- - x . - -, - . .. . ' - e . - . TV " ' A - - . .. .' . .......... .. b. .- . " 4 1 - . -. " . ' " . .R.U.J I.I N..1W, .Vf, AV .if ... irr j: . .i.e;.r''Vt 1" jUe i ii 5WBi;Tn "i i !.-. 1 .. ... . itn.iAtM' am ' j i , i '. - . ?- . . , . . i, , , i ..j.-. .i- ,f i i . w- U 1 HXKaw io ; -v aW . V n-v A A' JEPTEMBEK X- '. T . at, NEWS;'. f ttrul BlKUtin JImm. f' Nw Bom. Utitudi, . 8S Nortkl ,i r ionf ltuae, jt rww. i un (utt, 0:10 I IS hoawv43 vinat : r.VloiiMH t 13:201. r t It t)Ud " SWPKWQ WAjmc."-A gentleman vho bu jsoiuidevbl experience u merchant desirea 9 linuttoir in a dry k 'rjf4jL.atore. i:Js willing t woik lor ' &TkJ in'n Arr.Jwa left PPBtf rdT kalog fpt Bnw Cil. with a full carf?o O Weiig rfquwtcd by Mr. John Dtmn, 4 toioutbat, tlattr reeetfta (f his aotU f otmnnn cm FVlday will be devoted (or the rHftrf the Charleston sufferers. Lewja TCaaniogtin, the house mover, i.'pUba.'avay at the Bchlaaghter houw 'oii.iM.rofnRr et PoTlock and 0org it 1 be moved to the cecUr of the loi where R. H. Thnian, Esq., wiJI erect a Cue dws'.licg. The Democrats of the second Sena: iottel 4istiot Dominated ChuC F. War icai of Beaufort eounty, and Joseph A. SawvUlafrell.or the Bute Senate. Thes tBtlemen if elected, as doubtless they will be, will ably represent their oooetltueats in the General Asm mbly. l.cw FotflUe. f la'isew' poatefBce has been established at Jones' Bay," Pamlico county, and is named Ilobucketi. One has also been esUhsh4 ntiQueeu's Crock, Oi.slow ckmutf; (na'isiiBibed IIubTt. SarrlBCten Steam Frrj , maoa'eemeiit announces tbttths Barrlngton Bteam Ferry went into oper ation aa a daily line yesterday and that herftafU ai steamer' will ply on The rouU vwyrwday"f; Inoludad. DoVtesajtermof Jho camp m?tiJPK the' erriafV tot All, will bo fivocenU each wayJJaMja4'1feKeJ)t children in armit. mast buy tickets at each Urn d inf. Carrawey has returned futa Ut .ancMptaifla. he v states that thb shocks or t"qe eartiaa'ke were quite saware atdnFort, but po damage was dXe. ftrsoiswholwee ln tha bilV raJtaTjtflitflry IJr4lB nafcta-Jel the aUrmlog , cifmB -0Vl in fpca4 t bfptnure f rwa. witlwnt. t'tottlli V. Harder, of KlnstpB, pallp'd tuaaa M yesterday. - Ho Lai been to MrfrebeaJ Qity retreating. Sheriff S. E. Keonce, of Jones, is in tp:,ety: ' . ." . c i . Parl,drccn FosCdUou-now To V .'.'WA-V'? ' ' 'Wjte W ,bat the army worm has ap paand i portions r Oreene county, ak4.SOftVtfJo mmtmtk to Ue cotton fc..M.w .Tie "M 'ffeetsjal 'imedY,,Tor tbemi' ; G7Xl"JDaAlM tie Plan for applying lit Ml Wfcound of Paris owl! ntf! ttfffrw-W lW aaosi flour, lima or plaster, and aoatter cottc-ccBhtla ib dewJ &ied,i5a LkLL JO: being "jpertnta4 ' ao a to ktitaass through aa a aajva'O u t'., ' . ."' Tha. TMraotora 6f b'e'A. K. C. Rail- ' roU held "Moating) al Varobead City on n !dlVOtti Ttnlilt td raftef t srU.Vbta bfcxss,w8B .ooncludeJ, tbi Preai4eatr Mr, "Waahlngtoa Bryan, oalUd DiiaW JraJatw to .the chair Mr BrTBtf-llieni at&Ced that. In oonse . osM.ce ttmmfttiMiin e sr .'.. -nves PrearTecently, obargtog 25hlwdto5'ttl (?to.tba itookholdera aj tteir ananaiJ meeting m Jane, ana iwu or wo inu uir, he asked 6ommttCaa be ap 4 tainted to m aire thorongh exmmtoa- , . in I'm .in tn t; i ana-report w -ib wc"rwB iVuUea; itCrStrOnach and cJ Et FJTweraappoiawaa w,"! v 1 -r. . i4 i,Us we-atpafefcd JTO , , v rwa why- Krn Brfaa ahonW .Ltfl iraki a .tendrt coftfexnlng n.-r.a of tie road that the Treasurer interested la the effalti bfi tha A. & K. C. Eailroad San ro?t aiwtfred . jut .; i Wgd fcaadeitKat i le'aaa- t-r. an eye to .Buwneaa, MH4.Ma t - t f ? geoaTondMotocreaslna; i and fthaecing tbeyalueoi : K. ahd" thjr.ieft.fot wrzwwn r, irade a tborougexamiatatien Ul "tie I Ja and reDortttilMl , x k-u the "git'oliieclirildr.lWj'to.iUTirtuai.AJIy fnanda to whom t"e ne j:, iMt,-,tdl J recommended -it, praise it at T-il.'.f-"l -wa-,bcld ccewfl portunUy.'--' " ? ' V ,irrporttUm',i';er8 of the r oaa, u SltM now tfgins tne growniinmpiion is guaranteed to our cougms .mvicf L'.ia aectlon".:. ITlleolda,; bronchUia. astJima..t)roBp and Cnt1UM to CkaH f su-f. , The, paopH of vharleaapa ae tn jenat 4istrfii(jts'eliara.lrjek ImoMdiate wants, coctrtbutlons moat b tent by their fsiiow tabuiitiymea throagboot the Uoited Statea, Charlaeioa has aafldred many calamitiesr but her 'eit'rena have horstofore rtipeetfpUy aec'iaea outsUe aid, nor . would they accept it ao bctt for the great extent of the damages and the extreme necesfitfes of the case. The damages are variously estimated at from four to seven millions of dortats, aad there is no insurance to fall back on, wore many tauusands of aer people are without home and shelter. Mayor E. IT. Jfesdows ) as collected the follow-jiig amounts which will tie promptly fcrwsrdfd, d. it is hoped tact others may contribute their mite to t9 relief of a suffering people: A"T. Jerkirs $1.00 E. H. Meadows 5 00 R. P. Williams... ... 5.00 V. A. Crawford 5 00 Thos. Daniels : 5.00 F. W. Hancock S.(K M. Draney 5 00 D. Uancock 8 W J. M. Barcett. 1.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 II. E. Bryan Oapt. II. H. Lane Mai. Jno. Hughes Dr. (I. L? Shacklcford. L. H. Cutler 2.00 Green, Foy & Co 5 00 . M. Bimmous a (JU Dr. Chas. Duff? 2.00 J. A. Meadows 5 00 E.K. Bryan 1-00 Thos. Gates & Co 5.00 W. D. Wallace 1.00 Gen. K. It. ism 4.60 E. Lewis 50 Jas. Epdraond 5 00 Ci.pt. Tl'os. Howard 4.00 Itttbertn & Uro ft. 00 W. F. Rountreo 100 O. II. Guion 1-00 Small wood & 8'ovtr 5.00 Dr. J. II. lluf-hes 1 0 ' Asa Jones 1.00 II. H. Drffy 1 CO (Jeo. AI en J. V. Wil'iams. G. H. It bens.. 2 0J 1.00 2.00 1.00 T. K. Maoe l'amllco Politics. Editor Journal. Allow me space in sour valued paper to name some of our good Democrats for our county of ficers. I would suggest for shernl of Pamlico county, Richard M. Daniels, a true and tried Democrat, who would poll, I think, more votes than any man we could sendfor clerk superior court, Festus Miller; for register of deeds, nueh W. Lane; for coroner, Jesse F. Sawyer. Voter. Pamlico county, N. C- Every elorious act of a great life starts forward an eloquent fact. Dr Hull's Cough Syrup in the glorious nrf of a life's study, and it is a positive that tt stands without a rival '. Helpint? Oharlestos Bending Tonts to Eho'or tho Homnleea. Yesterday Gov. Scales received the following telegram from Gov. J. C. Sheppard, of South Carolina, dated Columbia, 8. C. : "I have visited Charles ton. The destruction Of property is terrific. Money contributions will be gratefully received. Rain ot wind will intensify the. suffering. , Can, you spare any tenttreiWa'kave-aeV enough to supply tho. damandL, If sok aend at onoe." .1.-,- u ui ii . The Governor also received the fol lowing telegram from Mayor E.D. Hall, of Wtlmusgton: "Tne. mayor at Bum oMtrrilte, 8. C, la celling for tents. Me have " none; bare, Can yon not help tbem? They want all tbey can get. This is orient." Gov. Boalee at onoe oaiiea a meeting of the oouncil of State and they agreed with him as to tho necessity of sending tents at once. The State owns lt0 wedge or A tents and 21 wall tents, with flies, fec. complete. Got. Scales telegraphed to Got. Sheppard to know how many Were wanted. Got. Sheppard later sent uor. scales the following dispatch: "Many thanks for our ; prompt reply. Great relief will be thus beetleoted." The OoTcrnor also received the fol lowing dispatch from William E. Huger, mayor pro tern of Charleston: . "All tents absolutely necessary.' Will be more than obliged." The auartermaster-general. vol. I . A Olds, shipped 180 wedge tents on last evening's train, In a special oar, fur nished by the courtesy of the Seaboard line. The . tents go via Hamlet ana Wilmington..' The tents will hold four persons comfortably. They are new and in perfect fcrderw 1L A. H. Haynes was given onarge ei tne tents oy tne Quartermaster-genera!" and goes with them to Charleston, where they will be delivered to William K. Bugerwhois acting as mayor m the absence or. Hon. Ww A. Courtenay. The . teats went through in ear : MS of ' the Raleigh; A Gaston road.' Many thanks are due UaJ. Winder and Capi. WtUiaca Smith for their special kindness in fnrlishimr this ear and for other arrangements for a quick trip te Charleston. Mr. A. e, CL Brran. of the Southern express com- aany,. also extended special favors in UuS connecuon.---Aafs ana iwsemer, , . . ' : , Host Bxealleart. . .,.. t': ! "J. J Adams. Chief of Police Knox tille.Tenn.. writes! "My family and I are beneficiaries ef your most excellent A.4 !ni n A tl.. TlllVN.i TliMAnn ffl- eonsumptioa; having found it to be all 5 that yen can claim for it, desire to tes- ri, pr.;Xiog1 Kear": DiieTti'lot bn- afTectioa ef throat,- chest and f-ee st T'fneock cur .ceaa New Berne, K. CL, Sept. 7. 1884. The regnlar naotttbJy . moating was held this aveaing.fAror Meadows in ahalr, and CoBeibBen.Williama, Ban cock, Daaiels, Draney, Crewfer&and Styrbn present. 'fH A', rt Conrmittee on streets and pomps re ported that a pomp hadbeen' bored at foot of Broad street but was not feas ible for fire pmrpoaea, and had been made into a drinking well at a total coat of 163. The committee on streets and pumps were instructed to have proper repairs made at Frog Pond, at Colligan'a cor ner on Queen street, and any other work on the streets in their opinion necessary. Tlie following ordinance, presented by committee on ordinances and li censee, was adopted: Be it ordained, That on and after Sept. 10th, 1686, no person or persons shall be permitted to erect any building within the fire district without first ob taining permission of the board to do so. Any person violating this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and upon oooyiction shall be fined fifty dollars or imprisoned thirty ys; and each day said building snail so stand or remain in course of erection shall be a violation of this ordinance. Mr. Stewart was granted permission to erect a building in his 16t on South Front street. I Mrs. Ellis was granted permission to demolish a building in the still-yard lot On East FrOnt street, and build three stiiHB for horses. The eomm'Uee on fire district having granted permission to J. A. Meadows to build an office on his mill lot, their ac tion was ra'ified. M arsbul 's report adopted : Arrests 28 convicted and 5 dis- elmrgoi'. 1 .i.i-a collected, $8.00 xtH. 48.95 Rents. '.00 Tolal, 68.96 Fines and costs not oolleoted, $28.05. Tho above amount paid to treasurer less fees ?23.47. J. M. Hahqet, City Marshal. Mr. J. K. Willis, from Atlantio fire company, made a proposal to the board to present the board with the Atlantic hose horse, and asked the board to buy a new one for the oompeny. On motion the matter was referred to Are depart ment committee to report. Mr. J. C.;Geo, from same, company, asked permission to have the beater re paired. The matter waa referred to. fire department committee with power to act. The insurance on engine houses was referred to flnanoe oommitteo with power to act. The matter of vouchers belonging to Dr. Duffy was referred to city treas urer. Dr. Duffy was allowed to keep the shed on his building on South Front street, provided he has it covered with tin or iron. On motion Mr. Wynne was continued as clerk of the market. Regular bills allowed. Bill of W. S. Phillips was referred back for correction. On motion of Councilman Hancock the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the citiaens of this city be respectfully asked to ooatribute as liberally as possible to the Charleston sufferers through Mayor Meadows, and atayor, (Jounciunen, Ulty Uolleotor ana Manual contribute 93S.UU. R. D. Uakoock, City Clerk. Frost tka Lons Star Rtata, HutcHkhs, Tex., Feb. 1885. . For many years my wife baa been af flicted with a large eating nicer of the leg, which has had the attention of sev eral doctors, and the use of all kinda of medicine, without benefit. She waa told that B B. B. would cure her. She baa need two bottles, and the ulcers improved "rapidly nntil entirely cured. It was the first and only medicine that ever did any good. w. J. KI1TNIN Sold in New "Berne b R. N. DnflV and K. 11. Meadows. 1 The Latest From Charleston. CHAnUtflTO. 8. a, September 7. Thk has, been a quiet day, with as, as there has only been one shake since Sunday night, and war shake, today, wse not worse than would be caused anywhere by the passing of a heavy- laden wagon, f ETaiently the subterra nean disturbance are working th em salves out and .hoar' by , hoar more thought Is" given" to' the needs of the present and the wants of the futare. There is a feeling "of sturdy self-reliance that is highly - enooaraging. . No- one doubts the. ability ,to poll through. The pluck of the people. rises, beyond the height Of , the occasion.. Mayor Courtenay Vreturn, tooy this morn ing - rata every body i better spirit. Long - before . I the menal ofnoc hours be waa hard at -work tematistag. and " . arraaglng - -relief measures and , ascertaining on his own account the extent of toe calamity. One of the first steps was to constitute at a teller committee a joint committee of the chamber 1 commerce, tear chanta' exchange and the cotton" ex change, appointed by the city eounciL ins several exchanges are representee. on the committee, and mayor Courte aay will be ebairman. .---. thai ntorabag It was anflribaaly A iv snake a general aaspail lor aid as tlM PreebTteriea AnjebeeW aba ooaatry. , Their beantif ul balidiM Ja a total rata ana ne congregation m-pbrct-lstned. Obntrfbutkme eaar be for warded to RT. W,r TaitmpioQtlXilX', pastor.' : h. Sc:!'' i.n. :-k- Of j The appeal of the colored nuaietera to the people of the United States for col ored people in disteess was who)Jy un necessary . The relief committee treat the fond at their command aa subscribed for the benefit of the whole community and as it was given without distinction of race, color, er oondition, ao will it be expended. Up to this time more ac commodations have been provided for colored refugees than for whites, and in issuing rations the committee are no respectors of persons. This has been demonstrated and tie expectation is that the colored ministers will be wil ling to co-operate with the general com mittee, instead of aoting on their own account. Mothers. Often neglect knd delay in giving proper attention to their children who have become unhealthy. xlace your sickly daugbtei upon the ase of 11. B. B. aaa lonio and general regulator; give it to your weak and feeble children; pre scribe it to your husuand and sons as s general tonio and appetiser before breakfast, and they will never have any use for whisky bitters. Sold in New Berne by R. N. Duffy and E. II. Meadows. BHIEF9. The number of deaths from drown ing at watering resorts this season has been unusually large. The signsl service office reports alight snow at Hellene, Montana, Sunday night. The thermometer was down to 81 degrees. A Nashville dispatch sayB tne widow of ex-President James K. Polk cele brated the eighty-third anniversary of her birth last Saturday. Many tokens of kind remembrance were, sent the venerable lad)- by admiring friends. A correspondent . from Macon, (ia., writes to the Constitution that a church in that city bad secured the services of "an elegant sop ana, a beautiful alto, a fine tenor and a fine basso and that the success of the church is now assured." We were nnder the impression that preaching bad something to do with the success of a church- From one'of our exchangee we copy the below puczle that may Interest some of the boys and girls: "The t" fj" of the girl of the . are small, tapering and beautifully shaped; I las beautiful as the , and she is without her - her frown is a t, and her figure excites ! 1 I of surprise and a hankerlhg - her; In winter time, when her beaux , round to see her, she , she dashes away to put some : the grate." In response to the Queen's telegram of sympathy, President Cleveland sent tbe following reply: "Exeontive man aion, Washington, Sept. 4, 1886-To Victoria, Qneen and Empress, Balmoral, Scotland.- Your Majesty's expression of sympathy if or, the svflema by the earthojUke ia warmly appreciated and awake, grsacfoi reaponte ka'Americaa hearts. Grovar dereiand, PrehideTia." That the English goysrnmeat ia one of the shrewdest CaV thei globe there is no mistake;' afloiael Daltt, who has been in the United u State about two nsonths lee Wring oil t-h bome rule qiaestioa In the" Interest of Ireland, has daaywered that he has been followed by ihnand rejldrtoi: In tbe' pay of the BtttjsQovernment. .All ofhts fpeecbes and sdme 6f bU private conversation ware taken down in full by the inds faUgable agent. The fact - has just leaked out. Of all his utterances so so far, Mr. Davitt has the credit of hay ing; been very temperate, and unless tbe speeches' are misrepresented, theEng liah authorities will find tt difficult to make any .charges against him. j In ererr ine of the New York Xdoer ean.be found short and .-pointed artiol that opt only . interest,) bat are of real worth: ind value. Iadeext, of so much Importance do we regard some of them that wa' cannot "refrain from copying a portion Of an' ' editorial in the is tie of September 4th Beaded "xne .vaiue or Cbaracteri" wnioK n)ns thusly : "With regafa to' mercantile affairs,, character te welfmald td beof eqTial with capital for It Is r not .less . efflclent as k "toeailf Of auVaHCbir interests. "Where oapitel does pot at V1 exist, character will do mnch.'VJAiUf l'capital has done its utmost, ohaxaoJnalM called upon 4odq something mors. Bupposlag cap- jonaC.sad thtcWaotei remains, no Idarai baiikrcpt, .Oaaricpftr'wm help toreccttrtrncttQia llto lary oonscloaraesjs at haTiagafalr Jisaotec -leBsphie'sn -etiergf w thosV who havvMftae1 else td-depend fipoSr ind wilh lh precious eapitaTj throagh the Wi j Hopefi lorla4sotf aidl worid fwel;hari,Airuip(!n4s,htoto the TelWtiewirasTrHf Vnt be smiles an takes) heart and oCtfrage when hie wife briflrs a bof'e of.SsJvat tion Oil; the gTeata .cars earth for 'TU BsST BUl.var-'ta- fee 4orU for Onsa, .BransM,-r-flflWay:ft1sias,xilsa Rheua, Fever 8ca5K-,twrc Jglf f id Haoda, Cb Waa Cras, aeeaU Lkiq ErnptHma, -AiUjeffiraias emraa ilea. It ia guaranteed to oerfeot ssWaCi tioa, or money refaa4d Prtee tt eents par not, jtor aan ty Hawwrar tirafi . f .lu.ji.ao t.'.'....?gair cut WaMtarMt lOais.'" '.t-JI Five hundred wbW bcye-aid crom u to si yeaza nfag to lear ette making. Thai work ) ta ticnt: and very profiuble to those who are willing! to apply themselves aiilgentlT. Address W. Duiat, Sons & Co., au20 2aw4ww4t Durham, N. C. COMMERCIAL. JODBJUL Oinoa. Sept. 8. I P. M OOTTON. New York, Sept. 7. Futures closed dull. Sales of 40,200 bales. September, 9.13 Maroh. S.40 October. November, December. January, February, 9.14 April. 9 AS 9 14 May, DM 9.1? Jane, 0.64 9.24 July, 9.71 9.32 August, Spots quiet and firm; Middling 9 3-16; Low Middling B 1 lfi; Good Ordi- nary 8 3 16. New Berne Market quiet. No sales Middling 8 5-16; Low Middling 8 1 18; tiood Ordinary 7 5-10. OOnBSflC BBAHKaiT SKXD OOTTOa xa.W). OOTTOH SKXD $10. 00. TPBPXNTnra Hard, 11.00, dip, $1.75. Taa 75c.a$1.86. Oats New, 85c. in bulk. Cohw 65a60o. Ricx 75ai)5. BxnsWAX 15o. per lb. Baxr On foot, 3c to 5c. OouKTHY Hams lOo. per lb. " Laro 10c. per lb. Boob 12o. per doaen. Fhbbh Poaa 4Jac. per pound. Pbanuts 60c. per bushel. Foddkb 75c. a$ 1.00 per hundred. Onions 50c. per barrel. Field Pxas I5a70o. Hidks Dry, 10c. ; green 6o. Apples 25a50o- per bushel. PAR8 75c. aS 1.85 per bushel. Honey 85o. per gal. Tallow oc. per lb. Obiokxnb Grown, tOaftSc priag 0a25o. MaAL 70o, per buahel. Oats 50 ota. par buahal. TDBinrs 60c. per bushel. Ikish Potatoes $8.76 per bbl. WOOb-l0al6o. per poend. Potato a Bahamas. S5a80c.; 40a50c hJtBj08KNX Die. SniNQLES West India, dull and nom inal; no wanted. BuHdlng. - $ finch hearts, $8.00; saps,$l.WbrM. WHOLnAua raoaa. . Haw Mnea Poax $11.00, . BaorjLDXH Meat 7ic. C. R.'s. F. B's, B.'s and L. C- 7io. FLOtJB--$3.85a6.00. Laud 8o. by the tierce. Nau v-Baais 10 s, $2 50. Scqa Granulated, 6lo CoFFxa Hallo. Salt 85a90o. per sack. M?LA88rs and 8tkups t0a45o POWDEB $6.00. Bhot Drop, $1.76; buck, $8.00. School Notice. M IBS MANLY vUl Dn a Bohool (er Ulrki and Yonng Ladle In this filjr, on OCTOBKK 4ih. Tuition peraonltaa, SW.SSlotitt.US Pmr- able quarterlyn advance, aPdlf Miss Uary C. Roberts Will raoaen bar KJnderti-1en Sehoel en Mat- eair sUeeL hukuai, Birr. ia. Bfie wui also eontinue her class of Hither and Uangaaces. ap7 Aw Mrs. A. T. Jerking WlU reamae lbs dotlea of her SCHOOL, on MONDAY, SatPT. IJlh. 1WH. Sept, 6th Iw Lost. & N. C. B.B. STOCK. A A A. . . k. ill...!. A M . Ralljoad (Jo.. No. tt5. has been lost, and tbe undersigned has applied for a new car UOcate. All oonoernta will take notioe. J. v. JORIAH. Newbern, Ana IMS. sttd GEORGE ALLEH & GO. DEALpaa IN . ... General Sardwar Airrltraltaral Impltmenti Plowgf Iledrows. CnttiVnXors, Uees and Ajres, Wood'n Mowers eVReatvera, jot ton Olns sPreaaea, Fertilisers. Land Planter , Kauit MeoJhafqB .Xoo.sfr4 UMiUrmn, LiriaeviilBirKK. Cme5ntv .FXatster Hair. BmiMtttiKbvmtiiey- nJ8h;OTl, Ota ntty kusd HaUr. Pircaatjra, Bmirldr 'OHH Ooobr BtoTea, Eareks 1 Btacglmt Pr6bf ISMhr JiOcka, warntatedts; rirej eearttriilnd aAdlfwCtion; cu PBrjoEayKixT tow. ; -. 1II ',.Wi, T- " -" ; T I hereby annocDoevirtae.f aeaadleais for tht office ef BIIKKITF OF CRAVEN OOrMTww1thoet egard te party; and If elected will endeavor to be the eoer of the Whole people f the Coaaty, ' - !aili ci stBeaieetfBlry.ia 3c-t T 1 3c r ir r :n. ;TacSiPtt VXSB03Ua K A Lerse Una e India Uaeae. i tal Ussa, will fcc icai iqat Msrvataealy tew I Maes as little Store 'Ebimd ConTer. P. T6T3r at liliin sjwsat On aoor mam IMUoaJ. K3URE AWIK8J ICCZIT. Guaranty Hutnal Acci dent AgsocianoiL. Policy Carried for about $11 Yearly. Pays weekly Li nefite, $25. " ' Loss of Life, $5,000. Lous of both feel or bota, aemU, UJtOD. Lose of one foot or one hand, $3,000. WATSON ft ST&EET, eep5dwtf . gents School Notice. Miss Leah Jones will ooen a Schoel am Monday. Sept. 27th. Mms Marks will teach French and El ocution. Pupils who woald be in ae 6th. 7th and 8th grades will be received. Terms $2.00 per month. s( dSw School Notice. M18.S KMLLV rERKUEK Till realms her H liool (on Droad atreetj 6fc.1T. Is, !!. mvpi qui School Notice. MIS MOLI.1K HKATH wlU reoMO hat Srljn.il Ml her KeBlileoce on Pdllivfk ilrul MoNUA V. Mh.11. 'JUlh. ISfKl. . i i erms: frlmary. ii .OO nrr month: idTumd kuuitiiia, l JU ir inunUl. Mp3 diw Music School. Mis.- 1 ANNiK H MYBICK at atur(rM ixr, N. C. will open a MCB1C flCBOOL tn New Heme early lu September. For par tleulani apply at the rrtldenoe of Hi. JMU ii Hfj.i.. aaasieaf T A Card. 1 will opea a Olaas for Uaofclna ikhel LaiiKuage by about the luth ul HptaalMW. lAdlva ami Mu tinmen wlU aaMSe apply, lietwoeu 12 aud 1 ooloek, to T A. M JA.0O1K01T, Ifaal oorner of Uaoiouoa ad PlkiaK SSS. aoasl dvoCSt Notice. By order Board Oommlssioasss Craven County there will be aa registration of the voters of the int JOSEPH NELSON, aog34 80d aerk.' F. 0. 8IIIU01T0, COTTON iBROKEir Conslgsiments Bollcliod Offloe at W. O. BRYAN'S, oa SoaUi neat treat, twirdoon wn.t of Qreen Foy Oo. a oiuia, aPnmrjt atlenLlAB .lv.n an - - OoitOD and oilier Produce. wmoU Sw Aa GENERAL (k)mXaaission Uerch&iitf AMD DEALKR0 TH ' ' Fertilizers and Arri- cnltiiral Chemicals. kv spaclal attaatlon glvea to the saw ef OOTTOK. . .-.:. Liberal aaranoes Bxade oa CooaijmsaSttU. Otnoes at earner Pollock KndKlVIl4 slresie and Uniaa PolBi. - " -c seal S VU For Fall mSStS.- Cabbage. Kale, Spinach. aJ tss'sjlsl ' c. ft. kEAb6wii stte'T angtidw - . r I ' 1 s.ave.sais , m. ya. i a I. P sasss "Eock Lime, 5. . .1 Plaster. Cements, Goat Hair t4 R. O. E. LODGE, . .. l ! 1 ifT. CRAVEN STREET,; iii BeNlow Eifas Osjrtsait r. mayaaaawaw vy.: '"ria .Vi fw e fV4r4a I aaeaieaei-w---- . x"Ua r.r j , '&' t . . t : It . 1 "tsk i ird. & 3oeaj aKne-i - '-e'I vi bbJ Dees for ji . r. .1 o - ' . . ..-r. f r ca ; ; Trialt . 2 store., Mlwl 1, i Ata meeting pi t6sjutrrcslyteriaa pain. ' -- - sx;i-"'rv ajiithorl : lib Li;a Lixj lit