17E3, Ou door fraaa FoUeak. Husixi Zchtel Mih. FANSIK 8. Af YBIOK of Mnifism boru, N. f . 111 opt-n a Ml'810 CBOOit ta ' Naw borne MLrlT la September, for aa' Uculara apply al Uie rraldeuo Ol Mm. JMO. H. BKI.L.. aug2?etf Notice. By order BoaiJ Commissionors of Oraveu County there will be a' hew registratloa of the voters of the JOHEPU NELSON. aug34 30d Cloak. . For Fall Plants. Cbbag Kale, Spinach and Tarntp Seed. K 11 MEAOOWB it CO. augii 1 J w School Notice. 1 txiMtt'l to ouen a He liotW at tha Chaaal uu Uauriis streat ou Uie all 111 of Baptonber htii. fupm raoalvad amxiraiBa lo tas claanldoatlon at tha Uradnl K-lioot froin tb rim ui tbe tuxiu Uiaau, larnu II uu pr tnoutb. aulUdld Man. MARY N. WILLI A BX A FINE Florida Tonic. Mr. FOSTER S. mmkt 11. o of the landmarks of tbaAaorakk Ilraa irale, now of Orlando. Klorusa. wtRmi "1 una hardly aaleot a aae eaaw im the many to wbom I kare auld rtaieaw klaad fCniewaw. tM wliat hare baaa atlaflad, and I Sad It the beat raaady far all asan l'laaaaxe I haveevar aolu.aad ajrina MortdaTonk-. "KiMTKB H. CHAPMAIV. "oiiAoav,rav." Certain Cape far Caaiej. 1 Kiriti rrn nmm ini.Ttt Cata'a PlaaMor Bla nraa ail Blood mi un, i tBan, OonK ala, 014 anew. aiwamaw. H aot m rur niarket it win as fiiiasaaiil Eaaar 011 Blood and free. Hkm IHaeaae 1 mallod mccj MmciinaiiiiT.iiua, it. r1 For sale, wholesale and '. Dum , New Berne, N. a dwly retail, by R. C. uarroar'retaBar tn UM'Orlstaai Bg ' luaaia al bnaaCaiaa, ganeOaaalaenalaae Siarlas tea f JAttia aar ta taa ta etkar m laa at la. 1 . aowanrMa I uwran laenaaaa MB aaa Howard ft Jones. Solo Areata tot New Berne, N. C. . awi aw r- rinciAia- i:st in in tin, - late II Weft WV aewiil onaya tn. JI Vv aalaikiaiu. mm Km lMima Tea) aaa santOi awbsr ta eke aaamaataS af tuaa aa atk m laa at la. 1 ppUAXx ST, HzfrniM,1 w.q 1 OATBARIKLAIB,OOalO(lTt.C;;' Tais Is to eerttfy what McBorley ias ado aaa t wa aarr of BaawJ af aaa oast ity, okooUeot at and vary daraaia. I ; taaa Meaaare la psAronJztngaad reeosa meanc to all who aaav eail aa aaa to hto Mao of businoaaaafcwABp wwaha ai ,n i,t C0BB40BC0. CBAS. DCTTT, BO. Mr.1 Mcfloriey wishes1 to taaoraa tkd paojie aaat aa has now two aist iiBass Boowaakers oauOorsd. has a.saook af the twry beet material, and oaa pat Rp tha vary beat quality of boot! and aaoaa, made on the shortest notice, and gwaa , aatees a fit. Tour order is napooifally solicited. jyf dww? " Bock Iaiixie, Plaster, Cements, ' 'A WH' Jitf'' ' iieilija iitfal r-rrf I ciajiurt f ;i.d o-j' 'J h i. 3(M "Sj it? nl ztv;s ii il ., "Cxiatek aTRcrr. .wirt3'i uirv iA ti..-;t 'ftfow-'lCrrrtt U a --, : aut-i ' jt4 I i l I i .'a .tti 1 n - A. .- ' -K i T 'I -l ! -flint ti rv ' 'tw . (P - " l lru. . - a ... . - ' kBrwarwa.h , ; - vrj H.'ro rt; fwrt? 11 ,tjT hi t ." -arc 'ffa trt " V" n-a -f A ilell 1 'AT iM L .JW "I ' 1 T T a ,it 4 ftNw'r V0 '",1 . riliVf... : r .y. M,.orarci 4t4i- y Clork'.