V-' 7'-.in- M 3' ' ' . - " -..- - - II - . - -'-tit., r-- -.ft"Vi-' ' . . . ' """dv,. ..' ;'4ij..vi,'M'TI 1 1 1 - r ' "' 1 " ! V! . 11 "" ' 1 " " r 11 "j 41 " . . . i'n. ... i II', NEW BERNE. N. ; C, FBID AY SEPTEMBER 3, 1886. ,,,-. NO. 133; r" .."lit ' Mi i Jaaraal BUalatara Alsaaaee v . ew Bere,titTida. iW' North. H . 3uh rise, 5 I Length of day , ,3uh. hu, 0:38 I 18 heurs, 13 minutes. I Moon rife at 1 A3 a.m. !1 ' fctrSINESS LOCALS. 1 .ftruAXlOS v Wajttmu-tA . snUeinan wh$ has considerable expenenoe u a taefehant deeires a situation, in dry goods. tore. U willing to work for mod urate pay. For further informa tsnriippywr iawMxtaOisgry" Meat W en ibe advance. OeoleV weather 'efnee the earthquake. The first "bile : of new' cotton of this year's, crop was carried to Kins ton yea- "Th,6Ttpernopg iP Is coming in quite freely now and. command thirty oentf pet peck for good quality. :?M$m Fhrehee giea noiloe of opening 'BfP teacher of , aome , x perienoe and hae given aatiaf action. 8thV lingular race for Congress in tftts district, Craven oouotj .has two points of Um angtoi and will moat likely carry the.day. ThBj dere(?aea to the Congressional drjfaWtkm at Wilson returned yester day arid report that the oonrention was very harmonious. ' he first lot of seed cotton waa oar NCBntoPoildkaville yesterday. Two and a half cants per pound was offered for it, but it was held for a better price. ilV' A"J M. Baker is giving the front of his store anew dressing so as to make ifcgorieeond with the eleganfc stock of goods he' intends placing in there this XJ One Of the f idqnces 6f good work dflhe in otr graded school in the part wa not that Cjarlie Halt a sixteen yeaf blt ioa of our gunsmith, Thomas n.tfts iep giren the position of book-keeper of a tobacco-firm at nigh Pojnf, with god psy. He studied "Alien's Forty Lsssons'' in our graded r-W', hasr4iU profloieney. IF- The Western Union telegraph ora tor in this 'city is authorised by the mabagerto send messages of relief free to Charleston sufferers. .! i I I ,1-1 ! 1 Ti if ofsdnilihs) a Vridow. Judicial oonventkm at Weltlon yesterday nominated W. A. Dunn, of Scotland Neck, for Solicitor of the see o4 district. Mr- Dunn is a partner of non. W, H. Kitchen and is now attor ney of the county of Halifax. '' JJr. 4 P, Brogden, of Trenton, ia in theoltyi He reports that the ozcite menjVaa Teryr graat in Trenton on the night of the earthqoake. Wi'iPx .Qutruqi Esq,, as returned from visit to Bertie oounty. Jin. L. EL Culler and children have retnj wdrom loreeadity ills B. Mi "Ostea ha retornd. from osMwbatl in tfct nssn wtyx aMms i 1 nt . ' . . Maj"flflgbe-and famify-riafite- tuTnsdfr4nBuforan4Winge,upto thaaaMtaioiUrca4y .v t r. lBikt t ifceifi sleari . KtfJV'Bi Swftbnof SwiftCreek town ahinfrJhMe th oUwifjC atof y-ln re- arqhle hi.yaf tiure.iiwViepf the hirtn having a fiK be ceiled hass on by one nl QjudXtllereaJl'rTghV ih the miT.uL.xl'Wi'tklug-e match and trying to JIgU th tamp.' un. Sottoa ay by . thfilghl of the match a large Uekato ia the yard that ran ;rinderlheowe. 8b immediately. excUlmedtoit H was 'a beat shaking.-he; Aoee. Mr. Button ' Immediately 'TSBstohedwsei' hie Tprw an "keitrlcttcfirAftTlay next . norr.lT", end rjeVeTknew but what it Wil.r iUklsg.'ths Jimise p&LU. he weut to Taacebero aad.feejsd theeene y.A .(ait anrthwl flmWiofci r . ibi Tthe briii; DRefi! ," Tbe Jyr t extends ccjrrWoB. . roc e d is c s .in farliamenitUTc ii - lDKpo', Aug, ' In jlh Eouse, fit Commons this afternoon--Sir' Michael tt:. . i4fh. rf spcfftsrV'fotlr- " land, stated that during the rioe.Jnl I (" t one boed-t'tuWe bed h". k it' ! . ff r e ' v . :(tb n-i 1 eU rusmber of the J v -r;. tta i . befu . errk iigli 'wo-- 1, nd that altogether: pe. Sc' "V ar- r m c ad Uu. gr ihail boen more or lees injurea B ' Vf I." 1 t r .encounters .wUa ;tr.s Iftnont. liberal, moved an : t to tae ad.irwse expressing ; t..kt tbe crofters' set had not re- ' tVf gricTancM of tbe crofters.: T ..con D.' vii boasted Ihstrx" ri "prrpsred far -the wrrt;" - - s f. r ka always kept Vr. h Pfrvt li tv house, re- t' 0Uiy ...- i nedy fr - ,3 i ' - : ."" ' li'! . : . . - . v. . rnsMi Vewa rra uu Krfkaka Kilmors on the street yesterday and repots from passengera arriving on the freight train froD Goldsboro created mach anxiety about l the effects of the earthquake lnthe ' vicinity of Charles ton, 8. C One report came that a mile or two of railroad between that city and Wilmington had. teen inundated. Another report was that a volcanic eruption was in' progress at or near the city. Other report' stated that the bodies of sixty persons had been onnd dead in the city, many were wounded about one thousand houses were totally wrecked, among them the city hall and St. Michael's churoh, and, that not a house was considered safe. It was also reported that the streets of the city were so ridged up by the disturbances of the earth that they resembled a potato Held. In another column will be found the latest by mail. Reports from the surrounding coy nlry say that the shock on Tuesday night was very severe. A postal card from Trenton states that the shock was first felt at,:56 p. m., and was felt again at 10:10. Chickens were shaken from their roost; plastering was forced from its place, and a child was rolled from its pallet. The severe shock lasted about three-quarters of a minute and the oourse seemed to be northwest to south west. Considerable excitement pre vailed. At Morehead City there was also much excitement, the guests rushinir from the hotels without stopping to dress. It undoubtedly caused the great est excitement throughout this motion known for many years. Kinston Items. Mr. F. C. Loops, with Iiih daughter, Miss Lelia, left hero I lint Tuoaday for Milwaukee, Michigan, where she will finish her education. Our widower, however, will very soon return to the company of tlx) ' girls bo loves the best." The sessions of Kinston Institute and a number of private schools opened last Monday. We have been unable to ob tain the attendance of any on the first day, except that of Mies Amelia Hardee, Who began with 29 pupils with the promise of forty in a few days more. The venerable Jack Loftin, now past his eightieth summer, was on a visit to Kinston last Wednesday. His strength is failing, yet he is keeping his usual health and appearance. The ureal "rattling of dry bones" In the Superior Court last week and the awful earth shock on the night of August 81st last brought him out to talk about the grand wonders now going on in the world. Deputy Sheriffs Warters and Avery started to Raleigh last Wednesday with six convicts for the penitentiary, viz: Sam'l Howard, Alex. Hpeace , Jerry Fobs and $imon Dawson all whites sent up for laroeny, and Squire Jones, colored, for larceny, and Jos. McDaniel, colored, for manslaughter. Jennie Wooten, colored, charged with laroeny, was taken to the insane asylum at Goldsboro. The whites appear to draw the color line in this delegation. The mail carrier from this ntaoe to Albertson in Duplia connty report the outcome of a sad case of insanity near Alberteoa post oflloe. Mr. William Harper, a young fanner owning a mill near by, who has been afflicted in this way several years, took on a aestrno ttve spell last Tuesday, breaking up bis house furniture and burning his fine bed clothing, cutting up his beds and scattering the feathers in every direc tion: . taking up hie. mill rooks and break ins: down the water rates. No iDse aa yt has suffered Violence from him; but the mail carrier owns to mov ing off with lightning speed on hearing the insane man California gun. The' Superior Court took tip the civil dooket regularly last Tuesday morning. The calendar bad been printed and cir culated, and suitors Interested, with all witnesses, promptly assembled tn the large court room, where.it ft observed, they remain 'until the court adjourns. The ringing? voice of the court crier is never heard front the' courthouse win- Ldow. Its accents fall lightly on the ear of the needed person within the Wln rvuui. .fO-Mui to a. grown rwnx ur the crier, es well as m rreet saving of time toibe rourt,1 'The civil action ef Claim tod Uellvsry Albritton vs. Usv man twae-deeided in favor of tola In tiff. The land nit-"-Albritton vs. Price was tailed last Tuesday afternoon, on which Hhaeoart has been eegsged and ia now VU'U. , v- ...i f.rjt i uLitrightoii earth shock: ooourred at Ktaston tea ttinntes Def ore tea', o'clock 6a the night of August Slat lasb nThers was a rurablinc noise like a wagon pass- kig vrera" rough toad; followed linme d lately by a, violent ahaking and ock mn of the earttu Four distiart Shocks were felt wtthin"toa 'tnlnutee, (he first Ming qntte ylolent and laoting nearly wo minutes, while the others were test Tlolent and of shorter duration. Houses shook and rattled aa if. they would go to pieces, the call bells to some instances King rang by the shaking of the houses, e lance courthouse rattled and jumped like a railroad cac-in swift aao- (ien oa a renga raiiroea, weamg oown much of Ue uppet oeiling puetar xt the building, pther houses, in tbe, town Suffered in the same wa.' Evert living creature oognired i the kwiul time. Birds quit their nesta in tbe trees and perched upon the earth, dog howled, cock crowed .thrice, hooee neighed, caged parrots screamed in their prjsone, ind the whole human family wre on their kbees. TLe alarming and unusual oonurrenoe was a. loud call for prayer which th hardert tinner beaded with hs"4 and . earaef ineaA I Thia peoi4e dp-. . r ltore had snrh a scare, and it is to be 1 m ped,it wiUt.CTfcr. agaks.be re- r. r Kore had such a scare, and it Is Paint, nj Sua er lmutMwkt, planed safely at f 5.090,0c:. , f n Tin if I be I ped fJLwiUaiicTfcr. a2ai1s.be re- for whk rdors are r ' - 'M.!'. '.-,;.' ooaldba tacenaiaej .dwiMtbaicaail iteJ. . . , atijlwu JlivAlI. J.wira .a ... .W-2W ... ; i- jp , . .....'.:rTXasS;;VV; .nnn,. (Shanghai is to have an' international expoeitioBifll888. ' ' ' At Cleveland, Ohid, a mas died from the effecU of being bitten by a pom. ; The number of applioatiooa tot pat ents for the fiscal year, 1886, was 88,682, an increase of J, 014 over the previous year. L."-ti.ai-- At Coluabas, Texas, three Mexicans were engaged in a fight. A deputy sheriff undertook to arrest them when they turned upon the deputy, whereby he shot one of them dead. The Monster sea-serpent that has been repeatedly seen off the- Hew England coast is thought to havetound its way into the Hudson river. It was last eeeQ by a crowd of boys in swimming who declare that it ooakl not he less than 200 feet long. ... Aa a general thing the Scotch have large feet, and it might be said a large bram also. Some young men were once teasing a Scotchman about hit big feet, but he silenced them by saying: ''Ye earn mek as mooch foon 'o them as ye loike, boot them oootn in damned handy whoon ye 're in swummon." The Czar of Russia is in somewhat of a dileius. He was quick to deny hav ing anything to do with the abduction of Prince Alexander, but since the speedy efforts and determination of the Bulgarians, encouraged by England, to restore their ruler, Russia rises up and says it must be prevented, and that the revolutionists have committed no offence deserving death punishment. The manner in which some of the Northern dailies speak of the conduct of Mr. Arthur U. Sedgwick, the special envoy sent by Secretary Bayard to Mexico to examine into the Cutting affair, since his arrival in Mexico, is scandalous and ridiculous, and Mr. Sedgwick ought to sue them for libel if it should be untrue, and that it is false there is the least of doubt. Mr. Sedg wick is pronounced a lawyer of extra ordinary ability and authority on the international copyright question, be sides being an experienced writer on legal topies. The miesion apon'whioh this gentleman was entrusted was one of importance and care, but should the accusations be proven true, and he has failed to properly preserve the dignity and respect of the United States, then he is guilty of openly and basely vio lating the confidence bestowed upon him, and is deserving the severest con demnation. In adhering to what he considers to bo right and proper, Mr. Bayard has, at different times, made some enemies, hence, such headers as Another of Mr. Bayard's Fatal Mis take' is accounted for. ! . ... A Wibi1 SffftertDK. Uockt Mt., N. O.. March 1, 1885. For fifteen years my liver and kidneys have been badly affected not a day in that time without the headache. Binoe using tbe B. B. B. Botanlo Blood Balm I have been entirely relieved: no pain, no trouble at all. and I feel al most like another person. I am one among the greatest advooates of B. B. B., and you are at liberty to use my name. Mrs. c. h. uay. Sold in New Berne by R. N. Duffy and E. II. Meadows. Stonewall Items. Hester, a 6 year old daughter of Thos. Jones, of this place, died of congestion of the brain on Monday, SSd inst. The schooner A. E. Rudolph, Levins master, is at Vandemere loadins lum ber at A. H. Whitoomb's mill for Phils delphia. Charley Swan had an addition of one added to his family a few days since; a fine girl, and Charley is as happy as a big sunflower. C. II. Fowlet ta oil North for the pur pose of pure basin rv hie fall ssad -winter stock. . r. Uuerry . as. to-Isavs -in a day or so. for the same porooaet ,v A few days ago Fed Sioa died at his home a few miles below bere, pnx so a n joe, a son oi-air. socn TMer, aootrt 11 Tears of am. ia the mill nond settle- menu , ie aiej or aiaiariai, eresvo AH the Item 'm ' this ectJoo for tb past .two weeks to a fellow who bad fodder to savelwas fodder, then rata. aad soon till now.- -Who da row auy- bose could itemize, when his fodder was rnininf! PT i vn , iiuwi u nusc i one Taesdar ' nlsat at 10 oVtlock we had a cnanre-rtna. snaking apac taw aioM tost we are stationed on. ; Ik was tae severest - shake that I bar ersr felt. My hoaie shook fearfully,' so much so tht the weight la the clock oa the amntle vibrated for a fall salnute or more, striking the sides of the clock as tbxiasn some dbs was ttortngit, it erpeted- suite a- eomraotion among the fowls hv iheU Wse; a good t number wtre off their roost and soma squalling as thou eh they wsrs frkbtoaed oatol I their wits. -. in some tea or more mia Igtes therer eeree another shake irot so I seyere oro long as the first. " : TV Xuawiag' aad Painting-. rinir formed" i lass"fa drswfng and fainting-, notice is hereby, fuw that c-Uier students wiu be takes at my stadia at te Baptist Par-in In struction will be giYea la- Draw mg and I'a,: "? 'ln 0l nd TYtei seJars; Ct f Prawinjr from SB! iM tmn) life i f " fife; end la te rtfr-i- fles f . i: ; L': tz. :Ar Lafct-iS THE WESTFEOM THE EAKTH QUAKE . vt-m " i But Little: Damatria North Caro- luis. Chariest ea j&dly Wrecked First Reports Exaggerated. The terrible e&rSqtiake shock on Tuesday night extooded throughout the length and breadth of the Uriel Charled ton, 8. C., being the greatest sufferer. Summerville, a town about twenty miles from Charleston, also suffered severely. We give below a telegram from Raleigh giving the latest from Charleston at nine o'clock last night, and other particulars received by mail Special to the Journal Ralkioh, N. C. Sept. 2, 1S86. All day long news has poured in bere from all parts of the State to effect that no damage has been done. Perhaps o hundred points have been heard from, so all North Carolina ie eaf . Re ports of eruption of Bald mountain are false. Reports covering entire moun tain seotton show that shook wu lighter there than in low country. There has been intense interest mani fested in aews from Charleston, and in that immediate section, in aparent fact that that was the centre of the earth quake, people rind new sources of ter ror. It was stated hure today that a volcano had opened a-tiyi-ly near Charleston; telegram do not so -title and of course it is a canard . Official reports received tuniM from Charleston give number of dead a 83 and any the wounded will probably number 100. Business in yet absolutely paralysed, the whole attention of the people being given to making residence Safe and in looking afUr the wounded Water front, of the Oity appears havi Suffered taut injury than other parts, and business there can toon be put in order for the ninppm trade. Relief parties are on their h to Charleston in steamers and in rev enue c intern, aad tents have been Kent there. It appears at thm writing thai the ac counts of the damages at Charleston have been somewhat' overestimated. Loss istooight estimated at three mil lion dollars. Efforts have been made all day to dear the streets so as to per mit passages of vehicles and lbs people are yet hopeful in the faoe of all the terrors and disasters Governor Scales today received a dis patch from Governor Sheppard of South Carolina in response to one sent yesterday proferring aid. Ciov. ',Hhep perd thanks Gov. beaten for bis prompt kindness in the name of all the people of South Carolina. F. A Oij.s. CllARl.xaTuN, Sept. 1 There was a terrible earthquake here last night at 9:00 p. m. The principal business por tion of the city was destroyed and hun dreds of persons were rendered home- Men were frantic and women were beseeching mercy from toe Al mighty. Tbe main station house, oity hail, Hibernian hall and many other well known public buildings, including St. Michael's church, were irreparably damaged. Many people were fajMly Injured. ' Broad street presented a spec tacle of the utmost horror. Kven worries, armed with .hatchets, foujjhtfjuui, Prutae, Sores, t. 'leers, 81 ..ll..,h 4A - - - - 1 ,W F . . . rr. . ... . raliaatly to rescue hn prisoned nnftfr tunates. Meeting street, from Uroad to Basel, is a wreck aud is lined with un fortunates. To add to the horrors of the scene, many fires broke out and were Ineffectual lr fought by the Are department. The night was hideous with the groans or tae dying, the screams of the wounded and the pray ers of the uninjured. It is impossible to estimate tbe losses of persons or property at present. Up to 10 a. m. today there had been eight distinct shocks. JThe oity is a complete wreck. St. Michael's and St. Philip 'b churches, tiro of the most historic churches tn the r-ty, are ia rums. So is Hibernian , tbe polios station aad aaany otner ftablio buildings, and fully two-thirds lof the residsnoes ra the oity are unis- habltod, wrecked -either tetauy or par tially. Charleston, a. x, sept, i. The first shook of the earthquake, was . felt ap- .naJkfBr mmt t,4nKe l JS-KfY. ItifAM people could realise what the trouble was tay fomnd themselves being-thrown aibond and their house falling down on tham. Every one ran screaming into too streets, sad ia a lew- seconds the cifySwas wfld with human beings per fectly erased ftfc fright,? . On all sides one eoald hear sxclam&tjcsas such as "My Wod, sate s.f "(jrosl h4t Mercy ulna i" and tteanla oonld be seen kneeling stsifT where ia JtWp, eff erinc v0 prayers. The first shock waa followed Immediately by arjotheTpJrocgh of less efject, bat renewing, the. screstns and shrieks, and ' from the ' ttme of the be Cinsiaav to daylight the Shocks-were felt aa. Intsrrale oft half ait Boat,' sash succeed injr one peine , less , diatinotr Three or four' fires started. 'in as many sections with' She- firs shock; and the city was soon iUaminata4 - with the flames, thus leadlnctothtJbeliei that. what waa' left bv the -earth quake .would bt tteretredf by tie kriowTer; ur ore aepartmeci was m watt dlrWed Intf handled, that the fires wsrs rotted undei eentsel by daylight. From fifteen to tweutf rH ienoes and stores were eonumed .: Tb loss by the fire and earthquake cannot be accurately eimeted, but sa bs . - j r - 'I and a- much- itwwfj(lBfufn all anrta nt Tliftlisr liiiislir will be .large, and It will take daysto get the- accurate1 Buraberr'Stfdtls eouallr as severe were (eU ata distsBtsan of thirty-five wUes.anOVhays doJMWse4' timable damage VJ Urtad' thTUf grapo property, o nates wnw aow-ew- UreJy isolated from, the euwide jwrti- UHAKLESTOy, 5. U , sept, l. Two siignt Bbocxs oi earuHfuaae twe Been felt here since the morning ; firelJJ 8:23 a.m. and one at about p.m. Neither of them did any further see truction. Not even during Geo. Gil- more 's bombardment of the city has there ever been such a deplorable state of affairs here. The city is literally in ruins, and the people are living ia the open squares and in tbe public parks. There is a great ru8rj the depots to get away, but owiag to the earthquake no trains have been able to be dispatch ed from the city. Telegraphic oommu uicauou is also cut off, except one wire of the Southern telegraph company, which is crowded with annoue private nie6uget. It ia impossible to depict the ruin and desolation that prevail here. Not a siogle place of business in tbe cily.aave a drug store, which is busy preparing prescriptions for the wound ed, is open. It is impoerible also to give any correct estimate of the killed and wounded, as bodies are constantly being disinterred from the debris of wrecked huufea. One undertaker slated that he had furnished eight Collins up to noon today. Many of the dead are lyiiiK unburied. prinoi pally of the poor er clause of colored people, who wilj be buried by tbe oounty. There are not half a do.uu tenu in the city and women Biid children are experiencing great privations in consequence. As niht approaches most of the heads of families are trying to construct teuU out of bed sheet", spare awnings or any other material that comes to their hands hismires in the earth are no t.ceil. from which tine Bnd . apparently from a real depth, exudes A sul phuT'ius smell is very uoticu&Lle. Hnl ration Oil the ci ltbrated Anieri can remedy f"i cuW, bruises. sj'rainB. burns, scitlds. rhill hlams. etc., can be hat of all druggists. It kills pain. Pi : e t w ility ti e cent a bot tie The Ciuisti Botou. Vamiin..J' n, Aug. .il.Comuiiider S, hooiier of the lloatoo, reports that on the trip from Chester to' Jsew York that vessel averaged 1 1 1 knots' with the. four after boilers, and l'J knoU wish the four forward boilers Ufing, . The Navy Department consider this a favorable showing. . t t Iron ike UuUil tiy. PuiLAUKi.PHiA, June 1. 15. My daughter, Lydia Ann. has been affected with a runaiiift sore undeser ohin, which has provn very stuhwra She has used four bottles'of ' Tf. B, B., and I am glad to sy rtiat all' utters have healed. She m enjoying good health and a tine appetite. I attribute her cure to the 11. li. U. Botanic. Blood Balm. Tuos. A. Piokktt, No 401 N. 4Hth St., Philadelphia. Sold in Nw Berne by li. N. Duffy aud K. 11. Moadows. ' A Denial from Mr. Sedgwick. Wa.shij.hton, Aug. 31. Secretary of State Bayard received this afternoon a telegraph from Sir. A. G. Sedgwick, who was recently sent on a special mis sion to Mexico, slitting that the stories circulated about him were ridiculously false, and that proof to that effect would be produced whenever he was called upon by the Secretary of Stats thereof. Hucklen's Anile. SalT. Tim Rkst SaLvb in the world for Kheuiu, Fver Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Hkin Eruptions, and positively oures piles. It is guaranteed. to give porfeot aatisfao- tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Hancock Bros, ly COMMERCIAL. Boniasric marbrt. Sbid ootton $3.90. OOTTOM 8RED Z 10 00. Tvaraimirs Hard, $1.00, dip, $1.75. TA.'-7.,i.ftl.JS. Oi.TS New, 36c. is fcalk. COM 5oa60e. . , RlCT a83. BBaWax-l5e. per lb: But On foot, 3a. to So; UOUnTBT uax8 iuc. per lb LAa 10o."fe lb. 1 Kaos 12o. par dosea. . raiSB Poax 4ta8c. per pound. Paxsuiw ' BOe. per bwshel. FoDD3t-e.a 1 00 Bwramadreil. OinoHS 50c. per barrel. Pnu Paia B5a70o. HlDra-r-Dry, lBc, ; green fto. Arru-r-25s50c. per bushel. Pa.ibj -75e.afl.85 per bunhel. Hoiy )a. per rit -TaMW 5c. per lb. OBtOaKa-ORrwn.' S0a3oc.; spring 90eMa :.vv ',7.- . MJUJ Wc, per basheL -Oats 8f cts. per bushel. Toswiro ttOc per bashel. Irish Pot atom $2.75 per bbl. wool iuaioo.4ar poand. POTTOa Bahamas. S5a30c. ; yams. 050c Kaaowaini Iks ' tennrjB-Westtmiia.tfalf and noni- inall fcot wanted . Bntldijig'. fach hearts. 3.Oteaf.tl.50leT If, I cHrwvt.BSEitsiEa'r.frci jraopa.oaeevi - , erce ail-BasElO'aitfStj. ft Pal f ?a6()e. Mraaeki a-j.Vu At Vit if i n isstlkuia.iJQsjtau.Tj:;'JtBTn "j. ,. ZTf .. , , ,T , jTwn-5jM,'wtw 4.,, 119 Jitly eruef un mr4 ef T?ua. wil w ' UX , . ; ... . j.,FJr.aii1fpd Great Tlffii ! kit A uuim w iinn nwenst I uoks. Torchon. MedtsVgirsUss aaa Orl 34 Laee. wlU be qffBrMM Msrvste ly lw Tlesat UxWq Store ;Roond Corner. MlddlsatiMt. ' Uus soar frass rouosk. School Notice. MLSS fcMILY yEREHEJC will route km tscluxH (on Broad (treet; SCPf . U, 1SSS. eepx aid School Notice. miss MuLLIK HEATH WlU noms hr mOLLTR HEATH wlU rOD Soimioi at her it s-tfenoe on Pollock atraat. roUock i eriss Primary, t. iB pet mpoUiaetSierSd staueauktl 6Ueriuuat iia. avysarw f. g. snnioiifl. - COTTON ,BR0KjEft. ' ouHifDmente Solicited, i mice w.u. BRYAN'S, on South Kront sLitt-i. iwu aoura west of (ireeo for id. Hunk (ta, 1'ruuipi aliai,Uo (i Hon mid oilier Produce. vea to iheaalaaf sep2 dwtm Music School. Mm.- ANNIE 8. MYRIOK of Hurt In.;.- n i . win uu a Ml&iC IWaiOOLiSa New I .c r tit earjv iu September. Worn mi. tit uluia upi h hi the Midiu. of Ma. JWO. II 1IK1.I iudU School Notice. . i tu npuu a bcbool at the Utiaaetoa tirei on the kit nli of Bcuiewber n, L i Uii is reoeived according to Ihel r msHitlialloit t Uie (irad.d School from tba i iinl u Ui t-tilh Uiade. I ci n in ? : tie lie r uion Ih . u.v,li,i Mum. MAKY N. WILLI A Mil For Sale, I lonirablc Dwelling on north side Of Hnnd street, between George and Berne sirectH, containing six rooms ia perfect ordir Good well of water in yard. AddresH P. O. Box No. 573. si lw E. H, & J. h.Ucziz-t, H i:.m;ral Commission MerchanU AMI DKALKKM 1M i Fertilizers and Agri cultural Chemicals. BHriition k I ven to the sals of QOTTON. LiUural iulrKiii-t- madr on CoiMtanniSBU. Uftlrnaut corner l'oll..ck and Middle streaja iSnrt I'nlnn IVilnt. x nl dwtf A Card. will oiK-ii Clan lurlrai'lilni ildn... LjitiKimee tiv alx.ut llm Iml, ni n.ni.1.1 Juii and Hnlirman will nlaaaa urir! Ix lwccii 12 nnd 1 o'cliiok, to A. M J AOOBBON. I 'ait corner of Hancock and Pollock its aiiR-ll deodSt Notice. Hy order Hoard Commissioners of Cmvun County there will be a new registration of the voters of she TliaST aog2A Md Olerb. For Fall Planlbj. Cabbage. Kale, Spinach and Tnraip' Seed. E. H. MEADOWS CO. augSl dw , Lost. a w tr tt if ;.trrn eJ) no A lrtfSoaw'ofterf1 A5aaii ii f, iiu i.fca. s laVii: w" nn"" .irdcum anuitHl for a Mf wt. 1 1 Beat. , aeowad:waBUkl1lTitl i-- 1 7. V.7pitDlf. aeUoa. aWkSTMairliaJ eaeb. KlTan DT H. J. Iirwln ao im n craa IH MUM MhmwTr-a.'1' aw uu. uuw, 9HJ ling iiann ana mi 1 on for tmio, 1 tM.fl. skoasa Buuia. awr raa tae bu a.-., tp'" COM belti Bar bar; ana tor liSXtltwa SL., w. Plahsr; ana lor sia. Mane Wml & aTJr? im ror aiguM A. JWhlU (Mgraaia to cbaa. H. aiaar aa 11a aa iruaiera, , r johnbojs, avmoti T Wew Berne, . C.. o.i aav4t Notice! Notice! XTotfcef'; The uudiilsnd, havtng opsnea a Gun and Isocksaith ; Katabltahmest at fe: jmrBi bhu, at prepares to 4o at: OT work on Onoa. Lonka. aaa. . i av ail eia .it MA I BcllOOl Notices tdafti Tawaradea Senoet wiif aSj'baMtesyMMfcW Aeademy build tao on MOKoXxThe ISlT . uy at bw r rasa TZtj!Vttab MdtltUieasawot arw. awsamfalesl i HsTtai-railaa to by 1 Dscrt puon for Uta abovi rVnaU tnUiaavwl II a. a ia aw I arn t tae tnfttoav whs b. it . and I the tnHtoav wHs b. at taa tWetftr-aSe CaB4a BaranaTT.r? All fetches rata at Ut.rita a win be. enartad xtaimaM..,. TU.m"T.PAT4Pl OrTAf" - ! 1

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