- -' .t, -1?" .-t-- -- - j-----. .yj--.C" 'CtaT- 'y-:yvtr r " .. f cV i: i ;. Ciif a- NQ. 1341 Nw Bern, latitude1. '850 6' North. - risei, HLentrth'of tfav1. uon rises t i$2 a.m. ,.., ' tBHSW Amu ; trdaTios Waktxd. A gentleman w lm iiasTCOPBiflgrable -experience' as a merchant, desire Jusituatian in a dry goojiththi U iVillisg'to- work for mod orate jy. . For further, . iuforma ti6n ipply at fOUBNAL office. ' WUmlngtjon had thtHy-aine deaths ..liarlag the mouth of August. XH, iTbeaokoensr Mtijor WnL H. Timtum V a the raili'okd wharf unloading coal. . w .Th li (Sty left last night for Broad reek te load, lumber at Bull Bros. mill. vuTbeateauer Stout left for Baltimore yeteriy with cargo of naval stores, Uunbareto. ,is Tni ''steamer Trwif left for Kinston yeeterdsy evening with a cargo of gen eral merchandise. The steamer Shenandoah arrived on atMnW .tffl-yesterday :with general merohandisk and left at the usual hour, carrying quite a number of passengers. "' Miss Fannie S. Myrick, of Murfrees beiofliii ft ate, is Id the city, and will at once open a music school. Miss Myriok has relatives here and comes in our midst highly recommended as an 1 accomplished musician and estimable yoangMady, For particulars, see ad- rwastiafiet. The President of the A & N. C, U. K. has tendered an exctirsion to the busi ness men-orL Grange and Kinnton to oreheadl Olty, the1 latter to come oil on the 6th wE i)ckets good (or return nn tlfths l'lth.ihe former on the 7th wh Jldtols goof for -TOtdrn unlil "the 18th. Our friends of Kinston and La Grange eaa ntakelthS trip i enjoyable, as the tiahlng sport is fine at this season. The eiigoXfChew' etee jails brought i byjth Wfn City Is hejpg distribbjAd ougthft k: & N. C. Railroad between this eftyand Klnpton. One thousand yAhjfS beW procured wUch wiU lay twelve or fourteen miles of track; this Wlh' '(lit silseeo miles already laid will give about twenty-five miles 'of new track,, The beet of the old rails taken up will be used to repair other portions and will enable the management to put tjbe Vpad in first-class .order. , 1 rersobal. Mr. J. P. Brogden, of Trenton, L. J. Chapman, of Maple Cypress, Wm. Qalflntrtjr, of Ceutrevllle, Titt county, Maoen Bryan, of Vnceborok at4 ,M. Prag.'of this city, U merchanta, left on theetmdooby yesterday evening for thelortbern markets. Lane Peare. ' - JZ IaiMajTertsuia phasl '7 ltt feeei l jfcasbii. (iJibedwee-tltrhct, grid fbjaKAogetken iveighed ; four and hSee quartetfAUhdlsyMthlBlMlicH ' BAnglui1hj,,;aiidfi8:treWili1e now UW IttlvyesVirifiisttihg WvVfjl one may with-alitrtei attentio have a njtwbaiV (JibM wrt tree n tgsaJ rpppnr acfiiBKciM eatWHinake at Chasiasewwrksew byviBi-tBe . f . , pertptjraud depiclfja " ' soa thif l?ew Berne and" olhar ipeine a ) cities throughout u.MtiUtK td lyi aoapa4. The yiteJ5Hsl.r-J na.ed for the Ncvxaitfrvr. but the nirVbiis a4: txertT worWlolf VaiTlthat have never baegrap&itiib & ! iu 'vn&ur Si)m nl Id Xlh - S-r til crytfT vm mi t TWS is ths. seBttprttM aaiMsgrao 1 4capmg sulphur over th antir Tillage, mas hav and the weeilrer'fo twboirrhiasmeU lasted throurhout the nteht. lh? K..7v:'i'vra J ntimerotuM Some say that the portkmg pri . ..s aa Dun4anos oLihia .valnahie, Df utkw mud ' throw tfp J bf the( -uratet fofa and fronx'th.kart'loalf ,tlff pout .are., strongly, Impxegaated with OuvtmtsvrT 'ayvW farmers r ilphuf ard that mall pieces of ul-!-t . , ' !;. -if.i 'i- Vhuraa b found In the mud. Not far tkj Mr. J. L. Rhem is busUf ' MUtsred " now in moins,!mfng; fletoostcas'e tatheshapeof Inverted oones, ... . i . si-.! . peca w save, .c.u-. ? " WrTn.;wt,ev?J'e" iWii ha. ,jhue.: th un thiaa s ni sre getting about . two tons toM cr? f i f'" wort at ie rT ton. Tt.bJ .'J Bivog-coyaov .MS,Ylthei eartbiM distance f twnty to - '- - - ' . - a. T'or.'i 8sirertn;vv- Tr5 Kotkt Mt . C, Karen it rssa.1 t r f.fippn jenr ry liver snd Hiiert l.ael at' y - f .!n4 not a diy ia ward, always In slanting direction. t;.. , ;. -t t beadncbe. f- lceiThe matter, that was throw up was of i; . I; B. u."i ounic l-.ooa i .-j D; B. B."i-oianic L.ooJ rm bn eftirelv re Moved: ro I r i l ... r - - r t: iiblrat and I let", tl- , s aDOtVipr poTi. I sm one , -I f .(XkS CI li. Li. -re at i.; T? f w Brais LsiWhr Trasi IWMDIitffftB much to keep the old town alive during the J summer seaapn Around and about the depot the immense mills of D. Stimeon aif (Jogdn 4:i8on 'agak tie? air ring with musio froia the numerous saws and' planing1 'milts. ' Mi.' Congdon is bhfiaiiga wharf that will hord a mil lion feet of lumber at one time. Mr, Stimsoa has started Jip hi eld aawmill I (hat Ua4 been resting and waiting for repairs about a year, and he is building a large dry house for drying lumber. the capacity of which will be thirty thousand feet per day. While these gentlemen are making things lively up town, Caw man, near the city market, and Hilton, on East Froat, are keeping things alive down town. The beneficial effects of these mills reaches far into the country , a they furnish a market for the lumber along the preeks and rivers which is brought down in large rafts. We occasionally see rafts of limber here from high up in Lenoir; near the -Wayne county line They alsa give employment to a large number of hands, Mr. Stimeon 'e run ning day and nigbt. When his dry house is complete Mr. Slimson expects to put in more planing machinery. An Old Kellc. A Warren ton (Va.) correspondent writes: There is in possession of Mrs. Charles Payne, of Warrenton, a carved stone that possesses some historic in terest. It formerly surmounted the entrance to Sluie Castle, one of the old est seat of the Cumminr familv in Scotland, and was presented to the lion. J. V. Brooke, Mrs. Payne's father, dur ing his visit to Scotland, as the one best entitled to receive it. Sluie comprised all the landed estate left to the Gum ming family aftef tee fall of the Stuarts, and its latest proprietor was James Gum ming, father of Bix daughters, one of whom was the mother of James Vass, a well known merchant of Fredericks burg, Va., fifty j ears ago, and grand mother of Hon. J. V. Brooke. Upon the marriage of those daughters, and the consequent dispersion of the Sluie household, the estate was sub-divided, and the old manor house transformed to make way for the salmon establish ments on the Findhone. The stone was treasured by the daughters up to the time of their death as a family relio, and bears on its surface the family coat of arms, with the date of erection of the castle and the initials ot the founder. It waa Hear Sluie castle, close to the town of Forrest, that Macbeth had the meeting with the witches, and a pile of stones yet marke the place. Mr. James Vass, mentioned above, was the father of Rev. L, C. Vase, the pastor of the Presbyterian Church iu New Berne, and the Hon. James Vass Brooke, also named, is one of the ablest lawyers and" political leaders in Vir ginia. , i . Mor N9W8 From Charleston. The . now received from Charleston yesterday does not tary materially from the epeeial dispatch published in the Jotmnak of yesterday. Mayor Meadows received a telegram yesterday morning from Manlone & Co., Charleston, stat ing that the damages and casualties were very heavy, so much so that they Were unable at that time to estimate it. , The trains have, resumed regular trips through to the city, and the people are becoming more quiot and are taking atepsto etin to buinou W copy below the latest received by mail last aighfcj ..'-,) -,,-' ' -!? ' i Charleston, Sept. 2. A special re port from Mt. Pleasant opposite Charles ton, says, , that a sink near the Germaa church which Tuesday was perfectly dry sand, is now full of fresh water. If ear Shell street there is a cabin occu pied by a ookred man that it completely sUnounded : by a yawning chasm ex tending' i through the earth's surface ten, feel and over. , All around this there ars sinks oi freshwater and masses of mud, with queer jookmg soft substance ir been seen oeiore. . it is many that the mud and other i substances found around the Ivinaga are voioanlo matter. Jut after i first gnat shook Tuesday night there Mtl.il - Charleston, on., ths road to Bum- I mnrvilW. azbAnArra : mounds" of clav Fwere thrown uo aad.bUlooka Of sand, in ths.'jftotiowpart oi'-wnicn naa ev been formed by the action of Jwatetrwtwniiy?; mto dtpthgf rbm fwhicli .u bad been rased.'' En ttraay (bases the erupted mattes, hadvftrcamed Iktvay frdtn the breaks in the suitaoe or J4tf fuf in MJ1A MlMfl IMM 'WMB Ifissuresu. almost, invariably,, sztaaading -If rota r north to.? south. These t rrucn wn Cot wide and .extended down a dark slaty color and was mixed wivn frraveW lb ere rwa tu)t little sf sei ateiaral tLe. famd rekembied V - t which is thrown frnm the bottom ft':e ibofr'-.'3 I tlii river, ba vcu-r in some r 'aces had a ta'te of enr ertiaa water, Let in m'-y in '.nrog it was just as cloar snd i "rid n V ' ff a mountain fpricg. Abese evidenoes of the great convulsion ars not poaaio. ,ley extend lar and near in- syery ' direotion from the city limits of CharleeUm a SummervlUe, and at Cad latter siaoTU waa iound, from , trustworthy informatioit, that Cracks and fissures ars everywhere vfai bl! for - mile around. BUungely enough sexne; of these war in active operation, and tb constant shocks that were felt ' at Summerville sent water out of these nasues ia Jsts to a height of from fifteen to twenty feet. Thi was evidently the result of the cracks being filled with water aad then the sides opening and closing by each suodbeding shock. These appearances were or course suggeetiys of still more violent eruptions and there-was constant dread everywhere that there would be general inundation caused by some extraordinary force of the earthquake Not only was water emitted in, low places, where it might be expected to exist ail toe time, out on tne tops ol tne highest elevations the mud eould be seen. This latter fact Indicated that the force was being exerted at a rather greater depth than was at first thought to be the limit of tne force. ADVICB TO Mks. Wbslow'b Boomuia Stkcp should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, euros wind colic, and is the best remedy for diar- bcea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. jan24dtuthsatwlv BK1KFB. Wholesale massacre Of Christians is reported in China. The date of unveiling the Bartboldi statue has again been postponed. Pinkeye has made its appearance among horses in some of the Penneyl- vaaia towns. The steamship .1uAxi, one of the greyhounds of the Atlantic, is still ashore near Sandy Hook. The Russian ship Nautiiuu was aban doned at sea August 31st, water-logged. The captain add crew were rescued by a passing bark and safely taken to Phil adelphia. An article in one of the leading Her man papers stating that Germany must always keep her eyes on France, ha created considerable excitement In the French press and among French diplo mats. It has been reported that Sir Charles Dilke, the disgraced English statesman, had arrived in Canada and was on his way to the Pacific slope, traveling un der an assumed name,' but later ac counts contradict the statement and say that 'be i is still in France as he an nounced would be his future borne.. . Hon. Thomas L. Manning, of Louis iana has been appointed minuter to Mexjco, vice Hon. Henry R. Jackson, resigned. Mr. Manning is a native of Eden ton, this State, and is a lawyer of floe ability. He moved to Louisiana in 1850, served in the Confederate army until 1864, when he was appointed date Justice of the Supreme Opart of Louisiana. In 1874 ha was appointed Chief Justice which position he held up to one year ago. Again Beach, the champkm oarsman of the world, has made a walk -over of all the competitors at ths great interna tional sculling race on the Thames, The series of races to decide whioh should contest for the belt ware largely represented and resulted ia Beach, an Australian, and' Teemer, from the United Statos, being chosen. In this, the final raoe. Beach bore off the lau rels, which compels him to be the reo- ognlsed champion ol the world, though U an ion, the famous Canadian oarsman. says Beach will not row him on Ameri can waters, or, in other words, ia a climate where be (Han Ion) has been accustomed to livfair. 1 1 ;-" Pi '.' The Fmtnins-Atlanuo steamship lines an making strong efforts to bom- pete with the English lines touching New' Torl. Every constant' there ft being added new and .most splendid boats to these lines. To latest lb U hew French steamship, La Bretagne, Just arrived at New York from Havre on her na(dn trip, Th admirably oa ths . voyage which she made la"' about eight4 day and nine hours., lat rtfVM , measarss ,7,000 Her .dimensions -ars:; Length, 5084 Teet; breadth of beam. 811 feet, and depth or hold, III feet. M The hull is of the highest grade of steel, from the foundries at Terre-Kotre, and the wood used is of ths finest quality of Canadian almtandteaU J The water-tight halb head are 11 la a umber, and extend from the fteelsea' te the seoond deoir, These givs ,the aemessel, 13. water tight eosapartossatST- with rtrhkh it would, he almost tapesvible te sink her. The engines are of the triple expansion Tripsatlantie Compairy 1 1,700,000, ex clusive of her decorations, wb tch Vers done by thV company 1 smployes at an etnenae of $75,000. -a t w.f..c "Eai" st ars, who never felt a wound,'" fi a mon rmy st""! wfth hf? bands ii 1 t-.-v- 1 -;h,ts poor, worn ' it if be-is fn!'!rm is'.l "j lEta t'.S tftftf ep-- Acry s!.op and tuy Lima bottle of i -.)T&tiouC.ltthe small expense of oaly 3 etsr ,.- ai ! 1. 1--.-.. tonAt .b. ' DEMOCRATIC CONeBKSSIQHAL COSTEITlOJr. A Harmonious Convention 7. ht, Simmon, 5q.., yonjiaated. by Ac clamation. Wilson Advance. The Democratic Confireeeional Con vention of this, the second district. as sembled at the oourt house yesterday evening at 4 o'clock. Uant- tt. a. feeble, chairman of the dvtnot Democratic executive commit tee, called the meeting to order, and in doing bo made a practical, forcible speech. He referred to the fact that when the other congressional districts of the State had power and infloenoe in nominating conventions we always split up so that our strength was frit tered away. U. U. Daniels, or the Advance, was requested to act as secretary. On motion the following committee were appointed : Committee oil Vrtiettmls Craven O. H. Union. Lenoir A. .T. Hill. Greene rR. W. Taylor. Witoon-'-Jno. E. Woodard. . Bdgeoombe E. T. Bynutu. Vance W. 8. Parker. Northampton B. H. Burnetii. Warren Capt. B. M. Collins. Jones C. H. Foy. Halifax A F. Bberrin. PertiKtnent Oryanimliuu Craven C. Manly. Lenoir A Mithell. Greene Capt. W. A. DanleD Wilson H. . Murray. Edgecombe W. H. Powell Vance W. S. Parker. Northampton W C Bower Wayne L. B. Eaton. Jones J. B. Banks. Halifax Jno. O. Burton Plat or in . Craven li. H. Bryan. Lenoir Kobt. EounUee. Greene Capt. W. A., Danlun Wilson r. A. woodward. Edgecombe Tkm. Gilliam. Vanoo Wi d. Parker. Northampton 8. J. Calvert. Warren-pC M. Collin. Jones J, Ct Parker. Halifax Jonas Cohn. Bertie- Not represented . While the eotnmlttees were out short speech were made by Major John Hughe or New Berne, judge uuuam of TarborO, M. DeW. Stevenson, Esq., of TW Berne, and Col. H. Q. Williams of Wilson. The oommittee b credentials report ed, through its ohatrman, Mr. J. E. Woodexd, said that every county except Bertie was represented, and that the majority rule be adopted. The report was adopted. Oommittee oo permanent osganieation made the following report, wbioh was adopted: Permanent ohairman, H. F. Murray; secretaries, u. u. uanieis ana W. H. Blount. Mr. Murray made a few verv happy remarn upon taking tne chair. H. R. Bryan, chairman of the oom mittee on platform and resolutions, made the following report, which was adopted without a dissenting yoice: ueeotvea, mat we tne Democracy or the Sd congressional dlatriot, in conven tion aasembled) do hereby reaffirm oar davotloa to the principle ol the Demo oratie party a heretofore enunciated in the platforms of the party, both Btate and National, and will in the future, as in the past, defend the same. Resolved. M, That we heartily ea- dorse the present system ol county gov eroment, and pledge- the best efforts of our party to perpetuate the same. Resolved Sd, Tnat we neartuy ap prove the present administration of our State and National , affairs, and will to the best of our abtUti sustain it. Nominations for a candidate for Con gress being next in order,, uaj. jo&n Hkghee, of New Berne, pfaoed Mr, F. M. Hlmmons. ei urareo oounty in nom i nation. In doing so he took oooaston to say eome specially good thmgs.wnion want of space prevents out reproducing. The nomination was seconded by Judge Gilliam and Jno. E. Woodard, Esq;. Capt. W. A. Darden moved that the nomination be made UBnimouay that F., at, Simmone be declared the nominee of the convention. Carried . without a diseeating' voice. 1 Mr. Simmon being loudly ailed for, responded hr a fttteeoh whiob. arreaur. eieeeea tae conveuuon. He urged the Democrats of the district to wosk earnestly, prudeattr and seal entlj. Said he expected to M elected,. We -regret tnat we are unaoia to give more of hie speech this Week. Be will oanvaas every eonaty in the ; diet riot, and oar people- will have an opportune Ity of bearing aim for t&emeeives. uon Gilliam, Esq., of Tarboro. waa called upon and -responded in a short speeca ailed with 'good aensend fire. -1 Judge fliiliant offered.' rasottttion Hedging the ; . Democrats df the district to the nomine of the ooaventlon, whioh was unanimously, adopted ", . , i , ! The following executive committee was elected" ' Cnwen Tho. iDeniekt. ..::-. Lenoir A. T.1 Hill. , V. , ; , GreanftrrW. Darden., u i . , v . Wilson F. W. Barnes. , Bertie-. B, Martin. 1 EdgeoombeDonjffialrt Northampton BTBl: Peebles. . Warr-HArote!' r'i, JonesJi'B.Bnk.i-w5;!f ni HalifaE Groen. iM, .r Vaeu-06l.'Wi -H. Wtft,'; aws'moeTid,ie4rried tntt.tBiF chxlrtnaa afpint a' committee .of one from each-count to woperate "With the. district executive wmmtttM-M more thoroTigh) OTfnfye in thl distrlcTr Ths lol everjL.JJc 50mtfT! Pertie E. fi Outlaw.-irtbrmi SvaA I fsr.0 Theo. -Edwardl! ) &jl9t V i n 1 A- Vodard."-ftfw ,TKU Ej - -9 Jonsee Kotueety w t?h Irn.r h, Ji I-net- cl-joeq ki( Halifax W. A. linns ooi - lv Jones r. 1L- IVtr-aaw.: W' 1 Vance W. 8. Parker. vUl Kviftai f Boat, tl Norfolk, Va.,8pt Ov TbcbaAer L A- flanuur, Ur- liowvfraoi Maine, with ioe, arriied taia morniag, and reports having' been' eangjil hi al hurrioane last week olf gape Uod, apd lost foretepmaat, jibboom aad rfggiig, and had all rigging looaeaei 9mw ei will have to undergo consider! repairing above decks ttefore going to sea again. The schooner A. A. Qtrimby, with cargo of coal for Elizabeth City, N. C, arrived here this morning and reports that Friday last, in the upper bay, she was in collision with the schooner Wm. Layton, and had a part of her waist tail and some of the standing rigging carried away, the shock causing the vessel to spring a leak. . The Layton got oil with trilling damage. A large three-masted schooner was reported this morning ashore near Hea w ell's Point; name unknown. ijpme one has declared conoeit worse than consumption, and the comparison is a true one. Many are the "oonceited" who cry down legitimate remedies, and who delude suffering humanity, who only salvation is the immediate use of Dr Bull's Cough Syrup. Drawing and Painting Having formed a class in drawing and painting, notice is hereby given that other students will be taken at my studio at the Baptist Parsonage, la structioo will be given in Drawing and Painting in Oil and Water colors Crayon Drawing from models and from Life from Still Life, and in the Princi ples of Technioal Drawing. Also Lustra Painting and other Decorative works, for which orders are solicited. aug29dlw Mas. A. M. Whitiis.i. rraa Ibe Qaaker Cily. Philadelphia, June 1. 183. My daughter, Lydia Aun, has been arlected with a running sore under her chin, which has proven very stubborn. Hhn has used four bottles of B. B. B., and I am glad to say that all ulcers have healed. She is enjoying good health and a fine appetite. I attribute her cure to the U. B. B. Botanio Blood Balm. Thos. A. Pickktt, No 401 N.48th St., Philadelphia. Sold in New Berne by R. N. Duffy and K. II. Meadows. Wanted at Once, Five hundred white boys and girl from 14 to 21 years of age to learn eigari ette making. The work is light and very profitable to those who are willing to apply themselves diligently. , Address W. Dckx, Sons dt Co., au20 3aw4w w4t Durham, S. C. , Real Estate Mortgages and Dees to sale at the Journal onioe. COMMERCIAL. bmuskstic nisi kt . Sekd ootton X2.90. Oorroa Baan flO.OO. Toarsirrnre Hard, f l.eo; dip, tl.7S. Taa-75o.al.S5. Oats New, 35c. in bulk. Oobji o5a00o. KlOl 76a85. Basswax 15c. per lb. Bxar Oafoot, He to 6c. Oocrtbt Hams IOo. per lb. Laud 10c. per lb. Boo 12o. per doaea. Faa&a Poax 4taea per pound. PaAjruTB BOo. per bushel. Foddeb 75c.a$.1.00 per hundred. Oifioirs 50c. per barrel. FtBLD Pxab 5a70c. Hmxs Dry, luo.; green 5c. Apples 35a50o. per bushel. PXAjta 75o.a1.85 per bushel. Hohky 35o. per gal. Tallow 5c. per lb. Oaioxxirs JOrowu, 80a35c. ; spring 2Dat5o. MAX 70o. per bushel. Oats 50 cU. per bushel. Ttrainra 60c. per bushel. Irish Pota.tok 92.75 per bbl. Wool lOalde. per pound. PotATOBS Bahamas. S5a30c. ; yams, 40 50a KKBOSKIia tie. BHDiaixa West India, dull aad nom inal; not wanted. .Building, B linch hearts, X3.08;saps,1.50 per M. Nsw liasa Peax--lia.00. BBOULBKa Mxat 7io, C. B.'s, F. B's, B.'s aad L. C 7ie. FLOua 3.25a8.00. . IdJaWSd, by the tierce. Hails Bei Ws,a.50. BcflAa Granulated, 81 e Oorrxa italic. SALT 8590o. per aack. . MOLASBM ajto BnrnMai6 PoWDtra ga.Ofl. Bhctt Drop, tLJ5; book, fS.00. School Hotice. Him EifXtiY rKKXBXX wUl reamme her School (on Browd street SEPf. IS, MSB. SSBtitd. 4 School. Hotice. . MlhS kOLLtA tttATH " will Mmu bar Sfcbool at aer Reeldenne on Pollock atreet, MONDAY. HXfT.SUUl. ISM.' Terms: Primary, S1.S0 par month; advaaoad stuojasM, U.SJ setmoatta - ssp dlw Rsmiioira nV jJ Ji liiCsj rioflisWi Coitttaa&tt gbHcttod. tHtw)oers ws,f Oreea gey aco.1 w. rrompt nwncmn xiTf .to to aai. of and otaar Fvadaea, i 1-eeaeewfca " 41 li 1 V ' J' -w 'J ' ia 4; ;uusw ccnoci ham tMxtm a, uyiutH i sisrni' KW sWi sarVViMptembe Grcd n:::C:a I A Lars Lin of India Mneac Cheek Kaiar ooks, Torobon. Msdlcl. EtTptlaa aa4 arte. mi Laoe. wni.be omredat Marraloosly law rrteet Little Store 'Round .Corner. J. F. I7E3T MiddlsBtsMt. On door rrotfoUocA. School Notice. 1 expect to open aBehoolat the Caapelsa Oeurgu nntt ud the etxth f smsssif aezt. IpUa received aceardtac te thalr cluauOaMton at the Graded Bebooifroas tit e imh ui uta Buyu -i tin. . Term. 11 eu per iii' th. aoi aio StK. .1BY N. wIIXaAIKH A For Sale,, Desirable Dwell inr on aarah sad of Broad street, between George aad Bora streets, containing six room in perfect order. Good well of water m yard. Address P. O. Box No. 573. si lw E.II.& J.fl.Uc;d:ri, (iENERAL Commission Merchants AND DKALKttM 1M Fertilizers and Agri cultural Chemicals. - ppeolitl atientloD irtven to tin sale or COTTON. Liberal fclv.ure. uuide on ConalaBlumiSa. UUlrm m cui tier Pollix k aud MlVUeAaat. mid I'dIoq I'oiui. eeplSwtf A Card. will upu a CUua for ttctaUig UK !), lAiiliusft- by about the lutti of Heptember. Uullv. .ud UuuUemen will Ih-Iw-u 1J und 1 o clock. Lo PP7. A. M JAoOHHOIt tax uruer of UMaooek and Puatoea eta. aUKSl drodtfl Notice. liy order Ikard Couuuisetoaera f Craven County there will be - a now regwtratlon of the voter of the counts'. JOSEPH NEXSOlf, aug-i4 SOd Cler. For Fall Planlbj. Cabbage. Kale, Spinach aad Taraip Seed. E. H. MEADOWS & CO. aug21 dw Lost. O. It. R. a. at N. MTUCJL A Oertrtloaie of Btock of Urn ALlauU. J O. Kalljoad CV.. No. V, has bMn loaLand Ui uudaralaued haa applied aw a aaWeer iincala All oouoerutd will take aotlea. Ni-wi, Am,, it am Id purauaaoe of a Judgment of taa a Xari of CraTwa ooonty, we will ail uou iur eaao, a uie Uenrt Ha oraren oonuty, oo the P1K8T MOM DAT In OCTOBXR, WHS. at TWSXVBo ela, T, ti followlBi eboaea la aeUva. te wtu fwa aw tain boade lor twenty -ntne handrad oilara i"1 vf J7 H. J. Lartaa ( CkMM M. Blaaa. and due on the lUi f-- rr Pft Alan on note, SX, .tcned bv (artrWU- - "W VMH asaaw va U- suine by WTjL ante by J. N. Baiwouat oa ft RadaUnci on far VI. "H. r, aaa Aw Sis. alai.S a. nna ror aauu, ugned by m.tt. alaiMd H. A. t " . wuvr; nn ,wi .iaj, vianaa wn tar; one for SIM. ilnwd Wm. K. HaJUr ai, algnes) A. AjWhHaaMaaV AM to Coa. H. Blank and Mea-an ia ooe ror paj-able us aa truataea. JOILN80N, BUTTOH tXJw Tmateea U H. Blaak. HIMMOSH A MAIILY.AUy.. New Uerne. A.C.. Aoa. U,.MSw aartaA Notice! Hotice! MHod Th uneeMtrne. hrrln 'opthaa iM ' Gun and lK)clcsEiith ' ' IkJf wor o Ouna.- Lonka. ate. ' . TUf wort KbanotnuU 9 JIODOU aim dwtr T i J '1' boIotif'v day of Sapt.Kber. thbl . , , . "TT . - rhpnlbfi JS ponduct Ibe aaheol upon aw eauiV k "v e smw UM rwrwwaYan by snbaorlpuaa tar th l r I mmf poae, a email ttfrtlon win be Sht-d"la7u bu a mim laiuon win be SI to rate of HI nlaher trade at tna rata at Maaa. ETlTi? FUfli,.:Udrin tAOUA-" wtine ahari et any r" nn iinii TUITION RATABLE QUAWTtaXy fa' DT oraer of to. Hoard of Timlin. ' . . i Bock Lime. .ill.lVl' Plaster, i-jIau wi: Hit i ;: i'.; A lOI Cexnexit8.,,l t tlftdiK)V i.-ji: tuti lofitlaUeli."a I'Pii i : s J li Is fti e4 ct iL'oiS cii t&dl thi ci vlii J J li tot .SfjJ), CUT. flit lI'M CSM'M'A .', 1

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